Secretary boardminutes june 24

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CNH|KEY CLU B Cloverdale Key Club Board Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International June 24, 2016

1. Call to Order:

2. 3. 4. 5.

3:11 p.m.


4:54 p.m.

a. Meeting led by Rose French b. Pledge of Allegiance Jessica Aguirre c. Key Club Pledge Alyssa Gaylor d. Introduction of Guests None e. Quorum Present Yes Attendance- see attached sign in sheet The minutes were. Minutes were dispensed with. The balance in the Treasurer’s Report was dispensed with. Unfinished Business a. Donation from Knights of Columbus- The Knights gave us $500: we need a thank you letter. Helen volunteered. b. Officer training schedule- Many of our officers still need to be trained. A new schedule was passed around for sign-ups. c. Club newsletter update- Gaby is working on the newsletter. Need paragraphs from Board members. Articles should be completed and turned in to Gaby as soon as possible. d. See’s candy sales- Problems, members owe money, members need to turn money in to pay up. Arianna will talk to Fabiano. We need to set-up at Ray’s for sales. Helen will check in

with Abby to pay Snack Zone Pack. 6. New Business a. Club Webmasteri. Jessica moved that we appoint Jacob Menlove as the 2016-17 Club Webmaster. Seconded. Passed. b. Club website needs- Jacob needs officer information for the website. i. Officer snapshots- Taken during meeting. ii. Purchase of site1. Jessica moved that we authorize the purchase of the website. Seconded. Passed. c. Advisor connection- Members need to contact advisor back, when messaged. It was suggested that all text messages be sent individually. d. Kiwanis connection- Events


Cloverdale Key Club

i. 4th of July event- Need members to help at picnic on the Fourth of July at the City Park. Run booths, bubble making. Key Club bucks. Five hours. ii. Kiwanis Board meeting- Need vice Presidents to attend 6th of July. Rose and Jessica volunteered. iii. Kiwanis/Key Club Board Picnic- Move date to movie night. 1. Invitations- Send invites? Save the Date….Tell at Kiwanis Meeting…. 2. Food- Provide sandwiches, potato salad, watermelon, salad, cookies, water, and Lemonade. Jessica moved that we spend up to $150 for the joint picnic. 3. Agenda- Discuss: service projects, DCON fundraising, how to help Kiwanis, Do more service for Kiwanis, joint projects, spending more time with Kiwanis, scholarships support, and special fundraisers. Alyssa is planning games for the evening. e. Division/District/International projects i. PTP fundraisers1. July 9th- Need members to help, lemonade stand, possibly? Other suggested foods include: corn on the cob, juice, watermelon, fruit salad, homemade ice cream in cups, root beer floats. 2. Other dates- July 9th, 17th, 27th , are these good dates to do additional PTP fundraising? ii. Attending DCMs- Remember that as Board members, you MUST attend a minimum of 6 DCMs. iii. Redwood Empire Food Bank Day/DCM on June 25th 1. What to bring and wear- Wear clothes so you can get wet: bring extra clothes. Wear hash tag I Am Kiwanis t-shirt for the Food Bank. 2. Transportation- Need one more car.

iv. What should it include?- Honor our seniors; include CMN; over-view of award


recipients from our awards night; upcoming service calendar…. v. Who will write articles?- Up to Liam to decide

vi. Beach Clean-Up & DCM on July 23 rd – At Goat Rock, Organizing teams for activities. vii. Spotlight on Service Projects- District initiative is “Go Outdoors”. Suggestion was to plan an outdoor movie night. Charge $5; give away popcorn and soda. The


Cloverdale Key Club

location would be at the City Park, after our Board picnic finishes. It was decided f.

to watch Cinderella, the live action film. Executive Assistants- We would like to add EAs before the Board overnight, Need our present Board members to approach students they think might be interested and invite

them to the Board meeting. g. Officer over-night- On 19th of July. h. July calendari. Gaby moved that we approve the July calendar with corrections. Arianna Seconded and the motion passed. 7. Minutes Approved by Club President 8. Minutes Approved by Club Secretary 9. Minutes Approved by Faculty Advisor

Attendance Attendance for this Board meeting was completed by

Helen Hernandez

*This attendance sheet is used for present officers, Kiwanis, and guests only. Officers President

Rose French Atziry Rodriguez

Vice President 1

Jessica Aguirre

Vice President 2

Arianna Carrillo

Vice President 3

Carmen Garcia


Helen Hernandez


Uziel Ruiz


Gaby Gaona

Scrapbook Editors

Alyssa Gaylor Yatziri Ruiz


Jacob Menlove

2014-15 Officers Sandra Bernal


Cloverdale Key Club


Trevor Creager Lorena Yanez

Advisors Faculty Advisor

Sue Cummins

Kiwanis Advisor

Stephen Bearden


Cloverdale Key Club

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