Secretary boardminutes february 29

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club Board B Meetin ng Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal February 29, 2016

1. Call C to Order:

5:5 54 p.m.


a. Meetin ng led by

Jessie Marshaall

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Dispensed W With

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Dispensed W With

d. Introd duction of Gueests


e. Quoru um Present

7:30 p p.m.


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. The T minutes frrom the previo ous Board meeeting were reead and approoved. 4. The T Treasurer’s Report balaance on hand was $5,882.355 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness a. Districct Convention ni. Fundraisingg for chaperon nes1. Clo overdale will be paying foor 5 chaperoones to help the other sch hool’s neeeds. 2. A way w our club thought to fuundraise was to do a car w wash. Helen w will be askking St. Peterss Church’s Prriest to see iff we can do itt there, and L Lillian will ask the Firstt Baptist Church. The Car--Church-Wash h will be on M March h lets us use th heir site. 19tht or 20th, depeending upon which church b. Requirred DCON meetingsm Therre will be a cluub one on M March 4th and a division-wid de one on Maarch 18th. c. Key Leeaderi. Some of thee members wh ho want to atttend and be ffacilitators willl not be chosen, so keep that in n mind. We had 5 apply to be Facilitaators and onlyy 10 are choseen for the whole camp. And keep in min nd that those members wiith the best sservice


Cloverdale Key Club

record will have the best chance for a reduced price for going. The Kiwanis club gave us $1500 to send members; we will share that according to service records. Jessie will send a thank you letter to the Kiwanis club. d. Donation to Nepal- We brought in $70 from our fundraiser. 1. Alayna moved that we donate $200 to the Nepal project. Seconded. Passed. 6. New Business a. Seniors Scholarships- Those who want to apply will need to do an interview, get a letter of recommendation and write an essay.

The applications should be picked up in the

counselor’s office this week and are due by April 1st. b. Kiwanis DCM on Saturday & Kiwanis Board meeting (which will be held on Monday). There needs to a good group of members to represent the Key Club, and support Fatima, who will be presenting. Volunteering to attend the Kiwanis Board meeting were Lillian and Abigail. c. Division Banquet- Will be on the 12th of March. Members are greatly encouraged to wear Disney attire. Atziry thought to make invitations for the Kiwanis club and the principal. At next Thursday’s Kiwanis meeting the Key Club will do a singing invitation. We are going to bring two donation drawing baskets, one with a Mickey doll and the Star Wars mug and one will be movie themed. i. Bailey moved that we spend up to $50 on the gift baskets. Seconded. Passed. d. Builders Club supporti. Easter Egg decorating-We will decorate the eggs on the 7th and hide them during 5th period on the 14th with the “hunt” being at lunch on the 14th. We will do a combination of eggs, real, which will be colored by the Key Clubbers, and plastic eggs- which can be stuffed with candy. We plan to ask the Builders Club to help us color the eggs. 1. Bailey moved that we spend up to $35 for the Easter Egg Hunt. Seconded. Passed. ii. Marcie Collins Memorial- We decided to try to fundraise at least $500. We will do a campus-wide event with containers in the classrooms. If we do not get enough money we will take it out of club funds. The drive will run from March 7th – 11th. There will be one winning teacher, the one with the most money brought in per


Cloverdale Key Club

student. The classes of the winning teacher will receive a pizza lunch on the 16th of March. e. St. Jude’s Hospital Radio-A-Thon- We will hold a fundraiser on Wednesday, and Thursday, March 2nd and 3rd. There was a sign-up sheet for embers interested in being in front of Ray’s for the St. Jude’s Hospital. i. Lillian moved that we donate a minimum of $300. Seconded. Passed. f.

County Fair booth for SCOE- We decided not to do this project due to the short notice and the lack of adults able to attend.

g. Club Yearbook- The cost will run from $40-$50 per student as we plan on a hardbound, larger book this year. i. We discussed some fundraising ideas. We came up with the plan to hold a family movie night, open to the community. We will charge $5 for kids and $7 for adults as the entry fee, and the entry tickets include popcorn, soda, or a juice box. The event will be held on April 1st. h. Party over Spring Break- We decided to go bowling on March 21st. The money to pay for the bowling will come out of Key Club Bucks. i.

Officer Training Day- The retiring officers will train the incoming officers. Each current officer will make a checklist of things they will need to teach to the incoming officers. Please email the checklist drafts to Sue, so she can approve them. These will be due on March 11th by midnight. The actual training day will be on Monday, March 28th.


March of Dimes/March for Babiesi.

Fundraising for this will consist of holding a “Dime Wars” in April.

k. March calendari. Lillian moved to approve the March calendar with corrections. Seconded. Passed. 7. Adjournment at: 7:30 p.m. 8. Minutes Approved by Club President 9. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary 10. Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by

Rose French

*This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only.


Cloverdale Key Club


Officers President

Jessie Marshall

Vice President

Maggie Duran

Vice President

Helen Hernandez


Rose French


Alayna Lorence

Scrapbook Editor

Lillian Bearden


Bailey Creager

Executive Assistants Jessica Aguirre Carmen Garcia Atziry Rodriguez Advisors Faculty Advisor

Sue Cummins

Kiwanis Advisor

Stephen Bearden

Guest Member



Cloverdale Key Club

Abigail Hodge

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