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BAND • Rise to Victory • Fun Facts • Band Roster

• More than a Teacher • Jumping Hurdles

Rise To Victory

2 · Congratulations CHS Marching Band 2014

And the band’s drive to be the best showed at this year’s regional competitions when they won – well, everything. “It’s just the dedication and the hours we put into it,” said senior clarinet player Mitchell Boddy, 17, of why the band thrives. But band members don’t just want to be the best, according to Howe. They also want to live up to and surpass the reputations of former CHS bands, which is a tall order. “We want to be better than all the bands before us and show them what our team can do,” said senior Jonah Lucero, 17, a trumpet player. Mission accomplished. By Alisa Boswell For Clovis High School band students, not performing at top level isn’t an option. “We’re selfish. We want more,” said senior drum major Robyn Howe, 17, laughing. “We’re very competitive.”

Boddy and Howe said this is their third year in a row to win the Zia Marching Festival in Albuquerque, making them the second band in CHS band history to do so. The first CHS band to do so was in the late 1980s. “We want to show them (everyone) we’re not just that New Mexico town,” Boddy said. “We’re Clovis, be scared. And that goes along with the tradition.”

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The band took home the following awards this year for the High Plains Marching Festival in Amarillo:

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Outstanding percussion Outstanding drum majors Outstanding color guard Preliminary winner Overall grand champion

They took home the following awards in the Westerner Marching Festival in Lubbock:

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Outstanding percussion Best in class Outstanding band Overall grand champion

4 · Congratulations CHS Marching Band 2014

In the Zia Marching Festival in Albuquerque, the CHS band won all three caption awards – visual, music and general effect. After we won in Amarillo, we had a week of rehearsal then went to Lubbock,” Boddy said. Band Director Bill Allred said there are numerous aspects that come together to make the band successful, such as support from parents, teachers and the booster club. “I think it’s dedication on everyone’s part,” Allred said. “We all work together for a unified result and what we talk to the kids about is that a unified result doesn’t always mean a trophy Give me a great performance, give me your best effort.” The next adventure for band members will be attending all-state and alldistrict band performances over the next month. “I’m glad we won everything, but at the same time, I’m kind of sad it’s done,” Lucero said of this year’s competitions.

Some fun facts about band students and their passion: Sierra Corvin, 16, junior, Trumpet player What makes you passionate about band? “Us winning helps drive us and the friendly competitions we have and the friends we make from other bands. Band opened all kinds of doors I didn’t think it would.” Jadyn Bonilla-Padilla, 15, sophomore, French horn player What do you see in your music future? “I want to go to college and major in music and I want to be a band director or be in a major symphony or philharmonic.” Mitchell Weber, 15, sophomore, trumpet player Why did you choose the trumpet to learn how to play? “A friend of mine, who is no longer in band, told me I should play trumpet because he played it. Then he switched to tuba, then he quit. I stuck with it because when I joined, we had some stiff competition and I wanted to beat them.” Frankie Lazzara, 14, freshman, trombone player What made you interested in being a part of band? “I played in a band in the sixth grade and we were on TV, and it made me realize it could make a good career.”

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Drum majors:

Elizabeth Clark, Senior Robyn Howe, Senior Gabby Lopez, Senior Siyerra Sanchez, Junior

Colorguard: Freshman:

Alicia Candeleria Nikki Cornejo Brianna Fernandez Clarissa Gellegos Jolene Gomez Jaydah Lopez Amari McKinley Ariel Moisant Jasmine Nelson Daniella Prieto Aracely Quiroz Cheyenne Webb


Tory Cano Samantha Gonzales Tory Jones Hannah Lester Lena Montoya Alexis Moore Roman Moralez Savannah Muir


Lizette Acuna Jayden Brown Brianna Garcia Dakota Gomez

Mariah Gray Madison Phillips Alexis Sanchez Seniors: Gabby Loniewski Nellie Toliver


Freshman: Alexis Barton Morgan Berkopec Allanna Chavez Sindy Granillo Rachel Jimenez Corde Mailman Quentin Overholt Meleeniee Sanchez Sophomores: Morgan Jeffcoat Rebekah Lucero Aly Mascarenas Angel Olivas Robin Palmer Joy Richard Monica Romero Mandy Wilhoit Juniors: Emily Gonzales Morgan Johnson Holli Robinson Brigid Sharer Megan Walsh

Band Roster

Seniors: Julie Maynard Marissa VanDyke

Sophomores: John Bynum Tiffany Mott


Juniors: Quinn Neighoff Caleb Sapp

Freshmen: Marcos Alvarez Alexis Arguello Megan Edwards Amado Gutierrez Rebekah Majkrzak Jacob Martinez Kylah Masterson Luke Robinson Sophomores: Nickolas Donaldson Alex Jimenez Danielle Mezua Aubrey Pipkin Desiree Romans Shepard Saeid Devon Weeston Juniors: Desiree Barraza Viridiana Fernandez Serena Garcia Robyn Johnson Erika Kimmerle Megan McDaniel Seniors: Jackie Adkins Annabelle Andrade Mitchell Boddy Monica Gonzalez Adrienne Meza D'Anna Pleasant Amanda Sellers

Bass clarinet: Freshmen: Fabian Mendoza Adilene Rodriguez Connor Sparks Meagan Smith

Seniors: Eva Marin

Alto sax:

Freshmen: Drake Kyle Jamie Duran Garrett Jordan Sophomores: Ryan Boddy Mathew Chavez Nick Rubio Braden Sowell Juniors: Jonathon Garcia Adrian Jaramillo Nick Kimmerle Jacqueline Miranda Austin Roland-Phillips Seniors: Cynthia Rivas

Tenor saxophone: Freshmen: Milagros Trujillo Sophomores: Seth Harpold Eric Spalding Juniors: Gabriel Rocha

Bari saxophone: Freshmen: Alex Garcia Nickolas Pryde

Sophomores: Joshua McLaurin Seniors: Logan Aragon


Freshmen: Courtney Ellison James Ford Israel Mezua Sophomores: Asusenna Chavez Madison Dial Dylan Hawkins Isaiah Maes Jadyn Padilla Calloway Smith Juniors: Alyssa Gooding Isayah Smith Niki Thomas Seniors: Austin Bender Trystan Harpold


Freshmen: Nathaniel Cordova Aubrie Gershon Darrell James Joseph Mysza Jacob Woolsey Nicolas Zubiate Sophomores: Sall Ahmadian Jordan Hammond Mitch Weber Juniors: Sierra Corvin Malika England Alejandro Jasso

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Nathaniel Martinez Nickolas Millero Jayden Moncada Wyatt Perez Dillon Sakach Seniors: Corbin Dawkins Lisa Harden Jonah Lucero Adan Martinez Justin Vistine


Freshmen: Nicholas Cooper Frankie Lazzara Camron Osborn Joshua Roberts Diego Romero Ricky Sain Noah Spell Sophomores: Joel Espino Andrew Gonzales Sidney McDaniel Norma Ruiz Aaron (AJ) Sellers Juniors: Robert Dixon Olivia Land Vivian Miller Tyler Mintz Randy Moore Seniors: Noah Ford Baritone: Freshmen: Nathaniel Rubio Sophomores: Krystian Lopez Austin Hawkins Erika Perales Johnathon Ravan Justin St. Cyr Juniors: Treyauna Pegram Seniors: Rina Chavez Xavier Zamora


Freshmen: Colt Beevers Timothy Hernandez Tyler Palmer Sophomores: Jose Alvarado Brenden Holmes Tyrique Thompson Juniors: Eric Benton Jorge Ortiz Seniors: Dalton Kroeger Emilio Ramirez


Freshmen: Raquel Anaya Levi Blea Connor Burch Rachel Howe James Sanchez Christian Southwick Emma Sutherland Sophomores: Ethan Baldock Ashley Bock Jovan Garcia Taylor Granada Mariah Griego Marin Smith Juniors: Brittany Carlton Elia Garcia Dalton Hahn Hunter Irwin Quincy Nora Edith Ramirez Stevanna Shirley Ariana Woods Charity Wright Milo Drake Christian Romero Seniors: Santiago Bonney James Dupree Abby Pearce Jacob Samdahl

Sebastian Eisenbraun Derek Nunez


Freshmen: Heather Graves Andrew Martinez Elizabeth Wright Declan White Markus Hidinger Breona Davis Dabriana Butler Jonathon Jouett Zachary Davenport

10 · Congratulations CHS Marching Band 2014

More Than A Teacher

By Alisa Boswell For students of the Clovis High School band, Band Director Bill Allred isn’t just a teacher; he’s like a second dad.

“He treats us like his own,” said Senior Drum Major Robyn Howe. “He motivates us like no other. He tells us he’ll never let us lose.” “He really is like another parent,” added Mitchell Boddy, a clarinet player in the band.

them to do.”

So what does the Clovis High band director expect his students to do? Nothing less than their very best. Allred said to motivate them into doing their best, he offers his students challenges, such as placing difficult music in front of them and expecting them to master it.

But according to Allred, now in his 19th year of teaching music and his 14th year as director, it has taken time to build him into the strong band “parent” he is today, and he continues to learn how to progress every day.

“Kids want to achieve; they want to be good at something,” Allred said. “They just need someone to give them the reason to work towards that achievement.”

“I think what a lot of people don’t realize is that band directors and teachers are constantly evolving and changing with their instruction too,” Allred said. “I look back 15 years ago with great embarrassment.”

Allred said what he wants to get across to students is “yes, it’s going to be hard work, but it’s going to be worth it and here’s why.”

He laughed. “I’m not anywhere near the same person I was.” Allred said when he first started teaching 19 years ago, a band director told him something that really resonated with him: “Kids will do what you expect

Allred said he and his assistant directors put emphasis not on practice as a group, but on individual student achievement. “I want them to think, ‘man, we did something special,” Allred said. “I like to see their eyes light up when they come off that field or stage.”

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Jumping hurdles 12 · Congratulations CHS Marching Band 2014

By Alisa Boswell When it comes to Clovis High School bass clarinet player Hunter Irwin, the word determination doesn’t even begin to cover it, according to his band directors and peers. According to Assistant Band Director Brandon Boerio, Irwin embodies the very message band CHS directors try to teach their students: That if you work hard and have a good attitude, you can accomplish anything.

“He has worked hard to be a good student and a good musician and it has made him successful as an individual and it makes our band successful,” Boerio said. “That’s what I enjoy about Hunter is he is that embodiment of positive student attitude and good work ethic.” But figuring out where he belonged wasn’t an easy journey for junior Hunter Irwin, 17, who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as an infant. CP is caused by damage to the body’s motor control centers and HCM is a condition that causes a person’s heart muscle to become abnormally thick, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. Hunter said he struggles to walk long distances and almost can’t run at all.

“I didn’t feel like I belonged,” Hunter said of physical extracurricular activities at school. “When we did PE (physical education), I couldn’t do anything. When we’d run a lap, I would do it, but I couldn’t finish the whole lap.” Hunter’s mother, Heather Irwin, said when Hunter was born at 25 weeks, weighing one pound, 13 ounces, she and her husband, Chris, were told by doctors that he may never walk or talk and might be blind or deaf. “We did not believe this,” Heather Irwin said. “He started walking at two and a half and hasn’t slowed down since.” Hunter finally found his home with music when he decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps by joining band

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and establishing himself as one of the hardest working students with the sunniest disposition. “Hunter is one of the neatest kids I’ve ever had (in band),” said Band Director Bill Allred. “He always has a sunny disposition and he never complains. And because of that, he’s popular with all of the kids.” Heather Irwin said her son plays clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, flute and bassoon and always wants to try more new instruments. Hunter has made the all-state and all-district bands, the American Southwest Honor Band and the CHS Symphony Band and has served with the New Mexico Southwest Music Educators Association. He also received an award at last year’s CHS band banquet for being such a hard worker. And as if that isn’t enough, Hunter didn’t let a little physical obstacle get in the way of him being part of the marching band. Last year, Hunter volunteered to operate the sound board for marching band events, by far the toughest job of any in marching band, according to Allred, who said the sound board is connected to four powerful speakers, four subwoofers and several microphones. “As you’re going through the show, he’s turning certain sections up and certain sections down,” Allred said of the job. “You have to have a very intelligent and very responsive kid to accomplish that part (of marching

band).” Hunter said he took a lot of pride in his position as sound board operator during marching band season. He also performed an Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI) solo at each of this year’s marching band events. “Just because you have these (physical) things, doesn’t mean you can’t participate in things like marching band,” Hunter said. “You just have to push through it and overcome.” And overcome he has with a full schedule at school, being junior class president and being part of student council and honor society while also taking two college courses per week at the community college and working part time. And through it all, Hunter maintains honor roll status, according to his proud mother. “You never hear Hunter complain either,” Heather Irwin said. “It takes double the energy for him to do things, but when he makes his mind up to do something, it’s as good as done.” Hunter said there is no doubt about it; he will continue to be in band through college. “It’s (band) opened up a whole new world for me,” he said. “I’m so glad I got involved with it.”

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