Club Torres Magazine

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The Club Torres Magazine. Year 2011

The Best of a Legacy Our Estate Wines, symbols of excellence


Our Wines


White and rosé wines



Red Wines


Current News Vintage 2010


News — Vijazz 2010 — Torres and Mas Albornà — After a year in Chile... — Torres China: more than a winery — A Visit from Jimmy Carter — Back to Basics — José María Nunes




Chilean Wines


Californian Wines


Jean Leon


Distilled and Dessert Wines


Fine Oils and Vinegars


Destinations Discover the Penedès and our wineries in Catalunya, Chile and California — Getaways Priorat, a journey back in time


La Vinoteca Torres Embassies. Three Vinotecas, three continents


Interview Belén Fabra

Torres Experiences More than a place, an experience



Wine Guide 2011 — Cardona Castle — Internet New Club Torres Online


Features — The Best of a Legacy Our Estate Wines, symbols of excellence — Celeste Roble. A new Ribera star — Verdeo. The fashionable white wine





Tasting Notes — Informative Labels — Wine is best enjoyed in moderation


Club Torres


Editorial Dear Club Torres Friends, Once again, I have the great pleasure of introducing our latest magazine, the 2011 edition, featuring a fully updated catalogue of our wines and brandies. 2010 was a very important year for us. Despite difficult times, we kept our sights on enhancing the quality and variety of our wines and improving the service our customers deserve. At the same time, we managed to increase our sales by 11%, largely thanks to our export business. This success would have been impossible without the enormous effort by everyone working for the company. Everyone here in Vilafranca, trying to reduce costs and improve quality. And our colleagues elsewhere, doing everything they can to meet our sales objectives... Everyone supports the company and is continuously seeking innovation and excellence. New wines like IbĂŠricos from Rioja, Celeste from Ribera del Duero, Salmos and Perpetual from Priorat have achieved a solid position, adding prestige to our wine selection and contributing to increased sales. Natureo has also found its niche, surprising plenty of people who did not think that a market for a high quality, alcohol-free wine existed. Frankly, it is a delicious drink. It has become my favourite aperitif at Mas Rabell. I drink it every day and save the wine for lunch. Our plans to reduce the effects of climate change continued throughout 2010. Our investments since 2007 total close to 7 million euros, focused on installing renewable forms of energy, primarily solar panels, as well as the purchase of about 50 hybrid cars for our representatives and some of our in-house staff, myself included. Several R&D activities follow in the same vein. Most importantly, the use of new techniques to reduce pollution (growing algae to eliminate carbon dioxide, biomass treatment after the harvest, obtaining charcoal from material left over after pruning and wood from old vines, etc.). Currently, our company is considered the most internationally prestigious and widely represented Spanish family-run winery. Our wines are sold in as many as 150 countries worldwide on a regular basis and are served in the world's best hotels and restaurants. Thus, it comes as no surprise that in its March edition, the magazine Decanter (the world's leading wine magazine) declared Torres the most famous name in Spanish wines. And last July, the Wall Street Journal wrote, "No winery is more innovative or iconic in terms of Spain's recent history than Torres". Finally, I would also like to congratulate my children on the excellent job they're doing. Mireia at Jean Leon and in the Priorat, and Miguel in Chile. As well as my sister, Marimar, who is producing outstanding organic wines in California. Enjoy the magazine... Here's to your health! Cheers!

News & Wine

d.o.c. rioja d.o. catalunya luny lunya d.o. conc conca de barberà barber d.o. ribera del duero


d.o. penedès

Vintage 2010

An excellent vintage: auspicious climate conditions, slow ripening and intense wines that promise to age magnificently. Fresh and aromatic whites that are a true and immediate pleasure. Concentrated reds currently ageing to delight our palate in the years to come.

Ribera del Duero Generally speaking, the 2010 harvest stands out for incredibly healthy grapes and excellent alcoholic and phenolic maturity, largely due to very low yields per hectare in selected plots; an average of 2,500 kg/ha. The wines exhibit heightened aromatic intensity and colour. They are particularly noteworthy for their pleasant roundness and sweet tannins. Rioja An ideal season. The harvest promises great wines, splendid in structure and colour, which will only improve during barrel ageing. A good vegetative cycle marked by abundant rainfall in the winter and slow, regular ripening as well as ideal climate conditions all make the 2010 vintage one of the best in recent years. Priorat The 2010 season can be classified as excellent thanks to climate conditions that ensured a seamless ripening period and very healthy grapes. Most summer days experienced significant temperature fluctuations between day and night, thus favouring an optimal ripening process. This factor was particularly interesting in the warmer areas (around El Lloar) and in relation to the Garnacha variety, because it prevented the undesirable, accelerated accumulation of sugar. In the Porrera area, temperatures were more moderate throughout the ripening period, resulting in a delayed harvest, which

took place approximately 2-3 weeks after El Lloar. The Cariñena and Garnacha wines display a notably intense colour, a nose marked by great typicity and a significantly concentrated midpalate. Penedès / Conca de Barberà / Catalunya Climate conditions during the vegetative cycle of the grapes were largely cool in the spring and warm in summer, without prolonged periods of excessive heat. Rainfall was greater than in the previous year and peak temperatures in August were lower than in past summers, except for the week immediately prior to the harvest. Overall, it was a cooler year with milder maximum temperatures and a greater supply of water than is customary in these vineyards. The harvest began on August 27th and concluded on October 26th. It could be considered a later harvest, with rainfall in September and a slow, calm ripening period. In short, the 2010 vintage is characterised by a gradual and regular ripening period, allowing for the optimal expression of the varietal aromatic potential while maintaining the acidity that each wine requires. A good year for white varieties, marked by intense yet delicate aromas and wines exhibiting both body and freshness. The red varieties have also had a very good year, resulting in intense, fruity wines, fullbodied, smooth and nervy in character.

Grape Ripening In order for aromatic and flavourful substances to form, the following climate conditions are necessary: lots of sunlight, but without excessive heat, and sporadic rainfall. A marked difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures; in other words, sunny, but not excessively hot days and cool nights. This is particularly interesting in terms of producing superior aromatic substances with a pleasant mouthfeel sensation.



Vijazz 2010

A splendid encounter of wines to the sound of great jazz Bodegas Torres participated in the 4th edition of this by now well-established fusion of jazz and wine. The live concert series featured jazz heavyweights like Marcus Miller or the Kenny Barron Quartet as well as many other outstanding artists. The event included guided tours, exhibitions, renowned acts and concerts, while visitors strolling through the celebrated capital got the chance to enjoy the El Penedès Wine and Cava Fair, sampling classics and discovering the latest novelties the winery had to offer. Enojazz (a live jazz and wine event) was a big hit at the Vinseum (Museum of Viticulture), with close to one hundred lucky guests discovering how our Fransola, Waltraud and Mas La Plana (1981 vintage) unfolded to the sound of jazz. This was followed by an evening of Enocine, showing the film Let's Get Lost, accompanied by our Nerola wine. The many different tastings made the Rambla and our wines even more attractive, resulting in a spectacularly high attendance. At our stand, visitors sampled our Atrium range and our alcoholfree alternative, Natureo. We continue with our efforts to show that wine is indeed culture.

tORReS and MaS albORnà A responsible duo

The two entities joined forces on the project "Viu la Vinya", providing educational workshops on vineyards, the environment, renewable energy sources, nature and rural living. These activities are aimed at children, companies and other groups with the added benefit of personal exchange and interaction.

More information Upcoming edition: July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2011

Mas Albornà is a non-profit association with over 40 years experience in social and labour integration projects for disabled or mentally ill adults in the Alt Penedès region (Barcelona).

ConneCtion to Bodegas torres For years, Mas Albornà has been actively and publicly collaborating with Bodegas Torres on activities and projects that foster our Corporate Social Responsibility. We collaborate with the Occupational Centre (performing minor tasks) and have begun grafting work at the nursery in La Bleda. Thanks to this joint effort, Torres is now one of the most active companies in terms of these projects, the result and consequence of a history, project, connections and company philosophy all aimed in this direction.

Viu la Vinya "Viu la Vinya" represents a step forward in social and labour integration for individuals with disabilities, providing a country house-workshop for learning about and discovering the grapevine and its environment, aimed at primary school children and other groups. At "Viu la Vinya" the visitor's learning is twofold: social and knowledge-based. During their visit, participants discover the grapevine and its environment through educational and practical workshops as well as discovering the abilities of the people at Mas Albornà, who work as monitors. For one day, they become the teachers, breaking down several old preconceptions, stereotypes and prejudices about the abilities of disabled individuals. More information



Photography Contest

afteR a yeaR in Chile...

Test the limits of your imagination! Take a creative photo with a bottle of Torres in the setting of your choice and participate in our contest:

What I'll probably remember most about 2010 is getting to know our people better. MIGUEL TORRES MACzASSEk DIRECTOR BODEGAS MIGUEL TORRES ChILE

A year has gone by since I moved to Curicó, Chile with my family. Time has passed quickly and there's no doubt that 2010 put this country to the test: the earthquake, then the miners, whose rescue mission we followed closely on television. In both cases, it became clear how great this country is, how despite upheaval and crises, people know how to start over and look ahead. What I'll probably remember the most about 2010 is getting to know our people better, meaning all of our Chilean colleagues. Occasionally, circumstances allow us to get to know people in different ways. The reconstruction effort involved a lot of very emotional moments, and I believe that everyone here at Miguel Torres Chile has given their absolute best −occasionally putting the company first, ahead of their own personal needs− and proving that this winery is more than just a workplace. After the earthquake, we started thinking about what we as a company could do to improve things, and we decided to work towards certifying our Santa Digna wines −which make up 75% of our production− as fair trade, making us a pioneering company in this area. In doing so, we could guarantee a price that would enable the on-going development of the viticulturalists as well as give us the opportuni-

ty to initiate several interesting social projects in our community. In 2010, we also consolidated our efforts in organic viticulture, taking advantage of the excellent conditions that this country has to offer, given that many of the plagues afflicting European vineyards do not exist here. We hope to adapt all of our vineyards to the standards of organic viticulture over the next 2 years. In December, we welcomed 2011 with a special celebration and a bottle of Estelado. This is a new project that we're developing in Chile. We began working on this sparkling wine more than 3 years ago. The goal is to revive the largely forgotten País variety to produce a high quality, sparkling rosé. It's a very special project since the País variety was the first to reach Chile almost 500 years ago. If it works out, a lot of rural families who cultivate this variety, which brings in very little money, would benefit, and we would end up with a truly unique product. But if I had to pick the most meaningful moment of the year, it would have to be the birth of our second daughter, Andrea, here in Chile. After 30 years of producing wine in Chile, it's about time we had a Chilean in the family!



More information


Participate in our contest Take a creative photo with a bottle of Torres and send it to the email address below with "Concurso fotográfico" in the subject line:


jiMMy CaRteR

tORReS China: MORe than a wineRy

Torres began its Chinese adventure almost 30 years ago. In keeping with its pioneer spirit, Bodegas Torres arrived in China in 1982 when the country had no wine culture to speak of. The first exports were done through an importer. The situation was difficult at first. Adapting to the Chinese language, culture and traditions demanded an enormous effort. It required years of research and hard work, but the team's tenacity and perseverance paid off, and Torres gradually carved out a market niche for itself. After 15 years of diligent work, Torres decided to create its own distribution wing: Shanghai Torres Wine Trading Co., Ltd. with headquarters in Shanghai and 5 subsidiaries in the country's main cities, established over several years.

Two years later, with the goal of improving the wine distribution network, Torres expanded its portfolio by including several prestigious, international wineries such as Baron Philippe de Rothschild (Bordeaux). Nowadays, Torres China ranks third amongst China's wine importers and distributors. In addition to Torres Spain, Chile, California and Jean Leon, we distribute 400 wines from 13 different countries. The secret of our success? Hard work and plenty of patience. More information


Pays a surprise visit to Bodegas Torres and toasts with Natureo

2009 marked the launch of the Symphony Series, the first Chinese white wine jointly produced by two family-run wineries: Grace Vineyard and Torres. Made from the Muscat variety, the wine is fermented at low temperatures to preserve its unique varietal character. In 2008, the Vinoteca Torres opened in Shanghai. October 2009 saw the inauguration of Everwines, the first Torres store in China.

Former US president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter visited the Bodegas Torres facilities in Pacs del Penedès on Saturday, July 3rd. The American leader was presented the 22nd Premio Internacional de Cataluña on July 1st by then president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, José Montilla. Mr. Carter decided to take advantage of his stay in Catalunya to spontaneously visit the winery, accompanied by his wife and other family members. Guided by Ana Torres, daughter of the Torres Group president, the Carters toured the facilities, leaving a memento of their visit by signing one of the barrels located at the entrance to the Margarita cellar. The visit concluded with a tasting at the iconic Waltraud winery. The alcohol-free wine Natureo immediately caught Mr. Carter's eye. Without a moment's hesitation, he invited his bodyguards to a toast, spontaneously exclaiming, "hey guys, you can drink this one!" Proving yet again the natural, easy charm that he displayed throughout his visit.





jOSé MaRía nuneS

baCk tO baSiCS

New challenges: Mireia Torres takes on the management of the Jean Leon winery, known for its extraordinary vineyards. MIREIA TORRES MANAGER OF JEAN LEON

In 2011, we will carry out several changes at the winery, both in terms of image and product portfolio. In a way, we want to get back to the roots of Jean Leon by focusing on our Estate Wines and the unique character of our vineyards. Furthermore, with a view to attracting future customers to Jean Leon, we have incorporated the wine range Petit Chardonnay and Petit Merlot in all markets. These high quality wines are both intense and fresh, marked by varietal aromas and a velvety mouth-feel. Their labels feature a more modern look. Recently, we introduced 2 great wines, Gran Reserva 01 and Zemis 07, into the market. The label for the Gran Reserva 01 was designed by my mother, Waltraud Maczassek, a

German artist who has lived in Catalunya for over 40 years. The shades and formal nature of the painting express a state of profound transformation. The quality of both wines is extraordinary, the result of combining two great vintages and unique vineyards. Jean Leon maintains its close relationship with the world of cinema. We anticipated the enormous success of Pa Negre this year. In November 2010, during the Mostra de Vilafranca, we presented the Jean Leon honorary award to Agustí Villaronga in recognition of his career. Pa Negre has won 13 Gaudí awards, 9 Goyas, 1 Forqué and one Jean Leon. More information

"My intention in making films is for everyone to see themselves as a work of art and not feel the need to see anyone else's work." Filmmaker and poet José María Nunes passed away in Barcelona at the age of 80 while his last film, Res publica, was playing in the cinema. Nunes was born in Faro (Portugal) in 1930. At the age of 12, his family emigrated, first to Sevilla, where they lived for five years, and then to Barcelona, where he resided ever since. his first film, Mañana (1957), is considered the precursor and first example of what would later be known as the Escuela de Barcelona or Barcelona School. Nunes' body of work includes films like Noche de Vino Tinto (1966), Iconockaut (1975), Gritos a Ritmo Fuerte (1984) and A la Soledad (2008). Nunes was a poet and a man committed to a certain understanding of cinema, explaining that his goal was not to tell stories since, to his mind, we had run out of plots a long time ago. he did, however, see the potential in formal and narrative experimentation as a way of reaching audiences through emotion and personal involvement. "Even though I don't have a camera on me, I'm filming all the time," he said. Nunes was one of a kind. We remember him at the Academia de Cine ceremony, re-enacting the scene in which he describes wine. With a glass of Jean Leon in hand, he emulated the main character of Noche de Vino Tinto with the phrase that he will always be remembered by: "The galloping black horse that carries us off to indescribable skies." More information



belén fabra A "Gran Reserva" actress Photography JOSÉ Domingo

Belén Fabra is an actress with incredible range. If there is one thing we can say for certain about her short, but intense career: she is fearless. Her passion for taking risks as a performer have already earned her three nominations, two in the theatre (Valle Inclán and Max Awards for Plataforma) and one in film (Gaudí Awards for Diario de una Ninfómana).

a way of making you go for it, which ends up being immensely gratifying. Working with Echanove was amazing; he is a committed and passionate performer. I feel privileged to have worked with actors like him, who have such a body of work and talent. I'm eternally grateful for it. I'd work with both of them again in a heartbeat!

the language was like a protective shield. I was nervous about coming back and acting in my own language (Spanish or Catalan), because it's much closer to who you really are and I felt vulnerable. Now I work comfortably in either one, but I never feel like I'm really speaking my own language, because my real language is "tortosino"!

Two of your most notable roles (Marylise in Plataforma and Val in Diario de una Ninfómana) are marked by strong dramatic intensity. Do these kinds of roles require some sort of special preparation? When I played these parts, I didn't really think about how difficult they were. In fact, with Valerie, I found it harder to watch her on-screen than to play her. While playing her, I didn't think about it, I simply used whatever resources I had. Other roles did require additional preparation.

You're probably asked this in interviews all the time. Is it difficult to let go of a character once you're done filming for the day? I suppose what I find difficult to let go of is the work that I've done. I feel powerless when I'm not completely satisfied with what I just finished doing. I like feeling a hint of dissatisfaction, because it inspires me to do better, but sometimes it has a blocking effect, and I end up obsessing about it too much. I'm learning to deal with it better. But it's true, when a character is very intense, it does affect your mood a bit. It's a form of torture that I enjoy. I accept it, it's part of my profession, at least in the way that I approach it.

Here's something else we should talk about. When did you know that you wanted to become an actress? At a very young age. I think I was hyperactive and had to channel all that energy somehow. I was always dreaming up games and performing shows for the whole family with my siblings and cousins. I constantly had to be doing something and one day my sister told me: you should become an actress, and something clicked right then, and I thought, Wow! All this stuff I do for fun could actually be a career.

These roles gave you the opportunity to work with two of the greatest talents in contemporary Spanish theatre, Juan Echanove and Calixto Bieito. How would you describe these experiences? They were an absolute gift. I had an unbelievable time working with Calixto; he gives you a lot of freedom and likes pushing your boundaries. In moments when you'd normally stop yourself, he has

Some of your television work has been on series made for regional Catalonian television. Do you feel more comfortable working in Catalan or Spanish? I studied acting in the U.S. and felt very comfortable acting in English, because

On the show Gran Reserva, you play a conservative, submissive and insecure woman, who is nonetheless willing to do just about anything if she feels wronged. Do you identify with this character in any way? The simple fact of being human already lets you identify with all characters. In this case, well, in some ways...but I don't like comparing myself to a character, because even without wanting to, I'll turn it into something personal. What I try to do is find commonalities on an emotional level. What I like is that Paula changes, she doesn't get stuck as a victim. Besides your relationship to wine because of the series, do you have any particular interest in wine, tastings or gastronomy in general? I think it's a fascinating and interesting world. Thanks to the show, I've gotten to know it a little better. I've really enjoyed learning about it, and I realised that basically I didn't know anything... When I was studying acting, a teacher did a great exercise with us: based on different wine aromas, we had to develop the personality of a character. It was very useful, because the aromas offer a variety of different nuances. In fact, sometimes I use perfumes for specific characters. The aroma can reveal the personality of a wine...and of a character.


Torres around the world Torres products can be found in over 140 countries around the world. Several of our friends have verified this by sending us their photos.

wine guide 2011


CaRdOna CaStle

Between History and Legend

Below are some of the ratings Torres wines have received in the 2011 editions of several Spanish guidebooks.

VinOS gOuRMetS guide Grans Muralles 2006


Milmanda 2008


Mas La Plana 2006


RePSOl guide Grans Muralles 2006


Milmanda 2008


Mas La Plana 2006


Reserva Real 2006


Salmos 2007


Celeste Crianza 2007


PROenSa guide Atrium Chardonnay 2009


Mas La Plana 2006


Reserva Real 2006


Perpetual Salmos 2007


Grans Muralles 2006


VinS de Catalunya guide

While on holiday way up north during the summer of 2010, sailing around the Faroe Islands between Norway and Iceland, I was pleasantly surprised to discover Sangre de Toro on the restaurant's wine list and, of course, ordered it immediately. It was like running into an old and dear friend in some far-flung place and made me immensely happy. I'm sending this bit of photographic evidence to the friends of the Club Torres. ANA Mª FAJARDO SORIANO

Grans Muralles 2006


Perpetual Salmos 2007


Nerola Blanco 2008


Mas La Plana 2006


Atrium Chardonnay 2009


Cardona Castle, built in a Romanesque and Gothic style, is amongst the most important medieval fortresses in Catalunya. In October 2010, it became the first state-run hotel and museum in Catalunya. Built by Wilfredo el Velloso, Count of Barcelona, towards the end of the 9th century, Cardona Castle experienced its heyday during the 15th century. The salt mines bestowed great power on the castle and its residents: the Dukes of Cardona were the most important family within the Kingdom of Catalunya-Aragón after the royal family, earning them the popular nickname "the kings without a crown". The structure and location of the castle, on a hilltop overlooking the salt valley and the Cardener River, made it an impregnable fortress. In fact, it was one of the last strongholds to surrender to the troops of Felipe V in 1714. Like all historic landmarks, Cardona Castle is awash in popular stories and legends. One of them tells the story of Adalés, daughter of one of the Counts of Cardona, whose parents locked her into the castle's highest tower, because they disapproved of her love for a noble Saracen. The tower (one of the castle's gems along with the beautiful collegiate church of San Vicente) is now known as the Torre de la Minyona (maiden tower) in honour of this tragic love story. According to another legend, a ghost haunts one of the rooms in the castle... And it's the most popular one in the hotel! Bodegas Torres has chosen this beautiful spot to hold several of its Wine and Mushroom Days over the past 20 years. More information

I spent most of my holidays in the Pyrenees, in a small village called Olopte, very close to Puigcerdà. We love to go hiking, eat a picnic lunch on the mountain and later on, around 8pm, sit and look at the landscape, read a good book and sip a good wine. You can't ask for more. FÉLIx RODRíGUEz PITA

Share your story with us! If you happen across a bottle of Torres wine while travelling around the world, please send us a photo with the phrase "Torres en el Mundo" in the subject line to:


linkS The Taste of La Rioja. Discover Labastida and our Tempranillo from this certified Appellation of Origin. Enjoy selected recipes that pair perfectly with the wine. you'll need a keen mind y and knowledge to tackle these three challenges! The vineyard, the wines... Discover the winery and visit us!

new Club tORReS Online

Learning, exchange and community These are the three essential pillars of what users experience at the new Club Torres Online, which will be launched shortly. Completely revamped and more social than ever, the new Club is defined by a dual purpose.

to offer insight into wine Culture To become an online reference point, a place for a large community of wine lovers to meet, exchange knowledge and share interests.

a referenCe in e-learning To provide learning tools that allow users to easily and confidently acquire and use concepts related to the world of wine in a way that is flexible, fun and entertaining. A world that often seems sophisticated and inaccessible, because the language is frequently so technical

and cryptic that it is has little bearing on the real needs of people who wish to learn, but have no prior experience. The full integration of social networks will make for a more accessible and open experience, which is necessary in building trust, a sense of belonging, a community where people feel free to communicate openly, without selfcensorship. After all, wine should be about pleasure and enjoyment rather than involved studies and painstaking analysis. More information

A meeting place for lovers of good food and fine wine. California wines and biodynamic production, an essential stop along the California wine route. Discover where Miguel Torres Chile wines come from. Protecting the environment.

tORReS & SOCial netwORkS

For almost 20 years, Club Torres has served as a meeting point for and about wine culture through its Cultural Wine Centres in Spain and its print magazine. Club Torres Online was launched in 2002 as an online environment where Torres customers from around the world can enjoy exclusive content and services over the Internet. Any Club Torres member can also be an online member - and vice versa. Two worlds existing side by side.

NEWS & WINE 10|11




The Best of a Legacy Our Estate Wines, symbols of excellence Estate Wines share a close connection to a variety and region and thus express the very best of both. They are the highest exponents of quality in the wine classification hierarchy. This commitment to quality has led Bodegas Torres to join forces with prestigious family-run wineries in the Penedès region and around the world to transmit its philosophy of excellence. These alliances have resulted in two great winemakers' associations: Qalidès and Primum Familiae Vini.

NEWS & WINE 12|13

History and Terroir in a Glass Bodegas Torres has selected its most unique vineyards to produce a range of unmistakable wines that give distinct expression to the place they come from. Winemaking performed with utmost care, slow fermentation, aged in the smallest new oak barriques for exactly the right amount of time: our Estate Wines are a reflection of their place of origin and terroir.

Qalidès The association Qalidès (a combination of Quality and Penedès) began in 2004 and includes 9 of the most important wineries in the D.O. Penedès appellation (Albet i Noya, Avgvstvs Fòrvm, Can Feixes, Can Ràfols dels Caus, Jean Leon, Finques Torres, Jané Ventura, Mas Comtal and Gramona). The intention is to show the world a different side of the Penedès: a region concerned with the preservation of viticulture, respectful of the environment and the landscape's identity, that seeking to endow its wines with the typicity of each individual vineyard and position them amongst the best in the world.

Primum Familiae Vini Primum Familiae Vini (PFV) is an international association of the world's most important wine-producing families. Its philosophy is based on the kind of quality and dedication to excellence that only family-run wine businesses can guarantee, because of their respect for familial legacy and traditions that are preserved and passed on from generation to generation. With over 3,600 years of experience between them, the families of Primum Familiae Vini lead landmark wineries in the most prestigious wine-producing regions of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany.

NEWS & WINE 14|15

Celeste Roble

D.O. Ribera del Duero B a y

o f

A new Ribera star

Three years after introducing its first wine produced in Ribera del Duero, Torres adds a new star to the Celeste firmament, a new single varietal Tempranillo (or Tinto Fino as it is known in the region), with less oak and all the varietal character of the fruit.

B i s c a y

burgos soria

ArAndA Roa de duero San EStEban iver dE Gormaz Douro R


wine and riBera del duero

the tempranillo Variety

The history of Ribera del Duero runs parallel to the evolving relationship between grapes and wine, born from particular varieties that define the landscape and the character of its people and culture. The first reference to wine in the area goes back 2,000 years, depicted in a Roman mosaic. The first wineries appeared in the 13th century, set up within the confines of certain villages. Since then, wine and vineyards have become fundamental elements of the area's cultural and economic development. The areas included in the D.O. Ribera del Duero appellation are located on the northern plateau, where four provinces - Burgos, Segovia, Soria and Valladolid – converge within the Autonomous Community of Castilla-León.

All of these characteristics are perfect for growing the Tinto Fino variety (Tempranillo), covering about 60% of the vineyard. Here the variety offers more pigment and better grape acidity than in other Spanish climates, making it possible to produce more elegant and well-structured wines.

Continental Climate Conditions The climate conditions in Ribera del Duero are characterised by low rainfall, which, in combination with dry, hot summers (and long, cold winters), gives the area a Mediterranean climate that is essentially continental in character. Soil covered in Tertiary sediments, comprised of layers of muddy or clayey sand with good water-retention capacity. A hilly landscape. The flat and rocky terrain of the valleys is interrupted by craggy hills, often topped by imposing castles and scattered pinewoods and forests.




the Birth of Celeste roBle In 2003, the Torres family came to Peñafiel, a town in the province of Valladolid, to produce Celeste, its first wine in Ribera del Duero. Celeste is born at 900 meters altitude, where clouds form patterns in the sky and the stars are close enough to touch on harvest nights. Our desire for constant improvement and offering customers the best options available has driven us to expand the Ribera family to include our new Celeste Roble. Celeste Roble, the youngest Celeste, is born at the dawn of the wine harvest, when the sun begins to brighten the horizon. A nuanced wine that lends exceptional expression to the fruity character and verve of the Tinto Fino variety, along with the aromas of its short yet intense time in the barrel.

Peñafiel Castle

Celeste Roble Cherry red in colour. Intense nose with floral and ripe berry notes and a hint of smokiness. A round, pleasant and smooth midpalate with soft tannins. Long and elegant finish.

D.O. Rueda


The fashionable white wine The D.O. Rueda appellation, halfway between the provinces of Valladolid, Segovia and Ávila, is a white oasis in a sea of reds. The area's indigenous variety, Verdejo, has a distinctive style, which Torres reveals in a thoroughly modern and accessible wine: Verdeo.

La Seca

valladolid rueda


nava del rey

the Vineyards of rueda In the Rueda area, the development of viticulture began in the 11th century, after the Reconquest. King Alfonso VI granted full property rights to people resettling the area. Several monastic orders accepted the offer and established monasteries where they began cultivating grapes to supply the Castilian court with wine. During the 18th century, a more extensive area was covered in vineyards, planted exclusively with the Verdejo variety. The wine's success was partially due to the clarifying properties of the local clay, which produced a very clean and durable wine. Rueda wines enjoyed great commercial success until Phylloxera destroyed two thirds of the vineyards between 1909 and 1922. The area was re-cultivated with vines chosen mainly for their productivity criteria rather than quality. The Palomino grape replaced the Verdejo, the predominant variety up to that point, and young wines made from this new variety were sold wholesale.

the appellation of origin The idea of creating an Appellation of Origin first arose in 1935. The process of recovering the Verdejo and its subsequent rebirth began in the 1970s and has a distinctly French flair. Advised by the great Émile Peynaud, Marqués de Riscal, a Rioja classic, moved into the region and paved the way for fresh, fruity whites based on a more modern concept practically unknown in Spain at the time.

This wine-producing region stretches across an area that connects the plateau of Castilla, Galicia and the Cantabrian coast (Valladolid, Segovia and Ávila). The grapes grow in a landscape of gentle hills, at an average altitude of 700m above sea level in alluvial soil, rich in iron and with good drainage. The climate is continental with cold winters and hot summers. The Verdejo is the most typical, local, white variety, taking up over 3,000 hectares. This and other authorised varieties (Sauvignon Blanc, Palomino or Jerez and Viura) are used to produce vintage and non-vintage wines. After establishing ourselves in Ribera del Duero, Priorat and Rioja, we set our sights on Rueda. One of our goals has always been to have a presence in the most important Spanish appellations driving the market's growth. This appellation has experienced significant growth over the past 10 years, particularly with regards to its local Verdejo variety. Verdeo is fruit of a collaborative effort between Torres and the Cooperativa Agrícola Castellana. In producing this wine, our winemakers have selected the best Verdejo grapes and supervised the vinification process at their facilities.



m a s i s t e

l r a n t c e

Verdeo A bright yellow colour with green highlights. Characterised by distinct notes of tropical fruit and citrous with a touch of fennel. An intense nose combined with freshness, elegance and an extended aftertaste, marked yet again by the variety's characteristic perception of green fruit.

NEWS & WINE 16|17


White and Rosé Wines


Red Wines


Chilean Wines


Californian Wines


Jean Leon


Distilled and Dessert Wines


Fine Oils and Vinegars

Prices (Spain only) • Up to 6 ® •• From 6 to 12 ® ••• From 12 to 25 ® •••• From 25 to 60 ® ••••• More than 60 ®

NEWS & WINE 18|19

From the earth to sensory pleasure

our wines

Our White and RosĂŠ Wines


Verdeo The greenest freshness 100% Verdejo A young, modern and fresh 100% Verdejo wine, bright yellow in colour with green highlights. Marked by distinctly varietal notes of tropical fruit and citrous with a touch of fennel. An intense nose combined with freshness, elegance and a long finish. Ideal as an aperitif or with seafood and fish in exotic sauces. D.O. Rueda Varieties 100% Verdejo Price •

San Valentín

Viña Sol

De Casta

Every day is a celebration

Drink the Spanish Sun

More than a rosé

The pleasant aroma of sun-ripened grapes and sweet, subtle fruit and floral notes. A voluptuous palate, enhanced by the residual sugar of the grapes. Pairs well with seafood as well as fish in sweet sauces.

A distinctly fresh fruit aroma reminiscent of green apples and ripe pineapples. An excellent aperitif, it also combines well with salads and fish. This classic wine is synonymous with the Penedès region.

Steeping the skins of two traditional red varieties in the must produces the colour and freshness of what eventually becomes our sweet De Casta rosé. Given its viscous and balanced palate, it pairs perfectly with traditional appetisers or cured meats.

D.O. Viñedos de España Varieties 100% Parellada Price •

D.O. Catalunya Varieties 100% Parellada Price •

D.O. Catalunya Varieties 65% Garnacha tinta and 35% Cariñena Price •

Atrium Chardonnay

Gran Viña Sol

A symphony of aromas

Lighten up the moment

Opening a bottle of Atrium is to delight in a symphony of intense aromas. A vibrant and harmonious encounter of ripe peach notes and vanilla undertones culminating in a charming composition. Perfect with all types of fish, paella and turkey.

The Chardonnay and Parellada varieties combine harmoniously after partial, meticulous fermentation in French Limousin oak barrels, thus absorbing the aroma and characteristics of the wood. The result is a magnificent wine: intense, deep and compact. Try it with fresh cheeses, fish, seafood, seafood paella, chicken or turkey.

D.O. Penedès Varieties Chardonnay and Parellada Ageing 1/3 of the Chardonnay 5 months in oak barrels Price ••

D.O. Penedès Varieties 85% Chardonnay and 15% Parellada Ageing 1/3 of the Chardonnay aged 5 months Price ••

Viña Esmeralda Be seduced... The most delicate and aromatic white varietals grow in the mountainous areas of the Upper Penedès: Muscat and Gewürztraminer yield an exceptionally delicate, aromatic, sensual and fragrant wine. Excellent with seafood, fish, melon and ham, pâté, seafood rice dishes, etc. D.O. Penedès Varieties 85% Muscat and 15% Gewürztraminer Price ••

Nerola Blanco


Your wine, your life and your land

Sweet rarity

For over 20 years, the Torres family has not used chemical insecticides or herbicides at any of its vineyards. However, Nerola is the first wine produced in strict adherence to the guidelines and methods of organic farming. The wine has a pale yellow colour with hints of gold and a fresh, fruity aroma (dried apricots, pear and notes of citrous). A full and balanced palate, creamy and delicate in terms of acidity, with a pleasant and dry finish. D.O. Catalunya Varieties Xarel·lo and Garnacha blanca Ageing 6 months in French and American oak barrels Price ••

A sublimely elegant wine with strong fruit flavours made from one of the most aromatic varieties. Marked by a voluptuous palate and the vivid and gradual unfolding of flavours with a perception of fruit, spices and forest. Perfect with oysters, lobster and seafood. Equally outstanding with foie gras, seafood rice dishes and baked fish. D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Riesling Price ••

Born and raised in Germany, Waltraud Maczassek settled in the Penedès after marrying Miguel A. Torres. This inspired her husband to create a wine in her honour, using German varieties grown in the Upper Penedès.




Milmanda 1000 years of history The highlands of Milmanda, in Conca de Barberà, provide the perfect conditions for growing Chardonnay. Fermented in new French oak barrels, it has a very intense aroma with undertones of vanilla, ripe fruit and distinct spices. Best served with caviar, baked fish, milk or butter-based sauces and cheese soufflé. D.O. Conca de Barberà Varieties 100% Chardonnay Ageing 10 months in French oak barrels Price ••••

Fransola The colour of the vineyard Only the highest areas of the Penedès experience temperatures low enough to produce Fransola. A blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Parellada, partially fermented in oak barrels, forms the basis of this wine. An elegant palate makes Fransola an ideal choice with lobster, trout, platters of seafood and fish in general. D.O. Penedès Varieties 95% Sauvignon Blanc and 5% Parellada Ageing 50% of the wine fermented in new American and French oak barrels for 8 months. Price •••

The Milmanda Castle dates back to the 9th century when it belonged to the Cistercian Order of monks, who used it as a fortified farm. At one time, it stood on the border between Christendom and the Arabic world. The origin of its name remains a mystery, but according to some legends, it stems from the king ordering a thousand men to protect the area from a potential attack, resulting in the name MIL-MANDA ("a thousand sent").

Our White and RosĂŠ Wines 24|25

Our Red Wines


Sangre de Toro Feel the Spanish lifestyle A traditional red wine and Torres classic. A beautiful ruby red colour and rich aromas of spices and wild blackberries. Softly textured tannins and elegant notes of liquorice and black pepper. Irreplaceable with roasts, stews and traditional, Spanish wild game and meat recipes. D.O. Catalunya Varieties 65% Garnacha tinta and 35% Cariñena Ageing 6 months in American oak barrels Price •

Mas Rabell Alquimia The search for perfection Mas Rabell Alquimia is the result of a long familial tradition in producing high quality wines. The wine has a lovely dark crimson colour. Aromas of fruit and spices are joined by notes of liquorice and wild berries. Given its characteristics, Alquimia is a perfect choice with classic Spanish cuisine, particularly rice dishes, grilled meats or traditional stews. D.O. Catalunya Varieties Garnacha tinta, Cariñena and Merlot Ageing 6 months in French and American oak barrels Price •


Atrium Merlot

King of Tempranillo

A symphony of aromas

A delicate floral aroma with undertones of ripe fruit (blackberries and strawberries), oak and truffles. Structured, fleshy tannins unfold to reveal velvety nuances of smoke and spices acquired in the barrel. Highly recommended with meat dishes, stews and meat paellas. A perfect match with creamy cheeses.

A beautiful, dark, cherry red colour, this wine has a generous and intense varietal aroma with notes of ripe fruit and even a hint of confected plums and blueberries. Ideal with all kinds of cured meats, sausages and meat in general: pork, beef, veal, ox and particularly wild duck. Also recommended with fish in mariniere sauces.

D.O. Catalunya Varieties 86% Tempranillo and 14% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 9 months in French and American oak barrels Price •

D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Merlot Ageing 6 months in French oak barrels Price ••

Gran Sangre de Toro Reserva

Gran Coronas Reserva

Character comes from the heart

Keep it for your best moments

The best Garnacha, Cariñena and Syrah grapes produce this exceptional wine. The exuberant aroma of a mature, intense red wine with undertones of fine spices in perfect harmony with fragrant notes of blackberries. Pairs well with stuffed peppers, wild game, meat seasoned with spices or served with bittersweet sauces.

A deep red hue with shades of ochre and brickred characteristic of the wine's ageing. A varietal aroma reminiscent of ripe plums, blueberries, coffee beans... A lasting palate with extraordinary character and very wellstructured tannins. unparalleled when it comes to fine meat and hearty wild game recipes.

D.O. Catalunya Varieties 60% Garnacha tinta 25% Cariñena and 15% Syrah Ageing 12 months in European oak barrels Price ••

Atrium Cabernet Sauvignon A symphony of aromas Opening a bottle of Atrium is to delight in a symphony of intense and sensual aromas. Notes of confected fruit, dark berries and toasted bread blend vibrantly and harmoniously to form a charming composition. Perfect with sausages, cured meats, vegetable rice dishes and paellas, meat and wild game as well as cheese. D.O. Penedès Varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Tempranillo Ageing 12 months in French oak barrels Price ••

D.O. Penedès Varieties 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Tempranillo Ageing 15 months in French and American oak barrels Price ••

Ibéricos The Taste of Spain, the Taste of Rioja Ibéricos has a lush, cherry-red colour. A distinctive and intense aroma with notes of wild berries (blackberries and blueberries) in perfect harmony with toasted caramel and spices, acquired after months in oak barrels. A silky and round midpalate with subtle perceptions of fruit and soft tannins. A long finish with a hint of spices. D.O.Q. Rioja Varieties 100% Tempranillo Ageing 12 months in French and American oak barrels and 6 months in bottles Price •



The name Ibéricos is inspired by the Iberian Peninsula. The name pervades our entire culture, our cuisine (the cured ham known as "jamón ibérico"), our geography (the "Sistema Ibérico" mountain range), etc. For this reason, the label features an ancient Spanish Holm oak and acorns. Produced at our winery in Labastida, this wine is best served with meat dishes.

Nerola Tinto Your wine, your life and your land For over 20 years, the Torres family has not used chemical insecticides or herbicides at any of its vineyards. However, Nerola is the first wine produced in strict adherence to the guidelines and methods of organic farming. The wine has an intense, cherry-red colour and an aroma evoking the scent of confected fruit (blackberries, blueberries, cherries) with undertones of truffles, toasted bread and black olives. The palate reveals hints of spices (black pepper) and elegant tannins with a pleasant perception of balance and gradually unfolding textures and flavours. D.O. Catalunya Varieties Syrah, Garnacha tinta, Tempranillo and Merlot Ageing 8 months in French oak barrels Price •••

Celeste Roble

Celeste Crianza

A star in Ribera del Duero

A star in Ribera del Duero

Celeste Roble, the youngest Celeste, is born at the dawn of the wine harvest, when the sun begins to brighten the horizon. A nuanced wine that lends exceptional expression to the fruity character and verve of the Tinto Fino variety along with the aromas of its short, yet intense, time in the barrel.

Celeste is an opulent wine with a strong perception of fruit, body, and colour. A distinctive, intense cherry-red colour and a spicy aroma with notes of liquorice and black pepper and undertones of blackberries and cherries. Given its tannic and fruit properties, it pairs well with a variety of meat dishes, including roasts and small game.

D.O. Ribera del Duero Varieties 100% Tempranillo Ageing 6 months in American, French and Eastern oak barrels Price •

D.O. Ribera del Duero Varieties 100% Tempranillo Ageing 12 months in French and American oak barrels Price •••

During the 12th century, the Carthusian monks of the Order of Saint Bruno settled in the Priorat, introducing a vine-growing tradition. In honour of their chants, we have named our first Priorat wine Salmos. In the spirit of the Carthusian monks' secrecy, we have included a little riddle on the back label. The Carthusian monks sought enlightenment. Connecting the illuminated letters (in gold) on the back label takes you to www. On the website, you will find all of the information needed to embark on a day-long treasure hunt through Catalunya, discovering the history of wine and its secrets in a most unusual manner.



Salmos Discover the secret of Salmos A wine that strikes a heretofore unknown balance between power and elegance. Produced by the Torres family from grapes grown exclusively in our vineyards with "llicorella" or slate ground in the towns of Porrera and El Lloar in the D.O.Q. Priorat appellation. Dark, almost opaque, in colour, with a fragrant and mineral nose, an opulent, viscous yet silky mouth-feel and a long finish. D.O.Q. Priorat Varieties Garnacha, Syrah and Cariñena Ageing 12-14 months in French oak barrels Price •••

Perpetual Born to fight time Perpetual is a tribute to the well-ageing Priorat wines, intense and full of character. Garnacha and Cariñena grapes grown on "llicorella" or slate hillsides constitute the essence of this wine. After ageing in oak barrels, the bottles are stored in the darkness of the El Lloar cellar. A pleasantly toasty aroma with notes of woodland undergrowth, lavender and citrous peel. A concentrated palate with round, sweet tannins and a lingering finish. D.O.Q. Priorat Varieties Garnacha tinta, Cariñena Ageing 18 months in new French oak barrels Price ••••

Mas Borràs The colour of the grape The cooler climates of the Penedès are ideal for growing the delicate Pinot Noir variety. A wine with a floral aroma and undertones of ripe fruit. A dense and excellently structured palate with notes of spices and smoke, cocoa and truffles. An excellent choice with roasted meat, boiled ham and cow cheeses. D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Pinot Noir Ageing 9 months in French oak barrels Price •••

Mas La Plana Legend in black Behind Torres' most prestigious red wine is a small vineyard with 29 ha of Cabernet Sauvignon. This world renowned, limited production wine has received several international awards in recent years. A dark cherry-red colour with a very intense aroma displaying varietal notes of confected blueberries and cherries. Sublime with wild game, excellent with goat cheeses. D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 18 months in French oak barrels Price ••••


Reserva Real

Grans Muralles

Limited reserve

Ancestral vines

The varieties of this wine are grown in the upper Penedès, producing a small yield for an exceptional wine. Deep mahogany with shades of brown, as one would expect from a superbly aged wine. An intense aroma of fruit, slightly toasted with a subtle hint of smoke and spices. A big mouth-feel, viscous and highly concentrated, benefiting from the sweet, but structured tannins.

Bodegas Torres rebuilt the walls that give this wine its name. They divide the historical vineyards of the abbey of Poblet, where the grapes for this wine are grown. Deep red, almost maroon, in colour with exotic and highly complex aromas. Pairs well with meat dishes, stews accompanied by tomato and pepper sauces or cooked with traditional herbs and spices.

D.O. Penedès Varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc Ageing 18 months in French oak barrels Price •••••

D.O. Conca de Barberà Varieties Garnacha tinta, Cariñena, Monastrell, Garró and Samsó Ageing 18 months in French oak barrels Price •••••

Our Chilean Wines

Santa Digna Sauvignon Blanc

Santa Digna Chardonnay

Feel the freshness of an Andean breeze

A wine for all the senses

A fresh, pale shade of gold and a symphony of aromas reminiscent of ripe tropical fruit with undertones of apples and fennel. Wonderful as an aperitif or paired with fish: baked, grilled or served with mild sauces. Serve at 10 oC.

A light yet vivid yellow colour with subtle hints of green. An aroma with predominantly varietal notes of fruit evoking mango and apricot. Pairs well with baked fish as well as turkey or chicken in cream sauces.

Varieties 100% Sauvignon Blanc Price ••

Varieties 100% Chardonnay Price •

Santa Digna Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé The first rosé of the year Compared to more traditional rosés, this is a wine with unmistakable character: original, young and nonconformist. Fragrant, floral with a tantalizingly sensual mouth-feel, it is a sweet and fruity delight. Pairs well with cured meats, “empanadas”, Italian pasta dishes or the best Chinese sweet and sour recipes. Varieties 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Price •

The climate of Chile's Central Valley is marked by very strong temperature fluctuations between day and night, which affects the plant's production of excellent aromas, tannins and colour.

Our Chilean Wines 34|35



Santa Digna Cabernet Sauvignon

Santa Digna Merlot

A full-bodied red with a lot of fruit

After many years of experimentation

A dark colour, an intense, full aroma and vivid fruit notes. The palate reveals a splendid structure and elegant body. The fine, soft tannins guarantee excellent and extended bottle ageing. A perfect choice with roasted turkey, hard cheeses, grilled meats, fondues, paella, large roasts and wild game.

A wine of great aromatic intensity, combined with spicy notes of vanilla and liquorice. A sweet palate, enhanced by a toasted flavour with a touch of oak and a long, spicy finish. Pairs well with pulses, white meat as well as baked, grilled or fried fish.

Varieties 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 6 months in American oak barrels Price ••

Although originally French, the Carmenère variety achieved international recognition thanks to Chilean wines. It is now considered indigenous to Chile, because it achieves the fullest expression of its quality here. Throughout the world, it is becoming known as "the most Chilean grape".

Varieties 100% Merlot Ageing 6 months in American oak barrels Price ••

Santa Digna Carmenère A surprising wine A lovely cherry-red colour, fine blackberry aromas and soothing notes, culminating in a delicious touch of tangerine. An elegant palate with sweet, fruity tannins that convey a hint of leather and spices. Pleasant toasted undertones and a touch of vanilla imparted from French oak influences. Perfect with meat dishes, but also well worth trying with fish. Varieties 85% Carmenère and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 12 months in French oak barrels Price ••


Miguel tORReS Chile, a faiR tRade COMPany The Chilean winery was granted an international Fair Trade certification for its range of Santa Digna wines, its best known product in Chile and abroad. Miguel Torres Chile had several goals in certifying its leading range in accordance with fair trade practices: to support greater fairness in international trade and provide customers with a high-quality product created within a transparent and respectful company-employee relationship. The initiative corresponds to the spirit of innovation that has been a constant for the company since its inception as well as the social responsibility of improving the welfare of its collaborators. The new certification will appear on every bottle to let customers know about the production process that went into making these wines. The certification indicates that the winery paid a fair price for all raw materials - allowing farmers to invest in continued development - and provides its employees with dignified working conditions as well as taking steps to protect the environment during the wine-making process. More information

Tormenta Cabernet Sauvignon The power of nature A gently balanced wine with a palate of smooth tannins and an elegant texture and finish. Best served with grilled or roasted meat. Varieties 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 6 months in American and French oak barrels Price ••


Manso de Velasco 100-year-old vineyards The Manso de Velasco estate, named in honour of Curicó's founder, is dedicated exclusively to Cabernet Sauvignon, which produces this wine known for its rich, deep colour. It has an extraordinary, vivid aroma of ripe fruit. The splendid structure of the tannins pairs well with wild game and duck as well as sheep cheeses. Varieties 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 18 months in French oak barrels Price •••

This wine pays tribute to Manso de Velasco, who once governed Chile. known for his strength on the battlefield, he also founded the town of Curicó, where this vineyard is located. This wine is produced exclusively from grapes growing on vines that are at least one hundred years old.

Sweet and exclusive A sweet late-harvest wine made from over-ripened grapes, dehydrated by the "noble rot" botrytis until they hang raisin-like on the vine. After fermentation, the wine is aged in new French oak barrels. A beautiful colour, deep and golden, and a dense palate with a liquorice aroma and countless flavours of honey, spices and floral notes. Best served with sweet desserts.

laS MulaS and VeRitaS, An environmentally conscious duo The name Las Mulas pays tribute to the mule, an animal whose labour is essential to the existence of this wine, at least in the way we make it. Mule and man have always worked side by side in the field - and still do. The animal plays an important role at our Empedrado estate. This unique wine is a product of organic viticulture and requires additional manual labour. In these vineyards, we restore an ecosystem in which the grapevines co-exist with other plants and insects, thus creating a natural balance in which the plant regulates itself. This range of wines (Cabernet Sauvignon reds and Sauvignon Blanc whites) can now be found at Veritas supermarkets. More information

Varieties 100% Riesling Ageing 12 months in French oak Price •••

Miguel Torres Brut Chilean bubbles Produced according to the méthode traditionnelle from a classic, noble variety - Pinot Noir originating from our old, pre-Phylloxera vines. The perfect wine for any celebration and a brut for those who love harmony. Its pale, golden colour is bright and constant. A seductive, floral and fresh nose. Silky on the palate with a wonderful finish that gives full expression to its fruit notes. Varieties 100% Pinot Noir Ageing Aged sur lie for 6 months Price •••


Vendimia Tardía

Our California Wines

an aMeRiCan tRaditiOn 4th of July Barbecue Círculo Marimar is made up of wine lovers who meet four times a year to share experiences about the fascinating world of this libation, which forms such an important part of our meals and gatherings.

Marimar Estate Acero Chardonnay

Marimar Estate La Masía Chardonnay

A non-barrel-aged Chardonnay

The classic Chardonnay of the Don Miguel vineyard

This wine was not aged in oak barrels. The grapes are selected for their aromatic intensity and complete alcoholic and malolactic fermentation in stainless steel. A distinctive and classic aroma of fresh apples and peach blossoms. A creamy texture and elegant finish emphasising the purity of the fruit. Varieties 100% Chardonnay Price •••

An appealing aroma of fresh apples and pears, a touch of honey and spices like nutmeg. A soft and creamy palate with elegant notes of oak that complement the wine's structure and complexity. Varieties 100% Chardonnay Ageing Fermented and aged 9 months in French oak barrels Price •••

Marimar Torres, who has lived in California since 1975, wanted to share a slice of American culture with us by bringing iconic and traditional U.S. events to Spain. One of the most representative holidays in the U.S. is the 4th of July or Independence Day, and Marimar Torres organises a barbecue at her Sitges residence every year to mark the occasion. No 4th of July would be complete without ribs, Caesar salad, corn on the cob and a delicious chocolate brownie. During the dinner, members are invited to taste the best Pinots Noirs and Chardonnays while Marimar shares all of her latest news with her guests. More information


Círculo Marimar is a club for people with a shared interest: wine. All members are invited to five events a year, hosted by Marimar Torres, which shine the spotlight on her Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs. These events involve different activities, including vertical tastings, wine tasting dinners and traditionally American events. By joining this circle of friends, you get to enjoy culture and leisure activities and expand your knowledge of the fascinating world of wine.



Our California Wines 42|43

Marimar Estate La Masía Pinot Noir The classic Pinot Noir of the Marimar Estate This Pinot Noir displays an aroma of confected cherries and raspberries along with a note of spices derived from oak influences. A fleshy and round palate with velvety tannins. Richness and concentration meet softness and elegance. Varieties 100% Pinot Noir Ageing 10 months in French oak barrels Price ••••

Marimar Estate Mas Cavalls Pinot Noir The Pinot Noir of the Doña Margarita vineyard on the Sonoma Coast A wine that faithfully renders the character of the Doña Margarita vineyard. A beautifully deep and bright colour and aromas reminiscent of pomegranate and wild berries. An explosion of flavours on the palate, from forest scents to coffee and spices. Although born from young vines, it has great ageing potential. Varieties 100% Pinot Noir Ageing 11 months in French oak barrels Price ••••

Jean Leon


Jean Leon Petit Merlot

Jean Leon Vinya Gigi Chardonnay

A fresh, fruity wine with an elegant palate

Spain's leading Chardonnay

A youthful variation on the region's more complex wines. A fresh and fruity wine that pairs well with a variety of dishes as well as being an excellent aperitif. Young and fruity with distinctive berry notes. An elegant and hedonistic mouth-feel.

A single varietal wine with a light golden colour, an intense nose and distinctive floral notes and apricot aromas. On the palate, it displays a fresh, round attack with a touch of cinnamon. Pairs well with all types of seasoned or grilled fish, seafood, smoked fish or seafood, rice dishes, fowl and other white meat.

D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Merlot Ageing 5 months in French oak barrels Price ••

Jean Leon Petit Chardonnay A young, fresh and fruity wine Yellow in colour, an intense nose with a subtle perception of fresh fruit aromas and oak undertones. On the palate, it displays a fresh attack full of fruit as well as good acidity and persistence. Ideal as an aperitif or paired with a variety of salads, seafood, fish, rice and Italian pasta dishes. D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Chardonnay Ageing 2-3 months in French oak barrels Price ••

D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Chardonnay Ageing Fermented and aged sur lie in French oak barrels and 6 months in bottles Price •••


jean leOn lightS, CaMeRa, aCtiOn! Third edition of Jean Leon's "Vendimia de Cine" Last September, Jean Leon's vineyards took a decidedly glamorous turn. Artists from across Spain were invited to participate in the 3rd edition of “Vendimia de Cine” (Cinematic harvest) as well as taste our Gran Reserva 2001, presented by the winery's manager, Mireia Torres. This edition featured several guests, including Andrea Montero, Jordi Díaz, Rosa Boladeras, Lluïsa Castell, Mónica López, Asha Miró, Dani Ventura and Zep Santos. As in previous years, the first part of the day involved the actual harvest. Everyone participated in picking Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, which has become a tradition of sorts at Viña La Scala, the estate's oldest and best known vineyard, planted in 1963 and representing over 40 years of history. Later on, the actors competed in crushing the grapes we had picked earlier, producing the must that will eventually become wine. The prize for each member on the winning team was a bottle of Magnum Jean Leon Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva 1996. The grape harvesters from the 2nd edition, including Ferran Lahoz, Míriam Marcet and Mariona Ribas, also came down for the day to bottle and label their own wine, made from the must produced the year before.

Jean Leon Vinya Palau Merlot

Jean Leon Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon

A Merlot of notable intensity and structure

Cabernet Sauvignon pioneer

A deep cherry-red colour and a nose with distinctive oak aromas and undertones of red berries. Sweet flavour with notes of blackberries and cherries and sweet, spicy tannins. Pairs well with mildly seasoned meats, particularly pork and fowl, rice and pasta dishes, and fish served with sauce.

A wine with a vivid, rich, red colour and an intense varietal aroma, complex and displaying notes of confected quince and prunes, enhanced by a noticeable perception of oak. A well-structured palate with sweet tannins and good ageing potential. Ideal with wild game and other kinds of meat.

D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Merlot Ageing 12 months in French oak barrels Price •••

D.O. Penedès Varieties 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Cabernet Franc Ageing 18 months in French and American oak barrels Price •••

waltRaud MaCzaSSek Gives the new Jean Leon Gran Reserva vintage its look Jean Leon presents a new vintage of its celebrated Gran Reserva in a limited-production series of 22,915 numbered bottles.

Jean Leon Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon A historic wine exemplifying all the qualities of a signature wine A very special wine made exclusively from the most exceptional vintages. Artwork adorned the label for the first time in 1979, again in 1985, becoming a tradition in 1994. The wine is named after the legendary La Scala restaurant that Jean Leon opened in Beverly Hills. Vinification and ageing: fermented at controlled temperatures, two-week maceration with grape skins. Aged in French oak barrels for 24 months, followed by a minimum of 36 months in bottles. D.O. Penedès Varieties 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Ageing 24 months in French oak barrels Price ••••

This Jean Leon jewel is produced from 100% Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown on 8 hectares of the legendary La Scala vineyard, the oldest Cabernet vineyard in Catalunya (planted in 1963), located in the heart of the D.O. Penedès appellation. The vines grow in the estate's least fertile, rockiest and most well drained soil. The result is a splendidly structured and complex wine with a deep ruby-red colour, a complex and intense nose, full and weighty on the palate with a long, persistent and hedonistic finish. Considered a historic wine for introducing the concept of region and terroir in Spain, it was also the first single vintage wine produced in the country in 1969. A wine this special deserves an equally exceptional presentation. A painting by Waltraud Maczassek was selected for the 2001 vintage. Nature is the artist's main source of inspiration and a constant in her work. Chromatic variety and mixed media techniques also define the work of this artist, who continuously challenges herself and seeks out new pictorial languages. The artist's most recent work, Transformation, expresses parallels between the universe and life, a shared state of constant evolution much like Jean Leon's Gran Reserva. More information



Zemis Forty years later, Jean Leon's dream comes true This legendary wine is made from grapes from Cabernet Sauvignon vines that are more than 40 years old (the oldest of their kind in Spain). The Merlot vines are over 11 years old and the Cabernet Franc over 40 years old. A cherry-red colour, a bouquet of berries, and notes of spices. Full and fleshy on the palate. Ideal with all kinds of meat, stews, rice dishes and aged cheeses. D.O. Penedès Varieties 50% Cabernet Sauvignon 30% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc Ageing 22 months in French oak barrels Price •••••

Distilled and dessert wines

Distilled and dessert wines 48|49


The distillation of white wines is a traditional practice in the Penedès, dating back to Arnau de Vilanova (13th century). The Torres brandy was born in 1928 when Juan Torres began to age his distilled wines. At the time, these spirits were sold in bulk. Torres 10 was the first brand of Torres brandy, introduced after the Spanish Civil War, and it exemplifies the entrepreneurial spirit of its creator, Miguel Torres Carbó.

Torres 5 Solera Reserva

Torres 10 Gran Reserva

Awake your five senses

The nº1 gran reserve Spanish brandy worldwide

Torres 5 is made from three traditional, Catalonian white varieties, Xarel·lo, Macabeo and Parellada, and aged using the traditional "Solera" system. Topaz-coloured with beautiful green and old gold highlights. Torres 5 has a deep flavour, full of rich aromas with notes of walnut leaves and dried fruit, and an intense, silky and concentrated mouth-feel. Price ••

With the passing of time, the elegant, round notes of oak blend seamlessly and harmoniously with the intense, spirituous aroma of the venerable wine spirits in barrels of American oak. Dark topaz-coloured, the brandy displays a vivid bouquet with warm notes of spices. Round on the palate and rich in tannins, it unfolds in an expansive and lingering finish. Price ••

Fontenac Prestige and tradition A double distillation process is used in making this brandy, allowing us to select the finest spirits, which are then aged in American oak barrels. A glowing topaz colour with delicate highlights of old gold. An intense and elegant aroma with warm notes of nuts and dried fruit. A velvety, round and immensely soft palate. Price •••


Torres 20 Best amongst the best A symbol of ancient tradition, Torres 20 is distilled from select wines made from the Parellada and ugni Blanc varieties. A noble, dark amber colour and a rich, warm aroma with a hint of nuts and dried fruit. Elegant notes of spices and a round, velvety palate. Currently sold in more than 30 countries. Price ••••

Jaime I Art and brandy In honour of Gaudí's work and the winery's founder, Jaime Torres, for his innovative spirit and the thrill of a job well done. Produced from distilled wines of the Parellada and Folle Blanche varieties. The brandy's greatest secret is being blessed with astounding age, a rarity in a world driven by immediacy, which tends to forget the serene virtues of prolonged ageing. Price ••••

Jaime Torres esVendrell es tablished the Torres company in 1870. Around the same time, Antoni Gaudí built his most celebrated works. Casa Milá, also known as La Pedrera, is considered a symbol of Barcelona during that era, a city humming with the creative excitement of the Catalonian Modernisme movement. In homage to Gaudí and his innovative spirit, Torres created this noble, aged brandy that bears the name of its founding father.

Moscatel Oro Floralis is an absolute classic of the Bodegas Torres wines. Muscat wine has been produced for over 200 years. It has always been a highly prized wine, because it fared well on the long, hard journeys across land and sea that wines had to endure in the past.

Honorable Beating time Wines made from the Ugni Blanc and Folle Blanche varieties are distilled to create this exceptional brandy. The oldest “soleras” or parent wines have been in the oak barrels since 1960, the year Miguel Torres began ageing this brandy. A noble, dark amber colour and distinctive notes of spices characteristic of the brandy's long ageing process. Price •••••

Moscatel Oro Floralis The sweetest of Spain Muscat Blanc and Muscat of Alexandria are combined to produce our delectable dessert wine, Moscatel Oro. A beautiful, light amber colour and distinctly varietal fruit and floral aroma with a touch of spice. Sweet and luscious on the palate with delicate, fruity acidity. Ideal with desserts as well as blue cheeses. Price •

Distilled and dessert wines 50|51


Fine Oils and Vinegars

Eterno, extra virgin olive oil An olive oil embodying the uniqueness of our local fruit The best Arbequina (90%) and Robal (10%) olives picked from our hundred-year-old trees at the Los Desterrados estate between late October and early November. 2010 Production: 1,210 bottles of 500 ml. Intense and highly complex aroma. Distinctive notes of artichoke, herbs, fennel, a hint of green almond, full body and persistence on the palate.

El Silencio Arbequina

El Silencio Picual

Elegance and sophistication born of our Lleida lands

The full, fruity expression of the olive

Made from Arbequina olives, hand-picked and cold pressed the very same day they are harvested. A beautiful golden colour with green highlights. A fresh aroma, marked by notes of artichoke stems, green almonds and freshly cut grass.

Olives of the Picual variety are hand-picked and cold pressed. Slightly bitter with an intense and green nose. Distinctive aromas of tomato, fig trees and aromatic herbs like fennel, thyme and savory. A slight characteristic bitterness on the palate.

Made from our Cabernet Sauvignon wines, produced in an acetic “solera” system and aged in oak barrels for 12 months. A cherry-red colour and the smooth aroma of berries, vanilla and toasted notes against a vinegar backdrop. A generous and persistent palate.

Price ••

Price •

Price ••

La Oscuridad Cabernet Sauvignon A vinegar born of great wines

Price •••

Our virgin olive oil is all natural fruit, free of additives and preservatives. Olive oil contains between 60% and 80% monounsaturated fats (specifically, oleic acid), which help lower "bad cholesterol" (LDL) while maintaining the "good" kind (HDL). Furthermore, it contains the ideal amount of linoleic acid for a balanced, healthy diet without the kind of excess that can cause harmful oxidation in the body.

Fine Oils and Vinegars 52|53


Culture & Wine


Bodegas Torres

D.O. COnnC a Dee BarBerà Bar erà MILMANDA POBLET

Landmarks along the wine tourism route of the Penedès We would like to take this opportunity to mention a few winery tours. We always enjoy meeting our friends and members and showing them where we make our wines. Get to know the places that make up Bodegas Torres!

Years ago, we decided to establish a Visitors Centre at our winery in Pacs del Penedès to open our doors and share our wine-making process, the result of a long family tradition. This forms part of one of our major goals: to participate in sharing and promoting the culture of wine. Our Visitors Centre welcomes more than 120,000 visitors every year, thanks to a wide array of cultural and leisure activities and our enthusiasm for sharing our wine-making tradition and passion. We offer many different options to make

your visit to our Pacs del Penedès winery truly unforgettable.

tours An entertaining and cultural experience lasting about an hour that allows visitors to discover the exciting world of wine. The tour concludes with the tasting and discussion of a wine.

exClusiVe "Vip tour" A personalised walking tour, about 2.5 hours long, designed specifically for wine lovers and covering different spaces within the Bodegas Torres winery. The

D.O.Q. PriO PriOrat eL LLoar oar

tour includes a tasting of our finest wines, the Estate Wines Milmanda, Fransola, Mas Borràs and Mas La Plana. Furthermore, we offer tours of our brandy cellars, group activities that combine wine and brandy tasting workshops, personalised tastings and aperitifs, venue rentals at our new Waltraud winery and more. Our country house-workshop "Viu la Vinya" is perfect for children.

Culinary experienCe "Blind Dinner" includes a meal and blind tasting at our private restaurant, Mas Rabell.


CuLTuRE & WINE 54|55




vilafranca del penedès Barcelona

D.O. PeneDès Pene

The new Waltraud winery exemplifies the concept of integrated architecture, which treats the environment and its resources with respect. The focus is on the harmonious co-existence of building and landscape. Getting here Finca El Maset, s/n 08796 Pacs del Penedès 4 km from Vilafranca del Penedès. Ctra. St. Martí Sarroca GPS: 41º 20’ 58”- E. 1º 39’ 58” Opening times • Monday to Saturday: 9.15 h - 16.45 h • Sundays and public holidays: 9.15 h - 12.45 h • Closed December 25th, 26th and January 1st and 6th. • Opening hours on December 24th and 31st: 9.15 h - 12.45 h Advance booking required. Prices (VAT included) Tours • Adults: 6,10 ® • Visitors over 65, under 18, Club Torres and Club Torres Online members: 3,55 ® • Children under 6, Club Torres Gold Card members + guest, Círculo Marimar members + guest: free admission VIP Tour • Groups of 1-5 people: 236 ® • Groups of 6 people or more: 41,30 ®/ person Further information • Reception: (+34) 938 177 487 • Reservations: (+34) 938 177 568 / 938 177 330 More information

MilManda, a Millennial hisTory A tour of our Milmanda estate is a gift, an absolute pleasure for the senses. In this historical setting, we cultivate the Chardonnay grapes that produce our most famous white wine, the Milmanda. Amidst magnificent nature, at a height of 500 metres, you can learn about our bilateral cordon training system, which takes full advantage of the southern sunlight to produce healthy grapes rich in sugar.

Getting here Ctra. N-240 | km 44 43430. Vimbodí y Poblet, Tarragona. GPS: 41º 23’ 50,54” N - 1º 04’ 26,97” E

• Countryside Breakfast (with wine): 8 ® per person. • Milmanda Experience and Grans Muralles: 12 ®. Includes a guided tour of both estates and tasting of two wines in the vineyard. (Minimum of 10 people)

Opening times • Monday to Sunday: 10.00h 14.00 h (including public holidays). Tours are given in Spanish, More information • (+34) 977 878 240 Catalan or English. (+34) 609 526 130 or email us Prices • Milmanda Experience: 3 ®. Includes guided tour and single wine tasting. or

Jean leon, The dreaM goes on Discover the history of Jean Leon, the winery's founder, at the Visitors Centre amidst incomparable vineyards. The tour takes an hour and includes an audiovisual presentation, a guided tour of the vineyards, the winery, the cellar, followed by a wine tasting. We also offer in-depth tastings, catering services, event venue rentals, and wine-related workshops.

Getting here Jean Leon Visitors Centre Jean Leon Estate across from El Pla del Penedès. Opening times (Advance booking required.) • Monday to Friday: 9.00 h - 17.00 h • Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 9.00 h - 13.00 h

Prices • Adults: 10 ®. Includes tasting of 3 wines. • Gold Card members, Club Marimar and Club Amics Jean Leon members and visitors under 18: free admission. Maximum group size: 40 people. More information • (+34) 938 995 512 or email us or



California, The soul of a woMan

russian river valley

MARIMAR ESTATE 11400 Graton Road Sebastopol, CA 95472

green valley SeBaSS topol


napa Sonoma


c i

Opening times Monday to Sunday: 11.00 h - 16.30 h

p f


Prices 10 $ per person.


i San franciSco



e a

More information • T. (707) 823–4365 ext. 101 • •


Marimar Torres opens her winery to visitors every so often and shares her wine-making process with anyone interested in knowing more. Located in the western hills of Sonoma County, the Russian River/Green Valley appellation is a perfect micro-climate for growing organic Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes. Marimar knows how to please even the most demanding customers and has found her niche in a very competitive market known for its singular wines.

Marimar Torres Estate

palo alto


PRiORat, a jOuRney baCk in tiMe

d e s







More information • T. (56) (75) 564100 • •

Miguel Torres Chile



Opening times • Autumn-Winter: Daily from 10.00 h to 17.00 h • Spring-Summer: Daily from 10.00 h to 19.00 h

Santiago de chile


MIGUEL TORRES CHILE Panamericana Sur km 195 Curicó, Chile.

o c e a n

Visit our winery in Curicó, located in Chile's Central Valley. We have been here since 1979, an ideal spot for producing unforgettable wines under clear, vast skies and surrounded by volcanos. Taste our wines, tour the winery and discover how Torres found its place in this beautiful country with a strong wine-making tradition. Complete the experience with a meal at our restaurant. Discover how wine is made, how it evolves and ages, following tradition and looking to the future.


p a c i f i c

Chile, naTure aT iTs puresT

In 1996, Bodegas Torres showed its faith in the Priorat region by acquiring vineyards in Porrera and El Lloar. Currently, Torres has 100 hectares and produces two wines in this appellation: Salmos and Perpetual Salmos. Visit our new winery in the village of El Lloar, tour our vineyards and conclude your visit with a tasting of two wines: Salmos, our first Priorat wine, and a wine directly from the barrel. The tour takes about 1.5 hours and is available to groups of at least 4 and at most 30 people. Bookings should be made at least 48 hours in advance. Opening times • Monday to Saturday: 9.00 h - 16.30 h (other times upon request). Prices • Adults: 15 ® • Children ages 12-17: 6 ® • Children under 12: free More information Torres Visitors Centre • (+34) 938 177 330 / 938 177 568 • •

At the Vinotecas Torres, visitors can try a wide array of Torres wines by the glass, from traditional classics to the best Estate Wines. Each one also features a wine shop.


LA VINOTECA MIGUEL TORRES Santiago de Chile, Chile Location Situated on one of the streets with the most restaurants in the entire capital. Cuisine Chef José Luis Marín focuses on Mediterranean inspired cuisine with an emphasis on Chilean products, serving a variety of meat, fish, pasta dishes, salads and Spanish-style tapas as well as some seafood. Interior A long bar with a view of the kitchen. Two floors with a total capacity of 90 people, two spaces set aside for 12 and 6 people respectively, and a pleasant terrace with a lovely view of the city.

Location On the beautiful Paseo de Gracia, right in the heart of the Catalonian capital. Cuisine Chef Manel Jiménez's culinary concept emphasises traditional recipes and ingredients combined with a thoroughly contemporary and creative presentation. Interior Divided into a main bar, an enormous table to share, and a space set aside for groups to enjoy private wine tastings accompanied by excellent tapas or daily specials.



Santiago de Chile

Three Torres eMBassies A shared passion

Sharing a great meal and a fine wine is the best way of getting to know a person. The Vinotecas Torres constitute exclusive gastronomic

spaces with a unique culinary and oenological concept, inspired by the desire to promote moderate and intelligent wine consumption as well as the culture of wine. All three are great Torres embassies representing the Torres philosophy, but each one embraces the unique characteristics of the city it is located in. La Vinoteca Torres | Addresses and contact information on page 66

LA VINOTECA MIGUEL TORRES Shanghai, China Location Situated in the heart of Shanghai's French Concession. Cuisine Originally from Barcelona, chef Guillermo Willy Trullas is an expert in creating tapas with a decidedly modern flair. Interior A cosy 40 m2 space seating up to 20 guests. The space forms part of the celebrated El Willy restaurant.

CuLTuRE & WINE 56|57

La Vinoteca



Torres EXPERIENCES More than a place, an experience

Imagine having experiences in extraordinary places, unique enclaves full of history and character, spaces that leave an imprint on your memory. Imagine your experiences.

PRIORAT A space designed for sensory enjoyment. Although the Priorat has been a wine region for centuries, you still find hidden surprises in its villages, mountains and along its of them being our winery. A unique space with simply extraordinary views. Come and discover its pleasures.


Places in which experiences come to life We know of places where experiences truly come to life. Imagine your private, family, company or corporate event, film or photo shoot in a setting that brings pleasure to all of your senses.

Visitors Centre A landmark along the wine tourism route of the Penedès. The Visitors Centre opened in 1992 with the goal of sharing the art of wine-making with the public, thus coinciding with the Torres family's interest in promoting the culture of

wine. Nowadays, we are one of the most visited wineries in Europe, offering a variety of activities to turn your visit into an incredibly exciting cultural and leisure experience.

WALTRAUD WINERY Cutting-edge design for myriad occasions.The newest Torres winery, designed by architect Javier Barba, fits seamlessly into the landscape of the Penedès. Nature is palpable at every turn. The winery has several multipurpose spaces perfectly suited to hosting a wide variety of events, from the most exclusive to the absolutely modern.

A unique place full of history and character. Built by Arabs on what remained of a settlement used by Iberians, GrecoPhoenicians and Visigoths. The monastery of Poblet used it as a farm and later on, the castle was turned into a luxurious palace. Milmanda Castle is a unique place for unforgettable activities and events.

MAS RABELL RESTAURANT A celebration of the Mediterranean spirit. Mas Rabell is a Catalonian country house originally built during the 14th century. The Torres family restored the house, keeping the cosy rooms intact and expanding

CuLTuRE & WINE 58|59

the space to include a modern kitchen and bright dining room. In addition to its exquisite cuisine, Mas Rabell is an ideal venue for organising a wide variety of events.

experienCes full of sensory pleasure

folded and try to identify all of the different flavours and aromas.

Our experiences can be organised at one of our venues or at a location of your choice.

tasting Classes

Jean leon winery

Discover the world of wine. Our Workshops are the backbone of the activities Bodegas Torres offers and a meeting point for wine lovers. Torres Workshops feature a monthly selection of courses related to the world of wine, aimed at people wishing to become acquainted, enrich or refresh their understanding of oenological culture.

Discover the legend, discover the wine. Jean Leon became one of the most celebrated restaurateurs of Hollywood's Golden Age thanks to his famous restaurant, La Scala. In the heart of the Penedès, his life philosophy still infuses the winery and the wines that bear his name and express his personality and the beauty of the landscape. The elegant and innovative design makes the Visitors Centre an ideal setting for hosting highly exclusive events.

VinoteCa torres A Torres enclave in the city. Our Vinoteca is located on the Paseo de Gracia, a sophisticated avenue in the centre of Barcelona. This exclusive culinary space serves exceptional food and wine. You can try any of our wines at the Vinoteca Torres.

torres worKshops

Interpret your senses. We will show you the basics so that every wine-drinking occasion becomes an experience.

CooKing Classes I cook, you cook, they cook... the finest products, the expert guidance of our chef and the breathtaking landscape of our vineyards: we provide the ingredients you need to confect a singular experience.

natureo route

maKe your own Brandy

Two different landscapes united by wine. A fascinating route through the iconic vineyards of Mas La Plana and Milmanda. A guidebook provides information on places and restaurants worth visiting along the way. An unforgettable day best enjoyed in good company.

The aromas of time. Stills, distillation, ageing, serenity...go into making a brandy. Discover how!

Blind dinner Close your eyes...and open your senses. Delight in an amazing culinary experience while blind-

eCotur The more we care for the earth, the better our wine. As we walk through our vineyards, taking in nature, we share and explain our efforts in caring for our vines and their environment. More information

DID YOU kNOW... We can also adapt our activities to a venue of your choice. Torres Experiences can send our professional staff to wherever you are so that you can enjoy our activities in the space of your choice. Surprise your friends or colleagues with a blind dinner or tasting class. We are more than happy to help you customise your event.


Exquisite products we recommend. In every issue, we enjoy recommending selected, exquisite products sold by Torres Import, S.A. (Spain only)






1 Gianduia Caffarel With its flavour and unusual shape, the Gianduia is Caffarel's most famous and celebrated product. A piece of true confectionary art: a blend of cocoa, sugar and Piamonte hazelnuts delivers a sweet and velvety taste. The mechanical "extrusion" process used in making the chocolates closely resembles the technique used 50 years ago.

2 El Quexigal “Vega Sicílica” Rosemary Honey The company El Quexigal, part of the "Vega Sicilia" group, produces a range of honeys of exceptional original purity made by natural methods. Honey, much like wine, is not the same every year. Depending on climate conditions, the nature of the flowering period, the state of the hives and bees, honeys can turn out very differently and vary in quality.

3 Clos de los Siete Located at 1,100 metres above sea level in Tunuyán, at the foot of the majestic Andes, Clos de los Siete is a property owned by seven families. The families work together to produce the same wine, resulting in an interesting diversity of grapes while maintaining Argentina's iconic Malbec variety and the familial French tradition.

4 Tiptree Ketchup Mediterranean plum tomatoes are the main ingredient of this sauce, seasoned with lemon juice and spices. Voted best ketchup by the English trade media. Wilkin & Sons' products are completely free of artificial colourings and preservatives.

5 Jules Destrooper Flemish Houses Jules Destrooper's Flemish Houses represent the original character of these exquisite butter biscuits. Three tins decorated with a variety of details depicting a typical Flemish house, filled with an assortment of almond and butter biscuits and Paris butter waffles.


Baby goat shoulder with dried fruit and apple purée Sergi Millet, the chef at Mas Rabell, the Torres family's restaurant, explains how to prepare this delectable dish. Ingredients (4 people)


Wine Recommendation

• 4 portions baby goat shoulder • 80 g dried fruit (figs, apricots, prunes, raisins) • Lamb or meat stock • 2 Golden Delicious apples • Brandy • Sugar • Olive oil • Salt and pepper

Season the baby goat shoulder with salt, pepper and olive oil, cook in the oven for 90 minutes at 160º. Once cooked, remove the bones. To make the sauce, dice the dried fruit and soak in brandy for approx. 2 hours. Strain the fruit and stir-fry in a pan, add the brandy, let it boil down, then add the stock. For the apple purée, peel and dice the apples and cook in a pan with olive oil and sugar. Purée the apples once they are very soft. Lightly spread purée on a plate, set a portion of baby goat on top and cover in sauce.

Try this dish with Celeste Roble. A nuanced wine lending exceptional expression to the fruity character and verve of the Tinto Fino variety along with the aromas of its short yet intense time in the barrel.


Find more recipes at

Rossini 10 Ingredients • 3 fresh strawberries. • 2 cl Torres 10. • 4 cl orange liqueur. • 3 cl coconut milk. • 10 cl Piper-heidsieck brut champagne.

Garnish • 1 strawberry. • 1 sprig of mint.

Preparation and garnish • Mix the strawberries, brandy and liqueur in a blender. • Add the champagne and blend briefly on a high setting. • Serve in a champagne flute and garnish with the strawberry and mint.

Keep in mind The champagne should be very cold and make sure it has plenty of fizz! Follow indicated measurements exactly.

CuLTuRE & WINE 60|61





"COntainS SulPhiteS", guaRanteed tO laSt For several years, wineries have had to include the phrase "contains sulphites" on the back label of a bottle. Sulphites are one of several naturally occurring salts in wine. They are also added to wine (as sulphur dioxide) as an antioxidant, antiseptic and antibiotic to prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Thus, they are currently the only foreign element introduced into white or red wine and always with the sole purpose of guaranteeing perfectly aseptic containers. The use of sulphites dates back to the Romans and is completely legal and authorised by legislation in countries worldwide. The amount used is extremely small and thorough studies have demonstrated that sulphites have no negative impact on human health whatsoever. Sulphur is a component of human tissue and present in many common food products we consume on a daily basis. Wine usually only contains between 0,1 and 0,2 grams/litre.

inforMaTive laBels What information must appear on a wine label by law? European Union legislation stipulates certain rules governing compulsory information that must legally appear on a wine label. The design of current labels can be visually distracting, and we may forget to check if a wine is red or white, the Appellation of Origin, the type of varieties, production or vintage. For this (and other) reasons, European union legislation has set forth a series of basic concepts that must be visible on the label of every wine produced in an EC member country. The wine label must provide the following details: wine/country of origin, bottler's details, nominal volume, alcohol content and

lot number. The fact that a wine contains sulphites must also be indicated. All of these compulsory details must be presented within the same field of vision on the bottle in a clear and visible manner. These days, our choice of wines is vast and varied, and we are treated to thousands of different designs. Increasingly, the main reason why people choose one wine over another is the design of its label. More information


Wine is best enjoyed in moderation

Since its inception in 1992, FIVIN (the Foundation for Wine and Nutrition Research) has focussed its activities on evaluating potential benefits of moderate wine consumption on human health from a medical standpoint. To this end, it conducts on-going research and data compilation on wine and health, supervised by a scientific committee of internationally recognised doctors and technicians specialised in health and nutrition.

Drinking wine is one of the great pleasures in life. The chromatic nuances and aromas are its biggest delights, enjoyed leisurely in the company of good friends and family.

In talking about wine, we are talking about our culture, land, crops, a long and great tradition. A wine culture rooted in our history, started by our ancestors and spanning hundreds of years. In talking about wine, we are also talking about nutrition and health. Wine should be considered another element of the food pyra pyraconstitutmid. Wine is one of many food items constitut ing a Mediterranean diet. When consumed in moderation and as part of a meal, wine is good for us. The moderate and responsible consumption of wine is clearly beneficial to human health. Several scientific studies worldwide corroborate the existence of a component known as resveratrol in wine, which has positive effects on our health. Thus, we can safely say that drinking two or three glasses of wine per day, as part of a meal and taking into account the height, weight, gender, health factors, family history, etc. of the consumer, reduces the risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol. Wine is a natural antioxidant. It has an antithrombotic effect and is helpful in preventing certain cancers, osteoporosis as well as reducing hypertension in men. It has also been linked to lower levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol). The risk of

coronary heart disease increases with elevated levels of LDL. This type of cholesterol binds to the blood vessels easily and can lead to coronary atherosclerosis. Currently, FIVIN is heading the European Programme "Wine In Moderation" (WIM) with the goal of promoting responsible consumption as a cultural/social norm to prevent and reduce abuse and the harmful effects of drinking alcohol. WIM's goal is to educate teenagers and adults and help them take responsible decisions with regards to drinking, working in cooperation with appropriate authorities and a network of entities involved in this issue. At the same time, efforts are aimed at preserving the place of grapevines and wine in the culture, environment and economy of European society. Appellations of Origin and institutions within the wine industry as well as other entities have signed an agreement to join WIM. By doing so, they commit themselves to promoting the central, shared message of moderation and complying with the wine self-regulation code in terms of advertising and commercial communication as set forth by the programme. More information


NATuREO Only 0.5% of alcohol and fewer than half the calories Natureo is an all natural product with less than half the calories of a regular wine due to its minimal alcohol content. It was conceived with people in mind who for one reason or another cannot drink wine: drivers, pregnant women, people of certain spiritual or religious beliefs, etc. Natureo is a perfect wine to serve with fine food, including appetisers, salads, pasta dishes, white meat and fish.

CuLTuRE & WINE 62|63


Club Torres

Torres Workshops Discover the world of wine

Our programme changes every trimester and offers specific workshops focussed on wine culture and gastronomy and aimed at anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of viticulture and oenology. And of course, our indispensable tasting classes, Tasting I and Tasting 2.0, are offered throughout the year. Promoting wine culture has been a primary interest for our winery for more than 20 years. Every trimester, Torres Workshops offers this unique approach to understanding wine in a broad sense. Our programme is updated and changed every three months. Available at Torres Workshops in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Gran Canaria. We offer a variety of classes on viticulture and oenology, wine and cuisine, vine-growing areas, tastings and more. These practical and hands-on sessions are aimed at people wishing to enhance or refresh their understanding of these topics. More information (Barcelona) (Valencia) (Madrid) (Gran Canaria) (Tenerife)

Addresses on page 66 You can also contact us on the Torres website: <>. Or join our groups on: Facebook < bodegastorres> and Twitter < bodegastorres>.






Sometimes we have to laugh when we remember that we became Torres Gold Club members for financial reasons. We wanted to do a tasting class and Maria José told us about the advantages of being a member: workshop discounts, a gift box of wines at Christmas, free admission to events for a member and a guest, winery tours... We're big fans of the workshops, the specific topics are very well chosen and appealing, and Nuria and Maria José are delightful and go out of their way to create a welcoming atmosphere in which to inspire us with their love of wine.

I got to know the Club Torres through my friend Asunta. I admit, I was stuck in the 80s (or even further back). To me Torres was basically Sangre de Toro. In the late 70s, this was a luxury wine you bought on special or romantic occasions, a break from drinking Savin, Elegido or Don Mendo. I didn't think about it twice and signed up for my first tasting class. More tastings followed: Burgundy wines, Bordeaux wines, cheeses, olive oils, white wines, cocktails, champagne, horizontal and vertical tastings, wine tasting dinners...





I was always interested in wine culture, but it's one of those things you save for the future. Then one day, after a work colleague told me about the Club Torres, I happened to walk by and decided to pick up a brochure to see what they had to offer. That's how I got to know the club. Shortly thereafter, I convinced my friend Ana to come along and we signed up for our first tasting course. Afterwards, we were adamant about becoming gold members. That was more than 6 years ago!

I love going to the gatherings held at the cultural centre from time to time. A fitting combination of interesting theoretical information about products and national and international cuisine, tasting techniques, tastings and discussions as well as a fantastic excuse to get together with friends and enjoy our shared passion. Plus, we're ambassadors of the brand. Many of our friends and family members rediscover Torres wines because of us!

CuLTuRE & WINE 64|65


la MaRató and tORReS

Our wines, an expression of solidarity INTERVIEW WITh PEP MASó, GOLD CARD MEMBER, GIRONA

You collaborate with La Marató (The Marathon) on TV3 by cooking a paella in your village, Les Planes d'Hostoles. How did this idea come about? How did it develop? Fonsu had the idea. He is the cook at the gatherings of Bon Àpat (Good Food), our gastronomic club. He suggested cooking a paella for 200 people to raise money for La Marató on TV3. At the time, the show was just 3 weeks away! Did people get involved? We asked the members of Bon Àpat if they'd help out and of course they said yes. I normally organise the Bon Àpat gatherings so I got to work immediately. If the idea was to make a paella, we had to find suppliers as soon as possible: Sivaris kindly donated the rice, Bodegas Torres, in addition to the wine, also gave us aprons and bottle openers, and Aigua de Sant Aniol provided water to drink and cook with. What was your personal experience of the event? Although organising the paella was a lot of work, it was immensely satisfying to see how the whole village got involved, and we managed to raise more than 2,000€ in a village with a population of 1,700. I especially liked talking to neighbours and them asking about the people serving the rice, who were having such a great time. Did the success of this event lead you to organise any others? We're going to continue with the paella

for the time being. I hope we get to collaborate with TV3 and La Marató for many years to come. And if anyone wants rice for 300 people... As a member of Club Torres, how important is good food and fine wine to your life? They are my life. That's why I, along with two friends, founded the Bon Àpat Club in 1997. Now we're more than twenty and meet up 3 or 4 times a year. At first, we went to restaurants, but now we meet at a house, which allows us to prepare everything ourselves. This allows us to enjoy the whole process, preparing the food, the ingredients, the cooking and, it goes without saying, the food, especially when paired with good wine. Thanks to Torres and Mauricio Wiesenthal, I discovered the world of wine, and I'll always be grateful to him. Do you believe this kind of wine and food culture is acquired? Yes. I don't understand people who only defend one appellation or one type of food. Without variety, life would be rather poor. We wouldn't have the pleasure of food and wine pairings, for example. How would you describe your relationship with Torres (ongoing since 1998)? I'll never be able to sufficiently express my gratitude for everything I've learned through Torres and what I still hope to learn. And I've made so many friends and acquaintances over the years. Here's to many more! I love saying that!

Torres Workshops

La Vinoteca Torres

BARCELONA Tel. 938 177 419

BARCELONA Passeig de Gràcia, 78 08008 Barcelona Tel. 932 726 625

MADRID Mártires Concepcionistas, 19 28006 Madrid Tel. 914 017 762 Fax. 914 010 208 VALENCIA Avda. Aragón, 17 46010 Valencia Tel. 963 412 297 Fax. 963 808 962 TENERIFE Edificio Parquemar Avda. Manuel Hermoso Rojas, 2 38003 Sta. Cruz de Tenerife Tel./Fax 922 595 200 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria León y Castillo, 5 35203 Las Palmas Tel. 928 433 769

Editorial Staff Public Relations & Communications Dept. Bodegas Miguel Torres Photography Bodegas Miguel Torres Thomas Wagner, Jordi Elias and Joan Argelés Production Services Extra! Print run 10,000 Distribution Bodegas Miguel Torres

CHILE C. Isidora Goyenechea, 2874 Vitacura, Santiago de Chile Tel. +56 02 2429711 SHANGHAI 20 Doonghu Lu - Shanghai Tel./Fax +86 21 54045757

MIGUEL TORRES, SA C. Miquel Torres i Carbó, 6 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès Barcelona Tel. 938 177 400 Fax. 938 177 444 Miguel Torres Customer Service

Culture & Wine 66|67

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