2016-2017 Annual Report

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Kingswood Oxford

Annual Report 2016 -2017


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Ricardo Berckemeyer P ’19, ’21, ’22 Dennis Bisgaard P ’16, ’22, Head of School Heather Clifford P ’17, ’19, Parent Association President Mark D. Conrad ’96 Bonnie L. Dobkin P ’19 Helen Eatherton P ’11, ’14 Christopher G. Gent P ’03, ’08 Joseph R. Gianni ’78, P ’14, ’14 Jeffrey S. Gitlin ’85, P ’11, ’13, ’17 Derek P. Green ’81 J. Douglas Harris ’77 I. Bradley Hoffman ’78, Chair Gilbert E. Keegan III ’88, Head’s Advisory Council Chair Fred J. Krieble ’91, P ’21 Jean C. LaTorre P ’12, ’14, ’19, Treasurer Paul A. Lewis P ’05 Patrick J. Maloney P ’11, ’14, ’16 Bruce A. Mandell ’82, Vice Chair Mary S. Martin ’77, P ’17, ’20 Megan Ouellette P ’18, ’20 Ann Coolidge Randall ’73, P ’13, Secretary Michael J. Reilly P ’04, ’08 Marc T. Shafer ’75, P ’08, ’15, ’17 Lori Satell Wetsman ’85, P ’12, ’15 Paula Whitney P ’02, ’04, ’06, ’07 Lewis K. Wise ’65, P ’94, ’00 Keith J. Wolff ’91, P ’20, ’23 Mark Wolman P ’14, ’16, ’19

Sherry Banks-Cohn ’54, P ’78, ’82 Thomas J. Collamore ’77 Allen V. Collins P ’75, ’79, ’82, ’88 Richard S. Cuda P ’79, ’80 George L. Estes III ’67, P ’98 Frederick S. (Fritz) Farquhar ’59, P ’83, ’86 Robert M. Furek P ’96, ’99 Karen Koury Gifford ’62 Marilyn Glover P ’05, ’07, ’11 William H. Goldfarb ’64 J. Gregory Hickey ’47, P ’73, ’75, GP ’04 Alyce F. Hild P ’80, ’82, ’91, GP ’07, ’11, ’14, ’19 Lance L. Knox ’62 Eileen S. Kraus P ’84, ’95 + Thomas D. Lips P ’93 James B. Lyon, Esq. ’48 E. Merritt McDonough ’51, P ’79, ’81 Agnes S. Peelle P ’01, ’03 Anne Rudder P ’68 G. William Seawright ’59 Les R. Tager P ’00, ’03 John A.T. Wilson ’56, P ’84, ’86 Martin Wolman P ’80, ’82, ’84, ’88 Joan Safford Wright ’53


to the KO Annual Fund who have multiple connections to the School. Thus, a donor could be listed as a contributor to the School in his/her class and also be listed as a current parent donor, a grandparent donor, a parent of alumni donor or some combination of constituencies.

Great effort has been made to ensure an accurate and thorough Annual Report. We are sorry if errors or omissions occurred. If you discover a mistake, please notify the Office of Institutional Advancement, and we will make sure that the error is corrected in the next publication. Because we believe that multiple affiliations or legacies are an indication of deep trust and strong conviction in an institution, we have chosen to list more than once those donors Front cover photo: Seshu Photography Other photos: Jackie Pisani, Mandell Family 82 • KO MAGA ZINE • SEP T EMBER 2017

Again, great care has been taken in assembling these rolls. If we are unaware of an affiliation you have with the School, please let us know so we can maintain complete and up-to-date records.

Thank You! The 2016-2017 fiscal year was a success because of you. You are Kingswood Oxford. Your support of your community provided our students, faculty and staff with resources for their academic, athletic, artistic, and technological endeavors throughout the school year. You are what sets Kingswood Oxford School apart. Thank you. The KO Annual Fund reached $1,021,530 in entirely unrestricted cash funds which brought us over our budgeted goal by $1,530. The refrain “every gifts counts” has never rung truer! Led by our KO Annual Fund parent chair, Bonnie Dobkin P’19, and the hardworking members of our committee, parent participation jumped from 43% to 62%. This is a difference of almost 100 donors and made a significant impact on campus. Along with Bonnie, our KO Annual Fund CoChairs, Barbara and Charlie A. Hartigan ’71, P ’91, ’99, ’01 led the charge for our alumni community increasing our donor base to more than 1,100 gifts. Thank you to all of our volunteers, Board Chair I. Bradley Hoffman and the Board of Trustees for your tireless efforts. You are Kingswood Oxford. From near and far, the Class of 1939 to the Class of 2016, you come together to support your school. Whenever asked, you give generously to help us create an exceptional learning experience for our students. Thank you!


Kingswood Oxford inspires students to excel and to lead lives of integrity and involvement by nourishing their talents in a community of teachers, friends and families.

Vincit qui se vincit. One conquers by conquering oneself.


Demonstrate honesty, integrity, and respect Learn with passion and perseverance Embrace intellectual curiosity Care beyond self Take personal responsibility Work hard, take risks, become involved


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Mandell-Braunstein Family

$1 Million Gift

Kingswood Oxford is thrilled to kickoff this academic year with a $1 million unrestricted gift from the MandellBraunstein family of West Hartford, Avon, and Woodbridge. This generous contribution supports KO’s 2020 Vision — the five-year campus improvement project that began in 2015. “This gift is a testament to the dedication of a family to make our community a better place,” said Head of School Dennis Bisgaard. “The Mandell-Braunsteins typify what Margaret Mead once described as ‘thoughtful, committed citizens that can change the world.’ I am deeply grateful for their commitment to and confidence in KO.” Siblings Bruce Mandell ’82, Mark Mandell ’85 and Meryl Mandell Braunstein ’87 are delighted to support KO in such a meaningful way. “A gift to KO today supports the school’s mission to build tomorrow’s leaders. A KO education has a multiplier effect as students and alumni positively impact so many lives in our community and the world at large,” said Bruce, who currently serves as Vice Chair of KO’s Board of Trustees. “Our family is very proud to continue our support of this great institution and the important goals of the 2020 Vision.” Phase 1 of the 2020 Vision, completed in December 2015, included a redesign of the Trout Brook Drive entrance of the Roberts Center. KO students are now welcomed each day with a large community space and a suite of offices built for Student Life and College Advising. Phase 2 transformed the Brayton Athletic Center into a multipurpose athletic complex and state-of-the-art fitness and wellness center, which opened in the spring. Phase 3 will consist of enhancements to the school’s Conklin Library, including an advanced research center.

Bisgaard said, “KO is incredibly fortunate to have the support of the Mandell-Braunstein family. They have consistently demonstrated commitment through financial support as well as their encouragement and vision.”


Have you considered including Kingswood Oxford School in your estate plans?

Here are three compelling reasons to consider:


You’ll make an impactful gift to KO.

Double Your Support Visit www.kingswoodoxford.org/ matching to see if your company will DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your KO Annual Fund support.

Including KO as a beneficiary of your estate affords you the unique opportunity to make an impactful gift to the School without having to relinquish any tangible assets today.


You’ll provide yourself with fixed income payments.

Establishing a CGA, also known as a Charitable Gift Annuity provides you the opportunity to support KO in furthering our work and mission with an outright gift while also providing fixed income payments to you throughout your lifetime.

3. You’ll leave a lasting legacy.

By making a gift in support today or benefiting KO after your lifetime, we can help you find a charitable plan that helps provide for you while simultaneously leaving a lasting legacy for the Kingswood Oxford School community for many years to come.

When you #StartWithaSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Kingswood Oxford School! Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ ch/06-0646688 and support us every time you shop.

For more information, or to include Kingswood Oxford as a member of your estate, please contact: Stephanie McQueen at mcqueen.s@kingswoodoxford.org


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LEADERSHIP GIVING CLUBS KO’s Leadership Giving Clubs contributed approximately 79% to the KO Annual Fund total. These unrestricted dollars go directly to supporting the School’s operating budget and fund academic programs, athletics, the arts, financial aid and faculty enrichment. We are grateful for this leadership support. Head of School’s Circle ($25,000 and above) Meryl Mandell Braunstein ’87 and Scott Braunstein Furek Family Foundation Susan and Robert M. Furek Kathy and I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Learned-Preston Foundation Bruce A. Mandell ’82 Merrill and Mark N. Mandell ’85 The Owenoke Foundation Alexandra Learned Preston ’59 + Monica and Avery Rockefeller III Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Seaverns Society ($10,000 to $24,999) Elizabeth H. Atwood Sherry Banks-Cohn ’54 Big Bucket LLC Laura and George L. Estes III ’67 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation Inc. Francine and Robert B. Goldfarb William H. Goldfarb ’64 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Dorothy + and Louis Hatry + Fred M. Lougee ’48 + Thomas J. Maloney ’80 Maximum Beverage Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program Pure Marketing Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall Robinson & Cole LLP

Santa Barbara Foundation Robert G. Schiro ’68 G. William Seawright ’59 Laura Jones Shafer ’75 and Marc T. Shafer ’75 Richard W. Sorenson ’62 Paula and Brian D. Whitney Frazier B. Wilde + 1909 Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Carol-Ann and J. Bruce Barlow Cheryl A. Chase and Stuart D. Bear The Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Family Foundation Inc. Monica and Dennis Bisgaard James A. Brown ’76 Ann Billings Colony ’72 Kimberly Fernandez Conrad ’96 and Mark D. Conrad ’96 Maria and Nelson Correa Carole and Burke Doar John Doar Foundation Vincent J. Dowling Jr. ’78 The Vincent Dowling Family Foundation FIP Construction Inc. Diane Adinolfi Gent ’72 and Christopher G. Gent Richard S. Gersten ’77 Stephanie and Michael V. Greco Lauren Phoenix and James Holley Diane and John Y. Kim John and Diane Kim Foundation Robert C. Knox III ’59 Kimberly Karp Krieble ’90 and Fred J. Krieble ’91 Vernon K. Krieble Foundation Elizabeth Abel Lane ’57 + Jean and Benedict P. LaTorre Jr. Janet and Paul A. Lewis James B. Lyon ’48 William and Ellen Macristy Foundation Barbara and Baxter H. Maffett ’68 Jill and Patrick J. Maloney Mary S. Martin ’77 and Jeffrey A. Amell Megan and Eric Ouellette T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation Elizabeth and Michael J. Reilly


Joan M. Shafer ’71 June Marshall Smith ’82 Janette Austin Steane ’34 + Thornedge Foundation United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Lori Satell Wetsman ’85 and David Wetsman Lewis K. Wise ’65 Kris and Keith J. Wolff ’91 Julie and Mark M. Wolman Wyvern Club ($1,000 to $4,999) Anonymous Charlene M. Dufresne-Achatz and Michael J. Achatz Affineco LLC. Kenneth R. Alleyne ’84 Julie and Richard L. Alleyne ’87 Graham Anthony + Graham Anthony Trust Fund Renee and Fred Autorino Ayco Charitable Foundation Shepard W. Baker ’47 Eric D. Batchelder ’89 Karl A. Baumert ’97 Linda and Jeffrey Becker Sally Erdman Belding ’43 and Maxwell M. Belding ’40 Jeanne and Jay S. Benet The Benevity Community Impact Fund Richard F. Berry Jr. ’59 Nancy Loughlin and Warren Boley Lynne Tapper and Leland J. Brandt Dwayne Bray Jonathan T. Briggs Christine and Matthew F. Bromberg Gertrude and Louis Brown Victoria and Edgar B. Butler Jr. ’63 Dorothy Byrne John J. Byrne III ’77 The Byrne Foundation Inc. The Cape Cod Foundation E. Follett Carter ’60 Katherine Cheney Chappell ’63 Sandra and Arnold L. Chase

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The inaugural West Hartford Wine & Food Festival was held at KO on June 17, 2017. It featured a showcase of fine wines and food from area restaurants. The event was a great success and a portion of the proceeds were donated to KO.

Sandra and Arnold Chase Family Foundation Heather and Michael Clifford Thomas J. Collamore ’77 Edward K. Conklin ’59 Meredith and Matthew W. Crowther Fred B. Cuda ’79 Jacqueline T. Jamsheed and John M. M. de Rham ’83 Natalie Demers Janice and Christopher R. Deskus Diana I. DeVivo ’82 Patricia and Donald A. DeVivo ’80 Irene DeVivo William F. Dominick II ’51 James M. Doran The Dornam Foundation Doro Restaurant Group Valerie and Donald R. Dugan Jr. Helen and James W. Eatherton ’79 Richard K. Elbaum ’84 Anne S. Bingham and Theodore C. Esselstyn Scott C. Evoy ’83 Cyndi and Frederick S. Farquhar ’59 Eric A. Federman ’88 Federman, Lally & Remis LLC

Gary J. Fernquist ’68 Fiduciary Investment Advisors The Fischbach Foundation Kathleen McKenna Fisher ’76 and Mark R. Fisher ’73 Martha and Daniel L. Fitzmaurice Gordon B. Fowler Jr. ’77 William D. Fowler ’47 Kenneth L. Frank ’76 General William Mayer Foundation Mary Ann Pearson Gianni ’81 and Joseph R. Gianni ’78 Carolyn Wolfe Gitlin ’85 and Jeffrey S. Gitlin ’85 Michael C. Gitlin ’88 Nancy and Richard A. Gitlin Linda Schiro Glickstein ’65 Marilyn and Paul W. Glover Monica and Lee A. Gold ’90 Peter H. Goodwin ’69 Jordan M. Googins ’85 Sandra and Michael E. Goss Derek P. Green ’81 Steven B. Greenfield ’83 George L. Grody ’76 Veronica Makowsky and Jeffrey C. Gross Michael S. Grossman ’95

J. Douglas Harris ’77 Barbara and Charles A. Hartigan ’71 Devorah J. Hauss ’70 Martha Coolidge Haviland ’44 + and Winthrop A. Haviland Jr. ’36 + Lynn and Stephen B. Hazard Jennifer and Randy Herz Joan + and J. Gregory Hickey ’47 Alyce and David H. Hild Wendy Yellin Hill ’77 Calvin A. Hills III ’81 Sally Walton Hills ’57 and Calvin A. Hills Calvin A. Hills IV ’09 The Hills Family Foundation Hinding Tennis LLC Donna and Jeffrey B. Hires Beverly and Timothy A. Holt Heather Hills Jacobs ’84 and Brian Jacobs Sandy and Brion Johnson Andrew C. Jones ’08 Wendy Coyle and Costa Kanis Margaret and John Kasprak Gilbert E. Keegan III ’88 Kelly Family Foundation Inc. Dorothy Honiss Kelso ’44 Emily J. Kim ’09 Dorothy Brooks Koopman ’68


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Rena B. Koopman ’63 Eileen + and Harold C. Kraus Stephen H. C. Kraus ’95 Karalyn Kinsella and Andrew C. Krugman ’86 Jonathan A. Landsberg ’02 Todd H. Larsen ’84 Mary and Robert C. Lawrence III Frank A. Leone ’67 Margarita and Brian J. Lessard Deborah Wood Lilly ’63 Margah and Thomas D. Lips Jonathan A. Lipton ’88 Gail and Stephen P. Lowe Keith G. Lurie ’73 Linda and Austin T. Lydon The Maple Tree Fund William B. Martin Nicholas B. Mason ’63 Muniba Masood Karen and Daniel Mastella Elisabeth Warner Mayer ’82 E. Merritt McDonough ’51 Maryann and Thomas J. McGuire Carolyn F. McKee Middlesex Mutual Assurance Company Susan Somerville Menson ’64 Douglas B. Moore ’78 Robert E. Morris Jr. ’59 Mountain View Landscape LLC Janet and Robert H. Murphy Jr. ’62 Roy E. Norcross ’80 Elaine and David G. Nord Jodi and Anthony Oh The Old Stones Foundation Inc. Dorothy and B. Maxwell O’Meara ’48 Cynthia Clancy and Douglas Ovian Painting & Decorating Inc. Luanne and Mark Paley Wayne J. Pastuszenski ’80 Agnes and William R. Peelle Jr. Jennifer White Pennoyer ’85 and William P. Pennoyer The Prospect Fund Puritan Furniture Mart Inc. Linda J. Quick Charles W. Randall ’63 Arthur M. Rautio ’66

Jean and Joseph Ravalese Jr. ’51 + Brian J. Richter ’87 Patrick A. Rockefeller ’00 James G. Rogers Architects PC Adrian Brown and Kurt Roggendorf Vicki and Richard B. Rosenthal William E. Rotatori ’82 Katherine and Robert A. Roth ’78 Mary Foote Rounsavall ’62 Brett H. Rubin ’91 Elizabeth Stedman Russell ’50 Immad Sadiq W. Allen Scheuch II ’71 H. Andrew Schwedel ’87 Marilyn and Alan R. Schwedel The Schwedel Foundation David C. Shafer ’15 Curtis S. Shaw ’66 Denise and Richard J. Shima Roberta and Bruce Singer Kate Trafford Smith ’67 Bonnie L. Dobkin and Peter Sonntag Thomas C. Spalding ’69 Randy F. Stabile Julia and William J. Stack Jr. ’72 Karin and William K. Stahl Peter N. Stevens ’75 Ellen and Anthony W. Tabell Tabell Family Foundation Marilyn and Les R. Tager Whitney and Matthew P. Taylor Caroline and Kenneth H. Taylor Jr. Kenneth and Caroline Taylor Family Foundation Travelers Companies Danielle and Robert D. Udolf ’79 Michael J. Vallee ’97 Valley United Way Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program June Heard Wadsworth ’53 and Francis L. Wadsworth ’47 John Y. Wang ’88 Alden Y. Warner III ’76 Frederick D. Watkins III ’71 Margaret and Michael G. Wheeler Faith McGauley Whitman ’86 Penny and John A. T. Wilson ’56


Lisa C. Kugelman and Roy H. Wiseman Martin Wolman Joan Safford Wright ’53 Shumei Kuo and Jon Zeu Wu John W. Zielenbach Jr. ’86 Susan Gross Zielenbach ’61 and J. William Zielenbach Young Alumni Leadership Circle $250 and above Classes 2002-2016 Charles P. Bellingrath ’03 Blake T. Berman ’05 Brett P. Champlin ’07 Melissa Cianciolo ’03 Calvin A. Hills IV ’09 Carolyn Marziali Houlihan ’04 Christopher M. Houlihan ’04 Andrew C. Jones ’08 Emily J. Kim ’09 Jonathan A. Landsberg ’02 Aaron R. Paley ’11 Rachel M. Paley ’14 Samuel J. Paley ’09 Zachary C. Paley ’07 Samuel G. Peelle ’03 David C. Shafer ’15 Kevin J. Thorson ’06

Gifts by Classes

# 5+ consecutive years of giving * Faculty or Staff Member + Deceased OXFORD Oxford 1934 Dollars Raised: $5,004 Janette Austin Steane + Oxford 1936 Dollars Raised: $436 Marion Grant + Oxford 1939 Dollars Raised: $100 Josephine Trull Brewer Horn

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Oxford 1941 Dollars Raised: $200 Participation: 25% Margaret Stedman Doherty # Marguerite Steane Kelland Oxford 1942 Dollars Raised: $175 Participation: 18% Dorothy Bush Curtis Jean Flynn Kellogg # Oxford 1943 Dollars Raised: $1,000 Participation: 13% Sally Erdman Belding # Oxford 1944 Dollars Raised: $2,674 Participation: 38% Martha Coolidge Haviland + Dorothy Honiss Kelso # Hazel Vail # Oxford 1945 Dollars Raised: $450 Participation: 43% Mary Hooker Crary # Andrea Saladine Knight # Deborah Fogg Lambert Oxford 1946 Dollars Raised: $370 Participation: 67% Susan Little Adamson # Joan Cascio Griswold # Cornelia Landon Russell # Barbara Johnson Zyla # Oxford 1947 Dollars Raised: $300 Participation: 15% Ann Poindexter Ives # Nancy Clapp Miller #

Oxford 1948 Dollars Raised: $1,050 Participation: 50% Betty Lee Harrington Armstrong # Marylee Burt Dodge # Elizabeth Brainard Glassco # Barbara Godard Virginia Woods Kuhl Carolyn Black Underwood # Oxford 1949 Dollars Raised: $325 Participation: 27% Marilyn Montgomery Cotton # Jean Felty Kenny # Anne Harvey Kulak Carolyn J. Young Oxford 1950 Dollars Raised: $4,106 Participation: 33% Cynthia Brewster Clifford # Elizabeth Stedman Russell # Ruth Kaufman Shulansky # Esther L. Spafard # Elizabeth Long Strout Elsie Heyman Swirsky # Joan Duffield Van Ness # Oxford 1951 Class Agent: Frances Steane Baldwin Dollars Raised: $1,025 Participation: 64% Frances Steane Baldwin # Vivian Hathaway Crouse # Rita Stout Johnson # Pamela Kingan Lillquist # Anne Carter Peck Mahaffey # Sara Barr Palmer # Elizabeth Donegan Schultz Barbara Gowdy Tongue # Gara Van Schaack # Oxford 1952 Dollars Raised: $2,350 Participation: 50% Gilda Sheketoff Brock #

Mary Jane Adams Chute Marjorie Short Comstock # Helen Vosburgh Dixon Gail Warner Hamblett # Mary Jeanne Anderson Jones Cynthia Korper Porter Linda Bland Sonnenblick Oxford 1953 Dollars Raised: $4,377 Participation: 35% Carole Goldenthal Aronson # Page Phelps Coulter Mary Davis DePatie Sandra Gladstein Morrison # Hope Johnson Sass # Nancy Faust Sizer # June Heard Wadsworth # Joan Safford Wright # Oxford 1954 Class Agent: Susan Safford Andrews Dollars Raised: $13,141 Participation: 72% Anonymous Susan Safford Andrews # Sherry Banks-Cohn # Pamela Connolly Bartlett-Little # Hope Learned Colt Ann Whitman Hackl Sheila Hirschfeld Jacobs # Marjorie Harvey Purves Gail Myers Rider Molly Fluty Roraback # Miriam Ford Stahler # Roxanne Richards Stringer # Sandra Solly Utz # Oxford 1955 Dollars Raised: $345 Participation: 24% Barbara Dunnell Clough Holiday Smith Houck # Emily Walker Jones Helene Liberson Keers # Susanne Johnson Mann # Constance Strike Wadsworth #


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Oxford 1956 Class Agent: Sandra Martin McDonough Dollars Raised: $1,365 Participation: 69% Sally David Ardrey # Katrina Shaffer Beaghen Nancy Boots Edwards-Cogswell # Eunice Strong Groark # Cynthia Kohn Hobart # Sandra Martin McDonough Alice Butler Mendell # Jane Brandon Pfaff # Patricia Hanson Rodgers # Susan Taylor Smith # Sandra Travis Zieky # Oxford 1957 Class Agent: Elizabeth Abel Lane + Dollars Raised: $7,650 Participation: 32% Deborah Bland Albert # Linda Mooney Angelastro Phyllis Chapman Fenander Sally Walton Hills Elizabeth Abel Lane + Martha Yost Newcomer # Melinda Murphy Richardson Oxford 1958 Dollars Raised: $475 Participation: 14% Sharon Campbell Benton Susan Mather Dabanian Linda Isaacson French # Cora Kamerman Oxford 1959 Dollars Raised: $26,050 Participation: 33% Janice Cianci Castillo # Katherine Whitcomb Dudzinski # Carolyn T. Means # Lynn Wilkie Murray # Shirley Hampton Pitcher # Alexandra Learned Preston + Anne Little Reiley # Ellen Jones Wood

Oxford 1960 Class Agent: Susan Matorin Dollars Raised: $1,410 Participation: 36% Barbara Hamilton Almy Sabra Dwyer Benson # Nancy Sunderland Brown # Jane Keller Herzig # Jane Anderson Innerd # Susan Matorin # Christina Wilcox McIntyre Ann Faude Newbury Gay Willcox Squire Oxford 1961 Dollars Raised: $2,650 Participation: 23% Yvonne V. Chabrier Elizabeth P. Kohn Jane Anderson Lentz Pamela Davis McGee Elizabeth T. Stout # Susan Calano Watson # Susan Gross Zielenbach Oxford 1962 Dollars Raised: $2,105 Participation: 17% Karen Koury Gifford # Jane Talbot Marshall Mary Foote Rounsavall # Susan L. Stannard Oxford 1963 Dollars Raised: $4,975 Participation: 31% Leslie Carvalho Barlow Katherine Cheney Chappell # Buena Hamlin Chilstrom Mary Bush Hickok Susan Myers Howard # Sally Newell Huss # Rena B. Koopman # Nancy-Coalter Dew Lathrop Ann M. LeRoyer # Deborah Wood Lilly # Nancy Young Luke # Susan Bates Margraf


Oxford 1964 Dollars Raised: $2,134 Participation: 24% Hannah Williams Boulton Susan Burke Clemow Jane Hube Louttit Susan Somerville Menson # Kathryn Kohn Rieger Nancy S. Watters Oxford 1965 Dollars Raised: $2,625 Participation: 18% Jane Morton Fetter Katherine Hamilton Fleming # Linda Schiro Glickstein # Juliana Boyd Kim Lynne A. Lumsden # Emily Morgan Mugge Barbara Wyper Pettus # Oxford 1966 Dollars Raised: $50 Participation: 3% Anne McCormick Williams Oxford 1967 Class Agent: Kate Trafford Smith Dollars Raised: $1,675 Participation: 36% Morgan Shannon Butler Bettyann Denton Garabedian Anne S. Holcombe Sarah S. Jones Loretta Hervey Pearson Shirley Songer Roux Carolyn Patton Simmer Kate Trafford Smith # Maria-Teresa Cavalier Trapani Sylvia Birnbaum Yasner Oxford 1968 Dollars Raised: $2,633 Participation: 16% Margaret Ferree Brown Sarah Clark Gerrett # Dorothy Brooks Koopman #

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Suzanne Eaton MacKenzie Ann E. Thomas Oxford 1970 Class Agent: Elizabeth Rockwell Booth Dollars Raised: $1,750 Participation: 21% Elizabeth Rockwell Booth # Devorah J. Hauss # Emily G. Holcombe Robin Bassok Kay-Wicker Wendy Brown Lincoln # Brooke Breckenridge Morton Oxford 1971 Dollars Raised: $5,875 Participation: 18% Elizabeth Cooper-Martin # Katharine G. Creedon Marlene Brownstein Gavens # Marjorie McMahon Helfet Joan M. Shafer # Maryanne Waldman # Oxford 1972 Class Agent: Diane Adinolfi Gent Dollars Raised: $11,050 Participation: 23% Eloise Palmer Biscoe # Ann Billings Colony # Teruyo Imori Gardener Diane Adinolfi Gent # Kathleen Van Vleck Haskell Elizabeth Bassette Lennox # Katharine Newell Elsie Watkins Patrick # Oxford 1973 Class Agent: Ann Coolidge Randall Dollars Raised: $12,000 Participation: 29% Suzanne Zajac Birdsey # Carlene Dahill Bush Katherine Sherts Civitillo Karen Denuzze Dunn #

Alice Noble Morse Heidi Winters Murphy # Ann Coolidge Randall # Lisa Shafer Vandenburgh Melinda S. Walsh Sheree B. Yellin KINGSWOOD Kingswood 1935 Dollars Raised: $436 Ellsworth S. Grant + Kingswood 1936 Dollars Raised: $1,404 Winthrop A. Haviland + Kingswood 1940 Dollars Raised: $1,200 Participation: 67% Maxwell M. Belding # Charles W. Merrels Kingswood 1943 Dollars Raised: $200 Participation: 17% Philip C. Steiger + Kingswood 1944 Dollars Raised: $1,100 Participation: 100% James M. Chandler J. Morton Dunn # Leverett M. Hubbard David B. Reynolds # Wayne W. Wall # Kingswood 1945 Dollars Raised: $550 Participation: 40% Peyton H. Mead # Ross R. Roberts # Kingswood 1946 Dollars Raised: $750 Participation: 18% Gerald W. Brady # William S. Wadsworth #

Kingswood 1947 Class Agents: Shepard W. Baker and J. Gregory Hickey Dollars Raised: $7,400 Participation: 65% Shepard W. Baker # Richard C. Buckley Anthony W. Erdman # William D. Fowler # J. Gregory Hickey # Burton L. How Jr. John E. Ives # William P. Keefe # Joseph C. Mayo William F. O’Meara Francis L. Wadsworth # Kingswood 1948 Class Agents: James B. Lyon and B. Maxwell O’Meara Dollars Raised: $21,644 Participation: 31% Charles M. Ericson Fred M. Lougee + James B. Lyon # B. Maxwell O’Meara # Kingswood 1949 Dollars Raised: $1,000 Participation: 45% Thomas H. Brucker Raymond W. Carlson Jr. Samuel P. Cooley John Hooker # Jay W. Jackson # Kingswood 1950 Class Agent: James D. Marinan Dollars Raised: $660 Participation: 45% David K. Dodd # Walter W. Lowell # James D. Marinan # Frederick W. McNabb Blair J.V. Wormer #


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Kingswood 1951 Dollars Raised: $6,450 Participation: 50% William T. Davies Jr. # William F. Dominick II # William L. Eddy # Donald R. Fairbairn Patrick J. Flaherty # Charles F. Leonard E. Merritt McDonough # Joseph Ravalese Jr. + Robert E. Raymond # Kingswood 1952 Dollars Raised: $200 Participation: 13% Robert F. Gadd John A. McGuinn Jr. # Kingswood 1953 Dollars Raised: $935 Participation: 47% Herbert V. Camp George C. Glass Frank P. Haggard # Donald B. Hanson Robert G. Hellstrom Henry R. McLane John H. Underhill Kingswood 1954 Dollars Raised: $280 Participation: 30% Edward D. Duffield II # Henry H. Honiss Lowell T. Spillane Kingswood 1955 Dollars Raised: $1,875 Participation: 42% Jonathan C. Belden # Gerold E. Dehm # James J. Dorsey # George L. Hampton III # J. Bruce Irving # Robert K. Janes Donald M. Pearsall Frederick R. Swan Jr.

Kingswood 1956 Dollars Raised: $4,206 Participation: 33% Richard F. Banbury # John M. Budds Richard F. Di Lorenzo William W. Hughes Robert D. Smith Charles H. Stamm Roger H. Stephenson Charles D. Taylor # David C. Warner John A.T. Wilson # Kingswood 1957 Class Agent: Richard A. Drew Dollars Raised: $1,450 Participation: 30% Philip S. Brown Jr. # David G. Campbell # Richard P. Carney Richard A. Drew # John B. Grant John G. Parsons David D. Roby # Kingswood 1958 Dollars Raised: $350 Participation: 10% Paul M. Dolce John E. Larkin William A. Wurts Kingswood 1959 Class Agents: Richard F. Berry Jr., Frederick S. Farquhar and G. William Seawright Dollars Raised: $28,520 Participation: 71% Richard F. Berry Jr. # Daniel A. Bullard Richard L. Butler # Edward K. Conklin # Horace W. Donegan Frederick S. Farquhar # Bancroft F. Greene # Pope Hoffman # David P. Irwin


Robert C. Knox III # Henry Lyman Jr. # Steven B. Martin # Richard Morgan V # Robert E. Morris Jr. # G. William Seawright # Stephen L. Snow David H. Stone # Douglass B. Wright George W. Young Jr. # Peter M. Zeman Kingswood 1960 Dollars Raised: $3,350 Participation: 37% Robert D. Bulkeley # E. Follett Carter # John A. Cope # Timothy T. Curtis # Paul A. Eschholz # Robert S. Fleischer # Hugh I. Manke # Robert W. Marshall Baker Salsbury Andrew O. Shapiro # Charles B. Shepard Kingswood 1961 Dollars Raised: $1,500 Participation 25% Peter J. Babin Lawrence M. Cathles Henry M. Greenleaf # Mark L. Kutner # Arnold M. Nemirow Normand F. Smith # David H. Trask Russell H. Weigel # Kingswood 1962 Class Agent: James H. Steane II Dollars Raised: $17,540 Participaton: 91% David W. Ames # Robert H. Barlow Richard M. Caley James V. Calio Michael J. Cavalier

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E. Terry Clark Jeffrey C. Daniels John C. Goodrich # John M. Grocki # Charles H. Hamlin Arthur H. Keeney James S. Keller Lincoln Kinnicutt # Lance L. Knox # Harlan J. Levy Anthony S. Lincoln Robert H. Murphy Jr. Stephen T. Murphy Anthony W. Neidlinger Marshall I. Pomer Robert R. Proctor # Richard B. Redfield Joseph S. Solomkin Richard W. Sorenson James H. Steane II # Julian L. Steffenhagen Robert W. Sullivan Thomas C. Taylor # David Y. Terry # Peter G. White Jonathan B. Wiesel Peter Willis # Kingswood 1963 Class Agent: Brewster B. Boyd Dollars Raised: $11,510 Participation: 67% Donald A. Barlow # W. Alan Baumert # Jack T.F. Bitter Jr. # Brewster B. Boyd # F. Graham Brown # William H. Burling # Edgar B. Butler Jr. # Joel H. Cohen # G. D. Dionne Robert M. Gruber # Brian W. Hedges # Thomas M. Hine # Peter A. Janus # Robert H. Litter # Nicholas B. Mason # John W. Moses #

Charles W. Randall # Barton J. Rapaport # James M. Sacco # Stuart M. Schoolnik # Richard P. Solomon Frank A. Talcott III # Philip F. Walkley III # William W. Wilde # Kingswood 1964 Dollars Raised: $21,375 Participation: 28% Christopher N. Brown # Robert G. Butler William T. Calder # Robert F. Ganley # William H. Goldfarb # Robert A. Horwitz J. Wickliffe Mallory Anthony P. Morris # James L. Pomeranz # Peter M. Schwolsky # Tyler C. Tingley # Kingswood 1965 Dollars Raised: $9,100 Participation: 30% Harold A. Johnson # C. Marston Ladd Gilbert J. Lincoln R. T. Merritt William R. Peelle Jr. # Edgar M. Reed Jerrold F. Rosenbaum Peter T. Shand # John W. Sitarz # Richard F. Steffenhagen # Lewis K. Wise # Kingswood 1966 Dollars Raised: $3,133 Participation: 27% Trevor S. Brown George A. Dixon Jr. # Gerald B. Dubey # Edward J. Forand Robert J. Lange Arthur M. Rautio #

Curtis S. Shaw Jeffrey Truesdall # Stephen H. Watters # Kingswood 1967 Class Agent: Richard I. Hemingway Dollars Raised: $14,331 Participation: 31% Drew K. Dawson # John P. Drakos # George L. Estes III # Peter G. Fisher # James A. Goodwin Jr. # Richard I. Hemingway # Peter B. Kent # Frank A. Leone # Sydney R. Sewall # Jonathan B. Stolzenberg # Robert W. Trainer # Thomas M. Wells Kingswood 1968 Dollars Raised: $20,810 Participation: 22% Harold L. Colvocoresses # Gary J. Fernquist # Edgar R. Glass John B. Graham Baxter H. Maffett # Steven F. Nelson # Robert A. Prutzman # Robert G. Schiro # Donald J. Viering David H. Watters # Kingswood 1969 Class Agent: Howard D. Kunik Dollars Raised: $2,791 Participation: 21% E. Hunt Bergen # Gary Calusine # Peter H. Goodwin # Howard D. Kunik Peter G. Rockwell # Thomas C. Spalding # Stephen R. Treat # Peter B. Viering John S. Wyper Jr. # SEP T EMBER 2017 • KO MAGA ZINE • 93

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Kingswood 1970 Dollars Raised: $1,885 Participation: 23% Alan S. Berson Douglas W. Clark # John E. Fisher Michael C. Konover # Paul A. Kurlansky Alexander J. Nweeia Stuart W. Parsons Allan Singer Paul H. Staker # Bruce W. Talbot Kingswood 1971 Class Agent: Charles A. Hartigan Dollars Raised: $5,220 Participation: 22% Richard D. Becker Dennis P. Brennan Richard M. Fierberg # Charles A. Hartigan # Mark Kinnicutt David L. Maloy # David R. Rosenthal # W. Allen Scheuch II William B. Thomson Frederick D. Watkins III # Kingswood 1972 Class Agent: Robert L. Groundwater Dollars Raised: $4,079 Participation: 33% Christopher A. Austin # David W. Bradley Jere A. Carangelo # Kenneth J. Coco # David A. Dickinson Robert B. Dimmitt # David A. Fechtor Ned L. Fielden Benedict D. Flynn III # David B. Gelles # Robert L. Groundwater # Philip M. Hartigan Howard S. Kruger # Patrick T. LaCava Andrew G. Russell

Michael R. Seltzer Robert W. Seymour William J. Stack Jr. # Steven B. Twitchell Kingswood 1973 Class Agent: Bruce A. Collamore Dollars Raised: $5,575 Participation: 34% David M. Antos # Aaron H. Auslender Andrew M. Chapman William J. Civitillo Bruce A. Collamore # Stanley G. Dimock # Jeffrey D. Dunn # Mark R. Fisher David R. Francis Jeffrey G. Grody R. S. Haskell Robert K. Kaplan Lawrence A. Kenney Peter M. Knowlton Richard D. Krechevsky # Keith G. Lurie Bruce D. Penney # Richard J. Pera # Allen C. Petersen John F. Stevenson # Mark G. Willis # George U. Wyper KINGSWOOD OXFORD Class of 1974 Dollars Raised: $2,860 Participation: 22% Howard S. Comstock III Christopher J. Dawson Robert K. Eliason # Peter A. Falce Gail Lebowitz Ferraioli Marc W. Fisher Jr. # S. Bruce Han # Neale K. Hauss # John F. Havens Jr. Howard B. Hoke Katharyn Risley Hoke


Jonathan W. Marvin # Marcia Graham Monagan Paul B. Penney Lisa Christensen Petersen # Raymond E. Petersen Jr. # Lynn Gardner Stewart # Brad H. Van Winkle Kenneth B. Walker Class of 1975 Class Agent: Marc T. Shafer Dollars Raised: $17,575 Participation: 27% Brian J. Bailey-Gates # Gerard P. Barrieau Jr. Robert P. Bradley David K. Ellovich Jeffrey L. Hickey # Frederick B. Hollister # Gary A. Lovesky Bryann Lynch # Peter H. Maltbie Joseph J. Nastri Kimberly Collins Parizeau Laura Jones Shafer # Marc T. Shafer # Daniel M. Shepard Kimball R. Smith Peter N. Stevens Anne Woodruff Stout # June Wehrly Szretter Carol O’Rourke Troiani # Kevin N. Tyler Pamela J. Wood # Gregory W. Zabel Class of 1976 Dollars Raised: $13,125 Participation: 21% Jonathan D. Bees # Jay M. Botwick # Vashti D. Brotherhood James A. Brown # Edmond S. Cooley # Martin J. Coursey J. Scott Dunn Kathleen McKenna Fisher Kenneth L. Frank

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James Goldberg George L. Grody Jonathan H. Hurwitz Jr. # Bradford F. Karsky Brenda Lorden Leith # Frederick C. Maynard # Michael G. Pailas # Andrew T. Putnam Scott M. Schwartz Alden Y. Warner III # Linda Rockwell Warner Class of 1977 Class Agent: Mary S. Martin Dollars Raised: $21,807 Participation: 29% Joan McGovern Barrieau Amanda Stedman Bourque Kimberly E. Bush John J. Byrne III Robert Caccomo Thomas J. Collamore # Gary D. D’Abate # James S. Dailey Jr. # Arthur C. DeGraff III Tahsin Ergin Gordon B. Fowler Jr. Emily Van Dyck Frederick # Gloria DeBerry Gallington # Richard S. Gersten Elizabeth Noble Gummere J. Douglas Harris Wendy Yellin Hill Ralph E. Ives David E. Kaplan # Jay A. Lebed J. Stephen Lentz Margaret Gerke Mahony # Mary S. Martin # Hutch Perry # Neil M. Richman # H. Philip Shannon Class of 1978 Class Agents: Charles T. Bellingrath and Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath Dollars Raised: $68,835 Participation: 22%

Charles T. Bellingrath Jr. # Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath # James L. Clifford # Pamela J. Dowling Vincent J. Dowling Jr. # Braden C. Fleming Joseph R. Gianni Howard B. Grody Joseph L. Hammer James T. Healey Jr. I. Bradley Hoffman # Michael J. Kaplan Mitchell Little Sarah H. Maxim Brian K. Mongillo Douglas B. Moore # Mary Susan Buckley Muirhead Jonathan D. Nitkin Robert A. Roth Charles J. Shimkus Jr. Wendy E. Steiner # William L. Walton Louis H. Zarchen II Julie G. Zyla Class of 1979 Class Agent: Jennifer Juros Googins Dollars Raised: $7,703 Participation: 21% John A. Baronian Gerald W. Brady Jr. # Fred B. Cuda # Terri Savin Docal William J. Dunham James W. Eatherton # Robert J. Gfeller Jr. Jennifer Juros Googins # Holly T. Howard Frederick T. Kask # Laura M. LeBlanc Anne Davis Pickart Joseph Ravalese III # David P. Ridlon # Stacy Silk Rome Mary Deck Rutledge Betsy DeGraff Sands Leigh LaBonne Sillner Mary G. Thompson

Robert D. Udolf James M. Ulcickas Gregory J. Zentner Class of 1980 Dollars Raised: $18,055 Participation: 25% Alyce Raboy Alfano # Walter S. Bailey Bruce D. Bower # Donald A. DeVivo Veronica Youmans Dicke # Joanne Malinowski Feinberg # Peter S. Gersten # Gregory A. Hayes # David N. Hild #* Brad M. Hutensky Lisa M. Klemes Janet L. Krevolin Thomas J. Maloney Kathryn McLean Mathias # Hiram H. Maxim II James Nagle Jr. Philip Nassau David B. Newman Edward G. Newton # Roy E. Norcross Wayne J. Pastuszenski # Peter S. Russell # Carol Ribadeneyra Samson Kenneth I. Shapiro # Philip S. Walker Jr. # Beverly Ravalese Yirigian # Class of 1981 Dollars Raised: $8,920 Participation: 17% Peter M. Appleton # Richard S. Arnold Jr. Elizabeth Coppage Brause Peter A. DeFrino # Steven M. Falk Mary Ann Pearson Gianni Derek P. Green Sang H. Han # Jenifer Grayson Hayes # R. Lee Hill Calvin A. Hills III # SEP T EMBER 2017 • KO MAGA ZINE • 95

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Sarah Crosskey Marvin # Jill Youmans Miller William H. Newell II # Jane Anderson Price C. Robinson Reed Deborah Lamson Sohoel-Goldberg Paul G. Stephan # Tobin A. Streett Bonnie Schwartz Weeks # Class of 1982 Class Agent: Anthony Faulise Reunion Class Agent: Elisabeth Warner Mayer # Dollars Raised: $48,770 Participation: 30% Judith Lindsay Bailey #* James A. Baronian Christina Priest Beebe J. Marler Beebe Adrienne Berman Julia Boland George G. Bower Cathleen Cirilli Bradford Andrew G. Bucknam Lynn Mather Charette Mark A. Christie Jennifer Izard Crary # Emily C. Dawkins # Diana I. DeVivo # Pamela Mersereau Dickinson # Anthony Faulise # Betty Title Feigenbaum Dana E. Friedman Allison Nassau Fulcher Myles P. Gibbons Judith Zeffiro Hall # Carl A. Haverl # Anne Mahoney Hayes Allison T. Hild # Mark L. Kirschner Bruce A. Mandell # Elisabeth Warner Mayer # Charles H. Newton Elizabeth Hallisey Norris William E. Rotatori June Marshall Smith #

James F. Sullivan Suzanne McGauley Vide # Class of 1983 Dollars Raised: $6,015 Participation: 11% Steven H. Brown Edward H. Bucknam # Jonathan B. Clifford # John M. M. de Rham Julie Soininen Elkins # Scott C. Evoy Douglas B. Fowler # Steven B. Greenfield Thea Harovas Leach David R. Pinney Marjorie Elliott Pinney William A. Tomasso Class of 1984 Dollars Raised: $7,475 Participation: 13% Kenneth R. Alleyne # John B. Burke III # Daniel P. De Gruttola Jr. Richard K. Elbaum Kathleen M. Flaherty # Laurie Greenwald Hylton Heather Hills Jacobs Todd H. Larsen James C. Maynard # Virginia M. Moran Thomas M. Noniewicz # John M. O’Neil Henry J. Powell David W. Seymour Class of 1985 Dollars Raised: $52,115 Participation: 21% James A. Alissi # Jennifer Large Bowman Denise E. Brodey Mary Stumpf DellaRusso # Rachel Faulise Elizabeth Bower Foley # Carolyn Wolfe Gitlin # Jeffrey S. Gitlin #


Daniel E. Goldberg # Jordan M. Googins Beth M. Hirschfeld Amy Kraczkowsky Hull # Charna Bortman Kaufman John M. Kaufman Mark N. Mandell # Wendy A. Mazo David I. Patron Jennifer White Pennoyer # Glenn M. Shafer David M. Shurberg Sherry J. Suisman Elizabeth M. Weisman Lori Satell Wetsman # Class of 1986 Dollars Raised: $9,470 Participation: 10% Patrick B. Brady Amy Callanan John T. Conroy Jr. # Nicole Parafioriti Haggerty Andrew C. Krugman #* Steven C. Neiditz Robert A. St. Jean Andrew G. Sziklas Rebecca M. Wheeler # Faith McGauley Whitman # John W. Zielenbach Jr. Class of 1987 Class Agent: H. Andrew Schwedel Dollars Raised: $43,250 Participation: 16% Richard L. Alleyne Melissa Rotenberg Arcaro Meryl Mandell Braunstein # Sarah Bower Bua Heidi Hoffman Gostyla # James A. Haggerty Jennifer Papa Kanaan John J. Kozlowsky David A. Later Beth Gladstone McCarthy # Cindy Lipman Mill James C. Mill Nancy J. Myerson

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Beth Doran Putnam # Brian J. Richter # Kimberly A. Roach # H. Andrew Schwedel Gerin Stevens Class of 1988 Class Agent: Russell A. Delldonna Dollars Raised: $9,400 Participation: 13% Hilary Budlong Allen R. Craig Aronson Russell A. Delldonna # James F. Febeo Jr. Eric A. Federman # Michael C. Gitlin Phuong Hue Dang # Gilbert E. Keegan III # Christopher E. Larkin Jonathan A. Lipton # Mark A. Milewski # Maribeth Fish Miliauskas Gina P. Nelson Susan Krutt Promislo Jennifer Steckler Reisner Bonnie Kraus Scranton # John Y. Wang Class of 1989 Dollars Raised: $3,825 Participation: 9% John J. Alissi # Eric D. Batchelder # Meghan C. Burns Charles A. Cavo Karen L. Febeo # Matthew T. Levy # Kirsten M. Lundeberg Brendan McDonald Kelly Murphy Mulderry Maureen J. Murphy # Peter A. Nigro # John A. Schuster # Class of 1990 Class Agent: Todd A. Sherbacow Dollars Raised: $7,925

Participation: 11% Scott P. Aronson # Sujit Chawla Erin O’Brien Choquette Robert B. Choquette Jo-anne Alissi Cosgriff Wendy E. Davidson Joanne Marks Dragunoff Lee A. Gold Kimberly Karp Krieble # Nicole Boudreau Papas Caroline Dorr Reinke Todd A. Sherbacow Class of 1991 Class Agent: Robert M. Elliott II Dollars Raised: $13,909 Participation: 16% Kevin A. Baumert Wendy Scranton Baumert Theodore Bromley # Jessica Hild Collins # Robert M. Elliott II # Scott C. Farrell John P. Godbout # Fred J. Krieble # Margot W. Moses Helder P. Pereira # Brett H. Rubin # Joanna Santa Ana Sarion Stacey L. Silver Cari Siegal Walker Edward R. Wasielewski Keith J. Wolff # Class of 1992 Dollars Raised: $1,745 Participation: 14% Cheryl L. Abbott Kimberly Monzeglio Anania Caesar A. Anderson Pamela J. Bittner David S. Brennan Amy Woolwich Courtney Brendon J. DeSimone Mark S. Einhorn Arthur T. Gola

Ann B. Mulcahy # Matthew E. Nareff David R. Quick Jeffrey S. Rivard Nicole M. Shea Sarah Hamlin Walsh Class of 1993 Class Agent: Suzanne Lipton Jacoby Dollars Raised: $1,675 Participation: 12% Emily Lips Brenner Leigh Hird Ferrantino Margaret B. Fuller Nicole Chorches Greenblatt Katherine Godbout Hurley Suzanne Lipton Jacoby Lance Lee # Seth I. Levine Robert J. Rice Carolyn Cohen Stockwell Heather Scarritt Willis Class of 1994 Dollars Raised: $1,440 Participation: 14% Johvonne Price Claybourne Rahul Kanwar Courtney B. Larkin Mara Kennedy Montante Jessica Caley Rice Mark R. Salerno Andrew F. Schoolnik Gregory J. Scranton #* Jeremy D. Seidman Tara Meyer Ulrich Jennifer Conrad Wedeles # Thomas K. Wedeles # Class of 1995 Dollars Raised: $3,370 Participation: 13% Joshua M. Benet Margaret S. Fitzpatrick Michael S. Grossman # Stephen H. C. Kraus # Kathleen Fowler Michaud


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Anders P. Peterson William L. Rubinow # Benjamin E. Sternthal

Amias Moore Gerety # Jacqueline E. Jordan Beth Carasso Spector

Class of 1996 Class Agents: Kimberly Fernandez Conrad, Mark D. Conrad and Victoria Hatch Kramer Dollars Raised: $8,615 Participation: 16% Aisling Clohessy Bier Alison Zinn Bush # Amanda Chiarappa Candy # Kimberly Fernandez Conrad Mark D. Conrad James S. Friedman Marissa Kreh Gingeleskie # Victoria Hatch Kramer # Benjamin W. Messmore Katherine Rein Muhlenkamp Michelle Reinke Neblett # Caroline T. Nguyen

Class of 1999 Class Agent: E. Brooks Loomis Dollars Raised: $1,505 Participation: 11% Ann M. Calvert # Virginia R. Griffen Jared J. Grise Heather Crispin Polk Tyler B. Polk Afsah Quadri Kristin L. Reinke # Ian P. Zweig

Class of 1997 Class Agent: Daniel M. Shulman Dollars Raised: $3,500 Participation: 16% Karl A. Baumert Meaghan Cahill Becker # Alicia Rinaldi Boyd Durelle L. Brown Jennifer Lombardi Darnowski Jamie M. Dwyer Michelle Greenfield Greenhut Robbie H. Jackter Daniel M. Shulman # Michael J. Vallee Class of 1998 Dollars Raised: $758 Participation: 16% Katherine R. Bradley Edward K. Corcoran Ryan T. Cronin # Joshua A. Decker # Matthew R. Dougherty

Class of 2000 Class Agents: Andrew W. Briggie and Mariah Klaneski Reisner Dollars Raised: $1,700 Participation: 10% Benjamin J. Cordiano # Kristen Roy Cordiano # Ageliki E. Georgopoulos Susan Keppelman Harcourt # Sarah Dwyer Jakeway Brian D. Lee Mariah Klaneski Reisner # Clinton S. Rickards II Patrick A. Rockefeller # Class of 2001 Class Agents: James S. Bookwalter and Daniel N. Buch Dollars Raised: $1,077 Participation: 8% James S. Bookwalter Ryan M. Brodeur Daniel N. Buch # John H. Kraft Erica M. Marrero # William R. Peelle III


Class of 2002 Class Agents: Sarah B. Bookwalter and Molly M. Dworkin Dollars Raised: $2,650 Participation: 16% Christopher A. J. Aiello Meghan J. Berry Sarah B. Bookwalter # Molly M. Dworkin # John A. Dwyer Jonathan A. Landsberg # Evan O’Hara Elisabeth Pierce Passeri Grace Clark Pekkala Eloise A. Rarey Brian D. Rose # Christopher R. Shea # Alexander B. Wilde Class of 2003 Class Agents: Charles P. Bellingrath and Christopher G. Gent Dollars Raised: $1,910 Participation: 18% Charles P. Bellingrath # Melissa Cianciolo Jonathan L. Cohen Kathleen W. DiSanto* Alexander Doucette Christopher G. Gent Jr. # Michael H. Gladstone Christopher P. Kofoed Eric T. Malinowski David L. Marshall Alexander J. Maulucci Kevin D. May # Tyler Norsworthy Samuel G. Peelle Deanna B. Tocco-Saadat Matthew Wheeler Class of 2004 Class Agent: David A. Baker Dollars Raised: $995 Participation: 13% David A. Baker #*

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William A. Crowe Brittany Davis Ellen P. Fitzgibbon Carolyn Marziali Houlihan Christopher M. Houlihan Frederick J. Jones Tyrone G. Kline Amanda Brouillet Maggiore Marsha N. Mather Aimee W. Pont Christopher M. Reilly Class of 2005 Dollars Raised: $605 Participation: 5% Blake T. Berman # Nina Jacobson Caruso # Chelsea Banks Craigie Brenton N. Speed Class of 2006 Class Agents: Bomani R. Brown, Jeffrey J. Giuffrida, Stephen J. Quish, Addison J. Rosenbluth, and Katharine Donnarummo Schachter Dollars Raised: $956 Participation: 14% Lindsay Repp Armstrong Samuel M. Bellingrath # Kevin Coscarelli Jeffrey J. Giuffrida Aerin Sadowski Haskos Bennett T. Hires Sarah N. Mather # Thomas R. Obando Jessica Rodrick Katharine Donnarummo Schacter # Meredith Maffett Taylor # Kevin J. Thorson # Class of 2007 Class Agent: Rachel L. Meddar Dollars Raised: $1,545 Participation: 15% Mary R. Benoit Brett P. Champlin Sara A. Goldstein

Brian C. Henry Natalie H. Kotkin # Jared A. Lambert Christopher D. McKay # Rachel L. Meddar Julia C. Meo Zachary C. Paley # Jennifer M. Shumway # Jacquelyn E. Simons Uma A. Tantri

Melanie M. da Costa Michael J. DeFilippo # Calvin A. Hills IV Emily J. Kim # Emma J. Levin Patricia J. Murphy Samuel J. Paley # Lisa Reddy

Class of 2008 Class Agents: Katherine C. Gent, Ricardo A. Hernandez and Yuri P. Min Dollars Raised: $2,516 Participation: 23% Alexandra L. Barry Hannah H. Beller # Kaitlyn L. Dell’Aquila Mitchell T. DeLorenzo Kenneth G. DeSimone Matthew J. Farrell Katherine C. Gent # Jonathan B. Guest Andrew C. Jones # Christopher J. Kasprak Brett M. Lerner Yuri P. Min # Abigail Googel Niziankiewicz Derek K. Niziankiewicz James V. Paldino II Kimberly R. Parsons # Jeffrey A. Pinciak Jonathan A. Reilly # Alison R. Romano # John S. Varrone Class of 2009 Class Agents: Taylor E. Barlow, Christopher R. Chiappetti, Melanie M. da Costa, Emily J. Kim, and Cara E. McSweeney Dollars Raised: $4,010 Participation: 12% Jessica A. Anavim Taylor E. Barlow # Thomas W. Bellingrath # Christopher R. Chiappetti #

Class of 2010 Class Agents: Brandon T. Batory, Patrick P. Dowling-Logue, Elizabeth R. Guerrera, and Shravan Rao Dollars Raised: $450 Participation: 10% Brandon T. Batory Theodore O. Brundage Michael Coulom Elizabeth R. Guerrera Benjamin R. McKay # Sarah E. Petersen Shravan Rao Rebecca A. Silvers Class of 2011 Class Agents: Emily J. Howard and Jennifer L. Townsend Dollars Raised: $2,885 Participation: 15% Jacquelyn Amenta # James B. Barlow Kristen J. Barry Savannah E. Berger Victoria M. Eatherton Matthew R. Gauthier # Chloe M. Glover Emily J. Howard Edward B. Miller Aaron R. Paley # Emma J. Pinney Thomas E. Romano # Claudia B. Silvers Jennifer L. Townsend Class of 2012 Class Agent: Alexander C. Roth Dollars Raised: $570 Participation: 20%


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Ty J. Adams J. Maclean Bellingrath Erin Casey Claudenae J. Cousins Jacqueline A. Dunn Flinn B. Esselstyn Thomas A. Giardini Dana F. Levin Gabriel T. Lorenzo Jameson F. McKeown Carolyn E. Mitchell Kathleen E. Morgan Hunter B. Morgan Marcus J. Pugliese Alexander C. Roth Michele M. Ruffee Ben S. Shoham Jason E. Stein Nicole A. Wetsman Class of 2013 Class Agents: Eleanor B. Hayes, Patrick Kilkenny, and Marissa E. Landino Dollars Raised: $325 Participation: 8% Taylor J. Brady Samuel Hammer Patrick Kilkenny # Blake C. Randall Shelby Smith Mark Toubman Class of 2014 Dollars Raised: $2,470 Participation: 10% Watson R. Collins IV Catherine P. Eatherton Grace E. Jarmoc Caroline R. Kaufman Allison H. Kyff Elijah K. Langston Spencer T. Martin Rachel M. Paley John T. Sullivan

Class of 2015 Dollars Raised: $1,345 Participation: 4% Sophia C. Harrison David C. Shafer Molly C. Sullivan Ryan J. Wetsman Class of 2016 Dollars Raised: $150 Participation: 2% Nicolas C. Bisgaard Brittany Schwartz

Gifts by Constituencies C U R R E N T PA R E N TS

Charlene M. Dufresne-Achatz and Michael J. Achatz Jennifer and David Albanesi Julie and Richard L. Alleyne ’87 Rikki and James Altman Laura and Robert Amenta Meryth Andrews Coleen and Victor Antico Asha Appel* and Nikolaus Kashey Deanna and Peter M. Appleton ’81 Jennifer and David A. Arcesi Katina and Glenn Arnold Nicole and R. Craig Aronson ’88 Hayriye and Hikmet Aslan Renee and Fred Autorino Judith Lindsay Bailey ’82* and William R. Bailey Michele and Howard N. Baker Donna* and William Balcezak Anne and David J. Barry Wendy and Richard Bates Elizabeth Schiro and Stephen L. Bayer Jodie L. Sprague and Jonathan D. Beck Linda and Jeffrey Becker Nancy and Douglas Beerbower Eileen Godbout and Michael Betts Monica and Dennis Bisgaard* Mary and William Boardman Tammi Jackson-Bolden and Shawn D. Bolden


Nancy Loughlin and Warren Boley Kristina and Michael V. Borruso Lily and Edward Bowen Lynne Tapper and Leland J. Brandt Meryl Mandell Braunstein ’87 and Scott Braunstein Dwayne Bray Natalie Bray Jill and Leigh S. Brezenoff Annemarie and Daniel Britt Christine and Matthew F. Bromberg Amy and Robert Brough Sandy and Steven H. Brown ’83 Carrie and John M. Brunalli Heather and Andrew G. Bucknam ’82 Kerri M. Willis and Matthew Budzik Peta and John B. Burke III ’84 Laurie and Robert Burstein Erin and Steven Cannata* Christine and John Capodice Mary and Robert J. Carangelo Eileen and Christopher Carroll Julia and Peter Casey Yecenia and Noel Casiano Melinda and Gregory M. Castanza Michelle and Charles A. Cavo ’89 Lynn Mather Charette ’82 and John A. Charette Hee Lee and Byung J. Cho Clara and Doug H. Choo Leslie and Philip Civitello Amy and Brian Clark Heather and Michael Clifford Claudia R. Coplein Maria and Nelson Correa Heidi and John Cotter Karen and Christopher Coxon Meredith* and Matthew W. Crowther Tracy Bernard and Kenneth R. Cyr Monica and Matthew Dallahan Patricia and Eric Daniels Danielle and Chris Danler Sheila and Patrick C. Dawson Jacqueline T. Jamsheed and John M. M. de Rham ’83 Karen L. Diaz Corinne Schwartz and Frank DiBacco Patricia E. Brett and Dawn M. DiMauro

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Carole and Burke Doar Susannah Byrne and Brian Dowgieiwicz Claudia Baio-Downes and Robert T. Downes Laura* and Michael Doyle Valerie and Donald R. Dugan Jr. Karen and John Eckert Anne S. Bingham and Theodore C. Esselstyn Martha Vergera and Carlos Feged Allison P. Fenton Christine and Patrick Fernald Andrea Ferrucci and Craig Raabe Helen and Eric P. Fisher Kari Flash and Michael Clarke Shelly and Patrick Flynn Jennifer and Glenn Forslund Amy and Glenn A. Frankel Zengdi Zhuang and Yongda Fu Michelle Gagnon Sharon N. Gaskin* Jodi and Charles Gendrich Kathleen M. Ward and Elena M. Gervino Michelle and Mark A. Gibson Carolyn Wolfe Gitlin ’85 and Jeffrey S. Gitlin ’85 Gail and William D. Goddard Monica and Lee A. Gold ’90 Jodi Pimentle and James Goldschlager Sandra* and Michael E. Goss Heidi Hoffman Gostyla ’87 and Jeffrey F. Gostyla Lisa and Steven N. Gould Marcey J. Grade Ron Grade Laura and Mark Gravel Stephanie and Michael V. Greco Debra and Joseph L. Hammer ’78 Christina and Arash Hamzavi Christine and Joshua Hawks-Ladds Tonya and Anthony Healis Carol and Martin Henry Kerrie and Mark A. Henry Jennifer and Randy Herz Allison T. Hild ’82 and Paul Petrie Emily G. Holcombe ’70 Kristine and Peter M. Holland Lauren Phoenix and James Holley

Toby and Cecil Hudson Nahaleh and Bahram Issari Heather Hills Jacobs ’84 and Brian Jacobs Erica and Randall James Karen and Stephen M. Jarmoc Andre Jett Medina Jett Sandy and Brion Johnson Kerry and Peter W. Jones* Denise and Seth Kalkstein Jennifer Papa Kanaan ’87 and Joseph Kanaan Tania and Srikant Kashyap Charna Bortman Kaufman ’85 and John M. Kaufman ’85 Anne Marie and Thomas E. Kilkenny Shea and John Kinney Sally and Keith Knowles Mary and John Koduah Grace and Jonathan Korn Bonnie Scranton ’88 and Alexander Kraus* Kimberly Karp Krieble ’90 and Fred J. Krieble ’91 Karalyn Kinsella and Andrew C. Krugman ’86* Barbara Tsumagari and Ronald Kuivila Deborah Dietzer and Gregory W. Kulak Maureen and Howard Lantner Jean and Benedict P. LaTorre Jr. Amanda and Michael P. Layden Kathleen and Michael LeGeyt Susan and David J. Lemkuil Elaine and Jerry Leshem Jannine and Ed Leshem Wendy and Howard Levinbook Sharon and Kenneth Levine Lorraine J. Trow and Dennis M. Loughran Anne Marie MacFaddin Panadda Chirakul-Madden and Thomas Madden Shital and Kaushik J. Makati Merrill and Mark N. Mandell ’85 Lisa and Matthew March Elisa Griego and Paul J. Marottolo Lisa and Brian Marshall Mary S. Martin ’77 and Jeffrey A. Amell

Elena C. Diaz and Juan Martinez* Muniba Masood Karen and Daniel Mastella Heidi and Bradley K. Mathis Kelly Mazo Karen and Kevin McCusker Maryann and Thomas J. McGuire Jillian and Paul McLaughlin Nancy and Sean McMahon Claudia and Charles McPherson Jr. Chelsea and Adam Meikle Eileen and Douglas Melody Anila and Mohammed A. Memon Alexandra Muchura-Mensah and Sarfo K. Mensah Sheri Caplan and Kenneth Merkatz Sarah and Peter Meshanic Margaret and Donald Mick Rachna and Kamlesh Mistri Stacey and Stephen R. Moore Shobhana and Ronald Naik Shwetha and Ram Narayan Lalita Ramesh and Venkata Natarajan Dina and Marc Nathan Sonila Noga and Gene Nenshati Jodi and Anthony Oh Deborah and Michael T. O’Loughlin Eric and Megan Ouellette Cynthia Clancy and Douglas Ovian Jennie and Henry Paszczuk Kathryn Emond-Patenaude and Michael Patenaude Patricia Flanagan and Brian Pear Jennifer and Steven Pelletier Jennifer White Pennoyer ’85 and William P. Pennoyer Michelle and Mark Peterson Lakkitta and Sengsavath Phouthakoun Barbara and Marek Pilecki Mary and Robert Place Cathleen Shine and Richard D. Pomp Lara and Mark Poulios Diane and William S. Pratt Emira and Dorjan Puka Theresa and Joseph Ravalese III ’79 Melissa and Thomas J. Regan Elisabeth* and Timothy Repp Maricele and Charles Riemann


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Adrian Brown and Kurt Roggendorf Stacy Silk Rome ’79 and David Rome Patricia and Scott Roth Kristen and Glenn Rowland Zina and Timur Ruban Jacquelyn Rubin-Isenberg* and Gary Isenberg Immad Sadiq Trish and Arthur Schaller Jr. Elizabeth and Kristofer Schumacher Laurel and Steve Schwartz Susan and Gregory Seaver Anna and David W. Seymour ’84 Dana Greenberg and Glenn M. Shafer ’85 Laura Jones Shafer ’75 and Marc T. Shafer ’75 Elizabeth Deckers and Brian Shames Munish Shastri and Sangeeta Peshori Sheri Slobin Shea* Kimberly and Li Shi Donna and Christopher R. Sienko Carmen Sierra Binita and Parwatjit Sikand Leslie and Bruce Silvers Roberta and Bruce Singer Ellen and Lawrence Siuta Christine Pina and Alex D. Smith Kendra Lawrence and P. Davis Smith Lulu Khoosanguanchai and Kongfah Somridhivej Bonnie L. Dobkin and Peter Sonntag Deborah and John Stadelmann Denise and Johnathan Stake Gerald J. Stanton Felice Heller and Michael Steinberg Eileen and Paul G. Stephan ’81 Sheila and Trevor S. Sutton Dawn and Michael Swilling Sudha Swaminathan and Kanishka Tankala Elizabeth and Robert H. Taylor Whitney and Matthew P. Taylor John Toedt Andrea and Tony Toland Tracy Toland Melissa and Garfield Vaughn Jyoti Chhabra and Venkat Vedula Tricia* and Brian Watson

Katherine and Thomas White Meghan and David Wildstein Monique Williams Vera Smith-Winfree and Glenn M. Winfree Colleen* and Brian Woerlen Kris and Keith J. Wolff ’91 Julie and Mark M. Wolman Joanne and David Yandow Valencia Bagby-Young and Anthony Young Su Zheng PA R E N TS O F A LU M N I Judith and Richard I. Abraham Patricia R. Agostino Jonna Ahl Anne and Adejuwon A. Akerele Lorraine and Robert P. Albanesi Jo-anne A. Alissi Wendy and Timothy Allerton* Laura and Robert Amenta Linda Mooney Angelastro ’57 Deanna and Peter M. Appleton ’81 Lisa* and Charlie Bailey Wendy and A. Robert Baker Donna* and William Balcezak Rebecca Cole and Eric Banasiewicz Richard F. Banbury ’56 Sherry Banks-Cohn ’54 Anne and David J. Barry Beth and W. Alan Baumert ’63 Elizabeth Schiro and Stephen L. Bayer Nancy and Douglas Beerbower Adriane and Peter J. Beller Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath, Jr. ’78 Jeanne and Jay S. Benet Cheryl and John R. Benoit Laura and John A. Berman M. Suzanne and Peter J. Berry Linda and Gerard A. Berube Eileen Godbout and Michael Betts Monica and Dennis Bisgaard* Louis B. Blumenfeld Tammi Jackson-Bolden and Shawn D. Bolden Kristina and Michael V. Borruso


Cindy and Jay M. Botwick ’76 Diane A. Boyce and Christopher Fuselier Jane and Gerald W. Brady ’46 Ellen and Mark A. Bram Amy and Edward J. Brennan Jr. Maggie and Dennis P. Brennan ’71 Susan and William E. Breslau Gertrude and Louis Brown Sally and Philip S. Brown Jr. ’57 Sandy and Steven H. Brown ’83 Emily and Peter S. Buch Janet and Richard C. Buckley Jr. ’47 Ann H. Bucknam Victoria and Edgar B. Butler Jr. ’63 Dorothy Byrne Carol and Richard M. Caley ’62 Mary and Robert J. Carangelo Carol-Lynne and Joseph Casey Lynn Mather Charette ’82 and John A. Charette Cheryl A. Chase and Stuart D. Bear Kathleen Chase Sandra and Arnold L. Chase Ann Marie and D. Vincent Cherrone Lydia and Mario J. Chiappetti Martha and Richard J. Chiarappa* Jonathan T. Clapp Douglas W. Clark ’70 Joel H. Cohen ’63 Allen V. Collins Beth Ann and Watson R. Collins III Mark S. Conley Jeanne and William D. Conrad Jr. Claudia R. Coplein Carol and Matthew Courtney Aline and Thomas K. Cronin Debra and James M. Davis Stephanie and James DeFilippo Nina C. Del Turco Linda and Robert Demers Janice and Christopher R. Deskus Irene DeVivo Patricia and Donald A. DeVivo ’80 Catherine and George S. Diehl III Sally and G. Dale Dionne ’63 Donna and Thomas M. Divine George A. Dixon, Jr. ’66 Susan and James O. Donaldson

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James M. Doran Glenn B. Dorr, Jr. Maureen and James E. Dougherty J. Morton Dunn ’44 Helen and James W. Eatherton ’79 Lois and E. Michael Ellovich Anthony W. Erdman ’47 Anne S. Bingham and Theodore C. Esselstyn Laura and George L. Estes III ’67 Cyndi and Frederick S. Farquhar ’59 Anita and Salvatore Faulise Stephanie and Richard D. Fischer Helen and Eric P. Fisher Frances and William C. Fitts III Martha and Daniel L. Fitzmaurice Eileen and Patrick J. Flaherty ’51 Molly and Gordon B. Fowler Amy and Glenn A. Frankel Karen and Bruce J. Franklin Susan and Robert M. Furek Roxannah Gallagher Gerald Garfield Diane Adinolfi Gent ’72 and Christopher G. Gent Kathleen M. Ward and Elena M. Gervino Jacqueline and Robert J. Gfeller Mary Ann Pearson Gianni ’81 and Joseph R. Gianni ’78 Ninna and Sebastian Gianni Concettina and Peter W. Gillies Carolyn Wolfe Gitlin ’85 and Jeffrey S. Gitlin ’85 Nancy and Richard A. Gitlin Elizabeth Brainard Glassco ’48 Eileen and Charles Glassmire Jr. Marilyn and Paul W. Glover Gail and William D. Goddard Francine and Robert B. Goldfarb Julie and Ethan Goldman Rae Ellen and Laurence J. Goldstein Rosemarie and Frederick D. Goodman* Carol and Robert J. Googins + Joan and Timothy J. Grace Nancy and Peter C. Grassilli Diane and Lawrence Greenfield Paula and James Greenfield

Eunice Strong Groark ’56 and Thomas J. Groark John M. Grocki ’62 Veronica Makowsky and Jeffrey C. Gross Susan and Karl F. Haberlandt Thelma and Robert J. Halloran Jr. Debra and Joseph L. Hammer ’78 Anne Bartholomew and Gregory A. Hanson* Kathy Hayes and John C. Hanson Jacqueline Pisani* and Christopher Harrison Barbara and Charles A. Hartigan ’71 Jean A. Hartigan Paula and Jeffrey A. Hathaway Dorothy + and Louis Hatry + Martha Coolidge Haviland ’44 + and Winthrop A. Haviland Jr. ’36 + Lynn and Stephen B. Hazard Richard Healey Louise Healey Pamela J. Dowling ’78 and James T. Healey Jr. ’78 Kathleen and Richard I. Hemingway ’67 Jane Keller Herzig ’60 and Edward Herzig Joan + and J. Gregory Hickey ’47 Allison T. Hild ’82 and Paul Petrie Alyce and David H. Hild Susan and David N. Hild ’80* Sally Walton Hills ’57 and Calvin A. Hills Donna and Jeffrey B. Hires Barbara K. Hoffman Beverly and Timothy A. Holt Dorothy and Kimball H. Hunt Nancy and John J. Jacobson Karen and Stephen M. Jarmoc Andre Jett Medina Jett Joseph W. Johnson Leslie and Frederick J. Jones Jr. Mary Jeanne Anderson Jones ’52 Margaret* and John Kasprak Charna Bortman Kaufman ’85 and John M. Kaufman ’85 Elizabeth and Gilbert E. Keegan Jr. Anne Marie and Thomas E. Kilkenny Dolores Killeen Diane and John Y. Kim

Kirstie and Peter K. Kofoed Bonnie Scranton ’88 and Alexander Kraus* Eileen + and Harold C. Kraus Ruth and David Krugman Robert S. Kyff* Kathryn and Peter C. Lange Nancy and Mark Langston Janet and Christopher Larsen Jean and Benedict P. LaTorre Jr. Susan and David J. Lemkuil Elaine and Jerry Leshem Margarita and Brian J. Lessard Penny Leto Linda and Alan J. Levin Lynne* and Theodore C. Levine* Janet and Paul A. Lewis Kyle and Edward W. Lincoln Jr. Mary + and Stewart Lindsay Jr. Margah and Thomas D. Lips Lorraine J. Trow and Dennis M. Loughran Gail and Stephen P. Lowe Lynne A. Lumsden ’65 and Jon H. Harden Pamela Taxel and Roger D. Luskind Linda and Austin T. Lydon Barbara and Baxter H. Maffett ’68 S. John Malinowski Jill and Patrick J. Maloney Nancy W. Marikar Peter A. Mark Lisa and Douglas A. Martin William B. Martin Sandra J. Mather Joseph C. Mayo ’47 E. Merritt McDonough ’51 Elsee and Thomas A. McEachin Maryann and Thomas J. McGuire Jillian and Paul McLaughlin Marjorie and Peyton H. Mead ’45 Mary Ellen and David C. Mellen Eileen and Douglas Melody Kimberley* and Clayton J. Miles* Susan and Robert M. Miller Louise and John W. Moses ’63 Barbara and Lanny Moskowitz Nancy and John F. Mulcahy Jr.


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Marie and Steven G. Mulkern Janet and Robert H. Murphy Jr. ’62 June E. Murray Patricia and Anthony W. Neidlinger ’62 Elaine and David G. Nord Avra G. Novarr Harriet S. Noyes Amy and John C. Nulsen Robert S. O’Brien Carolyn and James V. Paldino Luanne and Mark Paley Rosemarie and John S. Papa Jennie and Henry Paszczuk Elizabeth and Raymond J. Payne Agnes and William R. Peelle Jr. Jennifer White Pennoyer ’85 and William P. Pennoyer Lisa Christensen Petersen ’74 and Raymond E. Petersen Jr. ’74 Barbara and Wayne Pierce* Diane and William S. Pratt Barbara and Kevin Prout Nancy Letney-Pugliese and Lewis J. Pugliese Jr. Linda J. Quick Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall Jean and Joseph Ravalese Jr. ’51 + Theresa and Joseph Ravalese III ’79 Elizabeth and Michael J. Reilly Jane* and Whitney S. Repp David B. Reynolds ’44 Faye Rachlin and Gary S. Richards Yvonne and R. Craig Robinson Monica and Avery Rockefeller III Marilyn C. Rockwell Lisa and Phillip Y. Roland Lisa and Paul F. Romano Vicki and Richard B. Rosenthal Maureen Rotenberg Katherine and Robert A. Roth ’78 Jacquelyn Rubin-Isenberg* and Gary Isenberg Elizabeth Stedman Russell ’50 Nancy A. Salerno Maureen and Duane A. Sanders Richard Scheuch Kimberly Lucey and James A. Schoenadel

Lesli and Scott M. Schwartz ’76 Nancy L. Schwartz Christine L. Scranton Brenda* and Mark A. Semmelrock Laura Jones Shafer ’75 and Marc T. Shafer ’75 Sheri Slobin Shea* Laurel Cole and Christopher Sheehan Janet + and John M. Sherfinski Denise and Richard J. Shima Dana and Charles J. Shimkus Jr. ’78 Wendi and Michael Shook Ruth Kaufman Shulansky ’50 Joan and Richard C. Shumway Susan and Joseph Sikora Kathleen and James J. Skiff Jeanne and Richard S. Smith Jr. Nancy* and Elliot N. Solomon Sharon and William G. Speed IV Julia and William J. Stack Jr. ’72 Karin and William K. Stahl Charles H. Stamm ’56 Gerald J. Stanton Marilyn and James H. Steane II ’62 Felice Heller and Michael Steinberg Henry Steiner II Nancy Weinstein and Robert J. Stiehler Lorraine and David H. Stone ’59 Christine and John F. Sullivan Christine I. Sullivan Rachel Ivker and Dennis J. Sullivan Marilyn and Les R. Tager Sudha Swaminathan and Kanishka Tankala Elizabeth and Robert H. Taylor Kim and William B. Thomson ’71 Kristine and Robert M. Thorson Marcia and Tyler C. Tingley ’64 Joseph A. Tocco S.Victoria and Robert W. Trainer ’67 Mary and Dean J. Tulumaris Katrina and Elvin D. Turner Dorothy and Richard S. Tuthill Danielle and Robert D. Udolf ’79 Elizabeth and Peter A. Van Loon Elizabeth and Gerard Vecchio Laura and Francis X. Vigliatura Elisa L. Villa


Lynn and John Wadhams Leslie P. Waite Donna and Lee R. Wenzel Lori Satell Wetsman ’85 and David Wetsman Bridget and Michael A. Wheeler Margaret and Michael G. Wheeler Katherine and Thomas White Paula and Brian D. Whitney Frazier B. Wilde + Holly and F. Scott Wilson Penny and John A. T. Wilson ’56 Lewis K. Wise ’65 Lisa C. Kugelman and Roy H. Wiseman Colleen* and Brian Woerlen Julie and Mark M. Wolman Martin Wolman Shumei Kuo and Jon Zeu Wu Joanne and David Yandow Helen and John C. Yavis, Jr. Beverly Ravalese Yirigian ’80 and Robert Yirigian Andrea and William E. Zabel Susan Gross Zielenbach ’61 and J. William Zielenbach Doreen Fundiller-Zweig and Elliot C. Zweig G R A N D PA R E N TS Lorraine and Robert P. Albanesi Marie and Salvatore Amenta Susan Safford Andrews ’54 and Robert N. Andrews Elizabeth H. Atwood Mary and Chris Bannon Carol-Ann and J. Bruce Barlow Joan and Robert D. Batting Laura and John A. Berman George Borruso Jane and Gerald W. Brady ’46 Gertrude and Louis Brown Carol and John Brunalli Barbara M. Buckley Ann H. Bucknam Kathleen C. Burnett Violet and Nicholas L. Cannata Kay and Philip D. Carestia Ann Marie and D. Vincent Cherrone

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Marjorie and Gordon S. Cohen Robert J. Colliton Irene DeVivo Kathy Ellavsky Pamela Ellavsky Linda and Stewart Everard Constance and Sebastian J. Gallo Phyllis and Myron Genel Ninna and Sebastian Gianni Nancy and Richard A. Gitlin Diane and Lawrence Greenfield Marguerite and William Griego Jean A. Hartigan Martha Coolidge Haviland ’44 + and Winthrop A. Haviland Jr. ’36 + Louise Healey Estelle Heller Joan + and J. Gregory Hickey ’47 Alyce and David H. Hild Barbara K. Hoffman Noel J. Holland Margaret and DeWitt C. Jones III Mary Jeanne Anderson Jones ’52 Wendy Coyle and Costa Kanis Elisabeth and Robert Kashey Leach Kelly Kevin Kinsella Ruth and David Krugman Ann and Casimir Kulak Barbara and Charles Lavallee Mary and Robert C. Lawrence III Mary and Stewart Lindsay Jr. William B. Martin Teresa and Edward Mastella Sandra J. Mather E. Merritt McDonough ’51 Ann and John McGovern Jayne and Michael McLaughlin Robert S. O’Brien Eva Overchuk Diana and Karney Ovian Rosemarie and John S. Papa Louise and Michael Pear Mattie and Bobby Pierce Cynthia Pina Ann and Ralph Polley Jean and Joseph Ravalese Jr. ’51 + Cornelia Landon Russell ’46

Caryl Ryan Nancy L. Schwartz Christine L. Scranton Jyotsna and Sudhir Shah Patricia and Charles Shimkus Barbara Slobin and Al Rosenfield Ellen and Anthony W. Tabell Caroline and Kenneth H. Taylor Jr. Alene and Mac Toedt Helen and Tony Toland Alfred Villa Britt and David C. Warner ’56 Lillian Kilkenny and Don Weinstein Gail and Joel Wildstein Chris and Greg Williamson Carolyn K. Winn Ursula and Herb Woerlen FRIENDS AND OTHERS Anonymous Eleanor Adams Karen Altieri Kurt Bock Eileen and Leo Bonetti Tricia Cietek Mrs. William Furnivall Joanne and Fred Hull Tamara Kribs and Jason P. Jarvis Katherine A. Johnston Brandon Kurtich Kathryn and Gary Kurtich Mercedese E. Large Robert McGurgan Middlesex Mutual Assurance Company Jane and David C. Robinson Stacey Schreiber Jane and Henry Weinberg Jessica and Eric M. Zachs Judith Zachs Henry Zachs Elizabeth and Fred M. H. Ziter Jr. F A C U LT Y A N D S T A F F Timothy Allerton William Amarante Asha Appel Judith Lindsay Bailey ’82 Lisa P. Bailey

Kata and David A. Baker ’04 Donna Balcezak Kristen J. Barry ’11 Daniel Bateson Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78 Dean Bellmay Rebecca T. Benavides Dennis Bisgaard Amy Bosco Jonathan T. Briggs Steven Cannata Andrew Carr Richard J. Chiarappa Peggy Clark Alan R. Comrie Mark Conklin Erika Ahrens Costantini Jessica Crouch Meredith Crowther Tracy L. Deeter Natalie Demers Roy A. DeMoura Kathleen W. DiSanto ’03 Anna Dolan Judy Dondero Laura A. Doyle Donna Dudzik D. Scott Dunbar Kathryn A. Dunn Erik Durr Joan M. Edwards Blair Elliott Jennifer Faubert Debbie Fiske Jessica Fowler Denise and Ronald Garcia Joshua Garrison Sharon N. Gaskin William Gilyard Frederick D. Goodman Sandra Goss Katherine Grossweiner Gregory A. Hanson Suzanne Hayes David N. Hild ’80 Danielle Hoff Peter W. Jones Margaret T. Kasprak


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Nicole Kimball Julie Kindl Matthew I. Kocay Alexander Kraus Andrew C. Krugman ’86 Meghan A. Kurtich Robert S. Kyff Lynne and Theodore C. Levine Natalie and Noah Lynd Charles Macksoud Sherri Malinoski Lawrence Marciano Juan Martinez Carolyn F. McKee Stephanie McQueen Kimberley and Clayton J. Miles Todd Millen Steven Mitchell Ronald Monroe Katherine Nicholson Alison O’Donnell Wayne Pierce Rudite E. Pilpel Jacqueline Pisani Timothy Randall Carolee Remme Elisabeth Repp Jane H. Repp Criste Rhea Jacquelyn Rubin-Isenberg Zaira O. Santiago Catherine Schieffelin Lynn Schork Ann L. Sciglimpaglia Gregory J. Scranton ’94 Brenda A. Semmelrock Sheri Slobin Shea Nancy Solomon Randy F. Stabile Scott Tang Sarah Thomsen Stacey Tomkiel Christopher Vicevich Tricia Watson Heather Wayne Jennifer and James Weeks Kristen Weldon Ya-yi Weng

Holly Westfall Colleen M. Woerlen FORMER/EMERITI AND STAFF Jo-anne A. Alissi Marie T. Bernatchez Dennis P. Brennan ’71 Emily Lips Brenner ’93 F. Graham Brown ’63 Carol and Richard M. Caley ’62 Jonathan T. Clapp George A. Dixon Jr. ’66 Laurette and H. Benjamin Duke III Martha Fitzmaurice Emily Van Dyck Frederick ’77 Charles Glassmire Jr. Robert J. Googins + Susan M. Haberlandt Florence C. Hare Barbara F. Hartigan Benjamin J. Hildebrand Lorna Hunter Joseph W. Johnson Christopher J. Kasprak ’08 Thea Harovas Leach ’83 Stewart Lindsay Jr. Janet Mowry Loffredo Cyprian L. Martin David C. Mellen Louise and John W. Moses ’63 Margot W. Moses ’91 Robert S. O’Brien James O’Donnell Barbara J. Prine Linda J. Quick Michelle and Matthew Ruffle Bonnie Kraus Scranton ’88 Jane Daly Seaberg John M. Sherfinski Kathleen and James J. Skiff Robert J. Stiehler Dennis J. Sullivan Tyler C. Tingley ’64 Nicholas Todd Stephen H. Watters ’66


CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Aetna Foundation Inc. Affineco LLC. The Auerbach Schiro Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation Big Bucket LLC Blum Shapiro Foundation Inc. Boston Color Graphics The Byrne Foundation Inc. The Cape Cod Foundation The Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Family Foundation Inc. Sandra and Arnold Chase Family Foundation Choate Hall & Stewart LLP Combined Jewish Philanthropies Community Foundation of North Central Washington Community Foundation of Northern Colorado DonateWell The Dornam Foundation Doro Restaurant Group Federman, Lally & Remis LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fiduciary Investment Advisors FIP Construction Inc. First Insure Inc. The Fischbach Foundation Furek Family Foundation Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation Inc. Graham Anthony Trust Fund Hartford Foundation for Public Giving The Hills Family Foundation Hinding Tennis LLC James Baker Design James G. Rogers Architects PC Jarvis Group Inc Jewish Community Endowment Fund Jewish Community Foundation Greater Hartford John and Diane Kim Foundation John Doar Foundation Kelly Family Foundation Inc. Learned-Preston Foundation William and Ellen Macristy Foundation

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The Maple Tree Fund Maximum Beverage General William Mayer Foundation Middlecott Foundation Mountain View Landscape LLC NEFCO Corp Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program The Old Stones Foundation Inc. The Owenoke Foundation Painting & Decorating Inc. Pure Marketing Puritan Furniture Mart Inc. Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc Robinson & Cole LLP Santa Barbara Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving The Schwedel Foundation Shimkus, Murphy & Lemkuil Inc. The Shulansky Foundation Inc. Suburban Commercial Inc. T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation Tabell Family Foundation Kenneth and Caroline Taylor Family Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Prospect Fund The Vincent Dowling Family Foundation Thornedge Foundation Travelers Companies Truist UBS Financial Services United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Valley United Way Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vernon K. Krieble Foundation Alfred N. Watson Family Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Foundation Zachs Family Foundation Inc.

CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Aetna Foundation Inc. Allstate Bank of America Private Bank Chubb & Son Inc. CIGNA Foundation Matching Gifts Program Disney Corporation Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts Program IBM Corporation Lilly Endowment Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies Merrill Lynch & Co Foundation Inc. MFS Investment Management Morgan Stanley Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Inc. Pfizer Foundation State Street Corporation The Walt Disney Foundation Company United Technologies Corporation Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program GIFTS-IN-KIND Mary Britcher Dattco Patricia and Donald A. DeVivo ’80 Bonnie Huang James B. Lyon ’48 Ronit and Scott Shoham Laura and George C. Springer Jr.

Capital and Endowment Giving

ENDOWED FUNDS LIST Dorothy Crawford Anderson and Buist Murfee Anderson Memorial Fund Karen M. Anderson Harriet Kirk Bidgood ’45 Fund Kirk Bidgood

Black & Crimson Gala Mariah Klaneski Reisner ’00 Charles W. Collins Award Jared A. Collins ’88 Tristram E. Collins ’82 Kimberly Collins Parizeau ’75 Endowment Unrestricted I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Elizabeth and Michael J. Reilly Monica and Avery Rockefeller III Robert A. Falk ’80 Memorial Fund Steven M. Falk ’81 James Nagle, Jr. Nelson P. and Helen S. Farquhar Faculty Enrichment Fund Cyndi and Frederick S. Farquhar ’59 Financial Aid Endowment Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Robert M. Stavis ’80 Financial Aid Fund Graham Anthony + Graham Anthony Trust Fund Linda Schiro Glickstein ’65 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Alyce and David H. Hild James and Joann Price Walks Foundation, Inc. Frosty Francis Fund Britt and David C. Warner ’56 James Garfield ’00 Grant Program Kristen Roy Cordiano ’00 and Benjamin J. Cordiano ’00 Goodman Banks Performing Arts Fund William Cohn Wendy E. Steiner ’78 Ryan Gordon ’05 Endowment for Students Community Foundation of Middlesex County, Inc. Phyllis and Barry C. Gordon


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David M. Hatheway Endowed Fund for Faculty Support Frank M. Hatheway ’75 Linda Pease Hicks ’73 Fund Nancy D. Pease and John W. Thomas KO 2020 Vision Fund Charlene M. Dufresne-Achatz and Michael J. Achatz, Sr. James A. Alissi ’85 John J. Alissi ’89 Julie and Richard L. Alleyne ’87 Laura and Robert Amenta Kimberly Monzeglio Anania ’92 Anne and David J. Barry Hope and Jeffrey Bash Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath, Jr. ’78 Courtenay and Ricardo Berckemeyer Blake T. Berman ’05 Monica and Dennis Bisgaard* Pamela J. Bittner ’92 Ellen and Mark A. Bram Lynne Tapper and Leland J. Brandt Meryl Mandell Braunstein ’87 and Scott Braunstein Sandy and Steven H. Brown ’83 Heather and Andrew G. Bucknam ’82 Victoria and Edgar B. Butler, Jr. ’63 Nancy and Philip M. Cahill Elaine and Charles R. Canedy III Mary and Robert J. Carangelo Meg and James Casey Melinda and Gregory M. Castanza David S. Chapin ’43 + Martha and Richard J. Chiarappa* Erin O’Brien Choquette ’90 and Robert B. Choquette ’90 Douglas W. Clark ’70 Heather and Michael Clifford Kimberly Fernandez Conrad ’96 and Mark D. Conrad ’96 Jo-Anne Alissi Cosgriff ’90 F. Michael Crawford ’77 Meredith* and Matthew W. Crowther Debra and James M. Davis Marie Garrick Davis ’95

Jacqueline T. Jamsheed and John M. M. de Rham ’83 Kristen Lorden DeQuattro ’87 and John B. DeQuattro ’87 Janice and Christopher R. Deskus Diana I. DeVivo ’82 Irene DeVivo David K. Dodd ’50 Valerie and Donald R. Dugan, Jr. Kathy Ellavsky Anne S. Bingham and Theodore C. Esselstyn Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund John E. Fisher ’70 Peter G. Fisher ’67 Bethany Levy Friedman ’89 and Steven A. Friedman ’89 Martine and August J. Fusco II Diane Adinolfi Gent ’72 and Christopher G. Gent Carolyn Wolfe Gitlin ’85 and Jeffrey S. Gitlin ’85 Eileen and Charles Glassmire, Jr. Monica and Lee A. Gold ’90 Laurie and Bruce H. Goldsmith Heidi Hoffman Gostyla ’87 and Jeffrey F. Gostyla Derek P. Green ’81 John M. Grocki ’62 Michael E. Hains ’16 Christine and Joshua Hawks-Ladds Joan + and J. Gregory Hickey, Sr. ’47 Allison T. Hild ’82 and Paul Petrie I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Michael A. Jones ’64 Carol and Gerald Joseloff Jennifer Papa Kanaan ’87 and Joseph Kanaan Charna Bortman Kaufman ’85 and John M. Kaufman ’85 Gilbert E. Keegan III ’88 Arthur H. Keeney III ’62 Ann and Patrick W. Kenny Anne Marie and Thomas E. Kilkenny Shea and John Kinney Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62 Stephen H. C. Kraus ’95 Helen E. Krieble ’61


Kimberly Karp Krieble ’90 and Fred J. Krieble ’91 Vernon K. Krieble Foundation Mary and Robert C. Lawrence III Margah and Thomas D. Lips Fred M. Lougee ’48 + Lynne A. Lumsden ’65 and Jon H. Harden James B. Lyon ’48 Jill and Patrick J. Maloney The Andrew J. and Joyce D. Mandell Family Foundation Joyce and Andrew J. Mandell Bruce A. Mandell ’82 Merrill and Mark N. Mandell ’85 James D. Marinan ’50 Mary S. Martin ’77 and Jeffrey A. Amell Charles W. Merrels ’40 Marilena and Dino Miano Mark A. Milewski ’88 Maureen J. Murphy ’89 Jodi and Anthony Oh Dorothy and B. Maxwell O’Meara ’48 Luanne and Mark Paley Rosemarie and John S. Papa Kimberly R. Parsons ’08 Jennie and Henry Paszczuk Jennifer White Pennoyer ’85 and William P. Pennoyer Cathleen Shine and Richard D. Pomp David R. Quick ’92 Arthur M. Rautio ’66 Elizabeth and Michael J. Reilly Ellen and Kenneth Risley Maureen Rotenberg Lesli and Scott M. Schwartz ’76 Brenda* and Mark A. Semmelrock Laura Jones Shafer ’75 and Marc T. Shafer ’75 Carol and Charles B. Shepard ’60 Susan and Joseph Sikora Nicole Simpson-Givens Roberta and Bruce Singer Bonnie L. Dobkin and Peter Sonntag Karin and William K. Stahl Gesella and George P. Stephan Alene and Mac Toedt Lori Satell Wetsman ’85 and David Wetsman

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Frazier B. Wilde + Kris and Keith J. Wolff ’91 Bette Wolff Thomas J. and Bette Wolff Foundation Martin Wolman Julie and Mark M. Wolman KO 2020 Vision Endowed Fund Francine and Robert B. Goldfarb William H. Goldfarb ’64 Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation, Inc. KO Hockey Fund Janet and Paul A. Lewis Stewart Lindsay Fund Sarah L. Lindsay Moses Family Scholarship Fund Louise and John W. Moses ’63 Margot W. Moses ’91 Restricted Operating Funds Andrew Barnard ’91 Ann R. Bartlett ’66 Wendy Scranton Baumert ’91 and Kevin A. Baumert ’91 Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath, Jr. ’78 Brendan Blair ’91 Bresome, Barcome, Inc. Theodore Bromley ’91 Michelle and Charles A. Cavo ’89 Scott D. Cohen ’91 Judy L. Colbert Jessica Hild Collins ’91 Ann-Marie Petry Delaney ’91 George A. Dixon, Jr. ’66 Barbara Dolinsky ’66 Helen Newell Douglas ’66 J. Morton Dunn ’44 William Dunn Martha and Walter Ekwall Steven L. Elbaum ’82 Robert M. Elliott II ’91 Scott C. Farrell ’91 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Jane Cady Fitchen ’56

Michael K. Gallagher ’91 Jana and David B. Gerges Christine and Stephen N. Giamalis Giamalis & Co., CPAs Eunice Strong Groark ’56 and Thomas J. Groark Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Eleanor W. Hayes Ann and Randall M. Hayes ’74 Joan + and J. Gregory Hickey ’47 Cynthia Kohn Hobart ’56 The Harvey Hubbell Foundation Heidi Wood Huddleston ’56 Virginia W. Hughes ’66 Jennifer Jestin ’66 Jewish Community Foundation Greater Hartford Mary Harvey Kellough ’66 Heather Kennedy Kerekes ’91 Kimberly Karp Krieble ’90 and Fred J. Krieble ’91 Deborah Lamont ’66 Carolyn Hawkins Lee ’91 Anne Risdon Lewis ’66 Diana and Paul Longchamps Diana Waters Lyman ’66 James B. Lyon ’48 Sandra Martin McDonough ’56 Alice Butler Mendell ’56 Kathryn Antos Mikkelson ’91 David P. Mitchell ’91 Todd C. Mooney ’90 Dennis Noce Matthew C. Oleyer ’91 Deborah Eichenbaum O’Neal ’66 Susan Read Osborne ’66 Carolyn Noyes Parrack ’66 Agnes and William R. Peelle, Jr. Penelope Fuller Petrone ’66 Jane Brandon Pfaff ’56 Deborah Kearns Pirie ’66 Judith Odlum Pomeroy ’66 Pamela Miller Powell ’66 Tenley Fisher Prince ’91 Nancy Austin-Reed ’56 Thompson Reynolds Lindsey B. Ronald ’91

Mathew J. Roth ’92 Eric Rubenstein ’92 Laurie and Brett H. Rubin ’91 Sara Murphy Rupert ’66 David L. Savin Doris and Mark R. Silk Susan Taylor Smith ’56 Donna Williams Soudan ’66 Margaret Ann and Joseph A. Spinella ’68 Laurie A. Spinnler-Bonner ’91 Barbara Prestley Standke ’66 Andrea K. Stannard ’66 Michael Stern ’91 Whitney Stiehler ’91 Katherine Stevenson Taylor ’66 Sarah T. Taylor ’66 Maureen and Bruce Thompson Marcia Nichols Trook ’66 Julie J. Tsai The Wallace Foundation Wendy and Robert W. Warner Amy Shulman Weinberg ’66 Leslie Chorches Weinstein ’66 Gary Werner Brigid Staunton White ’91 Kris and Keith J. Wolff ’91 Denise and Stephen Woodruff The Margaret E. and Henry R. Roberts Family Fund Margaret Roberts Brenner ’75 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Barbara E. Hegel ’62 Cynthia Baird Roberts ’60 and Michael A. F. Roberts ’59 William H. Roberts ’67 The Kenneth and Jane Roberts Scholarship Jane + and Kenneth D. Roberts ’34 + Strategic Initiative Fund Monica and Avery Rockefeller III The Owenoke Foundation Tallwood Warrior Scholarship Jack T. F. Bitter Jr. ’63 LPL Financial


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William J. Tomasso ’50 Scholarship Fund Laura M. LeBlanc ’79

In Honor of Fred W. Barhoff III ’48 Amy Hull Joanne and Fred Hull

In Memory of Suzanne Hammond Corkin ’55 Barbara Gowdy Tongue ’51

Stanley W. Vogel Fund Philip J. Vogel ’72

In Honor of Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78 Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall

In Honor of Ava H. Danler ’23 Danielle and Chris Danler

Wolman Family Scholarship Fund The Fischbach Foundation Martin Wolman

Honorary & Memorial Gifts

IN HONOR/MEMORY LIST In Honor of Garth A. Adams Ty J. Adams ’12 In Memory of Aanon J. Ahl ’93 Jonna Ahl In Memory of Joseph A. Alissi Richard S. Arnold Jr. ’81 Lorna Hunter Margaret Gerke Mahony ’77 In Honor of Lois Williams Arnold ’61 Hannah Williams Boulton ’64 In Memory of Carolyn Short Arvidson ’48 Carol and Robert J. Googins + In Memory of Williams E. Baird ’63 F. Graham Brown ’63 In Honor of Kata F. Baker Heather and Michael Clifford In Honor of Donna B. Balcezak Amy and Robert Brough In Honor of W. Ludwin Baldwin Pamela J. Dowling ’78 and James T. Healey Jr. ’78 In Honor of Sherry Banks-Cohn ’54 William Cohn Wendy E. Steiner ’78

In Memory of Ellen J. Berlin ’80 Veronica Youmans Dicke ’80 In Memory of Timothy Berman ’78 Blake T. Berman ’05 Marsh & McLennan Companies In Memory of Harriet Kirk Bidgood ’45 Kirk Bidgood

In Honor of Kayla F. Danler ’21 Danielle and Chris Danler In Memory of William P. Delaney Jr. ’48 Karen Altieri James B. Lyon ’48 Dorothy and B. Maxwell O’Meara ’48 Stacey Schreiber In Memory of Lois Hubbard Dimon ’31 Hannah Williams Boulton ’64

In Honor of Dennis Bisgaard Donna and Jeffrey B. Hires Jane Hube Louttit ’64

In Memory of Mark Dixon ’64 Katherine Hamilton Fleming ’65 J. Wickliffe Mallory ’64

In Memory of Inge Bisgaard Monica and Dennis Bisgaard* Kurt Bock Julie and Mark M. Wolman

In Memory of Vivian Ehlers Laurette and H. Benjamin Duke III

In Memory of Sandra Gersten Blinn ’73 Richard S. Gersten ’77 In Memory of David W. Bradley Robert P. Bradley ’75 In Honor of Dennis P. Brennan ’71 Mark A. Christie ’82 In Memory of Richard Buckley ’80 Mary Susan Buckley Muirhead ’78 James F. Nagle Jr. ’80 In Honor of Richard M. Caley ’62 Robert S. Kyff* Anne Davis Pickart ’79 Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. In Memory of Robert B. Coolidge ’42 Blake C. Randall ’13


In Memory of Michael T. Ergin Tahsin Ergin In Memory of Turhan M. Ergin ’84 Henry J. Powell ’84 In Memory of Thomas B. Fahy ’55 The Bellingrath Family ’78, ’03, ’06, ’09, ’12 In Memory of Nelson P. Farquhar Henry Lyman Jr. ’59 In Memory of James “Shorty” T. Farrell ’37 Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath Jr. ’78 Bresome, Barcome, Inc. Judy L. Colbert George A. Dixon Jr. ’66 J. Morton Dunn ’44 William Dunn Martha and Walter Ekwall Jana and David B. Gerges

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Eleanor W. Hayes Ann and Randall M. Hayes ’74 Joan + and J. Gregory Hickey ’47 Diana and Paul Longchamps James B. Lyon ’48 Dennis Noce Doris and Mark R. Silk Maureen and Bruce Thompson Julie J. Tsai Wendy and Robert Warner Gary Werner Denise and Stephen Woodruff In Memory of John Fiske III ’82 Judith Lindsay Bailey #* James A. Baronian Christina Priest Beebe J. Marler Beebe Adrienne Berman Julia Boland George G. Bower Cathleen Cirilli Bradford Andrew G. Bucknam Lynn Mather Charette Mark A. Christie Jennifer Izard Crary # Emily C. Dawkins # Diana I. DeVivo # Pamela Mersereau Dickinson # Anthony Faulise # Betty Title Feigenbaum Dana E. Friedman Allison Nassau Fulcher Myles P. Gibbons Judith Zeffiro Hall # Carl A. Haverl # Anne Mahoney Hayes Allison T. Hild # Mark L. Kirschner Bruce A. Mandell # Elisabeth Warner Mayer # Charles H. Newton Elizabeth Hallisey Norris William E. Rotatori June Marshall Smith # James F. Sullivan Suzanne McGauley Vide #

In Memory of William H. Furnivall ’42 Patricia C. Furnivall In Memory of Dorothy R. Gettier Laurette and H. Benjamin Duke III In Memory of Ellen M. Goddard ’18 Anonymous Donna* and William Balcezak Monica and Dennis Bisgaard* Joan M. Edwards* In Memory of James A. Goodwin ’28 Laurette and H. Benjamine Duke III In Memory of Jennifer Googins ’84 Elizabeth and Fred M. H. Ziter Jr. In Memory of Robert J. Googins Anonymous Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath Jr. ’78 Carol and Richard M. Caley ’62 Sandra and Arnold Chase Family Foundation Sandra and Arnold L. Chase Ryan T. Cronin ’98 William A. Crowe ’04 Rudite E. Pilpel* In Memory of Joseph Greenleaf ’62 Stephen T. Murphy ’62 In Memory of Gordon Hamilton ’91 Andrew Barnard ’91 Wendy Scranton Baumert ’91 and Kevin A. Baumert ’91 Brendan Blair ’91 Theodore Bromley ’91 Michelle and Charles A. Cavo ’89 Scott D. Cohen ’91 Jessica Hild Collins ’91 Ann-Marie Petry Delaney ’91 Joan M. Edwards* Robert M. Elliott II ’91 Scott C. Farrell ’91 Michael K. Gallagher ’91 Heather Kennedy Kerekes ’91

Kimberly Karp Krieble ’90 and Fred J. Krieble ’91 Carolyn Hawkins Lee ’91 Kathryn Antos Mikkelson ’91 David P. Mitchell ’91 Todd C. Mooney ’90 Matthew C. Oleyer ’91 Tenley Fisher Prince ’91 Lindsey B. Ronald ’91 Mathew J. Roth ’92 Eric Rubenstein ’92 Brett H. Rubin ’91 Laurie A. Spinnler-Bonner ’91 Michael Stern ’91 Whitney Stiehler ’91 Brigid Staunton White ’91 Kris and Keith J. Wolff ’91 In Memory of Harry Hammer Debra and Joseph L. Hammer ’78 In Memory of Naomi Hammer Debra and Joseph L. Hammer ’78 In Memory of John L. Hanny ’83 Cyndi and Frederick S. Farquhar ’59 In Memory of Martha Coolidge Haviland ’44 Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall In Memory of Winthrop A. Haviland Jr. ’36 Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall In Honor of I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Tricia Cietek Sandy Rovin In Honor of Peter W. Jones Joshua M. Benet ’95 Watson R. Collins IV ’14 In Memory of Elizabeth Lethbridge Knox ’25 The Lance L. Knox and Mary E. Lambert Family Charitable Foundation Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62


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In Memory of Leonice Merrels Knox ’34 The Lance L. Knox and Mary E. Lambert Family Charitable Foundation Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62 In Memory of Leonice Lethbridge Knox ’56 The Lance L. Knox and Mary E. Lambert Family Charitable Foundation Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62 In Memory of Robert C. Knox Jr. ’31 The Lance L. Knox and Mary E. Lambert Family Charitable Foundation Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62 In Honor of Matthew I. Kocay Jennie and Henry Paszczuk In Honor of Andrew C. Krugman ’86 Blake C. Randall ’13 Mark Toubman ’13 In Honor of Meghan A. Kurtich Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath Jr. ’78 In Honor of Robert S. Kyff Jo-anne A. Alissi Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath Jr. ’78 Carol and Richard M. Caley ’62 Amanda Chiarappa Candy ’96 Nina Jacobson Caruso ’05 Bruce A. Collamore ’73 John P. Godbout ’91 Neale K. Hauss ’74 Christopher J. Kasprak ’08 Kathryn and Peter C. Lange Todd H. Larsen ’84 Brian D. Lee ’00 Lisa and Douglas A. Martin Cynthia Clancy and Douglas Ovian Jennifer White Pennoyer ’85 and William P. Pennoyer Anders P. Peterson ’95 Anne Davis Pickart ’79 Rudite E. Pilpel*

Linda J. Quick Lynn Schork* Karin and William K. Stahl Jason E. Stein ’12 Matthew Wheeler ’03 Julie and Mark M. Wolman In Memory of Gregory L. Large ’81 Mercedese E. Large In Memory of Robert A. Lazear Laurette and H. Benjamin Duke III In Memory of Robert A. Lazear Jr. ’75 Pamela J. Wood ’75 In Honor of Joel E. Lorden Stephen T. Murphy ’62 In Memory of Brenda Malinowski ’76 Joanne Malinowski Feinberg ’80 In Honor of Jason Martinez Blake C. Randall ’13 In Memory of David S. Mazo ’83 Wendy A. Mazo ’85 In Honor of Samuel F. Mazo ’19 Wendy A. Mazo ’85 In Honor of Scott A. McDonald Kathleen C. Burnett In Honor of Carolyn F. McKee J. Maclean Bellingrath ’12 Heather and Michael Clifford In Memory of F. Price Merrels ’37 The Lance L. Knox and Mary E. Lambert Family Charitable Foundation Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62 In Honor of Steve Mitchell Lynn and John Wadhams In Memory of Lawrence Norman ’91 Brett H. Rubin ’91 In Memory of Daniel J. Novarr ’71 David R. Rosenthal ’71


In Honor of Robert S. O’Brien Carol and Richard M. Caley ’62 In Honor of Wayne Pierce Elisabeth Pierce Passeri ’02 In Honor of Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 Carlene Dahill Bush ’73 In Memory of Lucy A. Read ’56 Anonymous Katrina Shaffer Beaghen ’56 Nancy Boots Edwards-Cogswell ’56 Eunice Strong Groark ’56 Cynthia Kohn Hobart ’56 Sandra Martin McDonough ’56 Alice Butler Mendell ’56 Nancy Austin-Reed ’56 Susan Taylor Smith ’56 Sandra Travis Zieky ’56 In Memory of Thomas J. Redden ’45 Kathleen McKenna Fisher ’76 and Mark R. Fisher ’73 In Honor of Jane H. Repp Allison P. Fenton I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Cynthia Clancy and Douglas Ovian In Memory of Susan Reynolds ’66 Ann R. Bartlett ’66 Barbara Dolinsky ’66 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Virginia W. Hughes ’66 Jennifer Jestin ’66 Mary Harvey Kellough ’66 Deborah Lamont ’66 Anne Risdon Lewis ’66 Diana Waters Lyman ’66 Deborah Eichenbaum O’Neal ’66 Susan Read Osborne ’66 Carolyn Noyes Parrack ’66 Penelope Fuller Petrone ’66 Deborah Kearns Pirie ’66 Judith Odlum Pomeroy ’66 Thompson Reynolds Sara Murphy Rupert ’66

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Barbara Prestley Standke ’66 Katherine Stevenson Taylor ’66 Sarah T. Taylor ’66 Marcia Nichols Trook ’66 Leslie Chorches Weinstein ’66 In Memory of Patricia Rosoff Bank of America Private Bank Katherine Cheney Chappell ’63 Margaret S. Fitzpatrick ’95 Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program Caroline Dorr Reinke ’90 In Honor of Jacquelyn Rubin-Isenberg Heather and Michael Clifford In Memory of S. Daniel Schoolnik ’65 Stuart M. Schoolnik ’63 In Honor of Lynn Schork Katherine Rein Muhlenkamp ’96 In Honor of Ann L. Sciglimpaglia Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall In Honor of Brenda A. Semmelrock Randy F. Stabile* In Honor of Ann F. Serow Beth Carasso Spector ’98 In Memory of Janet K. Sherfinski Sherry Banks-Cohn ’54 In Honor of Nancy Solomon Cynthia Clancy and Douglas Ovian In Memory of James Spadorcia Jeffrey J. Giuffrida ’06 In Memory of Kristina A. Stahl ’95 Karin and William K. Stahl Matthew Wheeler ’03 In Memory of Robert B. Swain Jr. ’38 Joanne Malinowski Feinberg ’80 In Memory of Frederick R. Swan ’29 Frederick R. Swan Jr. ’55

In Memory of Arthur L. Wasserman Jr. ’47 Gail and William D. Goddard In Memory of Marion Knox Wilcox ’22 The Lance L. Knox and Mary E. Lambert Family Charitable Foundation Mary E. Lambert and Lance L. Knox ’62 In Memory of Janet J. Wong Allan Singer ’70 In Memory of Mark C. Yellin Wendy Yellin Hill ’77


We are grateful for our dedicated volunteers who share their time, energy, and talents with the School. Volunteers provide the foundation upon which KO’s fundraising success is based. Jennifer Albanesi John J. Alissi ’89 Julie and Richard L. Alleyne ’87 Susan Safford Andrews ’54 Coleen Antico Renee Autorino Jeffrey Azia ’89 David A. Baker ’04* Michele Baker Shepard W. Baker ’47 Frances Steane Baldwin ’51 Claudia Baio-Downes Taylor E. Barlow ’09 Nancy Baron Eric D. Batchelder ’89 Brandon T. Batory ’10 Linda Becker Charles P. Bellingrath ’03 Elizabeth Fahy Bellingrath ’78* and Charles T. Bellingrath Jr. ’78 Ricardo Berckemeyer Richard F. Berry Jr. ’59 William C. Bigler ’80 Monica Bisgaard Sarah Whitney Blanchard ’87 James S. Bookwalter ’01 Sarah B. Bookwalter ’02

Elizabeth Rockwell Booth ’70 Jay M. Botwick ’76 Brewster B. Boyd ’63 Andrew W. Briggie ’00 Amy Brough Bomani R. Brown ’06 Daniel N. Buch ’01 John M. Budds ’56 Mary Carangelo Andrew M. Chapman ’73 Lynn Mather Charette ’82 Christopher R. Chiappetti ’09 Heather Clifford Bruce A. Collamore ’73 Jessica Hild Collins ’91 Kimberly Fernandez Conrad ’96 and Mark D. Conrad ’96 Heidi Cotter Melanie M. da Costa ’09 Susan Mather Dabanian ’58 Monica Dallahan Russell A. Delldonna ’88 Virginia Denne ’42 Karen L. Diaz Bonnie L. Dobkin Pamela J. Dowling ’78 James T. Dowling-Healey ’08 Patrick P. Dowling-Logue ’10 Richard A. Drew ’57 Molly M. Dworkin ’02 Helen and James W. Eatherton ’79 Robert M. Elliott II ’91 Frederick S. Farquhar ’59 Scott C. Farrell ’91 Anthony Faulise ’82 Phyllis Chapman Fenander ’57 Christopher G. Gent Jr. ’03 Diane Adinolfi Gent ’72 and Christopher G. Gent Katherine C. Gent ’08 Joseph R. Gianni ’78 Carolyn Wolfe Gitlin ’85 and Jeffrey S. Gitlin ’85 Jeffrey J. Giuffrida ’06 Michael H. Gladstone ’03 Karlene Glemaud Lee A. Gold ’90 James Goldberg ’76


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Laurie Goldsmith Jennifer Juros Googins ’79 Derek P. Green ’81 Elisa Griego Robert L. Groundwater ’72 Elizabeth R. Guerrera ’10 Debra Hammer J. Douglas Harris ’77 Barbara and Charles A. Hartigan ’71 Eleanor B. Hayes ’13 Gregory A. Hayes ’80 Richard I. Hemingway ’67 Kerrie Henry Ricardo A. Hernandez ’08 J. Gregory Hickey ’47 I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Emily J. Howard ’11 Jane Anderson Innerd ’60 Tammi Jackson-Bolden Suzanne Lipton Jacoby ’93 Charna Bortman Kaufman ’85 Gilbert E. Keegan III ’88 Helene Liberson Keers ’55 Marguerite Steane Kelland ’41 Christina Kelly-Bygrave Patrick Kilkenny ’13 Emily J. Kim ’09 Sally Knowles Victoria Hatch Kramer ’96 Stephen H. C. Kraus ’95 Kimberly Karp Krieble ’90 and Fred J. Krieble ’91 Howard D. Kunik ’69 Helen Carey LaFaive ’68 Marissa E. Landino ’13 Elizabeth Abel Lane ’57 + Jean C. LaTorre Elaine Leshem Jannine Leshem Andrea Leuschner Paul A. Lewis E. Brooks Loomis ’99 James B. Lyon ’48 Anne Marie MacFaddin Patrick J. Maloney James D. Marinan ’50

Mary S. Martin ’77 Susan Matorin ’60 Alexander J. Maulucci ’03 Karen McCusker Sandra Martin McDonough ’56 Cara E. McSweeney ’09 Rachel L. Meddar ’07 Marilena Miano Katharine Miller Yuri P. Min ’08 Alexandra Muchura-Mensah Caroline T. Nguyen ’96 B. Maxwell O’Meara ’48 Vitaline O’Connell O’Toole ’53 Megan Ouellette Sara Barr Palmer ’51 Jennie Paszczuk Heather Pease Jodi Pimentle Christine Pina Tyler B. Polk ’99 Stephen J. Quish Jr. ’06 Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 Shravan Rao ’10 Theresa Ravalese Michael J. Reilly Mariah Klaneski Reisner ’00 Addison J. Rosenbluth ’06 Alison H. Rosenthal ’94 Alexander C. Roth ’12 Kristen and Glenn Rowland Mary Pallotti Russell ’73 Robert S. Sarkisian ’84 Andrew G. Satell ’79 Katharine Donnarummo Schacter ’06 H. Andrew Schwedel ’87 G. William Seawright ’59 Glenn M. Shafer ’85 Laura Jones Shafer ’75 and Marc T. Shafer ’75 Mary Beach Shepard ’39 + Todd A. Sherbacow ’90 Cathleen Shine Daniel M. Shulman ’97 Stacey L. Silver ’91 Leslie Silvers


Roberta Singer Saeed O. Singletary ’92 Jodie L. Sprague William J. Stack Jr. ’72 James H. Steane II ’62 Eileen Stephan Maria Swift Elizabeth Taylor Meredith Maffett Taylor ’06 Zélie Calvocoressi Tourais ’59 Jennifer L. Townsend ’11 Joan Duffield Van Ness ’50 Melinda S. Walsh ’73 Lori Satell Wetsman Ellen R. White ’93 Faith McGauley Whitman ’86 Paula Whitney Meghan Wildstein Heather Scarritt Willis ’93 F. Scott Wilson Lewis K. Wise ’65 Kris and Keith J. Wolff ’91 Mark Wolman Carla Do Nascimento Zahner ’97 Barbara Johnson Zyla ’46

Nicholson-Martin Circle

Members of the Nicholson-Martin Circle have expressed their ultimate commitment to KO through a very special and important form of financial support. These donors have named KO as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. William J. Aberizk David W. Ames ’62 Florence Hastings Andrews ’42 + Graham Anthony + Walter S. Bailey ’80 Lorraine Walker Bardsley ’34 + Fred W. Barhoff III ’48 Mary S. Barnard + Richard F. Berry Jr. ’59 M. Suzanne and Peter J. Berry William C. Boardman ’39 + George G. Bower ’82

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Brewster B. Boyd ’63 James Boyd + Robert P. Bradley ’75 Howard Brayton ’30 + V. Brewer Jr. ’29 + Janet C. Buckingham ’85 Eleanor H. Bunce + Richard P. Carney ’57 Mary Chalfen ’45 + Richard Chapell ’45 + David S. Chapin ’43 + Sandra and Arnold L. Chase Warren D. Chase ’32 + Harold L. Colvocoresses ’68 John A. Cope ’60 Floyd A. Couch Jr. ’45 + J. David Creedon ’47 + Richard S. Cuda Edward H. Deming ’43 + Virginia Denne ’42 Margaret Dewing ’34 + Cornelia Wilde Dickinson ’45 Roger Dickinson ’43 + Patricia and Richard G. Dimock Beverly Beach Eaton ’38 + Laura and George L. Estes III ’67 Matthew Felson ’77 Francis T. Fenn Jr. ’33 + Carlos M. Fetterolf ’44 + Patrick J. Flaherty ’51 Benedict D. Flynn III ’72 Elizabeth Bower Foley ’85 Kenneth L. Frank ’76 Susan and Robert M. Furek Diane Adinolfi Gent ’72 and Christopher G. Gent Karen Koury Gifford ’62 Barbara Godard ’48 Dorothy C. Goodwin ’33 + Ellsworth S. Grant ’35 + Virginia Tuttle Grant ’35 + Helen Gray Richard C. Hastings Jr. ’40 + Martha Coolidge Haviland ’44 + Winthrop A. Haviland Jr. ’36 +

Lynn and Stephen B. Hazard J. Gregory Hickey ’47 Alyce and David H. Hild I. Bradley Hoffman ’78 Lucy Eaton Holcombe ’42 + Frederick B. Hollister ’75 Burton L. How Jr. ’47 Mary Jeanne Anderson Jones ’52 Nancy Brayton Krieble ’33 + Dorothy R. Lazear + Caroline Benner Leech ’38 + Janet and Paul A. Lewis Margah and Thomas D. Lips Michael D. Lipton Fred M. Lougee ’48 + James B. Lyon ’48 Bruce W. Manternach ’33 + Richard C. Marvin Jr. ’77 Nicholas B. Mason ’63 W. E. McClellan Jr. ’37 + William M. McCormick ’58 John F. McDermott Jr. ’47 + E. Merritt McDonough ’51 Martin F. McGrath Jr. ’56 + H. Richard McLane ’53 Chelsea and Adam Meikle Charles W. Merrels ’40 Stephanie K. U. Michalczyk ’61 Maria Molori Marjorie Murphy Morrissey ’29 + Louise and John W. Moses ’63 John Davis Murphy ’30 + Robert H. Murphy ’32 + Elliott Murray ’30 + Arnold M. Nemirow ’61 Francis P. Pandolfi ’61 Edith Wilcock Patrick ’56 Louise Galt Pease ’50 + Agnes and William Peelle, Jr. Samuel G. Peelle ’03 William R. Peelle III ’01 Ann Coolidge Randall ’73 and Ronald C. Randall Edgar M. Reed ’65 Jane Ribadeneyra ’83

Sali Godard Riege ’43 Heidi Eddy Riggs ’65 Susan Roach ’61 + Jane + and Kenneth D. Roberts ’34 + Ruth Grier Robinson ’49 + Patricia Rosoff + Mary Eddy Schlesinger ’34 + G. William Seawright ’59 Thomas E. Senf ’58 + Laura Jones Shafer ’75 Marc T. Shafer ’75 Mabel Cheney Smith ’34 + Brenda K. Sommers + Esther L. Spafard ’50 Henry M. Spencer ’36 + W. Howard Spencer ’32 + Henry W. Spring ’43 + Karin and William K. Stahl Roger H. Stephenson ’56 Roxanne Richards Stringer ’54 Brenda J. Sullivan Marilyn and Les R. Tager Ann Beecher Underwood ’42 Donald Viering ’38 + Elisa L. Villa Francis L. Wadsworth ’47 June Heard Wadsworth ’53 Raycroft Walsh Jr. ’41 + Alden Y. Warner III ’76 R. Ashley and John M. Washburn III Frederick D. Watkins III ’71 Nancy S. Watters ’64 Dotha Seaverns Welbourn ’36 + Paula and Brian D. Whitney John A. T. Wilson ’56 Martin Wolman Nancie Woodford-Cain James E. Woods ’59


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