Secretary boardminutes june 22

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CNH|KEY CLUB Cloverdalle Key Club Board B Meetin ng Californiaa-Nevada-Haw waii District Key Club Internationaal June 22, 2015 2

1. Call C to Order:

6:37 p.m.


a. Meetin ng led by

Jessie Marshaall

b. Pledgee of Allegiancee

Lillian Beardden

c. Key Cllub Pledge

Lillian Beardden

d. Introd duction of Gueests


e. Quoru um Present

8:58 p p.m.


2. AttendanceA see attached siggn in sheet 3. The T minutes frrom the previo ous Board meeeting were reead and approoved. 4. The T balance in n the Treasureer’s Report waas: $1048.01. 5. Unfinished U Bu usiness a. On-lin ne officer refleector sign-ups for CNH-doo after the meeeting for thoose who haven n’t yet done it. (Only workks for officers who have a gg-mail accountt.) den project- Liam L made th he motion to allow use off up to $30 foor the b. Seniorr Center Gard Seniorr Center gardeen project. Motion M was secconded and passed. c. Table painting project- Maggie made m a motioon to allow upp to $250 forr the table painting suppliees. Seconded. Passed d. Reimb burse ICON attendeesa Alaayna moved to give ICON N attendees $$150 each. T This is moneyy they already fundraised. Motion M was seeconded and passed. e. Kiwanis Governor’ss Brunch- Liam m made the m motion to reim mburse Mrs. C Cummins $1000 for wanis Govern nor’s Brunch. Seconded. P Passed. purchaase of five tickkets to the Kiw 6. New N Business bership materiialsa. Memb i. Dues for th he 2015-16 Keey Club year- ggive to Mrs. C Cummins. Th hose who stilll need to bring theeir dues, remeember to do itt at the next B Board meetingg.


Cloverdale Key Club

CNH|KEY CLUB b. Divisio on/District/In nternational projectsp i. Beach Cleaan-Up- July 11 1th; having a B BBQ and fun activities. W Will be held att Goat Rock. Meeet at CHS at 10 a.m. D must attend 6 to qqualify for Distinguished oofficer status.. Next ii. Attending DCMstwo DCMs are on Sundaay, July 19th an nd Saturday, A August 22nd. c. Pediatrric Trauma Prrogram 1. Frid day Night Livve- Paper airpllane game, fun ndraiser on Ju uly 10th * 17th a. Jessie, Landon L & Paiige will go aroound to the F FNL booths on July 3rd to seee if they are w willing to don nate a “prize” for the grid. They will also o approach otther local bussinesses durin ng the week bbefore July 10thh. b. Sock-Maaking- Duringg August FNL L dates to bee determined.. We will set out o supplies. People can ddecorate and donate to CM MN or decoratee and buy…. m money will go to PTP. 2. Askking for donaations in fron nt of Ray’s- seee sign-up sheeets. Two dattes set asid de – July 10thh and July 300th. Can do more than oone shift each h day, brin nging in moree money. ii. Children’s Miracle Netw workn- Sunday, Jully 19th. 1. Socck-making witth the division 2. Fun ndraising- to be b determinedd at a future B Board meetingg. d. Kiwanis events and activitiesi. July 4th at the City Parkk-ask membeers to run gam me booths foor this comm munity ty. It’s from 11 a.m. to 4 p..m. picnic/party m. We can on nly do the firsst two ii. Food Pantrry in August- every Friday from 1-3p.m Friday’s beffore school staarts. See sign--up sheets. oard meetingss- Need peopple for July 6th and Augusst 3rd. Lillian n and iii. Kiwanis Bo Maggie agreeed to go to th he July 6th me eting. Jessie w will go to the August 3rd on ne. he Cummins.. It will be a swim party, BBQ. iv. Board-2-Boaard event- to be held at th We will disscuss PTP fun ndraising andd Fall Rally, aand.. what caan we do for them. We also waant to set a joiint goal togeth her. We plan n to hold this on July 12th aat 3:30 p.m.


Cloverdale Key Club

CNH|KEY CLUB v. Regular Kiw wanis meetinggs- officers muust go twice tthis summer. Tentative sch hedule is as followss: July 2nd – Bailey B & Paigee; July 9th – Liillian & Rose; July 16th – L Lillian; July 23rd – Jessie J e. General club busineessi. Personalized d officer training- Thursdday, July 2ndd – Vice Preesidents, (afteer the Kiwanis meeting); m Thursday July 9tth – Scrapboook Editor, ((after the Kiiwanis meeting); Thursday, T Ju uly 9th – Seecretary, (afteernoon); Mon nday, July 113th – Treasurer, (8 ( a.m.); Tuesday, July 14th – President, ((9 a.m.). ii. Committeee assignments- see the serv rvice projects district widee sheet for n names. (Sheet need ds some additiional names, bbut is attacheed.) iii. Recruitmen nt1. Co ommunication n-recruitment posters aree due by A August 1st tto be com mpleted by the t vice pres idents.

We also need tto print out more

mo onthly calendaars so membeers can take tthem off the tables, particcularly for the first meeeting of each month. We need Board members wh ho like maaking calls to do d so, and wee need to usee text remindeers more often n. For thee school-wide Orientation n Day – we want our reecruitment poosters; can ndy/snacks; a tri-fold exhibbit; a slide sh how; our yearbbook & scrap pbook and d guys! 2. Ho ow to keep peeople in- ask w why do you w want to join oon the membeership app plication; havve a mentoriing system, u use Facebookk with taggin ng; do texting and/or calling. c iv. Website pu urchase-reimb burse Mrs. C Cummins forr up $50. M Moved by L Lillian. Seconded. Passed. v. Newsletterss- all articles are due by Juuly 12thfor th he July newsletter. We w want it produced around a July 15 5th. In order to get more m members to rread the newssletter, we should tag members on Facebookk; and at ourr meetings, w when we repoort on having prod duced a newssletter, we willl question m members, if th hey get it righ ht they will get a prrize; we’ll maiil letters to th he parents. Wee’ll text membbers to tell th hem to read the new wsletter. vi. Scrapbook theme- “Oncee Upon a Servvice Project”.


Cloverdale Key Club

CNH|KEY CLUB vii. Summer fu undraiser- Bakke sale, crepe sale, yard salle at the high h school on A August 15th. o be determin ned by committtees viii. Major service activities-to 1. St. Peters- to help with their ““Path of Life” garden 2. Waallace House-h homeless sheltter 3. Aleexander Valleey Film Cen nter-raise mooney to supp port their teeenage pro ogram. 4. Sup pport for locaal businesses-aask how we can n help them. mily House prrojectix. Kiwanis Fam 1. Liaam moved thaat we donate $$400 to the K Kiwanis Familly House for u use in fixiing up the room r sponsorred by Divisiion 32. Mottion seconded d and passsed. draise some off that money, we will be ou utside Ray’s oon July a. To fund 14th and d 17th to ask foor donations. x. July calendaar1. Maaggie made thee motion to aapprove the Ju uly calendar w with correction ns. Secconded. Passeed. (Approve d calendar atttached.) 7. Minutes M Appro oved by Club President 8. Minutes M Appro oved by Club Secretary 9. Minutes M Appro oved by Facultty Advisor

dance Attend Attendancce for this Boaard meeting was w completed d by

Rose Fren nch

*This attendance sheet is used for prresent officerss, Kiwanis, an nd guests only.. Officers President

Jessie Marshall

Vice Presiident 1

D Maggie Duran

Vice Presiident 2

Liam Klu uesener


Cloverdale Key Club


CNH|KEY CLUB Vice Presiident 3

Paige Wasniak W


Rose Freench


Alayna Lorence L

Scrapbookk Editor

Lillian Bearden B

Advisors Faculty Ad dvisor

Sue Cum mmins

Kiwanis Advisor A

Stephen n Bearden

Guest Landon Barry



Cloverdale Key Club

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