Remedy 2018 Conference Program

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Welcome to

REMEDY We are so glad you made the decision to join us at First Baptist Orlando this weekend. REMEDY is designed to help you to discover avenues of service in God’s kingdom and be inspired by experienced and passionate servants of Christ who have made missional living the central theme of their careers. You will learn about practical ways to use your training, passion and gifting as you serve in healthcare missions in the future. At Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), our mission is to motivate, educate and equip Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God. We believe healthcare missionaries are amazingly effective and powerful at accomplishing just that. We have invited speakers and exhibitors who are excellent ambassadors and communicators in their areas of global healthcare missions to share with you. We want to thank the leadership and staff of First Baptist Orlando for their welcome and hospitality. They have been enthusiastic, supportive and generous in opening their beautiful facility AND offering the help of volunteers to make this weekend a success. We also want to thank Mr. Will Rogers and the team at for their help over the last two years as we planned and prepared. The Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) team members in Louisville have been a huge help to us in this process. They played a key role in developing the website and as advisers and co-planners with us. Just a word about the logo for Remedy, designed by Jason Stevens. The circular symbol is from the fourth century AD Greek letters Chi (χ) Rho (ρ), which early Roman Christians placed on tombs and in prominent places to identify themselves with Christ, their King and Savior. It also reminds us of the familiar Rx we use in medicine to prescribe a drug or a healing remedy. Jesus Christ IS the remedy who brings healing for the sins of the nations. The prophet Jeremiah declared, “Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise” (Jeremiah 17:14, NIV 1984). During this conference, our prayer is that you will hear the voice of God’s Spirit and be willing to be sent to “...preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Luke 9:2, NIV 1984) just as Jesus’ disciples were sent out. What an incredible privilege we have in healthcare with the capacity to heal, teach and bring spiritual transformation all in one encounter, just as our Lord Jesus did. No matter where you are in your journey with Christ or in healthcare, we pray God will use what you discover and experience here at REMEDY: HEALING FOR THE NATIONS to help you prepare for future ministry in healthcare missions to HIS ULTIMATE GLORY. Fanning the flame until He comes to get us,

Mike Chupp, MD CMDA Executive Vice President



General Conference Information

Schedule......................................................................................... 4 Campus Maps................................................................................ 5 Breakouts Information.................................................................... 8 Continuing Education Information................................................ 11



Plenary Session 1............................................................................ 17 Breakouts 1..................................................................................... 20 Plenary Session 2 ........................................................................... 25 Breakouts 2..................................................................................... 28 Plenary Session 3............................................................................ 33 Day One Reflections...................................................................... 36



Breakouts 3..................................................................................... 39 Plenary Session 4............................................................................ 43 Day Two Reflections....................................................................... 46



Exhibit Hall Map............................................................................. 49 Exhibit Hall Booth Directory........................................................... 50 Exhibitor Information..................................................................... 51 Exhibitor Advertisements............................................................... 60 Evaluation Form............................................................................. 65



SCHEDULE Friday, March 23 8 a.m.


Welcome Center B

9 a.m.

Plenary Session 1 Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS

Worship Center

10:30 a.m.

Breakouts 1

Faith Hall Third Floor

11:30 a.m.

Lunch and Exhibitors

Faith Hall First Floor

1:30 p.m.

Plenary Session 2 Michael D. Johnson, MD, FACS

Worship Center

3:30 p.m.

Breakouts 2

Faith Hall Third Floor

4:30 p.m.

Dinner and Exhibitors

Faith Hall First Floor

6:30 p.m.

Plenary Session 3 Val Tramonte, MD

Worship Center

Saturday, March 24 8 a.m.


Faith Hall First Floor

9 a.m.

Breakouts 3

Faith Hall Third Floor

10:30 a.m.

Plenary Session 4 David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Worship Center

12 p.m.


Faith Hall First Floor

FOLLOW ALONG ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE Visit to access the electronic version of the program.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

CAMPUS MAPS First Baptist Orlando



CAMPUS MAPS Worship Center First Floor

Thank You for Your Support


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

CAMPUS MAPS Faith Hall First Floor

Faith Hall Third Floor



BREAKOUTS Breakouts 1

Friday, March 23 • 10:30 a.m. Faith Hall 301 B


Extending Surgical Care Beyond Your Training Comfort Zone Mike Chupp, MD, and Russ White, MD

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 301 C


Playing God and Other Ethical Issues in Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Faith Hall 301 D


The Biblical Basis of Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD

Faith Hall 346


Should Muslims Who Enter the Kingdom Through Jesus Remain Muslim? Nathan J’Diim

Faith Hall 350


Lessons Learned on Being a Missionary Nurse Grace Tazelaar, RN

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 356


Marketplace Workers: Can They Make a Difference? Larry McCrary

Faith Hall 372

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Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA

Remedy Medical Missions Conference

1 Hour CE

BREAKOUTS Breakouts 2

Friday, March 23 • 3:30 p.m. Faith Hall 301 B


1 Hour CE

Justice in Healthcare Rick Donlon, MD

Faith Hall 301 C


10 Questions Everyone Asks About Long-term Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Faith Hall 301 D


The Future of Medical Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD

Faith Hall 346


Medical and Surgical Education as a Primary Tool in the Medical Missionary Toolbox Russ White, MD

Faith Hall 350


Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Medical Missions John Cropsey, MD

Faith Hall 356


How to Effectively Share Our Faith While Providing U.S. Healthcare Walt Larimore, MD

Faith Hall 372


Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA



BREAKOUTS Breakouts 3

Saturday, March 24 • 9 a.m. Faith Hall 301 B


God’s Guidance and the Call Mike Chupp, MD

Faith Hall 301 C


Cultural Humility Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 301 D


From Community Health to Community Transformation V. Chen, MD, MPH

Faith Hall 346


From Surviving to Thriving: Finding Peace in the Chaos of Missional Living Daniel Tolan, MD

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 350


Gender-based Violence and Human Trafficking Fiona Hahn, BSN, MPH

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 356



Dental Missions William Griffin, DDS

Remedy Medical Missions Conference

1 Hour CE

CONTINUING EDUCATION To obtain your CE certificate, you must complete the online evaluation at Use the above link to access the survey. If you have any problems opening this survey or completing it, please contact your Course Director or email the Department of Continuing Education Office at Accreditation The Christian Medical & Dental Associations is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Physician Credit The Christian Medical & Dental Associations designates this educational activity for a maximum of 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Dental Credit CMDA is an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2018. Provider ID#218742. 3 Lecture Hours Available. No prior level of skill, knowledge, or experience is required (or suggested). Objectives • Discuss the role of healthcare in the mission endeavor. • Describe how addressing spiritual needs is related to the gospel. • Discuss how understanding the differences and similarities in worldviews impact healthcare practice and receptivity to the gospel message. • Discuss the usual mix of surgical cases in a rural, developing world mission hospital. • Identify the key issues involved in a decision for any medical missionary performing new surgical procedures for which they have not received formal training within their institution versus referral to a larger facility or specialist. • Describe options for seeking specialty consultation to assist in making referral or intervention decisions for surgery. • List the challenges or barriers faced by patients in pursuing specialty care in the developing world. • Describe the unique opportunities and advantages that a medical professional has in participating in marketplace missions. • Discuss five important components of a marketplace worker. • Describe the biblical imperative to work for justice. • Describe the depth of existing healthcare injustice. • List meaningful strategies to work for healthcare justice. • Define terms including culture, ethnocentrism and paternalism. • Use the definitions of culture, ethnocentrism and paternalism in the context of cross-cultural communication and work. • Identify examples of cultural humility in Scripture. • List specific ways to exhibit cultural humility in real-life situations. • List three major obstacles to thriving in missional healthcare missions. • Discuss a “balanced life” and ask if it is a valid concept. • Describe five themes in thriving during ministry.



CONTINUING EDUCATION • • • • • • • • •

Describe one or two personal practices you want to focus on in the coming year. Describe a biblical basis for active engagement in preventing gender-based violence and human trafficking. Describe the global health burden of violence against women. Define the global impact of human trafficking. Use a public health approach to prevention strategies for human trafficking and violence against women. List some of the benefits of involvement in short-term missions. Describe various aspects of dental student involvement in short-term missions. Identify the rationale for teaching trips to unserved areas of the world. Describe some of the effects that international mission trips can have on our private practices back home.

Agenda Time

Topic Title

March 23: 8 - 9 a.m.


March 23: 9 - 10 a.m.

Plenary Session

March 23: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.


Faculty Name Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS

Lessons Learned On Being a Missionary Grace Tazelaar, RN Nurse 1 HR Extending Surgical Care Beyond Your Training Comfort Zone 1 HR

Mike Chupp, MD, and Russ White, MD

Marketplace Workers: Can They Make a Larry McCrary Difference? 1 HR March 23: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibitors March 23: 1:30 - 3 p.m.

Plenary Session

March 23: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Workshops Justice in Healthcare 1 HR

March 23: 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Dinner and Exhibitors

March 23: 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Plenary Session

March 24: 8 - 9 a.m.


March 24: 9 - 10 a.m.


March 24: 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Michael D. Johnson, MD, FACS

Rick Donlon, MD

Val Tramonte, MD

Cultural Humility 1 HR

Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS

From Surviving to Thriving: Finding Peace in the Chaos of Missional Living 1 HR

Daniel Tolan, MD

Gender-based Violence and Human Trafficking 1 HR

Fiona Hahn, BSN, MPH

Dental Missions 1 HR

William Griffin, DDS

Plenary Session

David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Total Credits = 3.0


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

CONTINUING EDUCATION Disclosure As a sponsor accredited by the ACCME, the Department of Continuing Education of Christian Medical and Dental Associations, must insure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its sponsored educational activities. All faculty and planning committee members participating in this CME Symposium were asked to disclose the following: 1. The names of proprietary entities producing health care goods or services, with the exemption of non-profit or government organizations and non-health related companies with which they or their spouse/partner have, or have had, a relevant financial relationship within the past 12 months. For this purpose, we consider the relevant financial relationships of your spouse/partner that they are aware to be theirs; 2. To describe what they or their spouse/partner received (ex: salary, honorarium etc.); 3. To describe their role; 4. To disclose that there was no relevant or financial relationships. Course Director, Speaker Names, CMDA staff, CMDA/CME Committee and Planning Committee Members

Name of the The Nature of the Commercial Relationship the Interest Person has With Each Commercial Interest (speaker, stocks, speakers’ bureau, clinical trials)

I do not have any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests

Conflict Resolved

I intend to discuss off-labeled investigation use(s) of drug(s) or device(s) in my presentation

Mike Chupp, MD, Director of Planning






David Stevens, MD






Will Rogers






Susan Carter






Melinda Mitchell, Coordinator






Barbara Snapp, CE Administrator






Sharon Whitmer, EdD, MFT






CE Committee Members






Daniel Tolan, MD






Fiona Hahn, BSN, MPH






Grace Tazelaar, RN






Larry McCrary






Mike Chupp, MD






Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS






Rick Donlon, MD






Russ White, MD






William Griffin, DDS








The CMDA CE Review Committee of John Pierce, MD, Chair; Jeff Amstutz, DDS (Recused); Mike Chupp, MD (Recused); Lindsey Clarke, MD; Stan Cobb, DDS; Gary Goforth, MD; Elizabeth Heredia, MD; Curtis High, DDS; Bruce MacFadyen, MD; Dale Michels, MD; Shawn Morehead, MD; Michael O’Callaghan, DDS; and Richard Voet, MD do not have any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interests.





e’ve gathered here this weekend because we each share a deep passion to save the world for Christ.

Through medical missions, God is bringing His REMEDY for disease to the world. And because of the skills He gives us, God is using each one of us to bring His REMEDY to a world that is riddled with disease and sin. This conference will tell you what it takes to serve Christ on the mission field—whether that’s at home in your local community, in a third-world country for a long-term career or somewhere in between. So get ready for REMEDY, and be prepared for God to open your heart to His calling and His passion for your life.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

Plenary Session 1 Friday, March 23 • 9 a.m. • Worship Center

Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS Dr. Naylor spent her career as a missionary surgeon at Bangalore Baptist Hospital in India under the International Mission Board. From 2002 to 2010, she taught surgery at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas. As global health care consultant for Baptist Global Response, she now mobilizes and trains healthcare personnel to meet medical needs worldwide.

Session Information What is your passion? Are you passionate about healing for the nations? We will examine Scripture and then see what we as healthcare professionals can do to bring healing to the nations. Objectives 1. Define passion as seen and modeled in Scripture. 2. Identify the unique role of the healthcare professional in bringing healing for the nations. 3. Determine your own passion seeking God’s direction for daily bringing healing to those around you and beyond.



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Remedy Medical Missions Conference



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What is one KEY TAKEAWAY from this session?



Breakouts 1 Friday, March 23 • 10:30 a.m.

Faith Hall 301 B


Extending Surgical Care Beyond Your Training Comfort Zone Mike Chupp, MD, and Russ White, MD

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 301 C


Playing God and Other Ethical Issues in Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Faith Hall 301 D


The Biblical Basis of Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD

Faith Hall 346


Should Muslims Who Enter the Kingdom Through Jesus Remain Muslim? Nathan J’Diim

Faith Hall 350


Lessons Learned on Being a Missionary Nurse Grace Tazelaar, RN

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 356


Marketplace Workers: Can They Make a Difference? Larry McCrary

Faith Hall 372

7 20

Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA

Remedy Medical Missions Conference

1 Hour CE


1 Hour CE

Extending Surgical Care Beyond Your Training Comfort Zone Mike Chupp, MD, and Russ White, MD Faith Hall 301 B

Session Information Not every medical missionary, whether a surgeon or non-surgeon, readily accepts the challenge to tackle surgical cases that fall outside that physician or dentist’s formal training. On the other hand, there are doctors who pursue developing world medicine as missionaries because of the expectation that they will be able to practice surgery involving the “skin and its contents.� How aggressive should any medical missionary be in tackling procedures that are necessary, possibly even urgent or emergent, whether lifesaving or not? This talk, given by two veteran missionary surgeons from Tenwek Hospital, one from an academic background and the other from a community training program, will cover principles to be considered when faced with such cases in different medical missionary hospital settings. Treating patients and their families with respect and full disclosure of surgeon and institutional experience while understanding the financial and logistical challenges of referral to specialists, usually at great distance from the mission hospital, are critical elements for medical missionaries. We will discuss options for seeking expert opinion and consultation to strengthen the quality of care in even the most rural surgical setting. Objectives 1. Discuss the usual mix of surgical cases in a rural, developing world mission hospital. 2. Identify the key issues involved in a decision for any medical missionary performing new surgical procedures for which they have not received formal training within their institution versus referral to a larger facility or specialist. 3. Describe options for seeking specialty consultation to assist in making referral or intervention decisions for surgery. 4. List the challenges or barriers faced by patients in pursuing specialty care in the developing world.




Playing God and Other Ethical Issues in Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Faith Hall 301 C

Session Information There isn’t any guidance available in the literature on the clinical ethical challenges doctors face working in remote areas in developing countries where resources are extremely limited but the needs are almost unlimited. This lecture, using real-life examples, will examine the practical application of the ethical principles of non-malfeasance, benevolence, autonomy and justice in these difficult situations. It will guide you through challenging decisions as you serve in short-term or long-term missions. Objectives 1. Articulate the type of ethical issues you could face in a missionary medical practice. 2. Apply one of the four major ethical principles in resource-limited situations.


The Biblical Basis of Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD Faith Hall 301 D

Session Information Biblical missions is a response to a God of Love who invited us into an eternal relationship with Himself and made it possible through Christ. He commissioned us to invite the rest of the world into the same relationship with Him through the gospel. In this workshop, we will explore and examine together the biblical basis of missions, focusing on the mission of God as also the mission of the church and the mission of the individual members of Christ’s body. We will examine biblical narratives and commands that guide our conclusions of what God is doing in the world and why we should participate in what God is doing. We will highlight the incredible honor it is for the God of heaven and earth to commit to frail humans like us His eternal purpose of reconciling the world to Himself. Objectives 1. Gain insight into God’s heart for the nations and God’s desire that all may hear the Good News of great joy in Christ. 2. Understand the need to be fully engaged in local and global missions. 3. Understand how medical missions fit into the overall purpose of God in global missions.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference


Should Muslims Who Enter the Kingdom Through Jesus Remain Muslim? Nathan J’Diim Faith Hall 346

Session Information Should Muslims who enter the kingdom through Jesus remain Muslim? Whether or not they should, they are! Tens of thousands of Muslims from diverse corners of the Muslim world are transferring allegiance from Mohammed and his book to Messiah Jesus and His kingdom of grace, while remaining part of the Uma of Islam (their Muslim Community). Objectives You will hear their stories of following Jesus as a “born again” Muslim. You’ll also find answers to some nagging questions: 1. (A question Western Christians most often ask): Are these “Muslim Believers” orthodoxic? Do they ascribe to our creeds? Do they affirm all the Bible teaches about Jesus? 2. (A question Western Christians seldom ask…of ourselves or others): Are these “Muslim Believers” orthopraxic? Do they follow Jesus as Lord and live/obey all that Jesus commanded?


Lessons Learned on Being a Missionary Nurse Grace Tazelaar, RN Faith Hall 350

1 Hour CE

Session Information This workshop will explore the relationship between missions and health from a missionary nursing perspective. We will consider how worldview influences the understanding of both the gospel and health messages. Objectives 1. Discuss the role of healthcare in the mission endeavor. 2. Describe how addressing spiritual needs is related to the gospel. 3. Discuss how understanding the differences and similarities in worldviews impact healthcare practice and receptivity to the gospel message.




Marketplace Workers: Can They Make a Difference? Larry McCrary Faith Hall 356

1 Hour CE

Session Information Serving over 15 years in international missions as a vocational missionary, Larry has learned that some of the best missionaries are actually marketplace workers who have been able to work in the marketplace overseas. They often are able to create unique mission opportunities with their creative access to people. They have instant credibility to the people as marketplace professionals, giving them a legitimate reason in being in country. They have financial sustainability in being paid and not having to raise support. Objectives 1. Describe the unique opportunities and advantages that a medical professional has in participating in marketplace missions. 2. Discuss five important components of a marketplace worker.


Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA Faith Hall 372

Session Information This workshop is designed to help those who would like to learn to suture or have had some suturing experience. The participant is introduced to wound preparation and basic suturing principals with an opportunity to practice several suturing methods, suture material and knots primarily using instrument ties. Several areas related to wound closure are also discussed, including a brief overview of local anesthetic use. Objectives 1. Introduce participants to basic wound closure and management of lacerations and surgical wounds. 2. Discuss the main principles of suture management including instruments, sterile field, types of needles and closure technique. 3. Give participants the opportunity to have hands-on experience in using suture materials to close wounds in various ways, using a variety of suturing techniques.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

Plenary Session 2 Friday, March 23 • 1:30 p.m. • Worship Center

Michael D. Johnson, MD, FACS Dr. Johnson received his medical degree from University of Michigan. In 1984, he and his wife went on their first mission trip to Zaire. Three years later, the Lord called them to longterm missions in Kenya. For the next 23 years, they worked full-time in Kenya. Since returning to Philadelphia in 2010, they began the Miriam Medical Clinics offering hope and healing to the city’s underserved.

Session Information All of us who claim Christ are guilty of making the cultural context priority. It is our sin nature. We create dysfunction as we cling to our ethnicity, skin color and political division. This makes our presentation of Christ anemic and without effect and, worse yet, gives the enemies of the cross reason to reject our Savior.



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Remedy Medical Missions Conference



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What is one KEY TAKEAWAY from this session?



Breakouts 2 Friday, March 23 • 3:30 p.m.

Faith Hall 301 B


Justice in Healthcare Rick Donlon, MD

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 301 C


10 Questions Everyone Asks About Long-term Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Faith Hall 301 D


The Future of Medical Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD

Faith Hall 346


Medical and Surgical Education as a Primary Tool in the Medical Missionary Toolbox Russ White, MD

Faith Hall 350


Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Medical Missions John Cropsey, MD

Faith Hall 356


How to Effectively Share Our Faith While Providing U.S. Healthcare Walt Larimore, MD

Faith Hall 372

7 28

Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA

Remedy Medical Missions Conference


1 Hour CE

Justice in Healthcare Rick Donlon, MD Faith Hall 301 B

Session Information Justice and equity are prominent and recurring themes in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus began His ministry by preaching from Isaiah 61 (“good news to the poor...freedom for prisoners...release of the oppressed”) and ended it with warnings about judgment for those who ignore “the least of these.” Healthcare, in America and the rest of the world, seldom mirrors God’s concern for justice and equity. Christians have a remarkable opportunity to display the glory and kingdom of God by fighting healthcare injustice. Objectives 1. Describe the biblical imperative to work for justice. 2. Describe the depth of existing healthcare injustice. 3. List meaningful strategies to work for healthcare justice.


10 Questions Everyone Asks About Long-term Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Faith Hall 301 C

Session Information What are the answers to the 10 most common questions those considering missionary service ask? From, “How to know God’s will?” to “How to pick a missionary organization? and from “What about raising my kids overseas? to “How do I avoid burnout?” this talk using real-life stories will give practical answers to help you as you pray about long-term service. Objectives 1. Identify the barriers healthcare professionals face when they consider practicing in a missionary setting. 2. Break through these barriers to be able to practice in resource-limited healthcare arenas.




The Future of Medical Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD Faith Hall 301 D

Session Information Is God done with medical missions? Does the world still need medical missionaries? Where is medical missions headed? In this workshop, we will consider the question, “Why medical missions?” We will also examine the historical impact and current realities of medical missions. We will look at the importance of medical missions in the overall global mission. We will consider examples of what medical missions has been and what is likely to be the future and impact of medical missions. We will examine such issues as medical services, patient care and the challenges presented in resource-scarce contexts, staff development and particularly self-reproduction through medical training. Dr. Bogunjoko will share from his own experience of the impact of medical training by missionaries on local medical staff and its impact beyond the confines of their training institutions. Objectives 1. Gain an understanding of the reason for medical missions, as well as an insight into various historical impacts of medical missions and an overview of the role of medical missions within global missions. 2. Be equipped to evaluate different examples of medical missions and what the future direction of medical missions is likely to be. 3. Understand some of the issues that have, and still are, impacting medical missions, such as patient care, workload and the challenges of scarce resources and trained staff.


Medical and Surgical Education as a Primary Tool in the Medical Missionary Toolbox Russ White, MD Faith Hall 346

Session Information Jesus spent the majority of His time with 12 disciples who were destined to take His gospel into all the world. This model of exponential multiplicity should be our pattern for modern medical missions. In this session, we will look at issues such as the vast disparity in healthcare professionals between high income countries, and lower and middle income countries (LMICs). Furthermore, we will examine the recent trend which has made “global medicine” in general, and “global surgery” in particular to be of broad interest to physicians and surgeons in the U.S. We will consider the phenomenon of “brain drain” and discuss strategies of strengthening the development of healthcare infrastructure within LMICs. Dr. White will discuss the growth of Tenwek Hospital in Kenya over the last 20 years to its position now of being one of the premier providers of medical and surgical education in the region. Objectives 1. Evaluate demographic patterns in worldwide distribution of healthcare professionals. 2. Evaluate various strategies aimed at improving healthcare provision in LMICs. 3. Evaluate the options for both short-term and long-term missions in strengthening the worldwide healthcare force.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference


Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Medical Missions John Cropsey, MD Faith Hall 350

Session Information Cross-cultural medical ministry is a beautiful thing. What could possibly go wrong? John wants to tell you! With 15+ years of experience growing up and serving at mission hospitals, John’s made a lot of mistakes and witnessed a few as well. After interviewing multiple veteran medical missionaries, John wants to share 10 insights on how to set yourself, your colleagues and your national partners up for success. Why learn the hard way? Those who’ve gone before you have already done that so you don’t have to! This breakout is perfect for anyone headed into medical missions, be it short-term, mid-term or long-term. Objectives 1. Understand the heart-level adjustments and frame of mind required to productively engage in medical care and cross-cultural relationships in the mission hospital setting. 2. Be aware of common pitfalls made by short-term and long-term missionaries. 3. Understand how one’s faith informs the mission experience where one will be faced with advanced presentation of pathology in the setting of severe resource limitations and crippling poverty.


How to Effectively Share Our Faith While Providing U.S. Healthcare Walt Larimore, MD Faith Hall 356

Session Information These principles from Saline Solution and Grace Prescriptions have been taught and utilized in more than 60 countries and in a wide variety of healthcare settings. An overview of providing spiritual care and building a spiritual team with which to provide it in a wide variety of clinical settings is provided by the author of CMDA’s Saline Solution and Grace Prescriptions. Objectives 1. Review spiritual interventions that health professionals can have available in their “spiritual black bag.” 2. Review principles of setting up a spiritual care team in clinical care.




Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA Faith Hall 372

Session Information This workshop is designed to help those who would like to learn to suture or have had some suturing experience. The participant is introduced to wound preparation and basic suturing principals with an opportunity to practice several suturing methods, suture material and knots primarily using instrument ties. Several areas related to wound closure are also discussed, including a brief overview of local anesthetic use. Objectives 1. Introduce participants to basic wound closure and management of lacerations and surgical wounds. 2. Discuss the main principles of suture management including instruments, sterile field, types of needles and closure technique. 3. Give participants the opportunity to have hands-on experience in using suture materials to close wounds in various ways, using a variety of suturing techniques.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

Plenary Session 3 Friday, March 23 • 6:30 p.m. • Worship Center

Val Tramonte, MD Dr. Tramonte graduated from University of Nevada School of Medicine and completed a family medicine residency at In His Image Family Residency Program. He went on to be a faculty member at In His Image until 2014. Currently, Val works part-time as a hospitalist so he can be both fully engaged as a dad and husband and also use other gifts including speaking, leading, discipleship and art.

Session Information This session will focus on the centrality of Jesus and the gospel in our lives, message and mission. It will be based on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church, chapter 2, verses 1-5. Objectives 1. Make much of Jesus. 2. Clearly proclaim the gospel. 3. Equip, encourage and empower the hearers.



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Remedy Medical Missions Conference



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What is one KEY TAKEAWAY from this session?




Remedy Medical Missions Conference

REFLECTING on Day One of Remedy

What I learned today from the BREAKOUT SESSIONS

What I learned today from the PLENARY SESSIONS

I feel the Lord is SPEAKING to me about

I am EXCITED about

I think my NEXT STEPS might be





Remedy Medical Missions Conference

Breakouts 3 Saturday, March 24 • 9 a.m.

Faith Hall 301 B


God’s Guidance and the Call Mike Chupp, MD

Faith Hall 301 C


1 Hour CE

Cultural Humility Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS

Faith Hall 301 D


From Community Health to Community Transformation V. Chen, MD, MPH

Faith Hall 346


From Surviving to Thriving: Finding Peace in the Chaos of Missional Living Daniel Tolan, MD

1 Hour CE

Faith Hall 350


1 Hour CE

Gender-based Violence and Human Trafficking Fiona Hahn, BSN, MPH

Faith Hall 356


1 Hour CE

Dental Missions William Griffin, DDS




God’s Guidance and the Call Mike Chupp, MD Faith Hall 301 B

Session Information One of the most common questions asked by Christian healthcare professionals who are focused on a life of service in obedience to God, whether in training or graduates, is, “How do I determine if God is calling me to serve short-term or long-term in medical missions?” There are certainly no textbook formulas or algorithms for determining a calling to missionary medical service. This talk will focus on biblical principles for determining God’s leading in our lives as healthcare professionals and how they relate to deciding if domestic or international mission ministry is God’s will for us. Several examples of modern day medical missionaries and their stories of determining God’s clear direction for their lives will be discussed. Objectives 1. Define and describe the “call” on a believer’s life. 2. Describe common misunderstandings of how healthcare professionals determine God’s direction and plan for their lives. 3. Identify key biblical principles for Christian healthcare professionals to follow in order to determine God’s call and will for their lives, especially as it relates to medical missions. 4. Assist participants in pursuing a life-long journey of seeking God’s guidance and obeying His will for their lives.


Cultural Humility Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS Faith Hall 301 C

Session Information This session will seek to answer the following question: how do we provide healthcare and present the gospel cross-culturally while avoiding attitudes of superiority, ethnocentrism and paternalism? Objectives 1. Define terms including culture, ethnocentrism and paternalism. 2. Use the definitions of culture, ethnocentrism and paternalism in the context of cross-cultural communication and work. 3. Identify examples of cultural humility in Scripture. 4. List specific ways to exhibit cultural humility in real-life situations.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

1 Hour CE


From Community Health to Community Transformation V. Chen, MD, MPH Faith Hall 301 D

Session Information Many pursuing God’s call to healthcare missions and community health are motivated by the desire to see people transformed by the gospel spiritually and physically. Can the gospel not only transform individual lives but entire communities, “that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)? Yes! In this session, we will study several examples from different cultural contexts to see how transformational community development can empower communities to use their own God-given creativity and resources to find long-term, local solutions to positively impact community health. Objectives 1. Develop a framework of wholistic health and integral mission. 2. Understand foundational principles and processes of the Community Health Evangelism approach. 3. Examine several practical case examples of community transformation from a community health and wholistic discipleship perspective.


1 Hour CE

From Surviving to Thriving: Finding Peace in the Chaos of Missional Living Daniel Tolan, MD Faith Hall 346

Session Information Is it possible to be surrounded by need, chaos and uncertainty and yet still thrive in missional living? How? Is it a matter of balance or is it more? This is an important concept and question for you and for your current or future family. Missional living, by nature, brings both times of surviving and times of thriving. It is unavoidable. However, living in constant survival mode leads to discouragement and disillusionment in ministry. Those in healthcare missions are especially predisposed to feeling this way. Why does this happen? Is some of this self-imposed? What can and should we do in order to spend most of our time actually thriving? Where are those areas of our lives we should pay more attention to so we are not always in survival mode? Missional living creates imbalance. In the midst, we can thrive and know peace. There are actions to take, safeguards to put in place and attitudes to adopt towards thriving and knowing peace amidst the chaos. Objectives 1. List three major obstacles to thriving in missional healthcare missions. 2. Discuss a “balanced life” and ask if it is a valid concept. 3. Describe five themes in thriving during ministry. 4. Describe one or two personal practices you want to focus on in the coming year. #Remedy2018



Gender-based Violence and Human Trafficking Fiona Hahn, BSN, MPH Faith Hall 350

1 Hour CE

Session Information Christians are called to meaningfully express God’s compassion to those who are vulnerable to society’s greatest disparities. Using a public health framework, we will consider the role of medical missionaries in alleviating the global burden of gender-based violence and human trafficking. Objectives 1. Describe a biblical basis for active engagement in preventing gender-based violence and human trafficking. 2. Describe the global health burden of violence against women. 3. Define the global impact of human trafficking. 4. Use a public health approach to prevention strategies for human trafficking and violence against women.


Dental Missions William Griffin, DDS Faith Hall 356

1 Hour CE

Session Information Topics to be addressed include: top 10 reasons for short-term mission trips, working with dental students, teaching extractions in third-world countries and the private practice implications of mission trip involvement. Objectives 1. List some of the benefits of involvement in short-term missions. 2. Describe various aspects of dental student involvement in short-term missions. 3. Identify the rationale for teaching trips to unserved areas of the world. 4. Describe some of the effects that international mission trips can have on our private practices back home.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference

Plenary Session 4 Saturday, March 24 • 10:30 a.m. • Worship Center

David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Dr. Stevens serves as the Chief Executive Officer for CMDA. From 1981 to 1991, he served as a missionary doctor in Kenya helping to transform Tenwek Hospital into one of the premier mission healthcare facilities in the world. As a leading spokesman for Christian healthcare professionals, Dr. Stevens has conducted hundreds of television, radio and print media interviews. He is board certified in family practice.

Session Information What does God expect of you in relation to the Great Commission? Does being a missionary mean going overseas? What does God do with you when you are totally sold out to Him?



S ion 4 E T O Sess



ar n e l P


Remedy Medical Missions Conference



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What is one KEY TAKEAWAY from this session?




Remedy Medical Missions Conference

REFLECTING on Day Two of Remedy

What I learned today from the BREAKOUT SESSION

What I learned today from the PLENARY SESSION

I feel the Lord is SPEAKING to me about

I am EXCITED about

I think my NEXT STEPS might be





Remedy Medical Missions Conference

EXHIBITORS Faith Hall First Floor

The CMDA Zone



EXHIBITORS Faith Hall First Floor


Scatter Global


In His Image Family Medicine Residency


Baptist Global Response


mPower Approach





Southwestern Medical Clinic


Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA)

Wheaton College Graduate School


CMDA’s Global Health Outreach

Florida Hospital


CMDA’s Medical Education International


CMDA’s Center for Medical Missions


CMDA’s Campus & Community Ministries


SIM - Egbe Hospital


Medical Ministry International

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



Triad Pediatrics


Wycliffe Bible Translators




Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine




Women at Risk, International


31/32 CMDA’s Life & Health Resources 33

Samaritan’s Purse / World Medical Mission Post Residency Program


Samaritan’s Purse / World Medical Mission Short-Term Missions


CMDA’s Florida Chapters


All India Mission


Interserve USA

Remedy Medical Missions Conference


All India Mission

Our mission is to reach the unreached people groups in Northeastern India with the love and hope of Jesus Christ, giving them eternal life with Christ, and abundant life on earth through: evangelism and church planting, medical treatment and training, schools and orphanages, and agricultural and business enterprises. The epicenter of our ministry is the modern medical facility that was built over a period of seven years by hand and opened in early 2014. This hospital, Shanti Bhavan Medical Center, is centered in the remote and indigenous area of North India and serves an upward population of one million native villagers who are considered to be below poverty, the poorest of poor. Shanti Bhavan Medical Center now boasts of a complete cardiology center that is now performing open-heart surgeries, angiograms and more.


Baptist Global Response

Baptist Global Response (BGR) is a disaster relief and community development organization with a heart for helping people in desperate need. We seek to demonstrate the love of God so that people in need have the opportunity to experience the full and meaningful lives God created them to enjoy. Our desire is to see people live their lives with hope and peace, inspired to raise their families in confidence, build their communities with dignity and share this life with others. BGR and its partners respond to people with critical needs, whether those needs arise from chronic conditions—like extreme poverty, contaminated water or endemic hunger—or acute crises—such as natural disaster, personal trauma or social upheaval.


Christian Medical & Dental Associations

Founded in 1931, Christian Medical & Dental Associations is the largest faith-based organization for healthcare professionals in the nation. Called to serve Christ through healthcare, CMDA addresses policies on healthcare issues; schedules foreign and domestic mission trips; sponsors student ministries; offers educational and inspirational resources; conducts marriage and family conferences; provides continuing education; and facilitates academic exchange programs. With more than 40 ministries, Christian Medical & Dental Associations is changing the face of healthcare by changing hearts in healthcare.




CMDA’s Campus & Community Ministries

Campus & Community Ministries, as part of CMDA, works with students on more than 280 campuses to train them to be truly professional by integrating their faith into the practice of healthcare and also stands alongside graduates by motivating, training and equipping them for the challenges they face every day.


CMDA’s Center for Medical Missions

As a ministry of CMDA, the Center for Medical Missions is a program designed to serve domestic and international healthcare missionaries in their work, as well as aid in the recruitment, training and retention of career healthcare missionaries.


CMDA’s Florida Chapters

Throughout the state of Florida, we have a growing network of CMDA members who gather together for fellowship, community and more. Healthcare professionals and students meet both on healthcare campuses and in local communities throughout the state for Bible studies, outreach events, involvement in missions and more.


CMDA’s Global Health Outreach

As a ministry of CMDA, Global Health Outreach is a short-term international missions program dedicated to providing healthcare while spreading the gospel by sending medical, dental and surgical teams around the world. Each year, we send 40 to 50 teams around the world to countries including El Salvador, East Africa, India, the Pacific, Central Asia, Nicaragua, the Middle East and many others. Through these trips, we disciple participants, grow national churches, share the gospel and provide care to the poor and needy. Our teams minister in outpatient primary care medicine and dentistry, and in small and large hospitals to provide surgical services.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference


CMDA’s Life & Health Resources

Visit CMDA’s Bookstore for a variety of CMDA-produced and recommended resources, including The Handbook of Medicine in Developing Countries, Servant Leadership, Grace Prescriptions and more.


CMDA’s Medical Education International

Medical Education International (MEI) is a short-term missions program with teams teaching healthcare professionals in academic or clinical settings to bring transformation by advancing medical, dental, bioethical and educational knowledge while modeling and sharing Christ with them.


Florida Hospital Graduate Medical Education

Florida Hospital is one of the country’s largest not-for-profit healthcare providers with 22 campuses serving communities throughout Florida. Florida Hospital Graduate Medical Education Department is committed to serving the community, the sponsoring institution, the faculty, staff, resident physicians and medical students. The mission of Florida Hospital, and of the residency and fellowship programs, is “To extend the healing ministry of Christ.” We do so by preparing compassionate and competent physicians, who, we hope, will plan to practice in Central Florida when they complete their training.


In His Image Family Medicine Residency

In His Image is a Christ-centered residency that focuses on academics while promoting the spiritual and personal growth of our residents through ongoing fellowship, Bible study and mentoring by Christian family medicine faculty. We are especially strong in obstetrics, internal medicine, human behavior, medical informatics, rural/underserved/ urban populations and international medical missions.




Interserve USA

Interserve began in 1852 in South Asia to care for the poor and marginalized so they could encounter Jesus and experience the life that He wanted for them. God has kept our founder’s vision alive all these years. Jesus Christ shapes how we see our place in a broken and suffering world. We see broken relationships, dashed expectations, lying, jealousy, manipulation, blame, shame, misogyny, and murder. This brokenness and suffering pains the heart of Jesus and the Father. Many have never had the opportunity to know that their lives can be different. Jesus has asked us to go and work alongside them so that they may have the opportunity to hear about Him and ascend, not only out of the abyss of poverty and oppression but also into His holy and transforming presence. Jesus inspires and directs us. We are willing to follow wherever He leads, often into hard areas. He gives us the grace to go and do what needs to be done in these areas.



I-TEC supports the Great Commission by assisting the “hidden� church in its journey toward independence under the lordship of Jesus Christ. One of the great barriers that has prevented indigenous churches from growing to maturity is their continuing dependence on the welfare of outsiders. A native church that relies on the leadership, technology and financial support of foreign missionaries rarely can stand on its own when that support is withdrawn. We are convinced from the Scriptures, however, that the goal of the Great Commission is to establish churches that are self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating.


Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) exists to educate osteopathic physicians in a Christian environment. Medical outreach and international medicine initiatives are to establish several international sites for student-doctor participation in protracted clinical rotations. The goal in establishing sites abroad is to coordinate and enhance collaborative education, enhance local physicians with chronic care and improve public health leading to improved long-term quality of life within a global environment. LUCOM is developing protracted clinical rotation sites for student-doctors and the faculty in Guatemala and other locations around the world. Additional global locations will be announced when those sites are established.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference


Medical Ministry International

Respectable healthcare is one of the scarcest commodities in the developing world. The solution is to ensure healthcare is both excellent and accessible for those in need. To accomplish this, MMI facilitates volunteer healthcare professionals and support personnel from Canada, America and around the world to serve on one and two-week project teams in strategic communities alongside willing partners. MMI supports health centers to increase access to affordable, quality healthcare. While centers are largely self-supporting, MMI assists with specific needs for land, buildings, renovations, equipment and training, as able. MMI supports residency training programs to expand the skills of international doctors with the goal of improving accessibility in their home countries.



MedSend strategically funds qualified and committed American Christian healthcare professionals serving around the globe. We also help national Christ-followers obtain the advanced medical training and Christian mentoring they need to serve the poor and underserved in their home countries. Together they care for the medical and spiritual needs of people throughout the world who live in poverty and oppression.


mPower Approach

mPower Approach’s vision is threefold: 1) Believers in developing countries are trained to address both physical and spiritual needs of their own people; 2) Individual Christians are assisted and encouraged, thereby improving the status of the local church; and 3) A sustainable ministry is launched. mPower dental, vision and medical modules have been implemented in over a dozen countries. Hundreds of our graduates share the gospel as they serve their people. Ultimately, we hope to empower indigenous churches in their efforts to expand the kingdom of God.





At Pioneers, we want to come alongside you to help get you where God is leading you to go. Out of our passion for God, we desire to see indigenous churches planting other churches among least-reached peoples. This happens in a wide variety of ways through all kinds of people with different gifts and skills. We have a team-centered philosophy for ministry and value the spirit of innovation and flexibility. Pioneers has over 2,800 missionaries who serve on teams all over the world. Many Pioneers teams serve community health needs as they share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since Pioneers believes that God specifically equips each of us for a special role in his mission to reach the nations, Pioneers is excited to find or create placements for medical personnel in which their medical skills and their passion for the unreached can meet for the glory of God.


Samaritan’s Purse / World Medical Mission Post Residency Program

World Medical Mission is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Post-Residency Program is a fully funded two-year program for Christian physicians and their families who have been called to medical missions. Immediately following your residency, we will place you at a mission hospital where you will serve within your specialty. We provide logistical and financial support and may also be able to help you find assistance for repaying student loans while you serve alongside career medical missionaries.


Samaritan’s Purse / World Medical Mission Short-Term Missions

World Medical Mission is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The medical arm of Samaritan’s Purse places volunteer Christian physicians, dentists and other medical personnel in mission hospitals and clinics around the world. We also staff a biomedical department and warehouse that provides critically needed medical equipment and supplies to medical mission facilities.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference


Scatter Global

Take your profession to the world. We are mobilizing Jesus followers from many professions to intentionally pursue their vocation in the least-reached marketplaces of the world.



Serge means “joining together rough edges to form a smooth seam.” We see God weaving together the ragged parts of our lives with His goodness, making the tattered beautiful. This is the power of the gospel at work in and through us, transforming our weakness and the world’s brokenness—God’s grace at the fray. Core to Serge is the belief that we need the gospel as much as anyone else. So as we seek to make the gospel known to others, we desire for this same grace to continually renew our lives.


SIM - Egbe Hospital

Egbe Hospital is a rural teaching hospital located in Egbe, Kogi State, Nigeria. The hospital serves a 100-mile radius of villages and small towns in a poor area, and it has been in operation since 1952. It is a 75-bed facility located on a 32-acre complex and includes two operating rooms, male, female and children’s wards, isolation ward, maternity, children’s clinic, dental clinic, eye center and HIV/AIDs counseling center. As a teaching hospital, the hospital offers a family medicine residency program, with Schools of Nursing and Midwifery located on the hospital campus. The vision for Egbe Hospital is to be recognized as a Christian teaching hospital known throughout Nigeria for integrity, medical excellence, quality medical training and compassionate patient care provided by committed staff who share the gospel with all who come to the hospital. The mission for Egbe Hospital is to revitalize the hospital by placing staff, medical equipment, best practices and systems in harmony with ministry and business principles. Join us in building a team of medical, administrative and maintenance professionals to work alongside the hospital leadership and revitalization team.





SIM has been launching Christian workers into ministry around the world since 1893. From church planting to medicine, and education to sports ministry, SIM desires to see the body of Christ in all places, among all peoples, to the glory of God. To this end, SIM is committed to cultivating multicultural mission movements that respond to need, proclaim the gospel and equip the church. SIM has over 185 medical professionals ministering to human need in 35 countries through medical institutions, community programs and church-based initiatives.


Southwestern Medical Clinic

It all started in the early 1960s when the dream became a reality for a group of five Christian physicians practicing in rural southwest Michigan who had a heart for medical missions. They formed Southwestern Medical Clinic, P.C. with the goal of supporting and collaborating with each other. Starting out by offering the furloughing medical missionary a place to train, readjust, and reenter and enter U.S. medical practice, it has grown to become a group with a multi-faceted and unique ministry to medical missions and missionaries around the world. Since our founding, we have maintained a Christian ministry practice combining a private business structure with a heart for Christian mission. Our focus is serving Jesus Christ through medical care, domestic and foreign missions, and Christian witness. We focus on treating and serving patients in need who may not have access to other providers, while also delivering the best available care to everyone in the community.


Triad Pediatrics

Triad Pediatrics is a new pediatric practice in High Point, North Carolina. We desire to use the gifts and abilities we have been given to honor God and carry the hope of the gospel into our local community and to the world. Providers at Triad Peds will have the opportunity to serve regularly in short-term medical missions and to work alongside long-term missionary pediatricians both overseas and in our clinic. Triad Pediatric also actively supports mission hospitals around the world and works to raise awareness of global pediatric needs. We are currently in the process of recruiting other like-minded doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners to join the practice.


Remedy Medical Missions Conference


Wheaton College Graduate School

Founded in 1937, Wheaton College Graduate School offers advanced theological and ministry training designed to enhance your professional education and holistic development. Through doctoral and masters degrees taught by world-class faculty, you will be prepared for effective service in your chosen field. With alumni serving in over 100 countries and on six continents worldwide, the mission of Wheaton College Graduate School is to form servant scholars and leaders through exceptional graduate programs for Christ and His Kingdom.


Women at Risk, International

Women At Risk, International is a Grand Rapids-based, nonprofit organization, established to create circles of protection around at-risk women and children. Through culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects and partnerships, we provide safe places to heal from abuse, trafficking, exploitation and more. Our passion is to empower survivors to live and work with dignity and hope. WAR, Int’l enables the creation of safe places for women and children and also gives a voice to their silenced cries. By educating communities about risk issues and providing individuals with practical ways to take action, we extend our reach through you. Our programs and partnerships span the globe, reaching over 40 countries, including the United States. Each month, additional projects and partnerships are formed, increasing our ability to offer the rescued and atrisk a “hand-up” instead of a handout.


Wycliffe Bible Translators

For more than 70 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. We also help with language development, literacy and other spiritual and physical needs. We have a goal of seeing a Bible translation project started in every language still needing one by 2025. Today, more than 1,600 languages are still waiting for a Bible translation to begin, and Wycliffe is working faster than ever to reach those languages as soon as possible.




45+ MINISTRIES. 1 MISSION. Changing Hearts in Healthcare. We are a Christ-centered organization dedicated to motivating, educating and equipping you to be the hands of Jesus in your practice, your community and your world. We offer you discipleship, fellowship, mentoring, resources and missions opportunities to share the gospel and serve others. Become a member of CMDA today and join the thousands of Christian healthcare professionals who are changing hearts in healthcare.

Our ministries include: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Campus & Community Ministries Center for Medical Missions Commission on Human Trafficking Continuing Education for Missionaries Dental Ministries Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants

■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Global Health Outreach Life & Health Resources Bookstore Medical Education International Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Side By Side Women Physicians in Christ And many more...join today!

CMDA • P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol, TN 37621 • 888-230-2637 •

at TRANSFORM: CMDA’s National Convention The premier convention for Christian healthcare professionals


April 26-29, 2018 Ridgecrest Conference Center Ridgecrest, North Carolina

Rev. John Barnett

Ellie Lofaro

Hon. Joe Pitts

David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Download the CMDA app

EVALUATION Remedy 2018

Session Evaluation Indicate the appropriate rating using the following scale:

N/A = Not applicable

1 = Poor

2 = Fair


Friday, March 23, 2018 — 9 a.m. Healing for the Nations: My Passion Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS Friday, March 23, 2018 — 10:30 a.m. Extending Surgical Care Beyond Your Training Comfort Zone Mike Chupp, MD, and Russ White, MD Playing God and Other Ethical Issues in Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) The Biblical Basis of Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD Should Muslims Who Enter the Kingdom Through Jesus Remain Muslim? Nathan J’Diim Lessons Learned on Being a Missionary Nurse Grace Tazelaar, RN Marketplace Workers: Can They Make a Difference? Larry McCrary Suturing for Non-surgeons Sam Powdrill, PA Friday, March 23, 2018 — 1:30 p.m. Healing for the Nations: My Shared Burden Michael D. Johnson, MD, FACS

3 = Average

Quality of Speaker’s Delivery

4 = Above Average

Quality of Material Presented

5 = Outstanding

Quality of Visual Aids and Supporting Documents

Usefulness to Your Practice of Life

Friday, March 23, 2018 — 3:30 p.m. Justice in Healthcare Rick Donlon, MD 10 Questions Everyone Asks About Long-term Missions David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) The Future of Medical Missions Joshua Bogunjoko, MD Medical and Surgical Education as a Primary Tool in the Medical Missionary Toolbox Russ White, MD Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Medical Missions John Cropsey, MD How to Effectively Share Our Faith While Providing U.S. Healthcare Walt Larimore, MD Suturing for Non-surgeons

Sam Powdrill, PA Friday, March 23, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Healing for the Nations: My Message Val Tramonte, MD Saturday, March 24, 2018 — ­ 9 a.m. God’s Guidance and the Call Mike Chupp, MD Cultural Humility Rebekah Naylor, MD, FACS From Community Health to Community Transformation V. Chen, MD, MPH From Surviving to Thriving: Finding Peace in the Chaos of Missional Living Daniel Tolan, MD Gender-based Violence and Human Trafficking Fiona Hahn, BSN, MPH Dental Missions William Griffin, DDS Saturday, March 24, 2018 — ­ 10:30 a.m. Healing for the Nations: My Obedience David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

Overall Conference Evaluation Indicate the appropriate rating using the following scale:

N/A = Not applicable

1 = Poor

2 = Fair

3 = Average

4 = Above Average

5 = Outstanding

Overall organization of the conference Conference registration procedures Food quality and service Meeting rooms

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Please list additional topics you would like to see incorporated into future conferences. Please share any additional comments. Please share a testimonial about the conference (for possible use in future promotional materials). Thank you for attending Remedy 2018! Please leave your completed evaluation form at Welcome Center B before you leave or email it to

A Ministry of Christian Medical & Dental Associations P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol, TN 37621 888-230-2637

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