3 minute read
5.2 Real estate development Business Unit
Pradera Shopping Mall in Chimaltenango, Guatemala
(GRI 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7) (SDGs 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 8.8) T: Occupational health and safety
Our OHS system strictly complies with the governing regulations. It allows us to identify critical risks in the activities carried out by personnel in order to establish control strategies to ensure a safe working environment and prevent occupational accidents or illnesses. Its scope reaches all our activities, and all staff (own or external), without exemptions. In addition, we are subject to internal and external audits, as well as supervision by the relevant government authority. Our policy is to ensure the well-being of our associates by providing them with the right conditions for their work. Mechanisms were established to minimize the hazards and risks inherent in our activity in each of the different projects and operations, ensuring our safety and health to avoid any damage that might occur as a result of a work activity. To this end, we promoted a culture of occupational risk prevention and a management system that allowed us to prevent various risks, in accordance with the valid regulations. This is reinforced by the procedures, instructions and different actions that are being taken. We have established a number of security protocols in our commercial and corporate centers due to the massive interaction we have with customers and the general public. For this, we have an efficient response plan for an emergency, natural disaster or risk situation. Significant hazards and risks are detailed in the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Matrix (IPERC), through which we execute control plans, in line with a hazard identification procedure. Also, our team has general good practice general guidelines, in which we identify safe jobs and keep the periodic risk assessment up-to-date. Through this type of controls, we seek to increase the level of protection for the safety and health of our workers. In our evaluation process we consider the following reports: • Finding report • Incident report • Preliminary accident report • Final accident report We identify the causes of the events and establish and implement the necessary measures to prevent them from happening again.
(GRI 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7) (SDG 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 8.8)
In line with our good practices, before starting work on any of our projects, every contractor must submit his Occupational Safety and Health Plan (OHS), which must include all the safety measures that will be taken during construction. It must also have OHS monitors, trained in the aspects required for the position, according to Article 302 of the Ministry of Labor’s (MINTRAB) Occupational Safety and Health Regulations. As is mentioned in our Supplier Occupational Safety and Health Manual: “In case of medical care coverage for work accidents, before entering our facilities all third-party personnel must be registered with the Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS), they also must have an insurance policy covering accidental death.” Contractors’ OHS trainings should be targeted at workers and provide basic knowledge on this subject, starting with elementary first aid and preventive issues. In our case, according to our training matrix, courses are assigned depending on the risks, in addition to other factors such as changing jobs, reinforcing an issue due to its high frequency by type of accident, among others. We have a wellness program, focused on health activities in general, such as promoting nutrition, promoting preventive checks-ups, ophthalmological and dental medical days and massage campaigns, among others. With these activities, we complement occupational health and wellness management because we measure the impact of chemical, physical and ergonomic risk agents through the annual occupational monitoring. , We meet a specific program through the indicators. Our real estate complexes operate in compliance with the regulations and standards in force in the field, which are executed under a Health and Safety System at Work, thus the integrity and health of all the people who work in our company is protected: • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (Government Agreement 229-2014, and its reform 33-2016) • General Regulations on Sanitation and Safety at Work • IGSS Guidelines • Manual for the Organization and operations of bipartite committees on Occupational Health and Safety (Ministerial Agreement 23-2017) • Labor Code and its Specific Amendments (Governmental Agreement 7-2017) • Standard for Disaster Reduction - NRD2 by CONRED
Occupational Health and Safety Committees
(GRI 403-4) (SDGs 8.8, 16.7) T: Occupational Health and Safety Aligned with current legislation and our corporate policy, each project has a Health and Safety Committee in which we prepare, review,