Today's Christian Doctor - Winter 2007

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TODAY’S CHRISTIAN DOCTOR ®, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ISSN 0009-546X, Winter 2007 Volume XXXVIII, No. 4. Printed in the United States of America. Published four times each year by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations ® at 2604 Highway 421, Bristol, TN 37620. Copyright © 2007, Christian Medical & Dental Associations ®. All Rights Reserved. Distributed free to CMDA members. Non-doctors (U.S.) are welcome to subscribe at a rate of $35 per year ($40 per year, international). Standard presort postage paid at Bristol, Tenn. Postmaster: Send address changes to Christian Medical & Dental Associations, P.O. Box 7500, Bristol, TN 376217500. Editor: David B. Biebel, DMin. Editorial Committee: Gregg Albers, MD; Elizabeth Buchinsky, MD; John Crouch, MD; William C. Forbes, DDS; Curtis E. Harris, MD, JD; Rebecca Klint-Townsend, MD; Bruce MacFadyen, MD; Samuel E. Molind, DMD; Robert D. Orr, MD; Matthew L. Rice, ThM, DO; Richard A. Swenson, MD. Vice President for Communications: Margie Shealy. Classified Ad Sales: Gloria Gentry (423) 844-1000. Display Ad Sales: Gloria Gentry (423) 844-1000. Design & Pre-press: B&B Printers, Inc. CMDA is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Articles and letters published represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations®. Acceptance of paid advertising from any source does not necessarily imply the endorsement of a particular program, product, or service by CMDA. Any technical information, advice or instruction provided in this publication is for the benefit of our readers, without any guarantee with respect to results they may experience with regard to the same. Implementation of the same is the decision of the reader and at his or her own risk. CMDA cannot be responsible for any untoward results experienced as a result of following or attempting to follow said information, advice, or instruction.

Scripture references marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture references marked (KJV) are taken from King James Version. Scripture reference marked Living Bible is from The Living Bible © 1971, Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved. Undesignated biblical references are from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved. For membership information, contact the Christian Medical & Dental Associations at PO Box 7500, Bristol, TN 37621-7500; telephone: (423) 844-1000 or toll free, (888) 231-2637; fax: (423) 844-1005; e-mail:; Web site:

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Winter 2007

The Christian Medical & Dental Associations®–Changing Hearts in Healthcare–since 1931.

Features 6 Medicine in the Grand Scheme of Things How God uses medicine to reverse the effects of sin by John Dunlop, MD

11 Annual Report - “Keeping Faith” An update on how God is working through CMDA, with pull-out ministry list in the center Main text created by Jonathan Imbody, MA, Vice President for Government Relations

31 Special Report - “Making Waves” Keeping faith in Africa – an update on the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons

Departments 33 Advertising Section

Regional Ministries Midwest Region CMDA Midwest Attn: Allan J. Harmer, ThM 9595 Whitley Dr., Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Office: 317-566-9040 • Fax: 317-566-9042

Western Region Michael J. McLaughlin, MDiv PO Box 2169 Clackamas, OR 97015 Office/Cell: 503-522-1950

Northeast Region Scott Boyles, MDiv P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol, TN 37621 Office: 423-844-1092 Cell: 609-502-2078 Fax: 423-844-1017

Central Region Douglas S. Hornok, ThM 13402 S 123rd East Place Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Office/Cell: 918-625-3827

Southeast Region William D. Gunnels, MDiv 106 Fern Drive • Covington, LA 70433 Office/Cell: 985-502-4645

I n t e r n e t w e b s i t e : w w w. c m d a . o r g

Winter 2007


Medicine in the

Grand Scheme of Things by John Dunlop, MD

Medicine is part of God’s eternal redemptive plan to reverse the results of sin


am so thankful that God called me into medicine. I love the intellectual challenge of studying the latest scientific developments and applying them to hurting and needy people. Medicine affords the opportunity to enter another life with compassion and empathy. But is it all about a disease, a treatment, my patient, and me? Where does medicine fit into the larger scheme of things? We do well to sit back and reflect on deeper questions like this. It helps us to establish our roots and renews our focus. GOD “In the beginning God…” As with all of the deeper questions of life we should start with God, just as Scripture does. God alone has existed from the beginning. Theologians speak of His “aseity” (Latin for “from” and “self”). Existence is an essential attribute of God. He is the uncaused cause. It is He who introduced Himself to Moses, as “I AM who I AM.” From eternity past, the triune God was fully satisfied and fulfilled in Himself. He was good and He was holy–meaning, He was set apart. The very nature of being set apart meant that He was set apart from something. To envision his, let’s say that He was included in a circle that was God, alone.


T o d a y ’s C h r i s t i a n D o c t o r

God chose to create a world and repeatedly called it good. It was good by the only possible standard by which good could be measured – God Himself. Everything worked together in a perfect way because it was all exactly as God had designed it. It was holy. Adam and Eve were a part of that original good creation. Within that good creation were included life, health, peace, love, and an ecology that was renewable. Most importantly, God was there.

God accepted His sacrifice, as attested by His resurrection from the dead. This was the only way by which those things outside of the circle of God’s holiness could again reenter that circle. Hate can be turned to love. Wars can stop and peace will reign. The unraveling of ecology can be reversed. Disease can be healed. For those who have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, death will be the last enemy to be defeated. God can do any one of these supernaturally. By a common grace given to all persons made in His image, God often employs human instruments to accomplish His purposes. Just as one day He used a little boy’s five loaves and two fish to feed over 5,000, so now He uses the healing professions to defeat disease. The prophet Isaiah speaks of the suffering of Christ, saying, “by His stripes we are healed.”

FALL Adam and Eve, however, chose to disobey God. In so doing they stepped out of the circle of God’s goodness. It was soon clear that life on earth was not working as God intended. It was no longer good. It was no longer holy. From outside of the circle of God’s holiness entered all that is bad. Sin, death, disease, evil, hatred, war, and an unraveling of the balance of nature were all consequences of our first parents’ sinful disobedience.

Medicine in the Grand Scheme of Things


Did He have in mind healings associated with such technologies as penicillin, bypass surgery, and ventilators? Perhaps not. Nevertheless, technologies that God graciously allows to defeat the consequences of sin are included in God’s redemption of a sinful world. Medicine is therefore a part of God’s plan of redemption. This is true even when neither practitioner nor patient accepts that God is involved.

REDEMPTION Christ was fully God and became fully man. He was born into the world to initiate the process of restoring the world to the state that God originally intended. This required that He die to give His life as a sacrifice to pay for humanity’s sin. The wonderful news is that I n t e r n e t w e b s i t e : w w w. c m d a . o r g

Winter 2007


RECONCILIATION There is a unique role for those of us who serve as Christian healthcare workers. We have been given a ministry of reconciliation. We have been entrusted not only with medical technology to defeat disease but also with the message that will defeat death itself. That message is that Christ died for our sins and that those who believe are given the right to become sons of God. They are admitted into God’s holy presence. They will spend their eternal future within the circle of God’s holiness. We live in a day when God is still redeeming the results of sin. He continues to reconcile people to Himself. The Scriptures tell us these opportunities will not last forever. There will come a time when all that is outside the circle will be condemned to an eternity without God. We must get on with this task of reconciliation. We must fear the prospect of simply doing things of value in this life. We must strive for results that will be established forever.

I invite you to pray with Moses: “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us–yes, establish the work of our hands” (Psalm 90:17). ✝

Dr. Dunlop is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He has practiced internal medicine and geriatrics for 30 years in Zion Illinois. He is a fellow of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity and serves on the CMDA Ethics Commission. Illustrations suggested by author, created by B&B Printers, Inc.

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Medicine in the Grand Scheme of Things

This is where medicine fits into the grand scheme. It is not about disease and treatment, it is not fundamentally about patients and us. It is about God graciously using us to accomplish His eternal redemptive purpose in reversing the results of sin.


T o d a y ’s C h r i s t i a n D o c t o r

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Keeping Faith Christian Medical & Dental AssociationsÂŽ

Give a Free Gift to Your Physician Colleagues *Note: The first phase of this gift-giving outreach is designed to reach physicians. Other groups will be included in future phases.

Now you can give a gift to your Christian physician colleagues that helps them integrate their faith and practice and save on CMDA membership. The Christian Medical & Dental Associations is launching a new outreach plan that allows you to give your Christian physician* colleagues, at no cost to you: • A complimentary copy of a dynamic new resource, Practice by the Book–offering practical, biblical guidance on how to integrate our personal faith with our medical profession • Included within the book is information on joining the Christian Medical & Dental Associations

25% discount

A CMDA membership gift discount for your colleague of 25% off first-year dues–a savings of over $80!

To order the free gift books and gift coupons: Visit OR Call 1-888-230-2637 OR mail or FAX your request to: Join CMDA, PO Box 7500 Bristol, TN 37621 FAX: 423-844-1005 Simply include your name and address, note the number of colleagues you want to share gift books with, and we will ship them to you at no charge.

"It has been such a restorative and rejuvenating experience working with CMDA where loving and passionate people are beautifully demonstrating Christ’s love through their profession." -Ali Ko, MD

Special thank you: For each of your colleagues who joins CMDA and notes your referral, we will provide you with a $25 thank-you coupon –which you can use for dues, CMDA resources and logo wear and CMDA meeting registration fees!

From the President Dear Colleague, Ideally, a Christian doctor should be walking with God 24/7, constantly sensing His presence. However, the busyness, pressures, and demands of our work can redirect our focus. Certainly our own commitment to our devotional life, our own study of the Word, and our own times of prayer are fundamental to our spiritual lives. In addition, our connection to the larger Body of Christ, and, in particular, to others in our profession with whom we have so much in common is key to our growth and effectiveness. When we have the fellowship and support of other Christian doctors, we can be encouraged in our faith and in looking at issues, situations, and relationships from a biblical perspective. How do we connect with other doctors who are seeking to minister through medicine, share their faith, make wise decisions, and live a life led by the indwelling Holy Spirit? I have personally found CMDA to be an encouraging, informative, and stimulating resource in numerous ways. Since medical school days, CMDA has provided spiritual leadership, like-minded friends, retreats, literature, a national convention, mission trips (foreign and domestic), and seminars for training and biblical study. In recent years, the offerings have greatly increased and are too numerous to enumerate in this letter, but descriptions are listed in the pull out center section of this issue of Today’s Christian Doctor, and also readily available on the CMDA website. There is no other Christian organization worldwide that can provide these opportunities in such depth. I enjoy telling others what has been a great blessing to me. Therefore, as CMDA launches its membership drive this year, I invite you to encourage your fellow physicians and dentists, students, and residents to be a part of this expanding, enabling, and enriching ministry. Yours truly, Bruce V. MacFadyen, MD - President, CMDA

From the CEO Dear Colleague, This special annual report issue of Today’s Christian Doctor focuses on the theme of Keeping Faith. The Apostle Paul urged Timothy to “fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience” (1 Tim. 1:18-19, NASB). His exhortation extends to Christian doctors as well, for we need to be:

Keeping Faith Personally – The vicissitudes of our profession and society conspire to cause entropy in our personal walk with God. It takes willful determination and discipline to keep our faith strong and growing. Keeping Faith Prophetically – Our faith obligates us to be examples of holiness and voices of righteousness into our culture. Keeping Faith Professionally – Those who have gone before us have entrusted to us the mission to mentor the next generation of Christian doctors, to impact our profession for Christ, and to prosper the mission of CMDA to motivate, train, and equip doctors to glorify God. This annual report issue provides you with more than impressive statistics and facts about how God has worked through CMDA this past year. It also provides you with inspiring stories of individuals whom God has used to advance His kingdom, using this ministry to do so. So I hope you will take great encouragement as you read about what your partnership in this movement of Christian doctors is accomplishing, as together we strive to keep the faith. Wanting to be found faithful,

David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Chief Executive Officer

Campus and Community: Leaving a legacy to the next generation


atching her pregnant mother carrying her sister, Adelaide Barnes recalls, “I would tell my mother, ‘When I grow up I want to deliver babies.’ I knew then that I wanted to become a physician.” Adelaide extended her childhood love for medicine as a teenager, learning to minister to others through music. “I had my first real experience with the Lord when I was about 13 years old, when I truly dedicated my life to the Lord. My relationship strengthened as I participated in my dynamic youth group and youth choir. We would travel to different cities during the summer and hold concerts as a means of evangelizing to all those that were interested in learning of the Lord.” Now a third-year medical student at George Washington University, Adelaide notes, “I don’t necessarily still want to become an OB/Gyn, but I think that just planted the seed of my desire to become a doctor. I believe that my desire to become a physician, a profession that seeks to ‘heal’–as much as we can–sick patients is an extension of my passion for the music ministry in church, a ministry that heals through song.” Adelaide helps form the core of a dynamic CMDA student ministry at George Washington. That ministry took off spiritually several years ago, CMDA Northeast Regional Director Scott Boyles recalls. “Five years ago,” Scott says, “the core leadership for the campus fellowship expressed frustration at the secular environment and felt extremely isolated from the body of Christ as medical students. In a shady courtyard on a hot day in Washington, DC, we prayed for the Christian community there and for God to raise up His people at GW School of Medicine. The next year, God brought some dynamic first-year students to campus. Since then, God has created a true Christian community among the students there. “Then a couple years ago, a group of attending physicians associated with GW came alongside these students and asked to be involved with their fellowship. Since that time, these physicians have begun a mentoring program, have invited students into their homes, and plan to host a speaking series.” The two students with whom Scott prayed with five years ago for God to raise up leaders eventually passed the torch to several students including Adelaide, who recently commenced her rotations at GW. Scott notes, “Adelaide has played a role in leading worship for the group during their Monday night fellow-

ship meetings and assumed a leadership role as a secondyear medical student. Two years ago she has followed God’s call to share the gospel through medicine on a mission team led by CMDA member Dr. Aubrey Knight.” Dr. Knight accepted an invitation to take a mission trip fourteen years ago and has been leading trips himself and taking residents and students on mission trips for twelve years. “Adelaide is in medicine because she wants to serve,” Dr. Knight observes. “If you watch Adelaide in the villages or at the orphanage, you will quickly notice that she just sees where she can be of benefit and just serves. She is always smiling, always upbeat– a real trooper with a great attitude. Her goal is to serve people and to serve God. She is self-sacrificing and has a servant’s heart. Adelaide is going to be a great doctor.” Meanwhile, Adelaide is serving her fellow medical students by assisting in the leadership of the GW campus ministry, providing a haven from hectic school life. She explains, “Throughout the school year, we have weekly meetings that begin with praise and worship, as we lift up the name of the Lord in song together. After praise and worship, an invited local Christian physician shares his or her testimony or a Bible study with us. This provides a message of encouragement into our lives as we go through the rigors of medical school. “We’re also able to give testimonies, verbalize the struggles we are going through, and provide words of encouragement or messages from the Lord with each other. Every Friday we hold our weekly prayer meeting. The Lord really uses these prayer sessions to reach many students going through various struggles. “A semi-annual outreach event we host to reach our campus is the bagel giveaway. We give away hundreds of bagels to our fellow medical students, staff, and faculty in the medical school building. It’s a way to bless our colleagues and to advertise CMDA to those who had never heard of it. The bagel giveaway is always a huge success. We also reach out to the community each February, when we team up with other local CMDA chapters–Georgetown University and Uniformed Services–to participate in a local soup kitchen. “For the past two years, GW CMDA has joined forces with Virginia Commonwealth University’s (VCU) CMDA to travel to El Salvador during our spring break for a medical missions trip. For me, this

Testimonials Campus & Community Ministries “The Thursday lunches were encouraging and uplifting, especially when doctors came and talked to us about how they juggled their lives with school, family, and how that affected their walk with God.” “Through CMDA I’ve come to meet the brothers and sisters in Christ who are in my class, as well as the second year class, and dental students.This encounter has been a source of great encouragement, knowing that there is a spiritual community at the UTHSCSA. . . .” “CMDA has been there for me when I needed it . . . has provided spiritual and physical food and fellowship as well as much good advice. It has pursued me, which has been nice as I adjusted to a new place, new people, course load . . . has helped my new bride and I adjust to marriage and the new complexities that marriage brings by providing so many wonderful people to look up to who have been in our shoes and can share insight with us.” “The transition into medical school has been difficult academically and personally. However, throughout the transition God has been faithful, merciful, and kind. He provided an unexpected blessing in CMDA. . . .”

Center for Medical Missions Re. Preparing for the Future: An Orientation to Medical Missions Conference

has been the highlight of both years. It has been such a blessing to travel down to El Salvador and set up clinics with the brethren from VCU. We also spend our free time at ‘My Father’s House (La Casa de mi Padre),’ an orphanage run by Dr. Aubrey Knight. At the beginning of the trip, many of us are strangers, but because of our experience we leave feeling like family. “The GW CMDA also has fun. Our monthly fellowships include barbeques, dinner at restaurants, Super Bowl Night, ice skating, and the most popular, our annual Thanksgiving celebration. We truly believe in the Psalm that declares ‘Behold, how good and pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity!’ “The biggest challenge I have faced is achieving the appropriate balance as a medical student. I admit it has been difficult to maintain all the relationships in my life and be the best medical student possible. The positive highlights from medical school are the relationships that I have cultivated with my friends and my involvement in different organizations–especially CMDA. “During this first rotation, I have felt the pressure of time and fear of the unknown–not knowing what my attending will think of me on the first day, not knowing whether the patient will be responsive to me, not knowing the answer to a particular question I’m asked. I’ve also triumphed in seeing patients that were acutely ill leave stable and healthy, and grown because I am now applying everything I learned during the first two years of medical school. “GW CMDA has played an instrumental role in maintaining my sanity. CMDA serves as a support system to the brethren. I cherish all of the relationships made through CMDA and am very thankful that the Lord has given me brethren that encourage and edify me on a daily basis. The upperclassmen, many of them now physicians, served as my mentors during my first two years and I cherish the godly wisdom and advice they gave me. “Five to ten years from now, I plan to be practicing medicine and serving the underserved in various capacities in the community and, God willing, through short-term medical missions. I would love to work in academic medicine because I believe that is a wonderful place to give back to students and learn from colleagues. I will definitely be ministering to and mentoring medical students. When I envision my future, giving back is such an integral part of my calling.” ✝

“What a fantastic conference! I definitely encourage others preparing for medical missions to come to this conference. I enjoyed all the speakers and their sharing from their different areas of giftedness.” “Great conference! Lots of rich information from wonderful servants wanting to pass on what they have learned. Very helpful and encouraging to me as I take the next step. I highly recommend it!” “Best conference of any type that I have attended for many, many years!”

During a recent short-term mission to El Salvador, Adelaide Barnes received a broad exposure to missionary medicine, including learning a little about dentistry.

Man on a Mission How God has used Dr. Andy Sanders and the ministry of CMDA’s Global Health Outreach (GHO) to change lives and advance the kingdom


r. Andy Sanders, an Internal Medicine physician from Martinez, GA, recalls how God ministered to both patients and providers during a recent Global Health Outreach mission trip to Honduras. “What seemed like an almost endless mass of patients was cared for by the physicians, dentists, a surgeon, optometrists, physical therapists, and the preventative health instructor,” Dr. Sanders said. “Nestled in these patient visits were special moments that God gave us. Tears were shed, needs were shared and addressed, and physical and spiritual hurts were ministered to. “A few hundred prayed during those days to receive Christ. Each team member had special encounters that will never be forgotten. At the end of the week the pastors were honored at a dinner where they not only received our prayers, but also the names of all those who came to Christ that week, so that they might be followed up by these godly ministers. “As amazing and unforgettable as the work was in Honduras, the work the Lord did in the team itself was equally awesome. Daily we grew together into a special family, as God used team members to minister to team members. During our last team time together, we heard from a 40-year-old woman, whose mother had brought her on the trip, how one day that week she had given her heart to Christ during the clinic. A young woman, whose father had brought her on the trip, stood and shared

Drs. Andy Sanders (l) and Andy Lamb on the St. Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic.

Testimonials PAACS (Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons) Growing up as a refugee dying of despair, I am given hope and human dignity by God’s men and women who work in unity through PAACS. The magnitude of your support is measured by its effects in African sufferers, particularly refugee communities and war-torn Burundi population, who will breathe a sigh of relief through what I will be enabled to provide as a Christian surgeon. Please accept my thanks, since I have no words to express it. Glory to God in the highest. May God bless you all. – Dr. NKESHA GISITA Théophile and Family

MEI “I remember our first trip to Mongolia in 1998, when scarcely anyone spoke English and there were few Christians in the country. Today English is widespread among the educated community and there are an estimated 40,000 Christians throughout the country. CMDA’s MEI has been a part of this wonderful transformation, working in conjunction with many missionaries on the ground. For those of us involved in shortterm trips, we have a rare opportunity to experience the young church as seen in the book of Acts and Paul’s epistles. Like Paul and Timothy’s letter to the beloved Philippians, I can pray with joy for our partnership with such Mongolians, being confident that He who began a good work with them will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Ann Norton, Spouse and Spring 2007 Mongolia MEI Team Co-Leader

Did You Know? General Progress Notes • $35,300 was awarded to residents through the Johnson Short-term Mission Scholarships. • $16,200 was awarded to students through the Westra Scholarship. • A new GHO video called “Alleluia” has been released. • “The Best of John Patrick” is now available on CD. • A CD and a DVD was produced for the membership packet. • Six issues of Christian Doctor’s Digest and eight issues of Life Support were produced. • An interactive CD was produced for students at the Global Missions Health Conference. • Two new sessions of Just Add Water–a DVD resource that provides an “instant” meeting–were produced, with a compilation of previous released JAW in a new ten-pack format. • Jesus, MD in CD format is now available, read by the author Dr. David Stevens, and featuring an interview Dr. Stevens did with his mentor, the late Dr. Ernie Steury. • An educational DVD on embryo adoption and donation was produced for the National Embryo Donation Center. • A new software system was put into place!

that she never wants to be on the old path she had been on, but wants rather to live wholly for God and for His glory. The father’s flowing tears of joy echoed the feelings of thankfulness that the entire team felt for all we had seen the Lord do. A business owner said that the week had been the most wonderful and powerful week that he had ever experienced. There continues to be a special bond and commitment to team members who are now scattered back in their various states.” One individual deeply affected by Dr. Sanders and a GHO mission team experience is Dr. Andy Lamb, an Internal Medicine physician from Burlington, NC. Dr. Lamb recalls, “Around ten years ago, I felt God moving my heart to do a medical mission–even though I had never had any previous mission experience. Shortly thereafter I received from CMDA a list of medical mission opportunities through GHO. So I ‘randomly’ chose a mission to Uspantan, Guatemala, in November 2000. “Little did I know that my life would never be the same as a result of that decision! As it turns out, this was Andy Sanders’ very first mission as a team leader. I went into that mission for what I now recognize were mainly selfish reasons. I came away from it totally blown away by what I had seen and experienced. God began breaking me through a humbling process– showing me what a true servant’s heart looks like and

how to truly love others as Christ does. Andy Sanders played a major role in that process. “Since that first mission, I have done many missions throughout Central America and Moldova with Andy. With each mission, under Andy’s mentorship, I grew more and more spiritually in ways I never thought possible. Through his incredible biblical teaching and passion for Christ, Andy showed me by example what a true servant leader looked like. Having graduated from West Point and spending many years in the Army, I thought I knew plenty about leadership, but how wrong I was! “God used Andy to teach me how to be a more godly man and a more godly leader. I began catching the vision Andy has for the teams he leads. That vision centers around creating an environment for the team that allows the team to bond quickly and to grow spiritually. Andy’s desire is that each person would grow spiritually so they will honor and glorify God with their lives, whether on a short-term medical mission or back in their own homes or workplaces. In doing this, Andy prepares each person to better go out each day and to love on people with the incomparable love of Christ. “Andy has taught countless people what it truly means to live a life totally sold out for Christ, a life whose sole purpose is to honor and glorify God so His kingdom work can be done . . . as John Piper would say, ‘a life not wasted!’”

Did You Know? Campus and Community Ministries has established monthly communication with physician leaders in ninety-one communities and campus advisor and student leaders on the majority of the 230 campuses we influence. Campus Leadership conferences were held this spring for student leaders in our medical, dental, and osteopathic councils. Our field staff has grown to fifty staff serving campuses and community doctors. New resources have been developed for small group settings utilizing Dr. Rick Donlon’s discipleship videos. Side by Side is a group of women who are married to physicians or dentists and desire to grow in their walk with the Lord while supporting one another in their marriages. Chapters meet regularly for Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and fun. We have fifteen actively functioning groups, and fifteen groups in the process of forming. In the La Crosse, WI, chapter-established in 2006-the group has grown from thirteen women and seven children to twenty-four women and thirty-three children. They have moved out of the home and into a nearby church.

Dr. Rick Donlon with Samara Newton, then a medical student Photo courtesy of Christ Community Health Services

The Medical Malpractice Ministry (3M) Commission served thirty-five people in the past year. Six requested prayer only, twenty-nine received our “Survival Kit.” Eleven requested and received a call from a commission member. Three requested ongoing support from a commission member.

Dr. Emmanuel (Manny) Ngoh, an Endodontist from Augusta, GA, echoes the impact that Dr. Sanders has had on many individuals. “God has used Andy to pull me closer to Himself,” Dr. Ngoh says. “It all started with our Bible Study Fellowship group, where I looked forward to Monday nights to be fed by Andy from the Word. Then in Tela, Honduras, on a mission trip with Andy, God ambushed me and changed my life. I remember vividly sitting around the table in the evenings after clinic and listening to Andy teach and challenge us to seek a life of total surrender for the kingdom. “I started running away from Andy because he was always meddling with my self-directed life! But I thank God for Andy’s persistence. Over the years he has mentored me as a GHO team leader. The breadth and depth of Andy’s influence in my life is immeasurable.” Dr. Sanders reflects, “It has been one of the greatest pleasures and privileges of my life to see God at work not only in the lives of people in distant lands, but within the hearts and lives of the GHO team members. And, by God’s grace, I have been one of those team members. “God used GHO in my life to help me see and focus on the ‘thing above the thing’ . . . not the needs of missions and the countless tasks to do around the world, but on God’s glory, the King on His throne advancing His

kingdom in the world today, and the opportunity to be a part of this divine, holy, exciting, and eternal enterprise. “On one end of the ministry of GHO,” he explains, “are an increasing number of believers who hear of GHO and who are struggling to advance the gospel in their part of the world. There is a growing focus to establish these relationships in parts of the world that are not reached by the good news of Jesus Christ. “GHO teams that go and serve seek to facilitate the work these foreign workers have been attempting to do. We want to encourage, equip, and train local pastors. And we want to help prepare churches in these countries to become multiplying churches that send out church planters into the mission fields around them. In Moldova, for example, we have seen at least ten new churches planted in villages where no evangelical witness had been. Moldovan believers in these areas are now being prepared to be sent this year as missionaries into Russia and Siberia. “On the other end of the ministry are 17,000 CMDA members and the countless non-members who hear of CMDA–people whom God has called to be a part of His Great Commission. GHO seeks to use these mission trips as a time to greatly encourage, equip, and exhort these team members for the kingdom purposes that God has for their lives.” ✝

80+ Ministries of the

Christian Medical & Dental Associations


Editor’s Note: This four-page center section has been prepared for you to tear out and keep as an easy reference and contact list for CMDA’s 80+ resources, services, and ministry opportunities. Use it to show your colleagues what CMDA is doing and also as a guide for your prayers for our ministries and those who lead each effort.

Transformation 1. Campus Ministries [Al Weir, MD -] A team of over 50 staff ministering to student groups on 230 medical/dental campuses. 2. Christian Dental Association® [David Campbell, DDS] Encouragement and support for dentists in living out their Christian faith in their professional and personal lives. 3. Chapel and Chapel on the Web [Debra Deyton - debra@] Twice weekly chapel, open to the public, held in Bristol with recording available at 4. Connections [Al Weir, MD -] Links new residents with graduate doctors in their training area for regular mentoring. 5. Leadership Training [Al Weir -] Leadership training skills in effective practice and ministry for students and graduates. 6. Local Ministry Groups [Al Weir, MD -] An opportunity for members to connect with fellow members and ministry resources to help them in their educational and professional careers. 7. Saline Solution [Melinda Mitchell - melinda.mitchell@] Training for healthcare providers via conferences or a small-group video series on how to appropriately and effectively help their patients with spiritual issues. 8. Side By Side [Robin Morgenthaler - sidebyside@cmda. org] A Bible-study-based outreach ministry to female medical/dental spouses. 9. Student Leadership Training Conferences [Al Weir, MD -] Annual regional conferences to train student leaders to lead their campus ministries.

Prayer Ministries 10. Prayer Calendar [Margie Shealy - communications@cmda. org] Mobilization of members to pray for CMDA’s ministry on a daily basis.

11. Prayer E-mails [Carol Wilson -] Prayer and encouragement by staff for five members each week via e-mail communication. 12. Prayer Ministry [Gloria Gentry -] Staff intercession for the urgent needs of members and friends. 13. Prayer Post Cards [Carol Wilson - carol.wilson@cmda. org] Prayer by staff for seven members each week, with postcards of encouragement.

Services 14. 4 Percent Solution [Al Weir, MD -] A program that asks doctors to commit to give 4% of their time, talent, and treasure in service to the needs of the poor. 15. Board of Trustees [President of CMDA, Bruce MacFadyen, MD -] Volunteer board of members that meets three times a year, serving as the primary policymaking body of CMDA. 16. Center for Medical Missions [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH] A CMDA service aiding in the recruitment, training, and retention of career medical missionaries. 17. Domestic Missions Outreach [Al Weir, MD - ccm@cmda. org] A collaboration between Christian Community Health Fellowship and CMDA to motivate, train, and equip doctors to minister to the poor in the U.S. 18. GAP Program (partnership with Prison Fellowship International) [Sam Molind, DMD -] A partnership with Prison Fellowship to bring health and Christ to prisoners in foreign countries via GHO teams. 19. Global Health Conference [] A medical/dental mission conference, co-sponsored by CMDA, and held the 2nd weekend in November at Southeastern Christian Church in Louisville, KY. The mission is to inform, train, and equip healthcare professionals and

students to use their medical skills to further God’s kingdom, all through sharing the gospel with those in need on both the international and domestic mission field. 20. Global Health Outreach® (GHO) [Sam Molind, DMD] CMDA’s short-term mission program, sending forty to fifty medical/ dental mission outreach teams annually; designed to disciple participants, grow national churches, share the gospel, and provide care. 21. House of Representatives [President of CMDA, Bruce MacFadyen, MD -] Member volunteers who represent CMDA at the state and local level and meet at the national meeting to elect board members, approve ethical statements, modify the bylaws, then foster CMDA ministry outreach in their cities and states. 22. Medical Education International [Shari Falkenheimer, MD -] An academic teaching program used to spread the gospel to doctors in hard to reach countries. 23. Placement Service [Allen Vicars - allen.vicars@cmda. org] Recruiting service that brings together Christian physicians and practices throughout the U.S. to enhance their ministry and advance the kingdom of God.

Commissions 24. Continuing Medical & Dental Education Commission [] [Chair, Jarrett Richardson, MD] [Donnie Luper, DDS] Annual two-week continuing medical & dental education conference in Kenya or Thailand for hundreds of missionaries, which is organized and led by volunteers. 25. Marriage Commission [Chair, Rodney Mirich, MD rmirich@] Member volunteer group that holds four to six weekend retreats each year to help doctors strengthen their marriages. 26. Medical Malpractice Commission [Chair, Robert Agnew, MD; Staff Liaison, Sandy Huron -] Group of volunteer members who pray with, encourage, and provide resources to doctors experiencing malpractice suits. 27. Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons [Bruce C. Steffes, MD, FAC -] Surgical residency training and discipling in mission hospitals for African physicians who will serve in Africa. 28. Singles Commission [Chair, Jane Neuman, MD] Volunteer, member-led

ministry focused on the unique needs of single members through networking, conferences, mission trips, and resources. 29. Women in Medicine and Dentistry Commission [Chair, Gloria Halverson, MD -] Member volunteer group that focuses on meeting the unique needs of women in healthcare through conferences, resources, and networking.

Scholarships 30. Johnson Mission Scholarships [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH] Provides $500 to $1000 dollars scholarships to residents doing rotations in mission hospitals. 31. Kenneth Geiser Fund [Debra Deyton - debra.deyton@] Leadership development for medical students and residents. 32. Owen Scholarship [Debra Deyton - debra.deyton@] Grants for students at Southwestern Medical School for short-term missions. 33. Risser Fund [Karen Sells -] Training and ministry to Third World orthopedic doctors. 34. Steury Scholarship [Debra Deyton - debra.deyton@] $100,000 scholarship awarded annually to cover the tuition, books, and fee costs of a medical student going into career missions. 35. Westra Mission Scholarship [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH] $300-500 scholarships to medical students doing short-term mission trips or rotations overseas.

Specialty Sections 36. Academic Specialty Section [Chair, Jim Van Vooren, MD -] Specialty outreach to academic physicians that provides networking, encouragement, and resources to produce a positive, biblically sound message to influence scientific progress. 37. Dermatology Section [Chair, Randal Anderson, MD] Specialty outreach that enables Christian dermatologists to work together for deeper mutual support and understanding. 38. Family Medicine Section [Chair, Beverly Nuckols, MD] Specialty outreach that networks and informs Family Medicine colleagues on issues of importance to their specialty. 39. OB/Gyn Section [Chair, Gene Rudd, MD - executive@] Volunteer outreach that motivates, trains, and equips OB/Gyns to impact their specialty.

40. Pediatric Specialty Section [Chair, Rick Payne, MD] Specialty outreach to pediatricians to develop competent and scientifically sound care that is tempered with biblically-based principles. 41. Psychiatry Section [Chair, Allan Josephson, MD] Specialty outreach that provides a Christian perspective within the field of psychiatry, advancing issues of integration between psychiatry and clinical practice, and facilitating fellowship among Christian psychiatrists. 42. Uniformed Servces Specialty Section [Chair, Gray Dawson, MD -] Specialty section outreach whose goal is to equip, mentor, train, and encourage Christian physicians and dentists in the military heathcare environment.

Equipping 43. Audio/Video/Print Resources [Life & Health Resources] A wide variety of CMDA-created resources for doctors and the public on personal, ministry, and practice topics. 44. Christian Doctor’s Digest [Rusty Sluder - rusty.sluder@ & Margie Shealy -] Bimonthly audio magazine resource containing interviews on timely topics of interest to doctors and their families. 45. CMDA Book Publishing [Gene Rudd, MD - executive@] A cooperative effort with major publishers to create “Medically Reliable, Biblically Sound” resources. 46. CMDA Credit Card [Gloria Gentry - gloria.gentry@] Rewards credit card that supports the outreach of Women In Medicine & Dentistry and Medical Education International every time you use it. 47. CMDA Phone [Gloria Gentry -] Long-distance telephone service that allows a portion of your bill to be given back to support Global Health Outreach. 48. Completing Your Call [Al Weir, MD -] An eighteen-month distance education program to motivate, train, and equip doctors for ministry. 49. Conference Ministries [Melinda Mitchell] Annual National Convention and numerous topical, regional, and local conferences listed at 50. Continuing Education Accreditation [Barbara Snapp] AMA/ACCME and PACE accreditation for medical and dental education.

51. e-Pistle [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH - susan.carter@cmda. org] Monthly educational/networking newsletter teaching medical/dental missionaries management and ministry techniques. 52. Gift Annuity Services [Karen Sells - stewardship@cmda. org] A way to invest in CMDA’s ministry as well as fund your retirement. 53. Gift Legacy Newsletter [Karen Sells - stewardship@] Free monthly personal finance newsletter. 54. Heartchangers Updates [Maggie Combs - stewardship@] Monthly ministry updates to donors partnering with CMDA ministries through their prayers and regular financial support. These updates communicate the impact donors’ investments are making in specific ministries. 55. Infusion [Becky Waruszewski - communications@cmda. org] Quarterly orientation newsletter provided during the first year of CMDA membership. 56. Just Add Water DVD Series [Life & Health Resources] Over 40 DVD resources that provides an “instant” meeting, complete with presentations and questions that generate a thought-provoking study. 57. Life & Health Resources [Sandy Huron or Sue Buyck] A marketing and distribution service for CMDA-produced and recommended resources. 58. Life Support [Rusty Sluder - & Margie Shealy -] Podcast audio magazine covering topics of interest to students and residents. 59. Mission Management Consultation [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH -] Consultation service offered to international medical mission ministries. 60. Membership Services [Raquel McLamb or Tera Bradley] Assists members with information regarding the services and resources available through CMDA, membership renewals, as well as membership recruitment. 61. News & Views [Becky Waruszewski - communications@] Weekly member e-mail update and commentary on important bioethical and healthcare issues in the news. 62. Paul Tournier Institute [Gene Rudd, MD - executive@] An educational endeavor, providing unique resources developed and/or published by CMDA. 63. Planned Giving Services [Karen Sells - stewardship@cmda. org] A program to educate about and provide various financial instruments to help CMDA members support God’s work through charitable trusts, donor advised funds, etc.

64. Preparing for the Future: An Orientation to Medical Missions Conference [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH] Annual conference for people preparing for a career in medical missions. 65. Prescribe-A-Resource® [Sandy Huron or Sue Buyck] A compendium and distribution service enabling doctors to prescribe pre-screened biblically based resources to meet individual patients’ needs. 66. Progress Notes [Becky Waruszewski - communications@] Monthly electronic newsletter updating members on the influence and opportunities of CMDA’s ministries. 67. SCAN [Renee Hyatt -] Publication that abstracts pertinent Western medical articles for free electronic distribution to medical missionaries to keep them up-to-date. 68. Speaker Referral Bureau [Margie Shealy -] An on-line self-referral speaker’s bureau of CMDA members. 69. Stewardship Ministries [Jamey Campbell] An educational service, teaching members to be good stewards of the resources God has given them. 70. Tax-Wise Moment [Jamey Campbell - jamey.Campbell@] Stewardship advice via audio messages recorded on Christian Doctor’s Digest. 71. Today’s Christian Doctor ® [David Biebel, DMin - dbbv1@] A quarterly magazine whose goal is to help doctors become all that God has designed them to be. 72. Your Call [Susan Carter, BSN, MPH - susan.carter@] Quarterly e-mail newsletter for students who have been “called” to full-time missions. 73. [Margie Shealy - communications@] The organization’s website with hundreds of pages of resources - position papers, magazine archives, meeting calendars, audio files, and other information.

Voice 74. Amicus Curiae Briefs [Jonathan Imbody - washington@] A cooperative endeavor with Christian lawyers to develop legal briefs advocating for life and human dignity in important court cases. 75. American Academy of Medical Ethics® [Director pending] A forum to help train and equip healthcare professionals to adopt the ethical tenets defined by the Hippocratic tradition.

76. Ethics Committee [Robert Scheidt, MD - doulos@] Member volunteers that formulate CMDA’s ethical position statements for Board and House of Representative approval. 77. Ethics Consult Hotline [888-230-2637 -] Bioethicist on-call program to assist members who face difficult patient care decisions. 78. Federal Commissions and Employment Opportunities [Jonathan Imbody -] Help in securing member placements on federal health-related commissions. 79. Media Training [Margie Shealy - communications@] Hands-on training to members so they can effectively speak to the media. Serves as a source for information on bioethical questions. 80. National Embryo Donation Center® [Jeffrey Keenan, MD -] The Baptist Health System of East Tennessee was instrumental in developing CMDA's vision for this nonprofit center, which facilitates and promotes embryo donation and adoption. 81. News Releases [Margie Shealy - communications@] CMDA’s response to breaking news on vital healthcare issues resulting in hundreds of media interviews each year. 82. Professional Testimony [Jonathan Imbody - washington@ and Margie Shealy -] Opportunities for CMDA experts to testify before the US Congress and state legislatures. 83. Public Service Announcements (PSAs)[Margie Shealy] Library of PSAs on ethical and healthcare topics available to Christian radio stations each year. 84. Standards4Life [Becky Waruszewski - communications@] Free web-based resource for the church or personal education that deals with the scientific and biblical issues surrounding tough bioethical issues in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Can be downloaded to church websites. 85. State Public Policy Campaigns [Margie Shealy -] Grassroots campaigns to promote life-honoring legislation/referendums at the state level on physician-assisted suicide, cloning, and other issues. 86. Washington Office [Jonathan Imbody - washington@] A liaison with Congress, the administration and policy organizations, presenting life-honoring perspectives through the national media, and publishing resources on vital issues.

Voice: Extending Members’ Values to Our Culture


n early June 2007, Dr. Scott Myhre sat down at his computer in Bundibugyo, Uganda, and read with interest a message from CMDA CEO Dr. David Stevens. The e-mail asked for candid feedback regarding the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which provides grants to non-government organizations like Dr. Myhre’s World Harvest Mission. “I have some reservations about Christian NGOs [Non-governmental Organizations] taking government money,” Dr. Myhre wrote back. “We believe the humanitarian, compassionate deeds are critical to the integrity of our vision, but that this must not be to the exclusion of the message of the gospel on the other hand.” God opened doors for Dr. Myhre and other medical missionaries to reach three of the top U.S. international health officials with their messages. Published studies showing the pervasiveness of faith-based organizations in Africa and the trust they generate among the people have encouraged U.S. health officials to reach out to such organizations. The success of that outreach hinges on federal officials understanding the faith motivation of such groups, and on faith-based organization leaders understanding both the potential and the limitations of federal aid. Within a week, Christian Medical Association staff in Washington, DC, personally presented Dr. Myhre’s comments, along with similarly incisive comments of some forty other CMA-member medical missionaries, directly to Henrietta Fore, President Bush’s nominee to serve as the new administrator of USAID. Within a month, CMA recommendations to improve access to federal funds by faith-based organizations, based in part on the missionaries’ comments, were presented to Ambassador Mark Dybul, MD. Dr. Dybul heads the Office of the US Global AIDS Coordinator, which oversees the U.S. response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic and directs the implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). CMA staff also presented the ideas and comments from the mission field to Dr. William Steiger, Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Health Affairs. Input from the doctors working overseas offered the U.S. officials valuable, real-life perspectives in considering new policies and programs to reach out more effectively to faith-based organizations. Dr. Dybul also enthusiastically took up CMA’s proposal to have the federal government host a summit of medical specialty organizations to tackle the issue of the

health implications of human trafficking. Ambassador Mark Lagon, Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the State Department, also cheered the idea. CMA had been promoting the strategy over the prior two years in private meetings with top officials in the White House, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the State Department, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Justice.

Jonathan Imbody (right) at a U.S. Dept. of Justice conference with (left to right) Lou de Baca, DOJ; Jessica Donohue, YMCA; Lien Tuyet Dao, victim of human trafficking

From the White House to Congress to federal agencies, God has been opening doors of influence for Christian doctors to voice their values through CMDA. This influence, multiplied by personal relationship building and ministry in the nation’s capital, impacts issues ranging from international health to life issues to conscience protections for healthcare professionals. CMDA is also extending members’ voice and values through national and local media, using physicians on staff and members in local communities to provide media interviews. At the national headquarters in Bristol, TN, CMDA leaders have used state-of-the-art satellite equipment and an in-house media studio to conduct nationally broadcast interviews on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and other television networks. In an interview about conscience rights for doctors, broadcast by the CNN network, CMDA Senior Vice President Dr. Gene Rudd noted, “The Hippocratic Oath has been around 2,500 years, and it clearly states in there that doctors should decline to take part in things they find morally objectionable. We have a long tradition of this. “Even though we are just now beginning to talk about it, it has been in common practice throughout our history

that doctors withdraw from care they find morally objectionable. We need to back up and say, ‘Do we really want to have a class of citizens who are denied certain rights, certain rights of conscience?’ Do we want to say, ‘We’ll evaluate your moral objection and decide if we are going to allow you to have it or not?’ “This is the important question we need to ask. This is a watershed event for our society. It could change our social fabric.” CMDA provides media training for members who are already engaged in or interested in addressing public policy issues. Taking advantage of CMDA’s professional studios, the training provides members with realistic, hands-on experience in television, radio, and print media. Dr. Jeff Barrows, now serving as CMDA’s Health Consultant on Human Trafficking, took the training after he entered the public policy fray to address human trafficking, or modern-day slavery. “CMDA’s media training prepared me to understand what was expected of me during media interviews,” Dr. Barrows says. “It was quite interactive and realistic, allowing me to gain confidence in my ability to interact with the media. I now know the questions to ask prior to doing a radio interview. The training also reminded me that each of us has the potential to make a difference in our various spheres of influence through interactions with the media. “I first became involved in public policy issues through my interest in the phenomenon of human trafficking,” Dr. Barrows recalls. “I’ve come to realize the critical role that government policy plays in various anti-trafficking efforts such as prevention, prosecution, rehabilitation, and raising public awareness. I’ve also realized that the government is vitally dependent on organizations such as the Christian Medical Association to provide assistance in their areas of expertise and unique strengths.” ✝

Testimonials Washington Bureau “Again you come to my rescue with great information. I gave my speech on physicianassisted suicide, and got positive feedback from classmates, Democrats and Republicans alike. Thank you again for your help and support. . . . Hopefully I can continue my own little antieuthanasia campaign here at Wake Forest.” – Student who used CMA information on assisted suicide “Thank you for your stand against abortion and for recently defending the Weldon Amendment that protects pro-life medical professionals from discrimination.” – Bob Taylor

Placement Services “. . . more opportunities than I ever could have found by myself. I went from feeling all alone as a Christian physician to being ‘surrounded by a cloud of witnesses!’ My family and I are truly blessed to know there is an organization like CMDA to bring Christian medical professionals together.” – John Walters, MD “CMDA’s Placement Service . . . has proved to be a blessing to my family and me. The most notable feature with CMDA’S Placement specialists, however, is their constant encouragement, commitment, and prayers.” – John Aaron, MD

Medical Malpractice Commission

CMA participated in a private meeting at the White House with the President’s staff on sanctity of life and human rights issues. Group representatives pictured here include: (Front-left to right) Nigel Cameron - Institute on Biotechnology and Human Future; Wendy Wright - Concerned Women for America; Douglas Johnson - National Right to Life; Mariam Bell - Wilberforce Forum; David Christensen - Family Research Council; (Rear-left to right) Richard Doerflinger - U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops; Austin Ruse - Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute; Jonathan Imbody - CMA; Barrett Duke - Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptists

“Maybe two years ago I requested support materials from CMDA and prayers in regards to a lawsuit. I’m pleased to let you know the materials were very helpful. The education allowed me to understand the process, put it into the proper perspective, and trust God. After many prayers and excellent legal counsel, the suit was dismissed after being reviewed in my favor by a medical review panel. Thank you for what you do. It’s great to have a source of caring support in this process.” – Anonymous MD

CMDA Media Training Group Spring 2007 (Front-left to right) Jeffrey Fenyves, MD; Mark Snell, MD; Brad Quist, MD; Jeffrey Newswanger, DO; David Stevens, MD; Margie Shealy; Gene Rudd, MD; Todd Clements, MD; Jon Hirst; Doug Lindberg, MD (Back-left to right) Herbert Hames, DPH; Holly Daniels Austin, MD; Samantha Olzeski; Dawn Stefanowicz; Alice W. Ko, MD; Jack Lu, MD

Did You Know? This year Four Percent Solution funded and connected ten domestic mission doctors to speak to ten student groups, developed and distributed wallet cards and book marks with 14 Ways to Honor God with the Poor and worked with an uncounted number of clinics for the poor to find volunteers. A survey was completed by 1,000 CMDA doctors regarding their care for the poor. Drs. David Stevens and Gene Rudd taught a two and a half day Saline Solution course near Sydney, Australia as part of the ICMDA World Congress in July 2006 – twenty-five to thirty internationals participated. (Prior to this seminar, CMDA had restricted its Saline Solution activities to North America.) With our endorsement, ICMDA is developing a partnership with International Health Services to promote Saline within its member countries. CMDA has distributed ninety-six Saline Solution Video Series (fifteen were the Spanish language version). A DVD version of the Saline Video Series was produced this year. The Center for Medical Missions held a successful Preparing for the Future: An Orientation to Medical Missions conference with thirty-four participants. This year, Susan Carter led a small group discussion and participated in a medical mission consultation for SIM in Benin and provided the Mukinge Hospital consultation report to leaders at SIM. Your Call, a new e-newsletter for students interested in missions quickly grew to 365 subscribers, while 950 now receive the e-Pistles newsletter for missionary leadership. Fifty-six doctors and spouses are participating in Completing Your Call, discovering God’s calling in their lives. As part of this curriculum, they have read twelve books and participated in two conferences. Telephone conferences with authors Dick Swenson, Armand Nicholi, Ken Boa, Robert Spitzer, and Os Guinness have been held with participants receiving a CD copy of each call.

Keeping Faith: CMDA’s New Membership Initiative While the first phase and materials of this membership or years I begged God to send us back to the initiative focus on physicians, subsequent phases will mission field and He refused. Seven years passed before God released me from that include materials designed specifically for other audidream and placed another dream in my heart. In those ences–beginning with a dental outreach planned for seven years of struggle and prayer God showed me that Spring 2008. there was a mission for me in Memphis, Tennessee, if I The marketing plan for the new membership outreach would choose to follow it. That mission developed out of comprehensive research focused espewas called becoming a Christian doctor.” cially on the comments and surveys of With that introduction, Dr. Al Weir current members. The objective data and begins to lead readers of a new CMDA personal perspectives helped identify exactly resource, Practice by the Book, through what members value about CMDA and also key spiritual and practical steps to turning what things rank highest among their profestheir practice into a ministry. Edited by sional and personal concerns. For example, Dr. Weir and Dr. Gene Rudd and featuring surveys consistently show that members join nearly twenty contributors, the 263-page in order to integrate their faith and practice. Practice by the Book helps Christian Members especially appreciate CMDA’s doctors think through why God has given providing a voice for their values, a ministry them gifts and opportunities related to to students, and an outreach to needy healing, and recommends practical steps patients overseas. Top professional concerns to developing a truly Christian, eternityinclude stress, legal issues, ethics, managed focused health ministry. care, and a lack of evangelism. Spiritual Dr. Al Weir and his wife, Becky After laying a spiritual foundation of concerns include finding God’s will, dealing character and competence, Practice by the with pride, and finances. The membership Book highlights relevant biblical themes of caring for marketing materials illustrate how CMDA addresses all of the poor, practicing compassion, and observing ethical these ministries and concerns. principles. Subsequent chapters teach principles for CMDA membership more than doubled from 1993 to time and money management and discuss how to build 2003 and then leveled out in recent years, despite loving and effective relationships with spouse, family, continually expanding ministries and services. colleagues, and communities. “We are now offering over eighty ministries,” CMDA In short, Practice by the Book puts the CMDA mission CEO Dr. David Stevens observes, “and if those and ministry into print. That’s why CMDA leaders chose ministries are to continue to thrive, we need to expand to make the book available to members at no cost to our membership base to sustain them. We have made share with Christian colleagues who are not yet CMDA great strides over the past decade in raising CMDA’s members. At the national meeting in June, CEO Dr. visibility, but for too many of our colleagues, this moveDavid Stevens rolled out the first phase of a new ment of Christian doctors remains one of the best-kept membership growth initiative that allows current secrets in medicine. members to receive complimentary copies of Practice “We would like to see every Christian doctor in this by the Book to share with their physician colleagues. country benefit from and become a part of the CMDA Enclosed in the book are a forty-page color booklet, a ministry. As our numbers grow, so does our ability to Christian Doctor’s Digest CD, and a DVD explaining minister and to impact our profession and culture. To the CMDA membership experience. grow, we plan to continue to keep dues as low as possiBesides being able to offer their colleagues the free ble, to offer grace to those who cannot afford dues, and Practice by the Book, members can also offer their to spread the word from colleague to colleague in a colleagues a 25 percent discount off their first year’s very personal way. dues. As a token of appreciation, when the colleague “We are equipping our members with the highest joins, the referring member receives a $25 gift certifiquality resources to do this, and we are very excited to cate–“CMDA Bucks”–to apply toward membership see the enthusiastic response to this initiative. We delibdues, resources, or CMDA meetings. erately made it a very easy and positive experience for


doctors to share CMDA membership with colleagues. Everyone loves a gift, whether it’s getting or giving. It’s very simple to say to a Christian colleague, ‘CMDA is an organization I’ve benefited from and I want you to enjoy it, too. And here’s a terrific gift book to encourage you to join. Just mention my name when you sign up and you’ll get a significant gift discount.’” CMDA Senior Vice President Dr. Gene Rudd explains, “CMDA ministries can profoundly impact a doctor’s family, colleagues, patients, and community. We know that if we can change just one doctor’s life, we can impact potentially

To request your gift materials, contact Tera Bradley ( in CMDA’s Membership Services Department, call tollfree: 1-888-230-2637, or request them at:

thousands of other individuals as well. The theme of this initiative is ‘Keeping Faith.’ CMDA is a movement of Christian doctors who help each other keep faith with God’s calling on their lives, keep faith with their spouses and children, and keep faith with biblical principles applicable to our profession and personal lives. God is using CMDA in a wonderful way to encourage and equip thousands of individuals in that godly pursuit. We just need to spread the word to more of our colleagues so that together, we can all grow spiritually and learn how to more effectively keep the faith.” ✝

Did You Know? The mission of Connections is to help provide a Christian nurturing environment, a Christian model, and a source of Christian wisdom for doctors during their residency years. We have connected over 600 Christian residents with Christian doctors in their new locations for training. Christian Dental Association (CDA) is a small but ambitious part of CMDA. The CDA council coordinates and promotes the resources dentists have to offer to CMDA. Most of our efforts are a blend of services throughout the other CMDA ministries as suit our particular gifts. We encourage volunteers to provide mobile dentistry in short-term missions, provide grassroots fellowships, and participate in legislative medical ethics campaigns. The council has expanded the CDA newsletter outreach to non-members. Our surveys indicate an approximate 5 percent growth in dental school ministries to glean arising leaders and to encourage mission participation. The task of the Medical Ethics Commission is to prepare statements for the approval of the Board of Trustees and the House of Representatives that represent the consensus of Christian physicians on current or controversial ethical issues confronting medicine today. Three statements were accepted by the House of Representatives in June of this year: 1) Human Worth; 2) Stem Cell Research and Use; and, 3) Human Abuse. Current statements being prepared for consideration are: 1) Human Chimeras and Hybrids; 2) The Physician / Industry Relationship; 3) Research Ethics in Human Beings; and, 4) Medical Error. The Marriage Enrichment Commission (MEC) holds conferences to help couples have a healthier marriage, improve communication, develop spiritual intimacy, achieve balanced priorities, and rekindle romance. The MEC conducted six Marriage Enrichment weekends this year in the U.S. with a total of thirty-seven couples being ministered to. Ten missionary couples attended the Marriage Enrichment Weekend in Thailand at the conclusion of the CMDE Conference.

Testimonials Marriage Enrichment Commission “This was an excellent experience in helping us to refocus our commitment to our marriage. I definitely feel ‘enriched’ after these few days.” “I’m so grateful to the Lord for this experience, for the leaders and for all the friends made. I would highly recommend it! It has blessed me and improved our understanding of each other.”

Completing Your Call “The breadth and depth of Swenson’s information was almost overwhelming at times. Some of the numbers and the size of the associated exponents were staggering. More amazing than all of the ‘amazing facts’ is the Designer who merely thought all of this into existence. It was a wonderful study of God’s creation and of the One who is the source of all that we have been enabled to discover.” –Dr. Austin Spruill

Women in Medicine & Dentistry “Amazing conference, just what I needed . . . my cup is overflowing.” “I was blessed – exactly what I was looking for.” “God sent WIMD to me at a critical time and it continues to be a huge blessing.” “God really used this time to help me find some direction in my life. The fellowship was great!”

Members of the Women in Medicine & Dentistry Commission (Front-left to right) Gloria Halverson, MD, Chair; Cara E. Brown, MD, Secretary/Treasurer; Brenda Wilcox Abraham, MD, Co-Chair Annual Meetings 2006/2007. (Standing-left to right) Autumn Dawn Galbreath, MD, Chair-Elect, Co-Chair Annual Meeting 2007; Jenn Larson, MD; Ruth Bolton, MD; Ellen D. Iannoli, MD; AJ Demlow, MD, Past Chair; Phyllis A. Nsiah-Kumi, MD; Karen Bullock, MD; Vanessa A. Castine, MD; Marsha Wakefield, MD

Finance For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, all CMDA funds (including the General Fund, restricted funds, endowment funds, facility fund, and donated medicines/services) had total income of $12,138,701 and total expense of $12,406,979 resulting in a net loss in combined funds of $268,278. Such a loss is expected when restricted funds collected in previous years are now expensed. An example of this is the 30-year depreciation we now experience on the funds donated to build the CMDA National Headquarters. CMDA has a strong financial position with: Total assets (for all funds) $14,243,989 Total liabilities (for all funds) $ 2,250,624 Net assets (for all funds) $11,993,365 CMDA’s General Fund, representing our budgeted operations, finished in the black. Total income was $7,282,481; the expense was $7,271,105; resulting in a net income of $11,376.

Highlights: New database and accounting software was installed during the fiscal year. This comprehensive software conversion was made possible by donations totaling $700,000. Additional donations include $100,000 for the Steury Scholarship Fund and an interest in a perpetual trust currently valued at $197,000. In 2007, CMDA awarded students and residents $16,850 in Westra grants, $32,850 in Johnson Shortterm mission grants, and $138,624 in Steury scholarships.

Colette T. Davis, CPA Chief Financial Officer

David L. Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Chief Executive Officer

The above charts are derived from management’s internal reporting for the year ended June 30, 2007 and are not based upon audited results. An independent audit is available upon request.

(Left to right) Richard Johnson, MD; William Bolthouse, MD; Inis Bardella, MD; William Sasser, DMD; Clydette Powell, MD; James Anderson, MD; David Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics); Rodney Mirich, MD; Anna Lattin, MD; Bruce MacFadyen, MD; Jacque Chadwick, MD; George Gonzalez, MD; John Crouch, Jr., MD; Ruth Bolton, MD; Dale Willis, DDS; and, James Hines, MD (not pictured: Caleb Trent)

Officers Chief Executive Officer David L. Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) Senior Vice President Gene G. Rudd, MD

Board of Trustees Bruce MacFadyen, MD - President

James R. Hines, MD

George C. Gonzalez, MD - President-elect

Richard E. Johnson, MD

Ruth A. Bolton, MD - Past President

Anna M. Lattin, MD - Resident

David L. Stevens, MD, MA (Ethics) - CEO

Rodney Mirich, MD

James Anderson, MD

Clydette Powell, MD

Inis Bardella, MD

William “Bill” Sasser, DMD

William “Bill” Bolthouse, MD

Caleb Trent – Student

Jacque Chadwick, MD

Nathan “Dale” Willis, DDS

Chief Financial Officer Colette T. Davis, CPA Controller Connie Fox

John R. Crouch Jr., MD

Contact Information About CMDA CMDA is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The management of CMDA is overseen by a Board of Trustees that meets three times a year to set polices and review performance. The CMDA House of Representatives meets annually and provides additional oversight. In addition, the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees, the CMDA Audit Committee, and an independent auditing firm each oversee the financial integrity of the organization. Restricted gifts are used as directed, consistent with the mission and strategic plan of the ministry.

Christian Medical & Dental Associations P.O. Box 7500 Bristol, TN 37621 Phone: 423-844-1000 Toll-free: 888-230-2637 Fax: 423-844-1005 E-mail: Website:

Annual Report cover photo: Dr. George Gonzalez with patient Frankie Ortiz

Special Report How the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) is addressing the urgent and growing need for surgeons in Africa.

Keeping Faith in Africa – Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Update Ever throw a rock in the pond and watch the ripples slowly die out? It would take a huge number of rocks to ever really influence the pond, to raise the water level or have any other lasting effect, wouldn’t it? Did you ever wonder what would happen if the ripples never died out? What if they went on and on? A little over a decade ago, Dr. Dave Thompson was the only surgeon at Bongolo Hospital in the jungles of Gabon. He faced the reality that if he died or left the

Drs. Domain Fuka and Dave Thompson (back) review patient’s X-ray while Drs. Jean Yardouno and Yali Ramazani (foreground) study

mission field, he would leave little legacy and would have made little impact on the great need for surgery in Africa. The best countries in Africa only have one surgeon of any type for a quarter million people; the worst have only one for 2.5 million people. For the lack of simple surgery, people routinely die of incarcerated hernias, appendicitis, or perforated intestines. The vast majority of women never get the Cesarean section that they need. If they don’t, the baby dies, and the mother may die, also. Several

hundred thousand women each year are left with horrible urinary fistulas dripping urine, making them social outcasts. At the CMDA Continuing Medical and Dental Education conference held at Brackenhurst in 1996, Thompson shared his vision with the other missionary surgeons there. They responded with enthusiasm. A steering committee was formed. Initially, ten mission hospitals expressed enthusiasm, but then the realities of the magnitude of implementing the idea became evident – only three hospitals were able to actually begin training residents. Sadly, for various reasons, two of those had to close shortly after they began. The fledgling program at Bongolo Hospital limped on, graduating its first surgeon in 2002. In 2003, Dr. N. Eugene Cleek, known to his family and friends as “Pokey,” closed his California practice and took over the surgery responsibilities at Banso Baptist Hospital in Kumbo, Cameroon. The same year, the Pan-African College of Surgeons (as it was known then) went into partnership with the Loma Linda University and became one of the CMDA ministries. In 2004, the Pan-African College of Surgeons became the PanAfrican Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS). From Suffering to Service In 2003, Dr. Domain Fuka smuggled his family out of Kisangani (in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo) after dark to avoid rival militias. He booked passage on a barge that took them 1,000 kilometers down the Congo River to Kinshasa (DRC). Crossing to Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo, they crossed the country in a hired pickup truck and slipped into Gabon at night on a logging road to avoid a corrupt border official. A week later, Domain began his training with PAACS at the Bongolo Hospital. Dr. Fuka graduated from the PAACS Program in July 2007, and left Gabon with his family to move to the Pioneer Christian Hospital in Impfondo, Republic of Congo. There he is the only fully-trained surgeon in the two northern provinces of the country, serving nearly a million people. Since the inception of the program, seven graduates have been discipled, trained in surgery, and graduated. I n t e r n e t w e b s i t e : w w w. c m d a . o r g

Winter 2007


ologists, pathologists, radiologists, and gastroenterologists are needed as short-term faculty right now. And it is not just physicians who can help. Pathology technicians, operating room scrub technicians, biomedical engineers, hospital administrators, information technology experts, and Christian workers can all be used to train the residents and help the surgical programs become stronger on many levels.

Five programs are approved training sites and twentyone residents are in training at present. PAACS’s first surgical specialty training (pediatric and rehabilitative surgery) is beginning at BethanyKids at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. Two more general surgery programs in Kenya will begin in 2008 and one more in Cameroon in 2009. At least three more hospitals are considering starting programs. The PAACS programs are in the process of being accredited by the West African College of Surgeons (WACS) and the College of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA). If fully accredited, PAACS will be the first program in Africa to hold such double accreditation. The Strategic Position of PAACS Africa’s population, now just under 900 million, is predicted to reach 2 billion by 2050. The PAACS program brings together Christians from around the world to train and disciple African physicians. Applications for admission to the residency come from all over Africa and the graduates will go back to mission and churchrun hospitals to supply part of the great need. PAACS has a stated goal of training 100 surgeons by 2020. This goal is optimistic, but obtainable with the help of surgeons and physicians from around the world. Three dozen short-term faculty have come from the US, Europe, and Australia to help in 2007 alone. Surgeons of every specialty, obstetrician-gynecologists, anesthesi32

T o d a y ’s C h r i s t i a n D o c t o r

For more information, e-mail:, or Dr. Dave Thompson:, or Dr. Bruce Steffes:, who provided the basic information and photos for this article.

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Graduation celebration at Banso Bapist Hospital in 2007– Dr. Heuric Rakotomalala (left) and Dr. Chukwodi Okorie (right) with their families, fellow residents, and the residents’ families. Dr. Okorie is now Interim Program Director at Banso Baptist Hospital.

How You Can Help “The greatest need for PAACS is prayer,” Dr. Thompson states. But he admits that the need for personnel and funding for housing, scholarship stipends, and the necessary travel come right behind it. Three of the PAACS programs in Cameroon have only one surgeon to do all that is needed in order to take care of patients and simultaneously teach, train, and disciple the residents. They need relief and help. ✝



National Convention

"A Life that Counts "

June 18 - 22, 2008 Chicago Hilton/Indian Lakes Resort Bloomingdale, IL (Chicago area) Plenary Speakers: ❖ Claude A. Allen,

Gerard Health Foundation ❖

Baroness Caroline Cox,

Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) ❖

Scott Harrison, MD, CURE International

Overseas Missions

Positions Open

Ghana - Year round opportunities for medical service, most specialties, ST/LT. Baptist Medical Center in “bush” of NE Ghana with 3 full time MDs on staff. Busy clinic & surgical service. E-mail:, Earl Hewitt, MD. 381/0645/2457

Dentist - General Dentist position available in Summer 2008. Located near Williamsburg, Virginia. The practice includes a caring staff and offers a wide range of procedures, including digital radiography, sedation treatment, CEREC restorations, implant placement and cosmetic imaging. Owner is a member of the CMDA Dental Advisory Council. For more information, go to If interested E-mail Dr. William Griffin at 384/0756/2509

India - Looking for a retired/available doctor to serve at a missionary hospital in South India. Term: 1-5 years. Please contact Dr. Susan Kendall-Bell, Psy.D. (818) 632-9339 or More information: 384/0702/2521

Pakistan - Christian physicians urgently needed for ST/LT in rural Shikarpur Christian Hospital: female (GP/FP, OB/GYN, GS) for OB/general; male/female pediatrician, OB/GYN for ST teaching GYN surgery. Contact Bill Bowman, MD; 714-963-2620; 384/0361/2429

Family Practice - Independent, outpatient only, no-OB, Christian Family Practice in Toledo (Perrysburg) Ohio, is looking to replace a retiring senior partner with an evangelical board certified Christian physician. Call schedule is two days per week, and one in three weekends. Physicians see an average of 25 patients daily or less. Inoffice ancillary services provide excellent income. Our goal is to provide exceptional care by a staff of Christian professionals who

welcome patients and have the ability to care. Salary income guarantee during startup. Contact is J. Wirebaugh, 419-356-8558, 384/0760/2513

Family Practice - 2 person Christian Family Practice opportunity in incredible Bend, Oregon! Full range FP except OB. Board certified FP in practice 30 years desiring to retire and provide instant practice opportunity for energetic, well-trained FP. Wonderful, caring, efficient office staff, EMR in place. Est. annual salary $200,000. Call Richard M. Cade, MD at 541-383-4995. 384/0757/2510 Family Practice - Two Family Practice MD’s, one with interest in Prenatal/OB care. FT positions available 3/2008. Inner-city ministries in Pittsburgh, PA. Loan repayment options available. Generous benefits. Call Heather (412) 345-0405,

I n t e r n e t w e b s i t e : w w w. c m d a . o r g


Winter 2007


General Surgery - Indiana. Join 5 Christian surgeons in a big 10 community 60 miles from Indianapolis. Opportunities for medical missions. Please call 765-446-5065 or E-mail: 384/0428/2503 Neurosurgery - General neurosurgery practice in Columbia, S.C. seeks recently-trained neurosurgeon to join our busy five-man group. Contact Bill Wannamaker, Administrator, or 803-462-0423. 384/0758/2511 Orthopedist - Well-established practice of three orthopedists committed to providing orthopedic care with compassion as well as excellence. Time off for short term missions. Would like to talk with general and sub-specialty orthopedists about the possibility of joining us in practice. On-site surgery center; local hospital within walking distance. Located in a family-oriented city where many recreational and cultural activities are available. Less than a 10-minute commute from any area of the city. Low malpractice rates and cost of living. Vacation at the mountains and the beach; live here and enjoy all four seasons. Please contact our Medical Director, Dr. Chris Wilkinson at 308-865-1403 or Our clinic manager, Vicki Aten, can be reached at 308865-2512 or 384/0467/2522

Pediatrician - Burlington, North Carolina. Private practice seeking BC/BE pediatrician proficient in Spanish. Full service practice. Call 1:4. Competitive salary and benefits. 2 hours from coast/mountains. Accepting H1B visa. Contact Dr. Stein 336-570-0010, Fax 336-570-0012, E-mail: 384/0551/2525

Pediatrician - 7 MDs/2 NPs seeking Pediatrician to join our Christ-centered general pediatrics group. Three clinics located in beautiful SW Washington: mountains, sound, ocean, rain forests, Seattle, Portland all < 90 min. away. Established in 1992, we serve over 15,000 patients, many of whom are rural, lowincome, and/or Spanish speaking. Child psychiatrist, ped subspecialists, and Asthma Educator on-site. Ministry recently expanded to include Weight Management Program and staffing Indian Health Services clinic. Wonderful support staff and nurses. Providers avg. 20-25 pts/day, full-time 4 days/week. EMR since 8/05. Call approx. 1:6 weekends and 3-4 days/month; with nurse call coverage from 5-9 pm. Level I (some Level II) Nursery. Generous benefits and time-off to encourage missions and time with family. Office atmosphere fun, supportive, and nurturing, with therapy dogs roaming the halls and daily doses of laughter., 384/0761/2514 Plastic Surgeon - Solo Christian physician seeks BoardEligible/Board-Certified plastic surgeon to join established busy practice in beautiful Charlotte, NC. Partnership option available after one year. A modern AAAASF certified class C operating room is located in our new office. Charlotte is 3-4 hours from the mountains or beaches and offers world class restaurants, resorts, sports, arts, churches, and an excellent place to raise a family. Competitive salary and benefits. E-mail: 384/0759/2512 34

T o d a y ’s C h r i s t i a n D o c t o r

ADVERTISE WITH CMDA Contact Gloria Gentry for rates. 423-844-1000

I n t e r n e t w e b s i t e : w w w. c m d a . o r g


Winter 2007


Toll Free: 1-888-690-9054 Fax: 423-844-1005 E-mail: Website:

Placement Services Orthopaedic Surgery Allen Vicars Family Medicine

Donna Fitzgerald Cardiology Dermatology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Gastroenterology Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine

Rose Courtney Med/Peds Nurse Practitioner OB/GYN Ophthalmology Pediatrics

Cathy Morefield General Surgery Anesthesia Orthopaedic Vascular Surgery Cardio-Thoracic Dentistry

VA – MS-249 Join two active Orthopaedic Surgeons in a hospital based practice. Call 1:3. Admitting hospital has 154-licensed beds. Physician would be allowed to pray with patients. WA – OS-163 As a Christian independent, single-specialty medical practice, this orthopaedic group of five physicians acknowledge and continue the healing, caring ministry of Jesus Christ. Call 1:5 weekdays and 1:4 weekends. Admitting hospital has 100 licensed beds. Great Benefits and Compensation! Orthopaedic opportunities available in other states.

OB/Gyn AR – OB-275 Single specialty OB/Gyn group seeking another physician to join them. There are currently five physicians. Call is 1 night a week and every 6-8 weekends. The practice was started 30+ years ago to be a ministry out of their love for the Lord Jesus. ID – OB-268 Group of six OB/Gyn’s (one doing just Gyn) searching for seventh. Call every 4th or 5th weeknight and every 5th weekend. They plan to grow by 2, possibly 3 physicians in order to cover 2 hospitals and maintain their 4 day work week and call schedule. VA – OB-299 Independent, inpatient/outpatient OB/Gyn practice seeking a BC/BE OB/Gyn Physician. Currently practice has one physician and one nurse practitioner. They average approximately 25 patients per day. They believe in the sanctity of life and encourage prayer with and for patients.

Pediatrics AL – PD-241 Madison Independent, single-specialty pediatric practice seeking another pediatrician. This 15 year old practice is currently staffed with 4 physicians. Call will be 1:5 when new physician joins. WY – PD-153 Independent, inpatient/outpatient practice seeking a Pediatric provider. This is a 10+ year old practice and currently has 4 physicians on staff. The call schedule is 1:4.

General Surgery CA – SG-265 Independent, Single-Specialty Christian group of two physicians is searching for a Surgeon with laparoscopic training. Both physicians are evangelical Christians who view their practice as a gift & ministry God has given them. Excellent benefits and compensation. IN – SG-266 Located 50 minutes from Indianapolis & 2 hrs from Chicago. Independent, MS, inpatient/ outpatient practice is seeking a general surgeon. Skills desired are laparoscopy & gastroenterology. Currently 5 physicians are on staff with call 1:5 for weekdays/weekends. MT – SG-272 Independent Christian Group of five physicians. Practice is 13 years old. They are looking for someone with Vascular skills as well. They admit to one hospital of 110 licensed beds. NC – SG-249 Join three Christian physicians that love the Lord and are seeking to add an additional surgeon to their group. Located in the mist of the Appalachian Mountains in western North Carolina.

This section represents a small portion of our opportunities. To view a complete listing, go to the Placement Section on our website:


T o d a y ’s C h r i s t i a n D o c t o r

TN – MS-154 Clinic located between Memphis & Nashville. Additional physician required due to increase in patient load. Currently 7 surgeons on staff. Call 1:7. BE/BC. Prefer fellowship trained in vascular and endovascular. Must have completed a university residency program, as opposed to hospital program.

Allergy NJ – AL-102 Independent, Christian practice adding an additional Allergy physician. Allergy and pulmonary function testing procedures are performed in the office. Call schedule rotates on weekends. There is freedom to pray and witness to patients. Located 40 minutes east of Philadelphia in a beautiful community that is a great place to live and raise a family.

Toll Free: 1-888-690-9054 Fax: 423-844-1005 E-mail: Website:

Placement Services Ophthamology IL – OP-143 An independent, single-specialty, inpatient/outpatient, 20+ year old practice seeking an Ophthalmologist. Currently 2 physicians and 1 optometrist in this practice. MO – OP-147 Kansas City - A five year old, independent, multi-specialty group is seeking to add another ophthalmologist provider specialized in glaucoma or plastics. Currently 3 other physicians are on staff. SC – OP-117 Group of five ophthalmologists seeking a general and a cornea specialist. Practice is located in the upstate of South Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Population is 300,000+ with diverse and vibrant economy. All physicians seek to share their faith with patients.

Internal Medicine CA – IM-233 Busy, well-established Christian private practice looking for a FT or PT Internist. Partnership track available. Prayer with patients is encouraged. Located in southern CA with 70 miles of beaches, a gentle Mediterranean climate, colorful neighborhoods and communities. CO – MS-220 Multi-specialty clinic, oldest and largest medical group in the region seeking IM physician. This clinic is part of a Medical Professional Corporation owned and directed by physicians. Located in south central CO, in a growing community committed to excellence in education. Recreational activities abound with a cool climate, low humidity and sunshine an average of 350 days a year. GA – MS-212 Practice in north GA independent multi specialty group. Immediate need for IM, one physician retiring and another leaving in June 08. Inpatient/Outpatient. 45 minutes south of Chattanooga, TN. TX – MS-493 Independent multi-specialty group with 3 offices is seeking an Internist. Inpatient/Outpatient. Call 1:4 weekends. Provide care to whole person. Located in a beautiful east Texas area that has a small town atmosphere with the conveniences of big city living nearby. Excellent schools and outdoor activities.

Med/Peds IL – MS-369 Independent, multi-specialty group is seeking a Med/Peds provider to join them. Currently there are 2 physicians and 2 mid-level providers on staff. Call is 1:6 weekdays. Competitive benefits. WY – PD-153 Independent, inpatient/outpatient practice seeking a Med/Peds provider. This is a 10+ year old practice and currently has 4 physicians on staff. The call schedule is 1:4.

Radiology MS - RD-128 A hospital owned practice seeking a Radiologist with experience and interest in mammography and breast imaging, including biopsies. Equipment is available to start breast MRI. A great opportunity to build a practice in east central Mississippi in a community big enough to have the amenities of a metropolitan center but small enough that neighbors are still neighborly and traffic congestion just doesn’t exist.

Family Medicine AK – MS-528 Single specialty group located in the Anchorage area seeking FP, no OB. Outpatient only with 4 physicians who average 15-20 patients per day. Inpatient referred to local hospitalists. Call schedule for weekdays is 1 in 7 and 1 in 16 on weekends. CO – FP-1117 Independent, single specialty group located near Fort Collins seeking FP, no OB. Inpatient/outpatient required with a call schedule of 1:5 on weekdays and weekends. Practice consists of 4 family physicians, 1 physician assistant, and 1 nurse practitioner. Willing to consider full or part-time physicians. NC – FP-696 Outpatient only practice situated in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville seeking FP, no OB. Call is telephone call only and 1 in 5 on weekdays/weekends. Inpatient referred to local hospitalists. OH – FP-1125 Christian physician in Columbus, OH seeking FPs to create a large outpatient only group to serve indigent population near Ohio State University. Inpatient referred to local hospitalists. Come to an area where you can truly make a difference in areas of need. SC – MS-533 Hospital in northwestern South Carolina seeking FPs, no OB to either join existing group or will assist in opening of new practice. Employed position/loan repayment available. Inpatient/ Outpatient required with 2 FPs offices sharing in call schedule. TN – FP-1127 Practice located an hour south of Nashville in south central TN seeking FP, OB optional. Inpatient/outpatient required with a call schedule of 1 in 3. Family oriented community enriched with tradition, vision, achievement, and service. Practice strives to meet the spiritual, physical, and mental needs of patients and encourages short-term missions. TX – FP-1121 Multi-specialty group south of Dallas/Ft. Worth seeking FP, OB optional. Inpatient/outpatient required with call schedule for physicians rotated on weekdays and rotated with mid-level providers on weekends. Practice consists of 9 physicians and 5 mid-levels. All physicians are Christian men and women with a heart for missions, both overseas and domestic.

Dentistry GA – DT-269 Independent practice seeking full or part-time dentist to replace retiring dentist. Practice is located between Toccoa and Gainesville. GA – DT-266 Established independent practice currently consisting of two (2) dentists, 4 dental assistants and 3 dental hygienists. Reason for hiring is present partner is retiring. Practice is located approximately 30 miles northeast of Dalton, GA and 50 miles from Chattanooga, TN. IL – DT-263 Independent 30-year-old practice is seeking full or part-time dentist to join their practice of two dentists, (one is retiring 9/1/07) 3 dental assistants and 2 dental hygienists. Located 60 miles west of Rockford, IL. IN – DT-270 Independent, Christian practice is seeking a full or part-time dentist associate to replace current dentist that would like to work only two days per week. Approximately 24 miles north of Indianapolis. NC – DT-245 Well-established independent practice located in western NC. Practice uses N2O. Currently one dentist, 2 assistants, and 2 hygienists. Dental opportunities available in other states. Practices listed for sale: Periodontal – NC; Dental – PA, VA I n t e r n e t w e b s i t e : w w w. c m d a . o r g

Winter 2007


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