Cement eclipses

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Cement eclypses the human being becomes part of the urban furniture. Project in progress since 2006.

The use of the cement in the construction field has become a track that betrays us against the nature. In Spain 54.2 million tons of cement were demanded in 2007. The construction boom, hugely devastated the seaboard as well as the interior of the country converting to the ground in a kind of board game, where many businessmen speculated on the value of the land. It is curious the parallelism that exists among the destructive capacity of the termites devouring cellulose and our activity that destroy the nature in order to expand our cities. The nests of the termites can possess enormous dimensions, of various meters of height and several tons of weight. Our pheromone has handled as construction material cement. These tiny figures of cement are the representation of a species of metamorphosis in which the human Being abandons his role as a citizen to be adhered to the city in which becomes part of the urban furniture and in this way confirms its voluntary isolation from nature mimic with the sidewalks, the streets, the walls, etc. This work has been in progress since 2006 under the title “Cement eclipses� in which present us with figures of small dimensions made with cement and semidetached by an adhesive material to any surface. The duration of the figure detached to the surface, it just depends on its own luck in the urban jungle. Usually, by the next day there is just two or three out there left. This can be compared to the graffiti that can be found in the same space, and also shares the same fate of being erased, painted over, and so on. Perhaps the next place that this particular work can be discovered is on the shelf of the person who found them or the figures’ fate would finally be to be converted in part of the urban rubbles.

Cement eclipses. Images taken of an urban installation in Vigo, Galicia. Spain. August 2008.

Cement eclypses the human Being become part of the urban furniture. Vigo, Galicia. Spain. August 2008. The figures are of small dimensions (25 cm.) they are made with cement and duplicates through molds of silicone. The figures represent routine scenes, a purchase, a phone call, a long wait, etc. Scenes that contemplate puzzled the demolition and the reconstruction of everything that surrounds us. The cement is one of the materials that more betrays us in our relation with the environment that surrounds us. Is the footprint of the human Being in the nature scene, our more recognizable trace. A mark that make us to believe that nature is “that� that we see from a city to another. In the case Galicia (Spain), the place where I come from, the coast that is converted in the endless flat city. One of the points of reference to carry out these small figures were based on those stunning images of the attacks of the 11S in which many of the survivors for a moment became part of the furniture, filled with dust and surrounded by debris.

You can watch a video at the following link: http://www.isaac.alg-a.org/spip.php?article48

Cement eclipses. Images taken of an urban installation in Vigo, Galicia. Spain. January 2008.

Cement eclypses: the human Being become part of the urban furniture. It is night. A hand without a body placed small figures of cement in the parterres of flowers in the empty sidewalks, at the foot of a red light. The municipal employees of the cleaning, some kleptomaniac observer or a simple pedestrian that has encountered them and has determined to adopt them. Then the places appear where before rested the miniatures of reinforced concrete. They are empty. The images appear with the smooth melody of the sad verses. 16.03.08 - ANTONIO JAVIER LĂ“PEZ - Sur.es http://www.diariosur.es/20080316/cultura/pequenasfiguras-cemento-20080316.html

Cement eclypses the human Being become part of the urban furniture. BERLIN. Germany. Small urban intervention made in the wall of Berlin in February of the 2009 continuing with the series of Cement eclypses.

Cement eclypses the human Being become part of the urban furniture. London. UK. In London I have begun to intervene the stop bus with my small cement figures attached to the roof. This site seems me very interesting as users of the bus can see the pieces in their journey and its durability is the longest since they are less accessible for people and for the cleaning services. Gradually, the figures are disguised as part of the furniture.

Cement eclipses series. Climate change expedition. Urban Installation. Hackney. London. April 2009.

Cement eclipses series. Sleepwalker. Urban Installation. Hackney. London. April 2009.

Cement eclipses series. Outdoors. Urban Installation. Hackney. London. May 2009.

Cement eclipses series. Landscape. Installation. Dalston studio. London. May 2009.

Cement eclipses series. Crucifixion. SouthBank, London. April 2009.

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