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Community Spotlight
In a community filled with people and organizations who contribute to our collective splendor and lifestyle, these notable individuals have distinguished themselves through their excellence.
Inspirations Interior Design, Inc.
Welcome to a new era! Not quite completely post-COVID, but opening up slowly – and looking forward to further progress! Construction is still very strong, and if you are hoping to remodel or build at all this year, it is time to get started!
How I help Contractors:
by providing leadership on projects. Supplying clear direction, client decisions, design expectations, what’s important to clients, their goals, and how to meet the client’s needs. I save time by interfacing with the client, and providing specifications, helping to resolve problems during construction and getting to the solution.
How I help
Homeowners: by providing peace of mind and concierge service. Clients have the benefit of Inspirations Interior Design on their team. We create the vision for their goals, and introduce them to new concepts. With experience and expertise to keep quality levels high in design, products, and construction, an exceptional outcome is guaranteed. Every client has a different style, different household, different needs – those differences are respected, honored, and celebrated in our design work.
The difference between a designer and a decorator:
Professional training and qualifications, proper education to maintain professional standing and credentials. A designer is responsible for the healthiness & safety of a specified environment. Interior design is the art & science of understanding people’s behavior to create functional spaces. In short, designers may decorate, but decorators do not design.
Working with Inspirations Interior Design, Inc., results in quality design and construction for superior results. Live your life by design, not by default!
www.inspirationsid.com • (949) 388-7362

Laguna Niguel Mayor
Anyone who knows Laguna Niguel Mayor Fred Minagar will tell you he is a builder. He has spent his professional career as a civil engineer who has earned a national reputation – but there is much more to our City’s highest-ranking elected offi cial.
The Mayor doesn’t just know how to build roads and guide development. He is a consensus builder as well, and he has built a solid base of loyal supporters because he knows how to listen and then take action accordingly.
The Mayor and his wife Julie moved to Orange County from New York City in 1989 and have been residents of Laguna Niguel for over 25 years. They have raised their two children in Laguna Niguel to be very active members of their local community and schools.
In 1993 he launched his private engineering and planning consulting fi rm, Minagar & Associates, Inc., building it from a start-up consultancy to a nationallyrecognized fi rm.
It’s easy to see where the Mayor’s passions and dedication lie. He is dedicated to his family, and he will tell you that every decision he makes as an elected offi cial and as a professional engineer takes into account what is best for his family, his neighbors and the Laguna Niguel community.
Mayor Minagar has served the City of Laguna Niguel for nearly three decades. Following years of volunteer service applying his engineering sensibilities to the Laguna Niguel community on the City’s Planning Commission and Traffi c & Transportation Commission, he was elected to the Laguna Niguel City Council in November 2014 and re-elected in 2018. He was selected to serve as Mayor Pro Tem in 2016 and 2019 and served as Mayor in 2017. Then in December 2020, Fred was selected by his City Council colleagues to serve as our Mayor for the 2021 term.
His City Council colleagues recognized his dedication when they elected him Mayor, and he is grateful for their support and faith in him. When he was selected, Mayor Minagar said, “I want to thank my colleagues on the City Council for expressing their confi dence in me to serve as our beautiful City’s Mayor.” The Mayor is proud to have energetically supported the movement to defeat the proposal to build the controversial El Toro Airport, playing a leadership role with grass-roots organizations and other like-minded activists against the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority and fought for a ballot measure that protected Laguna Niguel and nearby communities from untold noise and air pollution.
More recently as a member of the City Council, the Mayor has remained a strong advocate for fi scal responsibility and for assuring community safety through a strong partnership with Laguna Niguel’s public safety partners. He touts the fact that the City has been named one of California’s ten safest cities for multiple years, and the effi ciency of Laguna Niguel’s local municipal governance.
The Laguna Niguel business community knows that we have an ally in Mayor Minagar, who has pushed to develop and maintain the City’s business-friendly policies.
With a national professional reputation , Laguna Niguel is fortunate that Mayor Fred Minagar considers this community his home.
www.cityofl agunaniguel.org • (949) 362-4315