Commission Discussion 101 Ricardo Louis L. Flores March 2011
Commission Discussion (CD) is viewed as the heart of the convention it is the venue where the theme is discussed. The CD also plays a huge role in CMLI leadership skills and talent development of the youth. It is aimed at tackling national issues in the hopes of arriving at collective action in the local chapters of CMLI through the delegates. CDs utilize the style of popular education (Pop-Ed) to yield output from the participants. Pop-Ed as a method of teaching utilizes elements of pop culture to better connect with the learners because it is something they experience on a daily basis, it also breaks away from the standard method of a lecturer and class and instead focuses of kinesthetic activities, role playing, games and the like. Another major element of Pop-Ed is it that it places premium on the participants’ condition, status among other considerations in formulating its curriculum hence, it must be contextualized in a level they can concretely understand and appreciate. What is unique in the CMLI way of educating the youth for positive social action is that the relationship between the participants (delegates) and the facilitators (Junior Council). Facilitators do not emulate the conventional teacher-student relationship wherein the knowledge is generated and passed on from the educator and student instead; the facilitators view the participants as knowledgeable about the topics but need guidance insofar as bringing the answers out in the open for the whole group’s appreciation and will learn something from them as well. The CMLI way of educating requires stringent training and months, even years of practice to master. Once mastered the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in this process can be applied in almost all aspects of life.
Profile of the Participants The participants will be the CMLI Junior Council National Executive Board of 2011 (NEB). The group consists of high school and incoming college freshmen from all over the Philippines. The age range is assumed to be 16 to 18 years old. It is also expected that the participants have above average comprehension and have some existing knowledge about the Commission Discussions having been participants in CMLI conventions as well as being former officers of the Junior Council Regional Executive Board (REB)
Training Objectives To be able to educate the JC-NEB officers about the basics of Commission Discussions specifically in the aspects of: a) Philosophy of the Commission Discussion and its relevance to CMLI b) The Elements of the CD c) Curriculum Development: methods, handles and processes.
Session 1 Leveling-Off –Duration • Casual Conversation- 15 minutes Expected learning output • Key Discussion Points that the participants expect to be discussed. • Concerns about the process • Other needs of the NEB in relation to the CD Manual
Materials 1.) None
Procedure Before the official start of the training, the facilitators will ask the participants to transfer to the garage to prepare for the start. The facilitators will just ask what they expect to learn from the day and other concerns they may have.
Session 2 What is the CD –Duration • Lecture-Discussion
Expected learning output • Key principles about the CMLI Educational Approach: o Popular Education o Expectations for every CD o Key roles of facilitators Materials 1. Whiteboard marker 2. Whiteboard 3. Manila paper Procedure
Facilitator will discuss the following key items • Why CD is the heart of the convention. o Social relevant individual o Empowerment o Education o Participation o Leadership and talent development of the youth • Popular Education o Context-specific o Collective learning o Outside the classroom o Self-expression o Network building o Enjoyable o Memorable o Repeatable
• CMLI’s expectation o Concrete Collective action o Socially relevant outcomes o Learning-rich Session 3 Parts of the CD Manual –Duration • Lecture-Discussion Expected learning output • To know the parts of the CD Manual. o Participants should be able to identify and parts of the CD Manual and the significance of each. Materials 4. Whiteboard marker 5. Whiteboard 6. Manila paper Procedure Facilitator will discuss the following key items: Abstract • Context • Values • Scope and limitations Participant’s Profile • Who, what, when, where
• TNA • Value of the Participant’s profile Training Objectives • General and Specific CD Manual Outline • Schedule, Topic, Method, Expected Learning Output, Resources Needed and person/s in charge. Session Guide • Activity Name • Expected Learning output • Materials • Procedure/Mechanics • Processing Guide
Session 4 Creating the CD Manual - 2.5 hours • Lecture-Discussion Expected learning output • To know the parts of the CD Manual. o Participants should be able to identify and parts of the CD Manual and the significance of each. Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Whiteboard marker Whiteboard Manila paper Meta cards Markers for NEB
6. Masking tape Procedure Problem Tree 1. Facilitator will divide the NEB into two or three groups. 2. Each group will have one facilitator 3. The group will then be instructed by the facilitator to create a problem tree. *See attachment Hash tagging 1. Based on the cause-effect analysis in the problem tree, the group will then cluster the items on the tree based on their own standards. 2. The items will be placed under a particular #hashtag. Creating the Abstract 1. After classifying the items, the group will create an abstract containing the who, what, when, where, and why of the issue. 2. The group will then provide the values of a CMLIer in response to the output. (This may be adjusted depending on the outcome) Objective-setting 1. Based on the results of the three previous activities, the group will then set the objectives of their CD. *note that the objectives should both be general and specific and should satisfy the SMART-ASS standard. CD Outline 1. Based on the objectives the group will then determine a reasonable clustering or grouping of the objectives based on the CD schedule. 2. Each CD may have multiple objectives as long as it does not compromise the quality of discussion and remains coherent. 3. The group, with the help of the facilitators will then create their own CD outline with the following items: o o o o
Activity Name Expected Learning output Materials Procedure/Mechanics
Note: This may be a trial and error activity but facilitators should be critical in analyzing their output to limit future misnomers about CD manual making.
Session 5: Evaluation and Synthesis – 30 minutes
Materials Scratch paper Pens Expected output: Learning of the group and their comments about the training Procedure The CD head will then be asked to report his/her learning in behalf of the group. (This is to determine the acquired knowledge of the person in charge) Documentors will then be asked to synthesize the activities that transpired and the participants will be asked to write down their responses to the following questions: What I understood About Session X, What I did not understand about Session X What need Clarification in Session X, Other comments: NEB will be reminded that this is also an exercise about being critical, objective and professional. They must write down what they feel.