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2.1 Ethics and anti-corruption

Material topic: Anti-corruption


2.1.1 REIR Corporate Values


The REIR- Responsibility, Excellence, Integrity and Respect- values are those that guide the behavior and conduct we expect from our associates. At the time, these were conceived by our founder Juan Bautista Gutiérrez, and have been part of the corporate and organizational culture of CMI since its founding, although they were formally incorporated to the corporate level in 2010. We want all our associates to live and work according to these values and be role models, and we hope it shows in their attitudes, behaviors, motivations and results. For its implementation, our Code of Corporate Ethics published in 2017, states: Compliance of our Code of Ethics is important to achieve the progress of our families and promote training for entrepreneurs in order to improve the countries where we operate. We encourage interpersonal motivation by teaching ethics to the entire work team in order to stimulate a healthy and pleasant organizational climate. We implement workshops each year, on the Code of Ethics with which we seek to train and inspire all our associates to live our corporate values. We also reward those who practice them in an outstanding way while developing their activities. For monitoring and reporting situations that stray from compliance, we have mechanisms for receiving, managing and solving ethical concerns, open and available to all our associates and stakeholders, which are: • CMI Listens To You • Corporate Ethics Committee

“Living our REIR values, gives us the certainty of complying with the Code of Ethics and be part of better companies, better communities and better countries”.



Es la capacidad de asumir y cumplir el compromiso individual, responder por nuestros actos y sus consecuencias.


Es buscar superioridad y acercarnos a la perfección en lo que hacemos, es buscar la mejora continua, dar resultados excepcionalmente buenos y ser eficientes.


Congruencia entre nuestros actos y palabras con nuestros valores.


Consideración que prestamos a los derechos de los demás y al sistema legal que apoya dichos derechos.

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