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GIVING NEWS/ Second Mile Project for Missions
CP Missionaries to Spain, Wilson and Diana Lopez, have started a new church development in the suburbs of Madrid, Spain. They are currently meeting in a small one-room storefront. They have approximately 30 people in their new group. Thirty people fill up their small meeting space. The MMT is working with them to rent a larger space, one that has more room for worship and has spaces for children’s classes. As a result of needing
Financial Data:
Amount needed for Second Mile: $2,500.00
Amount received to date: $0 to move to a new storefront, we request that CPs help the new Madrid New Church Development (mission) purchase sound and kitchen equipment. Our goal is $2,500. This will provide enough support for people in this new mission point to purchase some basic equipment needed to better serve those that are coming.
Please make check payable to the Missions Ministry Team indicating for “Sound Equipment #34432” and mail to 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414.
Contact Lynn Thomas at lynndont@gmail.com, (901) 276-4572 ext. 261.
We are so thankful for those who support the Stott-Wallace Missionary Offering which has helped bring financial stability to our missionary program.