3 minute read
ii. Organic growth, M&A and new business
(GRI EU6, EU8) T : Access to clean energy and efficient use T : Impact investments T :Resilient infrastructure T : Research and development For our company, development is crucial, as it allows to ensure long-term growth. We provide projects that guarantee quality and low cost energy, for users in the countries where we operate, as well as a future source of work for all our associates. The Energy Business Unit’s area of Development, Procurement and New Business aims to generate a ~3.300MW proposal for CMI. In this area of development we seek to increase the capacity of the company in searching for projects, whether they grow organically or through acquisitions, until their construction is completed and they start operating as soon as possible. This increases the value of the company, while satisfying the need for electricity in the markets where we work, through renewable energy, at an efficient cost. This allows us to achieve a high degree of satisfaction and reliability in the electrical system, for which we are based on sustainable development. The normal activities of the company continue growing through organic development. This is achieved by identifying renewable energy generation projects from early stages; identifying sites, owners, permits and the initial studies of the local energy sales market until financing and construction is completed; and is later transferred to the operations area. The projects that are under development and that have been worked as organic growth during the year 2019 are distributed as shown in the following illustration and are due to be implemented, shortly, the solar project Mata de Palma in the Dominican Republic, and two additional ones in Guatemala (a solar and a wind farm). Solar Plant Choluteca, Honduras
Wind Plant Orosí, Costa Rica
(GRI EU6, EU8) (SDG 7) T : Access to clean energy and efficient use T : Impact investments T :Resilient infrastructure T : Research and development
The Mata de Palma generation plant is a solar photovoltaic project under construction during 2019, by BAS Corporation. It is located in San Antonio de Guerra, Dominican Republic. An estimated annual generation of approximately 105,400 MWh is estimated with a potential to serve 52 thousand homes and create 100 jobs in the area of influence. The social commitment includes medical examinations for its neighbors. The acquisition of this project allows the Energy Business Unit to enter the Caribbean market, where it was not operating, taking advantage of the high reputation and penetration of the CMI Foods Business Group in the Dominican market.
With the implementation of the Wind Project in Panama, CMI is supporting more than 10 land owners to formalize their properties, a process that has involved the participation of government entities such as the Ministry of the Environment, the Land Administration and the municipalities. Some of them have been allowed to have their registered title of ownership, guaranteeing their possession and legal property of the land. To undermine the risk of invasions, the project has legal certainty on the land where it will be installed.
There are also about seven solar and wind projects, which are in process and will be implemented in the medium term. These projects are located in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama.