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NWBC celebrating Women’s Small Business Month

By Paul Flood Articles Factory

increase small business sales that you will find it as easy as breathing.

you to buy from them? Well... A lot of them are millionaires. They catch people's attention!

To increase small business sales, you need to look at yourself first as a marketer. As a marketer, you insist on marketing that delivers results and a positive ROI. You need to first look at these five marketing strategies because they work, work well and work almost all of the time. Which of the many small business marketing tools and tips do you use and where do you spend your money? The first thing to do is to put the wallet or checkbook back in the drawer and pick up a pen or open a blank document on your computer and name it "Hidden Marketing Asset Plan." You are going to map out a strategy for implementing a very powerful marketing system that can easily skyrocket your sales in a matter of weeks.

• Create a database and capture client names, addresses, phone numbers, purchase history, preferences, birthdays, hobbies and other information. Just send card or note to thank customers for their business and prospects for thinking of buying. Include a coupon or an offer (with a deadline) for them to buy additional products or services. Use the information to invite them back to your business and develop a personal relationship with them. If you don't do so, your competition will.

• PLUS 1 - Bonus strategy: Do at least one extra marketing activity every day you are at work. Whether it is one more phone call, an extra fax, email, post card, birthday card or thank you card do that one thing. By the end of the year, it adds up to a couple hundred additional marketing activities. If only 10 percent succeed, the result is 20 more sales, prospects or clients.

national trend of growth in this category — jobs for home health aides alone are expected to grow 48 October is National Women’s percent by 2022.• Establish Joint Ventures (JVs) and Strategic Marketing Alliances (SMAs). When you are considering buying Small Business Month, and there’s Healthcare is followed closely bya new product or service, you Here is an overview of the Top 7 – Plus 1 marketing want to know you are making a good decision. So strategies: do the rest of us. JV's and SVA's leverage this emotional need to by using the power of education services, according plenty to celebrate as recent • You must create a Unique Selling Proposition. It is the endorsements and recommendations. Identify reason you are in business and gives your prospects and non-competing businesses that have customers a report incrediblynotes compelling reason to for buy from you – now.by the National similar to Women’s yours. Call the potential partner and tell research major gains Without a USP, you are one of the many choices. With a them about your incredible idea to help boost USP, you are the only choice. their sales. Say youD.C., want to endorse and Business Council. Washington, women in business. Would you hire me because I'm a marketing consultant or recommend their products/services to your clients because I guarantee rapid increases in sales and profits in and have them do the same for you. It's that a matter of weeks? Do you use FedEx because they ship simple! Some will and some won't but when you Georgia, Maryland, New Mexico packages or because you know your package will arrive find proactive partners with the right list, you will tomorrow? be shocked and amazed at how quickly you can and Illinois havegrow. the highest rates of Small Business •“Women’s Learn selling and the art of how to bundle products, cross-sell and up-sell. Almost anybody selling a product or • Look at, and study the standard marketing and woman-owned firms. a service can increase the average sale value by offering or advertising the majority of companies in your Month is a great time to highlight US SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

suggesting additional products that complement what they are selling. When you offer the client an add-on product, you will get more sales. Knowing the right words to make it desired by the prospect, who does not feel they are being sold, is part of the value of sales training. Which sentence would make you more inclined to order an appetizer with your dinner? "Would you like an appetizer? The chef has an unbelievable appetizer she created just for you. You are going to love it!" This is such a powerful and simple way to

the advancements made by women in business and celebrate women business owners,” says Amanda Brown, executive director of the NWBC.


Growth: government contracting

help woman-owned firms gain There are more than 11 million access to government contracting woman-owned businesses in the opportunities. US — 38 percent of all businesses — supporting nearly nine million What’s next jobs and generating annual revenues of $1.6 trillion. for women

Women are gaining in major industries Which industries are women turning to for their business endeavors? Healthcare and social services are on top, following a

What do you love about being in business in this community? I wasn't born and raised here, but I was welcomed into this town when I did move here in 1990. I was hired as a very green sales rep and sent out to the local owners to sell airtime. Having a non-tangible product is hard enough, but when the business owners learned I was a Yankee I was almost run out of town almost! Now I really enjoy knowing so many of the local business owners on a personal level. It's great to do business with friends. What advice would you give to other women in business? Work hard. Don't lie. Stay late when you have to. Make time for family. Find a place to be quiet and think about your future business and your true goals. It's the same stuff I would say to a man in business. Geez

11.3 Million

Supporting nearly

What was your dream job as a kid and why? I fell in love with radio in the 7th grade. I happen to win a clock radio after I sold magazines for my school. That radio was able to pick up great AM stations from Chicago and New York City and I was so in awe the way the disc jockeys could tell the weather In the first few seconds of the song. I still love media - plus I knew in my heart I could never be a Rockette at 5'4" tall.

9 Million Jobs

industry are using. Know exactly how and what they are doing. Here's the little known secret about using this information: Do something totally different! Why copy your competitors? You know you have a better product or service? Be outrageous, be different and get your prospect's attention. Do you have the business owner in your town with the weird commercials where they are acting quite foolish, but have a great USP and a reason for

But while women’s achievements in small business The NWBC was founded in 1988 are worth cheering for, there’s still with the passing of H.R. 5050 progress to be made. Woman(Women’s Business Ownership owned businesses received just Act) in an effort to eliminate five percent of federal contracts discriminatory lending practices. last year, and it took 20 years to Today, the NWBC advises the reach that modest goal. White House, Congress and the Small Business Association A record high 25.75 percent on issues relevant to women of government contracts went business owners – with a to small businesses in general critical focus on how to alleviate in 2015, however, showing the obstacles faced by both optimism for women who want to women business owners and develop their businesses in this women trying to start their own area. The SBA’s Woman-Owned businesses. Small Business Program can

“This October we celebrate the women that have persevered and become successful business owners and we will continue to push for increased access to capital and to markets so women entrepreneurs can keep growing and scaling their businesses,” said Carla Harris, the Presidentially appointed chair of the NWBC.

Kathy Elliott Owner/president Elliott Marketing


Women still struggle to obtain credit and small-business funding, although women entrepreneurs tend to pay off debt faster than men. Building a strong financial foundation as a new entrepreneur is essential to long-term business health, especially for this newest generation of business owners. And women still feel pressure to “do it all,” meaning it can be harder for them to ask for help and learn to delegate. That’s why mentoring is so important: to encourage women to feel comfortable to ask for help.

What woman inspires you and why? I get my perseverance from the women of my family. My mom was a teacher and was tough but cared deeply for the kids and I always took that to heart. She battled some physical ailments over the years but just keeps giving, whether to her family or her church. As a mom and now grandma I am still tenacious and rough on the outside, but those closest to me know I am caring and loyal to those I love.

Generating annual revenues of

woman-owned U.S. businesses (approx.)

$1.6 Trillion

Women are majority owners of 38% of U.S. businesses ...up from 29% in 2007




faster than the national average

woman-owned firms started every day!

since 2007

STATES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF WOMANOWNED FIRMS Washington, DC: 45.2% Georgia: 41.1% Maryland: 40.1% New Mexico: 40.1% Illinois: 39%

Women-owned businesses are growing… REVENUES Up

35% 18%



Since 2007

Since 2007


Nearly 8 in 10 new womanowned business launched since 2007 was started by a woman of color.


<1 Million

2.2 Million




Nearly 5 Million


INDUSTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF WOMAN-OWNED FIRMS Healthcare/Social Services: 64.6% Educational Services: 56.9% Other Services: 52% Administrative & Support: 47.1% Retail: 41.8% Want to start or grow your small business? Find your mentor at SCORE. Sources: • http://www.womenable.com/content/userfiles/2016_State_of_Women-Owned_Businesses_Executive_Report.pdf • https://www.nwbc.gov/sites/default/files/FS_Women-Owned_Businesses.pdf • https://www.nwbc.gov/sites/default/files/NWBC_2015AnnualReportedited.pdf • http://www.kauffman.org/~/media/kauffman_org/microsites/kauffman_index/ startup_activity_2016/kauffman_index_startup_activity_national_trends_2016.pdf



By Paul Flood Articles Factory

increase small business sales that you will find it as easy as breathing.

you to buy from them? Well... A lot of them are millionaires. They catch people's attention!

To increase small business sales, you need to look at yourself first as a marketer. As a marketer, you insist on marketing that delivers results and a positive ROI. You need to first look at these five marketing strategies because they work, work well and work almost all of the time. Which of the many small business marketing tools and tips do you use and where do you spend your money? The first thing to do is to put the wallet or checkbook back in the drawer and pick up a pen or open a blank document on your computer and name it "Hidden Marketing Asset Plan." You are going to map out a strategy for implementing a very powerful marketing system that can easily skyrocket your sales in a matter of weeks.

• Create a database and capture client names, addresses, phone numbers, purchase history, preferences, birthdays, hobbies and other information. Just send card or note to thank customers for their business and prospects for thinking of buying. Include a coupon or an offer (with a deadline) for them to buy additional products or services. Use the information to invite them back to your business and develop a personal relationship with them. If you don't do so, your competition will.

• PLUS 1 - Bonus strategy: Do at least one extra marketing activity every day you are at work. Whether it is one more phone call, an extra fax, email, post card, birthday card or thank you card do that one thing. By the end of the year, it adds up to a couple hundred additional marketing activities. If only 10 percent succeed, the result is 20 more sales, prospects or clients.

• The average minority woman-owned business annual revenues are less than half that of the average non-minority women-owned firm. Overall, women-owned businesses average $143,431 in annual revenue, with non-minority women-owned firms averaging $201,948 in annual revenues and minority women-owned firms averaging $68,982.

• Despite broadening industry diversity over the past two decades, since the 2008 recession the industries with the greatest share of new womenowned firms are in some of the most historically traditional sectors for women: Other services (which includes hair and nail salons, up 98% compared to 45% overall); Administrative, support and waste management services (home to janitorial and landscaping businesses, +64%); and • Although the share of women-owned firms keeps climbing – from 28% in 2002 to 38% today Accommodation and food services (+62%). – their share of employment (8%) and revenues (4%) remains essentially unchanged. Here is an overview of the Top 7 – Plus 1 marketing strategies:

• You must create a Unique Selling Proposition. It is the reason you are in business and gives your prospects and incredibly compelling reason to buy from you – now. Without a USP, you are one of the many choices. With a USP, you are the only choice. Would you hire me because I'm a marketing consultant or because I guarantee rapid increases in sales and profits in a matter of weeks? Do you use FedEx because they ship packages or because you know your package will arrive tomorrow? • Learn selling and the art of how to bundle products, cross-sell and up-sell. Almost anybody selling a product or a service can increase the average sale value by offering or suggesting additional products that complement what they are selling. When you offer the client an add-on product, you will get more sales. Knowing the right words to make it desired by the prospect, who does not feel they are being sold, is part of the value of sales training. Which sentence would make you more inclined to order an appetizer with your dinner? "Would you like an appetizer? The chef has an unbelievable appetizer she created just for you. You are going to love it!" This is such a powerful and simple way to

• Establish Joint Ventures (JVs) and Strategic Marketing Alliances (SMAs). When you are considering buying a new product or service, you want to know you are making a good decision. So do the rest of us. JV's and SVA's leverage this emotional need by using the power of endorsements and recommendations. Identify non-competing businesses that have customers similar to yours. Call the potential partner and tell them about your incredible idea to help boost their sales. Say you want to endorse and recommend their products/services to your clients and have them do the same for you. It's that simple! Some will and some won't but when you find proactive partners with the right list, you will be shocked and amazed at how quickly you can grow.

Kathy Elliott Owner/president Elliott Marketing

• Look at, and study the standard marketing and advertising the majority of companies in your industry are using. Know exactly how and what they are doing. Here's the little known secret about using this information: Do something totally different! Why copy your competitors? You know you have a better product or service? Be outrageous, be different and get your prospect's attention. Do you have the business owner in your town with the weird commercials where they are acting quite foolish, but have a great USP and a reason for

What was your dream job as a kid and why? I fell in love with radio in the 7th grade. I happen to win a clock radio after I sold magazines for my school. That radio was able to pick up great AM stations from Chicago and New York City and I was so in awe the way the disc jockeys could tell the weather In the first few seconds of the song. I still love media - plus I knew in my heart I could never be a Rockette at 5'4" tall.

What do you love about being in business in this community? I wasn't born and raised here, but I was welcomed into this town when I did move here in 1990. I was hired as a very green sales rep and sent out to the local owners to sell airtime. Having a non-tangible product is hard enough, but when the business owners learned I was a Yankee I was almost run out of town almost! Now I really enjoy knowing so many of the local business owners on a personal level. It's great to do business with friends.

What advice would you give to other women in business? Work hard. Don't lie. Stay late when you have to. Make time for family. Find a place to be quiet and think about your future business and your true goals. It's the same stuff I would say to a man in business. Geez

What woman inspires you and why? I get my perseverance from the women of my family. My mom was a teacher and was tough but cared deeply for the kids and I always took that to heart. She battled some physical ailments over the years but just keeps giving, whether to her family or her church. As a mom and now grandma I am still tenacious and rough on the outside, but those closest to me know I am caring and loyal to those I love.



• There are now 11.3 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., employing nearly 9 million people and generating over $1.6 trillion in revenues.

• Between 2007 and 2016, while the total number of firms increased by 9%, the number of womenowned firms increased by 45% – meaning that over this period the number of women-owned firms grew at a rate fully five times the national • Women-owned businesses now comprise 38% of average. the business population, employ 8% of the country’s private sector workforce and contribute 4% • The number of women of color who have launched their own business has more than douof the nation’s business revenues. bled since 2007, to nearly 5 million. They com• Since 2007, there have been 1,072 net new prise fully 44% of all women-owned firms. women-owned firms launched each and every day. By Paul Flood Articles Factory

increase small business sales that you will find it as easy as breathing.

you to buy from them? Well... A lot of them are millionaires. They catch people's attention!

To increase small business sales, you need to look at yourself first as a marketer. As a marketer, you insist on marketing that delivers results and a positive ROI. You need to first look at these five marketing strategies because they work, work well and work almost all of the time. Which of the many small business marketing tools and tips do you use and where do you spend your money? The first thing to do is to put the wallet or checkbook back in the drawer and pick up a pen or open a blank document on your computer and name it "Hidden Marketing Asset Plan." You are going to map out a strategy for implementing a very powerful marketing system that can easily skyrocket your sales in a matter of weeks.

• Create a database and capture client names, addresses, phone numbers, purchase history, preferences, birthdays, hobbies and other information. Just send card or note to thank customers for their business and prospects for thinking of buying. Include a coupon or an offer (with a deadline) for them to buy additional products or services. Use the information to invite them back to your business and develop a personal relationship with them. If you don't do so, your competition will.

• PLUS 1 - Bonus strategy: Do at least one extra marketing activity every day you are at work. Whether it is one more phone call, an extra fax, email, post card, birthday card or thank you card do that one thing. By the end of the year, it adds up to a couple hundred additional marketing activities. If only 10 percent succeed, the result is 20 more sales, prospects or clients.

Here is an overview of the Top 7 – Plus 1 marketing strategies:

• You must create a Unique Selling Proposition. It is the reason you are in business and gives your prospects and incredibly compelling reason to buy from you – now. Without a USP, you are one of the many choices. With a USP, you are the only choice. Would you hire me because I'm a marketing consultant or because I guarantee rapid increases in sales and profits in a matter of weeks? Do you use FedEx because they ship packages or because you know your package will arrive tomorrow? • Learn selling and the art of how to bundle products, cross-sell and up-sell. Almost anybody selling a product or a service can increase the average sale value by offering or suggesting additional products that complement what they are selling. When you offer the client an add-on product, you will get more sales. Knowing the right words to make it desired by the prospect, who does not feel they are being sold, is part of the value of sales training. Which sentence would make you more inclined to order an appetizer with your dinner? "Would you like an appetizer? The chef has an unbelievable appetizer she created just for you. You are going to love it!" This is such a powerful and simple way to

• Establish Joint Ventures (JVs) and Strategic Marketing Alliances (SMAs). When you are considering buying a new product or service, you want to know you are making a good decision. So do the rest of us. JV's and SVA's leverage this emotional need by using the power of endorsements and recommendations. Identify non-competing businesses that have customers similar to yours. Call the potential partner and tell them about your incredible idea to help boost their sales. Say you want to endorse and recommend their products/services to your clients and have them do the same for you. It's that simple! Some will and some won't but when you find proactive partners with the right list, you will be shocked and amazed at how quickly you can grow.

Kathy Elliott Owner/president Elliott Marketing

• Look at, and study the standard marketing and advertising the majority of companies in your industry are using. Know exactly how and what they are doing. Here's the little known secret about using this information: Do something totally different! Why copy your competitors? You know you have a better product or service? Be outrageous, be different and get your prospect's attention. Do you have the business owner in your town with the weird commercials where they are acting quite foolish, but have a great USP and a reason for

What was your dream job as a kid and why? I fell in love with radio in the 7th grade. I happen to win a clock radio after I sold magazines for my school. That radio was able to pick up great AM stations from Chicago and New York City and I was so in awe the way the disc jockeys could tell the weather In the first few seconds of the song. I still love media - plus I knew in my heart I could never be a Rockette at 5'4" tall.

What do you love about being in business in this community? I wasn't born and raised here, but I was welcomed into this town when I did move here in 1990. I was hired as a very green sales rep and sent out to the local owners to sell airtime. Having a non-tangible product is hard enough, but when the business owners learned I was a Yankee I was almost run out of town almost! Now I really enjoy knowing so many of the local business owners on a personal level. It's great to do business with friends.

What advice would you give to other women in business? Work hard. Don't lie. Stay late when you have to. Make time for family. Find a place to be quiet and think about your future business and your true goals. It's the same stuff I would say to a man in business. Geez

What woman inspires you and why? I get my perseverance from the women of my family. My mom was a teacher and was tough but cared deeply for the kids and I always took that to heart. She battled some physical ailments over the years but just keeps giving, whether to her family or her church. As a mom and now grandma I am still tenacious and rough on the outside, but those closest to me know I am caring and loyal to those I love.



Seeking a small business loan? What you should know By Paul Flood Articles Factory

increase small business sales that you will find it as easy as breathing.

you to buy from them? Well... A lot of them are millionaires. They catch people's attention!

To increase small business sales, you need to look at yourself first as a marketer. As a marketer, you insist on marketing that delivers results and a positive ROI. You need to first look at these five marketing strategies because they work, work well and work almost all of the time. Which of the many small business marketing tools and tips do you use and where do you spend your money? The first thing to do is to put the wallet or checkbook back in the drawer and pick up a pen or open a blank document on your computer and name it "Hidden Marketing Asset Plan." You are going to map out a strategy for implementing a very powerful marketing system that can easily skyrocket your sales in a matter of weeks.

• Create a database and capture client names, addresses, phone numbers, purchase history, preferences, birthdays, hobbies and other information. Just send card or note to thank customers for their business and prospects for thinking of buying. Include a coupon or an offer (with a deadline) for them to buy additional products or services. Use the information to invite them back to your business and develop a personal relationship with them. If you don't do so, your competition will.

• PLUS 1 - Bonus strategy: Do at least one extra marketing activity every day you are at work. Whether it is one more phone call, an extra fax, email, post card, birthday card or thank you card do that one thing. By the end of the year, it adds up to a couple hundred additional marketing activities. If only 10 percent succeed, the result is 20 more sales, prospects or clients.

(BPT) – Small businesses still struggle to obtain credit; nearly half of those who applied for credit in 2016 • Establish Joint Ventures (JVs) and Strategic Kathy Elliott Marketing Alliances (SMAs). When you are didn’t get all the funding they Owner/president considering buying a new product or service, you Elliott Marketing Here is an overview of the Top 7 – Plus 1 marketing want to know you are making a good decision. So sought, and 17 percent of strategies: do the rest of us. JV's and SVA's leverage this emotional need by using the power of those whomust didn’tcreate apply aforUnique Selling Proposition. It is the • You endorsements and recommendations. Identify reason you are in business and gives your prospects and non-competing businesses that have customers financing skipped it because incredibly compelling reason to buy from you – now. similar to yours. Call the potential partner and tell Without a USP, you are one of the many choices. With a them about your incredible idea to help boost USP , youthink are the only choice. their sales. Say you want to endorse and they didn’t they could Would you hire me because I'm a marketing consultant or recommend their products/services to your clients because I guarantee rapid increases in sales and profits in and have them do the same for you. It's that get what they needed, a matter of weeks? Do you use FedEx because they ship simple! Some will and some won't but when you packages or because you know your package will arrive find proactive partners with the right list, you will according to the Federal tomorrow? be shocked and amazed at how quickly you can grow. • Learn selling and the art of how to bundle products, Reserve Banks’ Small cross-sell and up-sell. Almost anybody selling a product or • Look at, and study the standard marketing and a service can increase the majority of companies in your Business Credit Survey. the average sale value by offering or advertising suggesting additional products that complement what industry are using. Know exactly how and what they are selling. When you offer the client an add-on they are doing. Here's the little known secret However, a growing product, you will get more sales. about using this information: Do something totally Knowing the right words to make it desired by the different! Why copy your competitors? You know number of small prospect, whobusinesses does not feel they are being sold, is part of you have a better product or service? Be the value of sales training. Which sentence would make outrageous, be different and get your prospect's you more inclined to order an appetizer with your dinner? attention. are turning to alternative "Would you like an appetizer? The chef has an Do you have the business owner in your town unbelievable appetizer she created just for you. You are with the weird commercials where they are acting sources of financing. going to love it!" This is such a powerful and simple way to quite foolish, but have a great USP and a reason for “The process for accessing and receiving funding can be slow and cumbersome and alternative forms of lending are greatly helping to improve the availability of financing for small business owners,” says Jacqueline Reses, head of Square Capital. “Ensuring that the Eighty-four percent of small business owners who accept a loan through Square Capital say it has helped them grow sales or revenue. financial system is more inclusive and addresses the collect all the paperwork getting the money can still a few clicks to complete and tailored to a business’s cash and understand customer needs of small business to apply, to the time you take time small business once approved, funds are flow, reducing the risk of satisfaction and lender owners who may have been actually get approved, to owners don’t have. Others deposited as quickly as the businesses borrowing more dependability. Working with a previously underserved when you see the money in have been able to tackle next business day. than they can afford to repay. trusted brand is important to by traditional lenders is your account. Yet, according both of those challenges. Affordability Loans are sized based on many small business owners paramount.” to the Fed’s survey, the For example, Square Capital Business owners may a reasonable projected and should be to you as well. The Federal Reserve majority of small businesses can see the health of a know how much they need, payback period so that a While online lenders are study has shown steadily that applied for credit in 2016 small business based on but be less aware of what small business can use its opening up access to the increasing numbers of small did so in situations where its sales and transaction size loan they can afford. It’s funds to grow and not be financing small businesses businesses, with annual time was a factor; 64 percent data, allowing it to evaluate important to accept a loan stuck in debt for extended need to run and grow, revenues of less than $1 wanted to expand their the business’s stability and offer that your business can time periods. it’s important to do your million, seeking financing business or take advantage actual ability to repay over repay within a reasonable Trust homework and carefully through non-traditional of a new opportunity, and 45 time. With this unique insight, time period while also Before applying for determine which financial sources such as online percent needed the money to it can assess eligibility for helping it grow. credit from any lender, partner best meets the needs lenders. In 2014, just 18 cover operating expenses. a loan and deliver offers Square Capital’s ability to it’s important to do your of your business. To learn percent applied to online While some funding right to the small business use unique data to assess research. Know how they more about small business lenders, while in 2016, 21 sources have a reputation owner. From there, an the eligibility of a business present their offers, look for loans through Square percent did. for being faster to approve, application takes as little as for a loan also enables it to transparency and flexibility Capital, visit www.squareup. As the alternative lending provide access to loan offers that puts the borrower first com/capital. industry continues to grow, small business owners should keep five points in mind when evaluating loan offers, Reses says: What do you love about being in business in this community? I wasn't born and raised here, but I was welcomed into this town when I did move here in 1990. I was hired as a very green sales rep and sent out to the local owners to sell airtime. Having a non-tangible product is hard enough, but when the business owners learned I was a Yankee I was almost run out of town almost! Now I really enjoy knowing so many of the local business owners on a personal level. It's great to do business with friends.

What advice would you give to other women in business? Work hard. Don't lie. Stay late when you have to. Make time for family. Find a place to be quiet and think about your future business and your true goals. It's the same stuff I would say to a man in business. Geez What was your dream job as a kid and why? I fell in love with radio in the 7th grade. I happen to win a clock radio after I sold magazines for my school. That radio was able to pick up great AM stations from Chicago and New York City and I was so in awe the way the disc jockeys could tell the weather In the first few seconds of the song. I still love media - plus I knew in my heart I could never be a Rockette at 5'4" tall. What woman inspires you and why? I get my perseverance from the women of my family. My mom was a teacher and was tough but cared deeply for the kids and I always took that to heart. She battled some physical ailments over the years but just keeps giving, whether to her family or her church. As a mom and now grandma I am still tenacious and rough on the outside, but those closest to me know I am caring and loyal to those I love.

Total payback amount of a loan Knowing how much a loan is going to cost isn’t always easy. For a small business owner, being able to see exactly how much you will need to repay and accounting for that in your budget is crucial, and you should always look for transparency. Total payback amount is the dollar value that represents all costs, so business owners know exactly what they will owe over the life of the loan. Businesses should look for this when they assess loan offers. Assessing offers solely on other metrics like APR may not always provide a fair or easy comparison. Repayment method The ease of repayment is also important to consider and there are some unique options available to small businesses looking for flexibility when it comes to repayment. With Square Capital for example, a fixed repayment amount is automatically deducted from the business’s daily card sales processed through Square until the loan is repaid, enabling the business to pay more when things are busy and less if things slow down. Businesses also have the opportunity to repay early and without penalty at any time before the end of the loan term. Speed Traditional small business loans can take weeks to process from the time you

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