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Vol. 4 Issue 4

Nov. 30, 2016

We Are "Creative", "Devoted", and "Humorus!" Stephanie Ramirez Alex Thompson Staff Writers

science during my schooling, and after deciding not to be a doctor, I switched to a science teacher because that would allow me to coach. Ms. Murali: Science was one of my favorite subjects in my school days. I like biology, since it deals with animals and plants. I like to know new advancement happening in science everyday, I feel nothing works without following scientific principles. Apart from this, my high school teacher Ms.Logasundari, zoology teacher, had been a motivation for me to love biology. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): In order to be able to work with

inspired me to become a teacher. In my college days I used to tutor people and I was curios to know the world around me, and here I am as a science teacher. What was the most important scientific achievement in the last thousand years? Mr. Apodaca: That could be a very broad array of answers, so I would have to focus on more recent technology. The moon landing, the personal computers, artificial intelligence, the cell phone, the microchip, advancements in medicine, the list goes on and on. Ms. Majkrzak: In 1776 Edward Jenner discovered a form of inoculation against smallpoxs.

origin of what we know now as the Universe. Mr. Lowrance: Man landing on the moon and returning safely back to Earth. In our previous two Coach Sena: The invention interviews we had the opporand the technological advancetunity to question the different ment of the cochlear implant. departments; in this interview My son was born and was we got the chance to talk with not able to hear, and now has the science department. This cochlear implants so now he is a group of teachers who can hear. seem to have their eyes set on Ms. Murali: New practices one goal, and that is success. in food production (Green We are ecstatic to give you Revolution) and discovery an insight into these science of new medicines played an teachers’ perspectives, from important role for human surfavorite hero/ heroine to secret vival. talents. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): Why did you become a science The first practical transisteacher? tor, invented by Mr. Apodaca: I Bardeen, Brattain, enjoyed the and Shockley in subject in high school 1947. I don’t know and I felt my brain was how many transistors always a little abstract. are in smart phones Ms. Majkrzak: I enjoy or laptops, but today the world of science there are more than and feel that it has a 8 trillion transistors significant connecmanufactured every tion to everyday life. second of the year. Teaching science Transistors have allows me to provide transformed the lives an avenue for students of everyone over to see the everyday the last sixty years, application of science from computers to in their world. the engine in your Ms. Alcaraz: I became vehicle. a science teacher Mr. Bala: Its diffibecause I love scicult to say because ence, you never stop every scientific learning. Everyday we (Left to Right) Coach Sena, Mr. Pruthividhar, Mr. Bala, Ms. Alcaraz, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. achievement has its encounter a new disLowrance, Mr. Apodaca, Ms. Murali, and Ms. Majkrzak. own importance In a covery. In fact, at first, given situation howI didn’t go to school to some outstanding young men This great achievement has ever I consider The Internet be a teacher. I had a BSc. in and women; I get to teach sub- allowed society to eradicate to be the most important sciChemistry and when I gradujects that I really enjoy. the effects of many viruses entific achievement in the last ated it was hard for me to get Mr. Bala: Science is often a that caused death to millions thousand years. Its because a job. Back home in Puerto subject students love or hate. of people over the history of the Web has revolutionized the Rico I was required to have a As a science teacher I am able mankind. Additionally, we still dissemination of news, has crelicense to be a chemist and, to teach both types of stuuse this technology. Childhood ated a multi-trillion economic while I studied for the licensure dents and help make science vaccinations promote a healthy phenomenon, and has intertest I needed to get a job. I got come alive. The education and society and we all receive a flu connected much of the globe. offered a teaching position at training required to become shot every year. After 9-11 peo- Mr. Pruthividhar: The discovan All Girls-Catholic school and a science teacher helped me ple were threatened with use ery of double-helix structure of I loved it! I decided to pursue develop the skills I needed to of biochemical warfare. Anthrax DNA. a master’s degree in teaching transfer my love of science to became a threat once again. Do you have any hidden taland while I worked on my masthe students in my classroom, At the time my husband and I ents? ter’s, passed my test and got a perhaps inspiring some to were both in the military and Mr. Apodaca: I am a great job at a pharmaceutical compabecome future scientists themreceived anthrax vaccinations break-dancer… was a great ny. While I loved working there, selves. to protect us while we traveled break-dancer! I always knew I had to go back Mr. Pruthividhar: I got inspiabroad. Ms. Majkrzak: I whistle… realto teaching. ration from my grand father, Ms. Alcaraz: I think the Big ly, really well. Mr. Lowrance: That was the Mr.Venkataiah, who was a Bang Theory (Not the show, ha Ms. Alcaraz: I used to play the direction life took me. Teacher/Principal, he has ha ha). This one is about the flute back in high school. Coach Sena: I was good at

2 Purple Press, Nov. 30. 2016 Mr. Lowrance: I learned the talent of listening more and talking less. Coach Sena: I can play the guitar. Ms. Murali: I am good at painting and doing craft works. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): Trombone player. I was 1st chair trombone in 1972 Steuben County (NY) Wind Ensemble Orchestra. We played the prelude to Wagner’s “Tristan und Isolde” at the Corning Glassworks auditorium, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when we finished. Mr. Bala: I can sing Indian Music (Karnatic Music). Mr. Pruthividhar: I have a few hidden talents, but I am good at Drawing and Painting with all kinds of artistic materials, and another hidden talent is Cooking I learned it from my mom. Tell us about a golden moment in your teaching career? Mr. Apodaca: The moments are numerous, but I will say they involve students appreciating your efforts with them later in their adulthood. Ms. Majkrzak: Last year I had a student struggling with behavior problems and that student did not want to do his work. I sat with him one on one for a few days and helped him with his work and behavior problem was a problem no longer. The most important aspect of the moment is that this student became a leader in a class where many students did not always have the best academic intentions. This student set the pace for the class and by the end of the year, he was tutoring other students. It made me so happy that just a few days of dedication to him allowed him to grow into a student that is now very successful and that his success is being passed to his peers. Ms. Alcaraz: This is my third year as a teacher; I know that I may have many more years to go and maybe bigger golden moments to come. But, right now, every day a student has their Aha! Moment in my class and that is golden enough for me. I have been blessed with wonderful students this year and they all make my day. Mr. Lowrance: When I had the opportunity to leave administration and return to the classroom where the magic happens. Coach Sena: Winning a state track championship in Fort Sumner the last year I was there. That was our 8th state title in a row for track and my aunt the head coach went to watch her daughter graduate, and I was the only coach for

the team that weekend. The girls performed and they won a tough meet. Ms. Murali: I am teaching, (sorry “learning process”) for the past 10 years. Students voted for the Best Teacher Award in my previous school, that was one of my happiest moments in my teaching career. Mr. Armstrong(Chair): The end of my first day teaching school. I knew then that I was going to enjoy teaching. Mr. Bala: It’s the moment when some of my students shared with me that I was the person behind their success in their exams, and that I was the motivating force for one of my other student’s pursuance of higher studies. Mr. Pruthividhar: Every moment of my teaching is a golden moment, I had one golden moment when a student that I had in the past emails me to say thank you, and to tell me what they are doing with their life and how they really like it. If you didn’t become a teacher, where would you be now? Mr. Apodaca: Working in a physical therapy office somewhere. Ms. Majkrzak: I would still be working in the medical field, probably in the operating room or in an orthopedic clinic coordinating surgeries and providing pre and post surgical instruction to surgery patients. Ms. Alcaraz: I would be working at a lab. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and before I became a Teacher I was working as a Quality Control Chemist for a pharmaceutical company. Mr. Lowrance: Retired Coach Sena: I probably would have followed through with being a doctor. I also might have taken to construction like my dad. Ms. Murali: Veterinarian doctor. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): A piano singer. (If only I could play the piano and sing.) Mr. Bala: I would have become a musician in Indian music if I did not become a teacher. Mr. Pruthividhar: I would become a famous artist and maybe be traveling all around the world. What do you envision being your biggest challenge this year? Mr. Apodaca: Every year poses new challenges passed down from state department, but student achievements has to top my list. Ms. Majkrzak: I am teaching two classes that I have not taught before. Additionally, I am the only teacher that teaches

both of these classes, so I don’t really have another science peer to collaborate with or bounce ideas off of. So I am solo in designing meaningful curriculum for both classes that will maintain a level of rigor and keep students engaged. Ms. Alcaraz: Well, this is my first year teaching Chemistry and, while one thing is learning it at college, it is a very different thing teaching it in High School. I have been working on this and I think I’ve done a pretty good job! Mr. Lowrance: Learning to let go. Coach Sena: Trying to balance work effectively with being a good dad. Ms. Murali: The challenge is, I learned to live alone by being away from my family especially my kids. This is a new experience that I never had in my life. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): Stuffing a watermelon's amount of curriculum for the AP classes into a banana skin’s amount of school days. It’s tough to cover all the material given the number of days available to work with the students. Mr. Bala: My biggest challenge this year would be to get myself in tune with the education system and the American culture here in Clovis. Mr. Pruthividhar: Inspiring students to be more self-directed, but also to promote students in learning discipline. Who is your favorite hero/heroine in science, if you have one? Mr. Apodaca: Albert Einstein was a very interesting character and great Quotes… “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Ms. Majkrzak: Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) Maria Mitchell was the daughter of an educated man in Nantucket. He taught her how to use telescopes and she was fascinated with the heavens. She assisted him with recording an eclipse at age 12. She also achieved many milestones including viewing a comet through a telescope, which was very difficult during this time period. By the time she was 17, she had begun her own school for girls, teaching them science and math. In my opinion her greatest attribute is founding a school for girls to become educated in the area of study for females. Ms. Alcaraz: Marie Curie, she taught us that women could be successful in Science. Mr. Lowrance: The science teachers I have had in high school and college that gave me the opportunity to understand and appreciate how sci-

ence could enrich my life. Coach Sena: I don’t have one specifically. Anyone who has helped saved anyone’s life, or given them the ability to do something they could not do before is a hero to me. Ms. Murali: James Watson and Francis Crick- For the discovery of DNA, which had been a foundation to the development of genetic engineering or biotechnology. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): It’s a tie between Galileo and Marie Curie. Among other Important contributions to modern science, in the early 17th century Galileo vigorously promoted the science supporting our current view of the solar system. He continued to do this in spite of being persecuted by powerful science deniers who thought that everyone should adhere to the belief that the Earth was at the center of the universe. Marie Curie was a woman who managed to succeed in the male dominated physical sciences during the early 20th century. She is one of only four people to be awarded a Nobel Prize twice, once for physics and once for chemistry. Mr. Bala: It would be Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who was the president of India and also Missile Man of India. Mr. Pruthividhar: Arya Bhata was an acclaimed mathematician-astronomer, and also Charles Robert Darwin. If you had three words to describe yourself, what would they be? Mr. Apodaca: Imaginative, Humorous, Curious. Ms. Majkrzak: Hardworking, Dependable, Honest. Ms. Alcaraz: I can do that in two! Organized Chaos! Mr. Lowrance: Devoted, Loyal, Respectful. Coach Sena: A good dad. Ms. Murali: Honest, Passionate, Organized. Mr. Armstrong (Chair): Husband, Father, Teacher. Mr. Bala: Diligent, Honest, Loyal. Mr. Pruthividhar: Friendly, Creative, Realistic. After having the privilege to converse with this department, we noticed that this has probably been the most emotional interview we have done in a while, because we felt like these teachers really opened up to us. We just want to thank them for giving us the opportunity to talk with them and ask them a sequence of questions that might answer the questions of the people who read this.

An Opinion:

Purple Press, Nov. 30, 2016


Opposite Sides Of The Spectrum The Advantage Of Uncertainty Aydan Perez Guest Writer There are many uncertainties that can come to us, from the total extinction of mankind to the cures of deadly diseases that plague us today, but not everything is going to be so terrible. I’m writing this article to give everyone that hope that our future is not as bleak as it may seem. Most of this article will mainly be my opinion for our bright future, but it will have true technological advancements that are coming sooner than you would think. First, we will start with brand new military technology that will protect our soldiers on the front lines, the TALOS armor. Second, is a very possible cure for cancer, where scientists use white blood cells or T-cells. After that, I will write about the possibility of future space travel. Finally, I shall explain future innovations such as what we may use for energy. The TALOS (Tactical Light Operator Suit) is a new military suit designed to increase the strength, mobility, and safety of Special Forces operatives and Navy SEALs. The idea came from Admirl Bill McRaven when a U.S. soldier under his command died during a raid in Afghanistan, he vowed to never let such a tragedy happen to one of them again. “One of our folks going through the door was killed by the Taliban on the other side in an attempt to rescue a hostage,” McRaven told National Public Radio (NPR). The armor has a more unique nickname, the "Iron Man" suit. However don’t let the name fool you; it doesn’t fly nor have a built in JARVIS. TALOS is a “liquid armor” that is designed to solidify when hit by a bullet. It also has a Heads Up Display (HUD) designed to improve visibility and have better communication with teammates. TALOS is also fitted with builtin sensors that will monitor the wearer’s health, checking conditions from heart rate to body temperature. Some newer prototypes of the suit also have a version with an exo-skeleton, which is a metallic “skeleton” to

Prototype of the TALOS Armor. assist in using the suit. As awesome as this is, the suit is still far from completion. The developers are still fine-tuning it to further improve its protection capabilities and cut down any strain for the wearer. The head of U.S. Special Operations Command, General Joseph Votel, took over the project and hopes to have it ready for the U.S. Army as soon as possible to give each soldier “the advantage when he is most vulnerable”. We can expect the TALOS prototype to be in use around 2018. Next, is a possible cure for cancer. Scientists are working on something called T-Cell therapy. The treatment works by using special methods to get around tricks that cancer cells have to avoid them being spotted by the body’s immune system. The treatment works through a process of genetic modification. Doctors take white blood cells or T-cells out of pa-

tients suffering a particular kind of leukemia, genetically modify them to target cancer, and then inject them back into the body. How successful is it? In some cases, the success is extraordinary. During one study, 94 percent of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) saw their symptoms completely vanish. In another, patients with other blood cancer symptoms saw 80 percent response rates, and more than half went into complete remission, (www.Independent.co.uk). Lead scientist, Professor Stanly Riddel, said that those results were extraordinary. “This is unprecedented in medicine to be honest, to get response rates in this range in these very advanced patients,” he said. But, in a small number of patients, the treatments have led to an immune response that is too powerful and leads to the people becoming seriously ill.

Seven of those in study had to go into intensive care, and two died. The scientists hope that the risks of such a response can be reduced with further study of the treatment. Finally, we will finish with personal opinions. I think our future will be a bright place. With many great minds all around the world, we are working for a better Earth, a better tomorrow. I think within the next few centuries we will truly conquer space exploration. There are many discoveries to be found, such as vital resources that humanity can utilize, exploration and colonization of planets, and even meeting a new sentient species of life. There’s so much that we can do once we truly are in the space age. Humans in the future may solve problems between nations, and be unified under a single banner of peace. I think humanity will have a bright future.

4 Purple Press, Nov. 30. 2016

The Certainty Of The Future

Hailey Gibbson Guest Writer Austin Hodges Co Editor-In-Cheif I am grateful to be able to be a guest writer for this newspaper; as well as being able to share my opinion with the readers. These views may come across as a little negative but with the other writers only talking about the good, I feel that people should be warned of the bad that could happen in the future. As the New Year draws closer, more things are starting to come to light. The Earth is in danger. The human population is taking more and more from the Earth. Since almost nothing is being done to replenish what is being taken, Global Warming could very well be in our future. Not only is the Earth in danger, the United States is as well. The U.S. has been in a war against

terrorism since 2001, when the Twin Towers fell. Since there are terrorists wishing for the downfall of the U.S. and all the new technology in nuclear bombs, there is a chance of Nuclear Warfare happening. As one can see the human race is becoming more and more dependent on technology as time goes by. With all these problems that are starting to show its no wonder why I am worried about what the future will bring. Global Warming is already happening and the effects are starting to show. All of the fumes and chemicals that we are putting into the air are causing a hole in the Ozone Layer. The Ozone layer is the layer of the atmosphere that protects us from the suns damaging rays. Without the Ozone there to protect us, we would all turn to burnt human crisps. Not only would we burn, the oceans and every

available water source would evaporate and Bam! No more life on Earth. If the Human race is to survive we need to figure out how to reduce all the chemicals and pollution that we are putting into the atmosphere. Ever since 2001, when Terrorists hijacked three commercial planes and caused the downfall of the Twin Towers; the United States has been in a war against terrorism. The Terrorists have proven that they will do what ever it takes to take down the U.S. in the past and I believe they will continue to do so in the future. Then add together the other countries that wouldn’t mind the U.S. being ruined and the new Nuclear technology that they are being able to get their hands on, it makes for a scary thought. We as humans have become to dependent on technology. With the new advances in technology,

we are becoming lazier and lazier. Soon to be on the market are cars that drive themselves. Not only are we making inventions to do our simple everyday tasks for us, we are creating intelligent robots. In the future, scientists hope to create robots that act and look human, but are faster, stronger, and smarter. So as the reader can see our world culd very well end in flames. "Some say that world will end in fire, Some say in ice, From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire, But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough to hate, To know that for destruction ice, Is also great, And would suffice." - Robert Frost (Fire and Ice)

Purple Press, Nov. 30, 2016


Teens Of The Month

Emily Vina Guest Writer Travis Nelson Staff Writer

This month the

Kiwanis Club selected two teens to be Teens of the Month, Kathryn Trujillo (September) and Shelby Mayfield (October. We sat down

Kathryn Trujillo

Wheels (a charity). We hope you enjoy reading about these remarkable young women just like we enjoyed interviewing them!

Shelby Mayfield


Kathryn plays golf, and goes to bible study regularly. She works out every day and indulges herself in her bible journaling. As for college, she hasn’t figured out where she wants to go,

with the two girls and asked about their extra curricular activities and what made them exemplary. They are both involved in Meals On


but plans on getting her masters to become a speech pathologist. Not only does Kathyrn love God, she also has big goals and dreams that she wants to accomplish in her life.

Shelby practices rodeo and is in the Honor Society. She is the President of the New Mexico Rodeo Association, does intramural sports and works on being a leader in all aspects of life. As for college, Shelby plans on going to Eastern New Mexico University to get her bachelor degree in chemistry, then plans to attend Texas

Christian University to get her medical degree. Afterwards she plans to go to a prestigious hospital residency program to become an orthopedic surgeon. Shelby seems like she has a wonderful opportunity in rodeo, and is involved with the National Honor Society. She hopes to become an orthopedic surgeon.

The Price has Changed! $75 until the New Year! Get It Now!

"The Best Of Times"

6 Purple Press, Nov. 30. 2016

Cielo Rodriguez Guest Writer

Ever since last year I was proud of the CHS marching band and color guard, seeing last year’s 2015 show Penny Dreadful and the band and color guard’s success at the various competitions and performances. After last year’s season ended, I heard the rumors of the new show, which I knew had an odd theme. At the beginning of this season, of course I was excited and passionate about it. This year’s show was Colonization,

the theme focusing on ants, entomology and the world below. The show had five movements, and over 82 sets, which surpassed last year’s set number of 60. Our design team, Mark Moreno, the directors, and others helped make the show come to life. With each competition we went to, and the

first football game, the feeling that I got from performing grew into something amazing. I was proud of the show, and so was the rest of the guard and band. I was proud to perform those eight minutes in front of

the community and in front of thousands of people. When we arrived in Amarillo for the Westerner Competition, we had had some trials in certain spots but when we marched on the field; we performed. And we did it well, sweeping 1st place in all our divisions, including Outstanding Overall and Best Color Guard.

Next we went to Lubbock, andtook 1st place as well. Then, we went on to Albuquerque, for the State Competition and almost surpassed the highest score at Zia, continuing a five year streak of Grand Champions. Perhaps the most challenging competition was The Tournament of Bands in Las Cruces, where we competed with 38 other bands who had great shows and were very skilled. After a preliminary performance that was shaky, we came back at finals and truly performed. As the second to last band to perform, we waited for the final results. I was nervous, and I honestly thought we were going to come in second or

third place. As they announced, I let out a sigh of relief as each band was listed, from 10th all the way to 3rd place. When they announced the Clovis High School Marching Band in 1st place, I immediately burst into tears. That moment is one I will never forget as I hugged members of my family. Marching band is a family, although we had our ups and downs because, isn’t that what a family does? You have your ups and downs but you always come back. And you always come back with a whole lot of love, and it really is full of love. Since June, we started Summer Band, where we practiced 9 hours a day every day, learning choreography, dance, drills, practicing music, but through it all, everyone got closer every day. The people I have met, the girls (and Roman) on my color guard team, band members, drum majors, captains, and directors are all whom I have very close to my heart. This season was grueling in some

ways, but it truly is worth it, every rep, every practice, every reset. Yes, there were some days where I

thing I speak about almost daily, at home, at school; I breathe, eat, sleep marching band and colorguard. I’m

wanted to quit but I learned that once I started I couldn’t quit. The feeling of performing, all the amazing memories, the rush I get after a (nearly) perfect run...it’s a feeling nothing else will ever give me. It’s a

excited for another great season next year, even though I will miss this year’s seniors. Here’s to us, here’s to last time, best time, I know we showed it this year.

Coach Jordan's Metals Class

Purple Press, Nov. 30, 2016

(Standing from Left to Right) Zach Genson and Jose Zapata (Sittting from Left to Right) Elliot Pew-On and Gabriel Garcia.

(Back Row from Left to Right) James Ford, Hannah Lester, and Adam Reid. (Front Row) Nathon Aylon.

(From Left to Right) Tanner Albracht and Abel Vega

(From Left to Right) Zach Genson, Elliot Pew-On, and Orlando Delval


8 Purple Press, Nov. 30. 2016

The Price has Changed! $75 until the New Year! Get It Now!

(Row One) Mr. Martinez. (Row Two) Mackenzie Credle, Stephanie Ramirez, Travis Nelson, Emily Vina, Austin Hodges. (Row Three): Alex Thompson, Aydan Perez, Donovan Hackett, Ohajine Hannah, Cheyenne Regenhartd.

Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education.

Advisor: Augustine Martinez Grammarian: Larry Poe Revisor: Emily Vina and Hailey Gibson Co-Editors-In-Chief: Mackenzie Credle and Austin Hodges Staff Writers: Alex Thompson, Donovan Hackett, Travis Nelson, Stephanie Ramirez, Cheyenne Regenhardt, and Ohajine Hannah Guest Writers: Emily Vina, Aydan Perez, Cielo Rodriguez, and Hailey Gibson Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102, (575) 763-3431

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