Today's Christian Doctor - Summer 2019

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Volume 50 No. 2 • Summer 2019


Christian Doctor The Journal of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations

Celebrating a Legacy

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herefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1). Without fanfare, during the CMDA Board of Trustees meeting this May, Dr. Al Weir handed off the baton to Dr. Gloria Halverson for her two-year dash as CMDA President. At the same time, in a far more significant event, after a 25-year marathon for Christ, Dr. David Stevens and Dr. Gene Rudd began handing off their batons of CMDA leadership to Dr. Mike Chupp, to be completed on September 1, 2019. Our CMDA National Convention this year was a great celebration of this hand-off. “God’s Faithfulness” was a perfect theme for this convention as we celebrated God’s faithfulness to CMDA in the past, Gene and Dave’s faithful servant leadership for 25 years, and our trust in God’s faithfulness for the future of CMDA as we transition to Mike’s leadership. Attending this transformational celebration, we witnessed a number of “firsts:” • The largest attendance in the history of our CMDA National Convention with more than 750 participants from places as far away as Kenya. • The largest student group ever to attend. • All the CMDA staff from headquarters in Bristol, Tennessee being able to participate for the first time. • Dave’s first ever convention solo as he belted out “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” • And the entire convention singing a spoof honoring the Dave and Gene partnership to the tune of “Love and Marriage.” We celebrated Dave’s fantastic achievements of growing and transforming our ministry during his tenure. We honored Gene with the well-deserved Servant of Christ award. We laid hands on, prayed for and commissioned Mike for his future role as Dave’s successor. We laughed at the pictures of our maturing leaders in their early years and cried with joy at the record of their accomplishments. On Friday, we focused our celebration on Dave and Gene with a distinguished group of CMDA leaders offering their memories of Dave’s decades. • Hal Habecker, the CEO minister who preceded Dave and knew the organization needed to be led by a physician. • Dr. Don Wood, a former CMDA president and member of the search committee that hired Dave. • Dr. Dorothy Barbo, a CMDA member for 65 years, our first woman president and co-chair of the committee to raise funds for building our national headquarters.

• Dr. Jim Foulkes, a career missionary in Africa who met Dave as a youngster at Tenwek Hospital. •M ike McLaughlin, a CMDA regional director, who worked for CMDA even before Dave and spoke of the changes Dave brought to CMDA. • J onathan Imbody, our voice in Washington, who came to CMDA with Dave. He shared with us the impact Dave has had on public policy and legislation. •M argie Shealy, CMDA’s Vice President for Communications, who represented the staff and shared the wonderful work environment Dave and Gene created. Dave then delivered the convention address, sharing God’s lessons over the last 25 years, lessons he had learned for us to follow: confirming God’s call, selecting the right team, trusting God’s faithfulness and serving with courage. When Dave completed his address, worship leader Stephanie Seefeldt performed a song she had composed during Dave’s address, summing up all he had just shared. CMDA’s Board of Trustees offered tokens of our appreciation to Dave and his wife Jody, and to Gene and his wife Gay. We closed with a very appropriate hymn, “Lord of the Years,” and then moved to the dining room for cake and ice cream, gospel music, fellowship and celebration. It was a glorious day in CMDA history. On Saturday morning, we changed gears. From celebrating the past, we focused on God’s plan for our future mission at CMDA. Dr. Richard Johnson, the chair of our CEO search committee, laid out the two-year deliberate and prayerful process that led us to Mike Chupp as God’s choice. After a video depicting Mike’s past achievements for Christ, Rev. Stan Key laid out a vision for us: a vision that should be led by God’s Spirit, that should be big, breathtaking, Holy, costly, evangelistic and corporate. Mike and his wife Pam were then joined on the podium by the Board of Trustees and other CMDA leaders as Mike took his vows to follow God and lead CMDA. Those on the stage laid hands on Mike as Dave led us in prayer. Dave and Mike continued our session with a duet in harmony of “I Surrender All.” Mike shared his thanksgiving for those who had been his mentors and friends, and then he challenged us with his vision of our future. We clearly have been blessed by a firm foundation in leadership, and we are clearly looking forward to a future of necessary change toward new methods and new leadership with the unchanging message of Christ. Our future is filled with words like diversity, youth, gender, church, right of conscience and, most of all, Jesus. Join us as we follow our new leaders, with determination and without fear, for those who lead us are good and the God who calls us is able.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 3




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Cover Story

Celebrating a Legacy

with David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics), and Gene Rudd, MD

Honoring their leadership and faithfulness for 25 years


Backward and Forward

by David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)

After 25 years, Dr. Stevens reflects back on his journey with CMDA


F anning the Flames of a CMDA Leadership Legacy

by Mike Chupp, MD

As the incoming CEO, Dr. Chupp shares his story of joining CMDA


S cenes from the Legacy Celebration at the 2019 National Convention

Celebrating 25 years of leadership and commissioning the new CEO





The Christian Medical & Dental Associations ®— Changing Hearts in Healthcare . . . since 1931.





Editor’s Note: This special commemorative edition of Today’s Christian Doctor gives you an inside look at the 2019 CMDA National Convention that honored the legacy of leadership of CEO Dr. David Stevens and Senior Vice President Dr. Gene Rudd. At the convention, we also commissioned Dr. Mike Chupp who will become CEO in September 2019. EDITOR Mandi Mooney EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Gregg Albers, MD; John Crouch, MD; Autumn Dawn Galbreath, MD; Curtis E. Harris, MD, JD; Van Haywood, DMD; Rebecca Klint-Townsend, MD; Robert D. Orr, MD; Debby Read, RN AD SALES Margie Shealy 423-844-1000 DESIGN Ahaa! Design + Production PRINTING Pulp CMDA is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Today’s Christian Doctor®, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ISSN 0009-546X, Summer 2019, Volume L, No. 2. Printed in the United States of America. Published four times each year by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations® at 2604 Highway 421, Bristol, TN 37620. Copyright© 2019, Christian Medical & Dental Associations®. All Rights Reserved. Distributed free to CMDA members. Non-doctors (US) are welcome to subscribe at a rate of $35 per year ($40 per year, international). Standard presort postage paid at Bristol, Tennessee. Undesignated Scripture references are taken from the Holy Bible, New In-

ternational Version®, Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Other versions are noted in the text. Christian Medical & Dental Associations P.O. Box 7500, Bristol, TN 37621 888-230-2637 • If you are interested in submitting articles to be considered for publication, visit www. for submission guidelines and details. Articles and letters published represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. Acceptance of paid advertising from any source does not necessarily imply the endorsement of a particular program, product or service by CMDA. Any technical information, advice or instruction provided in this publication is for the benefit of our readers, without any guarantee with respect to results they may experience with regard to the same. Implementation of the same is the decision of the reader and at his or her own risk. CMDA cannot be responsible for any untoward results experienced as a result of following or attempting to follow said information, advice or instruction.

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Celebrating a Legacy

with David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics), and Gene Rudd, MD



t the 2019 CMDA National Convention, we were privileged to honor Dr. David Stevens and Dr. Gene Rudd for their legacy of faithful leadership. Dr. Stevens is stepping down as CEO of CMDA effective September 1, 2019, while Dr. Rudd moved from his Senior Vice President role to working part-time in 2017. During the Friday evening session at the convention, the Board of Trustees recognized Dr. Stevens and Dr. Rudd for their 25 years of leadership and the impact they have had on the ministries of CMDA, as well as the eternal difference they have made for God’s kingdom. As part of that celebration, we recounted their journeys in life and how God directed their paths to bring them to CMDA. The evening was marked by laughter, fond memories and reminders of how much God has accomplished through their efforts to serve His call on their lives.

Dr. Gene Rudd and Dr. David Stevens have led CMDA for the last 25 years, helping to grow it into the thriving ministry it is today with more than 40 ministries that motivate, educate and equip Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God.

As they both seek God’s will for His purpose for the next season of life, the membership of CMDA is grateful

for their guidance, wisdom, servant leadership and service to healthcare professionals as the leaders of CMDA. This special commemorative edition of Today’s Christian Doctor honors their leadership and the voice they have been for Christian healthcare professionals all around the United States and the world. Their lives truly epitomize CMDA’s vision of “Transformed Doctors, Transforming the World.”


CMDA President Dr. Gloria Halverson honors Dr. David and Jody Stevens and Dr. Gene and Gay Rudd during the Legacy Celebration at the 2019 CMDA National Convention.

Not able to attend the National Convention? Visit to watch videos of the Legacy Celebration, the CEO Commissioning Service and more.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 7

David Stevens MD, MA (Ethics)

“...But whoever would be great among you must be your servant...For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” —Mark 10:43-45, ESV


r. Stevens holds degrees from Asbury University, is an AOA graduate of the University of Louisville School of Medicine and is board certified in family medicine. After completing his residency, David, his wife Jody and their family answered God’s call to serve as missionaries. From 1981 to 1991, Dr. Stevens was a missionary doctor at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya where he served as Medical Superintendent and Executive Officer. At Tenwek, he directed a $4 million development plan, secured the installation of an $850,000 hydroelectric plant, oversaw the start of a nursing school and doubled the size of the hospital. The community healthcare and development programs he designed at Tenwek are currently reaching over a million Kenyans and serve as examples of what medical outreach in the developing world can accomplish.

current facility, which sits on 53 acres allowing for future growth. Shortly after moving in, the ministry was given an award for the Best Christian Workplace by Christianity Today, a result of the partnership and leadership he and Senior Vice President Dr. Gene Rudd created. Recognizing the importance of the organization’s position statements on bioethical issues, Dr. Stevens began to touch the hearts of Christians by using the statements as a platform to address bioethical and public policy issues. By responding to the media, Christian Medical & Dental Society’s name be-

After leaving Kenya, Dr. Stevens served as medical director of World Medical Mission. In Somalia, Dr. Stevens led an emergency medical team that treated 45,000 suffering Somalis in the midst of war. In the Sudan, medical teams under his leadership treated over 25,000 villagers to stop the spread of an epidemic. Twenty-five years ago in 1994, Dr. David Lynn Stevens answered God’s calling to lead the Christian Medical & Dental Society. Throughout this journey under his leadership and God’s guidance, the organization grew in ways never imagined. While he sought financial stability for the organization, the doors opened for a larger facility for a significant cost savings, resulting in a move to Bristol, Tennessee. These savings, plus the ministry’s first-ever capital campaign, provided for support for 40 ministries and the building of our 8 TODAY'S CHRISTIAN DOCTOR        Summer 2019

Dr. David Stevens treated hundreds of patients on the mission field, including this patient on a Global Health Relief trip to the Philippines in 2013.

After Dr. Kent Brantly (right) recovered from Ebola, he and his wife Amber visited CMDA’s headquarters to be trained by Dr. Stevens on how to speak to the media. Through CMDA’s Voice of Christian Doctor's Media Training, Dr. Stevens has helped train more than 200 healthcare professionals.

came recognized as the voice representing thousands of Christian healthcare professionals. During these days, it became evident there was a need to change the name from Society to Associations, allowing the medical and dental to have two distinctively different names and giving them each their own identity. As a result, a Washington office was established to help build relationships with like-minded organizations and throughout the U.S. government and the White House. As a result of his efforts to be a voice for healthcare, Dr. Stevens was invited to the White House and the U.S. Department of State by two different administrations. As spokesman for 19,000 Christian healthcare professionals, he has conducted more than 2,000 media interviews on bioethical, public policy and scientific issues, including CBS Evening News, ABC World News, MSNBC, BBC-World Television, CNN Sunday Morning, Newsweek, FOX News, PAX-Television, Tech TV, Associated Press, JAMA, USA Today, Family News in Focus, National Public Radio and many other national outlets. Under his leadership, a new emphasis was also placed on dental ministries, which created the Peter E. Dawson Chair of Dentistry, dental education through the dental residency programs and a Vice

“Dave, I want to thank you for all your years of service and for mentoring me through the years. I still remember my fourth year of medical school and being mentored by you and Gene while I was a student member of the Board of Trustees. You may not remember, but you were the speaker at my senior commissioning ceremony at New York City in the spring of 2003. You gave an altar call (as any good Baptist preacher should) and I came forward to dedicate my career to Jesus. As I prayed, I heard Father speak these words so clearly and loudly, almost audibly. He said, ‘Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me.’ I could not help but weep. That single revelation carried me through nine years of surgical residency and transplant fellowship. I wanted to share this story with you to let you know how God touched me through you, and He left an indelible mark on me. You may not have heard, but we are going through a phase of transition and transformation this season as the Father is calling us into ministry. Margaret has been enrolled in seminary for the last three years, and I started last fall as well. While Margaret is still quite busy with her practice, I have scaled back my practice to make time for ministry. That includes now leading the Medical Education International (MEI) Mongolia teams. I just want to say thank you for being an example of a disciple of Jesus to me and for serving me through your faithful service at CMDA.” —Matthew Y. Suh, MD, MPH

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 9

Dr. David Stevens is a popular speaker at the annual Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. This conference was birthed more than 20 years ago on a Global Health Outreach trip led by Dr. Stevens, and CMDA still sponsors the event each year.

President for Dental Ministries to equip dentists in sharing their faith.

“Dear David, thank you for your inspirational leadership of CMDA these past many years! You have done an outstanding job! Just a story for you. I have been on seven mission trips with GHO to El Salvador during your helm. Four years ago, an El Salvadorian student in a local Christian school served as my translator. He had a desire to try to attend college in the U.S. Through many hoops he jumped and, of course by God’s direction, he is now a junior at Campbell University, a Christian university here in North Carolina with a nice scholarship! He lives in my house and is essentially an adopted son! One never knows what wonderful plans God has for the impact of GHO on people throughout the world! Thanks so much! Stay active in CMDA, please.” —Thomas Darrell, MD

While Dr. Stevens’ role as Chief Executive Officer focused on many areas of ministry, his heart has always been and will always be on the mission field. After serving as a healthcare missionary for over a decade, no one knows better than him that caring for the sick opens doors to sharing the gospel. Focused on bringing God’s Word to the world, CMDA’s short-term missions was stabilized under his watch with more teams going into more countries and reaching more people, whether it be for medical education, surgical residencies or trips that include multiple specialties and medical students. His insight for providing resources and encouragement to long-term missionaries developed into the Center for Medical Missions, an annual healthcare missions leadership Summit with leaders from dozens of mission agencies and additional scholarships to help mis-


sionaries get on the field. His vision to inspire and educate potential missionaries took on another quest as Dr. Stevens worked with others to create the Global Missions Health Conference, which now boasts more than 2,500 attendees

“Dear Dr. Stevens, thank you for your faithful leadership of CMDA over the past 25 years. The ministry of CMDA is touching lives around the country and around the world! As a medical student, it has been so encouraging to know that I am part of a larger network of Christian healthcare professionals. I always look forward to hearing you every month on the Christian Doctor’s Digest podcast. The podcast gives me the opportunity to think deeply about the ethical issues I will face as I begin my career, and it is so valuable to hear them addressed by wise Christians. Thank you so much for all that you have done to serve through CMDA. I thank the Lord for your humble leadership, and pray that He blesses you with His joy in whatever He calls you to next.” —Katherine Leach

Dr. David Stevens, his wife Jody and their three children while serving as missionaries in Kenya in the 1980s.

each year. Sharing his missionary experience through his first book release, Jesus, MD, Dr. Stevens inspired others to walk in Christ’s footsteps. And his subsequent books, Beyond Medicine, Leadership Proverbs and Servant Leadership, combined missionary training and leadership skills with the Word of God.

es provide rich illustrations for inspirational and educational presentations at seminars, medical schools, conferences, and churches. His topics include stem cell research, human cloning, genetics, faith and health, physician-assisted suicide, international and community-based healthcare, emergency medical relief, abortion and other medically related subjects.

In addition to his books, he has also written countless chapters, magazine articles and more. Dr. Stevens’ experienc-

He earned a master’s degree in bioethics from Trinity International University in 2002 and served on the boards of

Under Dr. Stevens’ leadership, CMDA’s missions programs have grown expotentially, with more trips reaching the unreached around the world.

“David, as you enter your retirement years, I just want to thank you for the leadership you have shown, the multiple tracks on which you have run, the amazing impact you have made, and the voice that needed to be heard during a time when so many of these issues were up front and center being discussed and debated within our culture. You’ve been a man of God, you’ve honored the Lord in the way you’ve prepared and in your training and in the way you’ve addressed these issues. I have no doubt you will not actually be retiring, you just now have the privilege of setting your own priorities rather than somebody else setting them for you. I wish you, and your dear wife, and your children and your grandchildren some of the best years ahead for you. And may He direct your path and anoint your lips to do what He has chosen for you to do.” —Ravi Zacharias, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 11

(From left to right) Dr. Gene Rudd, Dr. DeWitt Wilkerson, Dr. Peter Dawson and Dr. David Stevens during a conference at CMDA’s headquarters. Dr. Dawson, who founded the Dawson Academy, served on CMDA’s Board of Trustees.

World Gospel Mission and Asbury University. He has regularly taught at CMDA’s educational seminars for healthcare missionaries serving overseas. He is a Fellow of the Biotechnology Policy Council of the Wilberforce Forum and helped found the National Embryo Donation Center. Dr. Stevens and his wife, Jody, have a son, Jason, and two daughters, Jessica and Stacy, and 10 grandchildren, all who are involved in domestic or international healthcare ministry. Knowing the importance of having a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father, Dr. Stevens continued the vision of CMDA’s founding fathers to create an environment for medical students to be discipled during one of the most difficult times of their life. Under his leadership, CMDA now ministers to students on more than 300 colleges and universities and to graduates through over 80 local ministry groups throughout the U.S. Creating the mission to change hearts in healthcare and the vision to transform doctors to transform the world, Dr. David Stevens leaves a legacy that will be considered one of the most influential and important times in the history of Christian Medical & Dental Associations.


“David, how can a ‘thank you’ note adequately express how much we have appreciated your leadership at CMDA? It can’t...but may hundreds can! We have been part of CMDA since 1982 and have seen it grow, become more strategic and influential and become a tremendous resource for students, missions and affecting cultural awareness and change. You have, as they say, ‘Led the charge.’ CMDA would not be what it is today without your steady, Godly and wise leadership. True, you had awesome help in the man Gene Rudd. He is a rare gem, and his contribution to CMDA cannot be accurately measured, because much of what he has done is ‘behind the scenes.’ God has blessed CMDA, and part of that blessing has come in the form of you two amazing leaders. We have been blessed and challenged as we have, in small measure, served CMDA. Our experience on the Board of Trustees was an apex of being mentored by committed colleagues, and, in particular, up close and personal with you and Gene. We thank you for that opportunity and for your commitment to excellence. May God bless you with rich memories and fertile opportunities for you and Jody to exercise your talents, strengthen your family ties and actually enjoy the experience and words, ‘Well done, faithful servant.’” —Dr. Richard and Kristen Johnson

Gene Rudd MD

“The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” —Matthew 23:11-12, ESV


r. Gene Rudd obtained his undergraduate degree in chemistry from the University of Georgia in 1973 and his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1977. He completed a categorical internship in 1978, as well as a residency in 1981 in obstetrics and gynecology at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. Among his numerous professional and academic affiliations, he was the Director of the Maternal/Fetal Medicine program at William Beaumont Army Medical Center where he trained residents in the military. A specialist in obstetrics/ gynecology, Dr. Rudd has extensive experience as a director of a maternal-fetal medicine training program and in rural healthcare practice. He has garnered several awards, including the prestigious Gorgas Medal in 1981, which was presented to him by U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop for achievement in preventative medicine. This award recognized his groundbreaking research during his residency in establishing the efficacy of preoperative antibiotics. His findings changed the course of antibiotic use in surgery. After 12 years in the U.S. Army, he resigned his commission at the rank of Major before moving to Marion, North Carolina. He

was in solo private practice in a rural region in Western North Carolina that previously had the worst perinatal statistics in the state. In the six years he practiced in this area, he was on call all but six days. Prior to joining CMDA, Dr. Rudd served with Samaritan’s Purse and was one of the first Western physicians to enter the former Soviet Union after the Berlin Wall came down. He taught extensively in medical schools and hospi-

Dr. Gene Rudd and his wife Gay have worked together to grow the kingdom of God through their ministry and leadership with CMDA since he joined the ministry 25 years ago.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 13

“Gene, here is my impression. You and David have conducted one of the most successful ‘administrations’ anywhere and ever! And a great deal of the reason for that is you—Gene Rudd! Your willingness to, with the unction of the Holy Spirit, take a less upfront and prominent role and yet thoroughly support what plans that I am sure you both agreed upon—that is true spiritual humility! And it is obviously for the good of the gospel in medicine! Gene, you have incredible gifts of leadership and administration, but you chose to submit it to our Lord in this special way. It has been an incredible inspiration to me personally and to our organization, In His Image. Just want you to know I respect, honor and love you in the Lord, dear brother!” —John Crouch, MD

tals during that time and established the Christian Medical Mission of Russia, started the first CMDA chapter in that country and obtained an institutional medical license enabling medical missionaries to get licensed until this day. He stepped off the ramp of a still moving Canadian C-130 in the midst of the Rwanda genocide and walked through the

bodies of the slain to open the Central Hospital in its capital Kigali. He faced down killing teams that wanted to slay patients in their beds and was appointed medical coordinator for the city when the United Nations finally arrived on the scene. He also performed relief work in the Balkans during the Balkan Wars where he was pinned down in a ditch for over an hour by sniper fire. He also served in Belarus, Bosnia, Kazakhstan and India.

Gene joined CMDA in 1995 to work alongside his friend Dr. David Stevens, serving in the capacity known in many organizations as Chief Operating Officer. When CMDA was recognized as a “Best Christian Workplace” by Christianity Today in 2003, they described Dave and Gene’s unique relationship as a partnership that

Dr. Gene Rudd used his medical skills to serve patients in countries around the world, including these patients on a trip to Nicaragua in 2010 with the CMDA Board of Trustees.


Dr. Gene Rudd was the project manager during the construction of CMDA’s headquarters. During the project, he brought the architect to the Lord.

functions like co-CEOs. One of the most visible parts of Gene’s impact on the organization was the building of our headquarters, as he was the project manager for the construction. His oversight resulted in our building receiving all four awards that year from the Southern Building Association. It was the first time that had happened in their history. As Senior Vice President, Dr. Rudd piloted the ship inside the walls of CMDA. For example, his oversight of the organization’s budgeting process enabled CMDA to grow and develop into what it is today. His wisdom and influence didn’t stop there, as his leadership of our ministry reached into every state and numerous other countries. For more than 20 years, he was on the board of the International Christian Medical & Dental Association, which networks and serves national CMDA groups in 79 countries around the world. As a spokesman for Christian healthcare professionals in America, Dr. Rudd has received national media coverage, including appearances on NBC News, National Public Radio, American Family Radio and Salem Radio Network, as well as the Wall Street Journal, Christianity Today, The Washington Post and American Medical News. He has authored countless articles and co-authored Practice by the Book, a Christian doctor’s guide to living and serving. In addition, he oversaw the development of the Saline Solution and the subsequent Grace Prescriptions curriculum. He has

“I am one of 50 staff members who work at the home office in Bristol. On a daily basis we get the privilege of working alongside Dave. True servant leadership involves doing the tasks no one else wants to do. Whether it’s washing the dishes after we have a meal together or packing the van after this conference, he sets the example for us to follow. On behalf of the staff in Bristol, thank you for investing in us. True servant leadership will cause people to follow you because they want to, not because they have to. We are blessed to know him, to work alongside him and to follow him not because we had to but because we wanted to.” —Margie Shealy, CMDA Vice President for Communications

helped train more than 200 healthcare professionals to do TV, radio and print interviews. He has personally counseled hundreds of CMDA members as they dealt with difficult practice or personal issues. Dr. Rudd began working part-time in 2017, but he continues to be involved in numerous ways and his leadership is felt throughout the entire ministry. He still speaks across the country to student and graduate groups, and he leads some of CMDA’s international tours to Greece and Israel. He recently started CMDA Encore, a ministry for retired and semi-retired healthcare professionals to help them discern God’s will and purpose for their retirement years. And as a result of his part-time hours, Dr. Rudd is also enjoying spending more time with his wife Gay, their four children and their 10 grandchildren. Dr. Rudd has ministered to countless healthcare professionals across the country and around the world. Many have accomplished important goals for healthcare in areas of service or policy, but Dr. Rudd is an example of one who has actually changed the culture of medicine, by personal example, by training and with tireless labor at an organizational level to produce the programs necessary for that change. The greatest investment of a man’s life is to invest his life in others to help them become all they were designed to be. With wisdom and compassion, Dr. Rudd has given of Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 15

“Dear Dr. Stevens, thank you so much, you and your family, for answering the call (and so many calls!) the Lord has placed on your life. Thanks to your sage advice to a medical student at Southern Illinois University in 2007-ish, she joyfully followed the Lord’s leading to pathology and now helps provide diagnostic services to those here and abroad who cannot afford normal laboratory diagnosis. That student is me, now a pediatric and perinatal pathologist. I was concerned about choosing the ‘right’ specialty for medical missions, and you told me in a roundtable discussion, ‘Every specialty is needed; God can use everyone’s training to further the kingdom.’ May the Lord bless you now and in eternity for your service to Him and His people.” —Sarah Starnes, MD

himself for those in need and been a sterling example and mentor to the next generation of healthcare professionals.

“From a field staffer’s perspective, one of the greatest gifts David and Gene gave us was the fact that I never had the slightest doubt about their commitment to God. They were faithful to God because they recognized God’s faithfulness to them. A lot has been said about comparing Dave and Gene’s love for each other to King David and Jonathan, but I’m not sure that’s the best analogy because things didn’t go so well for Jonathan. I think a better comparison is Frodo and Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings. Near the end of their quest to destroy the ring in the fires of Mt Mordor, Frodo collapsed. Sam laid down next to him and reminisced about the Shire they left far behind. After a several minutes, Sam said, ‘Mr. Frodo, I can’t carry the ring, but I can carry you’—and he picked him up and carried him up the mountain. Thank you both for your service and faithfulness to God.” —Michael McLaughlin, MDiv

Dr. Gene Rudd and his wife Gay have four children and 10 grandchildren.

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thank you Dr. David Stevens and Dr. Gene Rudd, thank you for your decades of wonderful service!

The National Embryo Donation Center came about as the brainchild of Dr. Stevens. And now, two decades later, hundreds of precious souls are “out of the freezer.”



C M D A Stories

“I’m a CMDA member because I want my voice to be heard on bioethics and the future of healthcare. I want to help raise up future generations of Christian healthcare professionals. I want to grow healthcare missions knowing it is the best strategy to carry the gospel into unreached people groups.” —David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) “I believe the next generation of Christian doctors need to be discipled. I believe the more than 1,000 long-term Christian missionaries need to be encouraged and equipped. I believe our biblical values that apply to healthcare need to be promoted and defended in government and society. I cannot do these things alone, but as a member of CMDA, we can do these things together.” —Gene Rudd, MD

Building Upon A Legacy CMDA is growing and building upon the legacy of faithfulness set by the leadership of Dr. David Stevens and Dr. Gene Rudd. CMDA membership is beneficial to all healthcare professionals, so we encourage you to join us. Together, you can join Dr. Stevens, Dr. Rudd and more than 19,000 healthcare professionals across the country who are part of this growing movement of “Transformed Doctors, Transforming the World.”

Visit or call 888-230-2637 to join us today. Paid Advertisement

by David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics)


ranklin Graham, my boss, and I had just finished a meeting in the early 1990s when I walked into my office at World Medical Missions and found a letter marked “Personal and Confidential” on my desk from the Christian Medical & Dental Society (CMDS, as the ministry was called at that time). As I opened it, little did I realize it was the first step in a journey that would result in me leading CMDA for 25 years. Frankly, I almost threw the letter in the trash. My passion was healthcare missions. That is what God had called me to do when I was a senior in high school. He showed me how He had designed me to be a missionary as I helped develop Tenwek Hospital from a bush hospital to a tertiary care center, build a hydro-electric project, start a huge community health and development project, begin a nursing school and much more. He had then brought me to Samaritan’s Purse to help other mission hospitals reach their full potential. I wasn’t interested in the position.


However, instead of throwing it away, I bypassed “File 13” and showed the letter to my wife Jody. Without hesitation she said, “I think God designed you for this!” (Thank God for Godly spouses!) I dutifully sent information and answered questions for the search committee between my work leading relief teams overseas. They asked, “What is your vision for CMDA?” I responded, “I don’t have the slightest idea. Before I can cast vision of where the organization needs to go, I need to find out where it is.” In spite of that almost flippant comment, we were invited to the “final four” interviews in Dallas, Texas. I was stunned late one evening, after two days of interviews, the committee chair called me to tell me they held a straw vote before opening the floor for discussion. And that vote was unanimous to invite me to serve as the organization’s leader. I confess, my first thought was, “God, don’t I get any say in this!?”

Before ending the phone call, I promised that Jody and I would seek God’s will. The chair said, “Take as much time as you need.” So I was surprised when I got a call three days later from President-elect Don Wood asking if I had reached a decision. I hadn’t. He closed the conversation by saying, “We haven’t let the other finalist know anything, so why don’t you and I covet that God will give you direction by tomorrow night?” We got serious, and God called us to CMDA. Little did I know what else He was up to in this process. As I shared my decision with Dr. Gene Rudd and Jonathan Imbody, my Thursday morning prayer partners, Jonathan only half-jokingly said, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” I hired Jonathan as the new Communications Director before I officially started. He is the one who nudged me to send out CMDA’s first news release, an action that was the first step in starting our public policy voice. Since then, Jonathan has effectively served as CMDA’s Vice President of Government Affairs in Washington, D.C. for the last two decades. When I sat down in my office chair for the first time at the office in Dallas, Texas on August 1, 1994, my first thought was, “What in the world do I do first?” I knew God had called me, and I knew I had answered His call, but I hadn’t actually asked the search committee one key question, “What are the biggest problems the ministry is facing?” It is probably good I didn’t, because my first year with the ministry was the most difficult year of my life. That is saying something, since I had previously dealt with tribal unrest, financial issues and problem staff members, in addition to being shot at and crashing in an airplane. Thank goodness God often only reveals the next step to us. If we saw the entire picture at once, we would likely pull “a Jonah” and run away. CMDS had significant financial problems. Sometime before I came on, the board had taken an offering to cover the next payroll. A few weeks after I started, the head of our large short-term mission program told me I “wasn’t in charge of them.” Despite all efforts, they broke off 11 months later, and as a result, finances took a hit. I

had been vilified, membership was down and we had lost an essential part of the ministry. Truthfully, looking back, I thank God for that time. I leaned on Jesus as never before. Doesn’t Jesus teach us the most profound lessons in our deepest valleys? In addition, God was moving us in another way—literally. A few weeks after I started, I flew to East Tennessee to speak at a meeting I had previously committed to while still working at Samaritan’s Purse. While at Samaritan’s Purse, I had gotten to know the Gregory family, as their company had helped us with medicine and supplies for relief work. Joe, one of the brothers, had once joined me on a trip to East Africa. We bonded. You know, the type of bonding you do when you both get food poisoning and are vomiting in a ditch! I had heard they had left their company and bought a pharmaceutical plant in Bristol, Tennessee. Seeing it was nearby the airport I was arriving at in Tennessee, I decided to try to find it and say, “Hi,” to Joe. Little did I know it was God’s prompting. They were just starting out and had about 50 employees. As they showed me around their large and almost empty newly remodeled office building, I made small talk, “Wow,

Dr. David Stevens testified before the U.S. Congress on the matter of cloning. Since arriving at CMDA, he has been instrumental in speaking out and being a voice for Christians in healthcare.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 19

his position at Samaritan’s Purse, and asked him to join my staff. With our financial problems, there were more than a few raised eyebrows on the board, but I believed if I found a superb person, I should take a step of faith. Gene wasn’t the only person though; in fact, I hired our Media Director before the organization even owned a camera! Gene moved to Bristol and began hiring staff and sending them to Dallas for training six months before the organization arrived. We encouraged and incentivized our Dallas staff to move with us, but none did long-term.

Dr. David Stevens served as a team leader on numerous Global Health Outreach short-term mission trips.

look at all this beautiful space! Who knows what God is going to do with you? We just put a desk in the hallway for an assistant in our small building, but you have room to grow!” About 15 minutes later, John Gregory, the President of King Pharmaceuticals, picked up on that comment, “Why doesn’t CMDS move in with us? I will give you a floor. I figure God will bless you and it will flow through to us!”

With funds freed up, new handpicked staff and a clear mission to motivate, train and equip Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God, CMDS became CMDA and grew like crazy with a variety of new ministries. Over the next five years, our membership tripled, we developed our first evangelism training program, we conducted hundreds of radio and TV interviews, we started Global Health Outreach and much more. And because of our marked expansion, we were out of space...again! King Pharmaceuticals had grown like crazy as well. They were the fastest company in the history of the United States to go from start up to being listed in the S&P 500! I went upstairs to see John and said, “Your generosity has blessed us so much that we have grown. We are out of space.” John smiled and commented, “You’re not out of space.” Thinking he might need some proof, I responded, “Come down to our

I can’t remember what I said but I thought, “He is not serious. I’m not going to my first CMDS board meeting, all made up of physicians and dentists, and tell them we should move to Bristol, Tennessee. They are going to think I’m nuts, or that King is just trying to sell their pharmaceuticals to our members, or that CMDS will be ‘homeless’ if King goes bankrupt.” King promised us a 20-year lease with no increases, and they charged us less than we paid for electricity in Dallas for 24,000 feet of office space. They paid for our maintenance, housekeeping and utilities to boot! After three days of prayerful consideration by the board, they voted to move. It was the most critical decision made in the last 25 years. In the midst of that first year, I contacted Dr. Gene Rudd, who had stepped down from 20 TODAY'S CHRISTIAN DOCTOR    Summer 2019

Dr. David Stevens was invited to meet with President George W. Bush at the White House when he announced the ban on cloning in 2002.

floor and see!” He didn’t relent but said, “You’re not out of space. If you need more space I will go across the street, build another building and give you two floors! You don’t need space; you need an identity. You are a national organization and people don’t even know CMDA is in this building!” John’s visionary comment stimulated my vision. We needed our own headquarters. We liked Bristol. Operating costs were low, we were in the geographical center of our Eastern members and we didn’t want to lose our great staff. But where would we get the money to build? We hired a company to do a capital campaign study. When they finished, they said, “If you work really hard, you might be able to raise $1.2 million.” That was a downer! They Dr. David Stevens met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to discuss advancing U.S. international health programs through the faith community overseas in 2012. already knew we were thinking a $10 million campaign with about three-fourths of that an excellent leader, a superb administrator and a visionary dedicated to purchasing property and buildleader. God has prepared him, just like He prepared me 25 ing a 52,000 square foot building, with the rest earmarked years ago, to lead this organization. If we ever need CMDA, to expand our ministries. After lots of prayer, the Board of we need it now with what we face in healthcare and in our Trustees took a huge step of faith and God honored it. Two country. years later we moved into our beautiful headquarters with meeting space for more than 200 people, TV and radio stuOne more thing, the reports of my retiring are premature! dios, space for over 100 staff members and more. And a year I’m transitioning to a little slower pace and, I pray, a lot more later, it was all paid for! ministry time. I will still be helping CMDA in its ministry, especially in missions and public policy, as God allows. I tell these stories looking back over 25 years to make this point: CMDA’s growth and effectiveness in ministry is not Looking forward, I see great things ahead. God’s continbecause of me. All I did was answer God’s call and faithfully ued blessings are on the way! serve Him. God has poured out blessing after blessing on and through CMDA above and beyond anything I could imagine or do on my own. He has brought enormously talented and dedicated staff members who have poured their lives into this ministry. We have all had the privilege to parDAVID STEVENS, MD, MA (ETHICS), serves as ticipate in what God has done. the Chief Executive Officer for CMDA. From 1981 Looking forward, I’m excited. God has now brought Dr. Mike Chupp to lead CMDA. It all started when he rotated as a student at Tenwek Hospital in 1988 and I wrote him a letter to challenge him to be a missionary. For 20 years he served at Tenwek, and as medical superintendent he managed over 600 staff members. God has now called him here for this time. For the last two years, he has served as CMDA’s Executive Vice President and done a superb job. As I hand over the steering wheel to him in a few months, he has my complete confidence. He is a deeply spiritual man,

to 1991, he served as a missionary doctor in Kenya helping to transform Tenwek Hospital into one of the premier mission healthcare facilities in the world. Subsequently, he served as the Director of World Medical Mission, the medical arm of Samaritan’s Purse. As a leading spokesman for Christian healthcare professionals, Dr. Stevens has conducted hundreds of television, radio and print media interviews. He holds degrees from Asbury University, is an AOA graduate of University of Louisville School of Medicine, is board certified in family practice and has a master’s in bioethics from Trinity International University.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 21

FANNING the FLAMES of a CMDA Leadership Legacy by Mike Chupp, MD


For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you… for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. —2 Timothy 1:6-7, ESV

attended my first CMDA National Convention in April 2012 and heard devotional speaker Luis Palau make this statement: “Big doors open on small hinges.” He explained how seemingly small events in our lives may serve to open big doors that God intends for us to walk through in order to enjoy incredible blessings that follow. A small hinge in my life was a letter Dr. David Stevens wrote to me after I had served at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya in early 1988 for two months during my fourth year of medical school. That letter of exhortation to prayerfully consider returning to Tenwek after surgical training hit a bulls’-eye in my heart. As part of my gratitude for Dave’s life-changing letter, I followed his example and wrote several students and residents when I was the Medical Superintendent at Tenwek years later. The Holy Spirit often uses those kinds of exhor-


tations to hit a bulls’-eye in hearts of sold-out followers of Jesus! When Dave invited me to CMDA’s national headquarters in Bristol, Tennessee after the National Convention in spring 2015, he was not fully aware of my past history or experiences with CMDA. Dave knew of my work and ministry at Tenwek Hospital as a leader for close to two decades. He also was aware that I was a surgeon partner with Southwestern Medical Clinic, an established Christian multi-specialty group in Berrien County, Michigan. What he and Dr. Gene Rudd didn’t know was the crucial role the ministry played during my student years at Indiana University (IU) and my resident years at Methodist Hospital. I was actively involved in the first and second year student meetings and Bible studies, and then

Dr. Mike and Pam Chupp (far right) with their children Stephen, Ashley, Kayla and Melody (from left to right).

I continued to meet with a few other residents during general surgery training in the home of Dr. Charlie Kelley, our IU campus advisor. My wife Pam and I attended a CMDA Marriage Enrichment Weekend in Grand Rapids, Michigan, led by Midwest Regional Director Allan Harmer, during my first year in surgical practice. As God orchestrated it, future Marriage Commission leaders Dr. Rod and Jeannette Mirich were also attending with us for the first time. Pam and I took so much away from that weekend to protect and strengthen our marriage. God also moved in the Mirich marriage in a big way that weekend, as they felt led to take over this CMDA ministry for many years to follow. Dr. Bob Schindler, past president of CMDA and the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA), was my mentor and senior surgeon partner at

Southwestern Medical Clinic. He loved the ministry, started the Commission on International Medical Education Abroad (COIMEA, which later became Medical Education International) and talked about COIMEA regularly. When he returned from Dallas after being short-listed for interviews for Hal Habecker’s successor in 1994, he told me, “Mike, the committee wanted a younger leader, so they picked an old friend of yours. Do you remember Dr. David Stevens?” I was thrilled the board chose Dave—it was a great choice that has enabled CMDA to accomplish so much for God’s kingdom through Dave’s anointed vision and courage. It has been an amazing servant leadership legacy that David Stevens and Gene Rudd leave us in 2019. I have had the incredible privilege of working alongside Dave and Gene since September 2016 in the national of-

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 23

Dr. Mike Chupp with one of this orthopedic patients during his time as a healthcare missionary at Tenwek Hospital.

Dr. Mike Chupp (center) with the orthopedic team at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya.

Dr. Mike Chupp first visited Tenwek Hospital while he was medical student at Indiana University, and he served with Dr. David Stevens during that visit.

Since joining CMDA, Dr. Mike Chupp has spoken at various CMDA meetings and conferences, including the new Remedy Medical Missions Conference.


fice as the Executive Vice President. During that time, I have watched them handle many very sensitive and important leadership challenges with great humility and wisdom, while leaning heavily on each other. A long line of CMDA leaders and volunteers have told me their own stories of the impact these servants of Christ have had on them and I BELIEVE EVERY WORD! This legacy is a sacred trust that God has given to me as the new CEO through the Board of Trustees who will be helping and holding my administration accountable for the future direction and growth of this great organization. Please pray for a successful leadership transition, to the One who said, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go” (Isaiah 48:17).

MIKE CHUPP, MD, received his medical degree from Indiana University in 1988, and he then completed a general surgery residency in 1993. For 20 years, he served as a healthcare missionary at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. He wore several leadership hats while in Kenya. In 2015, Dr. Chupp joined CMDA as Executive Vice President. In September 2019, he will begin serving as CEO of CMDA.


Dr. Mike Chupp, his wife Pam and their four children after returning to the U.S.


Mike Chupp is the firstborn of six children, lovingly raised by Dr. Ray and Mary Chupp. He committed his life to Jesus Christ at the age of seven during a kids’ summer camp near Indianapolis, Indiana. He was influenced to pursue medicine and missions by his pastor’s son, Dr. Roy Ringenberg. Roy and his wife Marabeth modeled for Mike in his teens lives committed to long-term medical missions. Mike got his first taste of medical missions in 1983 during a six-week experience in Sierra Leone, West Africa, while a junior at Taylor University. It was the quiet and compassionate example of a lone missionary nurse in an African bush clinic that led to Mike’s bedside prayer, on his knees one night, asking God for the privilege of serving in Africa, just like that faithful nurse. Mike graduated Summa Cum Laude with a pre-med degree from Taylor in 1984 and then graduated with an MD degree as an AOA scholar from Indiana University in 1988. During his fourth year of medical school, he volunteered for two months at Tenwek Hospital where he met CEO Dr. Ernie Steury and Medical Director Dr. David Stevens. During his third year of surgical residency, God brought Mike’s high school sweetheart, Pam, back into his life and they married in August 1991. A few months later, they traveled to Kenya and Tenwek Hospital in 1992 for two months where both enjoyed sweet fellowship and joyful ministry with the Tenwek community. He completed a general surgery residency at Methodist Hospital in 1993 and then joined Southwestern Medical Clinic, a group in southwest Michigan, dedicated to global healthcare missions. Former CMDA and ICMDA President Dr. Bob Schin-

dler and his wife Marian mentored Mike and Pam until their departure for Tenwek in 1996. Mike was board certified in general surgery in 1995 while working with Southwestern. Dr. Chupp was drawn to the orthopedic surgery service as Tenwek had no long-term bone surgeon. He was also named Medical Director in mid-1997. Tenwek grew remarkably during Mike’s tenure as surgeon and medical director to a clinical staff of more than 80 physicians and clinical officers, as well as more than 700 total staff. Training programs for interns, family medicine, general surgery and orthopedics were also developed and launched during those years. Mike and Pam left for Kenya in August 1995 with two small children, and they added two more while at Tenwek Hospital. Son Steven is now 25, and three daughters are Melody (23), Kayla (19) and Ashley (17). In 2015, Dr. David Stevens invited Mike to consider returning to the United States to assume the role of CMDA’s Executive Vice President. After seven months of prayer and seeking counsel from mission leaders, mentors and close friends, Pam and Mike decided to leave their Kenya home and mission life of 20 years and moved to Bristol, Tennessee in July 2016. Mike has counted it an amazing privilege to serve alongside Dr. David Stevens, Dr. Gene Rudd and all the national CMDA staff over the last two and a half years. Mike’s life verses are from 2 Timothy 1:6-7: “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you...for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self control” (ESV). To God by the glory, great things He has done!

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 25




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n o i t a r b e l e C y c a g e L e Scenes from th n o i t n e v n o C l a n o i t a at the 2019 N

ed with r being surpris wife Gay, afte s hi ith w d, ud Dr. Gene R ard. ant of Christ Aw the 2019 Serv

Hi Dave, you came out to encourage us [in Montana] regarding the physician-assisted suicide problem a few years ago. Moreover, I spent about four years at Tenwek just after you left there in the early 90s. Your mark was on everything there...they called you the visionary, and that sure proved true with your leadership of CMDA. I want to thank you for the thousands of selfless hours put in for the service of the Lord. I’ve enjoyed many of the challenges and resources from CMDA, and I’m so thankful that you have had the vision to oversee pushing CMDA to a new level. We pray you are blessed in whatever comes next. The Lord will be front and center in whatever endeavor you tackle.” —Leonard Ramsey, MD

of During the 2019 CMDA National Convention, Dr. David Stevens signed copies e. Bookstor CMDA the in s attendee for his books

Dr. David and Jody Stevens and Dr. Gene and Gay Rudd with many of the CMDA staff members at the Farewell Reception.


Dave, it was almost 25 years ago almost to the day that you and I first met. In 1994, we were both at our first CMDS convention. I was there to do a pilot for what would become Saline Solution and later Grace Prescriptions, and you were there to interview to be the CEO. And what a 25 years it has been. It’s been my privilege to get to know you, to love you, to pray for you through all of those years. And now to say congratulations, Dave, on those 25 years, and for the next 25. May our Lord continue to bear much fruit in us and through us. Congratulations!” —Walt Larimore, MD

CMDA President Dr. Gloria Halverson hono rs Dr. David and Jody Stevens at the Le gacy Celebration.

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During the Legacy Ce lebration and Farewell Re Dr. Stevens and Dr. Ru dd, a surprise gospel ch ception for oir performed several songs.

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During the Commissioning Service, members of the Board of Trustees prayed over Dr. Mike and Pam Chupp.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 29

During the Commissioning Service, Dr. Mike Chupp and Dr. David Stevens sang I Surren der All together as a duet.

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the podium dur Dr. Gene Rudd speaks from Dr. Mike Chupp.

the latest growth of In his final CEO Report, Dr. David Stevens shared ting and equipping educa ting, motiva are we how and ries minist CMDA's God. healthcare professionals to glorify

Congratulations, Dr. Stevens, on so many profitable years of service to the Christian healthcare community and also to global medical missions. God bless you, sir, for the hard work you have done championing the needs of people with disabilities, especially unborn and newborn children with disabilities, not only here in the United States but around the world. Your cause for the sanctity of life has been admirable, encouraging and inspirational to all of us in the disability community. God bless you, sir. Thank you for your years of service in the kingdom, and I wish you all the best for years to come.” —Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends

In his address during the Commissioning Service, Dr. Mike Chupp shared about his time on the mission field and his jou rney to joining CMDA in 2016. 30 TODAY'S CHRISTIAN DOCTOR    Summer 2019

Dr. David Stevens speaks during the Legacy Celeb ration and shares about the last 25 years serving the Lord through CMDA.

ns and Dr. Mike Chupp and his wife Pam as Dr. David Steve issioning Board of Trustees pray over them during the Comm Service.

nce to visit e CMDA members a cha The Farewell Reception gav s and Dr. Gene and Gay Rudd. ven with Dr. David and Jody Ste

Hal Habecker, DMin, who was the CMDS Executive Director before Dr. David Stevens, during the Legacy Celebration .

Dear Dave, I joined CMDA in the early 80s while in medical school. I noticed a distinct change as soon as you took over leadership. You have helped the organization expand into many needed areas so that the gospel would impact more people. But thank you for simultaneously reminding us—repeatedly—that our core, our mission, is to spread the gospel by medical service to hurting people. CMDA’s members may have divergent political views, but our unity is in Christ Jesus. Best wishes in the next stage of your life. I am sure that God will continue to use you throughout your life.” —Barbara Soyster, MD

Dr. David and Jody Stevens and Dr. Gene and Gay Rudd enjoy the memories shared during the Legacy Celebration.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 31

CMDA 2019 MEMBER AWARDS 2019 EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD William P. Cheshire, MD Bill was born in Richmond, Virginia and committed his life to Christ at age 11. He studied biochemistry at Princeton University, where he met his wife Doris. Bill completed medical school and his internship at West Virginia University, followed by his neurology residency and pain fellowship at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His training completed, Bill joined the staff of Mayo Clinic at its Florida campus in Jacksonville, where he has practiced for 27 years. Bill is Professor of Neurology at Mayo Clinic at its Florida campus where he specializes in autonomic disorders. In 2014 his colleagues elected him President of the Staff. Currently he chairs the Ethics Committee and leads the Program in Professionalism and Values. Bill is Senior Fellow at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, located at Trinity International University, where he received his master of arts degree in bioethics. For eight years Bill has chaired the CMDA Ethics Committee and served as Academic Dean of the Ethics Track for the CMDA National Convention. He has taught at numerous conferences nationally and internationally. Among Bill’s numerous published papers and book chapters is Grey Matters, the neuroethics series in the journal Ethics and Medicine. Through it all, Doris has been by his side supporting his efforts and offering encouragement and counsel as they raised their four children.

William P. Cheshire, MD, with CMDA Executive Vice President Mike Chupp, MD (right), after receiving the 2019 Educator of the Year Award. He was joined by his wife Doris and their daughter Laura.



Michael attended the University of Michigan-Dearborn for undergraduate studies, and then he received his Doctors of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Detroit School of Dentistry in 1984. While he was in undergraduate school, he met Margaret, and they were married in 1979. From 1981 to 1982, Michael served as the chief resident in a general practice residency at St. Clare’s Hospital in Schenectady, New York. In 1983, Michael and Margaret moved back home to Michigan, where he founded Allegan Family Dentistry in Allegan, Michigan. He spent the next 33 years serving as the solo dentist of this family dental practice, while they raised their three children. In 2006, their middle son asked Michael to join him on a healthcare mission trip to Haiti with CMDA’s Global Health Outreach (GHO). After that first trip, Michael fell absolutely in love with missions. He has now been on more than 30 mission trips around the world with GHO. In 2010, he began serving as a team leader on a trip to Cambodia, a country he has returned to over and over again. On a flight home from India in 2015, he heard God say, “It’s time for phase two.” He understood that as God’s call to leave his private practice and take the step of faith into full-time vocational service. Today, Michael is not retired but redirected. He spends every other month traveling around the world reaching out to India, Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar.

CMDA President Gloria Halverson, MD (left), presented this year’s 2019 Missionary of the Year Award to Michael G. O’Callaghan, DDS, who was joined by his wife Margaret.

The following awards were presented at this year’s National Convention. These articles are excerpted from the actual award citations which can be viewed at




Gene obtained his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1977 and then completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology in 1981 at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has garnered several awards, including the prestigious Gorgas Medal in 1981, which recognized his groundbreaking research during his residency in establishing the efficacy of preoperative antibiotics. After resigning from the U.S. Army, he moved to work in a solo private practice in North Carolina. Prior to joining CMDA, Dr. Rudd served with Samaritan’s Purse and worked in the former Soviet Union, Rwanda and many other countries. Gene joined CMDA in 1995 to work alongside his friend Dr. David Stevens. Christianity Today described Dave and Gene’s unique relationship as a partnership that functions like co-CEOs. One of the most visible parts of Gene’s impact on the organization was the building of CMDA’s headquarters, as he was the project manager for the construction. As Senior Vice President, he piloted the ship inside the walls of CMDA. His wisdom and influence didn’t stop there, as his leadership reached into every state and numerous other countries. Gene began working part-time in 2017, but he continues to be involved with the ministry. He is also enjoying spending more time with his wife Gay, their four children and their 10 grandchildren. Gene has changed the culture of medicine, by personal example, by training and with tireless labor. He has been a sterling example and mentor to the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Hal was born in 1949 and trusted his life to Christ at the age of six. After graduating from Taylor University in 1971, God led him to Dallas Seminary in 1973. While there, he met and married his wife Vicki. He then received his master of theology from Dallas Seminary in 1978. In their first ministry at First Baptist Church, Dallas, Hal taught the Medical-Dental Sunday School class and found himself immersed in full-time ministry with medical and dental students, residents, physicians and dentists in practice. During this ministry, he learned of the Christian Medical Society (CMS) through Haddon Robinson who was then part-time General Director of CMS. He then transitioned to full-time ministry with CMS. He first served as a regional director for Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, and then he became national staff director. In 1987, Hal was appointed as the General Director, a position he held for seven years. Under his leadership, the organization changed its name to the Christian Medical & Dental Society (CMDS). In 1993, God led Hal to leave the ministry to become pastor at Dallas Bible Church. Hal went onto serve as senior pastor at Dallas Bible Church for more than 20 years. After completing that ministry in 2015, he launched Finishing Well Ministries, a preaching, teaching, discipling ministry to seniors in churches and senior living facilities primarily in the DallasFt. Worth area. Hal and Vicki have been married for 43 years and have three grown children and six grandchildren.

Gene Rudd, MD (center), with his wife Gay after being surprised with the 2019 Servant of Christ Award by Past President Al Weir, MD, at the 2019 CMDA National Convention.

Hal Habecker, DMin (left), with his wife Vicki after receiving the 2019 President’s Heritage Award from Past President Al Weir, MD, at the 2019 CMDA National Convention.

Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 33

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Affiliate Needed — P rotect life and bring joy into the lives of couples unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. The National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) has reached maximum capacity and needs an affiliate who shares the same Christian worldview and can provide the full range of services currently offered at the NEDC. Nearly 800 children have been born through embryo adoption at the NEDC since it was founded in 2003, and the program has garnered an outstanding reputation with a success rate above the national norm. Affiliate physician must be a reproductive endocrinologist (REI) who is board certified/board eligible. Contact Dr. Jeff Keenan at 865-777-0088 or email Go to Practice for Sale — Established thriving solo otolaryngology practice with excellent regional reputation for sale in Colorado. Full audiology services and mid level providers. EMR in place. Excellent local hospitals. Surgery center with ownership options. Contact cmdaentsale@gmail. com for information.

Tropical Medicine Course — C linical Tropical Medicine and Traveler’s Health Course ASTMH accredited. Modules 1, 2 and 4 online and Module 3 in person. Online modules start June 10, 2019 and are self-paced. Module 3 (Parasitology and Simulations) July 8-19, 2019. Sponsored by West Virginia University School of Medicine, Global Health Program and Office of Continuing Education. For more information about course or continuing education, contact Jacque Visyak at or visit

DENTAL Dentist — Heartland Health Dental Clinic is seeking a self-motivated full-time dentist who would enjoy working in a well-established practice that serves subscribing members of the Mennonite Community in Rockingham and Augusta Counties of Virginia and the surrounding areas. As a dentist with Heartland Health Clinic, you will perform general clinical dentistry procedures such as exams and restorative work, as well as crown and bridge procedures and provide fixed and removable prosthodontic care. If interested, please submit your resume via email to or contact the office by phone at 540879-9002.

MEDICAL Family Medicine Physician — Premier Family Care has served its Mountain-Lake community


Gastroenterologist — G astroenterologist needed 20 minutes from Cocoa Beach! Location: Rockledge, Florida. Well-established single-specialty practice in coastal Florida is seeking a gastroenterologist to join their group. Join three providers (part of a mega group); general GI needed; call is 1:3 at one hospital; partnership opportunity with multiple income streams contributing to above average earning potential. Rockledge is a coastal community located one hour southeast of Orlando, 42 minutes to the Orlando International Airport and 20 minutes from Cocoa Beach. This family-friendly city offers numerous parks, water activities and a short drive to Disney! The area offers a great public school system and private school options. Please contact: Vicki Fioravanti, CMSR, Senior Director, Mobile: 239-272-6856, Email: Physician/Medical Director — P hysician/ Medical Director needed at Shawnee Christian Healthcare Center in Louisville, Kentucky to join our team. We seek to transform our community by sharing the love of Christ in word and deed, to facilitate community development and holistic healthcare. Beginning salary between $180-200K with option for 4-5 day work week, low night call (phone calls only), loan repayment options. For more information, go to Send resumes to

OB/Gyn — OB/Gyn opening in Indianapolis suburb of Avon, Indiana with American Health Network, an OptumCare Partner. Excellent quality of life, no evenings, no weekends; Laborist program; three partners-seasoned team; clinicians have a wonderful reputation; clinic is adjacent to hospital-beautiful private delivery rooms; excellent benefits, 401K match and Optum Profit Sharing program; competitive salary. Apply directly online at careers: type: 244937 Indiana or contact Lauri/recruiter at 317-771-9874 or text cell for call back.

Pediatrician — S eeking a pediatrician for a group practice in Montgomery, Alabama. A busy general pediatrics group of four doctors looking for a full-time pediatrician to replace a retiring physician in Montgomery,

Alabama. Four-day work week, attractive call, three hours from the beaches and solid patient base. Practice was established 37 years ago. All pediatricians are believers and are seeking a like-minded partner. Contact Den Trumbull at or 334-273-9700.

Pediatrician — S amaritan Health Services is seeking a pediatrician to join our team in Lebanon, Oregon. Our award-winning health system provides exceptional primary care and a range of specialty services throughout the mid-Willamette Valley and Central Oregon coast. Our providers have a passion for building healthier communities through world-class, compassionate healthcare. Well-established three physician team; Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital has a level 1 nursery and 360 births year; call 1:4; no evening clinic. For more information, please go to www. or contact Annette Clovis at or at 541-768-4419. Psychiatrist — C hristian child psychiatrist needed part-time for position with a faith-based group practice in Leesburg, Virginia (Washington, D.C. suburbs). Group of friendly professionals. Outstanding support staff and very-pleasant workspace. Contact Dr. Hall at donhallmd@aol. com or see our website at


Practice for Sale — Th riving solo family medicine private practice established 2001 in Northeast Tennessee. Outpatient only clinic. Patients are newborns to geriatrics. Highly respected practice in the community. Two nurse practitioners. EMR in place. Excellent local hospitals. Call to discuss buying options. Contact Rebekah for more information at 423-946-5145.

since 2011, providing compassionate quality care. Premier Family is actively seeking a BE/BC family medicine physician to be a part of an organization focused on revolutionizing patient care! In addition to an excellent compensation, the incoming provider can expect a team-building environment. Compensation Highlights: $250,000 - $350,000 annual income potential, $125,000 incentive package, comprehensive benefits. Practice Highlight: outpatient practice only, phone call coverage, established patient base. Guntersville, Alabama Area Highlights: “Alabama’s Lake City” – all of the amenities with a small town feel, superb school systems and great family neighborhoods, shopping and dining experiences along with a thriving arts community. Interested candidates please contact: Kelly Hargrove, 314-236-4454,, Reference Position ID 162156 when responding.



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BRINGING TOGETHER HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS TO FURTHER GOD’S KINGDOM We exist to glorify God by placing healthcare professionals and assisting them in finding God’s will for their careers. Our goal is to place healthcare professionals in an environment that will encourage ministry and also be pleasing to God. We make connections across the U.S. for physicians, dentists, other healthcare professionals and practices. We have an established network consisting of hundreds of opportunities in various specialties. You will benefit from our experience and guidance. Every placement carries its own set of challenges. We want to get to know you on a personal basis to help find the perfect fit for you and your practice.

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“Our practice has a long history with CMDA. One of the partners in our practice was presented to us over 20 years ago by CMDA. Since we are a faith-based practice, we are looking for healthcare professionals with the same vision we have. The recruiters at CMDA have taken the time to understand our mission/vision and have worked with us to recruit Christian physicians and mid-levels for over 20 years. It has been my pleasure to work with various employees and recruiters with CMDA. In my position, I have had the opportunity to work with various recruiting agencies through the years, and CMDA has been and still is one of our most preferred agencies.” —Donna J. Warner Human Resources Manager Family Medical Center of Rocky Mount

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Transformed Doctors ➤ Transforming the World 35

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26TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE June 20–22, 2019

Join us as we examine foundational concepts and bioethical considerations related to death, dying, and end-of-life care and decision-making.

Taking Care:

Perspectives for the End of Life IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: American Association of Pro-life OB|GYNS American College of Pediatricians Americans United for Life Charlotte Lozier Institute Christian Legal Society Christian Medical & Dental Associations Nurses Christian Fellowship

SPONSORED BY: Alliance Defending Freedom Bioethics Defense Fund Joni and Friends International Disability Center The Ohio State University Center for Bioethics Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics The Tennessee Center for Bioethics & Culture

REGISTER TODAY c b h d . o r g / co n f 2 0 1 9

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