Vol. 5 Issue 2
Oct. 25th, 2017
A New Legacy Of Leaders
Ryan Perkins Layout Editor
This month, I had the opportunity to talk with some of the Student Council members here at Clovis High School. I interviewed Marissa Cabrera, Student Body President; Steve Negrete, Senior Class President; Valerie Mejia, Junior Class President; and Jazmin Macias, Sophomore Class President. As you can see from their responses, each interviewee is a natural-born leader and will be prosperous role models not only for themselves but everyone. I hope that as you read, you will recognize the same. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT: Marissa Cabrera What’s your favorite part of being a leader? Marissa: “My favorite part of being a leader is getting to know my school and knowing how I can improve it with my voice. Being able to set a good example that others can look up to is one of my favorite parts of being a leader." Who is your role model? Marissa: “Elena Eldridge (Church Leader) is my role model. She’s just so incredible. Elena is always there for me and is my motivation. She’s my Godly mother figure leading me in the best direction I can go in.” What has been your most significant challenge?
actions now affecting the US in the long run?’”
Marissa Cabrera, Student Body President Marissa: “My greatest challenge has been trying not to worry what the school thinks about me as a leader.” What do you envision for CHS? Marissa: “I envision a more positive, fun, fulfilling, and welcoming environment for CHS.” Why did you want to become the Student Body President? Marissa: “Honestly, I wanted to become the Student Body President because Ms. Mejia put the idea in my head. She told me, “Girl, you can do this!” I was encouraged by those words. It took a lot of motivation and thought to realize I could be a good
example for my classmates.” Even though you’re a junior, let’s jump ahead real quick, what are your plans for after graduation? Marissa: “My plans for after graduation are to go to college and hopefully find my future career. I want to become a leader and encourage others to the best of my ability. I aspire to become a successful woman leader someday.”
How do you see your actions now affecting CHS in the long run? Marissa: “I plan to create a booklet of the good and the bad things I’ve done in my time as an officer and setting a great example that the younger classmen could achieve as well. I hope to come back and help others with some ideas and ways to improve the CHS experience.” CLASS PRESIDENTS: Steve Negrete, Valerie Mejia & Jazmin Macias What would you change about the school and why? Valerie: “I would change the school’s attitude because they need to be more positive about the school functions and I think we need to boost the school’s spirit.”
Jazmin: “I would change the availability of teachers, If you were to talk to the so people always have an President of the United opportunity to get the help States, what would you ask they need.” him? Marissa: “I would ask him Steve: “I would change the what his legitimate goals ‘No Cell Phone’ rule because are for the US. Something I believe that without music, I like, ‘How do you see your can’t focus and I believe a lot of other students have the same problem.” What is a problem that you have seen on campus that you want to fix? Valerie: “The way we treat one another. I would like us all to be more caring to one another.” Jazmin: “A lot of
Left To Right: Valerie Mejia, Junior President; Jazmin Macias, Sophomore President; Steve Negrete, Senior President
2 Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
people like to go outside. So my weaknesses would be I would like to get more seats that I don’t speak up all of the time.” out in the courtyard.” Steve: “I’ve seen a lot of people fighting. I don’t like that. I want everyone to be at peace. I would like for everyone to come together as a school.”
Steve: “I try not to have enemies. I try to be friends with everyone, and if I do have a problem with people, I try to fix it. My weakness is that I like to procrastinate and am not good with due dates. I feel like I can also get overwhelmed. I try to get into too many things.”
What do you think your weaknesses and strengths are? Valerie: “My skills would be to make the best out of a situation and to make everything a good time. My weakness would probably be that I stress a lot and have lots of fight-and-flight moments.”
Who is your role model? Valerie: “My role model would probably be my dad because he is so patient with people and is very wise for being so young.”
Jazmin: “My strengths would probably be problem-solving and encouraging others &
Jazmin: “My sister is my role model. She’s always there when I need her, and she
Austin Hodges Editor-In-Chief
always has the most encouraging words.” Steve: “That’s kinda hard. There’s a lot of people I value and would want to be. One of them would probably be Coach Davis. He tries to help me out, and I know that I could go to him if I ever needed anything.” Why did you join Student Council? Valerie: “I joined Student Council to become something bigger than myself and to provide for my class.” Jazmin: “I joined Student Council because I enjoyed being a part of the things like pep rallies and being close to others.”
Steve: “I joined Student Council so I could be a part of helping improve the school system and community. Like during the pep rallies, people would be more involved and have more fun.” I would like to thank all of the Class Presidents and the Student Body President for giving me their time. The leadership skills and professionalism seen in their answers prove that they are exceptional individuals and fit for their jobs. These individuals are destined to go far in life. I firmly believe that our school prospers because of leaders like Marissa, Steve, Valerie, and Jazmin.
The Lunch Hour
To Whom it may Concern, Hello, I appreciate your time for reading my concern for the issue I am about to bring up, and I would only hope that you would take some of what I have to say into consideration. Most of us at the High School would immensely appreciate it. There is an ongoing problem happening for students here at the High School. It has been happening for the last couple of years, from what I have experienced at least. I am of course referring to our lunchtime, and there are many reasons I feel as though the High School is making it hard for us to enjoy our lunch. First of all, the time we get during lunch is too short. As of now, students receive thirty-five minutes to eat, go into any class to make up homework or exams, finish work, ask for help, and for the teachers reading this,
fill any obligations expected of them. Lunchtime is a significant time for both students and teachers alike. It is a time for them to relax during the school day and receive a break from the stress of their daily lives. Lunch is a time for the students to spend time with their friends and enjoy themselves. But a lot of students just don’t get much time, because when you are going to see a teacher, you don’t always have time to do what they need, much less to see friends afterward. Students
have to use their break from the day to see teachers and complete work, which can be daunting when they wanted to enjoy their break, but that is not the only problem. Thirtyfive minutes is a short time to make up tests and finish work, especially for the kids who struggle more than others. In our typical classroom, we have about fifty to fifty-five minutes, and for some students, it takes the entire time or to the bell to finish tests. When you compare lunchtime to class time, the students making up tests are los-
ing twenty minutes that they could have used to answer more questions or even finish. Adding an extra 15 to 20 minutes onto our lunchtime will be beneficial to students, because it allows them to have a similar time frame as if it were in their actual class, allowing them to finish or only have a few questions left they can complete later. For the teachers, they need the time as well. Most teachers have their planning period early before lunch or late after lunch, so this time is essential to them. Not only are they getting a break, but
they are also using the time to fill obligations that they have both in and outside of school, as well as choosing to use this opportunity to help more students. I did a little survey, where I asked ten teachers at the high school, “Would you like an extended lunch?”, and I had an almost unanimous “If we had just ten more minutes, I could do so much more.” Some teachers, whom will remain unnamed, also said that this is not only their time to eat but to relax and do things they have to and that it is short a lot of the time. Not only are they using the opportunity to help students fill obligations to them, but also are using the time to head home and do things they need to there. Like I said about students, this can be daunting with all of the city traffic during the time of our lunch, and can cause teachers to arrive late, which shows a bad example for their students, which brings up another issue concerning the amount of time we have for lunch. An ongoing struggle for students during lunch is where to go. As most know, students at the high school can leave and go somewhere for lunch, except for sophomores during their first nine weeks at the high school. And many students choose to leave for lunch because they might not like the school’s lunch and when you give them a choice to choose something they want over something they don’t, the choice is mostly clear. But when students leave for lunch, they are expected to be back on time for their next class. This can be a problem for students, because not only do the students have to make sure they have time to go to a place and back, but also have time to eat their food. To make it more clear, I will explain the process students take when leaving for lunch. To start when the bell rings all students that want to leave for lunch, head to their cars at the same time. Then they get in and start to go, which makes the lanes to get out of the parking lot at the high school fill up fast. It usually takes about 5-15 minutes to get out of the parking lot depending on which building the students are coming from. For those who get out in five minutes, the lunchtime mostly
Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
everyday items everyone has concerning their car and ways to clean these things correctly. To continue, eating in your car is not safe, especially when you are driving. Eating while driving can distract drivers. The source www.decidetodrive. com describes three main points about why one should not eat in their car. It explains how eating while driving is a visual distraction, by causing the driver to take their eyes off of the road, manual disturbance, causing the driver to take their hands off of the works for them. But for the driving, but it is also unsaniwheel, and cognitive distrackids who get out of the parking tary. What I mean by that is tion, making the drivers mind lot towards the end, this time that the vehicles of most high and focus away from driving. can be a hassle. However, a school students are not the The source also describes fifty-minute lunch gives the cleanest. If one would think that they are not only destudents who get out in that about it, most high school structive to themselves but tail end of 15 minutes, time students don’t have time eating while driving, as well to get somewhere as well as to clean the trash that they as texting while driving, comif they would have left within acquire because of their exbine the three, which can five minutes inside of a thirty- tracurricular activities. Also, leave horrible consequences five-minute lunch. After all of dirt, insects, and other outfor the driver. The source that, the student has to make side objects get into your car also gives a study, the Lytx it to a place for lunch. Yes, I every day. Think about what study in 2014, where they understand many establish- you step in every day, for ex- found out that a person who ments around the high school ample. Plus, your vehicle can is drinking or eating is 3.6 are close and efficient, but attract all kinds of germs from times more likely to be in a those restaurants fill up fast, outside, as well as from othcar crash than those who and students with the disad- ers and yourself, and when don’t eat. This can be esvantage of being far from the these germs are spreading pecially true with those who parking lot at the end of their onto your food, that isn’t are drinking something and class lose the ability to go to a good thing. A significant manage to spill what they are those places. Once students source of information I found drinking. Imagine dropping a arrive at a place, they have to prove this is https://www. hot coffee or a cold drink on to order and receive the food. autoloansolutions.ca/blog/4yourself while driving! That With these close and efficient tips-to-kill-germs-in-your-car/. can take away focus on the places filling up so fast, it can It states, “It sounds like a road. This is dangerous. If be challenging to get every- sarcastic thing to say, but you want more information one’s order out quickly, so it cars are breeding grounds for on the subject and more can take up to ten minutes for all sorts of microorganisms. studies to prove my point and them to deliver it to you. With In fact, if you were to put how to prevent eating while anywhere from twenty to ten bathroom germ samples next driving, visit https://www. minutes left to get back to the to car samples, they’d probdecidetodrive.org/distractedschool and eat your food, it ably look very similar. That’s driving-dangerous/eatingcan be challenging to make why when you’re considerdriving/. sure that they eat their food. ing how to clean your car, We just recently tried By the time the student gets you need to think beyond to make a fifty-minute lunch back to school they only have the basic vacuum and car happen, where all three classa few minutes to eat their food freshener. When and prepare themselves for it comes to your their next class. Those stu- health and drivdents who would get back ing, the phrase with no time to eat in the caf- ‘what you don’t eteria are forced to eat in their see can hurt you’ car on their way back to the rings true. Howhigh school, which brings up ever, knowledge my next and final point. Giving of what these an extra 15 minutes for lunch germs are, where provides time to the students they hide and who would usually get back how you can kill at the bell time to eat and get them, can keep ready for their next class. you and your My last point has to family free from do with the safety of eating illness.” It also in one’s car. Not only is it explains some unsafe to eat while you are of the germs on
4 Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
es were released at the same time. Although we have some problems to solve, like how students rushed out resulting in several fender-benders and student coming back late, it seemed that the students en-
joyed it. These issues, however, can be solved with stronger consequences for those who show up late and more security directing traffic in the parking lot. This was the first time we have ever had this long of lunch, and it was the
first time the sophomores had the chance to leave for lunch. When you try something out for the first time, there are usually a few hiccups that need to be worked out. All in all, I believe, as with many at the high school,
that a more extended lunch would solve some problems that are present with the current scheduled time we have now. I would appreciate it very much if you would read this and consider it. Thank you.
thousand years old, though no one knows for sure. All in all, “The Doctor’s” unique character comes from every actor who changes the view
essence of the show itself. “The Doctor’s” most trusted gadget is by far his infamous “Sonic Screwdriver.” It even sounds as alien as it
of the role himself, and now herself, which may explain the achievement of 54 years running. Still, many people stick with Star Wars or Star Trek for their first science-fiction entertainment. So, the reason I’m writing this article is to persuade die-hard Star Trek and Star Wars fans to watch Doctor Who and maybe even bring a few to the Whovian universe. Altogether, there are many reasons to watch Doctor Who. From gizmos and gadgets to paradoxes and reincarnation, Doctor Who has them all. These are the
is. “The Doctor” can always depend on it to get the job done, unless the job is wood, weirdly enough. Another plus of the show is the sidekicks that travel with “The Doctor.” Everyone knows a good hero has to have a good sidekick. Batman has Robin, Archie has Jughead, Lilo has Stich, so on and so forth. Anyways, “The Doctor’s” sidekick changes just as “The Doctor” does. The most noteworthy companions, as “The Doctor” likes to call them, are Rose, Clara, Donna, River Song, Amy Pond, and Sarah Jane Smith. The list of companions is almost as infinite as
“The Doctor,” who has suffered through 14 regenerations. Every time “The Doctor” regenerates, it is usually because of grave injuries, such as radiation poisoning or old age of the body, among other near-death experiences. Despite the personalities of the characters themselves, even the showings of Doctor Who are special. Every year, a Christmas special airs. Every Christmas special is a movie involving “The Doctor” in his ‘most difficult task yet.’ The television specials are fun to watch and rarely get old. They even have themes. Not only is Doctor Who a fun series to watch just because of time travel, ever changing cast members, and holiday specials, but Doctor Who is so much more. Doctor Who is a family-friendly show with life lessons, robotic pets, creative plots, and sincere feelings. No matter how Doctor Who evolves, the fans follow. So grab your fezzes, bow ties, and “Sonic Screwdrivers” and come to the T.A.R.D.I.S. for an action-packed adventure you’ll never forget.
nology to create an efficient workplace, aid in our various wants and needs, and even save lives. However, without care or thought, we may find ourselves with a snowball of a problems: something that will just keep growing. The problem is whether this technology is good for us.
currently very limited to simple tasks. That said, AI could lead to a significant reduction of jobs in modern day society, as it is faster and easier to train a machine to do a job than an average person. Sometimes this work is better than what humans can do; with this in mind, people can be removed from positions for cheaper labor, involving said technology. With AI only growing faster and more pre-
Doctor Who? Part Two
Ryan Perkins Layout Editor
In this continuation of “Doctor Who?” from the last issue of the Purple Press, the discussion will turn to the Doctor Who fandom, A.K.A. the Whovian universe. The last article talked about how for 50 plus years, “The Doctor” has been a male actor, but next season an actress by the name of Jodie Whittaker will fill the role. The complex plots of the show will keep you on the edge of your seats every episode. As an example of the show’s success, this year will be its 54th anniversary. In fact, Doctor Who is the longest-running TV show in history, outrunning The Simpsons by eight seasons. The apparent fame the show is creating comes from the always-likable character known as “The Doctor.” The best way to describe “The Doctor” is: a sarcastic, two-hearted, comedic alien. The character originates from a planet known as Gallifrey. “The Doctor” is known as a renegade; he follows no rules and has no limits. Although “The Doctor” may look young, he is over two
A.I.: Truth Or Consequences
Travis Nelson Donovan Hackett Staff Writers
In our last article, we discussed how artificial intelligence (AI) could be helpful. But even the most beneficial things can have their flaws. AI has enabled us to use technology in a way that was not so simple in the past. We can use this fascinating tech-
AI cannot do everything, contrary to many people’s opinion. In fact, AI is
cise in its work, people could be removed from the workplace in favor for heartless machines. Artificial Intelligence can be one of the brightest inventions of our creation, but it can make foolish mistakes. We are not saying that humanity is an ignorant race, but we are saying that humans can make mistakes, and humans make these
machines. After all, “to err is human.” Very rarely do programmers create a program to run as perfectly as imagined the first time. This can lead the machines to make decisions that are negative to their creators. Just as an example, from Little Lost Robot, a short story from Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, an engineer tells a highly intelligent robot to “get lost.” By taking this literally, it tries its hardest to hide from those looking for it, getting lost, as they were saying. If humanity is not careful enough to supply context, you can end up doing terrible things without any intent. Another issue is privacy for people. We live in a world where we give out identifying information, such
Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
as Social Security numbers or credit card information, like it is candy on Halloween. To buy things on Amazon or to sign up for Facebook are just two examples. People are stealing, or data-mining, this information for their purpose, most of the time for illegal profit. Now, artificial intelligence can connect to anything with a secure Wi-Fi connection, providing another weapon for these dataminers to steal money from your bank account or steal your identity. We mustn’t be
Experts today are working to develop laws to protect us from these great and powerful tools. This list of principles can be located at https:// futureoflife. org/ai-principles/, already supcareless with this issue, for ported by significant problems arise the likes of Stephen Hawking from reckless abandon. and Demis Hassabis, founder, and CEO of Google Finally, the big one, the DeepMind. So, what can one that most people are we do to protect ourselves afraid of, AI-based weapons. from this at the moment? According to theepochtimes. Currently, nothing much. As com, most experts worry we have stated in our last about an arms race using AI, article, “AI is already here, and that “‘a global arms race and there is no stopping it.” is virtually inevitable, and the The best we can do at this endpoint of this technological moment is to stay vigilant of trajectory is obvious: autonoour lives, try to retain autonomous weapons will become my from artificial intelligence, the Kalashnikovs [AK-47’s] of and merely hope that we can tomorrow.’” abide by our advice.
Designer Babies: Part Two
Emily Vina Staff Writer
technology and means, there is a better chance that these children will survive after the disease is removed at the In part one of the “Its microscopic level, which in All In The DNA” article, I turn will increase the expectexplained what designer ed lifespan of humans. We babies are and what they have gained a better underintended to be. In this segstanding of genetics and can ment, I will go further into give a child genes that the the process of how to create parents do not carry. these babies and the pros However, where there and cons of continuing with are pros, there are cons as this advancement in science. well. Most people’s biggest challenge with accepting this Trait selection is made way of producing children by an embryo-screening protransfer. The pronuclear is that they will be killing cess involving a pre-implan These babies have a transfer is when an oocyte the unacceptable embryos. tation genetic diagnosis. In unique ability to have three is removed from the recipiGeneticists have also noticed this process, the embryos biological parents. A threeent, and fertilized with sperm. issues with the possibility of are modified by in-vitro ferparent baby is an offspring With maternal spindle transdamage to the gene pool. tilization, which is a complex created by a single form of fer, the mitochondria and Designer babies are miracles array of procedures to treat in-vitro fertilization where the the mitochondrial DNA are that are created through deligenetic and fertility problems mitochondrial DNA strands passed only from mother to cate processes to help elimito aid in the conception of a come from a third parent. offspring through the egg nate genetic and inherited child. Once the embryo has This process is only cell. disease. The ethical problem reached the eight-cell stage, intended for the prevention of is that the parents are makthey remove one or two cells. mitochondrial diseases such As mentioned, one ing decisions which will take A scientist will then examine as Muscular Dystrophy and of the pros of the designer after all future generations of the DNA sequence of the select liver and heart condibabies process is that we that line and the next generacells looking for defects. After tions. The two most common can reduce genetic diseases tions have no say in what this process, only the healthy techniques for mitochondrial and the risk of inherited med- has happened to them. embryos go back into the donations are pronuclear ical conditions. Also, with this womb. transfer and maternal spindle
Celebrating 50 Years Of Service
6 Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
Elizabeth Schneider Krystal Mailman Staff Writers
Photo courtesy of Karla Spurgeon
(CERT). To celebrate our JROTC’s 50th birthday and the developments it’s made, the JROTC (Junior group recently held a miliReserve Officer Training tary ball. The ball was held Corps) is a group whose on September 30th at the purpose is to build better Clovis Civic Center and was citizens for America through a huge success. 220 people skills such as leadership, showed up including curteamwork, and self-discipline. rent Clovis JROTC Cadets, The JROTC unit in Clovis, JROTC alumnus, former New Mexico, also referred JROTC instructors, Col. to as NM-021, started in Philip Frazee, Chief William September of 1967 and Gaedke, and MSgt John turned 50 years old this year. Mead, Clovis High School What started out as a group faculty members, and even that focused on only drill the Mayor of Clovis, David and classwork soon develLansford. oped to have so much more. The night started with Although drill is still a large the presentation of colors part of JROTC, it now comby an Honor Guard, which prises activities such as flying comprised of three JROTC and building drones, model cadets and one JROTC aircraft, and rockets, as well alumni. Soon after, cadets as launching large heliumperformed a POW/MIA filled balloons 106,000 feet (Prisoner of War/Missing in up into the stratosphere. Action) table presentation. Some members have The POW/MIA table presenrecently been certified to tation is a tradition of setting be a part of the Community a separate table in honor of Emergency Response Team
those who were imprisoned or missing in action. The tradition has gone on since the end of the Vietnam War, which ended in 1975. The table is full of unique symbols such as a POW/MIA flag, a white tablecloth, a candle with a black ribbon, a single red rose with a red, white, and blue ribbon around the vase, a bread plate with a lemon and salt on it, and an inverted wine glass. Each item represents something which helps us remember our missing troops. After making toasts and eating dinner, the cadets who broke the established set of rules for each military ball, known as the “rules of the mess,” were sent to drink from what is known as “The Grog”. The Grog is a tradition in the military where different substances with special meaning to a unit are combined. This year some the ingredients included in the mixture were water, lemon
juice, Monster, coffee, sugar, and candy, among other things. The cadets and alumni who were called up to The Grog followed the proper procedure for drinking the mixture, which included marching, facing movements, and regulation procedures. After everyone who had broken a rule was called out to drink from The Grog, the actual ball started. Many people hit the dance floor to end the night in a fun, fashionable way. Cadet Major Corde’ Mailman, the group commander for Clovis’ JROTC who was in charge of the ball, said, “Things went smoothly, and everyone had a good time. We got lots of compliments on the ceremony, especially on the Honor Guard and the POW/ MIA table.” All attendees at the ball had a blast and are looking forward to the next ceremony. All in all, the 2017 military ball was a great success.
"IT" Is All In The Costumes Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
Rigo Badillo Tony Viescas Staff Writers
lured to the dark side by the name of Kylo Ren. With the new Star Wars movie airing after Halloween on December 15th, 2017, fans of the main antagonist may jump the gun and dress up this year.
With Halloween around the corner, many people are debating what to wear. These are a few of the costumes that will most likely get the spotlight this Halloween. The costumes range from a whip-wielding Amazonian to a being from an unknown realm taking the form of a lovable clown. 1. Pennywise the Dancing Clown from IT Pennywise, commonly referred to as ‘It,' is a being originating from outer space, or as the novel refers to it, the "Macroverse." After arriving on Earth, this creature adopted a lifestyle of sleeping for 27 to 30 years at a time and awakening only to feed off the phobias and fears of its preferred victims, kids. The roots of this character date back to Stephen King's 1986 novel "IT." However, the clown we familiarized ourselves with is the 2017 adaptation of the book by the same name.
at its peak allowing fans of the show to dress up as their favorite character.
4. Spider-Man from SpiderMan: Homecoming On June 28th, 2017 the worldwide hit, SpiderMan: Homecoming aired with a much younger Spider-Man than previous iterations. Spider-Man: Homecoming has allowed younger audiences to instantly identify with the young hero as he juggles with school and work. This small detail allows a younger audience to want to dress up 2. Wonder Woman from as him for Halloween. Wonder Woman In this adaptation of the 1941 5. Belle from Beauty and the comics Princess of the Ama- Beast zons, Diana Prince leaves The classic Disney princess, her home of Themyscira to Belle, returned to the big stop the conflict of World War screen on March 17th, 2017 I. Along the way, she adopts as the fictional princess is the mantle of Wonder Wom- brought to life. This sparked an, a symbol of peace and an interest in the female. hope. Wonder Woman sends The research from multiple a message that all parents websites supports this, as in would want to send to their most costumes stores there kids, and allowing them to are abundant requests for the dress up as the superheroine ‘Belle costume.' would allow that word to be deeper embedded into them. 6. Link from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 3. Eleven from Stranger The silent protagonist of the Things popular game franchise, The Eleven is a young girl from Legend of Zelda, has made the Netflix original series, his return on March 3rd, Stranger Things, with psy2017 in The Legend of Zelda: chokinetic abilities. This Breath of the Wild for the character was instantly loved Nintendo Switch. Many fans of by many. With the second the franchise have anxiously season airing on October awaited the return of the Hero 27th, 2017, the excitement of Hyrule, and they were not surrounding this show will be disappointed, receiving positive reviews from critics and
gamers alike. 7. Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 Star-Lord is the alias of the fictional space adventurer Peter Quill. Marvel comics first introduced Star-Lord in January 1976. He then grew in popularity allowing a more significant investment in the character, and on August 1st, 2014 a movie was made and had an outstanding rating overall. The success was enough to get it a sequel on May 5th, 2017 which did less successfully than its predecessor but still did well enough to leave an impact. 8. Kylo Ren from Star Wars: The Force Awakens On December 18th, 2015, Star Wars: The Force Awakens aired, showing us new character and old character alike. The main antagonist in this movie is a force user
9. Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad Although the movie “Suicide Squad” came out last year on August 5th, 2016, the criminal by the name of Harley Quinn managed to stay relevant according to multiple sites.The origin of this character comes from the 1992 show Batman: The Animated series. While her costume differs from her original, in the movie, she remains the same, if not a bit more unhinged. 10. The classics The classics, a staple of Halloween, for as long as Halloween has been celebrated, these classic costumes remain unfazed by the test of time. A few of the classics would include vampires, ghosts, zombies, skeletons, and much more. All the costumes listed above can be found at the following stores: Walmart, Walgreens, Dollar Stores, Hobby Lobby, and other online retailers.
8 Purple Press, Oct. 25, 2017
Adviser: Augustine Martinez Editor-In-Chief: Austin Hodges Co-Editor: Alex Thompson Layout Editor: Ryan Perkins Staff Writers: Emily Vina, Donovan Hackett, Travis Nelson, Everett Coffey, Ohajine Hannah, Marisia Gonzales, Krystal Mailman, Tony Viescas, Rigo Badillo, and Elizabeth Schneider Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education. Adviser: Augustine Martinez Editor-In-Chief: Austin Hodges Grammarian: John Rollinson Co-Editor: Alex Thompson This Paper Laid Out by: Ryan Perkins Layout Editor: Ryan Perkins Staff Writers: Emily Vina, Everett Coffey, Donovan Hackett, Travis Nelson, Ohajine Hannah, Marisia Gonzales, Rigo Badillo, Krystal Mailman, Elizabeth Schneider, and Tony Viescas Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102, (575) 763-3431