Malibu The Guide 2013

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Malibu, what’s your style?

table of

Contents 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., Ste. 105 Malibu, California 90265 (310) 456-9025 F: (310) 456-0195






©World Team Now •

features 6

Welcome to Malibu Malibu is a thriving community by the sea renowned for its culture of surf, sand, sun, and Hollywood Stars.


Explore Our Community Malibu is a place to see and a place to play. It’s a place where old memories are kept - and new ones are always being made


Visiting Malibu What to See & Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Shop the Bu! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Malibu Wine Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Getaway for the Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Malibu Facts at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Accommodations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Community Resources Malibu Business Resources . . . . . . Socially Conscious Investing . . . . City of Malibu & State Government Malibu Community Resources . . . . Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

.40 .41 .42 .43 .46 .48

The Chamber of Commerce Chairwoman’s Message & Programs & Benefits . . . Business Directory . . . . . Member Index . . . . . . . Advertisers Index . . . . .



Board of Directors . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

About the Cover Point Dume/Westward Beach in Malibu is the backdrop for Daniel Scott Johnson, Merrill Lynch - Financial Advisor to throw the board in the back of the Bentley and enjoy the surf. Surfboard provided by Zuma Jay Surfboards in Malibu. Bentley provided by O'Gara Coach Westlake in Thousand Oaks. Cover photo by: Stephen Morales Photography, Contributing Writers Jim Farber, Mary Noe

Contributing Photographers

World Team Now Susan Manners Malibu Country Mart AB-Studios Maureen Haldeman Stephen Udoff

Sales Coaching & Project Management by

CHAMBER MARKETING PARTNERS Generating substantial non-dues revenues for chambers through in-house publishing. (800) 428-1798 x101

Design & Layout Chris Picknally

This entire publication and its contents are ©2013 Malibu Chamber of Commerce, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission from the Malibu Chamber of Commerce is prohibited. Information in this directory is gathered from various sources and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. The Malibu Chamber of Commerce assumes no responsibility for omissions, errors or misinformation. Please contact the Chamber at the address above with any additions or corrections.

from the Hello Friends and Members!

Chair woman

As your Chairwoman of the Board for 2013, I am committed to getting back to basics in our business community and positioning our Chamber to be one of the most sought after memberships in Los Angeles. Simply put, our Chamber is all about relationships. Your Board of Directors has been appointed to strengthen our business family and we will focus our movement into 3 areas: 1. Finding the Perfect Relationships 2. Events and Educational Programs 3. Strengthening our Membership

Relationships are built by placing the right people in the same room, getting to understand each other, and forming mutually beneficial partnerships. We do this through our current networking and social events that get people talking. Our legendary events keep members active and thinking about new opportunities. The Malibu Arts Festival, Taste of Malibu, and the Malibu Golf Tournament are just a few that have proven to be eagerly anticipated annual events. To stay relevant, we all need to stay educated on the current business climate. Change is going to happen and this makes preparation essential. To stay up to date, we need to go “back to school”. Our monthly Masters Program will bring the best of the best in their fields to our members for a series of workshops. Some of these topics will include social media, online marketing, and even social and personal topics like college admissions preparation and estate planning. Our membership is about joining together and supporting all business. An increased membership base leads to more traction for programs and events. This enables a greater impact on a local and State level. Let’s strive to make our Chamber’s membership more diversified and stronger than ever. There are so many businesses that can contribute to our Chamber family and benefit from Chamber programs. I want all of you to look at your Chamber Membership as an agency that will assist you in marketing and strengthening your brand. The Malibu Chamber of Commerce works every day to make our community a place where business can grow and prosper and where people want to raise their families. As the voice of all business since 1948, our Chamber envisions you working in rewarding careers and thriving businesses. We work tirelessly to make Malibu a place where we work, shop and play together. Yours,

2013 Executive Officers Chairwoman of the Board Beth Pearcey-Neal Malibu Golf Club Past Chair 2012 Don Schmitz Schmitz & Associates, Inc.

Vice Chair Community Relations Rod Bergen Quest Electric - Solar West Vice Chair Membership Christine Hameline RE/MAX™ ELITE in Malibu

Vice Chair Business Development Stu McNelis Koss Financial / Malibu Country Mart Vice Chair of Finance Rea Miller R. Frank Miller, CPA

2013 Board of Directors

Dr. Lisa Benya Malibu Medical & Cure Spas

Christine Carter-Conway The Malibu Minute & Malibu Community News

Tiffany Fruits Pepperdine University Roger Gronwald HRL Laboratories, LLC

John Johannessen Johannessen Construction Co.

Daniel Scott Johnson Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch

Sophie Kidian Seabreaze Estates Realty Taylor Kruse Pepperdine University Beth Mohiuddin Beth Travel Advisor

David Reznick Malibu Bay Company

2013 Honorary Director

Captain Todd Watkins United States Navy, Deputy Commodore, Airborne Command Control & Logistics Wing

Chamber Staff Beth Pearcey Neal 2013 Chairwoman, Malibu Chamber of Commerce Director of Sales and Marketing for the Malibu Golf Club


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Mark Persson, Executive Director

Rhea Rogers, Office Administrator

Samantha Chapman, Administrative Assistant


42 years • July 27-28, 2013


he Malibu Arts Festival

Alongside the artists,

promises to offer something

members of the Chamber of

to everyone. 42 years of

Commerce share and

incredible high-end art,

promote their businesses in

42 years of beauty,

the Chamber Village section.

42 years of a wonderful

The Arts Festival also

event-known world-wide!

includes an entertainment

Produced by the Malibu

stage where original

Chamber of Commerce, the

musicians perform each day,

two-day weekend event will

a children’s workshop where

take place July 27-28, from

kids work with artists to create

10 am to 6 pm, in front of

their own art, and a food

the Malibu Civic Center.

truck terrace featuring

The Optimist Club of Malibu

exciting menu items with

will be serving a pancake

incredible cuisine.

breakfast at the site from

The Malibu Chamber

8 am to 11 am.

invites everyone to be a part

Considered “one of the

of this weekend-long event.

most beautiful outdoor art

Festival admission is free, so

festivals in the nation,” the

bring the whole family for a

Malibu Arts Festival features over 200 award-winning

day of fine art, rockin’ music, and great food! The Malibu

painters, sculptors, photographers, jewelers and other unique

Arts Festival is held at Malibu Civic Center, 23555 Civic

artisans. Festival goers can visit with the artists under

Center Way between Cross Creek and Webb Way off Pacific

individual gleaming white tents and learn about the creation

Coast Highway 1 in beautiful Malibu. There is limited free

of art in every genre.

parking and a $10 lot located adjacent to the festival.

For more information, go to or call the Malibu Chamber of Commerce at (310) 456-9025.


the Chamber of Commerce welcomes you.


hen Malibu’s first overseas tourist arrived

in 1542, Juan Cabrillo must have been impressed by the beauty of the scene he beheld: the graceful roll of the waves, the glimmering white sand beaches, the call of thousands of sea birds in the peaceful lagoon, all framed by the steeply rising mountain peaks beyond. Today, 471 years later, Cabrillo would be pleased to know that the picturesque spot he discovered went on to become one of the most desirable tourist destinations in the world – a

culture of surf, sand, sun, and Hollywood Stars.


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

©World Team Now •

thriving community by the sea renowned for its


the Malibu hamber of Commerce is here for you.


Photo by Susan Manners

“We want to always be in touch and approachable,” says Malibu Chamber of Commerce Board President elect, Beth Pearcey Neal. “We want the Chamber to be the place where

builds real personal relationships.

businesses and residents can come

of the Mailbu Chamber of Commerce

People live here. Their children go to

together to form mutually beneficial

points out, ‘For years people have been

school here, and they shop here,

partnerships based on relationship

seduced by the name, Malibu.’ Movies

whether it’s for a bottle of wine from one

building, communication and

and television shows have been made

of our 50 local wineries or to take

problem solving”.

about it. There’s a car named after it.

advantage of Malibu’s spectacular

s Mark Persson, Executive Director

The fact is there’s a lot more to

There’s even a Barbie doll named after

landscape and more than 400

Malibu than learning how to shoot the

it! But what people may not realize is


curl, stuff a wild bikini, or visit the spot

that Malibu is also a community, and

Founded in 1948 with a charter

where Jim Rockford (James Garner)

true Malibuites celebrate their town. They

membership of 12 local businesses, the

parked his trailer. Certainly the city is

know what a wonderful place this is to

Malibu Chamber of Commerce, Persson

renowned for its 27 miles of beaches

live in and raise their families – not in an

says proudly, has grown into a dynamic

and its world famous Colony, but it is

entitled, exclusive way, but in a way that

organization with a growing membership.

also a district that reaches all the way to


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

“The Chamber is an organization that brings together groups, businesses, and individuals who can all benefit from a personal sense of community.” Mark Persson, Executive Director, Malibu Chamber of Commerce

Arts Festival or the local high school musical. You can join committees and find detailed information about the times and locations of meetings. You can print out useful coupon offers, enjoy the benefits of Chamber membership, and discover the great advantages to be had by “Shopping the Bu.”

the San Fernando Valley and the Ventura

make the most of social media. ‘And to

County line.

do that, the Chamber is offering special

One of the projects the Chamber has in the works for 2013, says Persson,

“Master Programs”‘ — online seminars

is building a restaurant alliance that will

educational institutions in the country —

that can be participated in (for free) at

bring together chefs and owners with the

Pepperdine University. There are fine

our website:”

goal of offering special pre-fix menus for

Malibu is home to one of the best

“The website is very important,”

dining establishments such as Nobu,

lunch and dinner. The Chamber also

Geoffrey’s, and the Saddlepeak Lodge.

Persson says. “It offers residents,

plans to continue its “Twelve Days of

But there are also the myriads shopping

Chamber members, and potential visitors

Commerce” program (launched in

venues that are necessary to support any

to Malibu real-time information, whether

2012), which highlights local businesses

bustling community: the laundries,

it’s about the latest laws regarding

during the holiday season and makes

hardware stores, gas stations, realtors,

business or how to take a self-guided

special offers available to shoppers.

markets, etc. That’s the combination that makes Malibu a real community and not just the star of a hundred movies and TV shows. It’s also why the role played by the Malibu Chamber of Commerce is so important. “The Chamber is an organization that brings together groups, businesses, and individuals who can all benefit from explains. “The oldest form of business is people talking to one another. If you are a businessperson who is great at what you do, but you don’t know how to take your business to the next level, the Chamber is here to help. That’s our job, to provide information and form

©World Team Now •

a personal sense of community,” Persson

connections.” Education, Neal says, also plays

tour of our ever-expanding Wine Trail.

“We’re also always open to taking

an important part in the Chamber’s

Our goal is to be the best possible

suggestions from members on how we


resource organization for businesses,

can better serve the community,” says

residents, and visitors.”

Persson. “At the Malibu Chamber of

“We want to help individuals and businesses take full advantage of the

On the Malibu Chamber of

Commerce, it’s all about building

advances that are occurring in

Commerce website, Neal points out,

relationships— virtual relationships and

technology, whether it’s learning how to

you can always find event listings,

real personal relationships.”

maximize your website presence or

whether it’s about the city’s renowned




Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide


Members are offered a number of helpful business resources


• Legislative Advocacy/ Political Action: The chamber represents your business and fights for pro-business legislation on your behalf.

hrough publications, mixers, business

roundtables, events, committees, workshops, social networking, counseling, and outreach, we strive to promote our businesses while keeping

• Environmental Advocacy: Actively promotes ways to make Malibu ‘green’.

each and every member updated on what’s new, what’s unique, and what’s growing. Even if your business is located

we utilize and refer our members in

outside the Malibu area, Chamber

numerous communication outlets: phone,

membership can keep you informed

email, walk-ins, social media, press

about community issues which is

releases, mixers, and events. We strive

especially helpful if you conduct business

to spread the word and set the pace for

in this area.

our growing economy with every tool

In addition, the Chamber is committed to building solid partnerships

made available to us. As a member of the Malibu

with our member businesses, such as the

Chamber of Commerce, there are a

City of Malibu, Pepperdine University,

plethora of resources and tools available

and the Malibu School District. Our

to help you build your business, whether

advocacy spreads from the local to

you are a startup or seasoned business.

regional issues such as housing,

Some of these resources and tool include:

technology, the water board, planning, and transportation. As a valuable destination, the

• Publications: The annual Malibu Business Resource & Community Guide, Malibu Wine Trail, Malibu Community Guide, Shop the Bu coupons, Malibu Map, Newsflashes, and Newsletters are some of the Malibu Chamber publications to help market your business. Visit the virtual versions of these publications on • Malibu Chamber Committees: From business networking functions to signature community events, political action to marketing; we organize several committees to get involved in the Malibu community and build local business. • Malibu Chamber Conference Room: Looking for meeting space? Our conference room is available to rent for a much discounted rate to our members.

Chamber extends Malibu to the community with its very own “Visitor Center,” where our businesses are promoted to residents and visitors alike. With a wide variety of business services,

• Malibu Chamber Website Promotion: With our 10,000 hits a month, web banners of all sizes are available to promote your business.


• Malibu Chamber Promotional Tools: Labels, Email Blasts, and “Hot Sheets” are available for outreach to all of our members. Promote your business now!

©Malibu Chamber of Commerce

• Malibu Chamber Social Networking: Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn! Take advantage and utilize our networks for your own business building opportunities. • Free Malibu Chamber Office Brochure Space: Send us business cards, brochures, flyers, or postcards for your business, and we will include it in our member information section of the Chamber office. Left to Right: Roger Gronwald, Beth Pearcey-Neal, Christine Carter Conway, John Johannessen, Go to or contact the Malibu Chamber of Commerce office at (310) 456-9025 for a full list of member benefits!


Taylor Kruse, Stu McNelis, Christine Hameline, Tiffany Fruits, Rea Miller, Dr. Lisa Benya, Don Schmitz, Daniel Scott Johnson, David Reznick, Mayor Lou La Monte.

Core Competencies

Building a Strong Local Economy

The Malibu Chamber of Commerce

Promoting the Community

The Malibu Chamber promotes the

exchange ideas and referrals. The Chamber’s Malibu Networking

is dedicated to helping local companies

community by assisting businesses to

Breakfasts and Luncheons, and Malibu

grow their businesses by taking the lead

grow and develop, participating in

Sunset Networking Mixers provide

in programs to create a strong local

efforts to improve our quality of life, and

excellent networking opportunities in a


advocating our community as a great

relaxed, social environment.

The Chamber holds several events that directly impact the economic

place for people to live and do business. The Chamber hosts several events

progress of the city, such as the Annual

which bring the Malibu community closer

Malibu Arts Festival.

together and highlight our unique lifestyle.

Representing the Interests of Business to Government The Malibu Chamber works year-

Some of our events contributing to a

round on your behalf to ensure local and

strong “sense of community” are the

state elected officials are educated on

Veteran’s Day Celebration, Mayor’s State

the impact their decisions will have on

of the City breakfast, and ‘Taste of

our economy. We communicate our


concerns to legislation and the business

Providing Networking and

Advocate Newsletter, e-mail alerts, and

Business Development

editorials in local newspapers.

community through the Malibu Business

©Malibu Chamber of Commerce



The networking opportunities provided by the Malibu Chamber give

Engaging in Political Action The Malibu Chamber positions

members the chance to interact with

itself “in the heart” of politics by working

other business professionals and

with City Council members and taking

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

©Malibu Chamber of Commerce

County Supervisor, Zev Yaroslavsky, speaking at the 2012 Chamber’s State of the City conference.

positions on state and local ballot measures. It is the Chamber’s job to analyze the impact each issue will have on local businesses and to relay this information to our members and the community.

For more information about the many benefits of membership contact: MALIBU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 23805 Stuart Ranch Road, Suite 105 Malibu, CA 90265 Phone: (310) 456-9025 Fax: (310) 456-0195




Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide


Photo ©World Team Now •

alibu, California -

where Memories are Made. Malibu is a place like no other. The beauty of its beaches and inland flora and fauna, and the promise of warm, sunny days lure visitors year-round and make residents proud to live here. It is a place to see and a place to play. It’s a place where old memories are kept - and new ones are always being made.




well as several islands off the southern

is now part of Malibu Creek State Park

understand why Malibu has an

coast of California. They named it

and is situated between Malibu Lagoon

irresistible charm. Its rugged, rural beauty

“Humaliwo” or “the surf sounds loudly.”

State Beach and Surfrider Beach, beside

It doesn’t take a genius to

is unsurpassed and its wide, sandy

Spanish explorer Juan Cabrillo is

beaches captivate residents and visitors

believed to have moored at Malibu

alike with pristine ocean views. The

Lagoon, at the mouth of Malibu Creek,

the Malibu Pier that was originally built for the family yacht. In 1926, in an effort to avoid

Malibu Chamber of Commerce invites

selling land to stave off

you to explore Malibu, and we know

insolvency, Rhoda May

that once you’re here, you will see just

Rindge created a small

how special Malibu truly is.

ceramic tile factory. At its height, Malibu Potteries

Malibu is a closely-knit residential community characterized by its carefully

employed over 100

preserved rural atmosphere. Malibu’s

workers, and produced

combined incorporated and

decorative tiles which

unincorporated areas cover

furnish many Los Angeles-

approximately 45,000 acres, is 27

area public buildings and

miles long and one to eight miles wide.

Beverly Hills residences. Malibu Colony was

Within these boundaries are a variety of climates and terrain including beaches,

to obtain fresh water in 1542. The

one of the first areas inhabited after

mesas, and canyons that create a unique

Spanish presence returned with the

Malibu was opened to the public in

environment. The population is

California mission system, and the area

1929 and it is one of Malibu’s most

approximately 13,000.

was part of Rancho Topanga Malibu

famous districts. It is located south of

Sequit – a 13,000-acre land grant – in

Malibu Road and the Pacific Coast

There’s Much More to Malibu

1802. That ranch passed intact to

Highway, west of Malibu Lagoon State

than the City Itself

Frederick Hastings Rindge in 1891. He

Beach, and east of Malibu Bluffs Park

and his widow, Rhoda May Rindge,

(formerly a state park). Initially, May

guarded their privacy zealously by hiring

Rindge kept control of Malibu Beach,

the city itself - they’re talking about the

guards to evict all trespassers and

allowing a few wealthy Hollywood stars

beautiful coast, which encompasses 27

fighting a lengthy court battle to prevent

to build vacation homes. Nearly a

miles and all of the nature, history, and

the building of a Southern Pacific

decade later, money woes forced

recreational opportunities that go along

railroad line.

Rindge to sell the land, and the Colony

When people talk about Malibu, they’re often referring to much more than

with a visit here. As a visitor, here are a

Few roads even entered the area

was born. Long known as a popular

few things you’ll want to know about the

before 1929, when the state won

private enclave for wealthy celebrities,

Malibu area.

another court case and built what is now

the Malibu Colony today is a gated

known as the Pacific Coast Highway.

community, with multi-million dollar

By then, May Rindge was forced to

homes on small lots.

There’s History Everywhere History abounds in Malibu, which

subdivide her property and begin selling The Weather is Awesome

was originally settled by the Chumash,

and leasing lots. The Rindge house,

Native Americans, whose territory

known as the Adamson House

extended loosely from the San Joaquin

(a National Register of Historic Places

the weather here is bright and beautiful,

Valley to San Luis Obispo to Malibu, as

site and California Historical Landmark),

even when it’s cold outside. January-April


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

You’ll need your sunscreen because

Photo Š Malibu Country Mart

Photo by Susan Manners

weather averages in the 60’s, with

day and 56 degrees in the evening.

facilities. There are also plenty of

possible rain. However, May usually

Average daily highs top 70 degrees

lifeguards with watchful eyes on the

brings beauty in the daytime, (although

Fahrenheit from July through October,

waters, ensuring everyone’s safety.

we sometimes have ‘May Gray’) going

putting October as one of the best

into 40-50 degrees in the evening.

months to have a wedding outside in

The surroundings are beautiful & serene and it is nearly impossible not to

A sweatshirt or light jacket will usually

Malibu, (according to records of the

feel at peace when sitting in a beach

cover your needs. In June, residents call it

National Weather Service and the

chair, watching children play. The long

‘June Gloom,’ because of the normal fog

Malibu Chamber of Commerce).

waves of Surfrider Beach, adjacent to the Adamson’s House and Malibu

that rolls in & out throughout the month. June usually averages 66 degrees in the

The Beaches are Awesome too! The area’s beaches are large and

Lagoon, draw a steady beach and surfer crowd.

family-friendly with ample opportunities for surfing, kayaking, scuba diving and

Photo by Susan Manners

other recreational activities. The beaches


There’s Fun Here for Everybody Family fun is available in Malibu,

of Malibu are well regarded locally. For

from Malibu Pier fishing and whale

example, Zuma Beach is a pristine

watching boat rides, to volleyball on the

family-friendly beach with plenty of

beach. Check out our “Weekend

parking, beach cafes to purchase food

Getaways in Malibu” on page 33 to

at, and clean bathroom and shower

plan where you want to take the family

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

when you’re not lounging at one of the

Half Men. Fictional teen star Hannah

area’s many beaches.

Montana/Miley Stewart (portrayed by

You Might See Celebrities The Malibu is adjacent and west of Hollywood. Many celebrities call Malibu home, so we try to guard their privacy

Photo © Malibu Film Office

Miley Cyrus) and her father Robbie Ray Stewart (portrayed by Billy Ray Cyrus) live in Malibu on the Disney Channel

and let them enjoy this beautiful area they’ve chosen to reside in. Malibu has

Liberty from the famous

been used as a location or setting for

closing scene lay buried

many films, television programs, and

at the Southern end of

music videos. Surfrider Beach was home

Pirate’s Cove. The hero’s

to Gidget, and other surfing movies of

trailer in The Rockford

the 1960s. Charlie’s Angels beach

Files was parked by the

house was located in Malibu. The

Paradise Cove Pier. Love

residence can also be seen in the first

American Style and The

scene after the opening theme song of

Mod Squad are among

Beach Blanket Bingo. Important scenes

many TV series and

in the Planet of the Apes series were

commercials filmed in Paradise Cove. In

Original Series, Hannah Montana. There

the 2008 movie Iron Man, Tony Stark’s

have also been multiple ‘Music Videos’

home is located in Malibu. Malibu is

shot in Malibu.

filmed at Point Dume. For an entire summer during the filming, the scale replica of the Statue of

setting for the television series Two and a

Sheraton is where people gather. Mark the occasion together with special event offers, group rates, excellent cuisine and superior service at the Sheraton Agoura Hills. Speak with our Sales department today to help you with your special event at 818-707-1220 or e-mail at

30100 Agoura Road Agoura Hills, CA 91301


Photo Š World Team Now

Photo by Susan Manners


Recreation Malibu is the perfect place to get

away from it all and relax! Whether you prefer unwinding on our beautiful beaches, strolling around our various shopping centers, or hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains, there are several things to do and see in Malibu. From art galleries and museums to ocean excursions and scuba diving, you are sure to have an unforgettable time during your stay.



Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

State Parkland California State Parkland carpets the hills behind Malibu and provides extensive horseback-riding, hiking, running, and mountain-biking options, affording many different views of the can see Catalina Island (25 miles across the sea), Anacapa Islands, and the Channel Islands on a clear day. There are many points of access to the Backbone Trail System scattered

Photo © J. Paul Getty Museum

Santa Monica Mountains, where you

throughout the local canyons, as well as a variety of smaller, local trail-heads. Malibu Beaches Like all California beaches, Malibu beaches are technically public land

below the mean high tide line. Many

The Museum at the Getty Villa houses

large public beaches (Zuma Beach,

Getty’s collections of antiquities,

Surfrider Beach) are easy to access, but

sculptures, art pieces and cultural

such access is sometimes limited in some

artifacts of ancient Greece, Rome, and

of the smaller and more remote beaches.

Etruria. Please call to schedule your visit

Some Malibu beaches are private, such

in advance.

as Paradise Cove, which charges an entrance fee to keep the crowds at bay. Access to most all Malibu beaches can be obtained after a bit of a walk.

Smothers Theatre Pepperdine University’s Theatrical Drama Department offers concerts, plays, musicals, opera, and dance.

Photo © Shutterstock

Getty Villa Art Museum Getty Villa, an art museum that is

A full program is listed on their website;

part of the J. Paul Getty Museum, is located just outside the Malibu city limits.


Shopping the Bu Malibu offers numerous services for

both residents and visitors. From childcare

spa treatments; you don’t have to drive “over the hill” to get what you need. In Malibu you’ll find shopping centers all along the 27 mile coast stretch. Most of

such vehicles that truly achieves their purpose. On the evening of December 13th, Coach Westlake showroom opened to the public, cars slowed as they passed the glowing jewel box building on the corner and the rooftop lights could be seen for miles around. There was no question that

the shopping is clustered in convenient pedestrian-friendly malls and outdoor

O’Gara Coach The Ultimate

shopping centers. From local “mom and

Shopping Experience

pop” stores to world-renowned designers,

- for it is only the individual’s enjoyment of

2012, as the doors to the new O’Gara

Photo © O’Gara Coach Westlake

and business centers to home repair and

missing from these works of art is the driver

The vehicles of O’Gara Coach are

name brands and independent boutiques

more than just means of transportation; they

are great “finds” for any shopping

transcend their nominal function to become

adventure. With beautiful weather and

works of kinetic sculpture. Each embodies

gorgeous year-round scenery, anyone

storied histories of luxury and performance

could truly “shop until you drop” in Malibu.

that transit continents and centuries. In their

Shop local and spend more time

own ways, each marque represents the

enjoying your stay! Be sure to visit

realization of a particular set of automotive for more details about

aspirations: the fastest, the most opulent,

local shopping opportunities.

the most advanced and more. All that is

something special was taking place in Westlake Village. Several hundred guests dropped off their own vehicles at the entrance to the dealership’s expansive new service facility located directly behind the main showroom. They walked a wintry white carpet before proceeding through the main entrance of the dealership where liveried service staff presented them with flutes of champagne. The main showroom space bore only the faintest of holiday decorations – silver trees tucked into a few corners – because truly it was the stunning space itself that was being celebrated.

NOVEMBER 10, 2013

Guests dined on a variety of canapés including a presentation of California White Sturgeon Caviar from the renowned sustainable sturgeon farmers at Sterling Caviar in the Sacramento Delta, delicate Parmesan crisps willed with wild mushroom and shallot custards with Dungeness crab. In addition to a variety of wines, the evening featured several signature cocktails prepared with Herradura tequila and Finlandia vodka as well as an outdoor lounge with a single malt scotch bar. Throughout the showroom, guests were able to view and experience a variety of Rolls-Royce and Bentley vehicles including the recently unveiled Bentley Continental GT3, the prototype heralding Bentley's return to the racing world. Midway through the evening, Founder & Owner Tom O’Gara spoke to his assembled guests, thanking them for such a warm reception into the community.


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Company President Bruce Frederick added a few remarks about the road that led to the dealership’s opening as well as his thoughts on the future of luxury automobiles in the western Los Angeles and Ventura counties. On hand to join in the festivities, Bentley also spoke about their respective marques and the importance of having an outlet like O’Gara Coach Westlake in this vibrant market. The evening was filled with a mixture

Photo © O’Gara Coach Westlake

representatives of both Rolls-Royce and

of holiday revelry and genuine excitement that the local community has attracted such

Malibu, Calabasas, Westlake Village, and

opportunities to expand their offerings. In

highly revered brands. Attendees ranged


February 2012 O’Gara Coach Westlake

from longtime O’Gara Coach customers to

With the celebration of the

welcomed the Maserati brand to the

new friends of the dealership, including the

dealership’s Grand Opening behind them,

dealership, presenting yet another premiere

newly minted owners and the local

they can focus exclusively on the individual

automotive experience to their clientele.

leaders, who worked hand-in-hand with the

celebration of life and automotive

With Bentley, Rolls-Royce and Maserati

dealership throughout the opening process.

excellence that awaits each new owner of

now all under one roof, O’Gara Coach

All were united in their celebration of this

these incredible vehicles. Never content to

Westlake truly offers the ultimate shopping

long anticipated arrival, yet another

rest on their laurels, the O’Gara Coach


fabulous resource for the communities of

team continues to seek out new

DAY SPA European Skin Clinic • Facials • Endermologie Body Treatment • Makeup & Brow Shaping • Lavender Wax Hair Removal Diamond Tome Microdermabrasion • Microcurrent Facial Lift • PowerPeel™ • Manicures & Pedicures MEDICAL SPA Botox • Fillers • Skin Tightening • Acupuncture • Nutritionist BEAUTY BOUTIQUE The Veronica Skin Care Collection • SkinCeuticals Skin Care • Clarisonic Skin Care Brush • Omnilux Home LED Lights Episencial Organic Baby Skincare • Revision Skin Care • Epicuren Skin Care • Jane Iredale Makeup Veronica Aromatherapy Candles • Alora Ambiance Home Fragrances STUDIO Yoga • Tai Chi • Qigong • Meditation • ZOOMBA • Barre 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. B101, Malibu, CA 90265 • 310.456.8883 •


Culinar y excellence Malibu’s local restaurants provide a full range of exceptional cuisine. From ‘white tablecloth’ establishments to casual restaurants, Malibu represents a broad spectrum of venues. From Greek and Italian to organic and the largely popular steak & seafood locations, decisions may be difficult to make with all the options. We invite you to enjoy all the best that California has to offer by trying several of our restaurants. Malibu restaurants not only offer incredible dining experiences, but provide breathtaking views while eating. Whether you prefer beachside, the mountains, or around convenient shopping locations we have it all!


Gourmet LA Food Tours

The Malibu Restaurant Alliance The Malibu Restaurant Alliance, a group of Malibu Chefs and Industry

The Malibu Walking Food Tour also

Leaders, work together to preserve

shares the rich cultural history of Malibu.

local ventures by supporting our local

You will visit Legacy Park and the

restaurants and services in the culinary

Adamson House grounds, which is listed

business. Member Chefs will be on hand for the exclusive ‘Taste of Malibu,’ presented in June. This Malibu Culinary & Wine

Photo © Gourmet LA Food Tours

culinary creativity in Malibu and promote

on the National Register of Historic Places and is a designated California Landmark. This is also the perfect vantage point for learning about Surfrider Beach and Malibu Pier!

event allows attendees to enjoy some to Take a 3 hour mini-vacation in “the

the city’s best culinary creations in one

Check our schedule and buy tickets

location! For information call the Malibu

‘Bu”! Join Gourmet LA Food Tours for a

at: or

Chamber office: (310) 456-9025.

Malibu Walking Food Tour and

call Zerve at (800) 979-3370. Private

experience a culinary and cultural

tours can be arranged upon request.

Our Malibu Walking Food Tour showcases the food and culture of Malibu and features the unique restaurants and merchants of the Malibu Country Mart, Malibu Lumber Yard, and Malibu Village. Spend the morning like a Malibu local, while exploring exclusive shops and enjoying tastings of Malibu’s

Photo © Malibu Chamber of Commerce


Taste of Malibu Food & Wine Festival Taste of Malibu is a culinary and wine event that showcases an array of restaurants and a variety of assorted wines from local wineries in Malibu. This event is an opportunity to enjoy some of Malibu’s best in culinary creations. For more information, visit 26

Photo © Gourmet LA Food Tours

different cuisines from local Malibu

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Photo © Gourmet LA Food Tours

adventure in legendary Malibu.

Photo © Bigstock

Leave the planning of the best in traditional Greek delicacies to us and we will tailor the catering to your Taverna Tony is located in the heart of Malibu at the base of Malibu Canyon:


Taverna Tony “Greek Eats & Sweets”

23410 Civic Center Way, Malibu (310) 317-9667 Our Hours:

and People Magazine. Come and dine

Sun-Thur 11:30 a.m. to Midnight,

exciting Greek restaurant that features live

on a traditional Greek Feast, featuring

Fri-Sat 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.

entertainment seven days a week with

many of the Taverna Tony specialty dishes!

Welcome to Taverna Tony, Malibu's

the finest in traditional Greek and

Come and celebrate your next

Mediterranean delicacies. Taverna Tony

special occasion with Taverna Tony!

boasts countless accolades in newspaper

From planning a wedding feast to

articles, internet articles and magazine

catering a birthday extravaganza,

publications on the West Coast, including

production party, or a formal business

Vanity Fair, Gourmet Magazine, The

function, we specialize in orchestrating

Hollywood Reporter, L.A. Life, Weekend

the perfect event.

Photo © Bigstock

Photo © Taverna Tony

specific needs.




Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide


Wine trail

Photo Š Malibu and Vine Bar & Grill

The Mailbu Wine Trail offers a trip through the extraordinary! Supporting our members who offer a variety of locally grown wines, the region offers boutique wine touring and tasting experience all with the incredible back drop of legendary Malibu. The Malibu Wine Trail offers unparalleled diversity and beauty. Springtime sees our roadsides and open fields dotted with colorful wildflowers like the Blazing Star and the Yellow Starthistle surrounding the breathtaking vineyards of Malibu. Harvested in the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains next to the stunning blue beaches of Malibu, we invite you to experience a destination rich in history, beauty, and the production of world-class wines.



Our Malibu Wine Trail shares information on where to taste the beauty of our Malibu vineyards, as well as great stops along the way. Come by the Malibu Chamber of Commerce for information, local maps and suggestions to help you enjoy your adventure. The Adamson House & Malibu Logoon Museum (15) The Adamson House, a National Historic Site located in Malibu Lagoon State Park, is a showplace of Malibu historical artifacts. For more information, call (310) 456-8432 or visit American Luxury Limousine (6) Offering limousine service in the Malibu area for weddings, birthdays, wine tours, airport transfers and special occasions. For more information, call (866) 319-LIMO (5466)


Colcanyon (2) - This vineyard features Bordeaux varietals and is situated on a south-facing slope with uninterrupted ocean views. Their wines have won multiple awards including a prestigious Double Gold Medal at the 2011 San Francisco International Wine Competition. For more information, call (310) 589-4925, email or visit Geoffrey’s (17) - Geoffrey’s Malibu is truly the perfect oceanside dining experience. The staff brings the best of shore and surf favorites to your table with an energetic menu that is the perfect recipe for this classic restaurant. For more information, call (310) 457-1519 or visit Gourmet LA Food Tours (5) - Our Malibu Walking Food Tour is a 3 hour tour that visits 8-9 restaurants for smallbite tastings in the Cross Creek Road area of Malibu. We also visit exclusive

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

shops, and highlight the history and culture of Malibu by visiting the Adamson House grounds, Surfrider Beach, and Legacy Park. For more information, call (800) 979-3370 or Hoyt (14) - Carol and Stephen Hoyt bring you their unique hand crafted wines from their Malibu Estate featuring their award winning chardonnay. They also produce wines from Paso Robles and Santa Inez grapes, fruitfull and well balanced wines. For more information, call (310) 457-3832 or email carol@ Jim Palmers Malibu Vineyards (13) - Malibu Vineyards is located in western Malibu, where winemaker Jim Palmer grows varietals in a microclimate of mineral rich soils on a south facing hillside. Long days of sunlight and cool ocean breeze creates a perfect atmosphere for wine grape growing. For more information, call

(310) 456-3850, email or visit Lobo Castle (1) - Lobo Castle is nestled in the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains, just minutes away from the breathtaking beaches of Malibu, and features local boutique wines. The vineyard and tasting room are open for tours and tasting! For more information, please call (801) 450-4432 or Malibu and Vine Bar & Grille (7) Located at the public Malibu Golf Club, the outdoor wine tasting room features numerous varietals of locally grown wines. This wine bar pours wines by the glass to taste and sells by the bottle. The restaurant is a boutique, farm-to-table neighborhood styled pub. For more information, call (818) 889-6680 or email or visit

Malibu Chamber of Commerce (20) - The Malibu Chamber of Commerce is your source for all things in Malibu. Let us help you make the most of your time in Malibu. Drop by today to learn about all the services the Chamber has to offer visitors and residents alike. For more information, call (310) 456-9025 or visit Malibu Country Mart (24) Enjoy great shops and restaurants in one of Southern California’s most unique outdoor environments. For more information, call (310) 456-7300 or visit Malibu Lumber Yard (24) The Lumber Yard offers a sophisticated line-up of fashionable stores, unique boutiques and fun eateries that reflect the casual and comfortable coastal lifestyle Malibu is known for. Come for the shopping, stay for the dining, and of course enjoy the unique outdoor

environment of Malibu Lumber Yard. For more information, visit Malibu Pier (19) - Malibu Pier is a Southern California icon in an area once called the Riviera of America. The historic landmark is located in the heart of California's surf culture. Surfers from around the world come to Surfrider Beach adjacent to Malibu Pier, known for its three-point break that offers rides of 300 yards or more. The Pier offers a festive seaside atmosphere of good food and fun. For more information, call 1-(888) 310-7437 or visit Malibu Solstice (10) - A high elevation micro vineyard located the Santa Monica Mountains of Malibu dedicated to producing 100% single vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon. For more information, call (310) 589-2863 or visit



Pepperdine University Center for the Arts (21) - The 450 seat Smothers Theatre, hosts a number of community and cultural performances throughout the year. For more information, call (310) 506.4522 or visit Rosenthal (11) - Winemaker George Rosenthal features his Surfrider and Rosenthal the Malibu Estate wines at this location; the one and only wine tasting room along the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, located at Topanga Beach. For more information, call (310) 456-1392 or visit Saddlepeak Lodge (16) The legendary Saddlepeak Lodge is a Malibu landmark that pairs a wild game menu with local delicacies. Dishes feature filets and loins of elk, antelope, buffalo and rabbit. For more information, call (818) 222-3888 or visit

Mountains, Canyons, Valleys & One Incredible Ocean MALIBU OFFICE • 310.456.6771 Visit us or call today and we’ll show you 23732 Malibu Rd., Malibu CA 90265

TOPANGA OFFICE • 310.455.4363

some of the most beautiful properties in the world.

“It’s Different Here” 436 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga CA 90290 & 32

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Schetter (8) - Schetter Malibu Vineyard produces single vineyard Malibu Sanity Chardonnay and Pinot noir crafted from Burgundian vines in the traditional Burgundian style. For more information, call (818) 735-3542, or visit/purchase online at The Sunset Restaurant (12) The Sunset Restaurant has quickly become one of So Cal’s restaurant landmarks with beach front dining experience and a laid back feel. Every meal celebrates the Malibu lifestyle. For more information, call (310) 589-1007 or Zuma (23) - Zuma Beach is a pristine family-friendly beach with plenty of parking, beach cafes to purchase food at, and clean bathroom and shower facilities. There are also plenty of lifeguards with watchful eyes on the waters, ensuring everyone’s safety.

Photo © Maureen Haldeman

for the weekend in By Mary Noe


Beaches, mountains, vineyards, world-class restaurants--Southern California has so much to offer. Whether you’re seeking family time or craving a romantic retreat, experience the best of So Cal food, wine, and culture with a weekend in Malibu!


Bringing the kids with you to

offers lessons and rents surf boards,

Malibu? The area offers a variety of

paddle boards, kayaks, body boards,

cultural, educational, and fun

and wet suits.

experiences to share with your family.

For a peek into Malibu’s past, take

Within walking distance, you can visit

a guided tour at the Adamson House,

the Malibu Pier, Surfrider Beach, the

which sits near the sand overlooking the

Adamson House, Malibu Lagoon,

Malibu Pier and Surfrider Beach. The

eclectic shops, and amazing restaurants.

Adamson House, which is a National

Begin your ‘Bu-cation’ with breakfast

Historic Site located in Malibu Lagoon State Park, is a showplace of Malibu

been located across the street from the

historical artifacts. Completed in 1929,

world-famous Malibu Pier since 1951.

the Spanish-Moor revival residence

Malibu Inn is a great breakfast or brunch

features tile from the renowned Malibu

spot for a traditional American meal (try the homemade tater tots!). After breakfast, walk across Pacific

Photo © Susan Manners

at the Malibu Inn. This local staple has

Potteries. The adjacent Malibu Lagoon Museum showcases the history of the area--from the days of the Chumash tribe

Coast Highway and take a stroll on the

to the the surfing era.

Malibu Pier, a historic landmark known

three-point break that offers rides of 300

for excellent saltwater fishing. From the

yards or more.

Pier, watch some of the world’s best

Interested in trying out the famous

Ready for lunch? Across the street from Malibu Lagoon--where Malibu Creek meets the Pacific Ocean--the Cross

surfers carving it up at Surfrider Beach--a

waves yourself? Malibu Surf Shack,

Creek Road area offers several options

premier surfing location known for its

located across the street from the pier,

for take-out food and casual dining. Try farm-fresh Mexican specialties from Howdy’s Taqueria, or bountiful salads and sandwiches from John’s Garden. Tra Di Noi serves delicious Italian specialties and has a lovely outdoor patio facing the Country Mart playground where Malibu children come to play.

After lunch, explore the Malibu Lumber Yard; a gorgeous outdoor shopping center. Designed with an ecofriendly beach-deck feel, the Lumber Yard offers outdoor ping pong tables and


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

lounge chairs along with exclusive stores.

on the outdoor patio, or opt for a full

Home to the largest outdoor free-

farm-to-table dining experience. With live

standing aquatic sanctuary in Southern

music on the weekends, it’s a great place

California, the columns of fish tanks will

to unwind in a breathtaking setting.

entertain the kids while you shop. End your afternoon with an educational walk at nearby Legacy Park-

Other wine tasting choices in the canyon include the nearby Malibu Wines Tasting Room, where you can

a 17-acre oasis that was designed to

enjoy Semler and Saddlerock wines,

reduce pollution impacts and improve

and the funky indoor/outdoor tasting

water quality in Malibu Creek and

experience at Sip Malibu Wine Bar,

Malibu Lagoon. Legacy Park is the only

which features Cielo wines.

location in California that showcases five coastal habitats on-site. Wind down your day immersed in the beachy vibe at the Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, situated on the sand at the Paradise Cove Pier. Enjoy a cold drink and watch for dolphins while lounging on cushioned beach chairs. Huge portions and kid-friendly menu items make this a great place to relax with the family. If you’re more interested in a romantic escape, Malibu offers many ways to relax and reconnect. Unwind with a leisurely day discovering Malibu Canyon, featuring golf and wine tasting along the Malibu Wine Trail. Begin your morning with breakfast at one of Malibu’s favorite restaurants: Marmalade Cafe or Coogies. For a quicker stop, visit Howdy’s Taqueria for amazing breakfast burritos. Continue with a drive up the coast and along spectacular Kanan Road to one of the best-kept secrets in Southern California--Malibu Golf Club. Nestled in the rolling hills of the Santa Monica Mountains, the public 6614 yard William Francis Bell design offers 18 holes of championship golf. After your round, begin your Malibu wine-tasting adventure by relaxing at Malibu and Vine, the club’s restaurant

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and outdoor wine bar overlooking the beautiful first fairway. Enjoy small-plates


For a chance to purchase a variety of local wines, end your Malibu Canyon adventure with a stop at Cornell Winery. This shop offers bottles from many of the Photo © Susan Manners

vineyards in the Malibu area. If you’d rather hike than golf, explore nearby Paramount Ranch or Malibu Creek State Park – both have been used as filming locations for decades. Point Dume and Leo Carillo

Malibu Facts at-a-Glance

State Beaches are great choices for

Malibu Beaches, Hotels, Restaurants, and More

hiking on the coast. That evening, enjoy dinner at one of

How large is Malibu? Malibu is 27 miles long and 8 miles wide.

Malibu’s legendary restaurants. Nobu Malibu offers a spectacular beachfront

What are Malibu’s local attractions? The Adamson House and Malibu Lagoon Museum, the Weisman Museum of Art (Pepperdine University).

setting just south of the Malibu Pier. Another romantic beach-front option is ©AR-Studios

the Sunset Restaurant, located across from the sand on Westward Beach. If

What are the most popular beaches in Malibu? Surfrider Beach, Zuma Beach, and Leo Carillo Beach.

you’re in the mood for Greek food, head over to Taverna Tony in the Country Mart for exquisite cuisines, live entertainment,

What are the best months to vacation in Malibu? May through October are the best months for beach weather.

and wonderful customer service.

Which hotels are located on the beach? Malibu Beach Inn and Casa Malibu Inn on the Beach.

Which restaurants serve seafood? Malibu Seafood and Neptune’s Net. Which restaurants have specialties? Saddlepeak Lodge (Buffalo), Malibu & Vine (Steak & Seafood), The Sunset Restaurant (Seafood, Vegetarian), Taverna Tony’s (Greek), Tra di Noi (Italian), Geoffrey’s (Fine Dining). What campgrounds are in Malibu? Leo Carillo State Beach, Malibu Creek State Park, Sycamore Cove, Circle X Ranch, and Topanga State Park. Where are the best hiking trails in Malibu? Circle X Ranch, Solstice Canyon, Nicolas Flats and Encinal Falls.


If shopping is on your agenda, you’ll have a fine time exploring the stores in the Cross Creek Road area. The Malibu Country Mart, the Malibu Lumber Yard, and Malibu Village offer a collection of exclusive shops -- many of

Photo © World Team Now

What are the major annual events in Malibu? Malibu Arts Festival, Taste of Malibu, Malibu Golf Tournament, Malibu 10K Dolphin Run, and Malibu Film Festival and the weekly ‘Farmers Market.’

Photo © Malibu Country Mart

Which restaurants are located on the beach? Duke’s Malibu, Geoffrey’s Malibu, Paradise Cove Beach Café, Moonshadows, and The Sunset Restaurant and Beach Bar.

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

which you won’t find anywhere else! Whatever your desire, you can find it in “the ‘Bu”!





Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide


offers an

assortment of accommodation options from the high-end to the practical. While

you are visiting Malibu and enjoying the beautiful scenery, shopping, and restaurants, be sure to check out the local hotels! Local accommodations provide remarkable views which attract visitors

GOOD NITE INN $! " " % (800) NITE INN " " #

from all around the world. However, if you are looking for a budget-friendly

Photo © World Team Now •

location we also have lodging that is

Wherever you travel in California We are where you want to be!

just a few minutes from several different beaches. Nothing can compare to a stay in Malibu. You will be sure to receive excellent service, rest and relaxation, and competitive prices… all with a great view!

Mention MCC2012 for a special Chamber of Commerce rate.



Business resources

Malibu offers businesses and employees a unique place to work. The entertainment industry is prominent in both the residential and business sectors as well as service markets. Malibu is known to be an ideal destination for visitors but, more importantly, it is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Malibu is internationally known for its beautiful beaches, residential celebrities, and gorgeous luxury stays. No business license is required in Malibu. The following sites contain information on pending legislation and other issues involving business needs: Local

Malibu Chamber Of Commerce (310) 456-9025 • Business in Malibu • Business Networking Opportunities • Malibu Visitor Information • Malibu Chamber Events • Malibu Business Support • Visitor Guides & Information Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board (213) 624-7300 • Publications • Visitor Guides • Reports on Region

Los Angeles County Business License (213) 974-2011 (818) 902-4470 Health License Restaurant License (818) 902-4460

Small Business Administration (818) 552-3210 • Starting your business • Financing your business • Managing your business • Business Opportunities • Disaster Recovery

Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (213) 622-4300 • Economic • Business Consulting • International Trade • Transportation • Tourism

Employment Development Department Job Search Site (818) 596-4448 • Disability Insurance • Unemployment Insurance • Labor Market Information State

Official California Legislative Information • Bill Information • California Law • Your Legislation Department Of Labor • Wages • Health Plans and Benefits • Unemployment Insurance

California Commerce & Economic Development Program • Financial Assistance • Business & Community Resource • International Business • Permits & Licenses


California Labor & Workforce Development Agency • Labor Laws and Regulations • Job Training • Paid Family Leave • Workers Compensation • Wage and Salary Issues • Unemployment Insurance

California Taxes Information Center (800) 400-7115 • Small Business Assistance • Your Taxes Business Advocacy Websites: California Chamber Of Commerce Score – Chapter 255/Oxnard Employer Advice SBDC

Vica – Valley Industry & Commerce Association

Licenses The City of Malibu does not require a business license or fee for doing business within its borders. However, a federal al tax ID number, state license, or DBA may be required by Los Angeles County. Businesses selling goods and certain services are required to have a Seller’s ID number and permit obtained by the State Board of Equalization. The current local state tax is 9.750%

McDermott’s family has served Malibu for over 42 years


Licensed Contractor St. Lic. #686152

Service • Repair • New Construction • Septic Tank Services • Commercial • Residential FOR PLUMBING CALL:

(310) 456-2286 40

25659 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu • •

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide


(310) 456-1173

Socially Conscious Investing Hey Mr. Financial Advisor, what am I really investing in? Well, we have you in a well-diversified portfolio comprised of Big Oil, Tobacco, Fast Food, Weapon Manufacturers, Alcohol, Casinos, and the most profitable drug companies. I’m sure you are aware that there are many options for you as an investor. To avoid this scenario and to start investing in companies that follow your personal beliefs and values, consider using a Socially Conscious (or valuesbased) Investing method that can help you support your individual interests by bringing an awareness to what and where your investments are contributing. After all, it is your choice to invest in companies that best represent your values, all while seeking to meet your long-term financial goals. For example, you may believe that fast food chains and soft drink makers are assisting in our global obesity epidemic. Instead of investing in those companies, you could direct your investment toward a healthier choice, such as a green grocery, or a more environmentally conscious organization that is sensitive to green development such as air energy, water energy, solar energy, or recycling-related causes. However, expecting companies to be 100% in compliance with every moral guideline is a bit unrealistic. The altruism of a given company is arguable on several levels and can raise concerns such as whether or not the company is supplied or funded by an offending company. Perhaps a better approach to this would be to direct a screening process as an honest attempt to find the truth, thus giving you the chance to choose the best, and most satisfying investment. Being a Socially Conscious Investor will not only help you pursue specific financial objections, but it will also make you feel good about your investments by contributing to healthy global progress. Thank you for considering Socially Conscious Investing. If it sounds like the kind of investing you would be interested in and perhaps would like discuss further, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Daniel Scott Johnson, Merrill Lynch- Financial Advisor • (310) 996-2090 •

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City of Malibu, local & state government The City of Malibu was incorporated on March 28, 1991. Located in Northwest Los Angeles County, the City has 27 miles of coastline along the Pacific Ocean and has a population of 12,575. The five member City Council is elected at-large to serve four year terms. The Mayors office is rotated annually among all Council members. As elected officials, the City Council members represent the citizens of Malibu in the governing process and act on their behalf with regard to regional and local issues as well as State and Federal legislation. The City Council convenes regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of every month and holds occasional special meetings. The City Council appoints the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Treasurer/Auditor, as well as members of the City’s Board and Commissions. Malibu Government Malibu City Hall

Los Angeles Mayor:

Antonio Villaraigosa (D)

(310) 456-2489 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu, CA 90265 Fax: (310) 456-3356

(213) 978-0600 200 N Spring St #303 Los Angeles, CA 90012

Public meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 pm at City Hall.

(818) 880-9416 26600 W. Agoura Rd., #100, Calabasas, CA 91302

City Manager: Jim Thorsen

Representatives For Federal, State & County Government State Governor: Jerry Brown (D)

(916) 445-2841 c/o State Capitol 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Los Angeles Office (213) 897-0322 300 S. Spring St., Suite 16701 Los Angeles, CA 90013



Los Angeles County Supervisor, 3rd District

Zev Yaroslavsky

United States Senators: Barbara Boxer (D)

(202) 224-3553 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Los Angeles Office (213) 894-5000 312 N. Spring St., Suite 1748 Los Angeles, CA 90012

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Dianne Feinstein (D)

(202) 224-3841 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Los Angeles Office (310) 914-7300 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Fran Pavley (D)

(916) 651-4027 State Capitol Office, Room 403, Sacramento, CA 98514 Calabasas District Office (818) 876-3352 5016 N. Parkway Calabasas, Suite 222, Calabasas, CA 91302 United States Congressman/ Congresswoman: Henry A. Waxman (D)

(202) 225-3976 2204 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Los Angeles Office (310) 652-3095, (323) 651-1040 8436 W. Third St., Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Julia Brownley (D)

(202) 225-5811 1019 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515 Woodland Hills Office (818) 596-4141 6355 Topanga Cyn Blvd, #205 Woodland Hills, CA 91367

community General Services Abandoned Vehicle (800) 222-6366


American Red Cross (213) 739-5200 Animal Control/Regulation (818) 991-0071 Animal Shelter (Agoura) (818) 991-0071 Assessment Appeals Board (213) 974-1471

Bad Checks/District Attorney Enforcement Program (800) 269-0206 Beaches and Harbor (310) 305-9503 Better Business Bureau Serving Malibu 909-825-7280 Birth/Marriage/Death Certificates (800) 201-8999 Board of Equalization (818) 904-2300 Building & Safety of Unincorporated Malibu (213) 974-2011 Building Permits (310) 456-2489 California Highway Patrol (323) 982-4900 California Missing Children (800) 222-3463 California Wildlife Center (310) 458-9453 CALTIP-Cal Dept of Fish & Game (916) 928-5805

Photo © Stephen Udoff

Attorney General’s Office (800) 952-5225

Caltrans General Information (213) 897-3656

Dial A Ride (310) 456-5303

City of Malibu (310) 456-2489

FBI-West LA (310) 477-6565

Community Pool (310) 589-1933

Fire Department (310) 456-6603

Consumer Affairs, County (213) 974-1452

Franchise Tax Board (800) 852-5711

Coroner, Chief Medical Examiner (323) 343-0714

Greyhound (800) 231-2222

Courts, Superior Santa Monica (310) 587-2442 Courts, Superior Malibu (310) 317-1335 Children & Family Service Child Protection Hotline (800) 540-4000 Department of Children & Family Services (213) 351-5602 Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 978-3600 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) (800) 777-0133

Health Department L.A. County (213) 240-8101 Injured Animal/Wildlife (951) 443-2969 Internal Revenue Service (213) 576-3009 Labor Exchange of Malibu (310) 317-4717 Library, Malibu (310) 456-6438 Lifeguard Division (LA County) (310) 577-5700

Lifeguard Headquarters Zuma Beach (310) 457-2525 Los Angeles County Assessor 310-665-5300 Los Angeles County Building and Safety (818) 880-4150 Malibu Pier (310) 456-8031 Malibu Chamber of Commerce (310) 456-9025 Metro Information (323) 466-3876 Passports-State Department (310) 575-5700 Poison Control Center (800) 876-4766 Post Offices/ US Postal Service (800) 275-8777 Property Tax, LA County (213) 974-3211 Public Defender, County (213) 974-2878


Road Conditions, Malibu (310) 456-9982

Los Robles Medical Center (805) 497-2727

Salvation Army (800) 958-7825

Malibu Urgent Care (310) 456-7551

Santa Monica Municipal “ Big Blue Bus” (310) 451-5444

Santa Monica/UCLA Medical Center (310) 319-4000

Sheriff’s Office (818) 878-1808

St. John’s Health Center (310) 829-5511

Social Security (800) 772-1213

UCLA Medical Center (310) 825-9111

State Business Licenses Board (800) 321-2752

Malibu Organizations

Surf/Tide Report (310) 457-9701 Veteran’s Administration (800) 827-1000 Vector Control (310) 915-7370 Waterworks (310) 456-6621 Waterworks Emergency Hotline (800) 675-4357 Weed Abatement (310) 317-1373 Wildlife Rescue Center – CA (818) 222-2658 Hospitals/Medical Care Cedars-Sinai (310) 423-3277

Boys and Girls Club of Malibu (310) 457-1400 30215 Morning View Dr. Malibu CA 90265

L.A. County West Vector Control District (310) 915-7370 6750 Centinela Ave., Culver City CA 0230

California Wildlife Center (310) 458-9453 PO Box 2022 Malibu CA 90265

Labor Exchange of Malibu (310) 317-4717 23595 Civic Center Way Malibu CA 90265

Cornucopia Foundation (310) 428-4262 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy.,#158 Malibu CA 90265

Malibu Art Association (310) 457-0458 PO Box 2534 Malibu CA 90265

A.Y.S.O. (310) 317-2020 Malibu, CA 90265

Earth Foundation (808) 781-8578 1135 Makawao Ave., #104 Makawao HI 96768

Adamson House (310) 456-8432 23200 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu CA 90265

Heal the Bay (310) 451-1500 1444 9th St., Santa Monica CA 90265

Adopt-a-Beach California Coastal Commission (800) Coast-4U Malibu CA 90265

Junior Blind of America (323) 295-4555 5300 Angeles Vista Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90043

Allied Artists SM Mountains & Seashore (310) 457-9130 PO Box 6933 Malibu CA 90264

Keep Christ in Christmas (310) 456-8442 19932 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu CA 90265

American Cancer Discovery Shop (310) 458-4490 920 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica CA 90401 American Cancer Society (310) 348-0356

Malibu Urgent Care (310) 456-0512 PO Box 6836, Malibu CA 90264 Malibu Public Library (310) 456-6438 23519 Civic Center Way Malibu CA 90265

Malibu Garden Club (310) 753-8219 PO Box 4171, Malibu CA 90264 Malibu Little League (310) 317-2018 PO Box 262, Malibu CA 90265 Malibu Lost Hills Sheriff Station (818) 878-1808 27050 Agoura Rd., Agoura CA 91301 Malibu Navy League of the U.S. (310) 456-3507 PO Box 4192 Malibu CA 90265 Malibu Rotary Club (310) 994-2014 PO Box 716 Malibu CA 90265 Malibu Senior Center (310) 456-2489 x357 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu CA 90265 Malibu Trails Non Profit Association (310) 457-6629 PO Box 803, Malibu CA 90265 Malibu/Bel Air-Republican Women Federated (310) 457-4510 PO Box 164, Malibu CA 90265


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Meals on Wheels (310) 394-5133 1823-A Michigan Ave., Santa Monica CA 90404


Optimist Club of Malibu (310) 317-4433 PO Box 501 Malibu CA 90265

Boundary · Topographic · ALTA Subdivisions · Lot Line Adjustments Construction Staking

Surfrider Foundation, Malibu (310) 984-6910 2629 Main Street #196 Santa Monica CA 90405 818-879-9879 · 310-456-9381

The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation (310) 450-3701 2916 Main St., 2nd Floor Santa Monica CA 90405 Rhythm Arts Alliance (310) 589-0523 Enhancement Programs 6465 Bonsall Dr., Malibu CA 90265 Villa Getty Museum (310) 440-7300 17985 Pacfic Coast Hwy., Malibu CA 90265 Women in Film (323) 935-2211 PO Box 2222, Malibu CA 90265

Topanga Underground Richard N. Sherman

Young Life Malibu Coast & Canyons (310) 993-7088 22631 Pacific Coast Hwy., #483, Malibu CA 90265

California Contractors License #319004

“A” General Engineering “B” General Building “C-42” Sanitation Systems Septic System Inspections & Evaluations • Conventional Septic System Design Advanced Technology Septic System Design Water Mains & Meters • Underground Utilities

(818) 251-1980

Fax: (818) 888-0114

We Repair Malibu-Boos. Convenient Medical Care 7 Days a Week $






# %


We are easy to find at 23656 Pacific Coast Highway, next to the Union 76 station at Webb Way.

Open 7 days a week 9am - 7pm • (310) 456-7551


Education Children’s Creative Workshop (310) 457-2937 6955 Fernihill Dr. Malibu CA 90265 Juan Cabrillo Elementary (310) 457-0360 30237 Morningview Dr. Malibu CA 90265 Malibu High School (310) 457-6801 3021 E. Morningview Dr. Malibu CA 90265 Muse School (818) 880-5430 1666 Las Virgenes Canyon Rd. Calabasas CA 91302 Our Lady of Malibu (310) 456-8071 3625 S Winter Canyon Rd., Malibu CA 90265 Pepperdine University (310) 506-4000 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu CA 90265 Pt. Dume Marine Science Elementary (310) 457-9370 6955 Fernhill Dr. Malibu CA 90265 Santa Monica College (310) 434-4000 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica CA 90405



Santa Monica High School (310) 395-3204 601 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica CA 90405 Santa Monica/Malibu Unified School District (310) 450-8338 1651 16th St., Santa Monica CA 90404 Viewpoint School (818) 340-2901 23620 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas CA 91302 Webster Elementary (310) 456-6494 3601 Winter Canyon Rd. Malibu CA 90265 Newspapers Malibu Surfside News (310) 457-2112 The Malibu Times (310) 456-5507 The Malibu Patch

Malibu Creek State Park (818) 880-0367

Tele-charge (800) 233-3123

Malibu Beach RV Park (310) 456-6052

Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza (805) 449-2787

Parks and Recreation (310) 317-1364 Ramirez Canyon Park (310) 589-2850 Probation Department Camp David Gonzales (818) 222-1192 Camp Fred Miller (818) 889-0260

Ticketmaster (213) 480-3232 W. Geer Theatricum Botanicum (310) 455-2322 Utilites Cable-Charter Communications (866 499-8080

Camp Veron Kilpatrick (818) 889-1353

GI Industries/Waste Management (800) 773-2784


LA Waterworks (310) 456-6621

Ahmanson (213) 972-7401 Disney Hall (213) 972-7200


Hollywood Bowl (323) 850-2000

Charmlee Nature Center (310) 457-7247

LA Music Center Theatres (213) 972-7200

Leo Carillo Beach Camping (310) 457-8143

LA Philharmonic (323) 850-2000

Malibu Bluffs Park (310) 317-1364

Smothers-Pepperdine University (310) 506-4522

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Southern California Edison (800) 655-4555 Southern CA Gas Company (800) 427-2200 Verizon (800) 483-4000 Worship Ascend Malibu Fellowship 310-924-5404 3602 Winter Canyon Rd., Malibu, CA 90265

Calvary Chapel Malibu 424-235-4463 P.O. Box 6341 Malibu, CA 90264 Chabad of Malibu 310-456-6588 22933 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 Malibu Jewish Ctr. & Synagogue 310-456-2178 24855 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 Malibu Presbyterian Church 310-456-1611 3324 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 Waveside Church 310-774-1927 P.O. Box 901 Malibu, CA 90265

An Independent Coeducational School from Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade • $57 Million in New State-of-the-Art Academic and Athletic Facilities since 2005 • 16 Honors and 28 AP Courses • Highly Selective College Admission • 2008 Nominee for Siemens Foundation’s AP High School Award for Math and Science • CIF Championship Teams • World Languages including Mandarin Chinese • Community Service, Theater Arts, Dance, Music, Filmmaking, Computer Science, Robotics

Excellence in Education 23620 Mulholland Highway • Calabasas, California 818-591-6500 •






Pepperdine University ......................... 310.506.4000

Smothers Theatre Box Office ................ 310.506.4522

Crest Associates .................................. 310.506.4745

Athletics Ticket Info ............................ 310.506.4935

News and Events ................................. 310.506.4181

Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art ... 310.506.4851


Malibu annual events

The Malibu Arts Festival - The Annual Malibu Arts Festival, which is produced by the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, is a free event held on the last weekend of July and has been one of Southern California’s most spectacular outdoor art shows for the last 42 years. This wonderful 2-day event brings thousands to enjoy a weekend of great food, live music, a wine and beer garden, fun activities for the kids, and the opportunity to purchase some of the most incredible fine art created by artists all over California and beyond. For more information, visit

Taste of Malibu - Taste of Malibu is a culinary and wine event that showcases an array of different cuisines from local Malibu restaurants and a variety of assorted wines from local wineries in Malibu. This event is an opportunity to enjoy some of Malibu’s best in culinary creations. For more information, visit Malibu International Marathon - The Malibu International Marathon is a running marathon that is intended to promote health and fitness as well as raise money for charities. Come out and enjoy a beautiful day of running and building relationships with those running with you. For more information, visit The Malibu Nautica Triathlon - The Nautica Triathlon is a fundraising event held at Zuma Beach that features divisions of swimming, bicycling, and running races as well as races for children to participate in. Athletes from all over the country take part in this exhilarating event. You may enter into the triathlon to test your skills on land or water or you can admire the beautiful sand sculptors created right on the beach while watching the races. All proceeds go to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. For more information, visit


Malibu Cooks Tour - The Malibu Cooks Tour, which is produced by the Malibu Methodist Church, is a fundraising tour that features gourmet food prepared by local chefs. While tasting an array of delicious foods, you will also be touring beautiful gardens and estates that feature unique art and furnishings. All proceeds benefit a scholarship program for families in the community in need of financial aid. For more information, visit Malibu Pie Contest - The Malibu Pie Contest, held in October, is a wonderful event to bring the kids to. This event showcases live performances by children and teens, many delicious pies to taste and judge, an auction, and of course, a pie eating contest. While your children display their homemade pies to the judges, you can check out the auction items that feature beautiful gift baskets and more. For more information, call (310) 457-7505.

The Polar Plunge - The Los Angeles Polar Plunge is a fundraising event held at Zuma Beach where brave swimmers take a plunge into the chilly Zuma water. For those too “chicken” to take the plunge, you can still register and be part of the fun. Whether you’re taking the plunge or watching from the “chicken coop”, this a fun filled, and chilly, day! All proceeds go to the Special Olympics. For more information, visit Annual Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off - The local Labor Day weekend tradition continues its tradition of live music, carnival rides and games, and food kiosks. Dozens of chili recipes spice up Malibu Kiwanis Club's Annual Chili Cook-Off and Carnival during the three-day weekend.

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Business directory ACCOUNTING ANNE P. VOGEL, CPA 15200 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 214 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-454-7667 JOHNSON, HARBAND, FOSTER & DARLING, LLP 15200 Sunset Blvd., #203 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-454-6545 See our ad page 49 M. DEBRA RENO, CPA, MST 528 Arizona Ave., Ste. 205 Santa Monica, CA 90401 .......................................310-587-2380 R. FRANK MILLER, CPA 22337 Pacific Coast Hwy. #581 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-204-2440 RAIA, BREDEFELD & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., Ste. 101 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-4608

ACUPUNCTURE MALIBU ACUPUNCTURE & HERBS 23410 Civic Center Way, Ste. E-1 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8811

ADVERTISING OAKBROOK AWARDS & PROMOTIONS 756 Lakefield Rd., Ste. A Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................805-494-1694 RIGHTWAY DISTRIBUTION 7811 Alabama Ave., #14 Canoga Park, CA 91303 .........................................818-912-3283

ARCHITECTS BARSOCCHINI AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 3502 Coast View Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-3625 BURDGE & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, INC. 21235 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5905 CLIVE DAWSON A.I.A. ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING 28925 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-1921 GOLDMAN FIRTH ROSSI ARCHITECTS 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. B202 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1831 OSCAR W MCGRAW ARCHITECT 25019 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. C Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3903 RLB ARCHITECTURE 15200 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 201 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-459-0244 See our ad page 44 TOBIAS ARCHITECTURE 22223 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-317-0507 WARREN LAWSON ARCHITECT 25612 Isle of View Pl. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-591-0646

ART ALLIED ARTISTS SM MTNS & SEASHORE P.O. Box 6933 Malibu, CA 90264 ..................................................310-457-9130 JOANNA BURKE ART CONSULTANTS INC. 685 Venice Blvd., Studio 3 Venice, CA 90291...................................................310-305-1313 KIDZ ART INNOVATORS 844 Dickson St. Marina Del Rey, CA 90292......................................310-823-3631 LEARN AND PLAY 7964 Hunters Valley Rd. Mariposa, CA 95338...............................................209-376-2388

MONICA CROVETTO 30012 Rainbow Crest Dr. Agoura, CA 91301 ..................................................818-585-1726 WEATHERED WOODS 3315 Hidden Creek Ave. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 .....................................805-493-2733

ATTORNEY CISLO & THOMAS, LLP 1333 2nd St., Ste. 500 Santa Monica, CA 90401 .......................................310-451-0647 GAINES & STACEY LLP 16633 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 1220 Encino, CA 91436 ..................................................818-933-0200 IP LAW OFFICE OF JOEL VOELZKE 24772 Saddle Peak Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-4466 JAMES E. BIAVA 22526 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3330 JEFFREY JENNINGS ATTY 29350 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 1-A Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1400

BEAUTY SERVICES/SUPPLIES BEAUTY COLLECTION 3900 Cross Creek, Ste. 2 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-0117 MALIBU WELLNESS-MALIBU C HAIR & SKIN MFG. 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., B-102 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-1125 PERRICONE MD 3822 Cross Creek Rd., #3828 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-405-7779

BICYCLE SHOPS MALIBU ELECTRONIC BICYCLES 21201 Pacific Coast Hwy., Bungalow #1 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-734-8806

BOOKSTORE BANK OF BOOKS 29169 Heathercliff Rd., #109 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5699



LEXUS SANTA MONICA 1501 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 .......................................310-453-9900

MALIBU COMMUNITY NEWS ...........................................................................310-919-7975



Purveyor of fine Bentley and Rolls-Royce automobiles, O’Gara Coach Westlake offers an unparalleled experience from bespoke vehicle design to world-class service through our conveniently located Westlake showroom. Experience the ultimate in automotive luxury. 3610 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 See our ad Front Cover & page 3 & 22 TOYOTA SANTA MONICA 801 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monca, CA 90401 ........................................310-394-6744

AUTOMOBILE RENTAL BUDGET CAR & TRUCK RENTAL 22853 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1815


MALIBU COLONY PLAZA 1101 Montana Ave., #A Santa Monica, CA 90403 .......................................573-449-8323 MALIBU VILLAGE 396 S. Los Angeles St. #220 Los Angeles, CA 90013...........................................310-550-2603 MARIPOSA LAND COMPANY LTD. 3728 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3230 MIRAMAR PROPERTY INVESTMENT 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., # 135 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-0063

Whole Foods in the Park c/o Soboroff Partners WHOLE FOODS IN THE PARK SHOPPING CENTER

BUZZ WAX 23847 Stuart Ranch Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-880-1793


310-451-9877 1101 Montana Ave., Ste. A, Santa Monica, CA 90403

CALABASAS CAR CARE 4929 Las Virgenes Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-880-2250



JOHNSON, HARBAND, FOSTER & DARLING, LLP Certified Public Accountants

“Your Full Service Accounting Firm Serving Malibu and the Palisades”

(310) 454-6545 15200 Sunset Blvd., Suite 203, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Email:


BUSINESS SERVICES CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 15580 Roxford St. San Fernando, CA 91342 .......................................800-559-5783 ECOBIZCHECK 24612 Blue Dane Ln. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-503-5547 EXCLUSIVE PAYMENT SERVICES 143 Triunfo Canyon Rd., Ste. 207 Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................866-842-2247 GOODWIN LLOYD 9035 Topanga Canyon Blvd., #110 West Hills, CA 91304..............................................818-744-6759 MAILBOXES BUSINESS & SHIPPING CONNECTION INC. 22337 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2733

CAMPS/CLUBS JUNIOR BLIND OF AMERICA 5300 Angeles Vista Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90043...........................................323-295-4555 THE SALVATION ARMY CAMPS 26801 Dorothy Dr. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-222-6327

CAREGIVER SUNRISE OF PACIFIC PALISADES 15441 Sunset Blvd. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-573-9545

CARPET/UPHOLSTERY CLEANING MALIBU CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING P.O. Box 4015 Malibu, CA 90264 ..................................................310-457-6608

CATERING CALAMIGOS RANCH 327 S. Latigo Canyon Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................818-889-6280 MALIBU MARKET DESIGN 25001 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-9922



Malibu’s Premier Full Service Catering Company No Party Too Large, No Party Too Small Just One Call Handles it All 29775 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA 90265

CITY SERVICES CITY OF MALIBU 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2489 See our ad page 37

CLUBS & NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ALLIED ARTISTS SM MTNS & SEASHORE P.O. Box 6933 Malibu, CA 90264 ..................................................310-457-9130

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 5731 W. Slauson Ave., Ste. 200 Culver City, CA 90230 .............................................310-348-0356 CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE CENTER P.O. Box 2022 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................818-222-2658 EARTH FOUNDATION 1135 Makawao, #104 Makawao, HI 96768 ...............................................808-781-8578 FOREVER RUNNERS-MALIBU FULL AND HALF MARATHON 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-993-1449 See our ad page 22 KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS 19932 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8442 LOS ANGELES COUNTY WEST VECTOR & VECTOR-BORNE DISEASE CONTROL DISTRICT 6750 Centinela Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 .............................................310-915-7370 MALIBU ART ASSOCIATION 2914 S. Foose Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5302 MALIBU GARDEN CLUB P.O. Box 4171 Malibu, CA 90264 ..................................................310-399-2040 MALIBU NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES P.O. Box 4192 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-9763 OPTIMIST CLUB OF MALIBU P.O. Box 501 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-4433 RHYTHM ARTS ALLIANCE 6269 Porterdale Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-0523 THE SALVATION ARMY CAMPS 26801 Dorothy Dr. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-222-6327 VALLEY INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE ASSOCIATION 5121 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 208 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 ......................................818-817-0545 WOMEN IN FILM 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 710 Los Angeles, CA 90048...........................................323-935-2211 WORLD TEAM NOW 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy., #337 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-917-9106 See our ad page 48 YOUNG LIFE MALIBU COAST & CANYONS P.O. Box 2172 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-993-7088

COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA CHARTER BUSINESS 4781 Irwindale Ave. Irwindale, CA 91706 ...............................................800-314-7195 MARATHON COMMUNICATIONS 8436 W. 3rd St., Ste.700 Los Angeles, CA 90048...........................................323-655-4660 WORLD TELECOM GROUP 22761 Pacific Coast Hwy., #101 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2200

COMMUNITY SERVICES MALIBU CANYON CAMP 1666 Las Virgenes Canyon Rd. Calabassas, CA 91302 ...........................................818-878-3031

COMPUTER/INTERNET COMPUTER PROS OF MALIBU, LLC 22333 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. #B Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-6070 THE COMPUTER GUY 21525 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-0151

CONFERENCE FACILITIES SERRA RETREAT 3401 Serra Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6631

CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CROSS CREEK BUILDING CENTER, INC. 3730 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-9444

CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION & TILE (HANDYMAN, THE) 33250 Hassted Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5773 See our ad page 50 ALL COAST CONSTRUCTION AND ESTATE MAINTENANCE 5364 Sterling Center Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................818-865-8371 ARMFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION, INC. 28990 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 109 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-4222 AVALON CONSTRUCTION CORP 20645 Eaglepass Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-0399 GEORGE TOBERMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 3539 Cross Creek Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-713-3457 JOHANNESSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1803 S. Westgate Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90025...........................................310-456-3311 MAKE ROOM FOR BABY 29500 Heathercliff Rd., #279 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-890-5617 MALIBU DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INC. 28955 Pacific Coast Hwy., #210 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-4998 MALIBU GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 28955 Pacific Coast Hwy., #210 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-4648 See our ad page 51 PEAK POWER ELECTRIC 28840 Boniface Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-9348 R. SPECTOR & COMPANY 6354 Sycamore Meadows Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-1368 THE LAST DETAIL, INC. 30021 Harvester Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-457-4548 WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION 22837 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. E Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-0574

CONSULTANTS LEGACY MARKETING PARTNERS ...........................................................................312-799-5492 LYNN SAUNDERS 23410 Civic Center Way, #E7 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-9572

COUNSELING/PSYCHOTHERAPHY CHARLENE UNDERHILL MILLER, PHD. 21225 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. A Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-576-0883 RUTH B. RUBINSTEIN, PH.D, MFCC 20866 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2348 See our ad page 51


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

COURIER/MESSENGER MALIBU COURIERS & CONCIERGE 27467 Country Glen Rd. Agoura Hills, CA 91301...........................................310-428-5969

DENTISTS/ORTHODONTISTS ALAN BARBAKOW, DDS 23440 Civic Center Way, #206 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2014 KATI ASGARIFAR DDS, INC. 5931 Kanan Rd. Agoura Hills, CA 91301...........................................818-991-7522 MALIBU ROAD DENTAL 23706 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6497 See our ad Inside Back Cover PALISADES ENDODONTICS 859 Via de la Paz, Ste. C Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-230-8282

RICHARD L. JACOBSON DMD, MS, INC. 881 Alma Real Dr., Ste. 200 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272..........................310-454-0317

DENTISTS/PERIODONTICS MALIBU DENTAL GROUP 29350 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. #3 Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-457-9292

ECO FASHIONS BIANCA PARADIS ECO COUTURE 9461 Charleville Blvd., #147 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 ..........................................949-228-1428 ECOSERENE 910 N. Isabel St. Glendale, CA 91207 ...............................................818-956-1747



MALIBU DIVERS 21231 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2396

SANTA MONICA-MALIBU USD 1651 16th St. Santa Monica, CA 90404 .......................................310-450-8338



OGDEN’S CLEANERS 23823 W. Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1269

HART’S ELECTRIC INC. P.O. Box 157 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2263 PALISADES ELECTRIC 17374 W. Sunset Blvd. Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-454-6994 See our ad page 41

RUTH B. RUBINSTEIN, PH.D, MFCC Psychotherapist Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist COUPLES • FAMILIES • ADOLESCENTS • INDIVIDUALS

Serving the Malibu area Since 1974 41 Years clinical experience

Brief and Extended Theraphy Personalized For: Relationships / Marriage Substance Abuse Grief / Bereavement / Loss Adults in Transition Separation / Divorce Co-Dependency Issues Crisis / Suicide Intervention

Member: California Psycological Association American Psychological Association California Marriage, Family, Child Association American Marriage, Family Child Association

20866 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA 90265

Sliding Scale - Insurance Accepted License #M9505

Work/Fax (310) 456-2348


PEAK POWER ELECTRIC 28840 Boniface Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-9348 QUEST ELECTRIC – SOLAR WEST 23939 Ventura Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................310-456-1037 See our ad page 52

ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT ENSITU ENGINEERING INC. 685 Main St., Ste. A Morro Bay, CA 93442..............................................805-772-0150 SEA VIEW TERRACE, LLC 22741 Pacific Coast Hwy., #400 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5515

EVENTS/EVENT PLANNERS LOBO CASTLE PRODUCTIONS 28720 Roadside Dr., #176 Agoura, CA 91301 ..................................................801-450-4432 NAMEVENTS 12016 Clarkson Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90064...........................................310-996-1030 PRYOR EVENTS BY JULIE PRYOR West Los Angeles, CA .............................................310-478-1767

EVENTS/MARKETING BARCELONA ENTERPRISES 5203 Alhama Dr. Woodland Hills, CA 91364......................................818-288-4050

EXERCISE/FITNESS MALIBU FITNESS 29575 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5220 MALIBU GYM 28955 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-2450




CLARITY WEALTH MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. 2101 Rosecrans Ave., #3205 El Segundo, CA 90245 ...........................................310-662-0000 DUN & BRADSTREET CREDIBILITY CORPORATION 22761 Pacific Coast Hwy., Top Fl. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-919-2202 See our ad page 53 MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY 9665 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 600 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 ..........................................310-285-2600 SIGNATURE ESTATE & INVESTMENT ADVISORS, LLC. 2121 Avenue of the Stars, #1600 Los Angeles, CA 90067...........................................310-712-2323 WEDBUSH SECURITIES/OFFICE OF JEFF RUNYAN 9301 Wilshire Blvd., #510 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 ..........................................310-882-6496 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE 1300 4th St., 2nd Fl. Santa Monica, CA 90401 .......................................310-451-8534

MALIBU HARDWARE & MASONRY SUPPLY 3730 Cross Creek Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2772 See our ad page 10

GAS STATION MMK ENTERPRISE, INC. 21216 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6684

GLASS & MIRROR MALIBU GLASS & MIRROR, INC. 3547 Winter Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1844 See our ad page 54



FIRE SAFETY PRODUCTS FLAME PROS EXTERIOR FIRE PROTECTION & MAINTENANCE 18838 Woodcrest Ln. Riverside, CA 92508 ...............................................951-301-0247


Malibu Custom Carts is the only locally owned and operated golf cart company in Malibu. We provide sales, fast service, quality rentals and customizing to meet all your personal needs.


Malibu, CA 90265

FARM FRESH TO YOU 3880 Seaport Blvd. West Sacramento, CA 95691..................................916-303-7145 GOURMET BLENDS 3728 W. 170th St. Torrance, CA 90504 ................................................310-420-8986 GOURMET LA FOOD TOURS 2804 Jean Ln. Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................818-324-8695 See our ad page 26

MALIBU GOLF CLUB 901 Encinal Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................818-889-6680 See our ad page 35

GOURMET TREATS K CHOCOLATIER BY DIANE KRON 3835 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-0400

MERRILL LYNCH - DANIEL SCOTT JOHNSON 100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300 Santa Monica, CA 90403 .......................................310-996-2090

DON’T GET SHOCKED by Power Outages or Excessive Electric Bills Again! POWER TO THE PEOPLE -

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QUEST Electric

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Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Fully Licensed, Insured & Bonded

In Calabasas: 23939 Ventura Blvd.







OLIVER AND MICHELE PRODUCTIONS 2511 E. Ocean Ave. Ventura, CA 93003 .................................................805-794-1666

PACIFIC COAST GREENS 22601 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-0353 See our ad Back Cover RALPH’S GROCERY COMPANY 23841 W. Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2917

LOCKWOOD MD, BRUCE 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., #210 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1725 MALIBU MEDICAL - DR. LISA BENYA 23661 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1603

GREEN BUILDING/SUSTAINABILITY BIOSOLUTIONS INC. 5310 Derry Ave., Ste. E Agoura Hills, CA 91301...........................................818-991-9997 See our ad page 54 ECOBIZCHECK 24612 Blue Dane Ln. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-503-5547 ENVIROKLEAN 50 N. Lazard St. San Fernando, CA 91340 .......................................818-365-6989 THE GREENSTATION 21781 Ventura Blvd., #427 Woodland Hills, CA 91364......................................866-646-4652

HARDWARE MALIBU HARDWARE & MASONRY SUPPLY 3730 Cross Creek Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2772 See our ad page 10 TOPANGA LUMBER & HARDWARE CO., INC. 506 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd. Topanga, CA 90290 ................................................310-455-2047 See our ad page 57




HEALTH AND WELLNESS HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE 9400 Topanga Canyon Blvd., #215 Chatsworth, CA 91311 ..................................818-717-0643 INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS THERAPY P.O. Box 274 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-991-9495 LISA KNICKMEYER L.A.C., DIPL.O.M. 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., B101 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-614-2003 MANIFESTING SUCCESS & WELLNESS 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., #C301B Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-9039

HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SANTA MONICA HEATING & AIR P.O. Box 2664 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8161 THE COMFORT MAN 1210 Latigo Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-3553 See our ad page 55

HOME FURNISHINGS PLATNER AND CO. 23410 Civic Center Way, Ste. E-10 Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-7550 See our ad page 31

(310) 456-1844 • 3547 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME CARPET & WINDOW TREATMENTS 11844 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064...........................................310-444-0220

PACIFIC COAST WINDOW & DOOR 21227 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8444

HOTELS/MOTELS CASA MALIBU INN ON THE BEACH 22752 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2219 See our ad page 38 FOUR SEASONS WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 2 Dole Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91362 ....................................818-597-3333 GOOD NITE INN CALABASAS 26557 Agoura Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-880-6000 See our ad page 39 HILTON GARDEN INN 24150 Park Sorrento Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-591-2300 HOMEWOOD SUITES BY HILTON 28901 Canwood St. Agoura Hills, CA 91301...........................................818-865-1000 See our ad page 39 HYATT WESTLAKE PLAZA 880 S. Westlake Blvd. Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................805-557-4620 MALIBU BEACH INN 22878 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6444 MALIBU COUNTRY INN 6506 Westward Beach Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-9622 SHERATON AGOURA HILLS HOTEL 30100 Agoura Rd. Agoura Hills, CA 91301...........................................818-707-1220 See our ad page 19


Bart Baker, LUTCF Agency Owner 310.457.5092


310.457.6225 / 29169 W. Heathercliff Rd., Ste. 208, Malibu

“Lowest Auto Rates in Malibu” HOMEOWNERS • Brush Area • High Value • Earthquake • Beachfront • Flood

DISCOUNTS • Good Student • Good Driver • Multi-Car • Senior

Licence# 0B49439

SHERATON DELFINA SANTA MONICA 530 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405...............................310-399-9344

INSURANCE ASHFORD GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC 118 W. Kinzie St. Chicago, IL 60654 ..................................................312-923-9901 B.W. BAKER INSURANCE SERVICE, INC. 29169 Heathercliff Rd., #208 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5092 See our ad page 55 HUB INTERNATIONAL OF CALIFORNIA, INC. 6701 Center Dr. W., Ste. #1500 Los Angeles, CA 90045...........................................310-989-5583 See our ad page 56 LINDA THORESEN INSURANCE P.O. Box 12158 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292......................................310-433-6398 See our ad page 56



The Mark Ball Insurance Agency and the Farmers Insurance Group of Companies Specializing in Auto, Home, Earthquake, Flood, Business, Health, Life and Long-Term Care Insurance 22837 Pacific Coast Hwy., #D, Malibu, CA 90265

Bringing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to Malibu World Team Now, a local Malibu Charity/Chamber member, succeeded in teaming up the City of Malibu, with Clipper Creek, and EVConnect for three new and upgraded electric vehicle (EV) chargers! Free for the public. This local effort sets an example for the world with local government, in action for Change. Malibu was the first beachside city to be recipients of the grant from the California Energy Commission. Next WTN plans a solar carport. People representing 5 different countries are in this photo

World Team Now • (310) 917-9106 •


RACHAEL SPIVACK 29500 Heathercliff Rd., #32 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................818-426-0471 STEVE BREVIDORO INSURANCE AGENCY 6911 Topanga Blvd., #305 Canoga Park, CA 91303 .........................................818-887-3022

INTERIOR DESIGN JEAN & ELLEN, INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 30111 Harvester Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-4270 LIVINGSTONE DESIGN GROUP 25164 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-779-0310 See our ad page 1 & 56

PLATNER & CO. 310-456-7550 We create elegant residences with high-end custom furnishings, antiques, & exquisite architectural design. Providing services in all aspects of design from Interior & Exterior architectural detailing, complete remodeling, space planning, and much more. 23410 Civic Center Way, Ste. E-10, Malibu, CA 90265 See our ad page 31 SUZANNE FURST INTERIORS 8954 W. Pico Blvd., #A Los Angeles, CA 90035...........................................310-275-8077

INVESTMENTS C PATTON INVESTMENTS 500 California Ave., Ste. 1 Santa Monica, CA 90403 .......................................310-801-1258 WEDBUSH SECURITIES/OFFICE OF JEFF RUNYAN 9301 Wilshire Blvd., #510 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 ..........................................310-882-6496

BIJOUTIERE 17358 Leadwell St. Lake Balboa, CA 91406..........................................818-261-5888 DAVID TISHBI 860 Via De La Paz, Ste. #D3B Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-545-6363


LOCAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF MALIBU 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2489 See our ad page 37 SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY 570 W. Ave. 26, Ste. 100 Los Angeles, CA 90065...........................................323-221-9944

LAND DEVELOPER SCHMITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. 29350 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 12 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-0773 See our ad page 13

LANDSCAPING CRW LANDSCAPE 185 Paradise Cove Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5085 GARDEN VISIONS, INC. 22337 Pacific Coast Hwy., #125 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-1994 JAMES H. COWAN & ASSOCIATES 29243 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-2574 YANNETTY LANDSCAPE CO., INC. P.O. Box 531 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-7053

LEGAL LAW OFFICES OF JACK UTTER 27545 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................888-229-1635


LIMOUSINE SERVICES AMERICAN LUXURY LIMOUSINE 855 Easy St., Ste. 102 Simi Valley, CA 93065.............................................805-494-8353

HUB International Insurance Services Inc. CA License #0757776

John T. Payne Senior Vice President Phone 800-645-6100 Fax 310-568-9098 John and Anne Payne are residents of Serra Retreat, Malibu


LINGERIE SPECIAL MOMENTS 873 Via de la Paz Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-454-8199

THE PIT - MALIBU MARTIAL ARTS & FITNESS 22333 Pacific Coast Hwy., #215 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-0090

BAZAAR BOUTIQUE 1346 S. Mansfield Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019...........................................323-930-0756


GEMSTAR LIMOUSINE SERVICE 28955 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-7307

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

LOCKSMITHS MALIBU LOCKSMITH P.O. Box 1052 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-7045

LUMBER MALIBU HARDWARE & MASONRY SUPPLY 3730 Cross Creek Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2772 See our ad page 10 TOPANGA LUMBER & HARDWARE CO., INC. 506 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd. Topanga, CA 90290 ................................................310-455-2047 See our ad page 57

MAGAZINES 805 LIVING MAGAZINE 3717 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Westlake Village, CA 91362 ....................................805-413-1141 HOMES & LAND OF MALIBU & BEVERLY HILLS 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., Ste. 110 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5960

MAPS WORLD TOUR MAPS 5800 Kanan Rd., #256 Agoura, CA 91301 ..................................................818-707-0920

interior design residential commercial hospitality & yacht 310.779.0310




HIBU - JENDI GERTZ 18881 Von Karman Ave., Tower 17 Irvine, CA 92612 ....................................................610-312-1171 MALIBU PIER PARTNERS, LLC 450 Mission St., Ste. 400 San Francisco, CA 94105 .......................................415-348-1020

OF ONE MIND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, ADDICTION, EDUCATION AND HOUSING RESOURCES 2001 S. Barrington Ave., Ste. 300 West Los Angeles, CA 90025 ..................................310-479-9065

A & B MALIBU PLUMBING & HARDWARE 21249 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8550 MCDERMOTT PLUMBING & PUMPING, INC. 25659 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2286 See our ad page 46 MOSSER PLUMBING 3728 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-305-9900 See our ad page 57

MOBILE HOME PARKS PARADISE COVE 28128 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-2511

MUSEUM MALIBU LAGOON MUSEUM P.O. Box 291 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8432

MUSIC DJ BRETT ELLIOTT 3542 Coast View Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-384-7660 See our ad page 32 PANHEAD MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT P.O. Box 4323 Malibu, CA 90264 ..................................................310-728-8277

NEWSPAPERS MALIBU TIMES 3864 Las Flores Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5507 PATCH.COM 331 N. Maple Beverly Hills, CA 90210 ..........................................310-904-9215 THISWEEKINMALIBU.COM 22631 Pacific Coast Hwy., #377 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-8488


PARTY RENTALS/EVENT SUPPLIES LA PARTY RENTS 13520 Saticoy Van Nuys, CA 91402...............................................818-989-4300

PET CARE THROW YOUR DOG A BONE 628 S. Ridgeley Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90036...........................................213-280-3999

SUNDANCE PLUMBING INC. 28825 Lake Vista Dr. Agoura, CA 91301.........................................818-889-4482



KIM MCCARTHY PHOTOGRAPHY 30600 Las Estrellas Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-968-0071 OLIVER AND MICHELE PRODUCTIONS 2511 E. Ocean Ave. Ventura, CA 93003 .................................................805-794-1666

ITRIP 1223 Wilshire Blvd., #877 Santa Monica, CA 91403 .......................................310-331-8429 J & P LIMITED 28990 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. #208 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-1102 OLD MALIBU COURTHOUSE SQUARE PROPERTIES 21323 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 101 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-579-4000 SIRIUS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy., #365 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-0303 See our ad page 58

PHYSICAL THERAPISTS BODY REHAB CENTER 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., Ste. 115 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8301

PHYSICIANS/MEDICAL/SURGEONS BEAUTOLOGIE 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., #C303 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................424-781-3296 MALIBU URGENT CARE 23656 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-7551 See our ad page 45 PRIMARY CARING OF MALIBU MEDICAL GROUP INC. 22601 Pacific Coast Hwy., #240 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6505

PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT AVERI TORRES, MALIBU’S RESIDENT PSYCHIC 6779 Las Olas Way Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-3157 See our ad page 58

REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT COLDWELL BANKER - CHRISTINE RODGERSON 23676 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-9313

MALIBU NEWSSTAND 23717 1/2 W Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1519

OPHTHALMOLOGY SAWUSCH, MARK R. MD, INC. 970 Monument St., # 204 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-454-5521

OPTOMETRIST M*D* EYE CARE MALIBU 22225 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 8 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-7477 MALIBU EYE CENTER 3840 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-7464 See our ad Inside Front Cover

MOSSER PLUMBING C 42-C 36-B 1-A-HIC LIC.# 497428

ORCHIDS ZUMA CANYON ORCHIDS INC 5949 Bonsall Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-9771

800-559-7586 or 310-305-9900 • e-mail:

Malibu’s local source for Lumber and Hardware! O 3 milenly s the PC from H!

Doors & Windows • Decking • Concrete • Plumbing Electrical • Wood Burning Stoves • Landscape Timbers & More!

506 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga • 310-455-2047 • FAST DELIVERY


COLDWELL BANKER - LEE LAPLANTE 23676 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-383-3341 GOLD COAST INSPECTORS 4456 Whittier St. Ventura, CA 93033 .................................................805-766-0072 LOUIS T. BUSCH ASSOCIATES 22253 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6477 PRITCHETT-RAPF REALTORS - ISABEL MILLER 23732 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5629 See our ad page 45 RE/MAX ELITE IN MALIBU 22917 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste 210 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5888

COLDWELL BANKER - PAUL GRISANTI 23676 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-9328 COLDWELL BANKER - SUSAN MONUS 29178 Heathercliff Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-2477 HOMES & LAND OF MALIBU & BEVERLY HILLS 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., Ste. 110 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5960 MAIA DUBINSKY & ASSOCIATES 3548 Hawkeye Pl. Newbury Park, CA 91320........................................310-488-5910 MALIBU ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., Ste. 140 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5566 MALIBU BAY COMPANY 23705 W. Malibu Rd., #D2 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6555

REAL ESTATE SERVICES 4 MALIBU REAL ESTATE PARTNERS 22967 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-3655


ACTION NOW REALTY 18862 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-3833 COLDWELL BANKER - ANI DERMENJIAN 23676 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-9382 See our ad page 35 COLDWELL BANKER - ASTOR SIMON 23676 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-795-1382

PRUDENTIAL MALIBU REALTY - MICHAEL NOVOTNY 23405 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6431 REAL SUPPORT PROPERTY MGMT. 28990 Pacific Coast Hwy., #107 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-0019 RG HARRIS CO. P.O. Box 37 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5591 SEABREEZE ESTATES REALTY - SOPHIE KIDIAN 20710 Pacific Coast Hwy., #10 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-962-2561 SHERWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. 2300 Norfield Ct. Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 .....................................805-373-5992 TERRA COASTAL ESCROW 23805 Stuart Ranch Rd., #200 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6434

THE LEVIN GROUP REAL ESTATE 310-456-0220 Fax: 310-456-9424 Real estate is our Business! We are a small elite boutique Real Estate firm, providing our clients with comprehensive & personalized representation while focusing on enhancing a great quality of life in Malibu.

310-456-2058 Fax: 310-456-1256

22611 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA 90265 22241 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA 90265

REHABILITATION TREATMENT CENTER NEW GROUP, LLC 24911 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-6754 PRITCHETT-RAPF REALTORS 23732 Malibu Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6771 See our ad page 32 PRUDENTIAL MALIBU REALTY - DERINDA MOSES 23405 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-804-9067

COLDWELL BANKER - CHRISTINA CARMEL 29178 Heathercliff Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-924-5338 COLDWELL BANKER - ELLEN FRANCISCO 29178 Heathercliff Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-589-2464 See our ad page 42

CANYON AT PEACE PARK 2900 S. Kanan Dume Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-3209 See our ad page 32 MULHOLLAND CENTER 26066 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-878-0888 PASSAGES ADDICTION CURE CENTER 6428 Meadows Ct. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-589-2880

RESEARCH HRL LABORATORIES, LLC 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-5000 See our ad page 59





Accurate & Astounding In Person & Telephone Readings Join with recent U.S. Presidents, Fortune 500 executives & celebrities who, for over 50 years, have used AVERI’S powerful guidance for career & personal excellence; and her amazing insights for peace, love, prosperity, and good health.

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DUKE’S MALIBU 21150 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-0777 GEOFFREY’S MALIBU 27400 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-1519 See our ad page 27 GLADSTONES 17300 Pacific Coast Hwy Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-454-3474 JOHN’S GARDEN SANDWICH & SNACK SHOP 3835 Cross Creek Rd., #1 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8377 LILY’S CAFE 2921 Heathercliff Rd., #60 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-3745 MALIBU AND VINE BAR & GRILLE 901 Encinal Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................818-889-6680 MALIBU SEAFOOD 25653 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3430 MARMALADE CAFE 3894 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265

% ! " % " " % $ " % % % !






# !


MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT 22725 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6996 MOONSHADOWS 20356 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3010 NEPTUNE’S NET SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 42505 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-3095 PARADISE COVE BEACH CAFE 28128 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-457-9791


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

PLATE RESTAURANT 22601 Pacific Coast Hwy., #100 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-6800 SADDLEPEAK LODGE 419 Cold Canyon Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-222-3888 SHILO SMOOTHIES 761 E. First St. Azusa, California 91702 .........................................626-354-4034 SUBWAY SANDWICHES & SALADS 23705 W. Malibu Rd., #200 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-0565 TAVERNA TONY 23410 Civic Center Way Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-9667 See our ad page 27 THE SUNSET RESTAURANT & BEACH BAR 6800 Westward Beach Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-1007 TRA DI NOI RISTORANTE 3835 Cross Creek Rd., # 8A Malibu, CA 90265


TRES CLASSIQUE 966 Mazzoni St., #2-B Ukiah, CA 95482 ....................................................707-367-0155

RETAIL ANAT MARIN LLC 23657 Calabasas Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-914-6321 BILL ENTERPRISES 234 S. Hoover St., #207 Los Angeles, CA 90004...........................................213-949-7245 COSTCO WHOLESALE 5700 Lindero Canyon Rd. Westlake Village, CA 91362 ....................................818-597-3901 DIAMONDS AND CHAMPAGNE WHOLESALE JEWELERS 1464 Madera Rd., Ste. N359 Simi Valley, CA 93065.............................................805-660-9336

GLIMCHER MALIBU LLC 3939 Cross Creek Rd., Ste. D240 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-7395 JANE MOHR DESIGNS 15500 Erwin St., Unit 1089 Van Nuys, CA 91411...............................................818-994-3890 JOHN VARVATOS 3825 Cross Creek Rd., #9A Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-8487 LEVI’S MALIBU 3862 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-9194 MALIBU COUNTRY MART 12410 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025...........................................310-826-5635 OTZ SHOES INC. 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. A-103 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-9100 PINNACLE CLOTHING 28925 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5705 SEPHORA 3896 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-317-6767 SOUTHERN COMFORT SWINGS P.O. Box 262502 Tampa, FL 33685....................................................813-881-0256 TREASURED ACCESSORY 4240 Lost Hills Rd., #1201 Calabasas, CA 91301.............................................818-880-6449 WANAWAKE 264 S. La Cienega Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 ..........................................323-899-1268 ZUMA JAY’S SURFBOARDS 22775 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8044

ROOFING/REPAIR COASTAL INC. COASTAL ROOFING CO. P.O. Box 2531 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-455-2827 PERMANENT ROOF WEST 9854 National Blvd., Ste. 202 Los Angeles, CA 90034 .................................310-838-7663

SCHOOLS/PRIVATE CHILDREN’S CREATIVE WORKSHOP 6955 Fernhill Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-457-2937 MUSE SCHOOL 1666 Las Virgenes Canyon Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................310-455-4400 See our ad page 46 OUR LADY OF MALIBU SCHOOL 3625 S. Winter Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-8071 PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90263-4745.........................................310-506-4000 See our ad page 47 VIEWPOINT SCHOOL 23620 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................818-340-2901 See our ad page 47

SCHOOLS/PUBLIC CSU CHANNEL ISLANDS One University Dr. Camarillo, CA 93012 ..............................................805-437-8920

SECURITY/ALARM SERVICE MALIBU PATROL/GATES SECURITY 15332 Antioch St., #177 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 ...................................310-456-1477 See our ad page 60


SOLAR UNIVERSE 2524 Townsgate Rd., Ste. B Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................888-880-5950

SEPTIC SYSTEMS ENSITU ENGINEERING INC. 685 Main St., Ste. A Morro Bay, CA 93442..............................................805-772-0150 EPD 20722 S. Main St. Carson, CA 90745 ..................................................310-241-6565 GOLD COAST GEOSERVICES INC. 5217 Verdugo Way, Ste. B Camarillo, CA 93012 ..............................................805-484-5070

W.A.S.T.E.C., INC.

SPA/MASSAGE/WELLNESS CURE SPA 22741 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 200, 2nd Fl. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1458

SPICES/TEA WORLD FLAVORZ SPICE & TEA CO. 307 S. Vermont Ave., Ste. I Glendora, CA 91741...............................................954-826-8680


STORAGE/SELF STORAGE/MOVING MALIBU SELF-STORAGE 3728 Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5555 MEATHEAD MOVERS 331 N. Dawson, Unit A Camarillo, CA 93012 ..............................................310-589-6060

Since 1948, W.A.S.T.E.C. has been Southern California’s premier provider of Residential, Commercial & Industrial septic services. Call (800) 799-2783 today for a free quote & for all of your septic, cesspool, grease trap & seepage pit system needs!

SURVEYORS LAND & AIR SURVEYING, INC. 5312 Derry Ave., Ste. "V" Agoura Hills, CA 91301...........................................310-456-9381 See our ad page 45

TENNIS MALIBU RACQUET CLUB 23847 Stuart Ranch Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3313

THEATERS MALIBU STAGE CO 29243 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-1998

THRIFT SHOP THE ARTIFAC TREE 3728 1/2 S. Cross Creek Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1068

TILE ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION & TILE (HANDYMAN, THE) 33250 Hassted Dr. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-5773 See our ad page 50

SHIPPING/PACKAGING/TRANSPORTATION POSTAL ANNEX 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-4800

TIRES SPINA’S MOVING & STORAGE, INC. 310-456-1753 Only Licensed, Insured Moving & Storage Company Located in Malibu for 40 Years • Packing • Shipping • Crating • Moving Supplies Complete Storage in Malibu, West LA & Oxnard Experts in Handling Antiques & Fine Arts, Automobile & Motorcycle Storage

SKINCARE VERONICA SKIN AND BODY CARE CENTER & MEDICAL SPA 24955 Pacific Coast Hwy., #B101 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8883 See our ad page 23


CALABASAS TIRE PROS 4929 Las Virgenes Rd. Calabasas, CA 91302 ....................................818-880-2250


See our ad page 61

TOY CRAZY 23410 Civic Center Way Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5696



MALIBU SURF SHACK 22935 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-8508

CROWN DISPOSAL CO., INC. 9189 De Garmo Ave. Sun Valley, CA 91352..............................................818-767-0675 See our ad page 61

calpuct –189070

ADR SOLAR SOLUTIONS 22741 Ventura Blvd. Woodland Hills, CA 91364......................................877-237-6477 QUEST ELECTRIC – SOLAR WEST 23939 Ventura Calabasas, CA 91302.............................................310-456-1037 See our ad page 52

22235 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. G, Malibu, CA 90265

M A L I B U PAT R O L “Prepared to Protect” EVENT SECURITY SECURITY CAMERAS ALARM SYSTEMS Scott Wagenseller, Chief Executive Officer & Founder


310.456.1477 60


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

UNIVERSAL WASTE SYSTEMS, INC. 9016 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Spings, CA 90760 ...........................562-941-4900



Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Environmental Solution Services. Specialize in temporary insta bins and roll-off containers for all your disposal and recycling needs. P.O. Box 940430, Simi Valley, CA 93094 See our ad page 41

TRAVEL BETH TRAVEL ADVISOR P.O. Box 8001 Calabasas, CA 91372.............................................800-586-9476

TUTORING A PLUS TUTOR P.O. Box 1202 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................424-279-2150

UTILITIES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1721 22nd St. Santa Monica, CA 90404 .......................................800-655-4555 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY 8141 Gulana Ave. Playa Del Ray, CA 90293 ........................................310-578-2650

VETERINARIANS MALIBU COAST ANIMAL HOSPITAL 310-317-4560 Fax: 310-317-4562 We provide healthcare for pets through a combination of preventative medicine, state of the art diagnostics, & medical and surgical intervention. Our veterinarians and staff are committed to the highest standard of care for your four-legged friends. 23431 Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu, CA 90265 MALIBU VETERINARY CLINIC 28990 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-6453

WALKING FOOD TOURS GOURMET LA FOOD TOURS 2804 Jean Ln. Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................818-324-8695 See our ad page 26

OLIVER AND MICHELE PRODUCTIONS 2511 E. Ocean Ave. Ventura, CA 93003 .................................................805-794-1666

MALIBU SOLSTICE 29350 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 12 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-2863


ROSENTHAL - THE MALIBU ESTATE 18741 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 .........................................310-456-1392

MALIBU EVENTS 22631 Pacific Coast Hwy., #185 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-5143 MALIBU WEST BEACH CLUB 30756 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-7725

SCHETTER MALIBU VINEYARD 5825 Murphy Way Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-849-7505


WINDOW/GLASS CLEANING PACIFIC WINDOW WASHING P.O. Box 158 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-1995

WINDOWS AGOURA SASH & DOOR, INC. 2301 Townsgate Rd. Westlake Village, CA 91361 ....................................805-449-2840 See our ad page 34 DANMER CUSTOM SHUTTERS 8000 Woodley Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406...............................................818-576-8200

WINE/WINERIES/TASTING ROOM/VINEYARDS COLCANYON ESTATE WINES 2375 Latigo Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-589-4925 DOLIN MALIBU ESTATE VINEYARDS 5970 Cavalleri Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-2900 HOYT FAMILY VINEYARDS 5929 Kanan Dume Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-3832 JIM PALMER’S MALIBU VINEYARDS 22631 Pacific Coast Hwy., #900 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-3805

ASCEND MALIBU FELLOWSHIP 310-924-5404 We meet Sundays, 10:30am at Webster Elementary School 3602 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, CA 90265 Igniting by Uniting the Old and New, Gentile and Jew, Word and Spirit P.O. Box 2535, Malibu, CA 90265 CALVARY CHAPEL MALIBU P.O. Box 6341 Malibu, CA 90264 ..................................................424-235-4463 CHABAD OF MALIBU 22933 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-6588 MALIBU JEWISH CTR. & SYNAGOGUE 24855 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-2178 MALIBU PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3324 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-456-1611 WAVESIDE CHURCH P.O. Box 901 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-774-1927

Spina’s Moving & Storage, Inc. Only Licensed, Insured Moving & Storage Company Located in Malibu for 40 Years Packing • Shipping • Crating • Moving Supplies Complete Storage in Malibu, West LA & Oxnard Experts in Handling Antiques & Fine Arts, Automobile & Motorcycle Storage


310-456-1753 22235 P.C.H., Malibu, CA 90625 calpuct -189070

ENSITU ENGINEERING INC. 805-772-0150 Fax: 805-772-0813 Residential & Commercial Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Septic & Wastewater Permit Processing, Regulatory & RWQCB Compliance & Permit Processing "Dedicated to achieving higher standards in onsite & decentralized wastewater systems. 685 Main St., Ste. A, Morro Bay, CA 93442

WATER MAINS/UNDERGROUND/TREATMENT TOPANGA UNDERGROUND 21300 Deering Ct. Canoga Park, CA 91304 .........................................818-251-1980 See our ad page 45 WEST BASIN MWD 17140 S. Avalon Blvd. Carson, CA 90746 ..................................................310-217-2411

WEBSITE DESIGN/SUPPORT MARLAND MICROSOLUTIONS, INC. 29178 Heathercliff Rd., Ste. #2 Malibu, CA 90265 ..................................................310-457-7887


Business directory index # 4 Malibu Real Estate Partners, 310-456-3655...............58 805 Living Magazine, 805-413-1141 .............................56

A A & B Malibu Plumbing & Hardware, 310-456-8550 .....57 A Plus Tutor, 424-279-2150 ...........................................61 Action Now Realty, 310-456-3833..................................58 ADR Solar Solutions, 877-237-6477 ..............................60 Agoura Sash & Door, Inc., 805-449-2840 ......................61 Alan Barbakow, DDS, 310-456-2014 ..............................51 Alexander Construction & Tile (Handyman, The), 310-457-5773 .........................50, 60

Charter Business, 800-314-7195 ...................................50

Geoffrey’s Malibu, 310-457-1519 ...................................58

Children’s Creative Workshop, 310-457-2937.................59

George Toberman Construction Company, 310-713-3457............................................................50

Cislo & Thomas, LLP, 310-451-0647 ..............................49 City of Malibu, 310-456-2489..................................50, 56

Gladstones, 310-454-3474.............................................58

Clarity Wealth Management Group Inc., 310-662-0000..........................................52

Glimcher Malibu LLC, 310-456-7395 .............................59

Clive Dawson A.I.A. Architecture and Planning, 310-589-1921 .....................................49

Gold Coast Inspectors, 805-766-0072 ...........................58

Coastal Inc. Coastal Roofing Co., 310-455-2827 ...........59

Good Nite Inn Calabasas, 818-880-6000 .......................55

Colcanyon Estate Wines, 310-589-4925.........................61

Goodwin Lloyd, 818-744-6759 .......................................50

Coldwell Banker - Ani Dermenjian, 310-317-9382 .........58

Gourmet Blends, 310-420-8986.....................................52

Coldwell Banker - Astor Simon, 310-795-1382 ..............58

Gourmet LA Food Tours, 818-324-8695....................52, 61

Gold Coast GeoServices Inc., 805-484-5070..................60 Goldman Firth Rossi Architects, 310-456-1831..............49

Coldwell Banker - Christina Carmel, 310-924-5338 .......58


Coldwell Banker - Christine Rodgerson, 310-317-9313 ........................57

Hart’s Electric Inc., 310-456-2263..................................51

Coldwell Banker - Ellen Francisco, 310-589-2464..........58

Hibu - Jendi Gertz, 610-312-1171 ..................................57

Coldwell Banker - Lee LaPlante, 310-383-3341 .............58

Hilton Garden Inn, 818-591-2300 ..................................55

American Cancer Society, 310-348-0356 .......................50

Coldwell Banker - Paul Grisanti, 310-317-9328 .............58

Home Carpet & Window Treatments, 310-444-0220 ......54

American Luxury Limousine, 805-494-8353 ...................56

Coldwell Banker - Susan Monus, 310-589-2477 ............58

Home Instead Senior Care, 818-717-0643.....................54

Anat Marin LLC, 818-914-6321 ......................................59

Computer Pros of Malibu LLC, 310-456-6070 ................50

Anne P. Vogel, C.P.A., 310-454-7667...............................49

Costco Wholesale, 818-597-3901 ..................................59

Homes & Land of Malibu & Beverly Hills, 310-456-5960.............................56, 58

Armfield Design & Construction, Inc., 310-457-4222 .....50

Cross Creek Building Center, Inc., 310-456-9444...........50

Homewood Suites by Hilton, 818-865-1000 ...................55

Ascend Malibu Fellowship, 310-924-5404 ...............49, 61

Crown Disposal Co., Inc., 818-767-0675 ........................60

Hoyt Family Vineyards, 310-457-3832 ............................61

Ashford General Insurance Agency, LLC, 312-923-9901 .......................................55

CRW Landscape, 310-457-5085.....................................56

HRL Laboratories, LLC, 310-317-5000............................58

CSU Channel Islands, 805-437-8920 .............................59

Hub International of California, Inc., 310-989-5583.......55

Avalon Construction Corp, 310-456-0399 ......................50

Culligan Water Conditioning, 800-559-5783 ..................50

Hyatt Westlake Plaza, 805-557-4620 .............................55

Averi Torres, Malibu’s Resident Psychic, 310-457-3157................................57

Cure Spa, 310-456-1458................................................60

All Coast Construction and Estate Maintenance, 818-865-8371....................50 Allied Artists SM Mtns & Seashore, 310-457-9130 ..................................49-50

B B.W. Baker Insurance Service, Inc., 310-457-5092.........55 Bank of Books, 310-457-5699 .......................................49


Integrative Wellness Therapy, 310-991-9495..................54

Danmer Custom Shutters, 818-576-8200.......................61

IP Law Office of Joel Voelzke, 310-317-4466..................49

David Tishbi, 310-545-6363 ...........................................56

iTrip, 310-331-8429........................................................57

Barcelona Enterprises, 818-288-4050............................52

Diamonds and Champagne Wholesale Jewelers, 805-660-9336............................59


Barsocchini and Associates Architects, 310-456-3625............................................................49

DJ Brett Elliott, 310-384-7660 .......................................57

J & P Limited, 310-589-1102 .........................................57

Bazaar Boutique, 323-930-0756 ....................................56 Beautologie, 424-781-3296 ...........................................57 Beauty Collection, 310-317-0117...................................49

Dolin Malibu Estate Vineyards, 310-457-2900 ...............61

James E. Biava, 310-456-3330 ......................................49

Duke’s Malibu, 310-317-0777........................................58

James H. Cowan & Associates, 310-457-2574...............56

Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corporation, 310-919-2202............................................................52

Jane Mohr Designs, 818-994-3890 ................................59

Beth Travel Advisor, 800-586-9476 ................................61

Jean & Ellen, Interior Architectural Design, 310-456-4270............................................................56

Bianca Paradis Eco Couture, 949-228-1428 ..................51


Jeffrey Jennings Atty, 310-456-1400...............................49

Bijoutiere, 818-261-5888 ...............................................56

Earth Foundation, 808-781-8578 ...................................50

Jim Palmer’s Malibu Vineyards, 310-456-3805...............61

Bill Enterprises, 213-949-7245 ......................................59

EcoBizCheck, 310-503-5547 ....................................50, 54

Joanna Burke Art Consultants Inc., 310-305-1313.........49

BioSolutions Inc., 818-991-9997 ...................................54

EcoSerene, 818-956-1747..............................................51

Johannessen Construction Co., 310-456-3311 ...............50

Body Rehab Center, 310-456-8301................................57

Ensitu Engineering Inc., 805-772-0150 ........49, 52, 60-61

John Varvatos, 310-317-8487 ........................................59

Budget Car & Truck Rental, 310-456-1815 ....................49

Enviroklean, 818-365-6989 ............................................54

Burdge & Associates Architects, Inc., 310-456-5905...................................49

EPD, 310-241-6565........................................................60

John’s Garden Sandwich & Snack Shop, 310-456-8377 ...................................58

Exclusive Payment Services, 866-842-2247 ...................50

Johnson, Harband, Foster & Darling, LLP, 310-454-6545 ...................................49


Junior Blind of America, 323-295-4555..........................50

Buzz Wax, 310-880-1793 ...............................................49


Farm Fresh To You, 916-303-7145..................................52

C Patton Investments, 310-801-1258.............................56

Flame Pros Exterior Fire Protection & Maintenance, 951-301-0247..................................52

Calabasas Car Care, 818-880-2250 ...............................49 Calabasas Tire Pros, 818-880-2250 ...............................60 Calamigos Ranch, 818-889-6280...................................50 California Wildlife Center, 818-222-2658 .......................50

K K Chocolatier by Diane Kron, 310-317-0400..................52

Forever Runners-Malibu Full and Half Marathon, 310-993-1449 ............................50

Kati Asgarifar DDS, Inc., 818-991-7522 .........................51

Four Seasons Westlake Village, CA, 818-597-3333 ........55

Kidz Art Innovators, 310-823-3631 ................................49

Keep Christ in Christmas, 310-456-8442 .......................50 Kim McCarthy Photography, 310-968-0071 ...................57

Calvary Chapel Malibu, 424-235-4463...........................61


Canyon at Peace Park, 310-457-3209............................58

Gaines & Stacey LLP, 818-933-0200 .............................49

Casa Malibu Inn on the Beach, 310-456-2219 ..............55


Garden Visions, Inc., 310-317-1994...............................56

Chabad of Malibu, 310-456-6588..................................61

L A Party Rents, 818-989-4300 ......................................57

Gemstar Limousine Service, 310-457-7307 ...................56

Land & Air Surveying, Inc., 310-456-9381 .....................60

Charlene Underhill Miller, PhD., 310-576-0883 ..............50


Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Law Offices of Jack Utter, 888-229-1635 .......................56

Malibu Road Dental, 310-456-6497...............................51

Pepperdine University, 310-506-4000 ............................59

Learn And Play, 209-376-2388.......................................49

Malibu Seafood, 310-456-3430 .....................................58

Permanent Roof West, 310-838-7663 ............................59

Legacy Marketing Partners, 312-799-5492 ....................50

Malibu Self-Storage, 310-456-5555...............................60

Perricone MD, 310-405-7779.........................................49

Levi’s Malibu, 310-317-9194..........................................59

Malibu Solstice, 310-589-2863......................................61

Pinnacle Clothing, 310-457-5705...................................59

Lexus Santa Monica, 310-453-9900 ..............................49

Malibu Stage Co, 310-589-1998....................................60

Plate Restaurant, 310-317-6800 ....................................59

Lily’s Cafe, 310-457-3745 ..............................................58

Malibu Surf Shack, 310-456-8508 .................................60

Platner & Co., 310-456-7550...................................54, 56

Linda Thoresen Insurance, 310-306-7348 ......................55

Malibu Times, 310-456-5507 .........................................57

Postal Annex, 310-589-4800 ..........................................60

Lisa Knickmeyer L.A.c., Dipl.O.M., 310-614-2003...........54

Malibu Urgent Care, 310-456-7551................................57

Livingstone Design Group, 310-779-0310 ......................56

Malibu Veterinary Clinic, 310-457-6453 .........................61

Primary Caring of Malibu Medical Group Inc., 310-456-6505..........................................57

Lobo Castle Productions, 801-450-4432 ........................52

Malibu Village, 310-550-2603........................................49

Lockwood MD, Bruce, 310-456-1725 .............................54

Malibu Wellness-Malibu C Hair & Skin Mfg., 310-317-1125 .......................................49

Los Angeles County West Vector & Vector -Borne Disease Control District, 310-915-7370 .........50

Malibu West Beach Club, 310-457-7725........................61

Pritchett-Rapf Realtors - Isabel Miller, 310-456-5629 ....................................58 Pritchett-Rapf Realtors, 310-456-6771 ..........................58 Prudential Malibu Realty - Derinda Moses, 310-804-9067 ................................58

Louis T. Busch Associates, 310-456-6477 ......................58

Manifesting Success & Wellness, 310-456-9039............54

Lynn Saunders, 310-456-9572 .......................................50

Marathon Communications, 323-655-4660....................50

Prudential Malibu Realty - Michael Novotny, 310-456-6431..............................58

Mariposa Land Company Ltd., 310-456-3230 ................49

Pryor Events by Julie Pryor, 310-478-1767.....................52


Mark Ball Farmers Ins., 310-317-4433 ..........................55

M*D* Eye Care Malibu, 310-456-7477..........................57

Marland MicroSolutions, Inc., 310-457-7887 .................61


M. Debra Reno, CPA, MST, 310-587-2380......................49

Marmalade Cafe, 310-317-4242 ....................................58

Quest Electric - Solar West, 310-456-1037 ..............52, 60

Maia Dubinsky & Associates, 310-488-5910..................58

McDermott Plumbing & Pumping, Inc., 310-456-2286.................................57


McDonald’s Restaurant, 310-456-6996..........................58

R. Frank Miller, CPA, 310-204-2440 ...............................49

Make Room For Baby, 310-890-5617 ............................50

Meathead Movers, 310-589-6060 ..................................60

R. Spector & Company, 310-457-1368 ..........................50

Malibu Acupuncture & Herbs, 310-456-8811.................49

Merrill Lynch - Daniel Scott Johnson, 310-996-2090......52

Rachael Spivack, 818-426-0471 ....................................56

Malibu and Vine Bar & Grille, 818-889-6680.................58

Miramar Property Investment, 310-456-0063.................49

Malibu Art Association, 310-456-5302...........................50

MMK Enterprise, Inc., 310-456-6684 .............................52

Raia, Bredefeld & Associates, P.C., 310-317-4608............................................................49

Malibu Association of Realtors, 310-456-5566 ..............58

Monica Crovetto, 818-585-1726.....................................49

Ralph’s Grocery Company, 310-456-2917 ......................54

Malibu Bay Company, 310-456-6555.............................58

Monrose Catering, 310-457-6338 ..................................50

RE/MAX ELITE in Malibu, 310-456-5888........................58

Malibu Beach Inn, 310-456-6444 ..................................55

Moonshadows, 310-456-3010........................................58

Real Support Property Mgmt., 310-457-0019 ................58

Malibu Canyon Camp, 818-878-3031 ............................50

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, 310-285-2600 ...............52

RG Harris Co., 310-456-5591.........................................58

Malibu Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, 310-457-6608............................................................50

Mosser Plumbing, 310-305-9900 ...................................57

Rhythm Arts Alliance, 310-589-0523 .............................50

Mulholland Center, 818-878-0888 .................................58

Richard L. Jacobson DMD, MS, Inc., 310-454-0317............................................................51

Mailboxes Business & Shipping Connection Inc., 310-456-2733 .................................50

Malibu Coast Animal Hospital, 310-317-4560 .........49, 61 Malibu Colony Plaza, 573-449-8323 ..............................49

MUSE School, 310-455-4400.........................................59

RightWay Distribution, 818-912-3283 ............................49

Malibu Community News, 310-919-7975 .......................49


RLB Architecture, 310-459-0244 ....................................49

Malibu Country Inn, 310-457-9622 ................................55

Namevents, 310-996-1030.............................................52

Rosenthal - The Malibu Estate, 310-456-1392...............61

Malibu Country Mart, 310-826-5635 .............................59

Neptune’s Net Seafood Restaurant, 310-457-3095............................................................58

Ruth B. Rubinstein, Ph.D, MFCC, 310-456-2348 ............50

Malibu Couriers & Concierge, 310-428-5969.................51 Malibu Custom Carts, 310-589-1587.............................52

New Group, LLC, 310-317-6754 .....................................58

S Saddlpeak Lodge, 818-222-3888...................................59

Malibu Dental Group, 310-457-9292 .............................51


Santa Monica Heating & Air, 310-456-8161 ..................54

Malibu Divers, 310-456-2396.........................................51

O’Gara Coach Westlake, 805-418-9092 .........................49

Malibu Electronic Bicycles, 310-734-8806 .....................49

Oakbrook Awards & Promotions, 805-494-1694 ............49

Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, 323-221-9944............................................................56

Malibu Escrow Corp., 310-456-2058..............................58

Of One Mind Behavioral Health, Addiction, Education and Housing Resources, 310-479-9065 .....................57

Santa Monica-Malibu USD, 310-450-8338 ....................51

Ogden’s Cleaners, 310-456-1269 ...................................51

Schetter Malibu Vineyard, 310-849-7505.......................61

Old Malibu Courthouse Square Properties, 310-579-4000..............................57

Schmitz & Associates, Inc., 310-589-0773.....................56

Malibu General Contractors, Inc., 310-457-4648 ...........50

Oliver and Michele Productions, 805-794-1666 ...............................................54, 57, 61

Seabreeze Estates Realty - Sophie Kidian, 310-962-2561..................................58

Malibu Glass & Mirror, Inc., 310-456-1844....................52

Optimist Club of Malibu, 310-317-4433.........................50

Sephora, 310-317-6767 .................................................59

Malibu Golf Club, 818-889-6680....................................52

Oscar W McGraw Architect, 310-456-3903.....................49

Serra Retreat, 310-456-6631 .........................................50

Malibu Gym, 310-457-2450 ...........................................52

OTZ Shoes Inc., 310-456-9100.......................................59

Sheraton Agoura Hills Hotel, 818-707-1220...................55

Malibu Hardware & Masonry Supply, 310-456-2772 ...............................................52, 54, 56

Our Lady of Malibu School, 310-456-8071 ....................59

Sheraton Delfina Santa Monica, 310-399-9344 .............55

Malibu Jewish Ctr. & Synagogue, 310-456-2178............61


Malibu Lagoon Museum, 310-456-8432 ........................57

Pacific Coast Greens, 310-456-0353..............................54

Malibu Locksmith, 310-456-7045 ..................................56

Pacific Coast Window & Door, 310-456-8444 ................55

Signature Estate & Investment Advisors, LLC., 310-712-2323 ....................................52

Malibu Market Design, 310-317-9922 ...........................50

Pacific Window Washing, 310-457-1995 ........................61

Sirius Property Management, Inc., 310-457-0303 ..........57

Malibu Medical - Dr. Lisa Benya, 310-456-1603............54

Palisades Electric, 310-454-6994...................................51

Solar Universe, 888-880-5950 .......................................60

Malibu Navy League of the United States, 310-457-9763 ..........................50

Palisades Endodontics, 310-230-8282...........................51

Southern California Edison, 800-655-4555 ....................61

Panhead Music & Entertainment, 310-728-8277 ...........57

Malibu Newsstand, 310-456-1519 .................................57

Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, 310-457-9791 .....................58

Southern California Gas Company, 310-578-2650............................................................61

Malibu Patrol/Gates Security, 310-456-1477.................59

Paradise Cove, 310-457-2511........................................57

Southern Comfort Swings, 813-881-0256 ......................59

Malibu Pier Partners, LLC, 415-348-1020 ......................57

Passages Addiction Cure Center, 310-589-2880 ............58

Special Moments, 310-454-8199...................................56

Malibu Presbyterian Church, 310-456-1611...................61, 310-904-9215..............................................57

Spina’s Moving & Storage, Inc., 310-456-1753 ..............60

Malibu Racquet Club, 310-456-3313 .............................60

Peak Power Electric, 310-457-9348 .........................50, 52

Steve Brevidoro Insurance Agency, 818-887-3022 .........56

Malibu Design Associates, Inc., 310-457-4998 ..............50

Malibu Events, 310-456-5143 ........................................61 Malibu Eye Center, 310-456-7464 .................................57 Malibu Fitness, 310-457-5220 .......................................52 Malibu Garden Club, 310-399-2040...............................50

Sawusch, Mark R. MD, Inc., 310-454-5521 ....................57

Sea View Terrace, LLC, 310-456-5515............................52

Sherwood Development Co., 805-373-5992...................58 Shilo Smoothies, 626-354-4034 ....................................59


Subway Sandwiches & Salads, 310-456-0565 ...............59 Sundance Plumbing Inc., 818-889-4482 ........................57 Sunrise of Pacific Palisades, 310-573-9545...................50 Suzanne Furst Interiors, 310-275-8077 ..........................56

T Taverna Tony, 310-317-9667 ..........................................59 Terra Coastal Escrow, 310-456-6434..............................58 The Artifac Tree, 310-456-1068......................................60 The Comfort Man, 310-457-3553...................................54 The Computer Guy, 310-317-0151 .................................50 The Greenstation, 866-646-4652....................................54 The Last Detail, Inc., 310-457-4548 ...............................50 The Levin Group Real Estate, 310-456-0220 ..................58 THE PIT - Malibu Martial Arts & Fitness, 310-456-0090....................................56 The Salvation Army Camps, 818-222-6327 ....................50 The Sunset Restaurant & Beach Bar, 310-589-1007......59, 310-317-8488 ..........................57 Throw Your Dog a Bone, 213-280-3999..........................57

A dvertisers index

Agoura Sash & Door, Inc...............................34

Malibu Patrol/Gates Security ........................60 Alexander Construction & Tile (Handyman, The) ..........................50 Averi Torres, Malibu’s Resident Psychic......................................58

B.W. Baker Insurance Service, Inc. ................55

BioSolutions Inc. ..........................................54

Canyon at Peace Park ..................................32

Tobias Architecture, 310-317-0507 ................................49

Casa Malibu Inn on the Beach......................38

Topanga Lumber & Hardware Co., Inc., 310-455-2047 .....................................................54, 56

City of Malibu ..............................................37

Topanga Underground, 818-251-1980............................61

Coldwell Banker - Ani Dermenjian ................35

Toy Crazy, 310-456-5696................................................60 Toyota Santa Monica, 310-394-6744 .............................49 Tra Di Noi Ristorante, 310-456-0169..............................59 Treasured Accessory, 818-880-6449 ..............................59 Tres Classique, 707-367-0155........................................59

U Universal Waste Systems, Inc., 562-941-4900................61

V Valley Industry and Commerce Association, 818-817-0545............................................................50 Veronica Skin and Body Care Center & Medical Spa, 310-456-8883 ..................................60 Viewpoint School, 818-340-2901 ...................................59

Coldwell Banker - Ellen Francisco ................42

Crown Disposal Co., Inc. ..............................61

DJ Brett Elliott ..............................................32

Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corporation ............................53

Forever Runners - Malibu Full and Half Marathon ..................................22

Geoffrey's Malibu ..........................................27

W W.A.S.T.E.C., Inc., 800-799-2783 ....................................60 Wanawake, 323-899-1268 .............................................59 Warren Lawson Architect, 818-591-0646........................49 Waste Management, 805-955-4346.........................49, 61

Good Nite Inn Calabasas ..............................39 Gourmet LA Food Tours ................................26

Homewood Suites by Hilton ..........................39

Wedbush Securities / Office of Jeff Runyan, 310-882-6496 ...................52, 56

HRL Laboratories, LLC ..................................59

Whole Foods in the Park Shopping Center, 310-451-9877................................49 Williams Construction, 310-456-0574 ............................50 Women in Film, 323-935-2211.......................................50 World Flavorz Spice & Tea Co., 954-826-8680 ...............60 World Team Now, 310-917-9106 ....................................50 World Telecom Group, 310-456-2200.............................50 World Tour Maps, 818-707-0920....................................56

Y Yannetty Landscape Co., Inc., 310-456-7053 .................56 Young Life Malibu Coast & Canyons, 310-993-7088.........................................50


McDermott Plumbing & Pumping, Inc. ..........40 Mosser Plumbing ..........................................57

MUSE School ................................................46

O'Gara Coach Company (Bently/Rolls Royce) ..........................Front Cover & page 3 & 22

Pacific Coast Greens ........................Back Cover Palisades Electric ..........................................41

Pepperdine University....................................47

Platner and Co. ............................................31

Pritchett-Rapf Realtors..................................32

Pritchett-Rapf Realtors - Isabel Miller ..........45

Quest Electric - Solar West............................52 RLB Architecture ..........................................44

Ruth B. Rubinstein, Ph.D, MFCC....................51 Schmitz & Associates, Inc. ............................13

Sheraton Agoura Hills Hotel ..........................19 Sirius Property Management ........................58

Spina’s Moving & Storage, Inc. ....................61 Taverna Tony..................................................27 The Comfort Man ..........................................55

Hub International of California, Inc. ..............56 Johnson, Harband, Foster & Darling, LLP ......49 Land & Air Surveying, Inc. ............................45

Linda Thoresen Insurance..............................56 Livingstone Design Group ......................1 & 56

Malibu Eye Center ................Inside Front Cover Malibu General Contractors, Inc. ..................51

Malibu Glass & Mirror, Inc. ..........................54

Z Zuma Jay’s Surfboards, 310-456-8044 ...........................59 Zuma Canyon Orchids Inc, 310-457-9771 ......................57

Malibu Urgent Care ......................................45

Weathered Woods, 805-493-2733 ..................................49

West Basin MWD, 310-217-2411 ...................................61

Malibu Road Dental ..............Inside Back Cover

Waveside Church, 310-774-1927 ...................................61

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, 310-451-8534 ..................52

Malibu Hardware & Masonry Supply ............10

Malibu Golf Club ..........................................35

Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory & Community Guide

Topanga Lumber & Hardware Co., Inc. ..........57

Topanga Underground ..................................45

Veronica Skin and Body Care Center & Medical Spa ........................................23

Viewpoint School ..........................................47

Waste Management ......................................41

World Team Now ..........................................48

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