Secretary boardminutes july 20

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdale Key Club Board Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International July 20, 2017

1. Call to Order:

3:30 p.m.

a. Meeting led by



8:45 p.m.

Anahi Ruiz__

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Yatziri Ruiz

c. Key Club Pledge

Yatziri Ruiz

d. Introduction of Guests

LTG Annaleigh Nguyen & RA Tricia Shindledecker

e. Quorum Present


2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. The minutes from the previous Board meeting were approved as read. 4. The Treasurer’s Report reported a balance on hand of $2,171.87. 5. Committee Report – Save the Rain a. Co-chairs of Save the Rain are Gaby and Anahi. b. We set a goal of fundraising $11,000 by the end of the year for Save the Rain. c. Julie and Greg Carter emailed Anahi a list of ways to fundraise for the cause. d. We are going to contact Lush and see if we can have a corporate sponsorship with them. e. Save the Rain is our competitive Single Service project this year. 6. Unfinished Business a. ICON report – Jessica, Anahi, and Lillian all attended ICON. i. Sessions were a lot different than the ones at DCON, and it was inspiring. b. Expenses for July DCM i. Sebastian moved that Sue doesn’t have to give Key Club back $50 for the site rental, and it was seconded. Motion Passed. c. PTP fundraiser report i. We have a Paper Airplane fundraiser.


Cloverdale Key Club

ii. Yatziri and Jessica were the first to fundraise and made $94 in two hours; 11 squares were bought. iii. We are going to hold a “Bake and Guzzle” where we are going to sell beverages and baked goods on Tuesday, August 8th. 1. Going to set up in front of Grocery Outlet from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 2. We also might set-up in front of Ray’s, if we have enough items and people to be at two tables. d. Club newsletter i.

July – Was completed with the help of Gaby, Rowan, and Sue.

ii. August assignments - We need people to sign-up to write articles so we can stay on top of it and make it easier for the people working on the newsletter. Sue will send out assignments next week. All articles will be due by August 7th. e. REFB Day- It’s this Saturday and it’s a division event. i. If you have any cousins or siblings who want to come, you are welcome to bring them. ii. Gaby and Sebastian are going to take video footage of the Food Bank. They will be our videographers and help us put together a club video. iii. The RSVP is on the division website and Anahi will send out a reminder to the members of what the link is, and will post it on the club Facebook page. f.

Board-2-Board event – Cristina moved that we pay for the entire non-alcoholic bill. Seconded and passed.

g. July Club meeting – The meeting will be at Papa’s Pizza on July 28th at 2 p.m. h. Car Wash – The car wash is planned for July 29th and the chairperson is Alexis. i. We’re going to do pre-sale tickets for the car wash at Friday Night Live on both July 21st and on the 28th. 1. Meeting time is in front of Papa’s at 6:30 p.m. Start selling at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. i.

Membership Dues – Gaby is the only one that still needs to pay.

7. RECESS 4:32 p.m. RECONVENE at 6:47 p.m. 8. New Business a. Executive Assistant


Cloverdale Key Club

i. Neidi moved to approve Uziel Ruiz as an Executive Assistant. It was seconded and passed. b. August 6th Arts & Crafts with disabled students – it’s a Rotary project and they contacted Key Club. That’s a Sunday from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the Vets Building. A sign-up sheet was passed around. c. Kiwanis events & activities i. Food Pantry – On Fridays, August 4th and 11th. A sign-up sheet was passed around. We help them from 1-3 p.m. ii. Kiwanis Board meeting – August 7th at 6:30 p.m. Vice Presidents need to be there. 1. Rory will be talking to the Kiwanis about updating their website for them. d. Officer Reports – i. President – 1. Goals for the year – a. It was moved by Neidi and seconded and passed that we approve the Presidents goals for the year. Goals were slightly amended. (See attached) b. Suggested activities to think about included: i. Holding an assembly at the beginning of the year to catch everyone’s attention ii. Find some way to help new members become familiar with our Key Club abbreviations iii. Facetime all new members iv. Set up a “buddy system” to keep new members active v. Put more videos on social media & make sure that we use our Twitter and Instagram accounts 2. 7 habits of highly successful Key Clubs – a. Cristina moved that we implement these ideas into our Key Club. The motion was seconded and passed. Discussion included some of the following: i. Have a “color-run” as our yearly signature event that Key Club could be known for. 1. If we decide to do a color-run then we should look into making the colored powder.


Cloverdale Key Club

b. Gaby will make a video of Key Club to show at various times, including to show our new Principal. i. We hope to have this video ready to show at the upcoming Round-Up on August 10th. c. We can have our Kiwanis advisor keep the club to date on what Kiwanis is doing with a once-a-month report. d. Remember member’s names so that when we greet them they feel more included. e. Be more interested in other member’s lives besides ours. f.

At club meetings we will – i. Do away with Minutes and Treasurer’s Reports and Gaby will send them out instead. ii. Greet members at the door and sit all over the place iii. Have ice breakers more often iv. Do something called “Happy Change” where we share something personal.

g. We want to hold a club orientation in September. h. We want to invite our new principal to be the program at a Kiwanis meeting and ask him to talk about his goals. i.

We wish to spend 30 minutes at our next Board meeting planning a presentation for the new Principal.

ii. Vice Presidents Report – 1. Plans for connecting with the Builders Club were shared and approved. (See attached.) a. For the Books to the Rescue project we could apply for Kiwanis grant, since this would be considered part of the Pediatric Trauma program. b. Cristina moved for approval. The motion was seconded and passed. 2. A yearly calendar of service activities was shared.

Discussion on the

proposal occurred. a. Cristina moved to approve the calendar and the motion was seconded and passed. (See attached.)


Cloverdale Key Club

iii. Secretary 1. The secretary shared her plans for keeping members informed about their service records. a. She will send personal messages to all members once a month, after having done the MRF, and send them the Service Record chart. 2. She will send out the minutes and treasurer’s report, once every week to all members. Treasurer – 3. The yearly plan of administrative fundraisers was shared. a. It was moved, seconded and passed that we accept the list of administrative fundraisers. i. The motion was made by Neidi that we approve the yearly plan of administrative fundraisers. It was seconded and passed. (See attached) b. The review of the club budget was postponed for now. c. We talked briefly about membership recruitment, but plan to go over a calendar of activities at our next Board meeting. i. Meanwhile, we set a date for poster making. 1. We will make posters on August 8th from 2-4 p.m. at Stephan’s house. e. School Round-Upi. Give out pamphlets and posters at the door. Have a slide show with a Key Club video. Show our club yearbook, our club newsletters, display our recruitment posters, and use our club scrapbook, if we think it will hold up. We can put out our trophy, if it comes. We should also have Save the Rain materials…. f.

August calendari. Sebastian moved that we approve the August calendar, “as is”, with the knowledge that there will be more added to it. Seconded and passed.

9. Adjournment at: 8:45 p.m. 10. Minutes Approved by Club President 11. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary


Cloverdale Key Club

12. Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by

Gabriela Gaona


*This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only. Officers President

Anahi Ruiz

Vice President

Neidi Calvillo


Gaby Gaona


Cristina Cardenas

Executive Assistants Jessica Aguirre Sebastian Ley Yatziri Ruiz

Advisors Faculty Advisor

Sue Cummins

Kiwanis Advisor

Stephen Bearden


Alexis Sanchez

The following pages are the submissions from the various officers that were approved by the Board.


Cloverdale Key Club

Cloverdale President’s Goals for the 2017-18 Year: Fundraising Pediatric Trauma Program $1,300 March for Babies $800 Save the Rain - Single Service Project $11,000 UNICEF $1000 ______________________________________________________________________


Fall Rally - Six Flags 15 members Key Leader 10 members; and 2 facilitators DCON - Reno, Nevada 15 members ICON - Chicago, Illinois 5 members ______________________________________________________________________


President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer to fill out Distinguished forms. - Scrapbook - Newsletters - Video - Attire - Website - Single Service Project ______________________________________________________________________


Improve attendance at club meetings Better the club communication system • Send at least 3 text messages each week Post more on social media: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook Make new members feel welcome and comfortable Get every member to go to at least two events each month Get members to regularly use the website; especially for signing up for activities


Cloverdale Key Club

7 Habits of Highly Successful Key Clubs By Sue Cummins | Notes taken from a session at the Key Club International Convention 1. They actively involve their new members. They go out of their way to find out the interests of the new members. 2. They have a stronger relationship with their Kiwanis Advisor/Kiwanis Club. For example, they provide a time for the Kiwanis Advisor to share at the club meetings. They do things like “Happy Change” at club meetings. 3. They have an active Faculty Advisor. And they show appreciation to both advisors. 4. They have a least one large-scale event each year for which they are known. This could be something like a Senior Prom for the retirement community; a Haunted Trail or Spooktacular at Halloween; a Winter Formal or a blood mobile for the school; a Homeless sleep-out; whatever it is, it’s done EVERY year and the school identifies it with the Key Club! 5. They have a good relationship with the school principal. Every year, the officer team should visit at least once with the Principal to share goals and find out what the club might do to benefit the school. 6. They have a functioning committee system. This provides for more regular member engagement in the club decision-making process. Suggested committees could be: Promotion, Publication & Program; Recruitment, Service; School Projects, etc. 7. They attend District Convention and take advantage of district-level contacts. These are incredibly important because it helps members to feel like they are involved in a bigger endeavor and gives them more respect for the organization. Highly effective clubs have: ~ Enthusiastic participation from most/all members ~ Committed to the mission and values of Key Club as a service organization ~ Healthy membership size and are growing ~ Effective and are work-based High-performing Key Clubs are: ~10% more likely to have members report that the club has inspired them to do more service. ~ More likely to have a larger membership. 61% of high performing Key Clubs have more than 50 members. But, you don't have to be a big Key Club to be high-performing. ~ Better at keeping members engaged with their meetings. They have higher rates of meeting attendance – members come because they feel connected. One suggestion is for officers to make an effort at the beginning of club meetings to talk with all the members. ~ Doing lots of service! Members go above and beyond the minimum service of 50 hours The minutes include our brainstorming thoughts for how to meet all seven of these criteria. Particular focus was on #1, #4 and #5.


Cloverdale Key Club


Cloverdale Key Club


Cloverdale Key Club

Gaby will be sending an updated Service Record to members each month.


Cloverdale Key Club

These are all Key Club Bucks fundraisers to earn money for trips CNH|

Cloverdale Key Club

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