2 minute read
Economic Recovery

Laguna niguel


e City of Laguna Niguel remains fully committed to continuing its role as a valuable resource to all local businesses. e Laguna Niguel City Council has supported and will continue to support innovative business-friendly ideas that help the incredible business community to not only recover from a challenging economic environment, but to thrive.

A primary goal in 2021 is to commit resources that maintain a keen focus on the City’s economic recovery. Th is focus will ensure a more resilient future for all residents and businesses. When a local economy thrives, a community thrives!
Th e Laguna Niguel City Council has been steadfast in helping to minimize the negative impacts that the pandemic has had on residents and local businesses. Th e City remains committed to eff ectively responding to the pandemic by ensuring that the Laguna Niguel business community is provided with the necessary resources.
Th e reorganization of City staff in order to launch the “Economic Recovery Team” is a perfect example of an eff ective action taken by the City to assist businesses. Th e “Economic Recovery Team” and the Chamber have been responsible for helping to guide local businesses through local, state, and federal loan and grant programs. Th e team has also enhanced individual business marketing capabilities through the use of video and social media and has assisted businesses with state guideline compliance. Additionally, the “Economic Recovery Team” has continued to publish weekly e-newsletters that serve as a useful tool and resource that provides accurate, timely and informative updates that directly pertain to and impact the Laguna Niguel business community.
Th e City is also proud to have been a catalyst to promote and assist with the County’s Business Grant Program which to date has provided more than 170 Laguna Niguel businesses with a total of nearly $2 Million in funding, with more funding likely. Staff continues to monitor all business grant opportunities and will make that information available to the local business community as it becomes available.
In order to further build upon the City’s eff orts to help local businesses, an Economic Recovery/COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee was established by the City Council to ensure that economic
The reorganization of City sta in order to launch the “Economic Recovery Team” is a perfect example of an e ective action taken by the City to assist businesses.