Secretary boardminutes april 27

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club Board Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International April 27, 2015

1. Call to Order:

6:01 p.m.


a. Meeting led by

Jessie Marshall

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Dispensed with

c. Key Club Pledge

Dispensed with

7:23 p.m.

d. Introduction of Guests e. Quorum Present


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. The minutes were. Dispensed with. 4. The balance in the Treasurer’s Report was dispensed with. 5. Unfinished Business a. Service Agreement Forms- need to be passed out and signed, important to all officer positions b. Dinner of Talents- next Sunday night i. Parental support- to bring desert, provide silent auction items; it was decided that we would call members on Wednesday. ii. Ad sponsors- We will hold work sessions after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to sell ads. Helen and Rose volunteered to work on Tuesday. 6. New Business a. Next club newsletteri. Who will put it together?- We decided not to do a May newsletter; June newsletter: Liam will do. ii. What should it include?- Honor our seniors; include CMN; over-view of award recipients from our awards night; upcoming service calendar‌. iii. Who will write articles?- Up to Liam to decide


Cloverdale Key Club

CNH|KEY CLUB b. Relay for Lifei. How do we want to fundraise?- Bake sale, on May 13th; in front of Ray’s, Also, ask for donations in front of Ray’s, after school on May 4th and 18th; plus use the whole non-school day on May 25th to be in front of Ray’s asking for donations. ii. Alayna moved to donate $1000 to Relay for Life. Seconded. Motion was passed. iii. Are we going to be able to be there on May 30th?- Yes. We will take shifts. (The concern is that the Relay for Life event is the Saturday before Finals Week.) c. End-of-the-Year Awards Night- We decided to hold it on May 29th @ 6:00 p.m. We wish to have a potluck. Key Club members who are going to ICON will provide items from the silent auction. i. Mrs. Cummins is going to try to make a digital Key Club yearbook, to be given to the seniors and sold to other members. ii. Bailey moved that we spend a maximum of $700 on the awards night. Seconded. Passed. iii. Jessie and Maggie volunteered to spearhead the ICON fundraising efforts for that night. d. May calendari. Kiwanis Board meeting- Jessie and Maggie volunteered to represent us on May 4th. ii. Board meeting.- It was decided to hold it during school lunch on May 27th. iii. Builders Club Dinner- Date to be announced iv. It was decided to hold a Kiwanis family pizza party at Mr. Bearden’s on Friday May 8th, starting at 5:00 p.m. and going no later than 8:00 p.m. v. Mother’s Day Breakfast- members are needed to help with set up on Saturday afternoon, as well as Sunday morning with the actual breakfast. vi. Alayna moved that we approve the May calendar with corrections. Seconded and passed. e. Summer officer obligationsi. June Board meeting- We decided to have it be an overnight on June 22nd to 23rd, starting at 6:00 p.m. ii. Joint Kiwanis/Key Club Board meeting- We decided to table this discussion until closer to the event, but we’ll probably hold it at the beginning of August.


Cloverdale Key Club


Kiwanis 4th of July event- It will be at the City Park. We’ll probably help with games, set up and clean up; and provide baked goods.

7. Minutes Approved by Club President 8. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary 9. Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by

Rose French

*This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only. Officers President

Jessie Marshall

Vice President 1

Maggie Duran

Vice President 2

Liam Kluesener


Rose French


Alayna Lorence

Scrapbook Editor

Lillian Bearden


Bailey Creager

2014-15 Officers Sandra Bernal Trevor Creager Lorena Yanez

Advisors Faculty Advisor

Sue Cummins

Kiwanis Advisor

Stephen Bearden


Cloverdale Key Club


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