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ii ORGANIC GROWTH, M&A AND NEW BUSINESSES (GRI EU6, EU8) T : Access to clean energy and efficient use T : Impact investments T :Resilient infrastructure T : Research and development For our company, development is crucial, as it allows to ensure long-term growth. We provide projects that guarantee quality and low cost energy, for users in the countries where we operate, as well as a future source of work for all our associates. The Energy Business Unit’s area of Development, Procurement and New Business aims to generate a ~3.300MW proposal for CMI. In this area of development we seek to increase the capacity of the company in searching for projects, whether they grow organically or through acquisitions, until their construction is completed and they start operating as soon as possible. This increases the value of the company, while satisfying the need for electricity in the markets where we work, through renewable energy, at an efficient cost. This allows us to achieve a high degree of satisfaction and reliability in the electrical system, for which we are based on sustainable development.
Solar Plant Choluteca, Honduras
The normal activities of the company continue growing through organic development. This is achieved by identifying renewable energy generation projects from early stages; identifying sites, owners, permits and the initial studies of the local energy sales market until financing and construction is completed; and is later transferred to the operations area. The projects that are under development and that have been worked as organic growth during the year 2019 are distributed as shown in the following illustration and are due to be implemented, shortly, the solar project Mata de Palma in the Dominican Republic, and two additional ones in Guatemala (a solar and a wind farm).
“To be a leader in integral solutions for the use of electricity necessary for our Central America and Caribbean customers, guaranteeing a reliable energy supply, with focus on renewable generation and the highest standards of quality of service.”
Wind Plant Orosí, Costa Rica