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Terry Douglas Interview

Overcoming challenges to perform at a high level.

There isn’t one person musician or not that hasn’t been affected by the challenges that the pandemic has inflicted upon many. Lives have been lost, jobs have been lost, and families have been torn apart. It seems that the pandemic has shaken us to our very core. We can’t help to think what is next? How are we going to overcome the challenges that each day brings?


“We just keep plugging away. We are always working on new material, finding new opportunities to work on our shows and our songs”. – Terry Douglas

Many of us, have had these types of questions and have found it difficult to manage the fatique that we have encountered over these last few years. I have often wondered how it has impacted those within the music industry. Especially artists that make their living by performing before large crowds. Social distancing and precautionary measures is a must. Especially if you are going to continue in the entertainment industry.

This article is about pushing our opinions on are readers. Matter of fact, your medical treatment is a personal decision.

(Source Photos: Terry Douglas) We have to respect it, regardless of our personal feelings. However, many wonder how is it possible to perform at a high level, while you are faced with a life altering virus? I know this is a topic that CMV Music Network Music has had to consider on many occasions. We have had dig deep to decide if it was morally right, to ask our artists to put themselves in a position where they may end up getting sick. We could spend hours just hashing out all the events that have transpired since the outbreak began.

Interview with Terry Douglas

CMV: Hello Terry, it has been a while since we collaborated on a project like this. Needless to say, we have followed the progress that your band has made throughout the years. Regardless of the pandemic, you guys don’t seem to “miss a beat”. What has contributed to the success that you have experienced thus far?

Terry: We are always working. When the pandemic hit we went to work, writing a new album, rehearsing our material, recording. Gearing up for when things opened up. We rehearse every week, are always looking to build on our past successes and taking hard look at what didn’t work. I have a great team of people in my bandmates, promotors and venues that we work with.

CMV: That is excellent to hear. I personally can attest to the successes that you have had. It was a couple of years ago, but I remember the “Battle of the Bands” that you guys won in North Carolina. I know the type of event, is normally not in your wheel house, but you took it on to prove that you were ready to dominate any other band regardless of genre. Furthermore, I noticed that those in attendance were having a great time. The performance from the Terry Douglas Band was a game changer for that event. I know that your success isn’t limited to one event. Is there one performance or event that made a huge impact on your success as an artist?

Terry: Recently, we played a run of shows that were showcase type events and to see people react to or original music was amazing!

CMV: As I mentioned in the introduction of this interview, that the last couple of years have been a challenger for everyone. No matter, your background, culture, or nationality. There isn’t anyone that I know, that hasn’t been affected by it in some manner. How has the Terry Douglas Band been able to perform at a high level, despite the Pandemic?

Terry: We have experienced these. Especially this year. We have had some events cancel because the staff was sick, or just understaffed. We have been fortunate overall to be able to maintain a full schedule.

CMV: We want to thank the Terry Douglas Band for doing everything possible to take the necessary precautions during the pandemic.

“When the pandemic hit we went to work, writing a new album, rehearsing our material, recording”. – Terry Douglas

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