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Vol. 4 Issue 5

Dec. 14, 2016

Santa's Secrets In The MIX

Alex Thompson Stephanie Ramirez Staff Writers

fact, we first hit the air in late September, and we were asking the community to come together for Secret Santa less

wh they know need our help to make their Christmas special. Listeners donate funds every year to pay for the Christmas

In our previous interviews, we had the opportunity to question our faculty, but we decided to shine the spotlight on an important event that is really close to the people in our community. For those who don’t know about Secret Santa, it’s an event that helps make Christmas possible for families in need. We decided to inform people more about this event, and who better to tell us then Mix 107.5’s very own Duffy Moon. Purple Press: When did you start Secret Santa, and where did you get the name for this event? Mr. Moon: We started our Secret Santa program back in 2002, but, for the first two years, we did it just a little differently. The first year we raised money and donated it to the "Lighthouse Mission", a terrific organization here in Clovis. The second year, we raised money and donated it to "Make A Wish Foundation". It was in year three that I revamped the program to that which you hear today. The idea of a local radio station doing a charitable campaign around the holidays isn’t new. When my first partner, Steve Rooney, and I worked together in San Diego back in the 90s, we did an annual toy drive that we dubbed Secret Santa and we carried that name with us here to the High Plains. Purple Press: Did you expect this event to bring the community closer? Mr. Moon: That very first year, we were pretty nervous. We were still VERY new to this town, so we thought it really wasn’t going to work out. In

Duffy Moon (Aka. Secret Santa) then two months later. We knew after that first year that we had touched on something, but we had no idea just how big Secret Santa would become. I say it all the time, and I mean it. The program wouldn’t have the same effect anywhere other than the High Plains of Eastern New Mexico and West Texas. Truly, there’s just something about this area and this community, and it’s awesome. Purple Press: How many years have you done Secret Santa? Mr. Moon: Our first Secret Santa campaign was in 2002, this year is our 15th year. Purple Press: Do people help you out a lot; if so what do they do to make this come out perfect? Mr. Moon: Community involvement is the only way for a program like Secret Santa to continue to be successful year after year. It’s amazing to see the level of support we get. The entire program starts and ends with Mix 107.5 listeners. We’re just the goofy morning radio show that steers the bus. Listeners nominate families

deliveries. Listeners also donate their time to shop for and help deliver to the families. Clovis fire fighters help with deliveries all the time. The Clovis High School swim team spends an afternoon every year wrapping hundreds of presents. That’s why we take the responsibility of bringing every stage of Secret Santa to the radio very seriously. The community trusts us to do this every year and we think its imperative that you get to hear the program all the way through. From the first day of nominations, to our goofy stunt to raise funds, to the deliveries themselves. All of it plays out on Mix 107.5 so don’t miss out. Purple Press: What was the best year, in your opinion for this event? Mr. Moon: That’s a toughy. If you’re referring to the annual fundraising “stunt,” the two that seem to come up more often than not are the year that I was buried alive at the McDonald’s on Mitchell, and the year that I got stuck in the middle of Greene Acres Lake on a makeshift raft because the lake

froze over. Fundraising wise, the best year wasn’t necessarily the year in which we raised the most money (which was $27,000 a few years back.) In my opinion, it was the third year of Secret Santa. That was the first year we tried doing the program the way you’re used to hearing it and we were nervous that we wouldn’t collect enough money to cover 5 families. By the end of the fundraising, the community had come together and donated just over $18,000 and we were able to give Christmas to 9 families. I will never forget that year because it meant a lot to me especially how the community came together to make this happen. As far as deliveries go, there’s not one year that sticks out over the others. Every year there are a few families that really stand out. But they’re all so special especially when you surprise that family, you know, in your heart, you are creating a life long memory for them and that’s really cool. Purple Press: We understand there is a limited amount of money that can be put into this program, but how can the rest of the community contribute? Mr. Moon: You’re absolutely right when you say “limited amount of money.” Because of the nature of the program and how much time it takes to pull it off for each family, we’re pretty much capped at 12 to 13 deliveries per year. So, we don’t try to raise more than

2 Purple Press, Dec. 14. 2016 $26,000 or $27,000. That’s all we need to provide Christmas for those families, and we would prefer those who are inclined to donate beyond that amount consider donating to other worthy causes that are asking for help this time of year. The rest of the program, at this point, is like a well-oiled machine. Long standing volunteers help every step of the way. We can always use volunteers and when we need them for a particular task, we tend to throw that out more on the radio. The best thing you can do to help, outside of contributing money during the fundraising, is to nominate a family that you know that is going through some sort of life-altering circumstance beyond their control, some circumstance or event that is causing them to potentially go without Christmas. Purple Press: What is the most money that you have ever raised, and what is your goal this year? Mr. Moon: The most we’ve ever raised was just over

$27,000. Every year, we like to start with a realistic goal because we just never know how many people are doing financially each year. Ultimately, we understand that we’re asking them to reach into their personal budget and give it to a cause during one of the most expensive times of the year. This year we’re starting at a goal of $15,000; I really hope that we make it or even go over our goal. Purple Press: What challenges have you encountered throughout the years? Mr. Moon: I mentioned earlier about the time I was staying the night in the middle of Green Acres Lake aboard a man-made raft that was barely seaworthy. Mother Nature decided to give us a hard freeze that night and the lake actually froze over with me in the middle of it. That was a challenge for us especially since it was just me in the middle of it. Honestly, our biggest challenge is generally dealing with the weather; it really doesn’t always

cooperate. Purple Press: Do you sponsor other events that help out the community like this one? Mr. Moon: Our radio group believes strongly that a local radio is most successful when it is a voice for the local community. That means talking about local events, sports, people, and trends. It also means giving back to the community with programs like Secret Santa. The answer is yes; we do host many other events that support the community. Secret Santa, though, is by far the most visible event we host each year. Purple Press: How many families have you helped since the beginning? Mr. Moon: Since you asked, here are some exact statistics for you: · To date: Secret Santa has given Christmas to 135 struggling families. · To date: More than 600 people have been direct recipients of a Secret Santa Christmas. · To date: the community

has donated more than $276,000 to Mix 107.5’s annual Secret Santa program. · To date: Secret Santa, this community’s generosity, has provided the final Christmas for 15 critically ill children and their families. It’s that last statistic that always puts it in perspective. Merry Christmas. After having the ability to gain more knowledge about Secret Santa, we realized that this is an important community event. It really brings Clovis closer together and nowadays we really need more events like Secret Santa because all you hear about now is all the negativity in the world. We believe Secret Santa blocks out some of the hostility in our town. We would also like to thank MIX 107.5 for giving us their time and the opportunity to learn how they make Secret Santa possible every year.

An Opinion:

Purple Press, Dec. 14, 2016


Opposite Sides Of The Spectrum

"Fa-La-Laing" Along With Me

Kenzie Credle Co Editor-In-Chief

giving, being kind, and being with family are cherished this time of year, and should be celebrated year-round. As Christmas draws It is a well known fact closer and the weather gets that volunteering and givcolder, we all have a little ing increases during the Christmas spirit. Though holidays. You can see the back in October, when the leaves were turning the faint- effects, like the volunteers standing outside of stores est of fall colors and the ringing bells for the Salvation weather was still hovering Army, lots of monetary donaaround seventy degrees, tions being given to charialmost everyone was sighing at the sound of "Jingle Bells" ties of all sizes, and the Mix 107.5 Secret Santa program, and still holding on to their which you can read all about summer memories; that is, everyone except me. When a on our front page. Giving new Christmas album comes to those in need is part of what makes this season feel out, I immediately put it on like Christmas. As I previmy playlist, and I’ve been waiting to wear fuzzy scarves ously mentioned, giving and volnteering increases at the and warm boots since we holidays, so it is good for all started school in August. charities to have a longer Christmas has become

over-commercialized. Even I was sighing with everyone else when Walmart put out a sign counting down to Christmas the day after Halloween ended. However, other aspects of this holiday season are very special and can never come around too early in the year. The acts of

holiday season, because this will let them have more time to raise money for their causes; not to mention, it gives us all the opportunity to volunteer and be a part of something that is meaningful. Being with family is important during the holi-

days, and everyone wants to be with the ones they love. In the hustle and bustle of the season we can forget that the people we come into contact with are also in a hurry to get home to their families. The rush can cause people to be rude to others around them without meaning to. So, take the time to slow down and be kind to everyone, it is what the season is all about! “It’s that time of year, leave all our hopelessnesses aside; just for a little while… I know we’ve all had a bumpy ride, I’m secretly on your side.” These lyrics from one of my favorite Christmas songs, "Just for Now" by Imogen Heap, are about how families behave during the

the night, we will all be sitting around my Grandma’s table playing board games because that is what family does. Family take each other at face value, and accept everything, good or bad. I couldn’t imagine spending this season without my family and, if starting Christmas in October means that we all are close and tight-knit for a longer amount of time, then I am happy to start decking the halls early. The holiday that follows Christmas is what gives a fresh start for everyone. When we start the New Year we all get a chance to change something, whether it be in our lives, in our relationships, or in our outlook on life. On New Year’s Eve

holiday season, and how the craziness of the season makes them all pull together and become stronger than before. This phenomenon of togetherness is what makes me love Christmas so much. Even if I’m mad at my brother, or if my aunts are feuding. I know that, by the end of

last year I was in a hospital room visiting my dad the day after he rolled his car, then at my brother’s house ringing in the New Year surrounded by sleeping siblings who couldn't stay up until midnight. This year I hope to be setting off fireworks and drinking sparkling cider with

4 Purple Press, Dec. 14. 2016

my family, and making toasts toward what will be a better year for everyone. The holiday season is welcome to start early when it means

getting a fresh start. Having a Christmas spirit in your life will change you forever. So, everyone enjoy what is left of the

holiday season, there's only a few weeks left! When it comes time to start carving pumpkins and raking leaves next year, you may too be

whistling a Christmas tune and “Fa La La-ing" along with me.

Austin Hodges Co Editor-In-Chief

mas? I’m betting you got a lot from your loved ones. However, not everyone is lucky enough to receive gifts. Some people make only enough money to get by, paycheck to paycheck, while others do not even make that much. About fourteen percent of American citizens live in poverty. I know that does not sound like a lot, but when we are talking about 320 million total citizens in the United States, that’s 44 million people. According to Pewsocialtrends.org, the middle class is rapidly decreasing, causing more and more people

Christmas. I think that those of us who are able to spend money on our loved ones and on ourselves still take this ritual for granted. Some of us don’t think about the unfortunate conditions of others who are struggling each Christmas. I can understand why people do not give freely to those in need, and there are many reasons why. One perhaps is because they feel they are facilitating other's state of poverty, rather than enabling them to get out of poverty. This misconception needs to stop. Some of us are even given a

to fall into the lower classes. This means more people are having to live paycheck to paycheck. As you can see, not everyone can afford 'the buying of gifts' meaning of

chance to help others during the Christmas season every year, but choose not to. There are people every year who are not able to buy gifts for one another.

They may have been able to at one point in their lives, but an unfortunate disaster caused them to have to live from pay check to paycheck. However, not everyone only thinks about themselves. Mix 107. 5 hosts the event of Secret Santa, where they raise money to give those families a Christmas. I personally love the program that Mix 107.5 puts on, because it helps people who are not in a good financial situation to have a Christmas. You can read more about the ideas and founding of the Mix 107.5 Christmas program in our interview with Mr. Duffy Moon above. The Salvation Army also provides a lot of monetary relief work and charitable help throughout the Christmas season. They host dinners for people who need help and sell the donations they for a very low price. That way they can give people the option to find inexpensive presents for one another and use the money to spend on other charitable programs. That’s also another example of the good practice of Christmas giving,where the people who volunteer for the program, put others before themselves. I believe that a lot of us should return to the spritual works of Christmas. We need to realize that there are those who need our help and it is our job as human beings to help them. Even if you can't afford to help them finacially, you can still donate by doing charitable work with your time and prayers.

The Nostalgia Of Values

The nostalgia of Christmas as a beloved holiday plays a significant role in how we celebrate it. We spend months preparing for our families to come over, so we can have a good time with them. We laugh, play, and enjoy each other’s company. Not to mention, we spend hundreds of dollars on presents for one another, in order to try to give them that special something that they've had their eye on all year. We focus too much on the cost of Christmas and not on the values that Christmas was originally founded on. Christmas is supposed to be a celebration commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ from the Christian viewpoint. (Christmas does have the word Christ in it.) However, in early Christianity they did not observe Christmas due to the fact that it was originally a Pagen holiday. It was not until 432 A.D. that Pope Julius I recognized the Holiday. By doing so, he emphasized the point that a Christian is supposed to put others' needs before their own but, over time, we have turned Christmas it into a holiday all about how much we spend for one another, rather than about how much we attend to one another's essential needs. If you really think about it, how much did was spent on you last Christ-

Purple Press, Dec. 14, 2016

Traditions Are Kept Ohajine Hannah Travis Nelson Staff Writer Christmas is a beautiful

holiday. It’s celebrated all around the United States to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. Many have various traditions, from the bearded spreader of joy, Santa Claus; to the mischievous Elf on the Shelf. However, the history of this ancient festival is interesting to say the least. According to "www.history. com", societies celebrate Christmas day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Jesus is said to have been born on December 25th; however, some evidence says that he was born closer to March 28th. Christmas has been a federal holiday in

the United States since 1870. “Christmas is both a sacred religions holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon.” Jesus' birth is the reason we have Christmas. According to "www.history. com",“...before the event of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. The history of the Christmas tree stretches from the earliest winter solstice celebrations to Queen Victoria and all the way to the annual lighting of the Rockefeller center tree." In many countries, it was believed that evergreens would keep away witches, ghosts, evil, spirits, and illness. One of the major traditions of Christmas that nearly all cultures follow is the tradition of gift giving. Gifts aren’t just to have “cool stuff,” it does have a

meaning behind it. In the United States most people open their presents on Christmas Day. Sometimes they will open gifts on Christmas Eve; it just depends on what your families decide. According to "www.history. com", “It is believed that St. Nicholas was born sometime around 270 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern day Turkey. He gave away all of his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick. One of the best known of the St. Nicholas stories is that he saved three poor sisters from being sold into slavery or prostitution by their father by providing them with a dowry so that they could be married” He did lots of good works for people of all ages. Now, people celebrate his legacy so kids will know what nice things he did for people


and understand the true meaning of the Christmas spirit. Christmas is another day to be with your family, and have a nice dinner. There are usually various types of food and desserts at the Christmas dinner. Traditional Christmas dinners have: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce and vegetables such as carrots, turnip, parsnips as the main course; with special desserts like pumpkin or apple pies, raisin pudding, Christmas pudding or fruitcakes. Christmas is more than just getting presents. Christmas is the special time you spend with your family and the memories you keep for the rest of your days. May you have a good Christmas and a meaningful new year.

The Culture In Christmas Aydan Perez Guest Writer Various cultures all celebrate their holidays a little differently from each other, such as, Mexico celebrating, the Day of the Dead,

instead of Halloween. I would like to share this information with you, so that you might become inspired. We will be reviewing German, French, Irish, Russian, and Japanese Christmas traditions in this article. You may even want to use some of

these traditions for your Christmas this year. First, let’s start with the German traditions. Being in a military family, I have moved a lot. I actually lived in Germany for nearly seven years. I know most of the German tradi-

tions by heart, having celebrated them. Germans refer to Santa mostly as Sankt Nikolaus. Did you know that Germans have an AntiSankt Nikolaus? His name is Krampus. Krampus would find the naughty children of the year and take them away

6 Purple Press, Dec. 14. 2016

to his lair. If you heard this before, more likely than not it came from the 2015 film: "Krampus". Another tradition is that Knecht Ruprecht, Nikoluas’ companion, will put treats into children’s shoes, if they are good. If they are bad, he fills the shoes with sticks for their parents to beat them with In France, Father Christmas is referred to as Pére Noël. A nativity crib is often used to help decorate a house, and the cribs often have clay figures of the Holy Family in them. During December, some towns and cites, such as Marseilles, have fairs that sell Nativity figurines as well as other French celebrities. They also have other figures such as Butchers, Bakers, Policemen, and Priests. Another tradition is that Yule logs made out of cherry wood are often burned in French homes. The log is carried into the home on Christmas Eve and is sprinkled with red wine to make the log smell sweet while it is burning. There is a custom that the log and candles remain burning throughout the night with some food and drinks left out in case Mary and the Baby Jesus appear during the night. In Ireland, Christmas is mostly celebrated the same way as people in the UK and the USA, but they

also have many of their own traditions and customs. In the Irish language (Gaelic) Christmas in called ‘Nollaig’, Santa Claus is known as ‘San Nioclás’ (Saint Nicholas) or ‘Daidí na Nollag’ (Father Christmas) and Happy/ Merry Christmas is ‘Nollaig Shona Dhuit’. Some homes will put a tall, thick candle on the window sill of the largest window after sunset on Christmas Eve. The Candle

Cheyenne Regenhardt Donovan Hackett Staff Writer

iPhone 7 or the iPhone 7 Plus which are both splash, water, and dust resistant, with an 12MP camera that has a six-element lens, panorama. The iPhone 7's sales sticker in most Phone carrier stores worldwide states: “fingerprint sensor built in the new home button, 4.7-inch display, LEDbacklit widescreen, MultiTouch display with IPS technology, and 1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi. and it also comes in rose gold, gold, silver, and jet black or regular black on the apple store. The regular iPhone can be bought in an apple store with no sim card (which can be activated

(especially berries and dried ‘The wren, fruit like raisins) , chopped the wren, the king of all birds walnuts, or even sometimes On Saint fruit jellies! It is served in one Stephen’s day was caught in large bowl which everyone the furze.’ uses. In fact, families will toss a spoonfull onto the In Russia, Christmas ceiling, so that if it sticks, it is normally celebrated on means good luck and good January 7th, the feast of the harvest. Ephiphany. It is a different Finally, in Japan, date because the Russian Christmas has only been Orthodox church uses the old celebrated for the past few ‘Julian’ calendar for religious decades. It is still not seen as a religious holiday or celebration, as its known more as a time to spread happiness. Christmas Eve is thought of as a romantic day, in which couples spend time together exchanging presents. In many ways it resembles Valentines day for the USA and the UK. Fried Chicken is often eaten on Christmas day, which is extremely busy for the KFC restaurants. In fact, people place orders in advance for the holiday! Children still have school for the Japanese version of Christmas. The tracelebration days. The is left to burn all night and ditional Christmas food is a represents a welcoming light official Christmas and New version of a Christmas cake, for Mary and Joseph and the holidays in Russia last from but its not a rich fruit cake, its st December 31 to January Infant Jesus. Finally, some usually a sponge cake with th 10 . Some people in young men and women strawberries and whipped Russia will fast (not eat) on dress up in homemade coscream. tumes and go from house to Christmas Eve, until the first I hope that you try out star appears in the sky. Then these traditions this holiday house carrying a long pole they will eat ‘Sochivo’ or with a holly bush tied to its season, and most of all have ‘Kutia’, a porridge made from a great Christmas. top and singing a rhyme about a wren bird. The rhyme wheat or rice served with honey, poppy seeds, fruit that is often used is:

The Top Ten Of The Season

With Christmas time upon us, everyone is wondering what gifts they should buy for the special people in their lives. Well, we're here to help. We are going to tell you the top ten items we believe would make a great present. While some of these items might be out of your price range for hundreds of dollars, some are a bit more affordable with just a tens of dollars. 1. The first product that we'd like to address is the

with any carrier later) at $649 with 32GB (not available in jet black), $749 with 128GB, or $849 with 256GB. While the iPhone 7 Plus has a “5.5-inch display, LED-backlit widescreen, Multi-touch display with IPS technology, and 1920-by1080-pixel resolution at 401 ppi (sales sticker) and comes in the same colors. But the Plus is a bit more expensive when it can be bought in an apple store with no sim card (which can be activated with any carrier later) at $769 with 32GB, $869 with 128GB (not available in jet black), or $969 with 256GB. These phones ship within 1-30 days, so you

want to order them early and maybe get a smart battery case ($99) or a leather case ($45). 2. The iPad Pro can be found in Apple stores and is a great gift with a variety of 9.7inch display or 12.9-inch display that comes in silver, gold, rose gold (not available in the 12.9-inch display) and space gray. The 9.7-inch has “four speaker audio, and 12MP iSight camera.” 12.9-inch has “four speaker audio, and 8MP iSight camera.” (sales sticker) The 9.7-inch can be bought for $599 for 32GB, $699 for $128GB and $799 for 256GB. The 12.9-inch display can be

Purple Press, Dec. 14, 2016

bought for $729 for 32GB, $829 for 128GB, and $929 for 256GB. It also comes with AppleCare which gives you two years of tech support and accidental damage coverage for an addition $99. You can also add an Apple Pencil for the same additional $99. You can also get a free, small engraving on the back of the iPad. If you’re not all out of money yet you can add a smart keyboard for the 9.7-inch for $149 or a smart cover for the 9.7-inch for $49. 3. The Google Home is a voice-activated speaker that is powered by the Google Assistant. You can ask it questions for homework, work or just everyday life. You can also tell it to do things, like turn on the kitchen lights or play pop radio. It’s always ready to help and it’s only $129 with free shipping. Also when you buy it you get YouTube Red for 6 months free. You can find it on the google store (store.googe. com). 4. The Amazon Echo is only $180 with free shipping on the amazon website and comes in black and white. It “plays all your music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, and more using just your voice, Fills the room with immersive, 360º omni-directional audio, Allows hands-free convenience with

voice-control, Hears you from across the room with far-field voice recognition, even while music is playing, Answers questions, reads audiobooks and the news, reports traffic and weather, gives info on local businesses, provides sports scores and schedules, and more using the Alexa Voice Service, Controls lights, switches, and thermostats with compatible WeMo, Philips Hue, Samsung SmartThings, Wink, Insteon, Nest, and ecobee smart home devices, Always getting smarter and adding new features, plus thousands of skills like Uber, Domino’s, and more.” (sales sticker). 5. Video games: Lego Star Wars: the Force Awakens ($25.00$43.99) Rating: E10 The Lego Star Wars series is a very popular franchise. People love it due to how Lego has combined the main story line with comedy. Also, the company makes family friendly games. This game takes place during the main story line of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and requires you to build your way through a universe far, far, away. Pokemon Sun and Moon ($39.82-$43.90) Rating: E I don’t know a single

person with a 3ds that doesn’t play Pokemon. People all over fell in love with the game wether they be adults or children. Sun and moon takes place in the Alola Region in the world of Pokemon. Just like all other Pokemon games, there are new Pokemon including legendaries. This game also adds a new feature to the series, Z-moves. The game is family friendly and encourages fair play and fun competition between Pokemon trainers. Overwatch ($34.99$72.36) Rating: T Even Team Fortress 2 has to give credit to this newcomer in the MMORPGS genre. The game dos not diverse based the medium on which it is played unlike TF2( Team Fortress 2) which gives more credit to the PC edition. The game is popular with ultimate moves, outfitting your hero, and infinite ammo unlike most games. The game is completely focused on teamwork and strategy. If you have a good team then, “Heroes never die!” Street Fighter V ($11.97- $32.50) Rating: T The Street Fighter Franchise is a very popular game series where two players pin two characters against each other in the ring of honor. This is the latest installment in the series giving us new charac-


ters such as: Seth and Tut. This game encourages competition and combat. Battlefield 1 ($79.99$93.50) Rating: M Battlefield 1 is an FPS (First Person Shooter) game that takes place during World War I bringing back old tactics and weaponry. This game is more likely to succeed than Call of Duty, which began sending players to pilot spaceships. People love this game because of the history and skill the game enforces. Dark Souls III ($29.95$59.99) Rating M Dark Souls III is the third installment in the Dark Souls series. Dark Souls is well renown for its difficulty, for only a gaming master can overpower the beasts of Dark Souls without dying a single time. The game is open world and requires you to fight the living and the dead. Have fun with the new story and bosses. Christmas time can be a joyous time of year but it’s also stressful especially if you don’t know what to get the people in your life that deserves so much. I hope this helps and have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

8 Purple Press, Dec. 14. 2016

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(From Left to Right) Front Row: Mr. Martinez Second Row: Mackenzie Credle and Austin Hodges Third Row: Ohajine Hannah, Stephanie Ramirez, and Travis Nelson Fourth Row: Donovan Hackett, Alex Thompson, and Aydan Perez Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in schoolsponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education.

Advisor: Augustine Martinez Grammarian: Larry Poe Co-Editors-In-Chief: Mackenzie Credle and Austin Hodges Staff Writers: Alex Thompson, Donovan Hackett, Travis Nelson, Stephanie Ramirez, Cheyenne Regenhardt, Ohajine Hannah Guest Writer: Aydan Perez Revisers: Emily Vina and Hailey Gibbson Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102, (575) 763-3431

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