Vice president workshop document

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May 1, 2016

Presented by:

Maggie Duran, IP Distinguished Vice President, Cloverdale High School Diane Rappold, Advisor, Maria Carrillo High School

Vice President Workshop

a K i wa ni s -f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g


May 1, 2016

Assigned Tasks

The Vice President has a variety of duties. Basically, the VP is supposed to support the President and the club in whatever manner suggested. Each club can interpret that a little differently, depending upon their particular needs, although, as we progress through this document, you will see that there are some tasks universally delegated to the VP.

Suggested possibilities for special “assignments” as chosen by the President and/or Board:       

Administrative Community Services Executive Kiwanis Relations Leadership Membership Projects The main reason a club is allowed to have up to FIVE Vice Presidents is because there are so many possibilities for special assignments with the VPs.

Some of our clubs, for whatever reasons, like to choose more than one person to be President. However, remember that Key Club International does not allow you to name more than one person in the President’s position when you register and pay dues with them. So…. If your club has more than one President, one of those people MUST be registered with International as a VP. But, the “focus” of that person can be named on the Monthly Report Form Club Elections tab, and in other appropriate places, as “Executive”.

All club officers are supposed to be reported in the “Club Elections” tab of the Monthly Report Form document. Ask your secretary if this has been done. For the VPs, there is an opportunity for a “pull down” menu for a particular VP “focus”.

Suggested duties from Key Club International website at Club vice president's duties Support the president A well-organized and properly operating Key Club should have a properly trained vice president who is prepared to administer the Key Club in the absence of the president. Plan programs and education    

Utilize the “Make Your Meetings Move” resource or other resources to plan effective ways to start the meetings. Work with the president to invite and coordinate special guests and speakers for club meetings and events. Work with the president to plan an annual goal-setting retreat for officers and board members to attend. Conduct a new-member-education program for all new members.

Oversee the committee system     

Utilize the member information form to determine what committees each member would like to serve on. Assign all members to serve on at least one committee. Arrange for committee meetings to occur monthly at club meetings. Attend the monthly meetings of the committees as an ex-officio member and advisor. Collect all of the monthly reports of the committees and turn them in to the secretary.

Support officers   

Gather material for and help edit a club newsletter. See that a regular club newsletter is produced. Make sure the club secretary mails in the club monthly reports.

Additional duties   

Attend the club’s board of director meetings. Talk to prospective members of the Key Club and help them decide whether or not to join. Assist the vice president-elect in becoming acquainted with his/her duties and receive all materials and knowledge base from the past club vice president.


May 1, 2016

Communicating With Kiwanis

A Key Club’s connection to its sponsoring Kiwanis Club is critical to whether or not many of the members stay involved. Members need to know that they are connected to something more than just their school. It is vital that the VPs spend some time considering how to best connect with the rest of your Kiwanis “family”, which may include a Builders Club, or even a K Kids Club.

What are the best ways to let the Kiwanis Club know about your projects and activities, and for your regular members to learn more about their projects and activities?

Ideas for involving Kiwanis with you:  Find out which Kiwanis members are retired and ask them to come to your meetings to be presenters. If they can present about a project in which you might join them, that’s even better!  Take the initiative to plan at least TWO (2) service events jointly. Set up committee meetings to which both Kiwanis and Key Club members are invited.  Plan a Board-to-Board fun event where you get to know them and they get to know you. Maybe this could be a pot luck meal with a “get acquainted” agenda involving games…..  Do a Kiwanis Take-Over meeting and for the program, share details with them about your projects and activities.  Provide their Board with a calendar of your monthly activities and events for their approval; and let them know which activities you want them to be involved with…..  Plan a Bake Auction with them, as a fundraiser.  Do a Secret Santa Pal project with them.  Invite them to do some of your projects with you.  Ask them to an annual dinner that you put on….maybe for year-end awards, or a service project, or to raise money for DCON………  Key Club International suggests that you hold one JOINT Board meeting. Summer-time might be a good time to do this. Maybe, you could plan a picnic with them, and then discuss bonding projects, service projects, your yearly needs…..

Ideas for involving you with Kiwanis:  Work with your Kiwanis Advisor and your Kiwanis President to set up regular times for members to attend their meetings. Barriers to doing so MUST be overcome! This is TOO IMPORTANT to just forget about doing!  If the school year and program provide too many barriers for attending meetings from September to June, MAKE SURE that all officers attend Kiwanis meetings during the summer and vacations.  Attend their Board meetings and take notes so that you can report back to your club about what they are doing. You could even formalize those notes by typing them up and sending them out to everyone.  Volunteer to participate in ALL of their activities that make sense for Key Clubbers to do. Don’t just wait for them to invite you.  Suggestion: Set up a reward system for your members who do projects with their Kiwanis. Make sure that connecting with the Kiwanis and doing things with them provides benefits to your members. At first, the extra benefits might be why they do projects with the Kiwanis. Before you know it, their relationship with the Kiwanis members will be why they want to participate!

Example of a typed report from attending a Kiwanis meeting: this is e-mailed to members, discussed at meetings and put on the club Facebook site.


With Your Kiwanis Club IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO BE REMINDED AGAIN……  It’s important to remember that maintaining a strong relationship with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club is one of the Vice Presidents’ responsibilities. How do you foster a strong relationship? o You figure out ways to get together! o You plan and arrange for Key Clubbers to attend Kiwanis meetings at least once a month…… even if you have to make them Board meetings, instead of regular weekly meetings…… whatever works……. DO it. o You invite Kiwanis members, other than your Kiwanis Advisor, to be speakers at your Key Club meetings. o You plan a joint project together at least once a semester…… 2 times a year! o You take notes at their Board meetings and report back to the club members about what they are doing. o All Kiwanis Clubs give their sponsored Key Clubs money. If you use any portion of that money for Key Clubbers to attend events, create a scale of how much to give each Key Clubber, and base some of the funds given by calculating how much time each member spent in projects that helped the Kiwanis Club! o A great example of a Kiwanis project that you should ensure your club connects to is:


May 1, 2016

Communicating With Club


It’s important that the Vice President gets a club directory to be able to create an e-mail list of all club members. How can e-mails be used? o To send out regular reminders about upcoming events – suggested once a week o To contact members who have stopped coming o To connect with the Lt. Governor & the Division Newsletter Editor The club directory can also be helpful in putting member phone numbers into the Vice President’s phone database. Then, the Vice President may “text” messages to members. Texts can be used in the same ways that e-mail messages might be used, and are often more effective.

The Vice President is at the core of club communication. Whatever works for your club…. use it! Just remember that keeping club communication active and functioning is one of the main jobs of a good V.P.

Forms of club communication:        

 

Texting Phoning Emailing Facebook – do both a club site and personal messages Instagrams Twitter Website Newsletters – the club VPs are supposed to put regular messages into club newsletters. o If you don’t have a newsletter editor for your club, then the VPs are supposed to take on that responsibility. Posters in the hallways Signs on lockers

Just remember – club business is NOT supposed to be conducted on any form of social media. However, putting up notices, pictures and sharing details about activities is encouraged.

You don’t have to do it all yourself. You can set up a system with several people taking responsibility for making phone calls, etc.

Ultimately, the Vice President must make sure that any system being used actually works for your club!

Personal contact is WAY more effective than group contact!

Phone calls, personal notes, stopping them in the hallway at school, a text message that is specifically to them, or do a Facebook message that is specifically to them…………


May 1, 2016

Chairing Projects

There may be several service events that VPs will “chair”. One specific non-service event that is the VP responsibility is to put together a “Member Orientation” activity early in the new school year…. September or October would be best. It can be an evening activity, or a lunchtime, or weekend event. You can ask for Kiwanis help in putting it on, make it interactive, use videos, PowerPoints, involve all your officers, have ice breakers, etc.


Member Orientation Event Call to Order –

General welcome –


Relationship to Kiwanis –

Events unique to Key Club –

Using our website & Facebook site –

Service projects beyond the local level –

Structure of Key Club International –

Trivia –

Fun Activities –

Adjournment –


CLOVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL K E Y C L U B Key Club Trivia Questions for Member Orientation Event



Who is the Kiwanis Advisor?

Who is the Lt. Governor? – Fatima Aguilar

Can a regular member go to Executive Board meetings? Yes

How often is a division newsletter released and where can you find one? – Once a month; e-mailed & on the Region Facebook page & website What are the 2 times each year where we are required to wear a division t-shirt – Fall Rally & District Convention

How many service hours does a member need in order to be eligible to go to District Convention? Recommended 50



What states are in our district? – California, Nevada & Hawaii What is our district mascot? Bee

What’s the main international service project this year? – The ELIMINATE Project Name 1 of our international “preferred charities”? - March of Dimes, UNICEF, & Children’s Miracle Network; &Hershey’s Track & Field

What is the District Project this year? – Pediatric Trauma Program

Where was the International Convention held in July 2016? – Atlanta, Georgia

What international program allows for members to receive non-Key Club leadership training over a weekend – Key Leader Why do we pay dues? – to allow us to go on trips & be covered by international insurance policies What’s the name of the position of the leader of our international program? President What international leadership position works directly with our district? - Trustee

How does a member find out details about our weekly service projects?

What’s our division number? Division 32

Where is the District Convention being held this year? - Anaheim, April 9-11, 2017

How does our club communicate with the members?

What’s our division mascot? Dinosaurs

Name another event that is district planned. Fall Rally

What main fundraisers do we have going this Fall?

How many schools are in our division? Eleven/Thirteen in our Region

What’s a service project we’re planning right now?

What’s our division’s main service focus this year? Redwood Empire Food Bank

What is PTP? – It’s a district fundraising project to raise money for Pediatric Trauma Program What’s the name of the position of the leader of our district? – District Governor

You can use this, as is, or create your own trivia game for use at a Member Orientation

Another event that the VPs are responsible for handling is the “New Member Induction”. We suggest that you hold it after you’ve sent in ALL dues for the year. Sometimes, you will need to send in supplementary dues in January. You should wait until you get the pins, certificates and brochures mailed to you from international headquarters. Then, hold a special event to honor your new members. There is actually an official ceremony you can use to “induct” them into the club.

New Member Ceremony Instructions: It is recommended that the New Member Ceremony be performed after receiving the club pins, membership cards, certificates and member booklets received from Internationals, once the club has paid dues. Options:     

Invite members of your sponsoring Kiwanis Club, the school principal, parents and family, and all the members of the Key Club. Have new members stand on a stage/room front or stand in audience. Have one officer read the ceremony, while another shakes hands and distributes member pins, etc. Read a poem or story before or after the ceremony, or include a traditional activity your club participates in to welcome new members. Provide a small gift for all new members.

Ceremony: “Welcome Key Club members, Kiwanians, distinguished gues, and families. Today we celebrate and induct our newest members of Key Club. WE are pleased to welcome them to our club and are looking forward to a wonderful year of service and fellowship with them. I would like to invite our New Members to come forward at this time. <Pause until all members come forward> <Introduce new members and hand out pins/certificates/membership cards/booklets/gifts> Because of our shared interest in serving your homes, school and community, it is a great privilege to install you into our club. Joining Key Club provides the opportunity to serve. Active participation in projects will further develop your leadership skills and provide personal development, while providing great fellowship opportunities. Our goal is to be a vital force in the organization, to make membership more meaningful to our members, and to provide more valuable service. As each of you give your best, remember the vision of Key Club International: we are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. At this time I would like each of you to make your membership pledge by repeating after me: I pledge, on my honor - <new members repeat in unison> to uphold the Objects of Key Club International - <new members repeat in unison> to build my home, school and community - <new members repeat in unison> to serve my nation and God - <new members repeat in unison> and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions - <new members repeat in unison> Then it is with great pride that I induct you as members of the (insert club name or school) Key Club. Key Club expects great things from your continued membership in the Kiwanis family, just as we know that membership will bring many rewarding experiences into your life. Congratulations. Please join me in welcoming our newest Key Club members.”


Conducting Events

May 1, 2016

Conducting Events The Key Club International website offers some strategies for planning projects. The next four pages provide both a means for taking project surveys, (to help determine the needs of your school and community), and directives for planning projects.



May 1, 2016


Why would you club want to hold committee meetings?  Ever heard of “burn out”? o That’s what can happen if you put too much pressure on your officers to plan everything!  Ever had regular members quit on you about halfway through the year? o That’s probably because you haven’t given them a chance to feel involved by helping with the planning of a project!  Ever take so much regular meeting time to plan an activity that you never actually get anything done….. and maybe even don’t do a service project for a whole month?!@ Sometimes, you just have to set aside a special time to plan a special event. o A chairperson should be chosen... and to make the time well spent for the members, the chairperson should plan out an agenda before conducting the meeting. o A member should be chosen to take notes on a committee meeting template. The notes should be signed by the chairperson and given to the club Secretary for filing. o The committee chairperson should give a report at the regular club meeting, and if the committee made any recommendations for a club “action”, (or vote), to be taken, then the chairperson’s report/recommendation can serve as the “maker of the motion” and its second.

What are “Standing Committees”? A standing committee is one that may last over several months, or maybe even the ENTIRE year.  You and the Board should probably take some time this summer or in the early Fall to determine which “standing committees” you want for your club.  They might be something like: o A “Fundraiser Committee” o A Kiwanis relations committee o A club communication committee  Divide up your membership and place them onto committees, either by their choice or your assignment.  This ensures that each member can feel involved at a level beyond just attending meetings.

Example of a committee report template


Name of committee: Date of meeting: ______________

Time: __________

Place: ______________________

Committee members present:

Business Conducted:

Recommended action to bring before the members at a general meeting:

Signed _______________________________ (Secretary)


May 1, 2016

Completion of Other Officer Tasks


Helping the President

Parliamentary Procedure Over-view

When action is required:  Someone other than the presiding officer must make a motion by saying, “I move that…..”. The motion should include specifics. The secretary must record the motion exactly as stated and include the name of the person who made the motion.  The presiding officer must ask for a “second”. The secretary does not have to record who seconded the motion, but MUST record that is was seconded.  If discussion occurred before the motion was made, as often happens, the presiding officer is still required to ask, “Is there any further discussion?”  There may or may not be discussion at this point. When discussion is finished, the presiding officer must say, “Then we will proceed to vote.”  Most times you can use a “voice” vote. But, if the issue is important or discussion seems to indicate mixed feelings in the group, then take a hand count. If a hand count is taken, the secretary MUST record the number of votes in favor and/or against.  When taking a vote say, “All those in favor please signify by saying ‘yes’. Those opposed say, ‘no’”. The presiding officer should ALWAYS clearly repeat the motion before taking the vote, to make sure that everyone understands the issue on which they are voting.  The presiding officer MUST say, “Motion is passed.” Or “Motion denied.”, if it doesn’t pass. The secretary MUST record one or the other in the minutes.  Things get complicated when making an amendment. The best thing to do is….. before making your original motion, make sure that the motion includes the details you consider important, ones that you have more or less already agreed upon.

Helping the Secretary


Taking minutes of motions:  You must get the name of the person making the motion. Write, “ _________ moved that……..”.  You must get the words of the motion exactly as said. Please do not worry about slowing things down by having to ask them to repeat themselves; you need to get it right.  You must put, “Seconded”.  You must put, “Passed”.

Include in the minutes the following:         

Presiding officer Time the meeting started Approval of previous minutes Balance in the treasury Motions made Topics discussed and major points made Names of volunteers and any appointees Time the meeting ended Appropriate signatures

a K i wa ni s -f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g


Example of how you can use a template that you can find online at the Cyberkey at Go to the “Officers” tab across the top and scroll down to “Secretary”.

Cloverdale Key Club General Meeting California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International May 27, 2014

1. Call to Order:

12:59 p.m.


a. Meeting led by

Alayna Lorence

b. Pledge of Allegiance

Maggie Duran

c. Key Club Pledge

Pedro Sanchez

d. Introduction of Guests

Interact Club – Bailey Stewart

e. Quorum Present


1:17 p.m.

2. Attendance- see attached sign in sheet 3. Committee Reports a. One Dollar for Life – Interact presentation- IOU $400 4. Unfinished Businesses a. Selling See’s in front of Ray’s – for ICON – sign ups taken 5. New Business a. Board meeting – Tonight at 5:45 @ Starbucks b. Builders Club Awards Night – Wednesday @ 6:30 at Washington School c. Shine Day – Friday at lunch d. Friday Night Live- Selling “I Saved a Life” wristbands for $2 and possibility of horoscope + sell See’s candy e. ICON payment due – $500 per person must be raised by Friday f.

Governor’s Dinner- Sunday: attendees- Jacob, Maggie?, Alayna?

g. Relay for Life – June 21st-22nd: Anyone who still wants to go, sign up and don’t forget about the Kiwanis Bake Auction on June 12th h. Tentative summer calendar – Meetings and division events i.

Celebrate a great year – Special treat – See’s suckers

6. Adjournment

Helping the Treasurer


October 5, 2014

From: Anna Aguilar, Key Club Vice President RE: Don’t forget about the Key Club dues Hey, don’t forget that official membership in Key Club involves paying dues. At this time of year, those dues must be paid. We’re fast approaching the club deadline. It’s October 15th. Remember, dues are only $10 at this time. Once, it’s after October 15th, they are raised to $15! Why pay them? Because dues allow you services of attending travel events, like Fall Rally, and you are covered by Kiwanis insurance! You can bring the money to any of the upcoming Key Club meetings, as long as it’s before the 15th! a K i wa ni s -f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g


D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .

The Vice President is supposed to assist the Treasurer with dues collection. Sending out a notice to students who have been participating, but haven’t yet paid their dues is one way the Vice President can help.

Helping the News Editor


If your club does not have a Newsletter Editor…… or if your Newsletter Editor fails to do an adequate job, then the Vice President is supposed to step in and take over doing the club newsletters!

Newsletters need to be done at least 6 times a year. They must be a minimum of 2 pages and they must follow Key Club International graphic standards.

To find out more about graphics standards visit There is a whole document on “branding” that you can download to help you understand requirements for producing a professional quality document that visually brings Key Club to the mind of the viewer.

Newsletters have content standards that must also be met. Each issue of your club bulletin MUST include the following elements:    

Banner, or Nameplate, containing name and address of the school, and frequency of publication Issue number and month of publication Name of newsletter editor and contact information Publication Guidelines – include the following articles for a successful bulletin – o Club president’s remarks o Calendar of recent/upcoming events o One “fun” article (facts, Kiwanis Family, comic) o Minimum one story about a recent past project (service projects, not socials) o Minimum one story about an upcoming project (service projects, not socials) o Minimum one story dedicated to membership education, the current District Project or Major Emphasis Project o Key Club symbol, division number, school mascot

a K i wa ni s -f a m i l y m em b er k e ycl ub . o r g

More help to the News Editor


Newsletter Articles

May 1, 2016

If your club has an active news editor, you still have work to do to help this person. Each Vice President is asked to create a minimum of TEN (10) news articles over the course of the Key Club year. Not all of these have to be for your club newsletters. Some can be sent to the Division Newsletter Editor for use in the Division Newsletter. Please remember that all articles going to the DNE must be e-mailed by the 12th of any month, if you want the article to be used for the next newsletter. Also, it’s REALLY, REALLY nice if you could send at least one picture to go with the article.

KEY CLUB Division 32 Region 15 Article Submitted By:

California-Nevada-Hawaii District

Key Club:

Example of a format you can use to submit the article

Possible topics you might write about for your club:              

Membership recruitment Service projects coming up Service projects already done What’s happening with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club? Membership recruitment Service projects coming up Service projects already done What’s happening with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club? An international, district or divisional service opportunity A report on a DCM, telling what happened An update on what’s happening with a committee A feature on an active member A report on decisions made at the Key Club Board meeting Etc.

      

Service projects already done An international, district or divisional service opportunity A report on a DCM, telling what happened A report on a division activity A report on a district activity A report on an international activity Etc.

         

Service projects already done A report on a division activity A report on a district activity A report on an international activity An international, district or divisional service opportunity A report on a DCM, telling what happened An update on what’s happening with a committee A feature on an active member A report on decisions made at the Key Club Board meeting Etc.

Possible topics you might write about for the division newsletter:

Possible topics you might write about for the district newsletter:


News article and submission guidelines:

 Club newsletters – o You’ll work with the New Editor, or your other officers to create your own deadlines; but remember to do AT LEAST six (6) newsletters this year

 Division newsletters – o Articles, with pictures, (if at all possible), are due to the division newsletter editor by midnight of the 12th of any month. E-mail them. (DNE is still to be chosen.)

 District newsletters – o Articles and pictures must either be sent to the DNE by the 12th of any month; or they can be sent directly to the district by the 20th of any month. Use the on-line process found at, under the “News” tab. Scroll down to “News Feed”, and click on “Submit a Story” on the far right



May 1, 2016

Instructions for Handling Club Elections:  Beginning in mid-December and early January, advertise the upcoming elections  Contact members you think would make good officers and encourage them to run  Give each officer an information page about the various positions  Give each officer a Candidates Agreement To Serve Form (produced by the CNH District). Ask them to review it and sign it, plus get their parents’/guardians’ signatures on it  Make sure that all elections occur before the time for members to register for District Convention  Conduct the elections and immediately report the results to the LTG – Elect. There will probably be an on-line process to do this  Encourage all newly elected officers to attend District Convention  Registration for District Convention is due no later than mid-February

As a Key Club Vice President of my high school Key Club, I understand that some of the mandated requirements of the office are as follows:

               

To complete at least 50 hours of service to remain a member in good standing. To become well acquainted with my fellow club officers and to work together as a team with them to plan club social, fundraiser and community service events and promote club member participation. To get to know my club members and to address their questions and concerns. To cooperate and work closely with our division Lieutenant Governor and Sponsoring Kiwanis Club to plan division-wide social, fundraiser and community service events and to promote attendance at these events by our club members. To provide my Key Club Board’s current contact information (e-mail addresses and phone numbers) to fellow club members, club officers, the Faculty Advisor, Kiwanis Advisor, Lieutenant Governor and Regional Advisor, and to update them on changes. To have extensive knowledge of Key Club International and our CNH District. To preside over club meetings in the case that the president is absent. To assist the president or any other club officers in any way. To serve on all committees and oversee all committee chairs if my club has any. To remind the president of his / her tasks and duties. To attend Kiwanis Meetings and Key Club DCMs. In the case that the office of president is vacant at my club, I will step up and become president with the club board’s approval. To follow my club bylaws in governing my club. If there is no Editor in the club, to perform as much of the Editor’s duties as possible, with particular emphasis on providing the club with monthly newsletters. To lead in favor of the best interests of the public or of members and /or the Kiwanis Family as stated in KCI Policy I. Conduct of Unbecoming a Key Club Member. To not threaten the standing reputation of Key Club and/or Kiwanis through the use of any inappropriate substances (i.e. un-prescribed drugs, alcohol) or any other illegal or inappropriate practices as deemed in KCI Policy I. Conduct of Unbecoming a Key Club Member.

To attend the following MANDATORY meetings and conventions:

    

Key Club regular and Board meetings at my school (attend all meetings with rare exceptions) Monthly Division Council Meetings (DCMs) – attend at least 6. Help the president ensure that at least two officers from my club attend every DCM (including summer). Officer Training Conference (OTC), held in our division by the Lt. Governor. Regional Training Conference (RTC), held for our region by our region’s Lt. Governors.

The following are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED events to attend  

Key Club District Convention (DCON), April 2016. Help the president ensure that a club officer attends at least two of the Kiwanis Club Meetings each month.

Non-performance of these mandated responsibilities may result in removal from the office to which I am elected by the club officer board and advisors as specified in the club bylaws.

In addition, I understand that the conduct of Key Club business by any electronic means, such as websites, reflectors, e-mail, chat rooms, etc., must be conducted with Key Club integrity.

The rest of this document requires parent and student and advisor signatures, signifying that everyone has read the guidelines and agrees to abide by them. Why bother with a document of this nature?  It clearly outlines the duties and responsibilities of the job  It allows for the possibility of removal of a non-functioning officer from position.

Consider this…..  Insisting that an officer attends OTC or that he/she spends time with a Kiwanis member going over the appropriate position OTC slide show.  If not done…. officer is asked to step down!

Seem harsh?

Wrap Your Mind Around This‌

This is actually a Key Club International guideline. If an officer misses this training, your Kiwanis Club is REQUIRED to provide the same or equivalent training within a recommended time frame! Basically, an untrained officer is supposed to step down!


May 1, 2016



May 1, 2016

General Officer Guidelines CNH District Club Meetings:  Attend 80% of all club general meetings.

Board Meetings:  Attend 80% of all club executive Board meetings. Board meetings should be held at least once a month.

Division Council Meetings:  Attend a minimum of six (6) Division Council Meetings.

Kiwanis Meetings:  Attend a minimum of one (1) Kiwanis Division Council Meeting and/or attend a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings.

Training Conference:  Attend the Officers Training Conference and/or the Region Training Conference.

Officer Workshop:  Attend the appropriate officer workshop at District Convention, Officer Training Conference and/or Region Training Conference.

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