2015 Pioneer Sponsor
• Ag Expo Schedule Page 6 • Vendor List Pages 15-17
February 20-21 Roosevelt County Fairgrounds
512 Pile Street Clovis, NM 88101 575-763-3431
101 East 1st Street Portales, NM 88130 575-356-4481
902 South 1st St. Tucumcari, NM 88401 575-461-1952
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4 · Spring 2015 · Ag Expo
New Mexico Ag Expo Feb. 20-21, 2015 in Portales, NM
The 23rd New Mexico Ag Expo opens its two-day show Feb. 20-21 at the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds in Portales, NM. This is the first year the event has been held on a Friday and Saturday. The Expo is sponsored by long-time title underwriter Plateau. Other sponsors include J.D. Heiskell, Roosevelt County Electric Coop., Xcel Energy, New Mexico Gas Company, Yucca Telecom, U.S. Bank and Western Bank. The event is organized and run by the Roosevelt County Chamber of Commerce and New Mexico State University Extension Service.
programs presented at the show, home and garden segments have steadily become more popular. “We hope that holding those on Saturday will give even more folks an opportunity to attend,” he said. New to Ag Expo this year is the Official Taste Challenge Chili Cookoff. It will be held in the Youth Building at the fairgrounds. The teams will begin cooking Saturday morning and at noon the public will be invited to purchase tickets that will allow them the opportunity to taste the chili recipes and to cast a ballot. Winners will be determined by popular ballot.
“We’ve taken a bold step this year in going to a Friday-Saturday format,” said Chamber Executive Director Karl Terry. “We’ve had lots of requests for the change over the years and we need to remain responsive to the needs of our vendors and our audience. We’re anticipating increased attendance with the change in days and other additions.” According to Ag Expo Chairman Patrick Kircher, who develops the
Seminars that Kircher has lined up include Cover Crop Choices – the Limitations Imposed by Residual and In-season Herbicides and Soil Testing and Chemical Fertilizer Management for Small Grains, led by Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomist with Texas Agri-Life; a cattle segment entitles Replacement Females – “Options?” and “Water Harvesting & Making Your Own Rain Barrel on Friday. Saturday
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Dr. Jason Turner, NMSU Extension Horse Specialist will present “An Update on Equine Supplements and Nutraceuticals,” Curt Jaynes of Garden Source in Portales will discuss “Xeriscaping and Other Low Maintenance Ideas for Improving Your Yard.” Kyle Dillard of Milnesand will give a day-long clinic on working with stock dogs beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday. Trevor Carter of Carter Ranch Horses in Farwell, Texas will offer a clinic entitled “Advance Your Horsemanship” beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday and continuing for much of the day. Both Carter and Dillard have been popular presenters at previous Ag Expos. Roosevelt County Extension Home Economist Connie Moyers always has some of the most popular educational segments at Ag Expo. This year she will present “Simply Prepared Meals & Menus” at 10 a.m. Friday and “Crazy About Succulents & Farm House Treasures” at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The focus of the event has always been on providing producers with information on products and techniques that allow them to solve problems and grow their operations. Terry says that goal remains unchanged. The Expo’s reach includes thousands of dairymen, farmers and ranchers. The show normally attracts more than 150 vendors and 200-300 representatives. Booths run the gamut from dairy equipment and tractors and implements to irrigation systems and seed. While most vendors are from the plains states of New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, the Ag Expo attracts businesses from as far away as Canada and California. Other activities include a Mounted Shooting Demonstration at 1 p.m. Saturday in the outdoor arena. Also returning is the Rotary Club pork chop luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. The antique tractor parade and a live chuckwagon village will also be a part of the fun. The hours of the show are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. Expo attendees, 18 and over, will have the opportunity to win a brand new 14-foot stock trailer. Entry forms must be validated at various vendors to be eligible for the drawing. There is no admission to the grounds or any of the events (except the luncheon and chili cook-off) during the Expo. For applications or more information about vendor booths or attendance call (800) 635-8036, email the Expo at chamber@portales.com or visit the website at www. nmagexpo.com.
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New Mexico Ag Expo Schedule
Friday, February 20
Saturday, February 21
Expo & Exhibits Open
Expo & exhibits open
Cover Crop Choices--the Limitations Imposed by Residual and In-season Herbicides Dr. Calvin Trostle Extension Agronomist Texas Agri-Life
Advance Your Horsemanship Trevor Carter Carter Ranch Horse Farwell, TX Idsinga Pavilion
Art Room, Idsinga Pavilion (1 CEU) 10:00 Simply Prepared Meals & Menus Connie Moyers, Roosevelt Co. Ext. Home Economist McAlister Room, JLCC
Working with Stock Dogs Kyle Dillard Milnesand, NM Idsinga Pavilion
10:30 Soil Testing & Chemical Fertilizer Management for Small Grains Dr. Calvin Trostle Extension Agronomist Texas Agri-Life Art Room, Idsinga Pavilion (1 CEU) 11:00 Antique Tractor Parade Midway 11:00 to 2:00 Chuck Wagon Lunch Portales Rotary Club 1:00 1:30
Antique Tractor Games 12:00 Antique Tractor Parade Midway 12:30 “The Scoop: An Update on Equine Supplements and Nutraceuticals” Dr. Jason Turner NMSU Extension Horse Specialist Art Room, Idsinga Pavilion 1:00
Mounted Shooting Demonstration Kathy Hollmann-Ellsworth World Champion Mounted Shooter Outdoor Arena
Replacements Females – “Options?” Dr. Marcy Ward NMSU Cooperative Extension Livestock Specialist Art Room, Idsinga Pavilion
1:30 Advance Your Horsemanship Trevor Carter Carter Ranch Horse Farwell, TX Idsinga Pavilion
Antique Tractor Games
Working with Stock Dogs Kyle Dillard Milnesand, NM Idsinga Pavilion
Antique Tractor Parade
Water Harvesting & Making Your Own Rain Barrel Patrick Kircher Roosevelt County Ag Agent Connie Moyers Roosevelt Co. Ext. Home Economist McAlister Room, JLCC 5:00 Expo Closes 3:00
10:00 Crazy about Succulents & Farm House Treasures Connie Moyers Roosevelt Co. Ext. Home Economist McAlister Room, JLCC
Xeriscaping and other Low Maintenance Ideas for Improving Your Yard Curt Jaynes Garden Source McAlister Room, JLCC
Antique Tractor Parade
3:00 Expo Closes
Finding and Using the Right Kind of Female It is a new and interesting time in the cattle industry today. Cattlemen across the state are experiencing unprecedented prices and opportunities. Range conditions have improved in many parts of the High Plains and the thought of rebuilding have crossed the minds of many producers. Dr. Marcy Ward, NMSU Extension Livestock Specialist, will discuss raising or buying replacement females in her seminar, “Finding and Using the Right Kind of Female.”
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February 20th at 1:00 p.m. in the Art Room of the Idsinga Pavilion north of the Roosevelt County Event Arena.
New Mexico State University is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. "If you are an individual with a disability and need an auxiliary aid or service please contact Patrick Kircher at 575-356-4417 by February 10." If you need more information or are “Replacement females are a huge expense in today’s market interested in attending please contact the Roosevelt County and figuring out which female is going to best fit a situation Extension Office at 356-4417. is vital for long term success,” says Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent. Dr. Ward will present her talk on Friday,
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Horse Activities Dominate the Day The 23rd Annual New Mexico Ag Expo will feature multiple horse related programs on Saturday, February 21st. Starting off the day will be up and coming horse trainer Trevor Carter of Carter Ranch Horses, Farwell, TX. “Trevor was very popular last year with the Ag Expo audience and we are very excited that we have the opportunity to get him back this year,” said Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent. The topic this year will be Advancing your Horsemanship and will feature young horses that Mr. Carter has entered in the 2016 Clovis-Cactus Futurity as well as working with inexperienced horses needing more personalized guidance. Training horses is a passion for Trevor and he enjoys sharing what he knows with folks wanting to advance their horses. Advancing your Horsemanship will start at 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 21st in the Idsinga Pavilion, north of the Roosevelt County Event Center.
performance horses with "The Scoop: An Update on Equine Supplements and Nutraceuticals." Feeding and nutrition are very important and costly components of horse programs. “This will be a great update on the supplement industry and a chance to ask those feeding management questions to a feeding expert,” states Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent.
And rounding out the horse theme for Saturday, February 21st is a new and exciting addition to the Ag Expo – Mounted Shooting. Mounted Shooting is a new and upcoming sport in the equine world and is gaining traction around the country. The 23rd Annual New Mexico Ag Expo is proud to feature Kathy Holloman- Ellsworth World Champion Mounted Shooter. She will demonstrate the sport and the opportunities available for those looking for a new hobby or pastime. Mrs. Ellsworth will be conducting her demonstration at 1 p.m. in the Outdoor Arena Also featured on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. in the Art Room of the Idsinga on the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds. Pavilion will be Dr. Jason Turner, New Mexico State University Horse Specialist. Dr. Turner will discussing feeding and nutrition of New Mexico State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity
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employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. If you are an individual with a disability and need an auxiliary aid or service please contact Patrick Kircher at 575356-4417 by February 10. “Sound animal health is fundamental for success and without addressing these findings we certainly can’t capitalize on the positive trends in the cattle market today,” says Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent. Dr. Wenzel and Dr. Ward will present their talk on Wednesday, February 19th at 10:00 a.m. in the Cacahuate Room of the Jake Lopez Bldg. on the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds. New Mexico State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. "If you are an individual with a disability and need an auxiliary aid or service please contact Patrick Kircher at 575-356-4417 by February 10." If you need more information or are interested in attending please contact the Roosevelt County Extension Office at 356-4417.
10 · Spring 2015 · Ag Expo
Ag Expo to Feature Innovative Ideas for Battling the Drought The 23rd Annual New Mexico Ag Expo will proudly feature gardening expert Curt Jaynes owner of Garden Source. Curt will talk about Xeriscaping and how to properly use it to improve the aesthetics of your home. He will also talk about adjusting and changing your landscaping at home to make it more water wise and user friendly. “This will be a great opportunity for homeowners wanting to evaluate landscaping options that will save water and money,” said Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent. “Crazy about Succulents and Farmhouse Treasures” will be presented by Connie Moyers, Roosevelt County Extension Home Economist. Today’s gardeners are crazy about succulents. Succulents come in many sizes, shapes and colors. They get their name from their ability to store water, making them a great choice for indoor and outdoor plantings. The other option for homeowners featured at the 2015 Ag Expo will be “Water Harvesting and Making your own Rain Barrel” at 3 p.m. on Friday, February 20th. This class will feature Connie Moyers, Roosevelt Extension Home Economist and Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag
Agent. This class will talk about the benefits and options available for harvesting rainwater for the home. The other component of this class will teach participants about building their own rain barrels for use at home. “Water Harvesting & Making Your Own Rain Barrel” will start at 3 p.m. on Friday, February 20th in the McAlister Room located in the Jake Lopez Community Bldg. “Crazy about Succulents and Farmhouse Treasures” will also be in the McAlister Room at 10 a.m. on Saturday. “Xeriscaping and other Low Maintenance Ideas for Improving Your Yard” will start at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 21st in the McAlister Room located in the Jake Lopez Community Bldg. New Mexico State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. "If you are an individual with a disability and need an auxiliary aid or service please contact Patrick Kircher at 575-356-4417 by February 10." For more information please contact the Roosevelt County Extension Office at 356-4417.
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Connie Moyers at the 2014 Ag Expo
12 · Spring 2015 · Ag Expo
Current State of Crop Production in High Plains The 23rd Annual New Mexico Ag Expo will proudly feature two seminars presented by Dr. Calvin Trostle, Texas Agri-Life Agronomist. Dr. Trostle will address some of the issues and opportunities facing producers in 2015. He will first look at “Cover Crop Choices--the Limitations Imposed by Residual and In-season Herbicides”. Cover crops are being used and encouraged much more often than in the past, but management of cover crops does have challenges. Secondly, Dr. Trostle will look at “Soil Testing & Chemical Fertilizer Management for Small Grains”. The winter wheat crop currently shows promise for the coming year and with some winter moisture harvest opportunities may be present. “In this day and age producers need every advantage possible and looking at new management options will provide that opportunity,” said Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent. Both of these programs are approved for 1 Continuing Education Unit with NMDA Cover Crop Choices--the Limitations Imposed by Residual and In-season Herbicides will start at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, February 20th in the Art Room located in the Idsinga Pavilion north of the Roosevelt County Event Arena.
Soil Testing & Chemical Fertilizer Management for Small Grains will start at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, February 20th in the Art Room located in the Idsinga Pavilion north of the Roosevelt County Event Arena. New Mexico State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. If you are an individual with a disability and need an auxiliary aid or service please contact Patrick Kircher at 575-356-4417 by February 10.
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Robert Graham at the 2014 Ag Expo
Working with Stock Dogs 14 · Spring 2015 · Ag Expo
The 23rd Annual New Mexico Ag Expo will proudly feature local stock dog trainer Kyle Dillard of Milnesand, NM. Kyle has been around and used dogs on the ranch for most of his life. Dogs are an integral part of daily activities on the ranch and are used for various tasks. The Ag Expo has featured starting and training stock dogs for several years. 2015 will feature actually using dogs for various ranch jobs and providing the knowledge needed to teach dogs these tasks. “A good working dog makes life easier and is a valuable asset to anyone working with livestock,” said Patrick Kircher, Roosevelt County Ag Agent.
Stock Dog Demonstrations will start at 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Friday, February 20th. New Mexico State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. "If you are an individual with a disability and need an auxiliary aid or service please contact Patrick Kircher at 575-356-4417 by February 10."
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2015 New Mexico Ag Expo Vendors Great Western Screen & Door Co.
Prairie Seeds LLC
Tidenberg’s Welding & Repair Inc
Southwest Ag Services
Xcel Energy
Wagner Equipment
C & S Inc.
Cattle Concepts & Consulting LLC
U.S. Bank
New Mexico Woolgrowers & Auxiliary
Kinetic Improvement Inc.
Roosevelt County Electric Coop
PBI Parlor Systems
Farm Credit of New Mexico
J.D. Heiskell & Co.
J&A Manufacturing Inc
New Mexico Gas Company
J.D. Heiskell & Co.
Bobcat of Albuquerque
Livingston Machinery Co
Lowery Distributing Inc
Frontier Hybrids Inc.
Sharp Brothers Seed Company
2111 BoxWood Portales NM 88130 (575) 359-5296 Robert Lee
P O Box 166 Farwell TX 79325 (806) 481-3295 Anthony Joplin
300 W. 1st St. Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-4496 April Rutter
HC 66 Box 4 Yeso NM 88136 (505) 849-1115 Lloyd Maness
43214 D US 70 Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-8785 Steve Peacock
Wood Equipment Co. 5500 Mabry Drive Clovis NM 88101 (575) 762-4453 Clay Davis
Dairy Max Inc.
2214 Paddock Way Drive Suite 600 Grand Prairie TX 75050 (806) 881-2906 Jennie Clark
4 Rivers Equipment LLC PO Box 828 Hobbs NM 88240 (575) 392-6923 Anthony Espinoza
Clovis Steel LLC 2405 S Prince St Clovis NM 88101 (575) 769-0808 Roger Cherry
2545 Road J Hugoton KS 67951 (620) 629-1164 Nicolaas Vos
500 Pile Street Clovis NM 88101 (575) 769-4236 David Essex
16211 FM 14 Tyler TX 75706 (903) 360-2190 Rex Coulter
PO Box 16103 Albuquerque NM 87191 (505) 298-8842 Pat Pickett
PO Box 94330 Albuquerque NM 82031 (505) 884-1048 Shacey Sullivan
Drawer ‘’L’’ Pixley CA 93256 (559) 757-1705 John Prins
1616 S Kentucky Suite C400 Amarillo TX 79102 (575) 356-4485 Taz McAlister
PO Box 546 Muleshoe TX 79347 (806) 272-3308 Tom Ladd
PO Box 177 Abernathy TX 79311 (806) 777-0220 Kyle Robertson
575 US Hwy 70 Clovis NM 88130 (575) 763-1979 Jim Tidenberg
4000 Osuna Rd. NE Albuquerque NM 87109 (505) 206-0581 Rick Sena
400 W. First Street Portales NM 88130 (575) 359-1256 Patsy Jimenez
P.O. Box 389 Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-4491 Jerry Partin
P.O. Box 539 Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-4485 Eldon Merrick
600 Georgia Clovis NM 88101 (575) 763-8412 Linda Yeast
2900 Vassar Drive Albuquerque NM 87107 (505) 508-5803 Drew Peterson
1699 W US Hwy 70 Plainview TX 79072 806293333 Deny Haynes
1005 S. Sycamore Healey KS 67850 (620) 398-2231 Jeff Allen
16 · Spring 2015 · Ag Expo
Sorghum Partners PO Box 189 New Deal TX 79350 (806) 777-6873 Philip Thornton
Vernon Sales
2216 Fairway Terrace Clovis NM 88101 (575) 799-3215 Donna Labatt
Albers Dairy Equipment 14470 S. Euclid Ave. Chino CA 91710 (800) 872-5441 John Albers
Clearly Building Corp PO Box 930220 Verona WI 53593 (608) 845-9700 Pat Sanders
Pond Management/White Sands Technology 506 W. 20th St. Muleshoe TX 79347 (806) 946-9394 Adrian Meador
Ag New Mexico Farm Credit Services PCA PO Box 7 Belen NM 87002 (505) 861-5447 Calley Thompson
Clovis Lawn and Power Equipment 1221 N Prince Clovis NM 88101 (575) 309-8986 Jay Friesen
P.O. Box 208 Fulton IL 61252 1-800-435-9560 Diane Diane
Agsure Inc.
7908 Menuak Blvd NE Albuquerque NM 87110 (505) 217-2413 Chase Bingham
Curtis & Curtis Seed Inc. 4500 N Prince St. Clovis NM 88101 (575) 762-4759 Mark Peabody
James Brothers Implement Co. Inc. PO Drawer 280 Plainview TX 79072 (806) 296-6331 Jerry James
Mixer Center
990 E South Loop Stephenville TX 76401 (254) 965-3663 Steve Stovall
DaSilveira Southwest Inc 712 Industrial Blvd Madisonville TX 77864 (936) 394-1900 Elieer Guzman
Mac 4 Jewelry
1141 CR AK Melrose NM 88124 (575) 760-7427 Deborah McAlister
Bethel Extension Club 1528 S. Ave A Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-8129 Judy Terry
Abrazos Adventure P.O. Box 603 Portales NM 88130 (575) 607-7344 Wendy Toombs
Jamberry Nails
3608 N Prince C302 Clovis NM 88101 (575) 791-9548 Carey Kiekel
New Mexico State University Ag Science Center at Clovis 2346 SR 288 Clovis NM 88101 (575) 985-2292 Bryan Niece
Strickland’s Floral/Crazy Monkey Candles PO Box 721 Texico NM 88135 (575) 309-5888 Donice Strickland
High Plain’s Quilt Festival 100 S Ave A Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-8541 Elizabeth Lawerence
Fellowship of Christian Farmers International PO Box 15 Lexington IL 61753 (580) 516-1234 Jerry Rice
New Mexico Christian Children’s Home 1356 NM Road 236 Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-5372 Tom Pittmon
Baptist Childrens Home Inc. P.O. Box 629 Portales NM 88130 (575) 359-1254 ext. 204 Teresa Howard
Knives N More P.O. Box 5 Tefline TX 79087 (806) 362-4524 Kathern Herber
Scissors Etc. Gary Herber
Let Her Be Little Boutique 845 S RRS Portales NM 88130 (575) 760-3414 Julie Rooney
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6200 Jefferson NE Albuquerque NM 87109 (505) 761-4408 Kelley Mullen
USDA Aphis Wildlife Services RM 127 Fed Bldg Roswell NM 88201 (918) 810-6560 Cliff Ruppert
Hilliard Chiropractic Center 112 E. 4th Street Portales NM 88130 (575) 356-6982 Jennifer Hilliard
Jim Standifer in the 2014 Ag Expo Antique Tractor Parade
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