The Adventures of Bomani the Meerkat

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The Adventures of

Stories to Discover Life Lessons and Values

The Adventures of

Stories to discover life lessons and values

Illustrations by Tanja Joubert

Bomani and the Thieving Fork-tailed Drongo

VALUES: goodness and kindness

The sun was slowly rising over the Kalahari, and the meerkat family was just waking up. Bomani, of course, was already up and busy. He had been gathering bugs and insects for Thandi, “the loving one,” so she could prepare breakfast for the baby meerkats.

Out of the blue, the danger call sounded! Thandi and Bomani spun around to see what was wrong. Bomani called out to Dozey the Meerkat, who was supposed to be on guard. “What’s wrong, Dozey? Why are you warning us?” Dozey yelled back, “It wasn’t me! I thought it was you!” Bomani shook his head, confused.

Just then, while Bomani stood there, trying to figure things out, Thandi screamed, “He’s stealing all our food!” Bomani quickly turned around and saw the pesky Fork-tailed Drongo flying off with the baby meerkats’ breakfast. Thandi shook her head in disbelief.

“I can’t believe anyone could be so mean! Why can’t he find his own food?”

Bomani was furious at the Fork-tailed Drongo. He kicked up clouds of red dust as he paced angrily. But after calming down, Bomani became the brave meerkat everyone loved once more. He gathered the whole meerkat family to talk to them.

Taking a deep breath, Bomani said, “I was so angry at that mean, thieving bird. But we should always calm down first when we’re angry, or we might do something silly. Now that I’m calm, listen carefully.” The meerkats leaned in, eager to hear their hero.

“We have to be extra careful now,” Bomani began. “The Fork-tailed Drongo has been watching us and is a real rascal! He mimics our danger signal so perfectly that even Dozey and I get fooled. Then, when we’re distracted, he sneaks in and steals our food! But don’t worry, I’ll think of a way to teach him a lesson!”

The Fork-tailed Drongo sat in a nearby tree but didn’t bother them for the rest of the day. Bomani kept a watchful eye while making a plan to teach the drongo a good lesson. That evening, he shared his idea with his good friend Thandi. She laughed and said, “Bomani, there’s no other meerkat as clever or brave as you!”

The next morning, Bomani was whistling cheerfully. Thandi felt proud of her friend. They followed the same routine as the day before – the children played, Dozey kept watch, and Thandi cooked breakfast.

Suddenly, they heard the danger signal! Everyone froze, looking around, but Bomani kept his eyes on the food.

When the Fork-tailed Drongo swooped down to steal it, Bomani quickly slung a rope around his foot and pulled it tight!

The startled Drongo fell to the ground and was immediately surrounded by meerkats! He looked up at Bomani with fear in his eyes.

Brave Bomani looked at the Drongo and kindly said, “You don’t have to steal this food because it is yours. We gathered it especially for you. Our food is over there!” Bomani pointed with his foot.

If the Fork-tailed Drongo could blush, he would have turned bright red. And that’s how Bomani taught everyone that the best way to overcome evil is with good.

The best way to pay back people who have treated you unkindly, is to do good, kind things for them.

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

ROMANS 12:20-21


Jesus, please help me to always overcome the bad and the mean with the good and the kind. Amen


1. If you were a meerkat, what kind of food would you like to gather for breakfast in the Kalahari?

2. Imagine you had to create a funny or clever plan just like Bomani did. What silly plan would you come up with to stop the Fork-tailed Drongo from stealing food?


1. How did Bomani show kindness to the Fork-tailed Drongo, even though it was stealing from them?

2. Why is it important to stay calm like Bomani did before figuring out a solution to a problem?

3. Bomani decided to overcome a tricky situation with goodness. Can you think of a time when being kind to someone changed a tricky situation for you or someone else?

Bomani at the Funeral of Makhaya Badger

VALUES: joy and friendship

Bomani the Meerkat had many friends in the Kalahari: Thandi the Meerkat, Ethan Eagle, King Lion, and, of course, Makhaya the Fearless Badger. Makhaya’s name meant “to bring people together,” but he often drove them apart! Everyone knew he feared nothing, so they kept out of his way.

But Brave Bomani and Makhaya the Fearless were great pals. They shared many exciting adventures. Snakes trembled when they heard Bomani and Makhaya approaching. Bomani’s famous kicks made snakes see stars, while Makhaya didn’t waste time. He charged straight at them, sometimes grabbing their food, and if still hungry, munching on the snakes too!

One sunny day, while Bomani and Makhaya were strolling across the Kalahari’s red sands, they spotted a puff-adder. The puff-adder didn’t know about Bomani and Makhaya’s reputation and seemed eager to fight.

Bomani began his prancing, aiming to deliver a swift kick, but Makhaya sighed, “Oh, Bomani! I don’t have time for your kicking today!”

Rushing forward, Makhaya tackled the puff-adder and it struck at him. But this didn’t stop Makhaya.

He defeated the snake and shouted, “Bomani, come enjoy some snake sushi...”

But suddenly, Makhaya fell to the ground and didn’t move. Bomani feared the snake’s poison had harmed his friend.

Shaking Makhaya, Bomani cried, “Makhaya, wake up! Can you hear me?” But Makhaya lay still on the red sand. Tears streamed down Bomani’s face. One of his dearest friends seemed to be gone.

Bomani knew he had to arrange a funeral for Makhaya. He spread the sad news across the Kalahari and asked Thandi the Meerkat to prepare food for the gathering creatures. Soon, every animal assembled around Makhaya’s body, all feeling terribly sad that brave Makhaya had died.

Bomani started, “Friends of the Kalahari, we are here to say goodbye to Makhaya...” Just then, Makhaya stirred, opened his eyes, and said, “Bomani, why’s everyone here? Wow, Thandi’s snacks look amazing!”

Applause and cheers erupted from all the animals. Bomani grinned widely and said, “We thought the snake’s poison had killed you, and we were about to bury you!”

Makhaya laughed heartily. “A snake kill me? I’ve got a bit of a headache, but I’m fine ... and very hungry!”

Later that evening, under the twinkling stars and bright moon, Bomani said to Thandi, “I’m so happy Makhaya isn’t gone. It would’ve broken my heart. Now, we can have more adventures together.”

Thandi replied, “Yes, we all would’ve missed him, because he shows us how wonderful it is to be alive!”

Always remember to enjoy life –play, learn new things and love each other!

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.



Jesus, thank you for friends and for life. Help me to enjoy each day. Amen


1. If you could go on an adventure with Bomani and Makhaya, what exciting or silly things would you like to do in the Kalahari?

2. Can you imagine what a “snake sushi” feast might look like? What pretend dishes would you make for a fun meerkat party?


1. How did Bomani show his love and friendship for Makhaya when he thought he was gone?

2. Why is it important to show our friends we care?

3. After Makhaya surprised everyone by waking up, how did the animals’ feelings change, and what does this tell us about appreciating our friends and the joy they bring to our lives?

Bomani and the Two Jealous Meerkats

VALUES: love and family

One day, something terrible happened in the Kalahari, and Bomani the Meerkat had to think really hard about how to solve the problem. But let’s start from the beginning.

Dozey the Meerkat and Mpu the Meerkat were great friends until they started arguing about who could run the fastest and who could catch the most insects. When one did better at something, it made the other one jealous!

Dozey and Mpu began calling each other names and even throwing things. Soon, some of the other meerkats began taking sides. Some supported Dozey, and others backed Mpu. It wasn’t long before the meerkats were no longer one big, happy family – everyone was becoming mean to each other. That’s when Brave Bomani decided to take action.

Bomani called all the meerkats to a meeting. He said, “A very bad thing has been happening among us.

You are fighting all the time, and it can’t go on like this.

Hasn’t sticking together and loving one another always made us a strong meerkat family?”

The meerkats hung their heads in shame. Bomani repeated, “I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Yes,” they all agreed.

Then Bomani said sternly, “If we don’t stand together in love, we won’t be strong anymore. Then we will be open to all kinds of dangers, and that will be the end of us. It is love that makes us strong and unites us.”

He continued, “Meerkats’ love for one another is warm like the Kalahari sun during the day and clear like the full moon’s light at night.

Our love for one another has no boundary and stretches wider than the Kalahari horizon. It’s deeper than the deepest burrow we can dig and higher than the highest Kalahari dune we can climb.

Meerkats’ love for one another is as beautiful as the flowers in the veld. Without love, we are nothing. That is why we are as grateful as the veld after a shower of rain because we were created with so much love for each other.”

When Bomani stopped speaking, the meerkat family made peace with one another.

As the sun, with its beautiful shades of red, began setting, everything in meerkat country became peaceful once again. Bomani whispered to Thandi, his little meerkat friend, “There’s nothing like being a meerkat, is there? Our Creator is so good to us. Let us also be good to one another...”

“Yes, by loving one another,” Thandi added with a smile.

Jealousy makes us nasty.

God wants us to love one another.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

JOHN 13:35


Jesus, I want to love others like You do. Amen


1. If you were a meerkat like Bomani, how would you bring everyone together to play and have fun when they are feeling grumpy?

2. Imagine you could run as fast as Dozey or Mpu. What exciting game would you play in the Kalahari with your meerkat friends?


1. Why do you think loving each other makes the meerkat family strong and keeps them safe from danger?

2. How did Bomani help the other meerkats remember the importance of love and friendship? Can you think of a time you helped friends make up after a disagreement?

3. Bomani talked about their love being as beautiful as flowers. What are some ways we can show love to our family and friends that make them feel happy and special?

The Feather of Friendship

values : friendship and joy

One sunny day in the Kalahari, all the animals were in a tizzy! Why? Because their beloved King Lion was feeling really, really sick. He lay inside his cozy thorn tree palace, and nobody knew how to make him feel better. Oh dear! What could they do?

All the animals turned to their bravest buddy, Bomani the Meerkat. He was super famous for being a strong and clever little guy. Did you know Bomani’s name means “strong soldier”? Cool, right? But even Bomani was stumped on how to help King Lion.

Bomani was sitting under a big shady tree, scratching his head in worry, when his best friend Thandi the Meerkat came hopping over. Thandi’s name means “the loving one,” and she was the sweetest friend anyone could have.

Thandi gave Bomani a gentle pat on the shoulder. “I’ve got an idea to help King Lion!” she chirped excitedly.

Bomani’s big eyes widened. “Really? What is it?” he asked.

“Remember when old Meerkat told us about the magic feather of the Black Eagle?” Thandi said. “They say it has amazing powers!”

Bomani’s face lit up like the sun! “Thank you, Thandi!” he grinned and hugged her tight.

But, oh no! There was a teeny-tiny problem. “Where do we find a Black Eagle feather?” wondered Thandi.

Bomani winked. “Don’t worry! I always have a plan, especially for friends!”

Off Bomani scampered to his friend, Ethan Eagle. Ethan was the coolest – he was like Bomani’s own flying aeroplane! They had a quick chat, and then zoom!

Bomani was flying high in the sky on Ethan’s back, off on a great adventure!

After a whirly-twirly journey, they arrived at the secret home of the Black Eagles. Ethan swooped down softly. Bomani tiptoed closer and, oh wow, found a shimmering feather lying on the ground! Super speedy, he snatched it up and sneaked back to Ethan. They needed to hurry before those eagles woke up feeling hungry!

Finally, they returned to the Kalahari. The news spread like wildfire among the animals – could the feather really cure King Lion? Soon, Bomani and Thandi trotted up to the thorn tree palace.

Bomani gently rubbed the magic feather on King Lion’s paw. Guess what happened next?

King Lion began to wriggle and giggle. “Stop! It tickles!” he roared with laughter.

And just like magic, King Lion felt much, much better. He laughed and laughed, his eyes twinkling with joy.

As Bomani and Thandi walked home, Bomani said, “This feather showed us that laughing is the best cure ever!”

Thandi nodded happily. “You’re the best friend anyone could have, Bomani. You showed us the real magic of friendship!”

So always remember, being a good friend and having fun is the most wonderful thing. And don’t forget to laugh – it’s really good for you!

Friends always show their love. What are relatives for if not to share trouble?


Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.



Jesus, help me to be a good friend to others. Thank you that I can laugh, and that laughing is good for me.



1. If you could ride on the back of any animal just like Bomani did with Ethan Eagle, which animal would you choose for a whirly-twirly adventure and why?

2. Imagine you found a magic feather with special powers. What fun powers would your feather have?


1. How did Thandi show her friendship to Bomani and the other animals in the story?

2. Why do you think laughter was the “best cure” for King Lion? How can laughter help us feel better when we’re feeling down?

3. What other ways can you think of to help cheer up a friend who is feeling sad, just like Bomani and Thandi did for King Lion?

Bomani the Master Storyteller

value : peace

One sunny day in the Kalahari, Bomani the brave meerkat was chilling under a big, shady tree. Suddenly, he saw two meerkats having a big, loud argument. Uh-oh! They began pushing and shoving each other, and things were starting to look really mean!

Luckily, along came Mpu the Meerkat! He bravely jumped between the squabbling meerkats and said, “Stop fighting! Meerkats don’t hurt each other!” But those naughty meerkats didn’t listen. They made Mpu tumble upside down until he landed with a great big HICCUP!

When Mpu’s head stopped spinning, he was surprised to see his hero, Bomani, right there.

Mpu picked himself up slowly and whispered to Bomani, “I just wanted to help them be friends again, but they were so mean to me!”

Bomani took a shiny green blade of grass out of his mouth and said, “I understand how you feel. Let me share a story that might help.”

As soon as the word “story” floated through the air, every meerkat perked up! “Bomani is telling a story!” they chirped with excitement. “Hurry, let’s gather around!”

They dashed to Bomani’s shady spot, ready to listen. “Wait for us, Bomani!” called Thandi. “We want to hear it too!”

When everyone had found a comfy place, Bomani began his tale:

“Once upon a time, there was an old wild dog who saw two younger dogs fighting fiercely. They were growling and biting with all their might. The old dog shook his head and thought, ‘This fighting is really silly. I’ll stop them right now!’

So he bravely stepped between them and pushed one dog aside. But, oh no! The other dog turned and snapped right at him! And then the other joined in too. The poor old dog ran away with his tail tucked between his legs, having learned an important lesson: Sometimes, it’s best to let fighting friends calm down before stepping in.”

“And that’s the end of the story,” Bomani said with a gentle smile. “Do you see now, Mpu, why things happened the way they did?”

Mpu nodded thoughtfully.

Bomani continued, “Mpu, you were right to try to help. It’s good to be a peacemaker! But next time, wait for a better moment.”

Just then, the two meerkats who had been fighting earlier came over. They looked really sorry and said “Sorry, Mpu!”

Bomani clapped his hands, and soon everyone joined in, clapping and cheering. They all knew that Bomani wasn’t just brave – he was super wise too! Plus, who could forget? He told the most marvellous stories.

It’s wrong to fight with one another. Rather be a peace-maker.

Getting involved in an argument that is none of your business is like going down the street and grabbing a dog by the ears.



Prayer Jesus, help me to make peace, and to be kind to everyone. Amen


1. If you were one of the meerkats listening to Bomani’s story, what kind of fun imaginary story would you tell to help everyone learn a lesson?

2. How do you think it looked when Mpu did a great big HICCUP and rolled over? Can you show me your silliest hiccup move?


1. Why is it important to wait for the right moment before stepping in to help solve a fight, like Bomani suggested to Mpu?

2. What could you do if you see two friends arguing to help them find peace without jumping in too quickly?

3. How did Bomani use storytelling to teach the meerkats about peace and being patient, and can you think of a time when a story helped you learn something important?

Bomani Teaches the Meerkats How to Share

value : generosity

On a sizzling sunny day in the Kalahari, Bomani and his meerkat family were busy digging for food.

All the little meerkats gathered excitedly around Bomani, their brave hero. They absolutely adored him!

Bomani loved these times because he could teach the young meerkats valuable lessons. “Remember, meerkats always help each other and share everything we find,” he reminded them with a big smile.

“Listen up, friends,” Bomani continued, “if the meerkat standing guard ever gives the alarm, drop everything and run home as fast as you can!”

“Why?” asked the curious little meerkats, their eyes wide with wonder.

Just as Bomani finished speaking, a loud scream pierced the air. “Bomani, Bomani, please help!”

Quick as a flash, Bomani jumped up. Who needed him?

Close by, he saw an angry cobra threatening his meerkat pals!

Determined to help, Bomani dashed over. That sneaky cobra had no idea he was in for a surprise! Bomani spun round and round, dancing in circles around the snake. Soon, the cobra didn’t know which way to look.

“You picked the wrong meerkat to mess with today!” shouted Bomani courageously.

The snake hissed angrily, “I’m not afraid of you!”

With one swift kick, Bomani sent the snake flying! The cobra saw stars swirling around its head.

“Bomani! Bomani! Bomani!” cheered the meerkats, clapping their paws with glee.

Bomani showed the snake his special necklace made of snake teeth. “See this?” he smiled. “It means a snake like you didn’t win last time either.”

The cobra gulped and quickly slithered away, promising never to come back!

“Bomani, Bomani, Bomani!” the meerkats chanted joyfully. The young meerkats gathered around their hero, eager to learn how to be brave just like him.

Thandi, the caring meerkat, spoke softly, “Let Bomani rest. He’s tired after that big snake fight.”

“Thank you, Thandi,” Bomani chuckled, “but I have an even better idea. How about a delicious treat? Who wants some sweet honey?”

Every little paw shot up with excitement!

The meerkats scampered to a nearby bee hive hanging from a tree. Bomani reminded them how to work together: “We’ll climb on each other’s shoulders. I’ll reach the honey and share it with everyone!”

Climbing up, Bomani carefully pulled out a honeycomb and passed it down to his friends below. But suddenly, he heard a commotion. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Dozey isn’t sharing! He’s eating it all by himself!” they exclaimed.

Bomani shook his head.

“What do meerkats always do, Dozey?”

“We share!” chorused all the meerkats together.

With that, everyone enjoyed their honey happily. Bomani kept the last piece for himself after making sure everyone else had enough.

Walking home, content and sticky with honey, Thandi smiled and said, “Bomani, you’re one of a kind. It’s no wonder everyone knows you in the Kalahari.”

Bomani just laughed and offered Thandi his last bite of honeycomb. That day, all the meerkats learned that being generous and sharing with each other makes everything sweeter!

Don’t be selfish. It’s wrong to keep everything for yourself. Always try to share with other people.

Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God.



Jesus, help me not to be selfish, because it makes you happy when I share with other people. Amen


1. If you were a meerkat with Bomani, what other yummy treat would you love to share with your friends, and how would you get it?

2. Imagine you were there with Bomani when he was dancing around the snake. What kind of silly dance moves would you use to confuse the snake?


1. Why is sharing important for the meerkats? How did Bomani teach them the value of generosity?

2. How did Bomani’s actions show that it’s important to care for and protect others? Can you think of a time when you helped or protected a friend?

3. What lesson did Dozey learn about sharing, and how can you apply that lesson in your own life, especially with your friends or family?

Copyright © 2024 Christian Media Publishing

Christian Media Publishing P.O. Box 3228, Matieland Post Office, Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means – electronically or otherwise –without the prior written permission of the publisher. Reg no 2010/008573/07

Text: Ewald van Rensburg© 2012

Illustrations: Tanja Joubert© 2012

Design & Layout: Christian Media Publishing

First edition, first printing 2024

ISBN 978-1-991257-86-4

The Adventures of Bomani the Meerkat – Stories to Discover Life Lessons and Values, a colourful collection of six stories that gently teach Christian values in a fun way. Join Bomani the Meerkat and his animal Kalahari as they discover the importance of friendship, family, sharing, appreciation, courage, joyfulness, and peace-making.

Perfectly tailored for children aged 4 to 7, each story is filled with action and excitement, while offering important lessons about problem solving and values.

Supporting a Christian upbringing, Bomani’s escapades provide a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to connect and discuss essential life lessons together. Make story time an enjoyable and enriching experience with Bomani the Meerkat!


ISBN: 978-1-991257-86-4

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