September newsletter pub

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Region 15| Monthly Newsletter | September 2015 |Issue 5



Harlin’s Page


Best of the Month


Kiwanis Family House




Archive Report


Club Reports


Redwood Empire Food Bank Day


Division Council Meeting


Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner


Macy’s Shop for A Cause Day


Special Olympics Softball Tournament Annual Achievement Report Scores

18-19 20-21

Fall Rally


Kiwanis DCM


Use the CyberKey


Region Training Conference




Pediatric Trauma Program


Plan a Kiwanis Take-Over Meeting


Region Website




September 4th

MRF deadline


Kiwanis DCM


Archive Report deadline Division Leadership Team meeting at 1 p.m.


Club Report deadline


Region Training Conference/DCM Arrive at 3:15 p.m. for registration


Nickelodean World-wide Day of Play

Save the following dates in October : 


Postmark deadline for Fall Rally registration




Fall Rally at Six Flags, Vallejo


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

Hello Tsunamis and Purple Dinos! Now that September is here, school is, too. Although you may not be able to do late-night binge watching on Netflix or naps in the middle of the day, you still have so many opportunities to serve and grow as leaders. This fall will no doubt be challenging! I know with homework, SATs, ACTs, AP/IB classes, and college applications for seniors, while finding time for family, friends, and Key Club, you will find balancing all this to be the toughest obstacle to overcome. However, I know you can do it, and I am positive that you can do it with much success. Don’t let all the stress and pressure get you down. I know you have the amazing potential to get through the challenges you face. How do I know all this about you? I know it because you are Key Clubbers! Another thing to keep in mind during this fall is membership recruitment. The task to recruit members is not only a job for officers but for every member to accept. Invite your friends to meetings, wear your Key Club shirts, or even ask those not-yet-convinced friends to tag along to our upcoming Region Training Conference! Remember our District Goal is to gain five new members per club! I wish you the best this year and I look forward to seeing you at upcoming events. I can’t wait to hear the great things you will accomplish, whether it’s Key Club related or something else. Please check your emails for service opportunities or social events, if you do not receive any emails from me, Region Advisor, Mrs. Cummins, or Division News Editor, Jessie Marshall, please contact either one of us. Use the email address you would like us to utilize in a return message we’ll send back to you. Remember to just breathe when you’re too stressed out and that you will get through it.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” –Confucius

Member of the Month: The Member of the Month goes to…MAGGIE DURAN! Maggie is from Cloverdale and starting her senior year. She is absolutely incredible and I’m thankful to have met someone like her. Not only am I glad to have her as part of our Division Leadership Team, but I’m sure the others on our team appreciate her as well. She made sure that the division we serve had a service-filled summer with many different opportunities and she continues to create a huge impact. You will be able to see her at our Region Training Conference, with a presentation about Member Recognition. She will do her best to help you learn how to be recognized within our district, and even on an International level! Thank you for all that you do, Maggie. I’m glad to have a friend like you. Keep on serving!

Officer of the Month: The officer of the month goes to… LAUREN LAU! Lauren goes to Piner and serves members as a club secretary. I’ve recently done a visitation for their club, and she is always going above and beyond what is expected. She also serves as a Photographer/Videographer for our Division Leadership Team and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. She makes great suggestions for the club she serves and for our division. Piner is very lucky to have someone like her and I know their club will continue to be outstanding. Thank you for all that you do; stay amazing!

Club of the Month: The club of the month goes to…MONTGOMERY! These Vikings continue to improve each month and blow my mind with the amount of service projects they do. They've done 504 service hours and 32 service projects in just 4 months! They have such a great bond with their Kiwanis Club and they are role models for other clubs in our region to strive to have the same thing. I've only served them for such a short amount of time, but I am so grateful to be serving an astonishing, Diamond Distinguished Club, who is on the rise for another such award. To find out more about the Montgomery club check out their website at

Advisor of the Month: The advisor of the month goes to… DIANE RAPPOLD! She is such a supportive Kiwanis Advisor and I’m glad to be working with her. Maria Carrillo is very lucky to have this wonderful woman to guide them, and to have such a caring advisor who shows her true passion to serve. She is always there to lend a helping hand whenever anyone needs it, and I know our members cannot thank her enough for her amazing assistance. Thank you for all that you do and for being a wonderful advisor!

Here’s Diane, working hard at our Kiwanis Family House event!

Going to the Kiwanis Family House was very fun. It felt nice being able to clean out the weeds to make the place look better. It was even better working as a division and with some Kiwanis. It was hard work under the hot sun, but it can’t be worse than what others go through, especially those who have to actually use the House for a family emergency! We listened to music and worked as a team. We also got to take a tour inside the facility, and were able to see how the families live when they stay there. All the supplies donated were a big help and our time spent there was appreciated. Hopefully, when we plan to do this again, we’ll get even more people to go!

Spotlight on Service for September It’s on September 26th! (From noon3pm!) A whole day to move your body and keep yourself active! Invite your elementary school to be involved!


Archive Report Due every 13th of the month Needs to include one event that your club has done in the past month and some pictures of your club doing that service. NO POSED SHOTS. The paragraph needs to be Anyone can write this article the person was there. paragraph, please use document; and also include well as the club.

at least 3 sentences. of course, as long as When sending the a Microsoft Word the writer’s name, as

Please send to Jessie at Make sure to “cc” Harlin and Sue Cummins. Harlin—; Sue—


A summary of what your club has done for the past month 4 pictures (can be posed)

Member of the Month Advisor of the Month Officer of the Month

Please send to Jessie! Make sure to “cc” Harlin and Sue Cummins.

Presidents or Vice Presidents should be writing each month’s Club Report

Due every 15th of the month

Writer: Mary Nguyen Piner’s club has recently met and held a Board meeting where we got a lot of ideas planned out for the next several months. We talked about what projects we should be mainly focusing on each month. We also talked about the materials that we need for the Children’s Miracle Network Project and what day we should all get together to work on that. We talked about member recruitment and how we can present the idea of Key Club at Piner. Recently we attempted to hold another Board meeting with the LTG, Harlin. However, our advisor could not make it and so we had to reschedule it on a different day with Harlin there. The members did still get together to talk about our bake sale that was coming up. The bake sale was to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. On the 14th of August most of the members got together to bake thirty cupcakes and twenty cookies to sell. We all planned on selling these at G&G the next day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the afternoon. The next day we had the bake sale in which we made almost two hundred dollars! Along with the money we made from the cupcakes and cookies, people also put in donations from around five to ten dollars, which leaves all of us in amazement. This fundraiser really kicked off the school year. Recently, our club also helped at Piner’s school orientation where we handed out schedules. We divided up the grade levels and took turns giving the schedules to the students. The club believed that Sinoun Phoung really stood out this month, as Member of the Month/Officer of the Month. She helped make the Board meeting and the member get-together happen. She has attended several service events in this last month. She works hard and she always has a positive attitude. We are all glad to have her as the club’s treasurer. She does more work than just being a treasurer.

Writer: Paige Wasniak Throughout the month of August our club has been closing our summer projects and starting our fall fundraisers. Our members have been actively participating in our summer table painting sessions at our high school where we are getting our school ready for the year ahead. Along with getting ready for the school year, we had a work session to get our club ready for our school orientation. At the orientation, we had a booth to catch the eyes of incoming freshman and others who are not already active in Key Club. Now that summer is coming to a close, we have begun to fundraise for PTP again and are collecting donations outside of our local supermarket, Ray’s Food Place. For our teachers we have started a staff appreciation committee and have had our first project with that. We have also helped with food distribution at our local Food Pantry, twice. For the new school year we held our first Key Club meeting of the 20152016 year and also, we’re going to start holding in September, two shorter Board meetings each month. We had a member attend our Cloverdale Kiwanis Board meeting of August, and we had a couple of members at the Kiwanis LTG installation dinner. We also went to the Redwood Empire Food Bank and DCM of August. Lastly, we had members at the division planned Macy’s Shop for a Cause Day, and helped at the Special Olympics in Napa. Those are all of the events that our club has participated in and organized for the month of August. Our Member of the Month for August was Jessica Aguirre for her work with the table painting project and her help at the Cloverdale Food Pantry. It is especially exciting to note that she is an incoming freshman who was very active in our local Builders Club! Our Officer of the Month is Jessie Marshall for her work with table painting, attendance at the Kiwanis Board meeting, everything she did to get ready for the school orientation, and her officer work. And last, but certainly not least, our Adviser of the Month is Sue Cummins for her constant friendly reminders to not let the summer breeze stop you from doing Key Club work.

Writer: Daniela Alvarez Over the past month, the members of the Montgomery Key Club have done service, although it's the end of summer break! Visiting the Kiwanis Family House was an enlightening experience for the members of our club. After working on the yard for several hours, we took a tour of the House. We then enjoyed our lunch with the company of our fellow Division 32 members. At the end of the month, we took over our sponsoring Kiwanis club's meeting and we had such a great time. We provided breakfast to all the Kiwanis members before the meeting started. Although one of our members was across the state, she did a video call to be able to speak to the Kiwanis members and take part in the activities we had planned. Even with technical difficulties, we showed the ICON video, which highlighted our experience that was made possible by the Oakmont Kiwanis Club! Throughout the summer, members have gathered to work on a year-in-review scrapbook for MHS Key Club to submit at DCON. They've completed cover pages and continue to work on it when they have free time.

We need to hear from more of our clubs with their monthly Club Reports! Please make sure that YOUR CLUB is featured in next month’s newsletter. Get your report and pictures to Jessie by September 15th!

Writer: Jessie Marshall From dancing around while bagging fruit to getting along with people from different Key Clubs, it’s great to experience the chance to have a good time with others who love service. It was a fun experience to sing with some of the others as we worked hard at bagging produce for families in need. We had to bag apples and pears that either had to be 5 lbs or 3 lbs. We were the lucky ones, because we got stuck with the radio. We turned that thing up and grooved out to the music. It was a good bonding experience. Some of our other members who were there that day worked on the assembly line, boxing up food for stay-at-home elders. Either way, we had a good time with our Division 32 Key Club group!

We talked about a lot at the meeting. We covered details on the website, the upcoming Region Training Conference, gave club reports, shared information about the Awake-A-Thon, planned our skit for the Kiwanis LTG Installation Dinner, made sure we had sign-ups for upcoming events, etc.



KIWANIS LTG INSTALLATION Members from six clubs attended. We helped with set-up, sold donation drawing tickets and assisted with the drawing. The highlight of the evening was when our group did a skit called, “It’s All About the Service”. You can view it on-line at our division website. Check the “Updates” section:


Members from Windsor greeted people as they came into the north door at the Macy’s in the Santa Rosa Plaza

Casa Grande and Cloverdale share an entry door, stopping shoppers to give them flyers

Fifteen members from five different Key Clubs showed up on Saturday, August 29th at the two Macy’s stores in Santa Rosa. Their goal….. to distribute flyers to shoppers, encouraging them to donate to the March of Dimes. Our D32 Key Clubbers were responsible for raising thousands of dollars for the March of Dimes!

Writer: Tricia Shindledecker What an exciting time to work with special members of the community at the Napa Special Olympics Softball Tournament on Saturday, August 29, 2015! In volunteering, members of Montgomery High School's Key Club initially expected that they would be working as scorekeepers in the softball games. But Key Club volunteers are willing to do whatever is needed, and when they arrived, they were asked instead to help sell Special Olympics "I'm a FAN" tshirts and fit cleats for the Special Olympics athletes that had been donated by a sporting goods store.

During the day, the club sold over 200 t-shirts to athletes, family members and fans, helping to raise over $1,000 for Special Olympics. In addition, the club handed out and fitted countless cleats to the Special Olympics softball athletes who were thrilled to receive new cleats thanks to T&B sports of Santa Rosa.

Writer: Tricia Shindledecker One very shy young man, whose limitations made it very difficult for him to communicate, wanted so much to thank the Key Club for giving him new cleats, and he asked for a group photo. Even though his coach was mostly unable to communicate with him to work out a plan to get him a copy of the photo, Lisset, one of the Montgomery Key Club students, realized that he communicated in sign language. Because Lisset also knew the sign language alphabet, she communicated with this grateful and wonderful athlete, and we made arrangements to get a copy of the group photo emailed to his coach for him. This connection between the students and this special young man showed us all how limitations can be overcome; this was a very touching moment in our entire day of service. The experience with the young man was the absolute highlight of the day and right before we left; so Jaxen, one of our members, is not in the photo because she had JUST left with her mom. The volunteer coordinator had cautioned us about "inappropriate" advances by young men; this was not one of those. This young man was extremely shy, initially. But he was SOOOOOO taken with his new shoes that he had to say thank you somehow. His coach and the coach's wife were SO shocked that he had even approached us, and they were flabbergasted that we had found a way to communicate with him. They didn't know how we had managed it. Lisset recognized something in his hand motions and realized that he was supplementing his very broken speech with sign language. She started to repeat back to him with sign language, and he immediately knew he had a kindred spirit--someone to TALK to. It was TRULY BEAUTIFUL. That GIRL!! I tell you!!

This is the form that MUST be completed for pre-sale tickets for Fall Rally. This form can be found on the CyberKey at: Scroll down from “Events”

Date: September 5th Location: In Ukiah Time: 9 a.m.—1 p.m. Cost: $5/includes food

Have you utilized the CyberKey... that’s the district website?

If you answered the above question with a “No”, then you are not using resources that could help you and your club! Can’t decide which is the BEST section…….. “Events”, “Recognition”, “Resources”, “Projects”, “Members”……..

COME SAVE THE WORLD WITH US! Location: 93 Stony Circle, Santa Rosa

Time: 3:15—8:30 p.m. Date: September 19th What to Bring: $12 (provided by your Kiwanis club, if you ask) Theme: Superheroes of Service (Wear a costume for prizes)

Did you receive your Officer Training? Don’t worry! This is your chance to get trained, if you missed OTC. There will be a session where we go over officer duties and responsibilities.

So…… how do you sign up to attend RTC? Instructions

for the on-line process have been emailed to your club president and your advisors. Check with them, first. If

they seem to know nothing about the form, then email Lauren Lau at:


Registration is an individual process...or a club president or advisor can register all attendees from a club.

On-Time Registration 

By September 15th 

Registration after that date will cost $15

Don’t forget to put this event on your next meeting agenda!

Why attend? A testimonial from last year’s event... I was amazed with the amount of detail and hard work put into every presentation and as I watched, I realized that Key Club is about community. Key Club is about helping everyone and being part of something bigger than yourself in order to make something amazing happen. I cannot urge enough that you to go to the next training conference, you will not regret it. - Sophie Haugen, Santa Rosa H.S.

Time: 10 p.m.—7 a.m. Location: 9451 Brooks Rd. South, Windsor Date: Oct 9th What to Bring: Baby Pictures, Games, Movies, Sleeping Bag. and pillow and the $25 for the Pediatric Trauma Program

Quiet activities will start at 2 a.m. so people can sleep, if they want. Every superhero needs beauty sleep!@

$25 per person! All profits go to PTP!

Pediatric Trauma: refers to a traumatic injury that happens to an infant, child or adolescent. Because of anatomical and physiological differences between children and adults the care and management of this population differs.

Pediatric Trauma remains the leading cause of death and injury among children ages 14 and under in the United States. We work to prevent pediatric trauma by providing outreach to communities, education and materials to children and families who are living in the communities we share . We improve the outcomes for children who experience pediatric trauma through our Kiwanis Doctor Program, which provides advanced medical training to medical personnel and first responders throughout our district.

This is one of the BEST times of the year to plan a Kiwanis TakeOver meeting!

 Contact your Kiwanis Advisor to set up a date with the Kiwanis President/ and to arrange school permission and transportation

 Have your officers get together to create your agenda for their meeting. Work with the Kiwanis President, if possible.

 Plan what you want to do and share with your Kiwanis. This might be a good time to share your club goals for the year

When did you last visit our Region 15 website? If you have never seen it, then you should definitely give it a look-see. If it’s been a while since you visted it, then check out the new materials under Member Resources and Upcoming Events.

Hoping to find help with club fundraisers?

Looking for ideas on how to recruit new members to build your club?

You’ll find it all at the Region 15 website at: (fundraiser ideas will be available no later than 9/5)

Lt. Governor

Harlin Advincula


Sophie Haugen

News Editor

Jessie Marshall


Fatima Aguilar


Angela Chavez


Sean Luong

Tech Editor

Tejoni Johnson


Lisset Miranda - Photographer


Lauren Lau—Photographer


Daniela Alvarez - PTP/Fall Rally Maggie Duran - Summer Activi-

Coordinator Coordinator


Selena Tapia Virelas - Awake-AThon


Laura Cherrington - RTC


Casey Petersen - DCON


Leonette Miksis


Tia Bentivegna


Jessie Marshall


Diego Garcia


Cody Sherman




Santa Rosa










Maria Carrillo












Casa Grande


Santa Rosa


Cardinal Newman


Casa Grande








Lower Lake


Tejoni Johnson


Daniela Alvarez


Maria Carrillo




McKinleyville 707-843-8950


Casey Petersen


Santa Rosa

Lilyanna Carranza


Sonoma Valley

Angela Chavez




Mary Nguyen

President President President

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