1 Annual CSI Writing Program Iron Chef Competition st
Saturday, December 12, 2015
To celebrate the end to a great semester, we had an Iron Chef Competition!
For our 2015 Competition, everyone was challenged to bring a food or drink that somehow includes APPLES!
We had several delicious treats, including an oatmeal apple crisp, apple fritters, a peanut butter apple pizza, apple pastry, and apple mimosas!
Then, we voted‌ Best Tasting Most Creative Best Presentation
Most Creative:
Sharifa Hampton for her Apple Mimosas Best Tasting:
Rosanne Carlo for her Apple Oatmeal Crisp Best Presentation:
Christine Martorana for her Apple Peanut Butter Pizza
And the winners were‌
Not only did we have good food, but we also had lots of laughter, enjoyable conversation, and a word game. (Of course we had a word game‌we’re word people!)
We’ll see you in 2016!