2 minute read
Convention 2023
By Rev. Rebecca Zahrte
I don’t know about you, but I love a good story. I enjoy science fiction thrillers and fantasy films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or James Cameron’s Avatar series. I sit on the edge of my seat as the characters develop. The good guys end up being the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. All the twists and turns of the plots, the fantastical scenery, the strange creatures roaming the landscape, I find it all fascinating. But I also love to hear about real people and their stories, the twists and turns that God has taken them on, the exciting rides, the sad moments, and the times of reflection and growth.
We will be sharing our stories this year at Convention which will be held in Denton, Texas. Our theme for 20232025 is “This is Our Story,” from Psalm 107:2a NIV. “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.”
2023 will be the last year that we will meet with the General Assembly, and we want to share our story’s history, growth, twists, and turns. We are asking each Region to put together a storyboard that can be displayed at Convention, that shares your story. Where did you begin, who were some of your memorable people, and what activities have you been involved in?
During our time at Convention, we will also be sharing the story of CPWM, revisiting our history, where we began, the changes that have happened along the way, and culminating in where we see ourselves in the future. This will be a time of celebration. Celebrating our history and celebrating our future! Come and join in the fun and excitement of Convention 2023!
Red River Presbytery and the CPWM Executive Committee have been hard at work envisioning this amazing moment. We will share stories of our history; we will look ahead to our future. We will visit Cumberland Youth and Family Services (formerly known as Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home). We will work on service projects for the Cumberland home and collect in-kind donations.
We hope and pray that you will be able to join us for this historic event. Regional Delegates will gather on Monday, June 19 for the Delegate Luncheon. Convention will officially begin on Tuesday, June 20 culminating on Thursday, June 22 with the Convention Luncheon.
Regions should select delegates to Convention as soon as possible. If you have already been selected, please register soon. The mail-in registration form is on the next page. Online registration can be found at https://cpcmc. org/mmt/convention/. The link for lodging information can also be found there. As new information becomes available, it will also be posted on this page. Please check back often!
Red River Presbytery has been working hard with the CPWM Executive Team to have a magnificent Convention at the Embassy Suites. Denton, and the surrounding area, with its bustling activities, will not disappoint. The people, the scenery, and the food are wonderful!
As a reminder, the offerings and gifts for our projects will be collected during Convention (unless they have already been sent to the Center). As always, our fall project is the StottWallace Missionary Offering. Our spring project is the opportunity to share in the development of afterschool programs for at-risk youth in El Paso, Texas. Please make your donation to “Project Vida After School.” Our Convention Offering is to support the purchase of a Food Rescue Van for Beth-El Farmworkers Ministry in Wimauma, Florida. Please make your donation to “Beth-El Food Rescue Van.”
We are looking forward to seeing you soon! Questions regarding Convention can be sent to Rev. Rebecca Zahrte, Director of Ministry with Women, at rzahrte@cumberland.org.