CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club Board B Meetin ng Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal Decemberr 11, 2015
1. Call C to Order:
12::13 p.m.
a. Meetin ng led by
Jessie Marshaall
b. Pledgee of Allegiancee
Alayna Loren nce
c. Key Cllub Pledge
Paige Wasniaak
d. Introd duction of Gueests
e. Quoru um Present
12:35 p.m.
2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. The T minutes frrom the previo ous Board meeeting were diispensed with. 4. The T Treasurer’s Report balaance on hand was $4,962.2 2 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness a. Elimin nate i. Bailey moveed to donate $1,000 $ to the Eliminate prroject. Second ded. Passed. N projectb. Childrren’s Miracle Network i.
Maggie mo oved to reim mburse Mrs. C Cummins $991.50 for sup pplies for thee sock snowmen project. p Seconded. Passed.
s for speccific memberss who will be selling the su urvival c. Finals Survival Kits-- See sign-up sheet kits. Due D to this hap ppening at lun nchtime on T Tuesday next w week, our meeeting will simply be sign-in n sheets for eveents, availablee at the table iin front of thee office. d. Januarry newsletter assignmentsa Paige P is doingg the newslettter. Carmen iss going to be doing an artiicle about the Secret Santa project. Magggie will be doiing the Christtmas Make-A-W Wish. Atzity will be doing Coats for Kids, Jessie will be doing thee President’s M Message. Baileey will write about a the Lion ns Club Toy Run. R Other aassignments w will be given. All articles neeed to be e-m mailed to Paigee and to Mrs. Cummins by December 211st.
Cloverdale Key Club
e. Using the club website- Bailey had the idea that we bring the computer carts to the meetings, and allow viewing the new and improved website during the meeting time. It is a great resource with service hours, future events and so much more. 6. New Business a. Kiwanis caroling project- We have nine sign-ups, see sign-up sheet for specific members attending. The starting time has been changed to 1 p.m. Either meet at the Cloverdale HealthCare Center or let Mrs. Cummins know you need a ride. She’ll pick people up between 12:30 and 1 p.m. b. December DCM- Will be held on the 19th. We need more sign-ups. c. Kiwanis Food Pantry help- See sign-up sheet for members attending. Members will be assisting the Kiwanis with distributing food in the Food Pantry. Be there at 1 p.m. d. January calendar- Read and approved. i. Alayna moved that we approve the January calendar with changes. Seconded. Passed. 7. Adjournment at: 12: 35 p.m. 8. Minutes Approved by Club President 9. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary 10. Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor
Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by
Rose French
*This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only. Officers President
Jessie Marshall
Vice President
Maggie Duran
Vice President
Paige Wasniak
Rose French
Alayna Lorence
Bailey Creager
Executive Assistants
Cloverdale Key Club
Marty Beard Carmen Garcia Atziry Rodriguez Tyler Tipler Advisors Faculty Advisor
Sue Cummins
Kiwanis Advisor
Stephen Bearden
Cloverdale Key Club