Service makingthegalaxyasaferplaceoneprojectatatime cloverdalekeyclub dcon1516

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Making the Galaxy a Safer Place One Project at a Time District Convention 2016 Event Cloverdale Key Club Presented by


California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016

We kind of know what we’re talking about… •

Presenters… (get to know us) – Maggie Duran: I like cats! – Jessie Marshall: I like anime! – Sue Cummins: I love CHOCOLATE! Our Club – 9 years - Diamond Distinguished Club – Club Advisor a Jack Luther Hall of Fame Recipient – Single Service: Have taken 1st and 2nd, internationally, for previous projects – Major Emphasis: Received 1st at the District level – Have had many Distinguished Officers over the past few years.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Let’s start off doing things a little differently... LET'S PLAN A SERVICE PROJECT • Please form groups of 5 or 6 with the people around you. • If you do not have a group chosen in the next 60 seconds, please raise your hand and we will assign you to one. • In your packet on the seat is your worksheet. • When given the go-ahead, figure out a pretend service project you will be spearheading. If you cannot think of a service project, choose one from the following list!

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Possible Service Project Ideas • Fundraising for Intl’ projects Eliminate March of Dimes Children’s Miracle Network

• CNH Service Pediatric Trauma Program Kiwanis Family House

•Local Service City/Campus Clean-Up Recycling Food Pantry Coats for Kids

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016

“” Party Pennies for Patients Relay for Life Beach Clean-Up


Now… Answer The Questions on Your Worksheet!

•You have 5 minutes to do this exercise! 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Stop What You Are Doing! •We hope that we’ll have time to share some of your ideas at the end of our presentation, but for now, we’re going to share with you a possible Step-by-Step process for planning GREAT projects.

•You just started this stepby-step process with that last activity. 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Do Your Own Thing Big or small….. projects are for everyone. Do what works for your group and its dynamics. Don’t limit yourselves! BEE creative! 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


When Planning a Project At Home - Step 1 Find a group of people who are passionate about the project • Don’t let that fire die • Get other members pumped up and excited –What are some examples of things your club does to fire up your members?

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Step 2 Form a committee!! • This is essential to the success of any long term project –Raise your hand if your club uses committees

• Set goals and remember to make them S.M.A.R.T.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


S.M.A.R.T. Goals •Don’t skip this step. •Spend time on your goal setting because it helps to clarify why you are really doing the project, which then guides you in all the other aspects of your activities. •Use the S.M.A.R.T. template to ensure your goals make sense in your setting.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Committee Dynamics •MAKE SOMEONE A SECRETARY! •This is an important role. The secretary should share the minutes with the club, the advisor and help the committee chair remind members about assignments and upcoming committee meetings.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Use a “Committee Minutes” Template • It’s not required, but it’s helpful to use a standard template for committee minutes. • It can also help to keep your committee on track. • And, it helps you to identify if a committee decision requires subsequent action on the part of the club. • This template can be found on our club website! We’re giving you a half-sheet with instructions for how to find it on our site.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Use a Planning Sheet •It really helps you to stay organized, and to NOT FORGET anything important! •There are a lot of on-line planning sheet examples. –But, if you want easy access to one, check out our club’s website. Instructions for finding it are on the half-sheet we’ve given you.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Planning Sheet Peek • It’s several pages in length and has room for members to write answers to questions, as well as assign responsibilities and set deadlines. • This can be a useful tool for the chairperson…helping to keep track of duties, reminding members of their assignments, etc.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Step 3 COMMUNICATION is KEY! • You don’t want members saying things like, “Oh… well, I didn’t know.” or “You never told me.” • Assign someone to contact members through social media, texting, flyers, posters, website, and so on. • This person needs to be comfortable around others, and be interactive. – What are some ways your club communicates with your members? – How can you improve your communication system?

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Step 4 Form Sub-Committees • If you want to make it BIG then go with subcommittees as needed. –For example: With our Dinner of Talents we formed several sub-committees: things like advertising, talent contest, ad sales, etc.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Does A Project Seem Like Too Much? • Does your club host huge events, or long-term projects? • If not, consider working with your Kiwanis, (or any K-Family member), if a project seems like too much for your small club. • Doing something that stretches your limits, and “ropes” in your Kiwanis club is a GOOD THING!

• Why? 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Step 5 TAKE ACTION PEOPLE! • Once you plan something, DO NOT STOP! – Use your planning sheet! – Stay in contact. – Always make sure there is one other person to back you up if others have questions and you are not around. – Make sure the officer team of your club knows about what you are doing, • Ask your President for permission to report at club meetings. 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Keep To Deadlines •That’s why a planning sheet with timed commitments is so important. •No task will get away from you if you stick to your deadlines. •Ultimately, who is responsible for keeping everyone on task? (Yes… The Committee Chair, with the help of the Secretary and Sub-Chair.)

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Step 6 Evaluate mid-way if your goals are being met, or if they need revision. • Do not limit yourself if you can go above and BEE-yond your goals! • Only stop when you feel successful. • However, don’t forget to stop and celebrate the little victories.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Step 7 After you host a big event, or finish a big project, come back together as a group and talk about what went well/what went wrong • This will help you plan future events/projects –Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Something to consider... Already mentioned, but it’s important Involve the K Family • Invite your Kiwanis to work alongside you • Builders Clubs, K Kids, Aktion Club, etc. • Make your project an Interclub! • Go DIVISION level! • Reach for the stars!

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Congratulations! If you follow all these guidelines, then you have planned a successful service project

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Our Road to Success Now, we’ll show you what we did and how we managed to receive recognition for our work.

You too can receive recognition- it may seem daunting, but we bee-lieve in you! (The galaxy BEE-lieves in you!)

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Our First Place Project at ICON 2015 Was On Fundraising For The Eliminate Project •In the next few slides, we’re going to take you through a few pages of our winning application to show you how a project can be written up to receive recognition.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


POP QUIZ!! • What is the Eliminate Project? • How much money does each member have to raise per year for the Eliminate Project? • What award can you win if you raise $1,000 with your Kiwanis when doing the Eliminate Project? • When is Eliminate Week?

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Major Emphasis! The format is a little different, so we’ll give you the run down

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Complete Documents Are Available for Viewing •The half-sheet we’ve given you shares the information for how to find both our “Single Service” and “Major Emphasis” documents on our website.

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


It’s Time for a Quiz •What’s one of the most important things the members of your club can do to ensure a successful service project? •Who should you involve in projects? •Why does service matter? •Name something you should be doing throughout your project process that will help with writing up the application. 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016



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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016



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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016



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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Acknowledgements •Maggie Duran, Cloverdale Key Club 2015-16 Vice President and chairperson of the committee that planned the International 2015 First Place winning Single Service project and writer of the application which won the award. •Jessie Marshall, Cloverdale Key Club 2015-16 President, 2014 First Place District for Major Emphasis Project

•Sue Cummins, Cloverdale Key Club Faculty Advisor

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California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


Other Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Go for it! 2/6/2016 CNH |

California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District District Convention 2016


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