My Bedtime Bible Stories

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My Bedtime Bible StoRies

My Bedtime Bible StoRies

Prayer time

Prayer time

Sarah heard him and laughed. Could it really happen at last?

Yes, it could! God always does what he promises.

A year later Abraham and Sarah had little baby boy. Sarah was so happy. She wanted to laugh all day long! She even called her baby “Isaac.” It means: “laughing.”

Prayer time

Dear Lord, you always keep your promises. Thank you for all the good things you give us. Help me to trust you. Amen

Miriam said, “I can find someone to take care of the baby!”

The princess replied, “Go quickly, little girl!”

Miriam ran to fetch her mother.

The princess asked, “Will you look after the baby and give him milk until he is old enough to live with me?”

Moses’ mother said, “Oh, yes!”

She was happy to take her baby home. God had made sure that Moses was safe!

Prayer time

Lord, thank you for everything you give me. You take care of me and keep me safe. Amen

Then God said, “Tomorrow, on the seventh day, you must walk seven times around the city. Then the priests must blow on their trumpets and you must shout loudly.”

The Israelites did what God told them.

Do you know what the Lord did? When the Israelites made a loud noise, the walls fell down. They could go into the city and fight against the people of Jericho.

The Lord helped them to win their first battle in their new land.

Prayer time

Lord, you can do anything. You also help me when I have to do difficult

things. You are always near me. Amen

Ruth and

Naomi Ruth 1-4

Prayer time

The boy Samuel 1 Samuel 1-3

Prayer time

Prayer time

Prayer time

David, a man after God’s heart

Psalm 23, 139, Acts 13:22

Prayer time

A little slave girl helps General Naaman

2 Kings 5:1-14

Prayer time

Young Josiah becomes king

2 Kings 23:4-20 Psalm 119:105

Three friends in the oven

Daniel 3, Psalm 91:11

Prayer time

Jesus is born

Luke 2:1-20

The wise men

Matthew 2:1-12

Jesus goes missing

Luke 2:41-52

Prayer time

Water into Wine John 2:1-12

Prayer time

A short man climbs a tree

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus did not have friends, because everyone knew that he was a rich man. He cheated people out of their money.

He wanted to see Jesus, but he was too short. He only saw the people right in front of him.

“I wish I was taller!” he thought.

Zacchaeus made a plan. He climbed into a tree next to the road. Now he could see everything!

He sat very quietly so that nobody would see him.

When Jesus passed that way, he stopped and looked up at Zacchaeus.

Jesus said, “Zacchaeus, I want to stay at your house today. Come down from the tree!”

Zacchaeus was excited and happy. Jesus wanted to visit him!

They had a big party in his house.

Zacchaeus said, “Lord, I shall stop stealing from other people. I shall also give back what I have stolen.”

On that day Zacchaeus and Jesus became friends.

Prayer time

Lord, you see me even though I am small. You love me even though I am little. Help me to love you back. Amen.


man who had very good friends

Mark 2:1-12

There was a man who could not walk. He wanted to see Jesus so that Jesus could heal him. He had four very good friends and they carried him to the house where Jesus was.

Everyone made room for the man.

Jesus saw that the friends trusted him and believed he could help them.

He told the man: “Get up! Take your mat and walk home.”

And that is just what he did!

The people in the house said, “We have never seen anything like this before!”

Prayer time

Lord, you love me very much. Thank you for my friends. Help me to be a friend who helps other people. Amen.

Jesus and His friend, Peter Luke 22:31-34, 54-62

Good Friday

Mark 15 and Luke 23

Prayer time

An empty grave

Matthew 28:1-10 and Luke 24:34

The Holy Spirit comes Acts :6-2:41

Copyright © 2024 Christian Media Publishing

Christian Media Publishing

P.O. Box 3228, Matieland Post Office, Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means – electronically or otherwise –without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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Text: Thea Brink

Illustrations: Magriet Brink

Design Consultant and Cover: Jacqui Crawford Design

First edition, first printing 2024

ISBN 978

Share special moments and sweet dreams as you explore these Bible stories with your child.

Introduce your little ones to the wonders of God’s love with My Bedtime Bible Stories, perfect for ages 3 to 5.

This enchanting book features 30 beautifully illustrated stories, each brimming with vibrant colours and rich details that capture young imaginations. Every story is accompanied by a heartfelt prayer to teach your child how to connect with God.

A fun Spot Sleepy Lamb activity on each page keeps bedtime exciting. Make this storybook a cherished part of your nighttime routine, with each story and prayer taking just five minutes to read together.

Illustrations by Magriet Brink


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