Save the Rain Project for 2018-19

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KK EE YY C C LL UU BB Single Service Project – Cloverdale High School/Division 32/Region 15/CNH Cloverdale High School, 509 N Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894 -1900


What have you done in the last 15 seconds? Take a bite of a sandwich? Sip a drink? Or even just breathe? What if I told you that every 15 seconds a child dies from a lack of clean water? Lack of access to clean water claims the lives of over 4 million people every year.

The Cloverdale Key Club has teamed up with the “Save the Rain” organization to help rid the world of one of its biggest problems…a lack of clean water. Every $15 raised is one child who will have access to clean water for the rest of his/her life. This is a multi-million-dollar project.

But… 62% of funds have already been raised, meaning, the goal is in sight!!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Need)

Save the Rain is not only a program that provides people with clean water. The organization goes to villages in Tanzania and teaches the villagers how to build rain catchment systems with materials readily available in their own area. These systems make it so water is no longer a problem to obtain. Before these systems were installed women and children would spend most of the day collecting water that, because it was often unclean, would eventually give them diseases and/or kill them.

…As does lack of education! The children not only have to walk for water, but they are taken out of school where they could have otherwise had the opportunity to earn an education. Female children are affected even more. Most of the females don’t make it past the 2nd grade. This is because, past the 2nd grade, children have to stay the entire school day. So, because the girls are chosen as the family water-walkers, they don’t go on with school and get the education they need.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Need)

Save the Rain? (Create more Need pages, if needed) You may be asking, “Why not the Key Club-sponsored Thirst Project?” We have many reasons why we chose Save the Rain. One reason is we have a history with Save the Rain, (for over 10 years and counting). Another reason is the fact that Save the Rain builds rain catchment systems instead of wells, which in general means cleaner water to drink. Our final reason is the fact that ALL of the money donated to the organization goes to benefit the people in need, instead of some being used for administrative costs. (Those costs are covered through corporate and organizational sponsors.) While we find the Thirst Project very admirable, we have committed to Save the Rain.

V.S. We Have A History Together… Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Need)

Clean Water Changes EVERYTHING • By providing schools with the ability to harvest rain: o Students no longer need to forfeit their learning time in search of water. Every additional year of school a child receives will raise his/her earning potential by 10%. o There is a drastic decrease in water borne diseases. After just 6 months, there is a 45% improvement in children’s general health and a 96% improvement by the end of the first year. o Women are given back the gift of time. They can create sewing cooperatives, increase their food production, and in some cases continue their education. o Girls can go to school longer. Getting access to clean water, girls and women no longer need to walk for water, freeing them to pursue their dreams. o By eliminating the need to walk for water, we also eliminate the ease of access that molesters have to women and children, reducing the number of people infected with HIV by rape.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Need)


When we first began to consider doing this project it was May of 2017. We figured that we needed at least $11,000 to meet our goal of providing clean water for a single village. Our original plans were to try to fundraise all that money last year. The very weekend we had planned to “kick-off� our fundraising campaign, the California North Bay Fires broke out in nearby Santa Rosa, (just 30 miles away from us). Everything we had planned for the Save the Rain fundraising we immediately switched over to fundraising for the fire victims. Doing this de-railed our Save the Rain plans, but it was a no-brainer. At that point in time, the local need was greater!


So, this is basically the final year of a two-year project. We sent Save the Rain a $6,000 check in June 2018. That action occurred within this Key Club year, so we are including it as history that affected this year’s actions.

So, that’s the history of how we got started on this year’s main club focus. Because of previous actions, we had $5,000 to fundraise in the 2018-19 year! Except for sharing this history to help clarify our goals, this report is entirely about the second, (and current), year of our fundraising efforts for the Save the Rain cause.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

Enough history…

When the Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District Convention occurred in mid-April of 2018, we had already started our fundraiser for Save the Rain. At that time, we were selling Disneyland Donation Drawing tickets for a drawing that was scheduled to occur at our Kiwanis Mother’s Day Breakfast, held in May. We closed the “books” on the 2017-18 year as of April 15, 2018. Whatever money we had made from tickets sold on the drawing we tallied and put it into our $6000 check that we sent off to Save the Rain in June 2018. Then, we started a new “set of books’ for the 2018-19 year. And, any drawing tickets sold after April 15th were included in those tallies. So that particular fundraiser actually bridged the calendar turn-over. That is why it is included in descriptions for this Key Club year. Any activities mentioned in the coming pages all occurred during the 2018-19 Key Club year!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

Committee agendas

When a club attempts a project of this size, committee meetings, (held to plan the details of activities), are an absolute necessity During the course of this past year, we held EIGHT committee meetings to help implement our project. Some of them were during the summer months, with students giving up their vacation time to attend!

Meeting Date June 20 July 18 July 25 August 9 August 29 September 3 October 22 December 3

Meeting Purpose Determine next fundraising project Begin planning a “Color Blast” Continue planning for the Color Blast Continue planning for the Color Blast Continue planning for the Color Blast Finalize plans for the Color Blast Critique the Color Blast & begin planning the Grease Movie Night Finalize plans for the Grease Movie Night

CloverdaleHigh HighSchool School––Save Savethe theRain Rain Cloverdale (ProjectPlans) Plans) (Project

We held our first committee meeting in June, when we brainstormed ideas on how we could raise money. It was Communicating Plans with Club Members then that we started to bring one of those ideas to life, the Color Blast. (Pictured below are some samples of our committee meeting agendas.)

Most committee meetings lasted about 1 ½ hours. The first one to plan the Color Blast was a 2-hour meeting!

Cloverdale CloverdaleHigh HighSchool School––Save Savethe theRain Rain (Project (ProjectPlans) Plans)

Pictures from some of the committee meetings we have held

From the very beginning we invited our Kiwanis to be a part of our meetings. They were ALWAYS present, sometimes in almost equal numbers to our Key Clubbers!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

At all committee meetings we held, we took minutes. These minutes were emailed after each committee meeting to every meeting attendee, as well as every club Board member. The minutes were also posted on Google Classroom, so regular members could see what was happening, if they hadn’t attended the meetings. These minutes included features such as bolding and coloring the names of people who signed up to do something. This made it easy for the committee chairs and Board members to remind members, (and sometimes, Kiwanis), of their responsibilities. Finally, the minutes were used by the committee chair as a basis for reports that were regularly given at club meetings. (Examples of minutes are shown above.)

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

There were Save the Rain committee reports given at 17 of our weekly meetings this year!

Informing members about our plans was a priority

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

Because the Grease Movie Night was meant to be a Kiwanis sponsored project, with us providing major assistance, we actually held a special Joint Board Meeting in August. This helped both clubs focus on the plans for the event, (which wasn’t scheduled until January)!

This was the note-taking guide we used that night, (complete with notes taken).

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

This was the first of our fundraising efforts during the 2018-19 year, (and it had been started before the year began)! However, reported here is what happened this year.

• By the time April 15, 2018 arrived, all that was left for this project was to finalize pre-made plans and to sell, sell, and sell some more! • The goal was to make at least $1000 more above and beyond sales that had already occurred before DCON • We hoped to double what had already been made, (which took us 5 months), and this with only one month to accomplish the task • Closure for the drawing was planned for the Kiwanis Mother’s Day Breakfast • We scheduled visits to a Chamber of Commerce Mixer, another Kiwanis Club, sales in front of the local grocery store & sales at two Kiwanis events

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

• We set a goal to raise at least $2000 with this project. • In addition, we had a few goals other than raising funds. Other goals included: o Increasing visibility in the community o Doing something fun and exciting for our membership at the beginning of the school year…we thought it might help with membership recruitment o Involving our Kiwanis Family, both Kiwanis and Builders Club

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

One of the more important objectives of the Grease Movie Night was to assist our Kiwanis Club, as this was “their” project, meant to support “our” goal! The Kiwanis Board had already volunteered to support the Save the Rain project with $2000 in donations. Our aim was to help them with raising those funds, and because of this commitment, we did a majority of the planning for this event. But, we did have one joint planning session with the Kiwanis, (as previously mentioned).

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

Making Plans for K-Family Involvement

To involve the Builders Club as best we could, we encouraged them to participate in the Color Blast. We also made sure they understood and supported the cause, even attending one of their meetings. One thing in our favor was that we asked the Builders Club Advisor to attend our committee meetings, (which she did)!

To best involve the To bestKiwanis involveClub, the Kiwanis we did Club, we didsuch things as things assuch regularly regularly report them and report to to them and tell tell them how things were them how things were coming along. We also coming along. We also asked them for them help when we asked for help needed theirwe input and their when needed their assistance. input At least once, and their our committee plans were the assistance. At least program a committee Kiwanis once,for our meeting, with our the committee plans were program chair leading the discussion. for a Kiwanis meeting, Alongwith withour this, we reached committee chair out for the help other leading theof discussion. Kiwanis Clubs with particular events.

Because including our K-Family in our plans was integral to the project, involving them was NEVER an uphill battle!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Plans)

CLOVERDALE HIGH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL KK EE YY C C LL UU BB CLOVERDALE Project Implementation Implementation Project Because the project was broken down into three specific largescale activities, we need to write this report in a way that showcases each activity, separate from the others. As previously mentioned, the three activities were:

• A drawing for a trip to Disneyland • A community-wide Color Blast (like a “color run”) • A community-wide movie night

The three parts of our project puzzle ended up a beautiful fit!

Here is what we offered: • Tickets to get into Disneyland o Park Hoppers o For 2 adults o For 2 days o Valued at $450

We took the cost of the tickets out of our general club funds, thereby donating the entire proceeds from the tickets sales into the Save the Rain cause!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

To sell tickets for the Disneyland Drawing, we went to a Chamber of Commerce mixer. Overall, four members sold 16 tickets within an hour. For us, it was important to not only advertise the drawing, but to also educate about the cause. It was a good experience for our members to be exposed to an environment where they had to “dress up” a little. It was also good for the businesses to see students taking time out of their day to talk to them face-to-face in that kind of setting.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We also sold tickets by setting up a table in front of our local grocery store. Over the course of four weeks we set up the table 6 times, and we raised a total of $378. This helped bring attention to the cause, and even though many people did not buy tickets when we asked, they still donated to the cause and to support us.

Cloverdale Cloverdale High High School School –– Save Save the the Rain Rain (Project (Project Implementation) Implementation)

S E L L I N G In an effort to sell more tickets, we went to a “social” evening at a Kiwanis meeting held in a town 15 miles away. We talked about the cause and sold $335 worth of tickets that night.

In G E Y S E R V I L L E

Geyserville Kiwanis Meeting

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain Cloverdale(Project HighImplementation) School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Three members were at our Kiwanis Club’s “One Day for Kids” event. It was held outdoors in late April 2018. It poured rain! Despite that, our members set up a booth to explain the cause, and to sell Save the Rain products, as well as take donations…Even with the rain, our members talked to people and made $76.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Go Fund Me Account We set up a Go Fund Me account and then advertised it in a variety of places o We emailed and distributed this letter to our Kiwanis members o We wrote a letter to the Editor of the town newspaper o We electronically “shared” it with hundreds of people

Our success with this activity was limited, but we did make some money, less than $100!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Single Service Award

The tickets sales culminated at this event. During the last ten minutes, we offered final sales opportunities; and then an attendee at the breakfast drew the winning ticket. It had been previously purchased and the winner had to be notified. The winner actually had to be mailed a check to cover the cost of the tickets, as she lived 500 miles away!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation) Cloverdale Goes Green

The color blast was an event where we made colored powder and threw it at people who were running or walking by. People registered to be on the designated path, and we paid a fee to our city to use the site. There was quite a bit of preparatory work involved in planning and implementing the event. Usually new activities in our town are poorly attended. Knowing this, we decided that the largest portion of income from putting this on would come from us asking businesses to “sponsor” our project. We even made the colored powder that was used. It was cornstarch that we colored with food dye and baked. Our focus was to encourage children and families to participate, so a lot of our pre-advertising involved those audiences.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation) (Project Implementation)

Advertisement Techniques Used: • • • • • • •

Video Online Presence Flyers & Posters Articles for the Town Newspaper School Marquees Friday Night Live Events Football Game Handouts

We distributed a total of 30 posters in businesses around town. There were 1200 flyers distributed to the students in our schools. We advertised on 3 school marquees, and we put two articles in the local newspaper. We advertised at a school football game, and we put flyers on the Kiwanis table at a local Friday Night Live community event.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We even created a video to advertise our Color Blast! We had 3 members work on the video along with one alumnus, who had the video production experience we needed. We had lots of fun making and watching the video, which induces laughs every time it’s watched. The video shows a person running down the trail that we used for the Color Blast. Then, it shows colored powder being thrown at him. After that, the date of the event and the details for how to buy tickets are shown on screen. The video was shown at a local student film festival, shown at a club meeting, and put on our Key Club website.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

For an online presence, we created a Facebook event. One of our Kiwanis members helped us to connect it to a site called “Brown Bag” which allowed for ticket sales onsite. Of course, we had to pay a small fee for that service. We asked Kiwanis members to share the site with their friends. The site was viewed by hundreds, and 23 tickets were sold using this process.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

These are rounded figures, but they show what various aspects of the event cost us. We had donations amounting to $372 from members in our Kiwanis Club; and those helped keep costs down. The single most expensive cost was for a permit. We had to pay the city $212 for use of the River Park Walk. The City Council had recently voted to eliminate charges to non-profit service organizations, but the City Hall charged us anyway, because this was an unusual site for an event, and they had to pay for city personnel to clean it up before our use.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We went out into the community to visit 30 different businesses to see if they would sponsor the cause. We approached them asking for sponsorship of 3 children in Africa at a cost of $15 each. If they felt that was too steep, then we dropped it to either 1 or 2 children. We received an amazingly positive response. That might have been because we had information sheets and framed thank you certificates to hang in their stores.

Cloverdale High High School School –– Save Save the the Rain Rain Cloverdale (Project Implementation) Implementation) (Project

Tickets were sold in five places: • Online at our “Brown Bag” site • At the Mail Center, Etc. store in town (owned by a local Kiwanis member • At a community Friday Night Live Event Most of the tickets • At a nearby Kiwanis meeting were purchased on • On-site, the day of the event

site at the event!

At the Kiwanis table at Friday Night Live, with a Kiwanis member explaining the event to an interested person

A lot of people just showed up on the day of the event to purchase their tickets

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

It was a very messy job adding color to the cornstarch; and it took several hours with quite a few members there.

Then, the dyed starch had to bake at a low temperature over-night. The Culinary Arts teacher let us use her room, with five ovens. In order to color all the cornstarch we felt was needed for our Color Blast, we had 8 members work a total of 19 service hours. We had to guess as to how much powder to prepare. It was a little scary, not knowing if we were even in the “ballpark” with our estimates of how much to make!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

A week later, in our second session, we had 8 members put in 17 hours of sifting and bagging the powder. The sifting was necessary to do because we had to get out all of the clumps that had formed in the powder. Along with the sifting, we had to bag the powder into portions usable by the people who would be throwing it.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We have collaborated with our local Builders Club on many occasions, and the Color Blast was no exception. To help with the Color Blast they not only were there to throw powder at the runners, but they helped at the tables in the front. Along with these activities, they also helped advertise at their school and paid for the entries of “runners” for a few of their members. And, to top-it-off, they donated $92 to the cause.

CloverdaleHigh HighSchool School––The Save Cloverdale Love the in theRain Air Save the Rain (Project (Project Implementation) Implementation)

On the day of the Color Blast we invited people to come and get their picture taken. We used a Polaroid camera. We then turned those pictures into refrigerator magnets, by cutting them down to size so they fit in clear plastic frames that we bought for the event. We ended up buying more film and frames than what people purchased that day. But, we put them to good use at a later event held in November. So, we did make a little money off that activity. It was a good idea, we thought. But, if we do another Color Blast, we probably won’t do this activity again!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

At the Color Blast The table weproduct also had a was fairly Save thepopular. Rain The items came table where we from the Save the displayed and sold Rain organization, items donated to and us bymany Savewere the made thetable villages Rain.inThe thatfairly our money is was popular being to and an raised effective way tohelp. share the cause.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Community Participation

There were 64 participants It was exciting to note that the Color Blast was attended by a variety of people. There were parents with strollers, a woman with her dog on a leash, children, and even an entire family from grandpa to grandkids. One of our goals was to ensure that this was a “family” event. We are glad to say that we succeeded in this goal! From what we could tell, everybody had a “blast”.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We had a mix of 21 Key Clubbers, Kiwanians, and Builders Clubbers there to help with the event. We all did everything from handling the registration, making sales at the Save the Rain table and photo booth, to being out on the course, ready to throw powder. In addition, we did course clean-up afterwards, making sure the path was clear of any colored powder for future River Park Walk users later in the day.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Grease Movie Night At our Grease Movie Night, we had it all! We fed people with great appetizers and desserts and wine; and we entertained them with live dancers from our local high school, a costume contest, and of course, the movie! (Because wine was involved, the Kiwanis were the official sponsors for the night.) But this was basically our project, and our cause, so we did most of the background work to make the event happen. It was actually a really successful collaboration between us and our Kiwanis Club.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We put up 30 posters in businesses around town. We wrote three articles for the local newspaper. We created a Facebook site to advertise the event. We produced flyers and paid to have them inserted into the newsletter of a local home owners’ association. Below is our poster, displayed by a couple of business owners and the students who visited them to ask permission for the poster to be placed where customers could see it.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Dear Editor, There will be an event held in the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Cloverdale, and the CHS Key Club, on January 18th. The event is called, “Grease Movie Night”. We’d love it of anyone would be interested in attending! The movie “Grease” will be played on the big screen at the Center. While that’s not something unique, the following is what will make the evening a special one for all who attend! Audience singing during the movie will be encouraged! Have fun and enjoy the crowd, as well as the movie! There will be appetizers, desserts and wine served, included in the cost of the ticket. There will be a backdrop and props for fun photo opportunities. People can enjoy a costume contest with prizes. Most importantly, the students in the CHS dance program will be providing a live dance performance of Grease hits! This is an Adults Only event and will be from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The cost is $35; and tickets may be purchased in advance at the Mail Center, Etc. or from Kiwanis members. For everyone who plans to attend, keep in mind the fact that the funds raised will all be used in charity. They will be given to the “Save the Rain” organization! Remember, a basic human need to survive is clean, drinkable water. There are families and children in parts of the world who don’t have that basic need met! Attending this event, enjoying this fun-filled evening can make a real difference in the lives of these less fortunate people. By Kayla Gallego Cloverdale High School Key Club

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Besides this site that we created, our Kiwanis President, who has a business in town paid to create an advertising campaign that went out to all his business customers.

We put a Facebook Event site up in early December. We asked our Kiwanis to share the event with their friends and family. We didn’t attach a ticket purchase option because the event site was limited to 99 seats, and we figured we could sell most, or all, of those seats in face-to-face situations.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

The amount the Key Club would have had to pay for this event would have been quite a bit more, if our Kiwanis had not donated as much as they did. Not only did they pay some of our bills, amounting to $420, but they donated things such as the appetizers, desserts and wine!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We were able to sell 77 tickets. Our Kiwanis Club bought 24 for themselves. Other Kiwanis Clubs we visited purchased a total of 17. The rest were sold to the parents of the students performing in the dance routines, and to the general public. The tickets were sold at a price of $35 apiece.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

We went to a Lions Club meeting, where we set up a table display so we could sell tickets to them.

We also went to a Kiwanis meeting in a nearby town.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Set-Up

It was exciting to see both Key Clubbers and Kiwanis working together on the set-up for the event. We put up the backdrop for the photo op, set up the food and beverages, prepared a Save the Rain display, and more!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Food and Beverages

Enjoyed by All

The food and drinks were donated by Kiwanis members. There were appetizers and desserts, with wine and water. Our members created an attractive table display of the food and set up the water beverage dispenser. The Kiwanis took care of the wine!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Photo Backdrop

The photo backdrop was very popular! It was a good choice for an addition to the evening. Everyone enjoyed taking a moment to get a souvenir picture with their phone or camera.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Program We had members stationed at the door to collect tickets. If someone was purchasing at the door, the ticket collectors directed them to a Kiwanis member who was selling tickets that night. We also had a member stationed at the entrance of the inner theater. He gave out programs.

We made 75 copies

Inside, we shared info on the cause

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Introduction & Save the Rain Presentation

Once the program started we had a member go on stage and tell everybody what would be happening that night, starting with a Save the Rain presentation. After a different Key Club member went up and talked about Save the Rain, we played a 5-minute Save the Rain video.

MC for the evening

Save the Rain Talk

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Costume Contest

After the dance routine, we held a costume contest. Another Key Clubber went on stage. It took a bit of coaxing, but finally, people stepped up to be judged. The costumes were judged through applause from the audience. We had two winners. One received a $20 gift card to our local movie theater, and the other received a $20 gift card to Starbucks.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Dancers After the Save the Rain presentation we had the dancers come on stage. They were dancers from our Cloverdale High School’s P.E. program. We contacted them months before the event, and they had been practicing for quite a long time. They did four routines, two of which were choreographed by the teacher, and the other two duets created by students. The costumes, songs, and routines were all based off the movie Grease.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

Day of the Event Save the Rain Table We set up a sales table with Save the Rain souvenirs and we left it up until the very end of the evening, because we felt people might buy items, or donate, after having seen our presentation during the program. We were right! We made quite a few sales during the intermission and after the show! Our profit from the table that night was a whopping $415!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

This was a last-minute project devised by one of our more dedicated Kiwanis members. She contacted Scholastic Books and got them to agree to donate to us copies of a book called, “The Water Princess”. It’s about an African girl having to live her life with a water shortage. We then sold the books to our Kiwanis members; and ALL funds from the sales were donated to the Key Club Save the Rain cause. Kiwanis members were also given the opportunity to purchase copies of the books for the local elementary school! A K I W A N I S I N V O I C E

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Project Implementation)

CLOVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL K E Y C L U B Final Results Many people wouldn’t think that such a small club would be able to attempt the size of the huge project we took on. For much of the year we had 30 or less members. We finished with 34, but the last three joined in the past month. But, size of the club has nothing to do with the passion needed to set and accomplish goals. If you’re passionate about something, about really living out your purpose, you’ll be more likely to commit – to buckle down and set powerful goals. We feel pretty passionately about the Save the Rain cause, so we set some high goals for ourselves. The interesting thing is, we EXCEEDED the original goals that we set!

34 members involved

Spent 10+ service hours/member

Full Kiwanis Family Support

Raised $206 per member

23,000 lives changed forever

Let’s Talk About Money The primary intent of this project was to raise funds for the Save the Rain cause. The secondary goal was to make enough money to fund a rain catchment system for an entire village in Tanzania Africa. In order to do that, our club needed to bring in at least $5000 this year. We just cut a check to Save the Rain for $7000!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Here is the breakdown on the funds brought in at each of the five fundraising activities held for the Disneyland Drawing in late April and early May

The Disneyland Donation Drawing brought in $1,126 in 28 short days!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Since all costs were covered by either donations or club funds, the income was also the profit for the event Color Blast Income Breakdown

$1280 $415 $185 $92 $50

Total Income from the Color Blast

$2022 (All income was donated to the cause)

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Ticket Sales $2735 Movie License $375

Advertising $110

Save the Rain Item Sales $425

Miscellaneous Costs $215

The Grease Movie Night raised $2460 Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

A dedicated Kiwanis member came up with this idea! She contacted Scholastic Books and got them to donate copies of the children’s book, “The Water Princess”. Then, she sold those books to the Kiwanis Club members at $5 each. She also connected with the local elementary school to get permission to donate the purchased books to the children at the school! So, Kiwanis members primarily purchased them as gifts for the elementary school. And, all proceeds from the sales were donated to our Save the Rain fundraiser.

Then there’s the add-on Water Princess Book Sales which pulled in an unexpected $230

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)


• Total amount raised by our activities • Donations from Builders Club • Donation from Key Club general funds

= $5,938 = $550 = $512

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

From the Save the Rain Website

Many members in our club have gained a broader perspective of the world, and servant leadership. So many of us have taken for granted the accessibility to water we have; and we have learned that a lot of other people do not have it as easy as we do.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Many of our members have grown personally. They have learned how to face new challenges that come their way. These include things like time management, knowing if they can take on that extra task. They have had to learn to speak more eloquently in public. They have learned the importance of advance planning, budgeting, following through on promises, and so much more! They have learned to sacrifice their time to benefit someone who is so much less fortunate. They have learned the value of teamwork, and of listening to each other’s ideas and thoughts.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Single Service Award

Our members have also learned the best ways to run a committee; and they now know how to carry out large scale projects, such as the ones we have done this past year. They’ve learned that a committee is there to help you in the decision-making process. A committee helps you break down huge projects into manageable pieces. It places the burden of the choices made into the hands of many; and most importantly, they learn that this is a good thing!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Over these last months of working with Kiwanis, we have immensely strengthened our bonds with them. In the months from April to January, we have spent a total of 137 hours on this project with the Kiwanis Family. We have learned that our Kiwanis are to be relied upon. They never let us down. They’ve been with us every step of the way. It’s like we have an extended family beyond our own households.

Our efforts paiddepicting off! Below a chartof depicting number of Below is a chart theisnumber hours our the members spent eachour month of this Save the Rain month project of in activities meant to bond hours members spent each the project in activities other Kiwanis units. meant to them bondwith them with other family Kiwanis Family units

April May

17% 27%

August 9%

September October

4% 8%

18% 17%

December January

April – 23 hours May – 12 hours August – 24 hours September – 23 hours October – 10 hours December – 5 hours January – 36 hours

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)



Along with our strong bond with the Kiwanis Club, we have strengthened our relationship with the Builders Club. They are very supportive of everything we do in Key Club; and they have been there for this project whenever we needed help. They were a big part of helping with the manpower during the Color Blast. Not only that, whenever they weren’t helping us, they were raising their own funds for Save the Rain, ($550 in total).

Builders Club $550

Kiwanis $2460 Key Club $3990



Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Not only did our bonds strengthen with our local Builders and Kiwanis Club, but they did so with our Lions Club. We find it helpful to reach out to other adult organizations in the town when we do a big project like this. We learn that any service organization, even if it’s not our own “parent” one, has pretty much the same goals, and that’s to help those in need.

We try to visit the Lions Club a couple of times The flip side of that is that they are each year. When we show up to request help, comfortable asking us for help with some of they are always their projects. generous.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

We have also strengthened our connections to our local businesses. We gave framed certificates to all the businesses that donated funds. Another time we placed an article, with a picture, in the local newspaper. It was about a business and their employees supporting our cause. We don’t want them to feel as if we are just asking for their money, then running off with it. We like to give them something in return for their generous donations. Because of this attitude on our part, the businesses in our community know and respect our program.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Through this project we realized how truly lucky we are in our everyday water use. We take disease-free, clean water so much for granted, while others face real hardships due to lack of what we think of as normal.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

The next five pages describe what the Save the Rain organizations says will happen with the money we have sent them.

With the $7000 we sent them this year, the Save the Rain organization can use the funds for the newest grant with an adult association that sponsors them. The funds would have a 4.5 times match, taking the $7000 and turning into $31,500 worth of work! It will help to serve 5 villages in the Makiba Ward in Northern Tanzania. Approximately 23,000 people and 3066 primary school students will be served by this money.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

The grant will provide each village with a 150,000 liter rainwater harvesting system on their primary school. The schools will also get community gardens to provide midday meals to the students, lessening that particular burden on the families. Three handwashing stations will be built at each school with sanitation and hygiene education added to the curriculum.

Right now, in the villages we will be helping, their average walk for water is 6 hours a day; but for some of the communities it is 10 hours. Every community floods in the wet season, due to deforestation and soil erosion. Communities are at risk of cholera outbreaks and typhoid during the wet season. Over 80% of the primary school students are suffering from some degree of water-borne illness. Only about 35% of them are receiving passing grades.


Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

This is the record that Save the Rain has maintained in areas where they’ve put in rain catchment systems. And, this is what we can expect for the children and families whom we help!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

40 families in each community, (so 200 in total), will get a residential rainwater harvesting system on their home as well as a permaculture-designed family garden.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Below is a letter sent to our Key Club Advisor from Save the Rain after our $7000 check was sent to them Dear Sue, How can I ever express to you how in complete awe I am of you and your students. You have tirelessly championed Save the Rain even through some of your hardest times. I cannot believe how much you have inspired people to give even during times when your community needed the help. You have been a bridge to the other side of the world. May you know the depth of gratitude that is sung out for you from there. It would make my heart sing to offer you some repayment for all the hard work you put in. Selfishly I would also love to give you a chance to share your story with others if you would be open. We are attending the Kiwanis conference in Orlando from June 25th to June 29th. If you would like to and are available, I would love to cover the expenses for you to attend and use the Save the Rain booth for you to share your experience. It’s at Disney World and maybe one o two of your star Key Clubbers could come as well. Your community is so inspiring not only for what you have done for Save the Rain but what you choose to do in the face of adversity. It would be an honor to share time with you there and create a platform for you to shine from your efforts.

We’ve been invited to present our project at a service expo booth at the Kiwanis International Convention this summer!

Let me know what you think and if it something you might want to do. And if that does not seem like a good fit, please assure me that we will see each other soon so that I can hug you in person. Sending you so much love and gratitude, Kelly

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Final Results)

CLOVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL K E Y C L U B Public Awareness We think that through this project we were able to raise awareness for the Save the Rain project, as well as for our Key Club. We used so many different avenues to reach the public, everything from face-to-face encounters to electronic conveyance systems. We wanted to make sure that the word got out about the cause, and that people would gain awareness of the passion for doing good that is such a strong part of the emotional make-up of our members. Because we were out and about so much, we found that our community tended to support us in our efforts.

It was a happy Mother’s Day for us. That’s because, besides bussing tables for our Kiwanis, we set up a sales stand at their Mother’s Day Breakfast. 350 people came to the breakfast, so that was another group exposed to us and to our cause! And we made $465 in ticket sales that morning! And, we actually had one of the guests at the breakfast pull the winning ticket.

Sales skyrocketed that morning!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Another factor that was important in the sale of tickets for the drawing was reaching out to Kiwanis Clubs besides our own. We visited the Geyserville Kiwanis Club where there were 50 people present, as it was a special “guest night” for them. This was the first time many of them had ever heard of the cause. It was very gratifying knowing that we had introduced Save the Rain to them. There is sometimes an attitude from some clubs that Kiwanis should primarily support “local” causes. This particular club had stated in the past that they prefer to do just that; but, despite that prevalent attitude, they were so supportive of us, after we explained to them that just $15 could save a life!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Our online presence was just as important to us as our presence in the “real” world. So, we set up a Go Fund Me account for the drawing; and we connected it to our Facebook page.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

It was very exciting to receive advance news coverage in our town’s paper; but what was even more special was the fact that one of the town reporters came out and “covered” the Color Blast. The next week, the Color Blast was front page news! The town paper not only had us on the front cover but, it is distributed to 3000+ households!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Our Facebook site got hundreds of “hits”. Facebook is our primary venue that appeals to adults. It was really nice to know that we were basically receiving “free advertising” for our program and for the cause. Using Facebook, and knowing that our audience is mostly adults, also helps us realize the need to present a more professional image whenever we go online. We know that our “public” expects professionalism from us. Overall this helped us learn skills that will greatly benefit us in the future.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

This was an especially nice meld of Kiwanis members and Key Clubbers. While we had students at a football game, one Kiwanis member volunteered to be at the Kiwanis table at a community-wide event, to share news about the Color Blast. The event was attended by thousands, and she probably personally spoke to about a hundred people. Along with this, we had signage available for all to see.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

At one of our local high school football games we had the job of handing out flyers to advertise the Color Blast. We were able to give out around 100 flyers, and we talked to at least 250 people about the Color Blast and the cause. We were able to advertise through two different gates of the football field.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

After talking to the Superintendent, we were able to get our message up on three separate school marquees. There are no busses to deliver kids to school, so there were about 500-700 cars driving by the school marquees every day for the week they were up.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Member awareness was originally fostered by use of in-depth reporting in our October club newsletter. (See the next 3 pages.)

A screen from the video

We displayed the video in the following places: • At a student film festival – 30 viewers • At a club meeting – 30 viewers • On our club website – about 20 “hits” to see it • On our club Facebook site – about 200 hits to see it • On the Save the Rain Facebook site – about 400 hits – (but AFTER the event!) We should have done a better job of showing off the video. It probably would have made a difference in our ticket sales.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Save the Rain has a Facebook site. We sent them details and pictures of our successful Color Blast, shortly after the conclusion of the event. They put our story, our pictures, and even our video on their site.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

We made 350 copies of our poster in flyer size. Then, we paid the Del Webb Home Owners’ Association $50 to insert the copies in their January newsletter. Del Webb is a “retirement community” in our town.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Over a 6-week time frame we placed three articles in our local newspaper.

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

FOR ALL THREE EVENTS • Online presence • Chamber of Commerce presence • Posters and flyers around town

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Newsletters for all Three Events Our club produces monthly newsletters which we put on our website to be viewed primarily by members and our Kiwanis club. But others visiting the website sometimes check out our newsletters. Below are the newsletter pages devoted to the Save the Rain projects. This is from our May 2018 Newsletter. It reports the result of the entire project from last year, along with our Disneyland Drawing, which spanned BOTH last year and this year!

November Newsletter

January Newsletter

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)

Club Website for All Three Projects

Website for all three events

The BIG events were covered, but so were ALL the activities that led up to those events! Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Public Awareness)


Since the beginning of this project our members have been excited and dedicated to working with Save the Rain. Overall, we are thrilled to announce that we have had 100% member participation in this project. Everybody helped in some way or another. All were involved, from sitting in front of a grocery store, to working the Color Blast, to writing thank you notes. Our members have been willing to go the extra mile to help us reach our goal. We have truly begun to understand how important the needs of other people are. With a cause such as Save the Rain, we understand how easy it is to save a life and give others some of the same chances we have been given. A lot of it is about perspective. If you were a child in Tanzania, wouldn’t you want clean drinking water, or want the ability to stay in school past the second grade? The truth is, you would. We have the ability to end long days of walking for water. We have the ability to keep a child from dying from a water-borne disease. If anything, our members are proof that anything can be accomplished, and that a little bit of hard work and planning can go far. Our club has saved hundreds of lives, (and changed thousands), with this project. And we say that’s “pretty dang awesome”.

Chart Title 250

Hours Spent on Each Activity


• Disneyland Drawing – 27 • Color Blast – 236.5 • Grease Movie Night - 99




0 Disneyland Drawing

Color Blast

Grease Movie

We learned a few things by doing such a variety of activities: • Projects that have more hands-on tasks appeal to more members • Projects that have a variety of task choices are more likely to bring in greater member participation o Of course, these kinds of projects require more advance planning and a STRONG committee system!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain Cloverdale Goes Green (Member Participation)

Basically, there was only one task to do for the Disneyland Drawing – that was sell tickets. Here are some of our Key Clubbers working hard at selling tickets in front of our local grocery store!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Member Participation)

Here are our members preparing for the Color Blast

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Member Participation)

Check out our members preparing for, and at, the Grease Movie Night

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Member Participation)

That’s all 34 members, even the 3 newest who just joined in January!

1 member did 20 activities 1 member did 15 activities 1 member did 11 activities 2 members did 9 activities

2 members did 6 activities 3 members did 4 activities 2 members did 3 activities 12 members did 2 activities 10 members did 1 activity

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Member Participation)

We have reasons why we think we were able to involve ALL of our members in this project. One reason is the number of activities that we put together, offering each person at least one opportunity to participate, no matter how busy he/she was! The variety of activities also helped. It seemed that we were able to find a skill match for just about anyone, since we did so many different things! Another factor which encouraged them to become involved is that we actually needed everyone! If we did not have so many members working on the projects, we would not have been able to put on events such as the Grease Movie Night, or the Color Blast. Finally, when we tallied up our numbers, as we were finalizing the project, we discovered that we actually had one member who still hadn’t done anything. It was easy, at that time, to directly approach the member and ask her to “step up”. Keeping accurate records really helped!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain (Member Participation)

Throughout this past year there have been many ups and downs. We learned a lot about operating big projects. But through all the challenges we faced this year, we came through feeling like it was all worth it! In our time working with Save the Rain, we have gained many experiences and learned much. We think that most importantly, we saved and/or changed lives in positive ways. We also learned that as a club, we can tackle our next project head-on. This year wasn’t easy managing so much. The Color Blast was the most difficult of our projects to undertake. But we had the support of our Kiwanis family; and that helped a lot! So, it wasn’t “easy”, but “easy” is over-rated!

Cloverdale High School – Save the Rain Cloverdale Goes Green (Member Participation)

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