Secretary board meeting march 22

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club Board B Meetin ng Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal March 22 2, 2015

1. Call C to Order:

3:0 05 p.m.


a. Meetin ng led by

Alayna Loren nce

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Dispensed wi with

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Dispensed wi with

d. Introd duction of Gueests


e. Quoru um Present

4:23 p p.m.


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. The T minutes were w approved as read. 4. The T balance in n the Treasureer’s Report waas $7,593.17 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness a. Save th he Rain suppo ort for the Bu uilders Club- PPaige Wasniakk moved that we donate $3300 to the Bu uilders Club’s Save the Rain n campaign. IIt was secondded and passed d. b. Dinner of Talentsfor the i. Bills- Baileyy Creager movved that we sppend up to $6600 in terms of a budget fo Dinner of Talents. T The motion was seeconded and passed. pcoming meetting on Tuesdday at 6:30 p.m m. in the Librrary at ii. Committeee meetings- Up CHS. P passsed out for th hose who are attending Keey Leader. Mu ust be c. Key Leeader plans- Paperwork signed and turned in n by Tuesday.. d.

w-In-The-Darkk” bowling- Baailey Creager moved that w we authorize reimbursement for “Glow the mo onetary amou unt needed fo or the “Glow-iin-the-Dark” bbowling eventt. The motioon was second ded and passed.

e. Club over-nighto


Cloverdale Key Club

CNH|KEY CLUB i. Plans- Fridaay, April 10thh show up att CHS at 7pp.m. for pick up to go too Mrs. Cummins’ house. Snackks, swimming,, ice breakers,, movies, games and lots off fun! ii. Staff Appreeciation gifts + gift for Ms. Burke- Baileey Creager mooved that we spend up to $50 on o the gifts forr the CHS staaff. The motioon was second ded and passeed. f.

N/Key Leaderr presentation n at April 9th K Kiwanis meetiingDCON i. Each memb ber has someth hing individuual and unique to discuss att the meeting. 1. DC CON- Service projects, Vicce Presidencyy/Presidency, size of Key Club, etc. B for Key Leader contriibutions 2. Reaach beyond Board

g. Club newslettern Paaige will workk on a newsl etter providin ng that our m members will write articless for the upco oming events.. Jessie will w write an articlee about the overnight; Liam m will write one o on the Diinner of Talen nts; Helen willl write one foor Key Leaderr; Kiwanis On ne Day will bee taken care of o by Julie Carrter, (if approoached by Paiige). Alayna w will write an aarticle about March for Baabies. Deadlin nes- Before Sppring Break- M March 27th. 6. New N Business a. Meetin ng attendancce- What do we do?

PPeople aren’tt showing u up.

Do moorning

annou uncements, go o around the room and askk what Key C Club means too them, updaate the bulletin board moree often. S fundraaising potentiial- Ask Kath hryn Hecht too present to tthe club abou ut the b. Film Society Alexan nder Film Socciety and then n discuss a don nation. c. Kiwanis One Day- Farm Yard FeedF Super N Nachos standd. Fiddle Festival, they w will be ng the help off our memberss. needin d. March h for Babiesi. Fundraisingg and donatio on- Have abouut $200 thus ffar. March foor Babies bakee sale. Penny Wars with “Dim mes” special feature.

Bailey Creagerr moved thaat the

a we do onate to the M March of Dim mes cause be $$800. The m motion minimum amount was secondeed and passed d. ii. Starting at 6 a.m.- We’ll take t an early sshift of studen nt helpers. W also havee students wallking. iii. Walking- We’ll DCMe. Presideents and Secretaries Training Day/Officcers Training C Conference/D i. Attending- Those T who arre on the Boarrd need to atttend the confference.


Cloverdale Key Club

ii. Presenting- Some will be approached about presenting at the conference. f.

April calendari. Kiwanis Board meeting- Lillian will attend the Kiwanis Board meeting. ii. Board meeting- April 27th at 5:45pm at Starbucks. iii. Calendar questions1. Membership Committee meeting- April 8th at lunchtime in the Library 2. Dinner of Talents Committee Meetings- Monday, April 13th at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 p.m. 3. March for Babies bake sale- April 15th 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 4. Dinner of Talents ad sales- Various dates decided by Board. 5. DLT meeting- Monday the 6th of April at 4:30 p.m. iv. Bailey Creager moved to approve the April Calendar with the changes made.

7. Minutes Approved by Club President 8. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary 9. Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by

Maggie Duran

*This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only. Officers President

Alayna Lorence

Vice President 1

Bailey Creager


Maggie Duran


Liam Kluesener

Editor 1

Paige Wasniak

Editor 2

Helen Hernandez


Jessie Marshall

Executive Assistants EA



Cloverdale Key Club

Trevor Creager


Advisor Faculty Advisor

Sue Cummins


Lillian Bearden



Cloverdale Key Club

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