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Heath Pickerill
from 2022 Scholarly Productivity Report
by Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources | Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Assistant Teaching Professor ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING
Ph.D., human environmental science, with an emphasis in architectural studies, University of Missouri-Columbia
Scholarly Focus, Teaching or Research Areas
Teaches architectural design courses, helping students understand the fundamental principles of architectural analysis and how to apply these concepts to the successful solution of contemporary building designs. Also teaches engineering communications and computing courses, increasing students’ written, oral and technical communications skills as they apply to the professional civil and architectural engineering practice.
Director of Missouri’s Local Technical Assistance Program and Rural
Transit Assistance Programs
Manages the operations and administration of Missouri LTAP and RTAP located on Missouri S&T’s campus. These public service programs provide training, information, technology transfer and technical assistance to Missouri’s local governments and rural transit agencies through Missouri Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration funding.
Honors or Awards
• Missouri’s State Transportation Innovation Council
• Traffic Engineering Association of Missouri, Governing Board Member
• Missouri Roadway Safety Coalition – Infrastructure Subcommittee, Member
• Missouri Association of County Transportation Officials Conference, Planning Board Member
• National Local Technical Assistance Program Association 3-year president’s track, 2022-23 vice president, 2023-24 president-elect, 2024-25 president
• Missouri Concrete Conference co-director
• Missouri Asphalt Conference co-director
• Kauffman Foundation Project PI, focus in workforce and entrepreneurial training in area of community resilience
• Missouri Safety Circuit Rider Program under my direction and funded through State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) & Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grants – focus on providing engineering advice to local agencies in the state to improve rural road safer and implement low cost safety improvements
Selected Publications and Presentations
Pickerill, H., Keynote Speaker, Missouri Association of County Transportation Officials Conference, October 2019.