1 minute read
Nicolas Ali Libre
from 2022 Scholarly Productivity Report
by Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources | Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Associate Teaching Professor STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING
Ph.D., civil engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
Scholarly Focus, Teaching or Research Areas
Teaching innovations and educational technologies; computational mechanics and applied mathematics; advanced composite materials
Honors or Awards
• Provost’s eFellows Grant Program Recipient, S&T
• Educational Research Grant Recipient, Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence, S&T
• UM System President’s Award for Innovative Teaching
• FTTC Teaching with Technology Award, UMSL
• Faculty Achievement Award, S&T
• Joseph H. Senne Jr. Academy of Civil Engineers Faculty Teaching and Service Achievement Award, S&T
Selected Academic Activities or Research Projects
• Development and Evaluation of an Early Alert System to Identify Academically At-Risk Students,” Educational Research Grant, S&T Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence
• Develop, Implement, Assess, and Disseminate Entrepreneurially Minded Modules in Mechanics of Materials,” Awarded by Lawrence Technological University and KEEN Partners
• Roller Compacted Concrete for Rapid Pavement Construction, Co-PI, MoDOT
Selected Publications and Presentations
Abolhasani, A., Samali, B., Dehestani, M., Libre, N.A., “Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Mechanical Properties, Fracture Energy, Brittleness, and Aging of Calcium Aluminate Cement Concrete,” Structure, 36, pp. 140-152, 2022.
Libre, N.A., “Grade Prediction Model Using Regression Analysis: An Implementation in Engineering Mechanics,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, 2022.
Sabbaghi A., Sadeghi-Nik, A., Libre, N.A., Nasrollahpour, S., “Characterizing Fiber Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Zeolite and Metakaolin as Natural Pot Loans,” Structures, 34, pp. 2617-2627, 2021.