September 2017 newsletter

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Cloverdale Cloverdale Key Key Club Club Monthly MonthlyNewsletter newsletter

Issue 4 | September 2017 | Editors: Club Officers |

Check us out at: Cloverdale High School 509 N. Cloverdale Blvd. Cloverdale, CA 95425

Cali-Nev-Ha District

Page 1:

Title Page

Page 2:

Contents/Key Club Facts

Page 3:

President’s Message

Pages 4-5:


Pages 6-7:

PTP Fundraising

Page 8:

Fall Rally

Page 9:

See’s Sales

Pages 10-11: Kiwanis Family Pages 12-15: Recent Service Projects Pages 16-19: Save the Rain Page 20:


Page 21:

Shine Day

Page 22:

Member Orientation

Page 23:


Page 24;

Kiwanis DCM

Caring–Our Way of Life

Pages 25-29: International Connection Pages 30-31: RTC Page 27:

Princess Project

Page 32:

October Calendar

Pages 33-39: Upcoming Events Page 40:


Page 41:


Page 42:

Just for Fun

The core values of Key Club International are:

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Leadership Character Building Caring Inclusiveness

President’s Message By Anahi Ruiz Hello fellow Key Clubbers! We have officially started school and I know that all of you have been overwhelmed with homework. But trust me, it gets easier. I wanted to thank you all for your support and for going to the Key Club meetings which are being held every Tuesday during lunch in Room 21. We have an outstanding group of new members and they have been doing an amazing job of stepping up to do projects! This month is going to be exciting as we have so many things planned. One of our biggest events this month is the Save the Rain assembly on September 29th. And, then there is the Region Training Conference (RTC) on September 30th! Save the dates because these events are coming in hot. It is never too late to join Key Club, so make sure to tell all your friends! I’m looking forward to this great month, especially for all those pumpkin spice things that will soon be coming out for sale in our after-school snacks project; anyone else with me?

First Meeting of the New School Year

Our First Club Meeting By Gabriela Gaona Our first Key Club meeting of the 2017-18 school year was a success. We held a Board meeting a few weeks before, just to make sure that we had everything planned out and ready to go. We had a good number of new members show up at the meeting, curious to know more about Key Club. Our club president, Anahi gave them a short, but detailed description about what Key Club was and what we do. The Board members then proceeded to introduce themselves and tell their positions for the club. We wanted to make sure that the new and returning members felt comfortable. That meeting was lots of fun and the members enjoyed the lunch the we provided for them, which was PIZZA!!

A Sneak Peek at Our Club Meetings Weve

We’ve been averaging about 20 students per meeting, mostly new members who are excited to be learning about Key Club.

P Continuing With PTP Fundraising R E S I D E N T S

As we approach the upcoming Fall Rally, we continue to fundraise for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Program. Our Board set a goal of raising $1300 for PTP to take to Fall Rally on October 21st. As of September 24th, we’ve managed to raise $859! It’s a rule in our club that members who wish to attend Fall Rally MUST help fundraise for the cause. We’ll have lots of upcoming chances for anyone wishing to go to Fall Rally to do a 2-hour session in front of Ray’s. Check out the October calendar and pick a date!

What is PTP?

Changing Children’s Lives Pediatric Trauma remains the leading cause of death and injury among children ages 14 and under in the United States. The Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Mission The mission of the Pediatric Trauma Program, (PTP), is to develop local projects which will reduce the number of children in our three-state District who are killed or injured by trauma, ensuring all children live happy, healthy and safe lives.

Join 3,000 Key Clubbers for Fall Rally North on Saturday, October 21st. The cost for our members is $59, (includes a meal and the division t-shirt). ** All funds must be in the Key Club Bucks account by October 17th. We’ll leave CHS at 7 a.m. and return home around 10 p.m. More details about this trip will be shared at upcoming club meetings.

** Anyone who sold See’s Suckers to earn their t-shirt or spirit pack can reduce the cost to $49.

See’s Suckers For Sale By Rowan Addison Key Clubbers are selling See’s Suckers now. By selling one bag, you can pay for your division t-shirt and by selling two bags, you can pay for your division spirit pack. You should try to turn in your money by Tuesday, THIS WEEK! Otherwise, just try to sell them and turn in the money as soon as possible. This makes it so that you don’t have to pay for things out of your own pocket, because you use the money you raised from the See’s suckers!

Attending Kiwanis Meetings It’s Important to Attend Kiwanis Meetings By Gabriela Gaona Attending a Kiwanis meeting is not only beneficial to you but to our club. By attending a Kiwanis meeting you are exposing yourself to skilled leaders and you are then able to observe and take note on the way they run their club. You and your club would also be better informed about what service projects or events our Kiwanis club has planned. This is very important because if you are up-to-date with their calendar, then you will be able to volunteer yourself to help out at some of their projects. Just by going to their meetings, you are demonstrating to them that you care enough about them and their club to show up; it means that you consider Key Club as part of the Kiwanis family. By doing do this, they will slowly-but-surely start knowing your names; and in a matter of time this can lead to an amazing relationship between our two clubs.

What About the Builders Club?

Connecting with the Builders Club is Equally Important By Rowan Addison Connecting with Builder’s Club members is important because they do a lot and we should support them. By showing up to their events we help show that they are important. Connecting with Builders Club also reconnects Key Clubbers who were once in Builders Club; and it helps them to remember what it was like. We can show what the Builder’s Club members can become; and encourage them to keep serving their community and world. All we have to do is be at their events and talk to them. It is also important to encourage them to join Key Club when they get to the high school. We have a chance coming up this week to show the Builders Club that we care about them! All members are encouraged to go to the Builders Club Dinner on Wednesday evening. Let’s have a nice size group there. It’s free food, and an opportunity to make those KFamily connections that much stronger!

Builders Club Annual Dinner ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Wednesday, September 27th Washington School Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. Let’s show up and celebrate with them!


Our members served food and bussed tables and had a good time!

Six of our members helped with set-up for the day and three stayed for 5 hours to be at the Kiwanis Imagination Library table. They translated for Spanish speaking people who stopped by to find out more about this Kiwanis book give-away project.


Three members spent a fun Saturday morning getting started on this year’s scrapbook. First, we did training on Key Club scrapbook standards. Then, the fun started. We drove to Santa Rosa and shopped for supplies.

The next scrapbook work session is on a no-school day. October 13th 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Any member is welcome!

Jefferson School PTA Child Care

We were asked to do child care for the parents attending a Jefferson School PTA meeting. The children were well-behaved and had fun with the craft projects we had them do.

Save the Rain By Anahi Ruiz Save the Rain is a non-profit organization that brings clean, pure drinking water to communities who do not have access to such. So many of us are fortunate enough to be able to buy bottled water, open the faucet, and simply find clean water wherever we go; but that isn’t the case in Tanzania, a small country in Africa. Sometimes we take things for granted and clean water is just one example of that fact. In Tanzania, young women, sometimes kids as little as 6 years old, walk 6 miles to bring water back to their homes, every day; and sometimes those walking are carrying 40-pound buckets to collect water to provide for their families. Unfortunately, given that women and female children are considered the most expendable, they are the ones walking for water. This means that the girls will not receive an education, as they do their walking during the time that school is in session. In Tanzania, it is much more important for the men to receive an education than women. That’s not all, as one of the most horrifying things is that women run a high risk of being sexually abused, kidnapped, or even killed while they are away from the protection of their village. The water these women collect is contaminated with hundreds of diseases and parasites, causing the people who use and consume this water to get sick and possibly die as a result. One of the most common diseases is Malaria. Malaria is a disease caused by the protozoan parasite. The protozoan parasite invades the red blood cells and is transmitted by mosquitoes, mosquitoes that live in the water, the water these people are drinking to survive. Save the Rain changes lives! By building rain catchment systems in small villages all across Tanzania, they give the gift of clean drinking water to families and villages in need. All proceeds collected by fundraising go straight to Save the Rain and 100% of the money is put towards building the rain catchment systems. All materials are local and the rain catchment systems are actually built by the community members along with the Save the Rain instructors. From then on, the people will have a lifetime supply of clean drinking water. This is monumental, saving the lives of millions and changing lives for the better. With a mere $15 anyone can help an entire family receive the gift of clean drinking water for a lifetime‌ At the beginning of the year, our club committee set a goal to fundraise $11,000 to build a rain catchment system big enough for an entire village. Not only that, but we also want to include other K-Family and additional service clubs in this project, and work together to meet our goal. By doing this, we can join forces and help spread awareness of the cause in many new ways. So far, we have held 5 committee meetings with our first one taking place over the summer on July 18, 2017. Since then we have made a lot of progress and have already fundraised $373. Every committee meeting has been highly successful; we have been able to start some projects, even though the school year is barely in session! We have been very diligent and have started planning some bigger events that will take place in the beginning of the 2018 year. I will list some of the events we have done so far and give a small description of each, as well.

After-school snack sales – One thing our committee decided on doing was to have after-school snack sales every day. This provides us a daily income. What we sell depends on the weather or what students request. So far, we have sold a variety of things consisting of corn cups, See’s candy, ice cream sandwiches, popsicles, and brownies. Every week we choose a new item to keep the students interested. As the colder months approach and fall settles in, our committee has decided that we will sell hot chocolate and pumpkin spice cupcakes and anything that goes well with the Fall theme. Let’s face it, what’s better than pumpkin spice?

Here, you can see our members working hard on after school sales and to the right you see our amazing Principal, Mr. Meredith, standing by and supporting our Key Clubbers.

Friday Night Live Booth – During the summer, the Cloverdale community sponsored an event called Friday Night Live. Friday Night Live was every Friday and it was a place where you could hang out with friends, dance, and have a good time. It’s kind of like a small flea market with live music, food, and friends. Our Cloverdale Kiwanis were so generous to let us share their spot to put up a Save the Rain table. From there, we set up our booth and gave out fylers, talked about the cause and spread awareness. Our booth had some water dispensers, one with clean, clear water, and the other with dirt-filled water. We used this as a “shock” effect and when people would ask, we would tell them that the dirty water was what families in Africa were drinking. We had a wonderful banner that was sent to us by Save the Rain, along with some glass water bottles. Overall, our booth was a success and we received donations and money from purchased water bottles. Pictured below are our Key Clubbers running the Save the Rain Booth at Friday Night Live.

Save the Rain Assembly – Our committee has planned an assembly for our school, and also for Washington Middle School. Since we want Save the Rain to be a community-wide project, we felt it was important to inform as many people as possible about the cause. For the assembly we have contacted Kelly Coleman to be the speaker. We had her come a few years back and she is absolutely amazing. She grabs the attention of the entire school and makes it interesting, ensuring that she has everyone involved. Our assembly will be on September 29th during 5thh period. After the assembly we will be holding a meeting during lunch with our Key Club; and have Kelly brainstorm with our members ways that we can further support the cause. We also wanted to do something special for Kelly and we will be providing lunch during our meeting, Asian cuisine. On September 28, 2017, we have arranged for both our Kiwanis Club and the local Rotary Club to have Kelly as their meeting speaker. We’ve also set up an assembly for the middle school!

We have many events planned following the assembly. We have set a goal of giving our school a time limit of 2 weeks to raise $1,000. In exchange, we have found a student willing to shave his hair for the cause. The Vice Principal, who has no hair, has agreed to wear a different wig each day, as we meet $100 increase in money raised, (after we reach a minimum of $500)! We will have a thermometer that we will fill in every day to monitor the amount of money raised. Aside from that, we will be having class competitions where it will be teacher vs. teacher, and our teachers here at Cloverdale High School don’t like losing, so this will be interesting. We will also have a table set up during lunch where students can spin a wheel after answering Save the Rain informational questions, and win prizes. The idea is to spread awareness of what we are doing, and why it’s important to share our wealth with those less fortunate. That’s not all, we have plans out-of-school that will involve having joint projects with out Kiwanis and much more! This is definetly something to be excited for! We’re planning a movie night at our local theater, a murder mystery dinner, and a LOT more!

Save the Rain Commmittee – Our committee has done an amazing job planning the events and running the project. There is no doubt that we will be successful in meeting our goal and saving hundreds of lives. From the very first committee meeting till now, our committee has gained new members. The pictures below are from some of our committee meetings. It is amazing to see our members being so passoinate about the cause and how much interest they have in doing good for others. We are definitely proud of how much we have accomplished.

August Recognition MEMBER OF THE MONTH Member of the Month for the month of August goes to Alexis Sanchez for volunteering to help at many events and for dedicating her time to help fundraise for Save the Rain. She was the lone member who showed up to a Rotary event for disabled children!

OFFICER OF THE MONTH Officer of the Month goes to Gabriela Gaona for doing an amazing job taking minutes at all meetings, including Save the Rain committee ones; and for doing most of the work on the club newsletter as well as creating the food for, and selling on, the first seven days of the after-school snacks project for Save the Rain. Gaby is setting a great example for the new members.

Shine Day

We held our first meeting with the Special Day Class on Friday, September 22nd at lunchtime in Room 21. We worked on a Disney mobile craft project together, and had a treat of nachos.

Members enjoyed a Kahoot game of Key Club knowledge, hearing the Kiwanis President-Elect as a speaker, viewing a PowerPoint about events unique to Key Club, receiving a demonstration of how to navigate the club website, and much more! Plus, they got to swim, enjoy the hot tub and roast marshmallows over a campfire!

The dues will be raised to $15 after October 3rd

Three members went to Ukiah to attend the September Kiwanis Division Council Meeting. It was an eye-opener to learn about the Kiwanis division budget and to be a part of the election for next year’s Lt. Governor!

We’re passing on to you the Key Club International newsletter each week! Check your email…it’s The September calendar is tentative and there will be some there!

changes! The final calendar will come out around the first of September.

A Message from Key Club International Making Happiness a Habit Follow Key Club on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat and watch for the Happy Habit Challenge. Try the Happy Habit for the day. You can post a phrase and/or photo about your Happiness Habit experience on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat using #happygoals & #keyclub! Interested in learning more about the 7 Happiness Habits and the science behind why they work? Learn more on the Project Happiness Website. Interested in receiving Happiness Habit reminders? Sign-up for delivery of daily happiness habits in your inbox. Use the upcoming reminders to help you be happier during this coming week!

➢ Final sign-ups for the reduced registration fee for the Region Training Conference will occur at the lunchtime meeting on Tuesday, September 26th. Members can still go at the last minute; it just costs $8, instead of $5! ➢ We’ll meet at CHS at 9 a.m. to travel to Santa Rosa. Bring the $5 with you PLUS at least one can of something when you show up. ➢ A meal is being prepared. Once you’ve signed up, Anahi will register you; you will then be charged the $5, whether-or-not you go, because we will have to pay the money for you at the door. (The $5 pays for the preordered meal.) ➢ If you sold See’s Suckers and ordered a spirit pack or division t-shirt – you will receive those when you arrive on Saturday. ➢ The theme is “Luau” and you are welcome to wear anything that fits that theme. ➢ You must have turned in your Medical Release, Photo Release and Transportation forms to be able to go to this event.

O C T O B E R This calendar is a tentative one. The final calendar for October will need to be approved by the club Board, when they meet in late September. Therefore, there may be changes to what is shown here.


This project is where we create bags of supplies for birthday; and then we give the bags to the Cloverdale Food Pantry, so that the families will have what they need to be able to do a birthday celebration for their children. Project Details: ~ Wednesday, October 11th ~ After school we go to Washington & meet with the Builders Clubbers ~ We’ll create the bags together

The Princess Project By Anahi Ruiz Many girls dream about going to prom, that amazing night when you end up looking absolutely stunning, and you can’t wait to dance and party all night. Even going through the process of looking for the perfect dress with friends and getting ready for the big night is something you will remember forever. Unfortunately, there are girls who don’t have the opportunity to spend money on a dress and can’t afford one. But the Princess Project is an incredible organization that gives girls who have financial difficulties the opportunity to go to prom. Without the Princess Project, many would not have the chance to experience this magical night in a young woman’s life. Recently, the Princess Project contacted us asking us for help. For the first time, the Princess Project is trying to establish a location in Sonoma County. They have come to Windsor, Healdsburg, Geyserville, etc. What they do is collect prom dresses. They hold prom dress drives; and not only that, but they also make sure the girls get a “complete” look. They also collect jewelry, new make-up, shoes, hair pieces, and much more. They really go all out to make sure that young women have the best night of their lives and that they have the perfect prom. Once November comes, and we’ve finished with Fall Rally, we’re going to focus on doing a drive here at CHS! Keep in touch, so you can be a part of this project.


S We realize that this event starts the night of EHomecoming, and know that many of you will need to be here at CHS, instead.


But, it is our hope that maybe a few of you will choose to do the Awake-A-Thon. It really is a fun-filled night, and an opportunity to get to know Key Clubbers from other schools.



Calling All Members To Help Our Kiwanis at the Town Plaza ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Help is needed with set-up from 10 a.m. – noon Help is needed at the Save the Rain table from noon – 7 p.m. Help is needed serving food and beverages from 1-5 p.m. Members can sign up for 2-hour or longer shifts Sign-up sheet will be at the upcoming club meetings $15 in Key Club Bucks for every 2 hours Key Club Bucks can be used to attend Fall Rally

Save This Date: October 22, 2017 â?– Our help is needed as early as 6 a.m. for set-up of eating area and aid stations â?– We are also needed from 8 a.m. to noon to help with a variety of tasks as designated by Kiwanis

The Vineyard Runs is an annual Kiwanis event for which we provide member support. We need to be there for our Kiwanis!

Sue Cummins Stephan Bearden

Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor

Lillian Bearden

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