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Training (technical Communication and training on specific areas: Fraud Prevention

At the beginning of 2020, a Learning Workshop on Fraud Risks was conducted for preventing fraud. The workshop was aimed at the population considered vulnerable to this type of event in the different countries where we operate. The workshop, which was carried out applying our case methodology, aimed to provide information regarding the definition of fraud, its types, possible causes and consequences, as well as detection and prevention. With this methodology, we practiced all the knowledge acquired and gave examples of the theory, putting our REIR values in practice.


Milestones 2020

We continue our good management to prevent corruption cases in all our Business Units.

Challenges 2021

Our trainings were made virtually due to the restrictions of COVID-19. Finance Division: Processes were made virtually to meet the requirements of the Bank Superintendence.

Finance and Real Estate

Development Units: Digitalizing reports in the face of Money Laundering or Other Assets and the Financing of Terrorism.

Advance in the implementation of the Prevention of Money Laundering or Other Assets and the Financing of Terrorism Policy developed in 2020.

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