Carnagat Rd, Newry

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WELCOME This online magazine has been prepared to illustrate a proposed residential development at lands west of the Carnagat Road, Newry. We invite you to digest the work carried out by the applicant and their professional design team to date. This work will support the preparation of a full planning application which will be submitted to Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. Public engagement is an integral component of the planning application process as it allows the applicant to share their vision for the site and provides the local community an opportunity to provide constructive feedback. The feedback received will then be considered and responded to during the detailed design of the scheme which will ultimately inform a future application submission.



INTRODUCTION This community information pack follows a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) submitted to Newry, Mourne and Down District Council on 28th February 2020 in accordance with the Planning (General Development Procedures) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015. The PAN notifies the Council that a formal planning application will be submitted after the required 12 week notice period expires. The PAN was accepted by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council on 20 March 2020. While the initial concept for the Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) and Pre-Application Discussion (PAD) proposed up to 105 units, the scheme has since been refined to a reduced yield of 94. Given the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, a Public Information Event cannot be held and legislative amendments have been brought forward to ensure the planning system continues to function effectively. The Department for Infrastructure temporarily removed the requirement to hold a public event as part of PreApplication Community Consultation on 1 May 2020 and has issued guidance for applicants on appropriate replacement measures to ensure that the opportunity for public participation has not been compromised. This electronic magazine has been produced in accordance with DfI guidance and your feedback is welcomed as all matters raised are taken into consideration and will be reflected in the formal planning submission documents.

BACKGROUND The applicant anticipates that the proposed scheme will be developed in partnership with a social housing provider. Social housing need in Newry, Mourne and Down District has remained at a high level between 2010-2015 with projected housing need for 1,563 units through to 2019 (source:NM&D Housing Investment Plan (page 17 –social housing sector), with the greatest area of need in Newry City. The site presents an opportunity to provide a significant amount of social housing in a sustainable location and in close proximity to local services.



SITE CONTEXT The site, circa. 3 hectares (ha), is located on lands west of the Carnagat Road and comprises undeveloped land bound by fencing and shrubs. The land rises from the Carnagat Road to the west. The site is bound to the east by the Carnagat Road, a single carriage way which connects to the A25 (Camlough Road) to Newry City Centre. The Demesne Road housing development is east of the Carnagat Road while the grounds of St. Malachy’s Nursery and Primary School is to the west of the site. The grounds of Rathore School are located directly to the north of the site, as well as rear gardens of Nos. 32, 34, 52 & 53 Altnaveigh Park to the north west. Martins Lane and the Tarive Lana development lie to the south.

View towards the site from the Carnagat Road facing north west towards Rathore School and to reflect Altnaveigh Park

The wider context is predominately residential in nature with housing estates surrounding the site to the north, south and west with Daisy Hill woodland and Newry City centre lying further east.

View of the Carnagat Road in a north bound direction with the site directly adjacent to the west

Aerial view of the site



BNMAP 2015 Extract


Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 requires that all planning applications have regard to the local development plan, so far as material to the application, and all other material considerations. Section 6(4) states that in making any determination where regard is to be had to the local development plan, the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Banbridge and Newry/Mourne Area Plan (BNMAP) was adopted in October 2013 and along with Planning Policy Statements, provide the policies in which this application will be assessed against.

Regional Development Strategy — — Building a Better Future

The Banbridge and Newry/Mourne Area Plan (BNMAP) identifies the site as unzoned/whiteland within the Settlement Development Limit (“SDL”) of Newry City where a presumption in favour of development exists.


The Regional Development Strategy (RDS) and Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) provide a holistic view of how development should be carried out within Northern Ireland with proposals being required to demonstrate compliance to create sustainable communities. Full consideration of how the proposed scheme sits in terms of planning policy and all material considerations will accompany the formal application. CARNAGAT ROAD, NEWRY |


PLANNING HISTORY Although there is no planning history for the site, several permissions have been granted in the surrounding area for housing schemes in recent years. •

Full planning permission (P/2007/0694/F) was granted on 12 February 2009 for “70 dwellings with associated access provision, parking provision and site works” at lands immediately north of Altmore Gardens and the adjoining Bulls Hill Lane and adjacent and west/south-west of Daisy Hill Woodland (now known as The Demesne, which is directly adjacent to the site on the opposite side of the Carnagat Road);

Full planning permission (P/2010/1488/F) was granted on 13 April 2011 for the “erection of 6 no. 5 person 3 bedroom dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping and site works” at lands bounded by Martins Lane, Thompson Road and Carnagat Road. The development is known as Tarive Lana.

Full planning permission (P/2013/0242/F) was granted on 06 September 2019 for “200 dwellings, improvements to existing road infrastructure and associated works” at lands at Watsons Road/ Dorans Hill Newry including lands to the east of Watsons Road; and

An outline planning application (LA07/2019/0796/O) for a “Proposed Housing Development” was submitted to the Council on 14 May 2019 for up to 50 dwellings and is currently under consideration. The site is located on lands to the north of The Demesne Road development, on the opposite side of the Carnagat Road. The scheme has received a recommendation for approval from Officers and will be heard at Planning Committee on 03 June 2020.

Proposed site layout submitted in relation to the site north of The Demesne and opposite the site (LA07/2019/0796/O)

The Demesne Housing Estate, located opposite the site on the eastern side of the Carnagat Road

The Tarive Lana development to the south of the site, located off Martin’s Lane



Proposed Site Layout

PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposal is for a residential development of 94 no. dwellings with access from the Carnagat Road. The scheme includes a mix of houses, bungalows and apartments to meet complex needs. It is anticipated that a social housing provider will develop the site in partnership with the applicant. Care has been taken to ensure the proposal provides an active frontage onto the Carnagat Road, with acceptable separation distances and areas of amenity space provided for each dwelling. The proposal is to provide a series of avenues and cul-de-sacs which are focused around a communal landscaped area which provides a significant and accessible area of open space. Suitable boundary treatment in the form of native trees, is proposed along the site boundaries to ensure a sense of privacy for residents. Sufficient parking provision is provided and road safety measures, such as raised tables, are proposed across the site to ensure the wellbeing and safety of the new residents.








A full suite of ecological surveys will be carried out in preparation of the full planning submission. These surveys are being carried out to ensure that there is no adverse impact on protected species.


The proposed scheme will be accessed from the Carnagat Road via a proposed Right Turn Lane (RTL). A Transport Assessment Form (TAF) will accompany the application in order to inform DfI Roads of the increase in traffic. Parking provision is being provided in accordance with Parking Standards.

Existing vegetation on site


A full Site Condition and Stability Assessment will be completed and accompany the application for full planning permission.


Although the site is not within the flood plain, the application requires a Drainage Assessment (DA) to be carried out which will analyse what drainage disposal is available and what is required for the site to deal with sewage, and surface water.


A suite of landscaping plans and associated management plan will accompany the final submission. It is proposed to retain all vegetation where possible and create new landscaped areas for amenity purposes.

Vehicular access is proposed off the Carnagat Road

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? We kindly thank you for taking the time to look through this magazine and would be delighted if you would to share your thoughts on the project and the prospect of the proposed development proceeding through planning. Your feedback on the proposals will be taken into consideration before the scheme is finalised. We anticipate that a formal planning application for the Carnagat Road scheme will be submitted to Newry, Mourne and Down District Council following the end of the 12 week notice period for public consultation. Once submitted, the opportunity for further public engagement in the decision making process will take place through the submission of representations to the Council following the application’s advertisement and neighbour notification procedures.

Please feel free to provide feedback up until 30 June 2020. Email or contact by phone on 028 9043 4393.



2nd Floor 7 Exchange Place Belfast BT1 2NA t | 028 9043 4393

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