Children’s Museum and Library (Inc.) VMOS and Core Values Workshop January 22, 2012
Proposed Vision CMLI envisions to produce morally upright student-leaders imbued with values and attitudes and are equipped with skills relevant to the demands of the advancing Philippine society.
Mission To discover the youth’s talents and motivate them into further honing their gifts; develop critical Thinking and creativity at the earliest possible stage; foster national and international friendship, fellowship and the spirit of joy and giving; and train the young to be good citizens and responsible leaders, and inculcate love of country, respect for its ideals, traditions and environment towards the attainment of Filipino nationhood.
CMLI is committed to empower the Filipino youth to be catalysts of relevant change in their school, community and the country through leadership training, values formation education and talent development.
Objectives None specified but I think the closest we have is the four point program:
1. Leadership Training and Values Formation 2. Talent Development in the Visual and Literary Arts 3. International Friendship and Education Exchange 4. Museum and Parks Project
1. Provide avenues to discover, develop and motivate the Filipino youth into further honing their talents, critical thinking, creativity and leadership potentials. 2. Train and inculcate love of country, respect for its ideals, culture, traditions and environment towards the attainment of Filipino nationhood. 3. Foster national friendship and camaraderie among its members, schools and organizations.
Children’s Museum and Library (Inc.) VMOS and Core Values Workshop January 22, 2012 Â
Core Values Committed to valuing and caring for the conditions of others and empowering them to respond to their needs by creating a culture of accountability and integrity. Multi-talented and constantly seek lifelong development of existing talents as well as the discovery of new ones. Loving - of God, the nation and others through the promotion unity and loyalty. Innovative in finding and sharing ways to promote social responsibility as citizens of the nation and the world None
When put in paragraph mode: CMLIers value and care for the conditions of others and are committed to empower them to respond to their needs and seek to create a culture of accountability and integrity where lifelong development of existing talents as well as the discovery of new ones can take place. Central to this development is the love of God, the nation and others, the promotion of unity and innovative in finding and sharing ways to promote social responsibility as citizens of the nation and the world. *This is still subject to revisions pending the results of the Junior Council Identity Research due on February 2012
Children’s Museum and Library (Inc.) VMOS and Core Values Workshop January 22, 2012
Based on the newly proposed VMOS and Core Values the group made a list of existing activities and where they “connect” Objective
1. Provide avenues to discover, develop and motivate the Filipino youth into further honing their talents, critical thinking, creativity and leadership potentials.
2. Train and inculcate love of country, respect for its ideals, culture, traditions and environment towards the attainment of Filipino nationhood.
Strategy 1. CAYAW 2. Conventions a. (CFE/X) b. CDs c. Workshops d. Litmus e. Sportsfest f. Socials
1. CAYAW 2. Conventions a. (CFE/X) b. CDs c. Workshops d. Litmus e. Sportsfest f. Socials 3. Commission discussions 4. Voices in Harmony
3. Voices in Harmony 4. Sigabo 5. Debate Tournament 6. JC training program 7. Staffer Search 8. Electoral Process Museum and Parks Project
5. Sigabo 6. Debate Tournament 7. AA Trainings 8. Lakbay-Aral
Children’s Museum and Library (Inc.) VMOS and Core Values Workshop January 22, 2012
3. Foster national friendship and camaraderie among its members, schools and organizations.
1. Conventions 2. CFE/X 3. Sigabo 4. Debate 5. Teachers’ Seminars 6. Voices in Harmony 7. Social responsibility
Below is the list of drafters
For the NEB 2012
Mr. Jason John E. Sevilla President
Mr. Alfred S. Transfiguracio Vice-President
Mr. Kevin Ford Phillip V. Kho Asst. Secretary
For the Secretariat
Mr. Willie R. Ferrer AP for Supervision and Administration
For the TAAPI Mr. Roel R. Villamor President
Dr. Diosa N. Morong Secretary Mrs. Felicisima C. Garcia Finance Officer Ms. Roselyn F. Abancia Asst. Secretary
For the JCAA
Mr. John Glenn C. Agbayani President
Mr. Ricardo Louis L. Flores Internal Training Department Head