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Help Wanted !BARTENDING! UP to 250 a day No experience necessary training provided.1-800-965-6520 x 154. As part of our expansion program, our company is looking for PT work from home account managers and sales reps. Pays a min or $2000 a month + benefits and takes only little of your time. Please contact us for more details. Req you to be computer literate. 2-3hrs access to the internet/wk. Must be honest and loyal. Must be efficient and dedicated. if you are interested and need more information,, contact Michael J. Sloan at mjsloan06@yahoo.com BioLife Plasma Services. Hiring 1 training supervisor and 1 center supervisor. On the job training. Benefits include insurance, vac. time, and tuition reimbursement. $14 to $17 per hour. Send resumes to Janet_spaulding@baxter.com

Apts. for Rent ! A big, nice 1 bdrm for Jan., one blk from campus or a budget apt. only $350 a mo. Call 760-4434 ! A Luxury 3 Bed. 2 ba Condo, FREE UTILS. New wood floors & carpet. By BSU W/D PREMIUM PLAN BUY OUT AVAIL. 215-7498 !!! 1,2 bdrm 1-2 blks from village. Nice, Clean, off st. prkg. w/d, a/c No pets, avail aug 1st. 286-2808 !!! 1,2,3 bedroom. Avail Now May/Aug, AC, W/D, D/W, village. Petsok748-7278.wardroprealty.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!Cardinal Villas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luxury Condos 3bed 2bath Right by BSU Washer Dryer Private Parking PREMIUM PLAN BUYOUT WWW.CARDINALVILLAS.COM 1 bdrm avail 1st of Jan, No pets 289-0550 1 bdrm, 2 1/2 blks from campus. Aug lease, off st prkg. 744-1400 1 bdrm. Walk to Campus Off st. prkg, Aug-Aug lse. 877-867-5118

Apts. for Rent Freezing cold in your off-campus rental? At University Apartments heat is no charge! Utils included, campus shuttle, semester and year round leases, reasonable rates from $266.50 per person. Twobdrm apts avail now. Call today! Ball State University Apartments 765-285-5095 www.bsu.edu/housing/ua

Homestead/Oakwood Manor Apartments.

1 and 2 bdrm apts, Heat furnished, heated garage, elevator, & pool. Walk to BSU. High Speed Wireless Internet.

Call 286-0692

Lovely 1 bdrm apt, new rug/hard wd fl. Private entrance, gas and water pd,very rsnable.765-702-9269 Mill Pond Apartment Now leasing 2 and 3 bdrms. 2810506.

2 & 3 bdrm apt, 315 S Mkinnley. All House For Rent utils pd, $295 per person. A/C, W/D, Aug to Aug. 744-4649 or 3584924 ! 1603 Janney, 1br, garage avail, 2 & 3 bdrm Martin st, very nice. w/d, offst prkg, $350 a month + Utils pd, no pets, off st prkng. Aug utils.288-6301 lease, UALA 730-4957 or 289-6732 ! 1607 Janney at Bethel. 2 bdrm,

2 bdrm apt, 1 blk from campus, off st prkg, appl, W/D, A/C, gas A/C patio, off-st prking, includs heat heat, 1/1/08 lease, $550/mo + utils water, wireless internet, no pets 288-6301 www.arerentals.com or 747-9503. ! A Luxury 3 Bed. 2 ba Condo, 2 bdrm apt. w/d, a/c, 1 blk from FREE UTILS. New wood floors & Help wanted. Must have Decem- campus. Some utils. included. carpet. By BSU W/D PREMIUM Cheap! $250 p/p (732) 267-3713 PLAN BUY OUT AVAIL. 215-7498 ber avail. Damonʼs Grill 287-8742 2 bdrm apts. 3 blks behind student !!! Very Nice 3,4,5 bdrm homes, WINTER BREAK WORK center. $280/$325 per person. Heat close to campus, all appliances, $16.25 base-appt 1-5wk program, included. May or Aug. Small pets A/C, pets allowed. Avail Aug 1st cust sales/svc cond apply, must be ok. 286-8658 or 730-4708. 2008. Please call 759-5510 18+, call now start after finals 2 bdrm Dicks st, very nice.May or !!! Walk to class, Nice 3 & 4 317-253-2758 Aug lease, no pets. Off st prkg, bdrms,w/d,d/w. No pets, parking. www.workforstudents.com UALA 730-4957 or 289-6732. Avail Aug. 2008. 730-0993 2,3,4,6 bdrm Apts ON CAMPUS, !!!!!!!!!!!!!Cardinal Villas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New York Ave. Now Leasing for 08- Luxury Condos 3bed 2bath Right Roommates 09 yr. All util.,off st prkg, C/A, 5 min by BSU Washer Dryer Private walk to library. Call Kelli @ 287- Parking PREMIUM PLAN BUYOUT 1737 lv msg. Also 2 bdrm apt avail WWW.CARDINALVILLAS.COM See now for May 08 to May 09 for spring 09 short term lease avail, !!!!!!!!!Houses 3/4 bdrm, w/d, 2 ba. $325 + utils 1412 Beechwood close special pricing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Apts 1,2,3 bdrm, w/d to campus. Call 317-372-2130 2-3 bdrm, 1 ba. apts. $275/ per stu- Avail 08-09. 286-0371.ratchfordpro dent + utils. C/A, W/D,off st. prkg, perties.com. No Pets. Subleasers close to campus. Call 749-1120 !!!1,2,3 bdrms 0-2 blks f/ campus. 3 bdrm apt. near BSU. Flexible Avail Aug 08. Nice clean, AC, WD, lease ending July, 25 08 or earlier. no pets, call 286-2808 1 subleaser needed for 3 bdrm apt $750 a mo. all utils incld. For more $225 each rent. Nice 2 bdrm du$325/mo utils pd. 615 N. Dicks St. info call 288-6628. plex w/ appl, W/D, off-st prking, 611 Call 317-861-5163 or 317-529-6461 AHHHHFORDABLE! W. Adams. water/sewage paid. May Pre-leasing Houses and Apts or Aug 744-1400. 1505 Locust St. 3bdrm,1ba, W/D, 1,2,3,4, Bedrooms ** NEW 3 & 4 brdm houses. Very elec heat, pet friendly, rent negotiaCall 765-282-6663 nice & clean. 08/09 sch yr. Loadble (765) 730 2473 Jan-Aug lse. Avail Jan 1: Lovely 2 br. 1 Mi to ed w/ extras. 717-9332 Apt for rent. Need Fem roommates campus. Lg rms, laundry, quite *** 5 bdrm, 2 kitchens, 2 ba, laun$260/mo + utils W/D. Walking dist bldg. $520/mo - Heat & Wtr pd. dry, near village $275/per. 7487278. wardroprealty.com to BSU. 765-749-0772 284-4287 Female Rmmte needed Jan 08July , $300 + utils, 1113 University. Call 317-885-8713 Female subleaser needed ASAP Great house on W. Petty. Across the st. from Robert Bell. Rent is $325 a mo. but negotiable + utils. 4 great female rmmts included. Call Kelly at 717-575-0174 or 717-5692395. Male/ Non-smoker subleaser for Jan-Aug 08. $250 a mo. Utils includ. Call Erik @ 414-530-0614. Subleaser for 3 bdrm apt. Own bath room, lg. bdrm, walk to BSU. $265 a mo. Call 765-506-0190. Subleaser needed for Spring 08ʼ Semester $300/mo util. included. Call 513-509-9037 Subleasers needed for summer 08, 3 bdrm, utils incld, 2 blks from campus. W/D, D/W, A/C. 228-4807

BSU apts 1,2 bdrm, close to campus, VP, & laundry-mat. off st. prk, utils pd, 228-8458 or 765-749-4688 at 801 Riverside

COLONIAL CREST APARTMENTS Why live anywhere else?

Spacious 1,2, and 3 bedroom apts. and townhomes, tucked away on 47 beautifully landscaped acres. Quiet and peaceful....best of all *Close to Campus *Close to Shopping and Dining *Large gazebo and picnic table *Pool, volleyball, Basketball *Jogging trail and stocked pond *Laundry facilities in each bldg.


Prices you can afford! 289-0565

emgbsu.com 1 & 2 bdrm apts. all util. free cable TV free, 1210 &1215 Wayne St. Call Doug 744-6364.

***4 bdrm, 2 ba, nice and clean. Utils pd, W/D, A/C, $360 ea. Call 286-0797 **1/2/3/4/5 BEDROOM HOUSES** 1-2 BLKS FROM BSU W/PARKING NICE/REMODELED! C/A, W/D, CaringLandldsSteve&Terri760-9783

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House For Rent

House For Rent

1016 NEELY AVE 5 bdrms May lease 765-744-1879 www.thebestbsurentals.com

1 bdrm house carports, fenced yard, pets ok. $450 + utils. 2821399

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House For Rent

3bdrm home. HUGE! close to Great location, 1101 W Carson, nice 3 bdrm, bsmt, W/D,off st pkng, BSU, 1 1/2 bath, W/D, off st. prkg, $900 mo + utils. 748-6465 $ 800 /month. 317-446-8342

3bdrm house $225p/p Newly re- Great location, 1520 W Bethel, 3 bdrm, off st prkng, W/D, full bsmt, 1217 W. Gilbert, 3 bdrm, walking mod Behind TIS Bookstore,W/D, great managment, we pay distance to BSU, 2 ba, W/D, big prk avail, 228-5866 water/sewage, $855 + elec. 748front porch, storage building, small 6465 pets OK, $660 per mo. 289-5008 4 bdrm home, 2 full ba, off st prkng, 3 blks from RB building. C/A, Aug lease. W/D, refridge, stove, D/W. $1100 Lease 2008/ 2009 rentals. 3 bdrm 1308 Abbott May to May lease, 3 houses located 2 blks off campus mo Aug ʻ08 lease. 317-908-3081 bdrm 1 ba, 2 car garage $330 each on Neely. Off st prkg, C/A, W/D & 4 bdrm home. close to BSU 1 1/2 more. Call 759-8876 or 744-5971 + utils. 765-254-9992 1401 Rex (by health center) 3 ba, W/D, off st. prkg. $1000/mo. bdrm, 2 ba, garage, fenced in back- Call Ben 317-446-8342. Lrg 4/5 bdrm, 2 ba house, W/D, yard. 317-496-5864. Aug lse. 4 bdrm house for 08/09 school cable, internet, 5 blks f/ campus. No year. Close to Campus. C/A, pets. Avail Aug 07. Call 812-3611407 W. Main. Nice 4 bdrm. 1 1/2 3759. leave msg. gas/heat, W/D, D/W 765-730-4350 ba. C/A, W/D, D/W. Off st. prkg. No pets. Avail now. $250/ea. + util. Call 4 bdrm house, 1 1/2 ba, carport Newly Remodeled 5 bdrm. Close 288-1593. D/W, C/A, W/D, basement, pets ok, to campus, new kitchen, C/A,1021 W. Marsh, must see. 574-265-4801 1412 W Jackson, 4 bdrm 2 ba. $200 ea + utils, 282-1399 www.coolbsuhouses.com Older family home, close to BSU. 4 bdrm house. Close to villiage, 2500 sq ft, avail now. $1250 per mo W/D, A/C, large bdrms, $275+utils . Newly remodled, 2 lrg bdrm $550 + utils w/ purch option. 744-0899 May to May. 765-744-4052 for appt. or 1 lrg bdrm house $350, w/d, 1525 Locust St. Nice and clean. 2 4 bdrm house. Close to villiage, prk avail, walk to BSU. 228-5866 bdrm. W/D, range, refrig. Walk to W/D, A/C, large bdrms, $395 utils BSU. Avail now. Call 282-3500 Nice Lg, 5 bdrm & 2 bdrm house, pd . May to May. 425-6637 for appt. close to campus, 228-8458, or 7651800 W Bethel, 4 bdrm, 1 ba, W/D, 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 ba., May lease, close 749-4688. bsmt, May lease. $300 ea + utils, to BSU. A/C, D/W, W/D, $315 per no pets. 744-7862 Nice, clean 3 bdrm. Close to BSU. student + utils. Call 574-835-1406. 2 ba. avail. Aug. stove, fridge, W/D . 1806 W Bethel, 4 bdrm, 2 ba, D/W, W/D, Aug lease, $330 ea + utils, no 4 bdrm, 2 ba, W/D, C/A, spacious, $265/ea. (765)348-6413. nice yard, prkng, porch, bsmt. pets. 744-7862 Nicest houses on campus. Many Close to BSU, $275 ea. 717-5714 1904 N Maplewood, 3 bdrm, 1 ba, extras. Even a 6 bdrm. Also student W/D, bsmt, garage, Aug lease, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 1805 Main, Bsemt, parking available. Call 286-5216. Range, Refrig, W/D, DW, May $300 ea + utils, no pets. 744-7862 Now leasing for 08-09 1,2,3,4,5,6 lease, 744-1235, 284-5334. 2 bdrm 1 ba. Very clean. W/D, bdrm, apts/houses. First come first D/W, basement, C/A, fenced back 4 bdrm. 2 ba. August lse, W/D, serve. www.onestep-properties.com yard, 1 1/2 car gar. $775/mo. Call C/A, Lrg. kitch. Driveway. Very nice. 254-1445 No pets. $250/ea + utils. 1609 Ster(765) 412-0113 for more info. ling. 765-744-4823. 2 bdrm 1021 Rex. lse. No Quality Houses & Apartments pets.W/D, $520 + utils. very clean 4 br home, appls, A/C, prking, and walk to campus. Aug lse. Great rate 765-369-2986 or 765-748-1327 Cardinal Corner Apts. + incentives. Call Ed @ 317-574University Village Apts. 2 bdrm house. Close to BSU. 0185 Individual Houses Available now. Call for details. 7304-6 students for 6 br house. 3468. 2,3,4 & 5 Bedrooms 2 bdrm, 1 blk from campus, spa- Across from Studebaker off st-pk. A/C, gas/heat, D/W, W/D, etc. Furn. cious, A/C, paved off st. prkg. InGREAT Locations cludes heat, water, and sewage. No New decor. No pets. Avail May or Aug. 282-4715, 749-2683, 760pets. Call 747-9503 www.BSURentals.com 1737. 2 bdrm, BRAND NEW, must see. or 5 bdrm, 2 1/2 ba, close to BSU. A/C, W/D, D/W, no pets, $620 + 729-9618 May lease, A/C, D/W, W/D, $295 utils Aug 08. 765-717-9331 per student + utils, 574-835-1406 2 bdrm, close to BSU. Aug lease. 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 2008 Main. Bsemt, Recently remodeled, 3 bedroom, 2 W/D, $275 per student + utils. Call Range, Refrig, W/D, DW, Aug. bath, C/A, W/D, pool assess, $780 574-835-1406 a mo. 716 Queen & 720 Queen lease. 744-1235, 284-5334. 2 bdrm. 1600 W. Adams, $600 per 5 bdrm, 3 ba, 2 kit, W/D, C/A, no Walk to BSU/BMH 286-0692 mo. +utils. avail Aug. W/D, no pets, pets, Aug lease, $1300/mo + some Renting for next year, 3, 4, & 5 765-425-5716 utils. 1104 Ashland UALA 468-8383 bdrm homes in Ball State area. 2, 3 bdrms, $600 per house + utils. 5 Bedroom. 609 North Alameda. 765-729-1067 Immediately avail, 396-1000 or 808- Spacious. 2 Full Baths. Washer & Sharp, historic 3bdrm townhouse, 1965 Dryer. Dishwasher. Central Air. 1mi from BSU. $510/mo, + utils and 2, 3, or 4 bdrm home. walk to cam- Finished Basement. Garage. $300 damage deposit. Short term pus. Aug-Aug. WD call 877-867- Paved off-street parking. 730-5974 or 12 mo lease, refs req. 107 S. 5118 5-6 bdrm, 3 ba. 210 S. Nichols. Gharkey. Call 282-0657 for appt. 2016 N Maplewood, 3 bdrm, 1 ba, Off-st prkg. W/D. CA. $250 each + bsmt, W/D, May lease, $300 ea + util. Very nice. UALA Member. 286utils, no pets. 744-7862 0433. 3 and 4 bdrm. houses near BSU. Avail. immed. W/D, $600-$750/mo. + utils. + dep. (317) 770-0974.

6 bdrms, 4 ba, all utils pd. C/A, W/D, 4 blks off campus 1806 W Adams St. $295 per student. 7443 bdrm house off st prkg, W/D, 4649 or 358-4924 D/W, C/A, screened in sun porch, near village. $275 + utils. 282-1399 824 West Beechwood. Large. 4 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 2 car garage, quiet Bedrooms. 2 Full Baths. Central Air. Washer & Dryer. neighborhood, 20 min walk to BSU, Dishwasher. W/D, A/C, fenced in backyard, Pets New 90% Efficiency furnace. Behind SAE house. 730-5974 Welcome. avail May.749-4141.

3 bdrm, close to BSU, Aug lease. W/D, A/C, $250 per student + utils. 574-835-1406 **1412 WOODRIDGE** IDEAL 3 bdrm, May lease. Walking disWALKING LOCATION. FINISHED tance. Nice w/ applics, C/A, Off st. BSMT, GAR, W/D, NON-SMOK- prking, Jackson near Talley. $310 ING, NO PETS, MAY OR AUG each + elec. Heat, water, and sewLSE. $900 A MO. 765-748-4558 age paid. UALA . 744-1400. **Brand new 3 & 4 brdm condos. 3 bdrm, super nice, hrd. wd floors, 08-09 sch. yr. Loaded w/ extras. C/A, W/D, D/W, off st prkng. 3 @ Aug. lse. David 317-640-1627. $275 + utils. Aug 08 765-717-9331 **Brand new 3 brdm condos. 08- 3 bdrm. C/A, W/D, deck on back, 09 sch. yr. Loaded w/ extras. on/off st. prkg., very nice, Aug. lse., Aug. lse. David 317-640-1627. $300/ea. + utls. 2216 Rosewood. 1 and 3 bdrm houses for lease. 765-744-4823 Off-st. prking, W/D, no pets. Call 3 bdrm. Great loc. in Village. For 286-2060 for more info. 08/09 year.W/D, No pets. $275/stu-

1,2,3,4,5 bdrms all close to campus. June or Aug. W/D, gas, heat, off-st prking, see on-line @ Family and Student rentals bsucampusproperties.com. 749www.rentmuncie.com 759-9506 7854 anytime. Quality housing at Ball State area Room for rent, prvt. For Next Fall. 1-2-3-4 bdrm apts. fair price. entrance and bath, non smoker, no Some utils paid. 1-8 blocks from pets, $230 mo/incl utils. 730-4505 1004 W. Gilbert 4 bdrm. 2 ba. W/D BSU. No pets. 289-3971 incl. Lg. kit. & liv.area new siding & Move in over Xmas Break, 1601 Landlord pays utils, 1 &2 bdrm windows. Close to BSU, off st. prkg. W. Adams St. 2 bdrm $450 p/m or 1 apts. 811 W Main St, W/D avail. $275 ea + util. or $325 ea incld bdrm $350 p/m, util pd except elec- Just over river, call 747-1170 utils. Avail. May of 08 .Call Keith at tric Call 748-3735 or 747-5612 bsuoffcampus.com 760-5299.

Rooms for Rent

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Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm www.bsudailynews.com/classifieds

Muncie Properties. Furn. Studios and 1 bdrms. Avail now. $295 a mo. Dental Assistant. Are you looking 1/2 bdrm apt. Hardwd fls. Aug lse. and up. Flexible leases and heat for a full or part-time position in the Ashland Ave. Some utils pd. Walk paid. Call 282-7834. dental field? Perfect for pre-hygiene to BSU. No Dogs. 317-727-5847 Very Unique 1 bdrm. Village area. majors. Submit resume to Dr. Le101 S. Talley - 1 bdrm. upstairs Off st. paved prkg. No pets. 747land Wilhoite 2623 W. Jackson apt, $450 all utils. pd. Avail 8/08. 9503. Muncie 47303. 282-3191 Kasey Entry Level Graphic Artist Seeking entry level graphic artist, FT. Knowledge of Corel Draw preferred. Extensive computer knowledge req. Microsoft Word and Excel experience req. Ability to multi task and work in fast-paced environment. Apply in person or mail resume to: Terrance A. Smith Distributing, Inc., 2215 N. Madison Ave, Anderson, IN 46011. No Phone calls please.

Display Ads

828 West Beechwood. Large. 4 Bedrooms. 2 Full Baths. Dishwasher. Washer & Dryer. Basement. Behind SAE house. New carpets. 730-5974 917 Neely 3 bdrm. Very clean, new kitchen, off-st. prking, 10 min to campus. Aug lse Call 765-744-7668

Very Nice 5 bdrm 2 ba. stove fridge. D/W W/D. 3 decks. $1250 + Avail now or fall of 08. 5 bdrm, W/D, utils. 813 W. North St. 289-5735 D/W, C/A, pool, lawn maintenance included. $1200 per mo. 765-4051105 For Sale

Ball State area 3bdrm/1ba house, w/d, c/a, stove, ref. off st.prk.730- Beaded jewelry porch sale. $2 for bracelets, $4 for necklaces. Made 4505 to order extra. Call 286-0272. dent. Call 765-369-2986 or 765- Charming, Spacious, Upscale, 45 bdrm home, c/a, w/d, aug lse. 748-1327 765-468-6941 or 716-1710. Travel 3 br, 2 ba, 3blks to BSU, nice. 327 S. Talley. C/A, W/D, applcs, gar, off Family and Student rentals st prking. $630 + utils 317-594- www.rentmuncie.com 759-9506 **#1 Spring Break Website! 4 &7 5513 For Next Fall. 2-3-4 bdrm houses 3 or 4 bdrm 1602 W. Adams for rent. 4-8 blocks from BSU no night trips from $299! Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for $780/mo plus utils avail Aug. W/D pets. 289-3971. 8+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! No Pets 765-425-5716 StudentCity.com or 800-293-1445 For rent 3,4,5,6 bdrm houses. 3 3 or 4 bdrm all utils pd $280 per person. 121 Martin St. Avail Imme- blks from campus. 765-284-9119 or Looking for an alternative spring 352-219-0548. break trip? Contact the Christian diatly 317-258-2586 3 or 4 bdrm, 2 ba, lrg living space, Great 2-5 bdrm houses for next Campus house for info on a service trip to eastern Kentucky.765 289 W/D hookup, 524 Alameda. May year. Call 747-1170 7133. ask for mark or alex. lease, $585/$780 + utils. 730-3029 www.bsuoffcampus.com




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Classifieds USED CARS--FSBO Auto Fair, at the Boise Towne Square, is open. Display your car, truck, RV, boat, etc., for sale by owner. No salesmen, no consignment, no commission. Park it and leave it, interested parties will call you. For more information call 467-1868, www.communityautofair.net. nATIONAL hONORS & lEADERSHIP SIGMA ALPHA LAMBDA, national honors and leadership org. is seeking motivated students to begin a campus chapter and serve as founding officers/members.

Contact: RMiner@salhonors. org

NEW Townhouse for rent 3bdrm/2.5 bath townhouse. $975/ month + utilities. Near greenbelt and Veterans Park. 926 Mercer St. All new appliances. no pets. no smoking. 629-7541

Female roommate wanted Looking for a clean, nonsmoker to live in newer meridian home. $400/month + utilities. Contact Chelsea @ (208) 850-2164


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Great Part-time JOB Looking for a Part-Time Job? Great for College Students! Earn Extra Income! Choose your own hours. Contact: Pam McGee at 208-713-8620, for an interview. Avon Independent Sales Representative

Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate with lifetime warranty. List $2450. Sacrifice $699.† 888-1464. Brand New Microfiber Couch & loveseat. Stain Resistant.† Lifetime warranty.† Still in boxes.† Retail $1395. Must sell! $450.† 888-1464. 9 Piece King Sleigh Bed Set. All wood- dovetail draws. List $3750. Sacrifice $895. 8881464

7-Piece Cherry Bedroom set. Brand-new in box. Retail $2250, sacrifice $450. Call 888-1464






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Solution to last Sunday’s puz


Cherry Sleigh Bed solid wood. New-in-box. Value $799, sacrifice $195. Call 888-1464.

Level: 1


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Women between the ages of 20-30 earn $5500+ helping couples in their dream of starting their families. Please go to www.nationwideeggdonation.com for more details and an application or call (208) 8958667.

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Bed-Queen Pillow Top mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, warranty. Retail $599. Must sell $109. Can deliver. 921-6643.

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Solution to last Sunday’s puzzle

Queen Tempurpedic style visco memory foam mattress set. Brand new in plastic. Retail $1599. Must sell $399. 921-6643

Satchels Grill Perfect college job. Flexible hours. Great co-workers. Barista-plus and Cook positions. Apply at 705 Bannock St. Downtown.

Models, Actors, Extras needed for Movies, Commercials, Conventions, and Promotional work! No experience or school. 208-433-9511


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office assistant opening for oncampus job. must have afternoon open. workstudy not required. call 345-8204 for more info or email resume to jobs@ arbiteronline.com

By Michael Mepham


Need a Job? Boise Fitness Equipment is looking for part/ full time employees. Great College Job! Email for interview or information. dominick@boisefitnessequipment.com


4. Yell really loud. Someone from our office may or may not hear you.

King size pillowtop mattress set brand new in bag, list $750. Must sell, $199. Can Deliver. 921-6643.

Sudoku on your cell phone. Enter 783658.com in your mobile Web browser. Get a free game!

3. Stop by our office across the street from the SUB, beneath the Women’s Center.

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September 6, 2007 · Page 7

Need PHP/MySQL developer Experienced & knowledgeable. $11.50hr. Fax resumes to 208-375-9191, or email peter@blueod.com

It’s easy! There are four ways to do it:

The Arbiter • arbiteronline.com

Sudoku on your cell phone. Enter 783658.com in your mobile Web browser. Get a free game! © 2006 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.

HOROSCOPES By Linda C. Black Tribune Media Services

Today's birthday (09-09-07). The more things you check off your list of things to do, the more confident you become. This year, take on the biggie. You're up for it. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 - They're singing songs of your exploits, adventures and heroism. This is good. If left to you, the story would never be told. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 7 - It's amazing how you can stretch a dollar, or even a penny. You can use it to make something that's worth a whole lot more. You have a talent for gifts. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is an 8 - Provide the clue your partner is seeking and get the conversation rolling. A topic that was off limits is now fair game. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 7 - Put money back into your business. If you don't have one, now's a good time to start. Create your next fortune from your own garage or spare bedroom. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is an 8 - You're doing well, but you still need to use your commonsense. Don't spend the money before you get it. There may not be as much as you thought. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 7 - Don't bother to talk about it any longer. It's time to take action. Get rid of your stories about why not, and create some success.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 - Listen carefully to your friends and save yourself a lot of trouble. They can set you straight on important things you've been worried about. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 7 - Partying too late with friends would cause disruption at home. Not a good idea to be late to a family gathering. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 7 - You're very talented at looking at the big picture. Watch it carefully now, for an excellent career opportunity. Think outside your local area. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 - Your shopping spree should be quite successful. Get everything you need but not a crumb or morsel more. Save up for your coming vacation. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 - A loved one tells you pointedly just exactly what's required to put him or her in a better mood. Luckily, this request will be easy. Fun, even. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 7 - You're being a creative genius, and you might not have even known how much fun it is. Relax and enjoy your own imagination.

--(c) 2007, Tribune Media Services Inc. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

Central Michigan Life || Monday, Nov. 10, 2007 || 5B





WE ARE PLEDGED to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. AAAAHHHH FINALLY A place to call home! Easy, comfortable living you can call home- The Village at Bluegrass. LIVE THE GOOD LIFE with free cable, free internet, soft water and so much more under one affordable rate! Stop by today to see how the NEW MANAGEMENT will make your home away from home better...CALL FOR DETAILS!!! 989-775-7600. 1 ROOMMATE NEEDED for house. Quiet neighborhood close to CMU. $300 plus utilities. Dane 989-560-0229.

1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 bedroom houses and apartments available for 08/ 09. Pick up list anytime 715 S. Kinney. Office hours 1- 5 or call 989-621-7538. 1, 2, BEDROOM HOUSES for 2008/ 2009. Clean, no pets. 989-560-2188. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE close to campus $700/ mo plus utilities. Year lease. Available May 15th. 779-8885. 2 BEDROOM SEMESTER lease available January 08- May 08. contact Brandon 989-773-8850 ext 212. or visit www.labellerealty.net. 2 FOUR PERSON houses downtown available immediately! Call Partlo Property Management for details. 989-779-9886 www.partloproperty.com AVAILABLE! 1 BEDROOM, downtown. Quiet. Non-smoking. Clean. $450. 989-773-0319 or 560-7157.

Place your classified ad by phone, in person or online: By Phone: 989-774-3493 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. In Person: 436 Moore Hall between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Online: www.cm-life.com/classifieds, 24 hours a day

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2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 bedroom houses available for 08/ 09 school year. Walking distance to campus. Clean and spacious houses. Washer/dryer included. Two bedroom semester lease available. Contact brandon@labellerealty.net or www.labellerealty.net 773-8850 ext. 212. 4 & 5 bedroom townhouses, condominiums available 08/ 09 school year. Walk to campus. Washer/ dryer, dishwasher. 989-772-9577. 4 BEDROOM 4 person Spacious apartment. View on line http://www.smwrentals.com. Fantastic Deal. Sweet place. 775-8315. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! ROOMMATES Needed in various Chip Village Condos near Cabin Bar and a few blocks from campus. Call for details. 989-779-9886 Partlo Property Management www.partloproperty.com

ALL NEW 3 bedroom apartment. Washer /dryer included. $275 per person.. Available January 1st. 772-4009. APARTMENTS STILL AVAILABLE for 07 school year. Starting to sign leases for 08/ 09. No application fee or fees. 1, 2, 3. 4- bedroom. Near campus. All units renovated. Locally owned/ managed by CMU Alumni. 773-1196. AVAILABLE JUNE 1ST 2008. 2 or 4 bedroom duplex, attached garage $275 per person. 772-5791. MARK OUR WORDS: YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. Each week, our Classified section features hundreds of new listings for everything from pre-owned merchandise to real estate and even employment opportunities. So chances are, no matter what you’re looking for, the Classifieds are the best place to start your search. CM Life Classifieds • 774-3493 436 Moore Hall www.cm-life.com

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Central Michigan Life || Monday, Nov. 10, 2007 || 6B





PHONE: 989•774•3493 FAX: 989•774•7805

… MIGHTY MINI S FAMILY OWNED/ OPERATED. Two bedrooms, includes heat, water, internet. 10/ 12 month lease. $270/ person. 989-773-0319, 989-560-7157. FEMALE SUBLEASOR NEEDED for Jan 08- May 08. $330/ mo. Deerfield Village. 810-300-2436. GREAT HOUSE. QUIET, clean, no pets, studious roommates. $185/ month plus utilities. Winter and school year. 773-9191. GREAT RATES GREAT LANDLORDS GREAT LOCATION

BEST VALUE IN Town! 2 BR Townhouse Furnished or Unfurnished, FREE cable and internet. Check this out before you sign just anywhere!! 773-3890. BROADWAY AND BROWN Apartments, subleasors needed for 1 bedroom apartments available spring semester. NO PETS. 989-772-3887. BROOMFIELD VILLAGE CLOSE to campus. 722 W. Broomfield. Check us out! www.broomfieldvillage.com or 989-779-0410, 989-400-2391. CMU STUDENT 08/ 09 house available 7 rooms 2 bath split utilities. 10/ 12 month lease option. $300/ per mo pp. 586-468-8065, 586-567-0699. CMU STUDENT SPRING semester 1 person needed to fill vacant room in house. $285 per month split utilities with guys. 586-468-8065, 586-567-0699. FALL 2008, $360. 1010 UNIVERSITY, 1 BDRM, SMALL HOUSE NEAR SBX. 773-3734. BEST PRICES IN STUDENT HOUSING 1- 6 Bedroom Apts & Townhomes. Walk to class, FREE Bus shuttle, Internet, cable. www.unitedapts.com (989)772-2222 Deerfield Village, Jamestown, Union Square, West Campus, Westpoint, Southpoint.

We have nine houses/ townhomes ranging from 3- 6 bedrooms available for 2008/ 2009. Walk to class from your superbly maintained, unique home. View at www.marshallscollegerentals.com and call Laura at 989.560.6350 for your tour appointment. HOUSE. 1 BLOCK OFF CAMPUS GREAT PRICE, 2008- 2009. 1001 S. Franklin. 5 bedroom. 989-621-3882. IMMEDIATE OPENING: TWO BEDROOM, ONE BATH with appliances and big yard in Mt. Pleasant. $625/ month plus uutilities. Call 989-772-3916. JANUARY 08 SEMESTER LEASE FOR 2- 4 people. Close to CMU. Some utilities included. 773-0785. NOTICE: RENT SPECIAL on 4 BR townhouse. Furnished and Unfurnished available. 2 full baths. 773-3890.

MARK OUR WORDS: YOU’LL FIND IT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. Each week, our Classified section features hundreds of new listings for everything from pre-owned merchandise to real estate and even employment opportunities. So chances are, no matter what you’re looking for, the Classifieds are the best place to start your search. CM Life Classifieds • 774-3493 436 Moore Hall www.cm-life.com NOW RENTING FOR 2008/ 2009 school year. We pay all utilities. 1 & 2 bedroom units available. Walking distance to downtown & campus. 248-941-8579. ONE BEDROOM AND studio apartments available. December and summer. Includes all utilities and wireless internet. From $385.00. (586)801-3726. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT close to campus. $425/ month plus utilities year lease available May 15th 779-8885. 4 BEDROOM, 4 PERSON TOWNHOUSES. 1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUSWASHER, DRYER. NO PETS. 779-9099. ROOMMATES WANTED DECEMBER 07. On CMU campus. $200/ mo/ pp plus utilities. Deb 989-621-8912

2 BEDROOM 2 PERSON HOUSE. 1/4 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS. W/ D. VERY PRIVATE. NO PETS. 989-779-9099. ROOMMATE TO SHARE home in Beal City, Weidman area. Professional or graduate student. Own bedroom and

TWO BEDROOM. Washer/ Dryer, Refrigerator, Stove. No pets/ smoking. Now $500.00 No lease. Leave message. 773-7884. YOU WON’T WANT to leave this 5 BR, 2 story with brand new tan and spa room. Coolest Apt. in Mt. Pleasant!! 775-5008.

FIVE BEDROOM APARTMENT, fifth roommate needed ASAP! Call Lacy at 989-513-2386. ONE ROOMMATE NEEDED 714. S. Washington for starting January 08. 586-321-0811.

bathroom, living room with fireplace, lots of storage. Call Joe at 989-205-9904. SMALL 1 BEDROOM downtown. Mature, courteous only please. $435 includes utilities. Available January 1st. 989-5064881. SPECIAL! GET $100 cash each person for signing a lease for a 5 or 6 BR 2Story Townhouse, 2 Baths, Large Living. FREE cable and Internet. Call 773-3890. SHOW ‘EM WHAT YOU GOT! A Job Opening? An Event Notice? Computer Equipment? The Classifieds are the easiest, most effective way to advertise. A one-week ad will have people from all around the area showing interest in what you’ve got to sell. So don’t be shy, tell everyone you have what they want. Place your ad today. CM Life Classifieds • 774-3493 436 Moore Hall www.cm-life.com

3, AND 4 PERSON Duplexes & Apartments 2008/ 2009- 9 mo leases Why pay for 10 or 12 months when classes are held for 9? Locally owned and managed by CMU Alumni for 29 years. Ask about our new innovative kitchen designs! www.qualityapts.com 989.772.3894 SUBLEASOR NEEDED FOR Spring semester. 2 bedroom apartment for one or two people. Call Jake at 616-402-6207. SUBLEASOR NEEDED FOR Spring. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Washer/ dryer. Unfurnished. Call Andrew 231.206.7263. STUDENTS 08/ 09. 5 bedroom condo available 3 floors- bath every floor AC, washer/ dryer, all utilities included $300 per month pp. Small pet allowed. (586)468-8065. TAN AND SOAK in the privacy of your own 5 BR townhouse. Come see the new spa experience that is available for you. 775-5008. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS available 2008/ 2009. Walk to campus. $325/ $350 per month. Dave 231-943-9985. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Look no further than the Classifieds. Inside you will find pages of listings from apartments to automobiles. Best of all you can reference the Classifieds anytime, anywhere! CM Life Classifieds • 774-3493 436 Moore Hall www.cm-life.com




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Central Michigan Life || Monday, Nov. 10, 2007 || 7B





ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR 2 bedroom townhouse all utilities included. Cable plus Internet. Quiet and close to campus. Call for more info. 772-1061. DOWNTOWN APARTMENT TWO girls need third roommate. Quiet location, walk to campus. Available December, Negotiable rent. Call Liz (810)656-7904. A QUIET FURNISHED home on South Mission. Non-smoking roommates needed for 3 bedroom house. Immediate availability. Call for more information. 231-8949693. ROOMATE NEEDED NICE 2 bdr apt in Country Place. $360/mo +utilities Available Dec. Pets Welcome! 269-506-3194.

PHONE: 989•774•3493 FAX: 989•774•7805

ALL NEW PILLOWTOP mattress set. Queen size $175.00. King size $275.00 and full size $165.00 989-773-5582.

ALL NEW QUEEN pillowtop mattress set with frame. cost $800.00 sell $235.00 989-772-1517.

WE REALLY MEAN BUSINESS. Put our expertise to work for you! CM Life Classifieds • www.cm-life.com

FOR SALE 3 tickets for 9:30am graduation. (989)992-3035.

SUPER SAVER! $2.00 VHS MOVIE SALE!! Friday, December 14th! 1,000’s to choose from! Great Christmas Gifts!! FREE LAYAWAY! Video game sale--PS2 & XBOX-$5.00 off, C.D.’s - $2.00 off! Cassettes -$1.00! DVD’S - 2.00 off ! TV / Stereo Stands! C.D. racks -1/2 price. Record albums-99 cents. New&used VCR’s! $25 OFF HOME SPEAKERS!

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WANTED TO BUY. Junk cars. We’ll pick up. Licensed, bonded and legal. 989-433-5862.

SPRING BREAK 2008. Pick your destination. $200 per person based on minimum 6 people. Call (989) 681-6079 after 6 pm. RECYCLE! Your hardware, your sofa, your bicycle in the Classifieds! CM Life Classifieds • 774-3493 436 Moore Hall www.cm-life.com

STUDENT KNOWLEDGEABLE IN research and computers needed to sell rare books online. Compensation for work. Call Jerry 989-544-3540. LET US DO THE WORK FOR YOU! Hit the snow while your unwanted stuff sells itself in the classifieds. CM Life Classifieds • www.cm-life.com RESERVATIONS MANAGER –ISLAND House, Mackinac Island. BA in hospitality business or equivalent. December graduate ideal. 6 months on Mackinac Island and 6 months in the Detroit area. Competitive salary, 401(k), FSA, medical. Housing and meals provided on Mackinac. www.theislandhouse.com 1(800)626-6304.

NEED 3 TICKETS for December graduation ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Please call 517-393-4466.

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DICE’S AUTO SCRAP We buy unwanted vehicles $150.00- $200.00. Free pickup with titles anytime. 989-772-5428. LITTLE CHIPS FAMILY Day Care; Caring, Loving home environment with a lot of space for your child to learn and grow. Full time openings. Please call Tracey Umphrey. (989)773-4617.

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By Linda C. Black Tribune Media Services Today’s Birthday (12-10-07) You’ll be immensely successful this year, so take on real challenges. Don’t waste this valuable time winning easy games. Attempt the impossible. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) – Today is an 8 – Take the wisdom you’ve recently acquired and figure out a way to add it to your career behavior. Become even more effective. You can do more than you’ve done before, and you’ll love it. Taurus (April 20-May 20) – Today is a 7 – Finish up your business so you can celebrate. An outing with friends would be perfect. Go to a place you’ve never been. Have an experience slightly spicier than usual. Gemini (May 21-June 21) – Today is a 7 – It’s best to remain quiet for now. Pay close attention. There may be a quiz on this material later, with valuable prizes. At any rate, it’s best not to argue. Shush. Cancer (June 22-July 22) – Today is a 7 – You’re pushed past the breaking point, but don’t worry about it. You come up with some of your best ideas when working under pressure. You won’t break, by the way. You’ll get stronger. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) – Today is an 8 – First figure out what you and your sweetheart want to accomplish together. Yes, there will be work involved. This is how you show your love. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) – Today is a 6 – There’ll be time for cleaning up and a restful moment for yourself. Confer with your partner about recent proceedings. Overall, you should be quite satisfied with the results. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – Today is a 7 – The flurry of activity precedes a welcome respite. Pick up something for dinner while you’re out there, so you can veg on the couch tonight. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) – Today is a 7 – While you’re on a shopping binge, also make an investment in your own education. It’s totally justifiable. Acquire skills you can use soon. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) – Today is an 8 – Trust yourself to find a way to achieve your goal in most situations. You’re smart and lucky. So figure out what you want. Make a list. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) – Today is a 6 – You’ll get a lot more done today than even you expected. Keep pushing while you have the energy and opportunities. Wrap up as much as possible so you won’t have to do it later. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) – Today is a 7 – It’s back to work, and the pile of stuff that’s stacked up while you were doing something else. Some of it’s been there for quite a while. No more excuses, get busy. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) – Today is a 6 – If you’re willing to try an unusual method or plan, great success can be yours. Besides, your friends will think it’s awesome. Unleash your creativity.

(c) 2007, Tribune Media Services Inc. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

Place your classified ad by phone, in person or online: By Phone: 989-774-3493 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. In Person: 436 Moore Hall between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Online: www.cm-life.com/classifieds, 24 hours a day

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CM Life will not knowingly accept advertising which reflects discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and CM Life reserves the right to reject or discontinue, without notice, advertising which is in the opinion of the Student Media Board, is not in keeping with the standards of CM Life. CM Life will be responsible for typographical errors only to the extent of cancelling the charge for the space used and rendered valueless by such an error. Credit for such an error is limited to only the first date of publication. Any credit due can be picked up at the CM Life office within 30 days of termination of the ad. If you find an error, report it to teh Classified Dept. immediately. We are only responsible for the first day’s insertion.



The Rocky Mountain Collegian | Friday, May 4, 2007


Miss July named 2007 Playmate of the Year By SANDY COHEN The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Being named Playboy magazine’s 2007 Playmate of the Year made Sara Jean Underwood feel sick. “I thought I was going to puke,” she told The Associated Press. “I thought I was going to faint. I thought I was going to cry. It was every emotion you can imagine one would feel when given such an honor.” The petite 23-year-old blonde beat out 11 other beauties to become the magazine’s 48th Playmate of the Year. Her title and the start of her yearlong reign were celebrated Thursday with a backyard luncheon under a tent at Hugh Hefner’s famous Playboy Mansion, with the yard filled with current and former playmates, more than 50 dating back to the 1950s. Hefner called the event “one of my favorite days.” As founder and editor of the magazine, he helps select

FOR SALE Pristine 3 bdrm, 2 full bath condo. On the bus route. All new appliances incl. Brand new high efficiency A/C. Move in ready. Just $169,900. Call Diane Sherry 310-8643 or Taren Meyer 218-4811 at ReMax Alliance.

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the annual honoree with advice from his promotions and photo staffs and oodles of input from readers. And what they’re looking for, he said, has been “essentially the same” since the first Playmate of the Year was crowned in 1960: “Women are a little healthier, a little slimmer, but it’s always been, and was from the very beginning, the girl next door.” Underwood looked all that and more (and in the pink of health) Thursday, in a low-cut, formfitting bright yellow dress. Playboy photographers first met her as a college student when they visited Oregon State University looking for candidates for the “Girls of the Pac 10” pictorial. She ended up on the cover of the October 2005 issue. She went on to pose for the centerfold of the July 2006 issue. Underwood said she never modeled before appearing in Playboy. “I didn’t think I was pretty enough,” she said. “I’m 5’3”, short, freckle-faced. I’m from

“I thought I was going to puke.” Sara Jean Underwood Playmate of the Year Oregon. It wasn’t a thought in my mind that I could do something like that.” Hefner described her as an “all-American beauty,” but that’s not all that’s required to be Playmate of the Year. “It has to do with personality,” he said, adding that the honoree represents the magazine and its advertisers at personal appearances all over the country. After her coronation luncheon, Underwood heads to Louisville, Ky., where she will host Playboy’s Kentucky Derby party. Underwood said her life has changed “100 percent.” “It’s incredible to get to experience a different life,” she said.




Used furniture- sofa $55, desk $35, beds $50. National Furniture 1760 Laporte Ave. 221-2313.

1000 or 1002 Hillcrest- 3 bdrm duplex conveniently located off W. Elizabeth, W/D, D/W, and carport included, great deal. $995/mo includes water & sewer. Check them out at www.kevco.com or call to set up a showing 970-419-8881. Pet friendly.

2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 study areas, basic cable, D/W, close to CSU, N/P. Now Preleasing for August. $550/mo. (970)484-9043.

REAL ESTATE 4 blocks from CSU. 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2400 sqft house, tell your parents. $224,900. www.infotube.net/169584 303-335-6304. Condo for sale by owner, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 blk from campus, ground floor, D/W, W/D, F/P, excellent cond, pet friendly. $138,900 MUST SELL! 970-218-4504. Houses, town homes, condos for sale. Invest in your education today.

CSUREALTY.COM Immaculate town home in Wellington. 2 bdrm, 3 bath. $127,900. Carl George at Kinzli Real Estate 420-8601.

LUXURY ROW HOMES Why rent when you can own? Lease Options Available! 2 & 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths. Brand New- MUST SEE. Maintenance free living. Starting @ $269,900. 3545 Big Ben Drive (off Horsetooth between Shields and Taft Hill Rd). Open Daily 1- 5. 970-226-2046. Professional real estate services. Interested about properties? Call anytime to preview a home/ condo. Greg Smith, Prudential 970-980-5358. Returning to CSU for at least another 3 years? Consider home ownership as a part of building your future. If you have good credit scores, interest rates remain low. Condo/ town house prices are reasonable with lots of inventory for which you can select. Contact me at www.FrontRangeNancy.com if you want to explore owning your own home. Spotless Condo! 2/1. New carpet, interior paint, and updated kitchen, close to bus stop. $103,500. Visual Tour: jennifersellshomes.com Keller Williams Realty, 308-5190. Student Living At It’s Best! I have what you want! Houses- Duplexes- CondosYou Name It, all by CSU! Allan Ronquillo RE/MAX Action Brokers. 970-692-2020.

FOR RENT $750 FOR A 3 BDRM! Sharp, clean two story town home. Super spacious bdrms, F/P, D/W, fenced yard for Fido. The Brandt Company, 970-224-0852. *Video Tours* Student Housing Virtual Tours www.rentalsonvideo.com. 1 bdrm avail now. 1 bdrm apt, close to Campus. Avail immediately. $625/mo with May paid for. Call Trisha @ 971-506-5135 if interested. 1 room w/ private bath for rent in condo. W/D, wireless internet, cable. 1 block W of CSU Campus. $450/mo +utils. Deposit required. 6 mo lease preferred. Small pets nego. N/S. Contact Lauren Email: oklamb73@msn.com Call: (970)215-2786.

1005 Cragmore. Cute and Quiet 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex. Single car garage, W/D, utils not incl. $725/mo, $725 deposit. 1 year lease, 7 blocks from Campus, 1 block to Bus Route. Looking for NonSmoking Grad Student/ Couple. Cats ok. Call Nate 303-810-7255 treanorn@hotmail.com. 100’s of apts, condos, houses for rent with photos. NorthernColoradoRentals.com.

1111 ASH 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 car. Newwer carpet, F/P, W/D, D/W, fenced yard. 8/1/07, $1075/mo. Peak 377-2717.

1641 REMINGTON 5 bdrm, 2 full bath, W/D, gas heat, remodeled, large fenced yard, 2 blocks from campus. 2 F/P, 2 living rooms, this house is gorgeous inside, tile and hardwood throughout. Avail 8/1, $380/per bdrm, call Kevin 402-4748. 1966 or 1968 Pecan- 3 bdrm duplex-- 6 people can live next door to one another without breaking the 3 unrelated ordinance! Each side has two levels, new windows, W/D, garage, great location near Hughes Stadium. Check them out at www.kevco.com or call to set up a showing 970-419-8881. Pet friendly. 2 bdrm, 1 bath cottage. 1/2 mile from CSU, near City Park. Private patio, fenced back yard, appliances, F/P, W/D, avail 8/1, $750/mo. 970-225-1878 or 303-910-7303.

2 BDRM APT Avail immediately, F/P, mtn view, pets ok, adjoined open space, cool landlord, $550/mo. 970-221-4009. 2 bdrm avail in house basement. Yard, D/W, W/D, Swamp cooler, 1 bath, living room. $400/room. Dave 970-420-0312 ing_dave@yahoo.com.


2713 DUNBAR 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, D/W, W/D, $1095/mo, 6/1/07. Peak 377-2717. 3 bdrm +den, 1 bath, South of CSU. Fenced backyard, off street parking, W/D, newly remodeled interior, hardwood. Avail 8/1. 970-419-8384. 3 bdrm for Aug 1st, on Remington between Laurel and Myrtle, CLOSE! W/D. Also 3 bdrm, avail June 15th, N/P. 303-499-6635. 3 bdrm, 1 bath upper duplex near Hughes Stadium, avail June 1st. Fenced yard, dogs ok with non-refundable deposit. $895/mo. Call Abby or Karyn @ 207-1257 for more info. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2-car with office, pets ok, fenced yard, close to CSU & FRCC, $1095. Pete 970-231-3570.

3 BDRM, 2 BATH, LARGE HOUSE 2 living rooms, office, close to CSU, private fenced yard, new hardwood floors, $1200/mo. 970-481-8712.

3 UNRELATED EXEMPT 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 1 block to campus. W/D, D/W, yard maintenance incl. Avail June or Aug. $1350/mo. 970-482-5129.

3 TO 5 BDRM Old Town, hardwood floors, W/D, clean house with large fenced shaded yard. Alpert Ave, $1295/mo. Call Tom 556-3722.

Great home with living and family rooms. Super spacious fenced yard. Only $975/mo. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852. 4 bdrm, 2 bath home for rent. Everything new, crawl to campus, large backyard. $1150/mo. Mark 970-308-6313. 4 bdrm, 2 bath house for Aug. 2 living rooms, 2-car garage, W/D. $1,095/mo. 690-5919. 4 bdrm, 2 bath house, fenced backyard. Avail June 1st. For information call 970-217-5243.

2 bdrm duplex, fenced yard, wood floors, ceramic tile. Avail June 1st and one for Aug 1st. 1918 W Prospect. $675/mo. 970-493-2764.

4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2-car garage, 3 living rooms, F/P, sprinkler system, avail 8/1, 1.4 miles south of campus. N/S only, pets nego. 2706 Worthington, $1260/mo, 690-3339.

2, 3, 4, AND 5 BDRM HOUSES. Aug leasing, 1 year, dogs OK, cool landlord, near CSU. 221-4009.

Sara Jean Underwood and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner pose at a luncheon where Underwood was named Playmate of the Year for 2007 at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles on Thursday.


5 bdrm, 2 bath. Across from campus. Just painted. Sand volleyball pit. 2 car garage. 970-481-8712. 5 bdrm, 3.5 bath. 2027 Churchill Ct. 2600 sq. ft, hot tub, A/C. $1600/mo. 970-420-1780.

ALL REMINGTON HOUSES. PETS OK. 1 bdrm, 1 bath $600; 3 bdrm, 1 bath $1,150; 4 bdrm, 2 bath $1,300; 6 bdrm, 3 bath Duplex $2,000; 3 bdrm, 1 bath w/ office $1,250. Call 970-310-1467.

AWESOME 3 BDRM HOUSE FOR AUG Cheap, cheap electric heat! Super sized bdrms, living room, family room, 2 car garage, 2 baths. Fenced yard for Fido. $1050/mo. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.

NEW CARPET, HOT TUB, AFFORDABLE RENT, PRE-LEASE FOR FALL 3-4 bdrm house. Close to campus. 303-667-4023. City Park, 1 bdrm apt in house. Has separate entrance, huge rooms, W/D, N/S, pets nego. $650/mo, utils incl. 310-9111.

CLASSY 3 BDRM FOR MAY/ JUNE New paint, great new hardwood floors, new carpet, super kitchen and located on Wedbee. Only $900/mo. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.


Nice, clean, sunny 2 bdrm with fenced yard and lots of storage. $650/mo. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.

2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, 4 walk-in closets, laundry, pool, patio, by CSU, greenbelt. $700/mo, avail Aug, 970-482-1031.


4 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances, fenced-yards, remodeled, 825 Gallup / 2323 Ponderosa Ct. $1295/mo. www.ocssral.colostate.edu. Call 970-290-2525.


4 bdrm, 2 bath, near CSU. Fenced yard, W/D, garage. Avail Aug 1st, $1150/mo. Call 303-910-7303 or 970-225-1878.

2 bdrm, 1 bath, 2 car garage. Fenced yard, medium pet ok. Skylight, D/W, W/D, cute! 8/1/07, $875/mo. Peak 377-2717.

5 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2 tv rooms, all appliances included. Avail August 1. $1500/mo. 720-280-7266.

CLEAN AND SPACIOUS Huge 4 bdrm bi-level w/ rec room , 2 bath. F/P, 2 family rooms, W/D, A/C, new carpet, large backyard, 1.5 miles to campus. $1,425/mo. Avail 8/1. 970-532-4528.

DOWNTOWN 3 BDRM, 3 BATH Avail Aug or May. Very open floor plan- new carpets, paint and vinyl. Super quality and location! $900/mo. Brandt Company, 224-0852. For Rent, 4 bdrm, 4 bath town home within walking distance to campus. $1350/mo. Contact Nate 970-215-1840.

HOUSE FOR RENT One-half block to campus, 3 bdrm ranch, stove, D/W, refrigerator, W/D, large backyard, off-street parking, garage; N/P; avail on or about Aug 5, 2007; $900/mo. Deposit $900; 221-5474.

LUXURIOUS, MODERN New 3 bdrm, 2 bath with central air, 2 car garage, pool, hot tube and lawn care provided. Avail Aug. $990/mo. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.






3 bdrm, 2 bath, hot tub, avail June 1st, W/D, garage, fenced yard, and deck. $990/mo. 970-581-6941.

Check out our inventory at www.kevco.com or call us 970-419-8881. Kevco, a pet friendly company.


Studio cottage, avail May or June 1st. Small, 1 person only, $395/mo, N/P, 303-499-6635.

Spotless 3 bdrm on the lake. Huge bdrms, all new inside. Small pet ok. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.

Sharp, clean, sunny 2 bdrm. F/P, A/C, new appliances and W/D. $650/mo. Call 224-0852 for showings. Mountain States Property Services Inc, 308-4871/ 223-0745. Avail 8/1/07. Some pets allowed. 1405 Stover- 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 car, $1200/mo. 1100 Emigh St.- 2 bdrm, 1 bath apt, $600/mo. 1301 University Ave B101- 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $750/mo. 1979 Sandalwood Lane- 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car, $1300/mo.


2907 Indigo Cir. North- 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 car, $1400/mo.

Kevco offers a variety of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bdrm houses and condos. Our properties are student and pet friendly. Check out our inventory at www.kevco.com or call us 970-419-8881.

New Old Town loft, $995/mo, awesome 3rd floor views, private balcony, fortcollinsloft.com. 970-214-1047.

Super sunny spacious 2 bdrm for August. Only $590/mo & heat paid! Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.

New town home, 3 bdrm, 3.5 bath, A/C, F/P, vaulted ceilings, common area; pool/hot tub/ workout center. Very clean, $1050/mo, call Paul. 215-6066. Nice 2 bdrm, 2 full bath, 2 blks from CSU, A/C, W/D, D/W, N/S, pets nego. $750/mo. Avail Aug 1st. 227-2565.

NICE CLEAN HOUSE FOR RENT 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 car garage, quiet neighborhood. $350/room/ mo +util. 3 0 3 - 9 2 1 - 9 8 6 2 , 303-659-1807.

PRE-LEASE FOR AUGUST 1ST 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 living, 2car, near CSU, big fenced yard, W/D, A/C, cable TV, internet. N/S, pets nego. $1360/mo. www.rentgreener.com 970-581-5676. Great newer 3 bdrm town home. 3 levels, 2.5 bath, W/D, A/C, new kitchen, fully carpeted, near trails, CSU stadium, bus, club house privileges. Water, trash, 2 parking spots incl. $990/mo + utils. Avail Aug. Josh, 303-817-1936.

PRE-LEASING FOR AUGUST 319 Mathews, 3 bdrm, 2 bath town house. $995/mo. 1700 Erin Court, 4 bdrm, 2 bath town house. $850/mo. 1731 Morningside ***AVAILABLE NOW*** 3- 4 bdrm, 2+ bath. Starting @ $990/mo.

TERRIFIC 2 BDRM FOR MAY/ JUNE F/P, D/W, W/D hookups. Small pets nego. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.

HOUSES 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 2 living rooms, all appliances, bus route, 1 mile to CSU. June 1. $1170/mo. 970-635-9885.

**LEGAL 3/4 BDRM LOFTS** Across from CSU. 2 full baths. Newer units. Most utils paid. W/D, pets OK. 484-8900. 1 bdrm unique garden level apt, private entrance, W/D, yard, utils incl $650/mo. 1 month free rent. 691-5954. 1 bdrm, 2 blocks to CSU, off street parking. Avail Aug 1st. 515 S Meldrum. $500/mo. 970-493-2764. 1913 W. Plum, large 4 bdrm, 2 bath, large fenced yard, deck, F/P, close to campus, pets nego. $1300/mo. Aug 1. 229-0732, Steve. 2 bdrm country setting. South Ft Collins. Horses, pets neg. Newly remodeled, all appliances, Quiet neighborhood $1200/mo. 970-231-8166. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, W/D, garage, huge, tons of storage, avail now, $750/mo. 970-581-2531.

PRELEASING FOR JUNE 1ST OR AUGUST 1ST All locations, all sizes, all price ranges. 970-402-0382. 1 bdrm, 1 bath private apt. 2 blocks to Campus. W/D. Utils and trash incl in rent. Address: 419 E. Elizabeth. Avail 8/1, $565/mo. 970-214-1047.

4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 blk to CSU, N/S, W/D, D/W, $1350/mo. Avail May. 970-217-7666, 970-227-7632. 4 bdrm, 2 bath. W/D, D/W, CSU 6 blocks. $1250/mo +utils and deposit, avail Aug 1st. Screen porch. Nice! 495-9914. 5 bdrm, 3 bath, well maintained, 2 blks from CSU, must see to appreciate. 310-8738. Avail July 1.

AUGUST 1 3 bdrm, 2 bath, close to campus, W/D, pets ok, fenced yard, $1100/mo. 223-7078. Avail June 1st. 3-4 bdrm. 1 block from CSU, Pets considered. 663-3894.

AWESOME 3 bdrm house, W/D, 1 car garage, N/S, 1/4 mi to Campus, 833 Balsam Ln. $1200/mo. Avail Aug 1. 988-3141.

BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE TOWN HOME RIGHT NEXT TO CSU!! 3- 4 bdrms, 2 bath, W/D, D/W, balcony. $1185/mo incl utils. Avail Aug 1. 970-493-0776. www.csurentals.net.

CLOSE TO CAMPUS! 3 bdrm house, A/C, sprinkler system, all appliances, pets OK! Garage. $1000/mo. 214-5565.

FREE MOVIES!!! Large 3 bdrm, big yard, pets ok, D/W, W/D, wireless, way clean, garage, walking distance to stadium. $1195/mo, avail in June. Call 970-420-3176.


2144 Water Blossom, town house with garage, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath. $1150/mo. Students Welcome! NO PETS 970-226-2046.

4 bdrm, 2 bath house. Avail June 1st, 1 car garage, hot tub, screened porch, W/D, D/W, near Campus West and CSU. Pets nego. $1325/mo. Call Alison, 443-3234.

3 bdrm houses close to campus. W/D, big yards. Starting at $975/mo. Avail August. 481-8712. 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, large fenced yard w/ covered patio, refinished wood floors, new windows, new bathroom, appliances, paint inside & out, F/P. Avail May 7. $925/mo. 2505 Matthews. 970-493-2764. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, preleasing, walk to CSU, utils paid, W/D, fenced yard, pets ok. $1025/mo, 227-2292.

3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, garage, hardwood, W/D, F/P, fenced yard, D/W. $1025/mo, 214-3043.

QUALITY HOMES Lease includes lawn care, all appliances, W/D, fenced yard, quality interiors (N/P). 2121 Liberty Dr. 4 bdrm, 2 bath (new carpet/paint), avail now. $1200/mo. 1413 S. Bryan Ave. 5 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 kitchens, avail Aug. $1600/mo. Reserve now 970-443-9131, 970-295-5571.


Friday, May 4, 2007 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian





2 bdrm, 1 bath, 1/2 block to CSU. 12 month lease, N/P, $725/mo incl all ultils. Pre-leasing for fall. 970-419-8394.

2 bdrm, 1.5 bath by Hughes Stadium. Clubhouse, pool, tennis, F/P. $795/mo, 970-412-3227.


3 bdrm, 2 bath, garage, loft, basement. Small pet ok, $1050/mo, July 1st. Peak 377-2717.

1, 2, 3, 4 bdrms. All appliances, including W/D. Garages, yard care provided. Call Doug @ 970-481-2220 or go to premiumrentalhomes.com.

1 MONTH FREE GREAT HOUSE! 4 bdrm, 2 bath. A/C, dogs ok, 2 car garage, big yard. $1199/mo. 1-800-988-8347.


WALK TO CAMPUS Top corner bright condo, Shows great, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, balcony, A/C, all appliances, fireplace. 303-770-4477. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Close to campus, pool, W/D, avail Aug. 1st. $620/mo, utils incl. 970-219-8553.

New 3 bdrm, 2 bath for Aug. A/C, W/D, F/P, fenced for pet. Living and Family room. Excellent condition. $1050/mo. Brandt Company, 970-224-0852.

2 bdrm, 1.5 bath Promatory condo, central Ft. Collins. Central air, F/P, W/D hookups, 1 car garage. Avail May 1st. $800/mo. 970-204-1628.

Very nice & clean, 4 bdrm, 2 bath house with large family room. Close to CSU, W/D, D/W, $1500/mo. Avail 6/1. 408-930-6247.

1 block from campus. Laundry facilities, A/C, utils included except electricity, no pets. Avail July 1st. $700/mo, or $350/room. 303-287-3735.

APARTMENTS 2 BDRM APARTMENTS 2 bdrm apartments avail immediately near campus. Well maintained. Not a management co. 493-8497. 2 bdrm in 4-plex, $525/mo incl w/s/t, extra storage, laundry, covered porch in good shape. Avail Aug 1st. 2900 Rams Lane. 970-493-2764. 2 bdrm/ 2 bath, furnished. $1200/mo, gas F/P, W/D, attached garage, 5 miles from campus. Pics at http://share.shutterfly.com/a ction/welcome?sid=8AbMXD Ru2aNGJS Julie 617-240-1316. 2, 1 bdrm. 3 blocks to CSU, N/S, W/D. $775, $595/mo incl all utils. (970)217-7666, (970)227-7632.

938 LAPORTE Classic with hardwood floors, W/D, D/W, small pet ok. 8/1/07, $650/mo. Peak 377-2717.

FOR RENT 2 BDRM, 2 BATH Excellent condition/ location, 5 min, walk to campus/ shopping. $750/mo. Call 225-8075 for more info!


GORGEOUS 4 BDRM, 3.5 BATH CONDO Upgrades & stainless steel appliances. $1650/mo. Call Olivia 303-898-1641.

LARGE 1 BDRM HEATHERIDGE LAKES Building G 2nd Floor. Excellent condition. Newly painted, dishwasher. Self-cleaning range. A/C, clubhouse, POOL. W/D, 5 min to CSU. No pets/smoking. $525/mo, avail 5/15. 970-278-0624 (H), 970- 215-4891 (C).

TOWN HOUSES **NONE BETTER/ UTILITIES PAID** Lock your fall lease on 1 or 2 remaining bdrms for upperclassmen student(s) in new, quiet, furnished all-inclusive townhouse near Timberline/ Drake. A/C, W/D, D/W, F/P, internet, cable, phone, pool, spa, fitness center, covered patio, grill. $399/mo per bdrm and $449 (private bath). NS/NP. 720-312-2670. 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath, tri-level, F/P, overlooks pool, 1 car garage, W/D, backup to west foothills, near CSU stadium. $775/mo incl water and trash. Avail May 1st. 970-204-1628.


4 bdrms, 3.5 bath town house, W/D, F/P, garage, pets nego. 3025 W. Elizabeth. Avail 6/1. $1200/mo, water paid. 970-217-9678.

LAST ONE! Incredible 3 story, 3 bdrm, 2 bath located near football stadium. Full Size W/D, fridge, microwave. Gas F/P. Central Air. Drive #S74. Call Jonathan for more details 719-499-0322.

ROOMMATE WANTED $325/mo, 4 bdrm, 3 bath condo, all appliances incl, fenced yard, garage, DirecTV, wireless Internet, Horsetooth and Windmill, close bus stop, 970-630-6330.

Lock your fall lease on 1 or 2 remaining bdrms for upperclassmen student(s) in new, quiet, furnished all-inclusive townhouse near Timberline/ Drake. A/C, W/D, D/W, F/P, internet, cable, phone, pool, spa, fitness center, covered patio, grill. $399/mo per bdrm and $449 (private bath). NS/NP. 720-312-2670. 1 bdrm in 2 bdrm town home, end unit, fenced backyard, community pool. Dogs ok. N/S. $400/mo utils included. Avail June 1. 970-214-5127. 1 bdrm in 3 bdrm. SW area, 3 miles from campus. $300/mo incl utils. W/D, N/S, N/P. Brenda 223-3390. 1 female roommate wanted, 3 bdrm house, W/D, D/W, fenced backyard, non-smokers, close to CSU, near bus route, $360/mo +1/3 utils. Avail now. Aubrey, 970-231-2428.

2 roommates wanted, M/F, N/S, $425/mo incl utils, internet, horses possible. Avail May. 631-2323. 3 bdrms avail in big 5 bdrm house. W/D, D/W, F/P, A/C, satellite TV, & more! Male preferred, $290- $325/mo +deposit. 419-5526.

SAVE*MOR SELF STORAGE 667 Linden • 224-2888

www.savemor.com email: savemor@frii.com

SPRING INTO SAVINGS! 100 off your security deposit


Must present ad for discount.

Cambridge House Apartments Still Shopping for Fall Housing? Look No Further!

• 12 Month lease (8/1/07 - 7/25/08) $600/monthly • 10 Month lease (8/1/07 - 5/25/08) $650/monthly

A Great Place A Great Price • 146 Extra Large Updated Studios, 1-2 Bedrooms • Furnished & Unfurnished • Decks • Patios • AC • 5 Modern Laundry Facilities • Swimming Pool • Secured Building Available • Free Comcast Cable • Fixed Utility Fee ($80- $120) • Park Like Setting • Pet Friendly

Pricing $470-$730 (plus a fixed utility fee)

Affordable Luxury Living • 30 Brand New Flats, Lofts, and Penthouse Lofts • Designer Kitchen & Bathrooms • Decks • Patios • AC • Washer/Dryer in each unit • Swimming Pool • Advanced Security Systems • Free Comcast Cable & Internet • Fixed Utility Fee ($100- $150) • Beautiful Views & More • No Pets

Pricing $625-$1025 (plus a fixed utility fee)


Summer room, M/F roommate wanted. $239/mo +1/5 of utils. W/D, D/W. Big house with big backyard! Great roommates! Call Caren at 303-506-5845.

6 bdrm, 5 bath house. $450/ master bdrm $400/ regular bdrm. 2.5 mi from campus. Utils incl. Laurel 970-690-2884.

Atrium Suite/ Clock Tower Lofts. Newer private 3 bdrm, 3 bath and 2 bdrm, 2 bath. Near campus, W/D, highspeed access, cat ok. $320450/mo per room. 226-0650.

$125 Flat Rate for utilities, Includes everything! Please inquire about our 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartments. No pets. Unfurnished. A great location. Best Deal in Town! Turn in application before May 15th & Receive

$200 rent credit

SERVICES Get your carpet clean $20.00 per room. Also clean your apartment starting only $99.00 Clean Zone (970)443-7877.

Avail 6/1. 1 bdrm, $375/mo rent +utils. 1.5 miles from CSU on Bus Route. 2nd floor, W/D. Ask for PJ 720-289-8998.

COOL LANDLORD 1 bdrm in 4 bdrm, 2 bath house, W/D, D/W, cable, Internet. $350/mo. Call Brandon 498-8338.

Summer House 2 Rooms Available. No leases. Discount for rental of both rooms. W/D, lots of parking. Large common living area. Large backyard. $375/room +1/4 utils. Call to view, 970-376-1431


Roommates for cute, clean house near CSU, F/P, W/D, huge kitchen and yard, $300+/mo, 691-5954.

970.482.1054 1117 CITY PARK AVE. www.ramscrossing.com


TOWN HOME 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, W/D, N/S, N/P, 1-car, like new. Close to campus, $1100/mo, avail August. 377-2334 or 217-2218.

1 bdrm avail in house. 2 bath, W/D, storage, $400/mo incl utils, wireless/ high speed internet, cable, cleaning service, mo to mo lease, N/P. 215-9668.



FEMALE ROOMATE 5 min walk to campus, $340/mo +cheap utils, W/D, wireless, awesome girls. Call Jessie 973-390-6478 or Lisa 970-208-2864. Ladies, room for rent, close to campus, W/D, keyed bdrms with telephone and TV. $300/mo +utils. 970-371-9709. Must see to appreciate. Looking for female roommate, non-Smoker, non-partier to find an apartment with for late summer and fall. 303-523-4647. Master in 3 bdrm apt. Avail 5/16, furnished, 12 month lease, $554/mo. Shelby 806-787-5070. Ram’s Park Condo. N/S female for 3 bdrm condo. $325/mo. Close to campus, newer & clean. W/D, D/W, util paid. Avail 5/15. 970-217-7475.

ROOMMATE WANTED Room avail August 1 in large 4 bdrm/ 2 bath house. M/F. $350/mo +shared utils. 1 mile from Campus, large backyard. Call Ryan 805-680-6843 805-689-7511. Roommate Wanted to share house. 209 Allen St. Avail June 1st, $300/mo for the first 4 mo +300 deposit. 970-663-3894 or 970-663-6773.

ROOMMATE NEEDED 5 min from campus. 1 roommate, male or female needed. $375/mo +utils. Call 970-215-8710, ask for Courtney.

ROOMMATES WANTED 1- 2 bdrms avail in 4 bdrm music loving, pet friendly house. W/D, fenced backyard. 630-981-7308.

HAULING Have pickup will haul. 970-372-8271. ASAP.

IPOD repair. I fix iPods. Screens, batteries, drives, etc. 970-219-6479. E-mail at podfixer80521@yahoo.com. Why Lose Your Damage Deposit, When I Can Fix it? Seems, Pet Damage, Re-stretch. Over 40 years experience. 970-419-3670.

EMPLOYMENT !BARTENDING! Up to $300/day potential. No experience necessary. Age 18+ ok. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ex167. A fun and rewarding position working with a young, active woman supporting her and accessing her community and living independently. Free rent, utils, benefits, and monthly stipends are included. Call Kara at 266-9038 x11.

ATHLETIC PEOPLE WANTED If you are competitive, athletic, outgoing, and like outdoor exercise, this is the perfect part time job. People are making between $500- $100 weekly. Call former basketball coach Rusty Huelle at 219-6940 or email your name and phone number to set up interview to: rustyhuelle@ywhyhomeprousa.com.

ATTENTION STUDENTS Get your summer job! $14 base-appt, flex schedule, customer sales/ service, conditions apply, all ages 17+. Call now! 970-377-8400.

BUS OPERATOR Salary range: $15.73$21.35/hr. P/T hourly positions. Operates transit vehicles to transport passengers of all abilities for fixed route or paratransit bus service. Req: HS diploma or GED, 3-5 yrs driving experience, valid drivers license with ability to obtain CDL. Must be medically qualified as stated in the Federal Motor Carrier Regulations. Visit www.fcgov.com/jobs for more information and to apply online by May 4, 2007. Applications are available at & must be returned or postmarked to: City of Fort Collins, H. R. Dept., 215 N. Mason St., P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Refer to Job #H046. (970)221-6535. Jobline: (970)416-2489, x5125. Drug test and background required. EOE.

CASHIER PT Now hiring cashier/receptionish- M/ W/ F/ Sat 3:30-8:30pm. Not just summer job! $8-9/hr, gen office, cash-handling & multi-line phone exp pref. Must be 18. Apply online www.Lithia.com 267-5084.

Vantage Properties 4 New Homes for rent 2&4 Bedrooms Call for information (970) 419 • 8384 (No Pets)




Cleaning businesses. Reliable cleaners wanted. Flexible hours. Good references and Background check. Year round resident. 282-9099.

Hunting club assistant. Visit coloradopros.com for details or/ and call 221-4868.

Undergrad Chemist/ Biochemist. Startup Co. On campus. 15+ hrs/wk. Available over summer. Competitive pay. Desires Electrochem, HPLC, Analytical/ Blood chem. Send cover and resume. jvickers@lamar.colostate.edu

DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Dancers wanted $$$ potential. Great way to pay for school and earn extra cash. Flexible Schedule for students. No experience necessary. A Hunt Club. 490-1885. Earn $2500+ monthly and more to type simple ads online. www.DataAdEntry.com.

EARN $400$500/MONTH Coloradoan newspaper routes available. Must have reliable transportation, valid driver’s license and be available 7 days per week from 3am- 6am. Call Susan at 224-7773.

EL BURRITO RESTAURANT Now Hiring for wait staff, bartenders, and kitchen help. Apply in person at El Burrito, 404 Linden St, Ft Collins. Full time nanny needed starting June 1, Mon- Fri, 8- 5, 2 children, age 7 & 11 at our home. Must have experience, excellent references and own transportation. Amy 970-430-9535.

GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE Pelican Lakes & Pelican Falls Golf Courses are looking for seasonal help in the areas of grounds maintenance, mowing, etc. Must be 18 years old & pass drug screen. Wages based on experience. Complimentary golf during period of employment. Apply at the Water Valley Corporate Office, 1625 Pelican Lakes Point, Suite 201, Windsor, CO. Mon- Fri (8am5pm).

BARTENDING COLLEGE 720-977-9199 •Fun jobs earn $15-35/hr. •Call today for tuition specials! •Day, evening, weekend. •Learn in actual nightclub setting- hands-on trainingthe only way to learn! •Call Bartending College, 1-800-Bartend. •Legal bartending age in Colorado- 18. www.bartendingcollege.com

Life of the Party is now hiring! Seeking people with costume/theatre experience for P/T through summer, Halloween, possibly longer. Often work weekends! We work hard and play hard! Apply IN PERSON. 121 E. Mountain Ave, Fort Collins. No calls! Lifeguard Needed, Private Pool. 3- 4 days/week. Flexible. $7.50/hr and up. Call Lori 970-215-8026. Looking for a Summer Job? Rancho del Chaparral, a summer camp for girls located in the mountains of New Mexico is looking for staff members for the 2007 summer camp season. Positions available include Program Staff (arts, horseback riding, adventure, leadership and environmental), counselors and administrative staff. If you love the outdoors and have a strong desire to make a difference while having fun, then this camp is for you. Please contact Girl Scouts of Chaparral Council, 4000 Jefferson or email skohne@chaparralgirlscouts. org.


Great Part Time Job! Janitorial, M-F, 5:30pm to 8:30pm Good attitude required! Will train, $7.75/hr to start. Must be available for summer. Call 221-1736.

Love the outdoors? Summer jobs in mountain town. Salary +housing. Will train. 303-791-2834.

Great Summer Job! Sales managers, sales reps needed. P/T or F/T. Dish Network or DirecTV, top pay. Call now 970-373-3752.

Female models wanted for nude body casting sculpture project. Prefer small stature, slender body type. Laporte. Call for details. Larry at Frozen Bronze. 805-705-5505.


HELP WANTED Mostly outside work in the mountains. $12/hr or $15/hr w/ drivers license & reliable transportation. Benefits after 90 days. Full and Part-Time positions avail. Call Eric 231-0366.

Hiring all positions for April reopening. F.O.H, must have 2 weekdays avail, experience a must, apply in person MonFri, 100 W. Mountain Ave. Keystone Resort is looking for Golf Course Maintenance Staff. Responsibilities include maintenance of the golf course, mowing greens, tees, collars, fairways and roughs. Maintenance of Ranch House lawns and adjacent areas, and bunkers raking and extensive maintenance. Special projects, construction, and maintenance of shelters, lakes, and bunker restoration. Assist staff with operation, maintenance and repair of irrigation systems, fertilizer and chemical programs. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age; must be able and willing to work outdoors in varying weather conditions, performing various physical activities; must work on holidays and weekends; knowledge about the game of golf is helpful. Out of state applicants are eligible to apply, and interviews will be conducted via telephone. For information, visit www.skijob1.com, or stop by our HR office between 9-3, M-F for an interview at 0140 Ida Belle Dr., Suite F-31, Silvermill Bldg. in the River Run Village, or call 970-496-4140. EOE/M/D/V/F.

Part Time Help Cleaning Stalls. Tues, Weds, Sat, and Sun. 3 hrs daily. 970-663-0459.

MCCOY’S MORNING GLORY RESTAURANT Part time day help wanted for outgoing host/server staff. High volume restaurant. Apply in person between 7 AM and 2 PM. 1003 W. Horsetooth Rd.

PT GENERAL LABOR Seeking P/T help: M-S/ 4:30pm- 8:30pm. Maintaining appearance of lot and washing dealership vehicles. $8- $8.50/hr. Apply at www.Lithia.com or 267-5084. Must have clean D/L. Route Drivers, Sales People Lawn service looking for applicators and laborers. We train qualified individuals for summer or permanent employment. Earn $500 to $800 per week, paid vacations, great benefits and other perks. Call 407-0993, ask for Darrin McLimans. EOE, M/F/D/V. Seasonal position, Mow/ Trim/ Weed. Apply in person @ 1000 Driftwood Dr, #A or fax to 226-5700. Summer help for Summer Relamp Crew. Starting 5/14. 40 hrs/week, 7- 3:30. Must be able to work off a ladder. 970-491-0131, or pick up application in Zone Shop just west of Facilities motor pool.

SUMMER JOBS $10 HOUR Immediate need for friendly, outgoing call center agents. You pick the days & hours. We offer $10/hr GUARANTEED plus the ability to earn generous commissions, daily csh prizes, online incentive games and much more. No experience needed. Apply in person at 109 N College Ave in Old Town or call 493-0470.

SUMMER JOBS We offer FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING for summer employment. We have on-going and temp jobs. -General Labor -Office/ Clerical -Catering -And more... No long-term commitment. Work when you need CASH! EmploymentSoltions.com

Undergrad electrical engineer, for start up company on campus. 10+ hrs avail per week, avail for summer, competitive pay, familiar with high voltage power supply and components. Send cover letter and resume: dekleva@att.net.

WANT A CAREER? Searching for your right start? Call Today. Got drive & desire? UNMATCHED earning potential. International company expanding. Positions Colorado & Nationwide Business Admin, Marketing, Public Relations, Sales. Interviews availble week May 9th. Call for appointment today. 1-877-788-2282. WHITE WATER GUIDES: Positions avail for experienced/ unexperienced guides. Training avail, A-1 Wild Water. 224-3379.

WORK OUTSIDE CHEESILY THIS SUMMER MouCo Cheese Co. is currently looking for help for the 2007 Farmers Market Season as well as other cheesy marketing tasks. Please go to www.mouco.com to find out more, or call 970-498-0107 and we will tell you to go to the web site.

CHILD CARE Full time nanny needed starting June 1, Mon- Fri, 8- 5, 2 children, age 7 & 11 at our home. Must have experience, excellent references and own transportation. Amy 970-430-9535.

NANNY WANTED Hiring nanny for two year old. Positon starts mid Aug 2007. 3 days/week. Hours: 8:30am- 4:00pm. Prefer early childhood or human development majors and/ or prior nanny exp. References & resume required. Contact Amy @ 282-1034. Nanny wanted. 15-20 daytime hours in Widsor. 2 kids ages 4 and 2. 970-567-7244.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES Help wanted for custom harvesting. Combine operators and truck drivers. Good summer wages, guaranteed pay. Call 970-483-7490 evenings. LADIES: Make your own schedule and earn $$$ selling the nation’s #1 brand skin care. I can show you how and you’ll receive a FREE gift. Call 404-606-4342 (cell).

UNIQUE HOME BUSINESS Secure your Future. Only a few individuals will understand the power of this business opportunity. To learn more: 1-800-287-0905. www.thefreedomexpress.com.

Great job graduating class of 2007! Farmers Insurance Group has immediate career opportunities right here in Colorado. Internships also available. For more information call or email Dan T. Stevens @ 970-472-9600. dstevens@farmersagent.com

CAMP JOBS Come spend an awesome summer with us in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Working at camp is fun, adventurous and very rewarding. We offer competitive salaries, room/ board and travel allowances. Girls Scouts Mile Hi Council owns 2 resident camps and several day camps. We are looking to fill the following positions for these camps; RN’s/ LPN’s, Counselors, arts/ crafts specialist, farm/ small animal specialist, kitchen asst, western riding counselors, dance/ drama specialists, business managers... For more info call; Shorty 303-607-4846 www.girlscoutsmilehi.org campjobs@gsmic.org.

PAINTER NEEDED Immediate Position. Experience helpful, but will train right person. Reliable with t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . 970-217-0885. Little Guys Movers, full/ part time. Apply at 104 Pinon St. Must have valid drivers license 416-9800.

(must present ad to receive, not valid with any other offers)

OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Sat-Sun 12-4pm 1113 West Plum St. (across from Moby)

Pre-Leasing for Summer and Fall! Check out our great deals on Summer leases


1117 CITY PARK AVE. • 970.482.1054 www.ramscrossing.com



SUMMER WORK Join the summer crew at Ram’s Village- general labor, painting, carpet cleaning, light maintenance, light cleaning, etc. $7/hr, M-F, 8-5. For details talk to Mark at 900 Constitution Ave or 498-0206.

Hiring all positions for April reopening. F.O.H. Must have 2 weekdays available, experience a must, apply in person Mon-Fri. 100 W. Mountain Av e

Index Announcements 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100

Campus Events/Services Campus Organizations Greeks Legal Notices Lost and Found Miscellaneous Personals Pregnancy Research Subjects Sperm/ Egg Donors Tickets Offered / wanted

Merchandise 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500

Appliances Art/Painting/Collectibles Books Computers/Software Electronics Furniture Garage/Yard Sales Health Products Miscellaneous Musical Instruments Office Equipment Pets Rentals Sports Equipment

Transportation 3600 3700 3800 3900

Auto Accessories/Repair Auto Insurance Miscellaneous Vehicles For sale/Rent

Travel 4000 4100 4200 4300

Resorts/Hotels Rides Offered/Wanted Travel Tickets Vacation Packages

Services 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 6000

1-900 Numbers Financial Aid Insurance Computer/Internet Foreign Languages Health/Beauty Services Acting/Modeling Classes Legal Advice/Attorneys Movers/Storage Music Lessons Personal Services Professional Services Resumes Telecommunications Tutoring Offered/Wanted Typing Writing Help

Employment 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100

Business Opportunities Career Opportunities P/T Career Opportunities F/T Child Care Offered/Wanted Help Wanted Actors/Extras Wanted Housesitting Internship Personal Assistance Temporary Employment Volunteer

Housing 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900

Apartments for Rent Apartments to Share Houses for Rent/Sale Guest House for Rent Room for Rent Roommates - Private Room Roommates - Shared Room Vacation Rentals

Advertising Information To place a classified ad, call

714.278.4453 By Fax: 714.278.2702 By Email: classified@dailytitan.com By Mail: The Daily Titan College Park Bldg. 2600 E. Nutwood Ave. Suite 660 Fullerton, CA. 92831-3110 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm Rates: One insertion, up to 20 words .........................................$5.50 each additional word........$0.39 12pt Headline...................$1.75 16pt Headline...................$2.50 Border..............................$5.50 • Weekly and monthly rates are also available. • For classified display ads, please see our rate card for rate information. Deadlines: Classified Line Ads: 3 Business days before printing @ 12 noon. Classified Display Ads: 3 Business days before printing @ 12 noon. Payment: Please make checks payable to: "The Daily Titan" We also accept Visa and Mastercard Read the Daily Titan online @







Business Opportunities

Help Wanted

Help Wanted BILINGUAL TEACHER ASSISTANTS Part-time and substitute jobs available for bilingual (Spanish/ English and Korean/English) assistants. Starting pay $14.76/ hour. Apply today! BUENA PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT, www.bpsd.k12.ca.us or (714) 736-4284 for more info.

ENERGY! We are looking for on campus reps for our fantastic new energy drink. Great campus business and fun earning opportunity! Call 866-264-1064x2862 Cellular Phones & Accessories All CSUF students receive 30% off all cellular and ipod accessories and 50% off if you upgrade or activate a new cellphone line. We carry charms, cases, ipod accessories, Bluetooth, Chargers. If we don’t have it we’ll give you an addition 5% off. Next to Fullerton AMC Theaters 446-6341 www.felicewear.com Student Discount take 15% off any online purchase! Use code 8186. Valid only online. Offer expires on November 30,2007!

2400 Books

Sell All Your Used Books!

Email book title, author, edition, condition, isbn to jaeangela@ gmail.com. I will offer CASH $$$ (310) 347-6675.

5500 Professional Services Fiscal audits of the Associated Students and Titan Students Union for the year ending 6/30/07 may be reviewed in TSU-218 during business hours. Math, Science, English, and Education majors to tutor younger students (k-8). Call (714) 5778540

6100 Business Opportunities 53 Full & Part-Time Jobs Sodexho to manage employee food service at DISNEYLAND starting now. We will coordinate with your school schedule, offering days, afternoons, evenings and weekends. Full-Time (over 30 hrs/wk) Benefits: Free Parking, Disneyland park pass for all employees. Sodexho (www.sodexho.com) is a global food service company in over 80 countries. For immediate consideration, call 714524-4529.

Make Big Dollers

Become A GoYin Founding Distributor Before 2007 Launch. Call Local Director For Details. Jesse: (714) 234-6475 Get out of debt, need cash fast, tired of the bills, tired of the run around, quick easy loans available, personal, business, vacation, home renovations, business start up,. Good, Bad Credit, even bankruptcy, free consultations, no fees. Call Toll Free 1(866)585-5139.


Career Opportunities P/T As part of our expansion program a small company is looking for part time Work from home account managers and sales representatives, it pays 3,600 Dollars a month plus benefits and takes only little of your time. Please contact us for more details. Requirements - Should be a computer Literate. 2-3 hours access to the internet weekly. Must be over 19yrs of age. Must be Efficient and Dedicated.If you are interested and need more information, Please send e-mail pc.technology.gail.handson@gmail.com Contact name :Mr Gail Hanson

Hotel Bellman/Guest Services wanted. Full/Part time positions available incl weekends. Starting wage $10/hr.+ tips and extras. Award winning family hotel across from Disneyland. Applicants must be CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERTS, upbeat, outgoing & active. Apply in person 9AM-5PM any day of the week. Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, 1380 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92802. www.hojoanaheim. com. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS NEEDED Earn a min. $100/day! If you have a BA/BS (or 90 units) and CBEST exam, you meet min. qualifications for a sub permit. More info @ www.bpsd.k12.ca.us or (714) 736-4284 for more info. BUENA PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT hires sub teachers to work on-call, as-needed throughout the school year. Apply today!

Administration Assistant Needed

Real Estate Development/Pre School Management Company located in Fullerton. This office needs a candidate proficient in Word & Excel.College level classes in Business or Accounting. Part time position, flexible hours. Good pay package. Call 714-323-9632

NOW SEEKING Bussers • Cooks • Hosts Dish Washers • Servers Our team members enjoy: • Flexible Schedules • Great Pay • Excellent Training • Great Health Benefits • and more! Apply in person beginning Mon, Dec 17th Mon-Sat, 9am-6pm at our hiring site: 321 West Katella Avenue, Suite 104 in Anaheim Ph: (714) 512-1462 or (714) 512-1463 Apply online: www.CPK.com

brought to you by humorscope.com

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You will rest peacefully, and sink into a strange dream. In the dream, you will be playing an odd version of soccer with huge clear balloons, and people will be cheering you on from the sidelines, who are dressed in white formal attire. Don’t go into the light. The extra point isn’t worth it.


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Excellent day to pretend to have various infirmities. Pretending to have a hunchback is my personal favorite, and is often favor ably combined with a drooling problem.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Not a good time to go forth and conquer. Try

going fifth, and hover in the background.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) Ooh! Oh. I should have warned you. I’m


Virgo (August 23 - September 22) People will tease you about wearing your

golf shoes indoors. Don’t you mind them, though -- they’re undoubtedly just jealous.

Libra (September 22 - October 22) Stinky feet day, today. Don’t go to a

Japanese restaurant.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Unknown to you, people think you are a wimp - just because of your weak hand shake. You need to get one of those hand exercisers, and use it constantly for a few months. Then, crush their little hands into pulp!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Good day to use nautical terms in ordinary

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Someone will turn a cold shoulder to you,

and your feelings will be hurt. You’ll get even by turning a tepid elbow to them, later. Just don’t let it escalate to the blazing ankles stage, is all.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Today you will discover an astounding new

use for celery, and it will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Excellent day to blow soap bubbles in

Previous Puzzle

situations, and to refer to the different sides of your building as “port” and “starboard.”

Remodled 2 bed 2bath condo. Ground level condo, near covered parking. Available December 17th. Cross streets Kraemer/Chapman in Placentia. $1450.00 per month+ same security deposit. 1 year lease. Ask for Joe. (714) 293-3346

CPK is the perfect place to begin or enhance your restaurant career with flexible, full- or part-time work! Our upbeat environment and unique company culture make CPK an ideal choice for hospitality-minded individuals.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) You will be in an extremely stuffy meeting today, which will seem to last forever. You will be able to liven things up a smidge by putting a few small feathers in your hand, and then “coughing” them out.

Rooms for rent, females only, no drugs, $700/month, beautiful pool home. Available in January. Close to campus. Ask for Lorraine (310) 486-8677

7 ½, Ê"* Ê-"" >ÌÊÌ iÊ > i Ê >À`i Ê7> t


Houses for Rent/Sale

Ê > v À >Ê* ââ>Ê ÌV i Ê

Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.adcarclub.com. Real Estate Investor Seeks Students Earn a potential $15k-$20k month while we coach and mentor you Jeffery (951) 813-2554 set4lifeinvestments@yahoo.com


HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

unusual places. See if you can get them to drift by people who are thinking too hard.

Sudoku is made possible by the people at www.dailysudoku.com





{ Want it, get it! Only in our Classifieds. }

Work Hard, Play Hard, Change Lives! Girl’s Resident Camp looking for summer camp staff. Summer Camp positions available as Counselors, Unit Leaders, lifeguards, crafts and adventure programs. May 30-August 12. $200-$350/week. Camp located south of Greensboro. Free Housing! Contact: Keyauwee@ northstate.net or 336-861-1198.

Because sometimes the dollar menu just doesn’t cut it. You need a job that pays. Your resume needs a job that gives you experience. The East Carolinian is hiring staff writers positions that offer both. Come fill out an application today, downtown in the Self Help Building, Suite 100F.

THE Daily Crossword ACROSS 1 Inclined roadway 5 Gillette razor 9 Light haircuts 14 Zeno's home 15 Cafe au __ 16 Bucolic 17 Actor Arkin 18 Choir voice 19 Hawaiian hello 20 Two codes 23 Spry 24 Loser to DDE 25 Colo. neighbor 26 Born in Nice 27 Basic commodity 31 Palindromic address 32 Unaided 33 Foot problems 34 Two codes 38 Horace and Thomas 39 Lawbreaking 40 Too 41 Mind one's manners 43 Peanut product 46 2100 47 Patriotic men's org. 48 Popeil company 50 Two codes 55 Disney's mermaid 56 Hawkeye State 57 Lyme-disease carrier 58 Put a tag on 59 Blue pencil 60 Supermodel Macpherson 61 Musher's conveyances 62 Loudness unit 63 Require DOWN 1 40th President 2 Assert without proof 3 Unkind person 4 Group of jurors 5 Jai __ 6 Soft mineral 7 Moreno or Rudner

8 Lacking a key 9 Golf course hazards 10 Govern 11 Blacksmith's products 12 School of Buddhism 13 Skier's courses 21 Flux density units 22 Ruby of "A Raisin in the Sun" 28 Craggy hill 29 Take your pick 30 Georgia fruit 31 Additional amount 32 AD word 33 Tourist's tote 34 Castle in Scotland 35 Write in a register 36 FDR Blue Eagle 37 Mil. unit 38 Milk-producing animals

Edited by Wayne Robert Williams

D 41 Comment from the fold 42 Banks and Kovacs 43 In the records 44 Frozen hanging 45 Requiring a key 47 Offers on the market

7 5 4 9 3 8 2 1 6

Volkswagon Beetle Convertible 2005, GLS, 5-speed, 30+ MPG, Satellite Radio, 2years warranty, Blue/Gray, Leather, Loaded, Extras, 1-owner, excellent condition, Price $17,900; Fun Factor: Priceless! Dr. Dixon 252355-7672

49 Frequently 51 Ranked tournament player 52 Extinct giant bird 53 Castor or Pollux 54 Cost per unit

2 9 3 1 6 5 7 4 8

WALK TO CLASS! 1 block from campus. 2 bedroom apartment with hard wood floors and central heat/air. Washer, dryer, dishwasher, high-speed internet, basic cable,


Secure your Summer Job before you go on Spring Break. Four part-time positions open (Water Analysis, Sales) Part-Time hours from 8:00AM1:30PM or 12:30PM-6:00PM. Must be able to work weekends and holidays. Will train. Training starts in March. Apply immediately. Greenville Pool & Supply Co., 3730 S. Charles Blvd., Greenville, NC 27858 - 252355-7121, Contact David or E-mail resume to david@greenvillepool.com


1 6 8 2 4 7 3 5 9

University Suites Townhomes Now Leasing for August 2007! 24 Hour amenities, Free Tanning, Great Move-In Specials. Get Free RENT. Call 252-551-3800 www. universitysuites.net

3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex for rent. full appliances. beautiful quiet neighborhood on golf course. $700 a month (252) 943-6792

Big dollars paid for low hours worked. Local company needs telemarketers NOW. Monday thru Thursday 4:00pm til 9:00pm CALL 252-758-8700

5 4

6 1 3 2 4



6 6

7 9

7 1 3 www.keyauwee.com for online application.




2 5 9

Visits must be used within 7 consecutive days. First Time Customers Only. ID required. Level 1 Beds Only.

Greenville Blvd. (Across from Pizza Inn) 931.1147 • Evans Street • 353.5400


7 2

6 3 7 4 2 1 9 8 5

ECU Area. 3 and/or 4 Bedrooms, C entral H / A , Pet Friendly, Some with workable fireplace, Major appliances. Available June 1st, July 1st or Aug. 1st. 252259-0424

1,2,3,4 and 5 bedroom houses available all within a block or two of ECU. All houses have been completely renovated and new. Some houses are available with discounted rent until May. Go ahead and secure your house now before the end of the semester when all the good houses are already taken. Call 341-8331

Do you need a good job? The ECU Telefund is hiring students to contact alumni and parents for the ECU Annual Fund. $6.25/hour plus cash bonuses. Make your own schedule. If interested, visit our website at www.ecu.edu/telefund and click on JOBS.


4 8 5 3 7 9 1 6 2

WALK TO CL ASS! HOUSES AVAILABLE: How about your own house with a yard (some dogs OK), a large bedroom and be able to walk to campus, downtown, the rec center, etc (1 or 2 blocks!) . Central heat/air, basic cable, high speed internet, washer/ dryer, monitored alarm system all included. 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 bedroom units available either immediately, June 1st or August 1st. Call 4390285.

Rent one or two bedroom house. W/D; Furnish available; Walking distance to ECU/ Downtown; 1 Bed $295; 2 Bed $400 santucci2@ mac.com 252-725-1703; 919341-8969


9 1 2 8 5 6 4 7 3

Tired of the “rent-by-room” way of life? Our 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apartment homes are on the ECU bus route. 252-321-3281

water & sewer included. One available immediately, one June 1st, one August 1st. Roommate needed for one in August. Call 439-0285.

5 4 6 7 9 3 8 2 1


All ads must be pre-paid. No refunds given.

3 2 1 5 8 4 6 9 7

Thursday at 4 p.m. for the TUESDAY edition Friday at 4 p.m. for the WEDNESDAY edition Monday at 4 p.m. for the THURSDAY edition

CLASSIFIED AD RATES Students (w/valid I.D.)-UP to 25 words......................$3 Non-students-UP to 25 words .........................................$5 Each word over 25, add ............................................................5¢ For bold or all caps, add (per) ...........................................$1

8 7 9 6 1 2 5 3 4






Regularly Priced $30 Expires 2/28/07 CODE: 5V5TEC

AUTISM SOCIETY OF NC seeks COUNSELORS for summer camp serving persons with autism. May 20- August 3. Contact Molly Simons at msimons@autismsociety-nc.org or www.autismsociety-nc.org

program. The rate of pay ranges between $6.50 - $10.00 per hour/game. We are also seeking volunteer coaches for our outdoor soccer program. For additional information about training clinics and directions, please contact the Athletic Office at 329-4550, Monday-Friday 10am-7pm.

individuals to work during its six week summer camp from June 11July 27 (excluding July 4th week). Successful candidates will earn a competitive wage and be able to work approximately 35-40 hours per week. Contact Mark Parker at 328-1565 or parkerma@ecu.edu for more information.

Tiara Too Jewelry - Colonial Mall. Part-Time Retail Sales Associate. Day and night hours. In Greenville year round. Apply in person.

!BARTENDING! $250 a Day Potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Available. 1-800-9656520 XT 202


Greenville Recreation & Parks Department is recruiting Soccer Referees for our outdoor program and Soccer Coaches for our indoor

HIRING SUMMER C AMP COUNSELORS! ECU Campus Recreation and Wellness is seeking motivated and energetic

RETREATMYRTLEBEACH.COM Spring Break/ Grad Week 1-800645-3618 We have what you’re looking for! $100 and up for the week.

10 Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Help Wanted Food & Drink CARL’S ICE CREAM. Servers needed days, evenings & weekends. Apply at 1700 W. College Ave., Normal. COCONUT LOUIE’S - 2303 E. Washington. Needs bartenders, servers and door. Apply after 3pm. Seeking servers, bussers & FT daytime cook that can work flexible hours. Days & evenings. Apply in person at Bloomington Country Club, 605 Towanda Ave. Central Station Cafe/The Loft Now Hiring All positions. Day/night shifts. Please apply in person at 220 E. Front St. Bloomington. Bartenders Wanted: Up to $250/day, no experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800-965-6520, Ext.104. The Coffee Depot now hiring part-time weekdays. Call Kim at 532-1001. Rock Restaurant is looking for reliable long term help. Experience preferred. Call 309-275-1829 Wait Staff & Kitchen Help Needed Flexible hours, apply within. Thai House 805 Morrissey Dr., Bloomington. Red Lobster is looking for Servers & Hosts (must be available for 2 lunches Mon-Fri), Line cooks & Service bartenders. Must be available on weekends. Applications accepted 2pm-4pm M-F. 714 El Dorado Rd, Bloomington. Gumby’s Pizza Drivers Wanted. $812/hr. FT/PT. All shifts. Apply at 712 Kingsley St. Normal, IL. Cashiers-Cooks Full Time $7.50 per hr. and up based on experience and availabilty. Day, evening, and weekend shifts. PT also available with very flexible hrs. 1.5 miles from campus. Buses run every half hr. Apply in person at Dairy Queen. 1528 East College Ave, Normal, IL. Servers, cooks, delivery (drive our cars). Mugsy’s Pub, 1310 N. Main. Apply after 2pm. CJ’s Restaurant • Bartenders • Waitstaff • Host/Hostess • Cooks Apply in person, no phone calls please. 2613 S. Veterans Parkway, Bloomington. (Take Fox Creek Rd. off of Veterans Pkwy., then follow signs).

Retail & Sales

TechZone is seeking friendly, outgoing and knowledgeable Sales Associates for Fall and Spring semesters. Applicant must be an ISU student and have experience with both Windows and Macintosh systems. Apply at 205 Bone Student Center in the TechZone Showroom, phone 438-5535, or send e-mail to techzone@ilstu.edu for more information.

Office & Clerical P/T help wanted. Accounting experience required. Are you looking for something to put on your resume? Fun office w/ flexible hrs. 309-454-2338

Childcare Childcare Workers/Teachers Wanted. Wednesday mornings 8:20 to 11:20. $22.50 per week. Eastview Christian Church. Call Laurie at 309-923-7697 or 309-303-6234 Boys and Girls Club in Chenoa needs an after school program coordinator. Email resume to bgclubpc@verizon.net or call Nicole at 815-692-2423. PT Sitter Needed. Tues/Thurs 3-6pm. $50/week. Must have references. ECE majors a plus! Call 309-275-3393. Or email janesmolen@aol.com Childcare Teachers Needed immediately. Minimum 2 years college w/ 18 hours in child development. Call 5570065 or 663-5708 if qualified and interested.

Daily Vidette

Childcare Rogy’s Learning Place hiring FT/PT DCFS qualified teachers. Must be energetic, reliable, and love working with children. Open 6:30-6. Several schedules available. Contact Catie or Amy 862-0708. Childcare Needed M-F, flexible days. $8/hr. Must have own transportation. Call Shannon at 309-824-6798. Childcare Needed-$8hr. Sun. AM and Wed. PM. Must have 6 hrs of child development and have own transportation. Call Jessica at 309-826-3222. P/T Daycare assissant. Flexible day hours. $7.50/hr w/raises, some housekeeping, errands. Call (309) 283-3640. Individual needed to work w/ child w/ autism. Training provided. Special ed., general ed., speech pathology, music therapy, & psych. majors welcome. Rewarding, educational, & great experience. Great pay & up to 15 hrs/week depending on schedule. Flexible and Fun! Interested? Call Erica @ (309) 303-0701 or email eslinds@ilstu.edu. PT School age Daycare Teacher. M-F 2pm-6pm. 2 years of college w/6 hours child development required. For interview, call Discovery World (Vicky) 309-663-6529 Enjoy working with children? We are hiring afternoon teachers. Earn competitive pay while gaining great experience. No evenings & weekends. Contact Chesterbrook Academy, 802 E. Emerson, 828-1914.

Business Opps. Programmer Wanted. CTB is seeking people with any or all of the following skills: ASP, .NET, PHP, CSS on a PT or FT basis. CTB is an equal oppportunity employer that maintains a relaxed work environment with individual work schedules. Send resume to gill@ctb123.net.

General Health Screeners needed. No prior experience required. Must be outgoing, friendly & presentable. You must have the ability to speak to total strangers anytime, anywhere. Weekend hours, some weekday hours possible. $10-$20/hour, based on performance. Call 661-0414 between 11am-Noon Mon-Fri for more info. Cleanin Freak Wanted - Excellent pay for EXPERIENCED cleaning/organizing person. PT, flexible. Call 828-5443

Front Desk & Housekeeping Staff. Need all shifts, must be energetic & hardworking. Apply in person at Candlewood Suites, 203 Susan Dr, Normal. Staff needed for before and after school program. Apply at La Petite Academy- 1607 N. Hershey Road or call 309-664-2972. Online Beauty Store needs dependable and detail oriented person to fill and pack orders. Flexible hrs M/T/Th 9-1. 661-2158 Local grocery store seeks part-time merchandiser. Flexible hours. Call John at 309-275-8637. PT and FT positions available with local landscaping/tree care company. Call 8282224. La-Z-Boy seeking full/part time delivery person. Must be able to lift 80lbs or more. Non-smoking environment. Good driving record required. $8.50/hr. Apply in person: 1519 North Veterans Parkway. Semester Work $16.00 base-appt Flex schedules, sales/svc, conditions apply, all ages 18+ www.workforstudents.com Call Today! 309-661-0888.

step 1: Read. step 2: Enjoy. step 3: Recycle.

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General Leasing Agents Wanted Are you tired of the typical campus job? Are you looking for something to put on your resume? The leasing staff at Young America Realty is looking for sales/marketing oriented, motivated, and responsible individuals to join our company. Afternoon hours required, must have own car, must be willing to work for a great company, hourly wage plus commission. Resumes preferred, come on in and pick up an application at Young America located at 311 S. Main or call 309-454-2338. Landscaping and/or Painting Help Provable experience and refrences a must. Excellent pay! Call 828-5443 Direct Support Professional. Dependable, caring persons needed to provide support for 1-5 individuals w/developmental disabilities. FT/PT day, evening, overnight & weekend positions available. Salary $8.75/hr. Valid drivers license required. Excellent benefits. Apply to: Marc Center, 1606 Hunt Dr. Normal IL 61761. Visit www.marcofillinois.org or contact Ginny at 309-451-8888 ext 229. EOE. Swimming Instructors and Swim Coach needed. Immediate. Call Connie at 862-2239. REAL ESTATE ENTREPRENEURS needed. 3 motivated entrepreneurs needed to market proven successful real estate education program on campus. Learn how to invest in real estate while making $3K monthly part time, substantially more fall time. Experience not needed, but a burning desire to excel is a must. We’re serious-you be too. (866) 394-0943. U-Haul Hiring Cust. Service Reps. Must have some mechanical knowledge. 15-20 hrs./wk. Start pay $8.50/hour. Can apply on-line at www.uhaul.com or come in to 1206 N. Main St. location or call (309) 829-3337. Marc Center On-site residential supervisor. Will provide staff supervision & direct support for people w/ disabilities living in the community. Positions require 20hrs. of direct support & 20hrs. supervision. On-call responsibilities on a rotational basis. Regular schedule will include day, evening, weekend hrs. Qualifications: one-yr. experience working w/ people w/ developmental disabilities, valid IL drivers license, & current proof of automobile insurance required. Supervisory experience, computer knowledge, and associate degree or 60 college credit/hrs. completed preferred. Excellent benefits. Complete application at office or website. Marc 1606 Hunt Dr. Normal, IL 61761 (309) 451-8888 Ext. 229 www.marcofillinois.org EOE.

Services Offered MAKE YOUR GRAD SCHOOL APP SHINE! U OF IL law alum&ex-magazine writer/editor can help with personal statements, resumes, etc. $100/hr. EMAIL applywrite@yahoo.com Local computer repair & setup: Hardware installation & wireless networks. Call Adam at 217-737-8703.

Small, suitable for 1. Quiet, clean, reasonable. Approx 1.5 miles from campus. No pets. $330-360/mo, includes some utilities. 309-662-1763.

For Sale Twin mattress & box spring - $80 set. Full set - $120. Queen set - $160 Like new! Will deliver. Call 309-846-3333. Keg Cooler. Full size. Stainless steel counter top w/ in-line drain pan. Brand True. $650 OBO. Call 309-838-3282. Sofa-$50, Desk and Leather Chair-$75. Call 824-4002

Automotive 1993 Mazda MX6. Sports coup. Loaded. 30mpg. Manual transmission. Very reliable! $850. 309-825-0586. 1998 Chevy Malibu. 4-door, power steering & windows, AM/FM radio. 78,000 miles, good condition, $2995. 828-3049.

Roommates Wanted Male seeks Male to share clean, quiet, furnished home. Reasonable, extras. 4541927. Male Subleaser Needed for 3BR apt. Close to campus. $300/mo + utilities. 217287-7749.

Fall/Spring ‘07-08 FREE GRASS w/ 4 BR house. Close to ISU. W/D, PARKING off street, quiet area, well maintained. Call 825-5435. 3BR House for Rent. Very close to campus. Off-street parking. $950/mo. Call 309-365-8515.

Night Managers Wanted-Residence Halls. $8.50/hr. Work study welcome, but not required. Call Night Operations at 4382913.

news 24/7 | www.dailyvidette.org

Spring ‘08 Largest 2BDRM on campus! Located 1 block from Milner. Free high-speed internet, water, and gas. 408 Normal Ave. If interested, call 630-336-3335.

Fa/Sp/Su ‘07-08 Cute 2BR House. Walking distance to ISU. No smoking. 12 month lease. $700/1 pers or $385/pers for 2 ppl + utilities. 309360-7491 or mx2mylott@grics.net

Su/Fa/Sp ‘07-08 301 S. WALNUT: Quiet 2BR. Balcony. Covered parking. Laundry. Some pets OK. Only $265 - $320! Class Act Realty 454-2960. FELL: Spacious Furnished 1 & 2 BR. 1 block from campus. Laundry. Gas & water paid. Start at $350. Class Act Realty 4542960. Nice Large House. Responsible group of 8-10. Private rooms, parking, central air, dishwasher, close to campus. Owner managed, $350 ea/mo if 10. 830-1873


Parking Spots available near Broadway & Vernon. Call 847-997-7454 or 847934-5811.

302 Glenn St. 4 blocks from ISU. Garage, bsmt, W/D, suitable for 2 students or family. $900/mo. 309-660-1089. 208 S. Gridley, Bloom. Large 1BR, 1BA apt. Quiet neighborhood. $475/mo + utils. 309-242-4884 or 309-663-4884. Townhomes 2, 3, or 4 BR. W/D, C/A, parking. Patio and/or balcony. Start at $230. Class Act Realty 454-2960. 2 BR Townhouse for 2. 2 blocks South of Watterson, furnished, central air. $365/person. Call 287-1870.

606 S. Linden, 1 female subleaser needed for 4BR apt. $442/mon. All utils. incld. W/D, Internet pd. (630) 800-8187.

Application and job description available in the Human Resources Department in City Hall, 109 E. Olive St. or visit our website at www.cityblm.org to learn more about these positions. City application required. Apply now! Interviews beginning immediately.

402 Normal Ave. 1 block from ISU. Water, garbage, cable, Internet paid. No smoking/pets. $450/mo. 1 year lease. Available now. 217-369-9642.

207 Cypress - 3 BR, 1 bath, yard, garage. On campus. $350/person/mo. 309-275-6845

Parking Lot Attendant for health/recreation club. Must have excellent customer service skills and valid driver’s license. Must be available Monday-Thursday 3:155:15pm. Apply to 904 Four Seasons Rd. Bloomington 663-2022.

Stage crew I and II positions supporting productions for the Cultural District are now available. Must have the ability to work a flexible schedule including nights and weekends. Previous theater experience preferred. $8.00 per hr and up.

SAMI has subleases available for Fall ‘07 school year. Contact us at 888-4600 or www.sami.com

Parking spots available on Dale Street, close to ISU, 2 payments available, please call 275-1829.

118 West Locust. 4 BR. H & W paid. Parking incl. $285/pers/mo. Deposit required. Call 275-5177 or 663-7807.

City of Bloomington Stage Crew Cultural District

Fall ‘07

304 Gregory. 4 bdrm house. North campus location, 1st time rental, in home laundry, C/A, large kitchen. $1050. 287-2036.

Need Security, over 21. Weekend hours. Must be reliable & good with people. Call 309-820-9241.

P/T Costume Rental Dept. 10-15 hrs/week. Apply in person. Weaver’s RentAll on Main St. by College Ave.

Fall/Spring ‘07-08 109 E. Poplar St. - Great Location! 1 BR, off street parking, close to trail. $350/mo. 287-6010.

IWU Area. Studio- $360 & Spacious 3BR apartments- $750. Hardwood. Available Now! (309) 827-4203. 1013 S. Main 3BR House, remodeled, near campus, W/D, C/A, basement, big garage, no pets. $950/mo. Call 531-4899. 1BR remodeled apt for rent. Laundry in facility, 1 car garage. Gas & water included. $500/mo. 708-214-6051. 109 E. Poplar St. - Great Location! 2 BR, off street parking, W/D, close to trail. $620/mo. 287-6010. 610 Osage - 3 BR, 1 bath, C/A, W/D, basement, garage. Real nice! $350/person/mo. 309-275-6845. 1714 Linda Lane. 1 mile from campus. 3BR, 2BA, suitable for 3-4. W/D, garage. $900/mo + utils. Call 309-660-1089.

ISU Student’s Monthly Expenditures






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With a circulation of 7500 Monday thru Friday, advertising in the Daily Vidette is a great way to promote your business or organization. Call today and see results.

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1611 N. Fell. 3BR, garage, W/D, close to Wesleyan, A/C, hardwd floors. $300/bdrm or $900/mo. Call 309-660-1089.

Plain border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 per issue

KEISER, 211. 2-3 bdrm House, quiet neighborhood, near ISU, D/W, large fenced-in yard, A/C. $650. 287-2036.

Reverse Black & White . . . . .add $4.00 per issue

315 Riley (Bloomington). 1 BR, C/A, new carpet, yard, cute! $450/mo. 309275-6845

Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .add $7.00 per issue Headline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .add $1.50 per issue

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Indiana State Basketball Section B


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• LINE ADS: 3 p.m. one business day before publication • DISPLAY ADS: 5 p.m. three business days before publication







HOOSIERSNEEDJOBS.COM Paid survey takers needed in Bloomington. 100% FREE to join! Click on Surveys.

Better Writing, Better Grades ñ Having trouble getting that paper or assignment done? Work individually with a trained writing instructor to help you conceptualize and write your paper or send us a final draft for editing and polishing. Email: info@campuswriting tutor.com; Call 812-272-3212; campuswritingtutor.com.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Camp counselors wanted. Friendly Pines Camp, in Prescott, AZ, is hiring for ‘08 season, May 24-July 31. Program has 30+ activities. Travel stipend. For app/info call: 928-445-2128 or email: info@friendlypines.com.

Movie Extra Opportunities in TV and Film Production. All looks needed, no experience required for casting calls. 877-218-6224

Permanent PT wknd. position w/ltd. travel. Pet food demonstrator. 18 & up, outgoing person.Pet lovers email resume to: andrew@gplonline.com.

Summer Camp Positions

HIRING NOW!!!! Condo for rent for Insight Bowl. Sleeps 3 couples. 2 BA, has all amenities. Approx. 5 mi. from Sun Devil stadium. 219-464-2337, ext. 1156

Found Ads Are Free! 3 Lines for 3 Days! Call us: 855-0763, press 2, then 1. www.idsnews.com.

Undercover Shoppers Earn up to $70 per day. Shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Experience not req. Call 800-722-4791.

Immediate opening for full & part time office position. Excel & QuickBooks A MUST. Great pay. Resume to : P.O. Box 426 Bloomington, IN 47402.


Ride share ads are free! 3 lines for 5 days! www.idsnews.com Or call us: 855-0763, press 2, then 1.

!! #1 Spring Break Website! 4 & 7 night trips from $299! Lowest price guaranteed. Group discounts for 8+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! StudentCity. com or 800-293-1445.

!BARTENDING! UP TO $300/Day. No Exp. nec. Training avail. 800-965-6520, x.112

Aver’s Gourmet Pizza Now Hiring Managers, Cooks, and Drivers. Apply within: 1837 N. Kinser Pike or 317 E. Winslow Rd.

Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarClub.com

You CAN have it all.

$9.00 per hour

Brownstone Terrace Great location, 14th and Dunn. 1, 2 & 3 BR avail. Aug. 812-332-3609, brownstoneterrace.com

Send Resume to: Ernie Pyle Hall, Rm 120 or e-mail: gmenkedi@indiana.edu EOE


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VILLAS varsityvillas.com (812) 334-0333 varsitycourt.com Established psychological test publishing company located in Springville, IN seeks programmer for development of Web-based administration products. Applicant must have experience in SQL and ASP (or PHP, JSP). Other programming experience is a plus. Full time with benefits. Send resume to hr@sassi.com by Dec. 15. No calls please.

telefund@indiana.edu http://www.telefund.iu.edu

855-5442 EOE

We pay up to $75 per survey. GetPaidToThink.com

Bloomington’s Biggest and best apartments and townhomes!

Space... Big Space Spac e... Best Value! • One and two bedroom apartments • Three and four bedroom townhomes • Best closets in Bloomington • Fully equipped kitchen

!!! 1&2 BR Hip Apts. & Cottages. 360-2706.

• • • •

Full-size washer & dryer included! On the shuttle route to campus Ask about “Munchies on the Go” 100% satisfaction guaranteed

!!! Now leasing: 08/09. 333-0995 omegabloomington. com !!!

***August 2008*** 4 BR, 2 BA apartments. 1 blk. South of Campus. A/C, D/W, W/D, prkg. $400/mo. ea. 325-7558 bestrents.homestead.com

***August 2008*** 4 BR, 2 BA apartments. 8 blks. West of Campus. A/C, D/W, W/D, prkg. $300/mo. ea. 325-7558


Open Monday thru Friday from 1pm-5pm Evenings and weekends by request...just ask! 1616 S. Henderson Street, Bloomington, IN 47401

Available December 1 & 2 BR corporates Fully furn. All utils. incl. Hunter Ridge: 334-2880.

*Now leasing for ‘08/’09, all locations. Close to campus. www.burnhamrentals. com. 339-8300. No pets. 1 BR apts. avail. Aug. Excellent campus and downtown locations. Starting at $325 w/ some utils. paid. Visit deckardhomes.com or 825-5579.

1 BR apts., $425 & up. 2 BR, $600 & up. 1955 N. College Ave. www.burnhamrentals. com. 339-8300. No pets.

1, 2 & 3 BR. Close to Campus. Costley & Co. 336-6246 www.tuckerobr.com

Pavilion Pavilion Heights Studio 1 & 2 BR apt.

* Henderson Crossing 2 BR APTS. CLOSE TO OPT & LAW SCHOOLS PARKING, 336-2026. * Sherwood Hills 2 & 3 BR APTS,QUIET, ON BUS LINE, W/D, PARKING. 336-2026


for the best choice on the best deal!

(812) 331-1616

**The Arbors. Fantastic, 2 & 3 BR apts. set deep in the woods w/ rainforest views, yet still in the city!! Huge island kit./ family rm. + living rm. w/ vaulted ceilings & fireplace. Lg. BA with garden tub + extra half bath. Many closets & built in shelving. Large deck, optional garage & W/D. Pets ok. Call for web site. $895-$1290 per mo. Call 219-2027. Grad. student discount avail. *Coming Aug. 2008! 320 S. Dunn Street. Check it out. www.burnhamrentals. com. 339-8300. No pets.

Get in now... For more information please call:



Provide clerical support for Creative Team. Work in a fast-paced advertising office. Must be detail-oriented & able to meet tight deadlines. Hours are 8 - 11 a.m., Mon.- Fri. Must be IU student. Immediate start date!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Bedroom


812.334.0333 or 812.336.6262

Tiffany gatelink ring. Silver/gold. Reward. 734-678-7860

Secure your summer job! Camp Rancho Framasa is an inclusive, residential camp, located in south central, Indiana, operated by the Catholic Youth Organization since 1946. Serving campers aged 7 to 16 in various programs. We offer a welcoming staff community in a beautiful outdoor setting. General Staff, Counselor Manager, Inclusive Programming, Ropes Course, Adventure and Health positions avail. All positions start at $240/week. Training is provided; start date May 31, 2008. Apply online campranchoframasa.org. Questions? Contact Angi at 888-988-2839, ext. 25 or email angi@ campranchoframasa. org.

****Campus Edge**** 3 MIN. FROM STADIUM 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $272 ea. 3 BR, 3.5 BA, Huge basement. $243 ea. 812-320-2955 www.iutownhomes.com

*DOWNTOWN Ultimate 1 BR loft next to the Bluebird with twostory atrium living rm, + dining rm. Large island kitchen w/bar. Pets ok. Grad student discount Available Now, $950/mo. Call Chris 219-2027.

3, 4, 5 BR Houses Now Leasing






Brownstone Terrace Great location, 14th and Dunn. 1, 2 & 3 BR avail. Aug. 812-332-3609, brownstoneterrace.com.



Available January 1 & 2 BR apts., half a block to campus. www.pavprop.com (812) 333 - 2332.


1-4 BR apts. Close to campus. Recently updated. Reasonably priced. Please call Fierst Rentals at 3322311 and leave msg. or email: www.fierstrentals.com.


Smith House Henderson Crossing Gentry Quarters The Woodlands Sherwood Hills

DOWNTOWN - 2BR, 1BA, 6 blks. to LAW SCHOOL. Newer, light filled building w/ 4 apts., $800/mo., 327-0800.

Hurry! Last 1 BR avail. 6 blocks from campus. Avail. Jan. Call today. 339-0951.

Northlane College Park Crescent Park

336-2026 2 BR, 2 BA. Pool & work out room. $800/mo. Incl. some utils. Take over 7 mo. lease. 217-304-6428

Downtown and Campus Locations. Studio, 1, 2, 3 & 4 starting at $460. Houses, 3-10 bedrooms. Minutes from Kelley School of Business, Main Library, Law School, Education & Music Schools. cedarviewapts.com 339-8777


!!! 2nd Semester Sublet. Near Stadium. $400/mo. + utilities. 812-340-4847

************************** Leasing for August, 2008. Close To Campus. 3 BR/ 3.5 BA condo. Study, desks in BR. W/D, D/W, microwave, blinds, free extended cable. On bus line. For leasing info., call 322-6149 or visit us on-line at crimsoncourtcom.

Close to campus. All utils. incl. 333-4748 HPIU.COM No pets please.

1 BR condo w/garage. College Mall Rd. Across from East Side Theatre. $600. 339-5134

3, 4, & 5 BR twnhs. on campus. All amenities incl., avail. Aug. 2008. 812-331-7797 www.apartments@elkinsrent.com

Why Rent When You Can Buy? Free list w/ pics of homes/condos for sale near campus. IndianaUniversityCampusHomes.com

Grab the reader’s




HPIU.COM No pets please.

Now leasing for August, 2008. 1 to 5 BR. www. elkinsapartments.com, 339-2859.

Apt. & rms. avail. Browse & post free. www.Sublet.com 1-877-367-7368

The Gables Spacious 2 & 3 BR Townhouse Apts. 1 blk. from dntwn. Avail. Aug. ‘08. Covered prkg., trash removal, all applns. incl. 333-9579

type in a classified ad!

IT WORKS 855-0763 (Press 2 then 1) or


All appliances included

5BR & 6BA

2 car garage


1 mile south of Law School On Campus Express bus route

Office located at:


2005 S. Rogers St. Bloomington, IN 47403 334-4010 www.shaw-rentals.com

!!! Available August !!! 2601 E. Dekist. 3 BR, 2 BA. johnandstacyhayes.com !!! Now leasing: 08/09. 333-0995 omegabloomington. com !!! ‘08 Campus locations: 5 BR houses. Best Buys at $450-$625 / BR. 321-939-0722 * Smith House 6th & Washington. Secure dntwn building. Luxurious 1,2 & 3 BR. Vaulted ceilings - fans, W/D, free prkg & water. 336-2026 ***Aug. 2008*** Close to campus, 1-9 BR houses. (812) 369-1661 **1, 3, 4 BR Houses** 10th & Dunn St. area. ***812-360-6800*** www.big10rentals.com *2-5 BR houses. Fall ‘08 Close to Campus. thunderboltproperty.com *New 3 BR, 2.5 bath w/ Jacuzzi. 2500 sq. ft., billiard rm. w/ bar, 2 decks, lg. island kit. w/ Viking range, huge walkin closets, garage avail. On 1 acre, landscape service incl., 1 mile from campus, near bus. Grad. disc. avail. $1890/ mo. Call Chris 219-2027. 2 & 3 BR houses at The Cottages - Avail. Aug., 08-09. 2 blks from Ed. Bldg/Ballantine Hall. All applns., parking, trash removal incl. 333-9579 2 BR Now Leasing! Near campus homes: updated/quiet, $740. www.bpm-home.com 2nd sem. 3 blks. from School of Music. Rose Ave. 3 BR + study. 2 BA home w/gar. Freshly painted, renovated. New wood floors. Lots of amenities. Call 339-5445 after 5 pm.

5 BR/ 2 and half BA. Great location, 2250 N. Lincoln, just North of 10th St. 812-330-1501.


Aug-08, near Music. 600 S. Rose. 4 BR, 2 BA, A/C, W/D, D/W. Freshly painted, new wood floors, no pets. N/S pref. GSM Prop. Call 339-5445, after 5. Aug. 08 ! ! ! ! ! ! 2-7 BR houses near campus & stadium, 361-1021. brownpropertymgt.com.


1 & 2 BR sublets avail. Price & lease terms neg. 333-9579 FOR RENT: 404 E. 20th St., 5 BRs/3 full BA, A/C, gas heat, & water. D/W, micro., free W/D, big lawn, priv. prkg. No pets or waterbeds. $2000/mo. + deposit+ utils. By appt. only. Call Phil at: 812-824-4016 or 812-325-2929.

For rent: 5 BR house. 1506 N. Washington. Jan. ‘08 - Aug. ‘08. $2200/mo. + utils. (269) 324 - 3404

Aug. 2008! 3 BR, 2 BA, A/C, W/D, D/W. $975/mo. 801 W. 11th Clean. No pets. 325-6950.

confidential • cash

1 BR apt. Near campus and College Mall. Avail. Jan. Call for details. 339-4582.

1 BR apt., avail. ASAP. $475/mo., OBO. Hoosier Ct.@Henderson Full kitchen and W/D. crawson@indiana.edu, 317-529-0601.

circlecitytickets.com 333-9075

WANTED: A pair of IU basketball season tickets. 3 3 6 - 0 6 1 6

1 BR, 8th & Washington! $450 + water, Spring & Summer ‘08, 1 BR of 2 BR. Own entrance & bath, close to campus, Kirkwood, and Square!! Great Management Co., nchurch@indiana.edu, 317-694-7814.


August ‘08, 3-5 BR houses. $900-$1600, pets okay, 325-0449.

APT. for SUBLEASE. SMALLWOOD, RENT NEGOTIABLE. 1-4 BEDROOMS, January - August. 317-496-5092

Avail. August. 2618 E. 7th, 3 BR/ 2 BA. johnandstacyhayes.com 812-360-2628 Awesome 5 BR house, August 08. Near corner of 7th & Dunn. 3252508 or 321-939-0722. Awesome, brand new home. Off of Atwater & Jordan. Avail. Dec., May, or Aug. elkinsapartments.com 339-2859

Leasing For Fall ‘08: 3, 4, & 5 BR houses. Close to Campus. 333-2332

On campus for Fall, 2007. 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 BR, no pets, 336-4553. www.iubloomington rentals.com

Close to campus, 3, 4 & 5 BR houses. Avail. August, 2008. 812-327-7859 Close to IU. 3 houses for rent. 1) 5 BR, 3 BA, 902 E. 14th St. $2000/mo., 3 blks. to Geology & SPEA, off street prkg. 2) 4 BR, 2 BA, 900 E. 14th St. $1600/mo., 3 blks. to Geology & SPEA, approved for 5 occupants. 3) 3 BR, 1 BA, 407 E. Smith St., $1400/mo., 1 blk. to Law School. All houses A/C, free W/D, 12 mo. leases, Aug. ‘08-’09. No pets. Call 876-1333. DOWNTOWN & Campus-Wide Houses. 1-10 BRs. Great locations & quality. W/D; decks; private parking; A/C; big yards. Call now: 339-8777. cedarviewapts.com

3 & 4 BR homes. Newly remodeled. Near IU & bus lines. 339-4244 3 BR homes and apts. Some include full basement. Avail. Aug. Many features included. $750-$1290 w/ some utils paid. Visit deckard homes.com or 825-5579.

$250/month, large room for sublet. South side, W/D, D/W, fireplace. 812-306-6862

$350/mo. + utils. split between 2 other rmmtes. 708-217-7193

1988 Volvo Turbo Wagon. Blue, leather interior. Sunroof. Good condition. $1800, obo. Call 988-2081 or email pchase@iquest.net.

Luxury Downtown Apt. One BR/BA in 2 BR/2BA, share w/ fem. + cat, corner apartment, 1 block from square. $685 - normally $865, ddkelley@indiana.edu.

Spring Sublet!! 1 BR of 4. Internet, W/D, gym. Near bus, school. Great rm, apt. $575, furn. neg. jsaxe@indiana.edu.

2003 GSXR 750. 10k mi., new rear tire, garaged, must sell! $4900, OBO. Brent: 812-219-7113.

Now Renting August 2008 HPIU.COM Houses and Apartments. Close to Campus.


333-4748 No Pets Please.


Why Rent When You Can Buy? Free list w/ pics of homes/condos for sale near campus. IndianaUniversityCampusHomes.com

You read this ad, didn’t you?

Don’t move it...SELL IT! With an IDS classified ad. Visiting professor seeks to house sit or sublet a house, condo, or apt. Jan. ‘08., 502-553-0614.

3, 4 & 5 BR. Close to Campus. Costley & Co. 336-6246 www.tuckerobr.com

The most cost effective way to reach readers in print and online. Call 855-0763 press #2 then #1 or www.idsnews.com/ classifieds.

4 BR house. Close to downtown & Campus. W/D, prkg. Includes water & sewage. 333-9579 5 BR homes, Fall 2008. Downtown & Eastside. btowntrentals.google pages.com. 323-1048

IU BASKETBALL Football - Concerts etatickets.com,336-5905.


508 N. Lincoln. 4 BR 2 BA, W/D, A/C $1500. 511 N. Lincoln. 5 BR,2 BA AC, DW, WD,$1800. 518 1/2 E 7. 4 BR 1 BA A/C W/D D/W, deck, most utils. incl. $1500. 616 N. Washington. Spacious 5 BR, 2 BA A/C, W/D, D/W. $2200. 317-698-6724.


Designed for student living

!!! August 08. Nice 2, 3, 4 and 5 BR houses near IU. $420-$450 per person. 332-5255.

3 BR 2BA $450/mo. Smallwood Plaza Spring 2008 Semester 455 N. College Ave. Smoking/non-smoking, W/D In unit, Free gym membership. Contact: Stefanie @ (203) 940-2281 Svillers@indiana.edu




!! Need a place to Rent?

5 BR houses close to campus. Reasonable prices. Call Fierst Rentals at 332-2311 and leave msg. or email www.fierstrentals.com.


Huge 1 & 2 BR. Close to campus; gas, heat & water incl. Pool. Terra Trace Apts. 812-334-2646

! August ‘08. Close to IU. 2 Attractive Homes. www.rentdowntown.biz 360-4517

824-3695 2 Bedroom apt. in house

Now leasing for Aug. 08 1, 2, 3 BR apartments. Hunter Ridge, 334-2880

6 BR. Downtown.

RentBloomington. NET.

FOR RENT to N/S pref. Duplex near stadium, 406 A&B E. 20th St. Each side has 5 BRs/2.5 BAs, AC, gas heat & water. DW, micro., free W/D, big lawn, lg. sundeck, priv. prkg. Near IU and city bus lines. No pets or water beds. $2000/mo. + deposit+ utils. By appt. only. Call Phil at: 812-824-4016 or 812-325-2929.


Large remodeled 1 BR. Big closets, corner unit. 325-5726 or 369-1661

3rd & Grant. 1 BR, $250/mo. Plus utils. 812-824-9165

!! Need a place to Rent?

Jan. 2008

Jan.-Aug. Lease avail. 1 or 2 BR. Great Location, Great Price. Park Doral Apartments. Call 336-8208.

3, 4, & 5 BR twnhs. on campus. All amenities incl., avail. Aug. 2008. 812-331-7797 www.apartments@elkinsrent.com

Avail. Jan. 2008. 1 BR apts. $575/mo. 812-332-3609 brownstoneterrace.com




!!! 2 blks.-Music, Myers. 502 S. Woodlawn. Incl. util, $265+, quiet, clean, share kit., BA. 322-4290. For Fall 2008-2009. On campus, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 BR. (812) 336-4553, iubloomingtonrentals.com.

Find what you want? Try the IDS Classifieds ...

Sell your Stuff!!!!!! Spring ‘08 rmmte. Fem. pref. Apt. across from Kilroy’s Sports Bar. 2 stories, new carpet, W/D. Furn. or unfurn. 858-342-0885

Womens Road Bike Cannondale Synapse, 50cm only $850. Rarely used. More bike equip. 317-491-4100 mmarndt@indiana.edu

Go to idsnews.com/ Classifieds or call 855-0763, press 2 then 1 to advertise your : garage, yard, or rummage sale!

THEY WORK. 855-0763 (Press 2, then 1) or idsnews.com/classifieds


Rent-Apt. Unfurnished


LARGE ONE-BEDROOM next to campus. Very nice, recently updated with ample parking. No pets. Available immediately. 785-313-4994.

785-532-6555 Rent-Houses

Announcements ADVANCED EDUCATION. Gaia Salon and Spa. Free hair cut, color, or texture. Call for more information, 785-539-2622.

T W O - B E D R O O M HOUSE. Six month lease starting January 1. No utilities paid. Call 785-5391975. TWO-BEDROOMS, ONE bath. Available November 2nd; No pets or smoking; $625 plus utilities. Call Wildcat Property Management 785-537-2332.

LEARN TO FLY! K-State Flying Club has five airSale-Houses planes and lowest rates. Call 785-776-1744, www.ksu.edu/ksfc. WHY RENT when you WOMEN OF K-State, can own. Starting at don’t become a sexual as- $112,650. 785-537-2096. sault victim. Key chain pepper sprayers on sale. Call 785-341-5294 or email hacman72@hotmail.com.

Lost and Found KYLIE R. you left green striped spiral notebook found in Kedzie with picture of Matt. Please come cone to Kedzie 103 to claim.

1995 THREE-BEDROOM, two-bath, garden tub, dishwasher, range, large kitchen and living area. Manhattan $15,500. 785374-4525. FOR SALE by owner 2005, three-bedroom, two bath, 16x80, central air, storage shed, located in Walnut Grove, 785-5642172 or 785-313-4560 please leave message.

Housing/Real Estate

FEMALE ROOMATE. Spacious, clean five-bedroom home, two full baths, appliances, off-street parking. Pierre & 17th. $290/ Rent-Apt. Furnished month plus one-fifth utilities, cable, internet. ImmeMANHATTAN CITY Ordi- diate availability. 785-280nance 4814 assures ev- 1041. ery person equal opportunity in housing with- FURNISHED TOP floor in out distinction on ac- house. Hardwood floors, count of race, sex, famil- fireplace, walk to campus, ial status, military sta- washer/ dryer, pets ok. tus, disability, religion, $450, utilities paid. Patty age, color, national ori- or Tim 785-249-1155. gin or ancestry. Viola- MALE ROOMMATE. Walk tions should be re- to class. All furnished. ported to the Director of Washer/ dryer without meHuman Resources at ter. No smoking, drinking, City Hall, 785-587-2440. or pets. 785-539-1554. ROOM AVAILABLE at Brittnay Ridge Townhouse. Washer/ dryer, full Rent-Apt. Unfurnished kitchen, and furnished living room. $275 a month plus utilities. 785-256MANHATTAN CITY Ordi- 4505 or 785-587-5703. nance 4814 assures every person equal opportunity in housing without distinction on acSublease count of race, sex, familial status, military status, disability, religion, BEDROOM AVAILABLE age, color, national ori- in large apartment with gin or ancestry. Viola- two female roommates. tions should be re- Dogs allowed. $295 rent ported to the Director of plus utilities. Call Erin at Human Resources at 972-989-8741 if interested. City Hall, 785-587-2440. ROOMMATE NEEDED:

ONE-BEDROOM AVAILABLE January 1 in newer complex close to campus/ Aggieville no pets call John at 785-313-7473

Help Wanted

Service Directory

Child Care OCCASIONAL SITTER wanted for evening and weekends for 19 month old. References required. Please call 785-320-6997.

Help Wanted THE COLLEGIAN cannot verify the financial potential of advertisements in the Employment/ Career classification. Readers are advised to approach any such business opportunity with reasonable caution. The Collegian urges our readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 501 SE Jefferson, Topeka, KS 66607-1190. 785-2320454. ACCOUNT SERVICE REPS needed to start fulltime on December 17, 2007 at Security Benefit corporate headquarters in Topeka KS. All degree majors welcome for this entry-level career opportunity. After comprehensive training, account service reps provide information and service (no selling or solicitation) relating to financial products. We offer professional development and advancement opportunities as well as competitive salary and a generous benefits package. Students, new graduates, and alumni encouraged to apply via our online application at www.securitybenefit.com or phone 785438-3644. Equal opportunity employer.

DAYLIGHT DOUNUT’S needs night cooks full or part-time must be able to work to at least 3a.m. Aptwo-bedroom and two ply at store. bath apartment. Fur- EARN $800- $3200 a nished, third floor view, month to drive brand new swimming pool, tanning cars with ads placed on bed, CABLE PAID. $379/ them. www.AdCarClub.m o n t h . A V A I L A B L E com. NOW! 785-375-0888.


555 785.532.6

A 785 dvertise

IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE near K-State campus. Three-bedroom, one bath, kitchen, dinette, den, and laundry. $450 each. Contact John at 785-313-4990.

. Instructor permission required. No prerequisites necessary. Stop by Kedzie from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. and or apply online at www.kstatecollegian.com/spub


Spring State Kansasegian ll Co


Advertising Design

If you are a graphic design major and would like an on-campus Spring ‘08 internship for credit, stop by for an application. Your art department adviser’s permission is required. Stop by 113 Kedzie 8 am - 2 pm for more information.


Tour Packages TRAVEL TO England, Ireland, and Wales for eleven days with EF tours at the end of May, 2008. Cost for students is $2,767. Cost includes hotels, airfare, two meals per day, transportation, and guides. Call Diane, 913-724-4224.

Application deadline by 4 pm on Friday, Nov. 16.

1 DAY 20 words or less $12.75 each word over 20 20¢ per word 2 DAYS 20 words or less $14.70 each word over 20 25¢ per word 3 DAYS 20 words or less $17.40 each word over 20 30¢ per word

5 DAYS 20 words or less $20.50 each word over 20 40¢ per word

Items for Sale

(consecutive day rate)

To Place An Ad Spring Break SPRING BREAK ‘08: The Ultimate Party. Lowest prices. Free meal and drinks. By November 1. www.sunsplashtours.com. 1-800-426-7710. SPRING BREAK 2008. Sell trips, earn cash and go free. Call for group discounts. Best deals guaranteed! Information/ reservations 1-800-648-4849. www.ststravel.com

n the

a job i

eds i f i s s a Cl Section




Go to Kedzie 103 (across from the K-State Student Union.) Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or place an ad online at www.kstatecollegian.com/ and click the yellow Submit Classified link.

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Corrections If you find an error in your ad, please call us. We accept responsibility only for the first wrong insertion.


Delivery Drivers $10-$15/hr Apply within. 2615 Anderson Ave. 537-1400

The Mongols are coming to Manhattan!!! We are currently accepting applications for the following positions: Servers, Cooks, Host/ Hostess, Bartenders, Line Servers, Dishwashers and Managers. Apply in person: Manhattan Town Center Food Court Entrance Please visit us on the web at HuHot.com

Pregnancy Testing Center 539-3338

•Join the fastest growing food chain in the United States •Competitive weekly pay •Weekly paid bonus •Health, dental plans, 401K •Ideal candidate: - Restaurant Experience

Please send resume or letter of interest to Carol Green at 1-866-457-7190

If you sell your item before your ad has expired, we will refund you for the remaining days. You must call us before noon the day before the ad is to be published.

Headlines For an extra charge, we’ll put a headline above your ad to catch the reader’s attention.


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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats.

Housing/Real Estate

Service Directory

Opening for Store Manager 6621

- People Person -Hands on Apply online at kstatecollegian.com/spub and download “Hourly” application.


4 DAYS 20 words or less $19.35 each word over 20 35¢ per word

Open Market

BOOKS FOR sale: 1. Anthology of Chinese Poetry (translated to English). 2. The Philosophy of Mechanics. http://www.WORK STUDY Position lcwangpress.com. Available. Duties include customer service, clerical tasks and conducting eligiTickets to Buy/Sell bility interviews with program applicants. 20 hours/ week with flexible GARTH BROOKS single scheduling to accommo- concert tickets for sale for date classes. Must be ap- November 8th. Call 785proved for Work Study. - 537-9470. Please contact Patrick O’Neil, Special Projects Manager/ HR, at 785 7768588 ext. 103 or o’neil@mhaks.org for more information, or apply at the Manhattan Transportation Housing Authority Administrative Office, 300 N. 5th Street, Manhattan, KS.

ence and references necessary. Call for details, 785-564-1340.

PROGRAMMER CIVICPLUS is the nations leading provider of Local Government web sites. Fulland Part-time positions in Manhattan. Competitive pay plus full-time benefits including Health, Dental, Paid Holidays, Paid Vacation and 401K. Prior programming experience required, ASP and SQL preferred. E-mail resume to: jobs@civicplus.com.

Classified ads must be placed by noon the day before you want your ad to run. Classified display ads must be placed by 4 p.m. two working days prior to the date you want your ad to run.

Classified Rates

1988 CHEVY CAMARO Sport Coupe. Numbers matching 305 TBI. Flowtech exhaust, auto, t-top, extra parts. $3600 or best offer. 785-320-6885.

NOW HIRING. Subway. Work up to twenty hours a week, meals provided. Day, night, and weekend shifts needed. Will work around schedule. Pick up application at any Subway, including the Student Union.

2002 FORD Focus. 80,000 miles. In excellent condition. $5,000 or best offer. If you want to see it, please call 785-539-7161 or 785-537-1133. 1415 Fort Riley Blvd. Manhattan, KS. Next to Thomas Sing Co.


LITTLE APPLE Toyota Honda looking for morning, day, and evening part-time help washing cars. Pay negotiable. Apply in person, Monday through Friday, 9 to 6. LOOKING FOR reliable college student to occasionally care for 5 year old child. For more information call 785-784-4396 or 785-375-2480.


CALL 785-532-6555


Earn class credit working with the ad design/production staff on the Kansas State Collegian during .

raphic ‘08 esign

VISTA DRIVE In. Home of the world famous vistaburger, is adding to our team. We are a locally owned quick service restaurant serving the best burgers in town. Vista is hiring now for all shifts. We focus on having a fun and positive atmosphere. Vista is not just another “fast food” joint. We serve the best food and are proud of it. Individuals must have a positive attitude and be able to work well with others in a fast paced environment. We offer meal discounts, very flexible scheduling, and promote from within.SELF-MOTIVATED indi- Apply in person at 1911 viduals for home-based Tuttle Creek Blvd. visbusiness. Special until tadrivein.com the end of October. Great company with great prod- WE ARE currently adding ucts. Serious inquaries to our staff in the positions of day, night and weekend only! 785-317-2546 WAITSTAFF, CASHIER, STUDENT PUBLICABAKERY, DISHWASHER, TIONS Inc. has a partCOOKS, and SALAD time position for a MacinBAR positions. We offer tosh technician available . great benefits: CompetiThe tech support team tive wages. Flexible maintains about 50 Macinhours. Paid vacations. Adtosh workstations, providvancement opportunities. ing software support as Profit sharing. Meal diswell as performing gencounts. Students and eral hardware maintemothers of school age chilnance. Any experience dren are encouraged to with Mac OSX, design apply. Apply Monday- Frisoftware such as Adobe day at Sirloin Stockade Photoshop, Adobe InDe325 E. Poyntz, Manhattan. sign, and networking is helpful but not required. Pay starts at $6.50 per WILDCATSNEEDJOBS.hour with the opportunity COM. PAID survey takers to advance. Must be a full- needed in Manhattan. time student at KSU. Ap- 100% free to join. Click on plications may be picked surveys.


Help Wanted

tan, KS or call 785-776445/ Attn: Kim, Salon Manager.

Rent-Houses FOUR-BEDROOM, TWO bath, west of campus. Available November 1. Super nice house, fully equipped kitchen, central air, washer/ dryer, single car garage, two- three living areas. 785-539-4641.

Help Wanted


PROJECT MANAGER: CivicPlus has an opening in our Manhattan headquarters office for a fulltime Project Manager. This challenging position entails managing multiple website redesign projects from start to finish. Position requires attention to detail, the ability to manage multiple tasks, priorities and deadlines, and a cheerful attitude. Training is provided. Benefits include Health, Dental, Paid Holidays, Paid Vacation and 401(k) matching. Email resume in text or Word format to jobs@civicplus.com.

ions! Earn $15- $125 per survey! www.cash2opin- up in 113 Kedzie or online ion.com. at http://www.kstatecolleDownHAIR EXPERTS Salon gian.com/spub/. and Spa is looking for a load the second applicafun, energetic, fashion fo- tion at this link. Applicacused person to join our tion deadline is 5 p.m. Friteam as a part-time salon day, Nov. 16, 2007. coordinator. Must be pro- TEACHER: USD 378 is fessional, reliable, detail accepting applications for oriented, and a team Substitute Teachers. player. A strong computer Please contact Becky background, commitment Pultz at 785-485-4000 or to excellent customer ser- bpultz@usd378.org. vice, with ability to multiSHOPtask is required. Must be UNDERCOVER available Monday through PERS. Earn up to $150 Saturday. Competitive per day. Undercover shoppay and excellent bene- pers needed to judge refits! Please bring resume tail and dining establishand availability to 1323 ments, experience not reAnderson Ave, Manhat- quired. Call 800-722-4791.

MECHANICALLY INCLINED student to do apartment and upkeep, beginning immediately. Flexible hours. Variety of work: carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting, yard work, and general maintenance. Send letter and reATTORNEY SEEKS Le- sume c/o Student Publicagal Assistant, Secretary, tions, Box 300, Manhattan part-time, experience pre- 66506. ferred, letters/ resume to Harper Law Offices, 400 MOVIE EXTRAS. New opPoyntz Ave Manhattan, portunities for upcoming productions. All looks KS 66502. needed no experience reBARTENDING! $300 a quired for cast calls. Call day potential. No experi877-218-6224. ence necessary. Training provided. Call 1-800-965- NANNY POSITION avail6520 ext. 144. able. Part-time. Experi-

S U B L E A S E R ( S ) NEEDED for two-bedroom apartment. Walking distance to campus. Available January. Call for T H R E E - B E D R O O M . more information 913-206CLOSE to campus. All util- 6992. ities paid. No pets, no smoking. Call 785-3138292 or 785-313-8296. TWO AND three-bedroom apartments. 785-5372096.

FIRST MANAGEMENT has a part-time leasing agent position available for a busy apartment community. Qualified applicants must have reliable transportation, a willingness to work a varied schedule, it is required to be able to work full-time from July 23rd through August 6th for apartment turnover. Please apply at our Chase Manhattan Apartment location, 1409 Chase Place, (corner of College and Claflin). No phone calls please. Equal Opportunity Employer.

Employment/Careers GET PAID for your opin-

Sale-Mobile Homes

Roommate Wanted

ONE-BEDROOM apartment available for Dec. or Jan. lease. 350/ month. Close to Aggieville and city park. (530) 339-5975.




Bulletin Board

To place an advertisement call


Open Market

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Got something to sell? Want to make an announcement? Need to find an apartment or roommate? With the potential to reach over 33,000 LSU students, faculty and staff, there is no better way to advertise. Not only do we print twice a week, but there is no additional charge to place your classified ad on the world wide web at www.lsureveille.com. Just click “classifieds,” where your ad can be viewed on our website, that averages up to 65,000 unique visitors a week. For more information, please call (225) 578-6090.





HELP WANTED TIGERSNEEDJOBS. COM Paid Survey Takers Needed In Baton Rogue. 100% FREE To Join! Click On Surveys. Needed, civil engineering student, sophomore or higher level to work Mon/Wed. pm in office. 225.925.2829 DESIGNER Auto-Cad Designer, Civil Architecture, Landscape. $10/ hr. Send resume to: info@colemanbrown.com COLLEGE S TUDENT S: We pay up to $75 per survey. www. GetPaidToThink.com PRESCHOOL TEACHER NEEDED Small learning center near LSU needs nurturing part time teacher who loves to work with young children 2:30 - 5:30 M-F. 225.766.1159 PERFECT STUDENT WORK! Enter Data Online! $30-$50 per form. $200+ Day Possible. WWW. BESTSTUDENTWORK. INFO RED S TICK SPOR TS Sports-Oriented People Needed for Retail and Warehouse positions. FT or PT available. Will work around school schedule. Call 769-6232, ask for Brian.

BAR BACK/LIQUOR AUDITOR Early morning position taking inventory of bars and restaurants. $10 per hour, computer skills beneficial. 225.337.2247

THE UNIVERSIT Y CLUB is now hiring for all positions: servers, golf shop attendants, maintenance crew, and outside services. Call 819-0800 for more info.

DRUNK DRIVING Zingo Baton Rouge is here to stop it. We are a designated driving service that picks customers up and drives them home in their own cars. Hiring drivers now, pay ranges $12-$18/ hour WWW. ZINGOBR. COM 225.445.4708

BREW -BACHER’S GRILL Government St and Bluebonnet Locations now hiring Flexable hours. Full or part time Apply in person AVON Buy or Sell $10 to start youravon.com/ ktemplet 985.518.8887


VET. TECH POSITION All Pets Hospital needs P/ F time help. Experience preferred 225.767.2462

The Daily Reveille is not responsible for the content of any classified and reserves the right to reject any ad. Advertisers must agree to accept the type sizes and styles of The Daily Reveille. No refunds will be made for errors in the classifieds, as ads are proofed by the person placing the ad. No refunds will be given in the event of an overrun, as advertisers select thier own dates in which to insert the ad. In the event of error, immediate notice must be given to the staff: the publishers are responsible for only ONE incorrect insertion. All claims and adjustments must be made no later than 15 days after publication. Deadline for ads is 12 noon two working days prior to the print publication date. ADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE BY CHARGE ON OUR WEB SITE AT CLASSIFIEDS.LSUREVEILLE.COM.

AUTO DETAILERS We are a luxury car wash and auto detailing company. We are looking for full and part-time auto detailers to join our team. We will provide all the necessary training for qualified applicants. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and a good driving record. Strong attention to detail, enjoy physical labor. We are looking for employees who take pride in doing a job well-done, are able to work outside in a fast paced environment and be a team-player. $7.00/hour plus commissions Apply in Person 9860 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70809 225.291.9902 BANQUET WAITERS needed for private catering business. Uniforms and some meals provided. Flexible hours. $8/ hour to start. Call for interview 225.383.5886



BA in advertising, marketing or relevant experience. Solid org & communications skills a must. Send resume to jboneno@z-comm.com. EOE.

TEACHERS NEEDED Christian Preschool 3-6 p.m. flexible days 225.293.9447

PAR T TIME - S TUDENT JOBS $7.00/hr to start plus bonuses and commission. 12 Call Center Positions Avail. 5-8pm M - F and 3 - 8pm Sat. Call 225.761.7243 PAID INTERNSHIP Accounting/ Business/ Finance or related major preferred. OFFICE/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASST for tax/ bookkeeping firm. Customer service, computer skills needed. Flexible schedule, flexible hrs, competitive pay. Fax resume to 225-749-0036 or email to info@b-and-b-services.com. 225.749.3344 R AISING CANES OFFICE ASSIS TANT We are currently looking for: Office Assistants (Part-time) Responsibilities include: Running errands and participate in special assignments, performing various office responsibilities as needed. Qualifications: Must be available 2 full days a week and some evening or weekend availability • Must be service oriented and have MS Office knowledege• Must have reliable transportation and 18 years of age or older preferred. Email Résumés to: greatjobs@raisingcanes.com Please reference: Office Assistant Position Raising Cane’s appreciates & values individuality. EOE 225.383.7400 Zehnder Communications seeking an Account Coordinator in our BR office.

CPA FIRM part time flex hours, bus/accnt major preferred, skilled in MS word &excel, paid school study time available. Fax res 926-5276 or www.nesbitcpa@aol.com 225.926.5253 RUNNER/INTERN BR CPA Firm has an opening for a runner/intern 20-25 hours per week. Hours are flexible. Accounting or Finance majors only please. Email resume to dcarter@psha.com SERVERS NEEDED for downtown restaurant. Catering & Dining service. Call Mike @ 225.328.5604. OUTBACK S TEAKHOUSE in Gonzales is

now hiring all positions. Apply Mon Thurs 2pm - 4pm 225.644.3038 AR AMARK @ DOW CHEMICAL in Plaquemine Hiring Cashiers, Food Service Workers, Lead Cook (225) 3532203 HIGHL ANDSIDE Sales Associates Needed for Gifts/Interiors Store. $8/hr to start. Apply in person or email resume w/ availability to highlandside@hotmail.com CARE ATTENDANT S needed to assist the disabled and elderly in their homes and in the community. $7-$9 per hr. Great experience for your resume. No exp. req’d. We train! Apply at 4521 Jamestown Ave., Ste. 10 M-F 9a-3p or call for appointment 225.930.0213 Lindsey’s Bouncing Tigers is looking for fun, enthusiastic people for our children’s birthday party facility. Must be

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2007 available weekends! Experience with kids a plus. Email party@bouncingtigers.com for an application or call 225.767.1555 Movie Extra Opportunities in TV and Film production All looks needed no experience required for casting calls. Call 877-218-6224 SUBWAY 4250 Burbank next to Izzo’s. Sandwich Artists Needed! !BAR TENDING! Up to $250/Day. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Age 18+ OK 1-800-965-6520 xt127 NOW HIRING!!! Do you want to help throw the best cocktail party in town! Fox & Hound English Pub & Grille is now hiring all positions; Servers, Cooks, Hosts, & Bartenders. The best place to make money and have fun is here!



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2007 Apply in person at: 5246 Corporate Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (225) 926-1444 PT S TUDENT WORKER Lewis Computer Services, Inc. is currently seeking a Part-Time Student Worker. This individual will be responsible for business errands with company vehicle, miscellaneous clerical projects, answering multiline phones, and greeting visitors. *Must have clean driving record. * Must be currently enrolled in college. * Must have exceptional communication and customer service skills. * Basic computer skills are required. * Previous office experience preferred. * No nights or weekend work. Looking to hire immediately. Our office hours are M-F 8am6pm. Please e-mail your resume including your availability to work during these hours for the fall semester, winter break, and spring semester to jobs@lewis.com. 225.709.2000 Now hiring students to work with disabled children and adults. Assist with educational needs, socialization, outings, physical therapy, etc. Great experience for college students. Flexible hours. Jobs in Baton Rouge, Gonzales, and Brusly. Apply in person at St. John the Baptist, Human Services 7732 Goodwood Blvd. Suite A-1. 225.216.1199 Undercover Shoppers Earn up to $70 per day. Shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments EXP. Not Required CALL 800-722-4791 HAIR S ALON RECEPTIONIS TS Hair Salon needs P/ T receptionists to work Tues-Sat Apply with in 13636 Perkins Road 225-763-9988 WANT A FUN JOB? COUNTER CULTURE Frozen Yogurt, now hiring all shifts! Apply in person, 7711 Perkins Rd. 225.767.9977 NEED EXTR A INCOME- $1500.. Pay yourself to eat gourmet foods or treat yourself to an amazing meal. Includes great tax deductions -Call 504432-1414 for more information or find more at MenageInnovations.com/851158 Men Needed for haircutting video. Short cuts. bald men welcome long hair needed $100. Send pic or call craigs_1@charter 225.252.9226 EARN UP TO $2000... Jump start your fitness plan... Work with an exercise specialist... Pennington needs healthy (BMI 22-30), sedentary Caucasian men (20-40 yrs) to participate in a 29-day exercise study. Call 763.3000 or visit www.pbrc.edu FOR SALE HOUSE 4 SALE - Close to LSU! 3BR2BA 754 John Henry Dr. 1,436sqft. $151,900 http://members.cox.net/mwesley13 225.761.0887 TIGER MANOR CONDOMINIUMS The Official Condominiums of LSU Athletics available for Sale and Lease in Spring 08. Please ask about our New Year Specials! Open 7 days a week Mon-Fri. 8:30-5:30 / Sat.10:00-5:00 / Sunday Appointment Only. Luxury Condos starting at $119,000* 100% Financing

Available Seller pays $1000 toward closing costs $5,000 Grand Opening Move-In Special WALK TO CLASS OR TIGER STADIUM Just outside the North Gates of LSU 3000 July St. Gated Community, Spacious 1, 2, or 3 bedroom floor plans 2, Sparkling Swimming Pools, 2 New Club Houses, Fitness, Center, Lushly landscaped courtyards, Interiors have slab granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, washers and dryers, walk-in closets, hardwood floors in living and dining rooms, ceramic floors in kitchen and bathrooms. TOO MANY AMENITIES TO LIST! 225-3465055 www.tigermanor.com FOR S ALE 2 bdrm condo Brooke Hollow 5145 Nicholson Dr apt 59 504-4170118 or 985.785.0056 FOR RENT Always your source for real estate! Sales, leasing, and association management. Realty & Management Services. Kathryn Mason REALTOR (225)2476913 kathrynmason@cox.net SUB LESSOR NEEDED, NOR THG ATE First month free! Need male to assume lease immediately for one room of a four room quad unit at Sterling Northgate. $600/ mo.rent. 318.469.1463 NO DEPOSIT!!!AVAIL DEC 1! 2/1Apt close to LSU Pets allowed $788 includes internet & cable 573.8770 or 278.9764 Condo for rent $1500.00 per month 3Brs,2 full baths all, appliance, gated, pool, sand vollyball court, Brightside Est. 504.382.8655 2 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH SUBLEASE FULLY FURNISHED APT. available immediately! University Crescent. $594/ bedroom. call 504.231.2096 1 Bedroom Apt - $495 Washer & Dryer onsite, in Tigerland, Excellent Condition, 225.772.5825 APAR TMENT S S TILL AVAIL ABLE 1 BR

starting at $400 2 BR starting at $475 No deposit w/ 7 month lease WWW. LSUWESTCHIMES. COM 225.346.4789 APAR TMENT FOR SUBLET apartment for sublet available january 1, 2008 or sooner for second semester w/ the option to renew in june 2008. 2/2 in gated tigerland rent $875.00, internet and cable included, has w/d, dishwasher and disposal, huge clothes, lots of roomcall 225-938-2709 2 APT S LEFT FOR RENT 2 bd 2 ba in gated community in quiet Garden Dist. Pool, Laundry Rm., Pets allowed. $800 mo/$400 dep. 1 yr. lease. 387-6970 or 931-2370 LSU, Tigerland, 1or 2 BR Apartment, woodfloor, pool, laundry onsite, $495~$595/mo. call 766-7224 TIGER MANOR CONDOMINIUMS The Official Condominiums of LSU Athletics now available for Sale and Lease in Spring 08. Please ask about our New Year Specials! Open 7 days a week Mon-Fri. 8:30-5:30 / Sat. 10:00-5:00 / Sun. Appointment Only. Luxury Condos starting at $119,000* 100% Financing Available. Seller pays $1000 toward closing costs. $5,000 Grand Opening Move-In Special. WALK TO CLASS OR TIGER STADIUM. Just outside the North Gates of LSU. 3000 July St. Gated Community, Spacious 1, 2, or 3 bedroom floor plans 2, Sparkling Swimming Pools, 2 New Club Houses, Fitness, Center, Lushly landscaped courtyards, Interiors have slab granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, washers and dryers, walk-in closets, hardwood floors in living and dining rooms, ceramic floors in kitchen and bathrooms. TOO MANY AMENITIES TO LIST! 225-3465055 www.tigermanor.com AMAZING SUBLEASE!!! Sublet 1 bdrm apt. December - July with option to renew! No security deposit! I’ll take $100 off each month’s rent! Great amenities! I MUST SUBLET MY PLACE! Contact me ASAP!!! Walk to LSU Big Clean 1br on the pool $495. Studio $445 inc. UL’s 2br near BRCC Wood floors all appls.inc. $575.

PAGE 15 766-2115

together. See you Nov. 10th!!

2BR/1BA Close to LSU, on Stanford, hdwd flrs, ceiling fans, W/D, $650dep, $700/m 678.665.1504



SEEKING S TUDENT TICKET S Seeking 7 student tickets for LSU vs. Arkansas! Any number of tickets you have will help! E-mail mbrou37@lsu.edu or call 256.679.2910

2 rooms for rent in 2 houses. Good nghd. W&D, ph., alarm etc. No lease needed. Avail.now. $265and$260 225.921.1209 ROOMATES WANTED $400 HUGE HOUSE! ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. WOW! 3BR/3BATH/4LIVING RMS. GAME RM. BIG SCREEN PLAZMA TVS FOR LSU GAMES. WASHER/ DRYER, CABLE, HIGH SPEED WIRELESS NET, PHONE, ALARM, HUGE YARD, UPSCALE & QUIET UPPER CLASS AREA. OFF PERKINS/ COLLEGE DR. CONGRESS BLVD. COLLEGE STUDENT FUN. NO LEASE 225.772.2506 ROOMATE NEEDED for tigerland townhouse. w/d, walk-in closet, on bus route. 400/mo.+1/2 utilities. 713.515.7363 FEMALE ROOMATE for 3BR house in Beau Pre - $500/mos + 1/3rd util lcjterry@yahoo.com/225-405-0842 AD Room for rent to LSU student in nice home, quiet neighborhood just south of campus; reply to lneilson@ntlaw.com PERSONALS FACE PAINTED COWBOY HAT GUY You looked super-hot a the Auburn game. I’ll be the gal with my face painted too. Lt. brown hair 5’6” and if it’s not too cold I’ll have my cowgirl hat on too. I’ll look for you in the student section at the Homecoming Game! Maybe we can cheer on our team and GEAUX home

SEEKING TICKET S! 2 tickets to LSU vs Louisiana Tech game Nov. 10. Will pay $$ 225.615.7229 SEC CHAMPIONSHIP TICKET S TWO FABULOUS SEATS - LOGE LEVEL SEC 217 W/ACCESS TO CLUB BAR. $600. 404.786.1015 MISCELLANEOUS GOLF LESSONS = LOWER SCORES 1 hour private video golf lessons 4399600 ANNOUNCEMENT S This section can also be used to congratulate your friends on a promotion, engagement, anniversary, or whatever you like. Send a note of happiness or birthday wish to your friends here in The Daily Reveille. www.lsureveille.com/ classifieds L ASER PRINTER REPAIR/SERVICE Repairs and service for all major brands of laser printers. 225.819.2277



Classified CLASSIFIED INFO Phone: (303) 556-2507 Fax: (303) 556-3421 Location: Tivoli #313 Advertising via Internet: www.themetadvertising.com Classified ads are 15¢ per word for students currently enrolled at Metro State. A student ID must be shown for this rate. For all others, the cost is 30¢ per word. The maximum length for classified ads is 50 words. Pre-payment is required. Cash, check, VISA and MasterCard are accepted. The deadline for classified ad placement is 5pm on the Thursday prior to the week of publication. Classified ads may be placed via fax, in person or online at www.themetadvertising. com. The deadline for placing classified ads via online ordering is 3pm Friday for the following week. For information on classified display advertising, which are ads that contain more than 50 words or have logos, larger type, borders or artwork, call (303) 556-2507 or go to www.mscd.edu/~osm for our rate information.

HELP WANTED PARENTS OF DELIGHTFUL Autistic Child and her 2 adorable siblings are looking for a part-time (after school on Mon-Thurs-Fri) care provider. Emphasis on communication and interaction with the children, fun activities, hosting play dates, helping with homework, etc. Please call (303) 3995790. 3/1 NOW HIRING COMMUNITY Assistants - FREE RENT and BOARD!!! The Regency: Auraria’s Student Housing Community is hiring Community Assistants. Previous community or resident assistant experience is preferred. Qualified applicants contact Joy Whitney at (303) 477-1950 or email jwhitney@regencystudenthousing.com 3/1 LASTING IMPRESSIONS IS now hiring Neighborhood Marketers. No experience necessary, 18+ ok. $9-12 Base + Bonuses. Paid weekly - no selling! Call today - start tomorrow! We will train. Part time hours, full time pay. Contact David at (303) 752-4141. 3/1

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THE AVID COLLEGE Preparatory Program in the Cherry Creek School District is seeking tutors to facilitate middle and high school learning groups. Must become a district employee. Pays $10.00 per hour. Various schedules available. For information, call Kathy Vining at (720) 554-4527. 3/29 Thousands of Colorado couples cannot achieve their dream of having a baby. You can help by becoming an egg donor. The Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine egg donor program is the largest in the state and has helped more than 1,000 couples have healthy happy babies.

A MAN WITH A VAN Moving - Hiring energetic movers/drivers. Great tips. Flexible hours. Ask for Brett (303) 370-6600. 5/3 EARN $2500 + MONTHLY and more to type simple ads online. www.DataAdEntry. com 3/1 NANNY NEEDED: T/TH 10:00 -5:00 for 9-month-old Must have car Apply at (303) 337-4772 or www.nannyconnectionusa.com 3/1


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FURNISHED TOWNHOUSE for Rent Southeast Denver Nice, clean 2 BD with small yard. 20 min from Metro. Near bus line. Lease Apr 1-Sept 30. No smoking, no drugs. Rent $950/month + utilities + deposit ( $1500). W/D, cable internet, two reserved parking spaces. Call Crystal at (303) 249-0552. 3/1


SERVICES PERSONAL TRAINING Auraria Campus Discount. 50% off for students and staff. $150 for the first 5 sessions or $30 per session. In your home gym. Call (720) 883-4250 for details. 3/1




Insight is looking for new & distinct writers. If you break the mold and can write clearly and effectively, we want you!

THIS FILM IS RATED R. RESTRICTED. Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent Or Adult Guardian. Conservatives, women, and people of all color and lifestyles who want to share their stories are asked to contact Matthew Quane, Insight editor at mquane@mscd.edu or (303) 556-2507 Letters to the editor are always welcome. Deadline: Mondays at 3pm. Email Matthew at mquane@mscd.edu or leave them at the Office of Student Media, Tivoli 313.

Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theatre is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theatre (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theatre, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.

TODAY TO PICK UP A COMPLIMENTARY PASS FOR TWO. Limit one pass per person. While supplies last. You must be at least 17 years of age to receive a pass.


Page 17

The Northern Iowan

Friday, January 26, 2007

UNI hosts six of next eight games in McLeod Center Continued from page 16 and Lindsey Swanson,” continued DiCecco. Indiana State - The Sycamores, who are coming off a WNIT run to the Sweet 16, were picked to finish sixth in the conference and are currently tied with three other teams for fifth place with 3-4 conference records. The Sycamores have the toughest remaining schedule as they play only four of their final 11 games at home, while going on the road to face each of the other two 3-4 teams as well as Wichita State and UNI, tomorrow night. DiCecco mentioned that the Sycamore’s “style of play, a full-court 40 minutes style of play, is what has gotten UNI in the past.” DiCecco also said, “The

game would be a real challenge for the players, but a challenge that the players are looking forward to.” Bradley - The Braves, who were picked to finish last in the conference, have surprised many. They also have the easiest schedule, facing only the teams that are below them or tied with them at home. The only road trips are at Illinois State, Evansville, SIU, and Indiana State. Creighton - The Blue Jays, who finished ninth in the preseason poll, are also 3-4. The Blue Jays have kept each of the big four schools to close games, but have just been unlucky this season. Their big Kristina Voss hasn’t been able to make as big an impact in the paint as initially hoped. They finally found a

rhythm against Evansville, pulling out the victory. The Blue jays were one of the few teams which have kept UNI’s King in check; however, UNI’s depth overwhelmed the short-handed Blue Jay defense. The Blue jays have a middle-of-theroad schedule remaining, having to go on the road to Bradley, Missouri State, and UNI, but play host to SIU, Evansville, and Illinois State. Wichita State - The Shockers, who were picked to finish second in the conference, have faltered since the conference schedule began. The Shockers have been challenged on defense and have had a difficult time adjusting to the changing schemes of offense in the Valley. The Shockers still have Drake, Creighton, and

Missouri State at home, so that should allow them a chance to improve in the Valley. DiCecco was proud of the way the Panthers played against WSU, citing that UNI “came out defensively minded against the Shockers” to break the three-game losing streak. Missouri State - The Bears, who were the Valley’s representative to the NCAA tournament last year but were also picked to finish seventh in the conference, have had a rough road so far in the Valley. Their two wins include a 2-point win over the Panthers, in which Dicecco said that the Bears bench provided the best productivity from the bench he’s seen in all of his years as coach. the Bears also picked up a conference win at Indiana State.

DiCecco also said the bears have a potent weapon in 6’3 center Breton Wyett who “is incredibly mobile” and could be a factor in several key games coming up for the Bears. Drake - The Bulldogs, regular Final Four participants from the Valley in the 1980’s, and who were slated to win the Valley, have lost seven straight conference games. The Bulldogs have been plagued by injuries, which have forced several young players to the starting rotation, which has hurt. Despite being shorthanded, the Bulldogs have played close games against every team in the Valley, coming within reach of a few wins. The Bulldog’s best hope for some wins come at home against Creighton, WSU, and MSU.





Earn $2500+ monthly and more to type simple ads online. www.DataEntryTypers.com.

The best summer job: why hike in our back country, ride horses on our rugged trails and breathe fresh mountain air all summer long? It comes with the job. Cheley Colorado Camps. A residential wilderness camp for ages 9-17. Employment from 6/3-8/6 or extended opportunities. Call us at 1800-CampFun, or visit our web site at www.cheley.com.

International Aquatics opportunities! Water Safety Instructors needed to be a part of the Camp Adventure™ aquatics team throughout Asia and Europe for the summer 2007. Must be Red Cross certified. Worthwhile experience with youth, 12 hours college credit, airfare paid and a living stipend. For more information contact Susan Edginton at Susan.Edginton@uni.edu or call 319273-5947. Please include your prior experience, age, GPA and school attending. www.campadventure.com. Modern Farrow to finish hog operation close to campus. Flexible hours. Experience not necessary. 988-3609. Leave message. Workers needed in hog operation. Starting pay between $9-10/hr. depending on experience. 269-3921.

WANTED: 2-3 outgoing students for part-time help servicing mortgage protection clients. $500-$750/week potential. Call Scott for interview: (605) 201-1598.

Beck’s and Ice Ultra Lounge on College Hill are now hiring evening shifts for cocktail servers, door staff, and security. Be a part of Barmuda’s winning team with a great work environment, great pay and employee privileges. Experience preferred but not required. Apply in person at 2210 College Street or online at www.barmuda.com. 277-2646. Wanted: In-home female child care provider for 3 month old infant. Must have knowledge of early childhood development and experience with infant care. Very flexible hours and excellent wages. References and resume required. If interested, please contact Laura at 277-2481. Position needs to be filled ASAP!

Pepper’s Grill and Sports Pub now hiring wait staff. Day and weekends. Apply at 620 E. 18th street, Cedar Falls.


Family Video: hiring all positions. Open interview 12-8 p.m. January 29th at 1922 Valley Park Dr., Cedar Falls.

Front desk, part-time, 3rd shift. Apply in person. Country Inn & Suites, 4025 Hammond Ave., Waterloo. Help wanted: servers and cooks. Flexible schedule. Apply in person at Bonanza Steakhouse, 6406 University Ave., Cedar Falls.

** #1 Spring Break Website! Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for 6+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! www.SpringBreakDiscounts.com or 800838-820.

Spring break w/ Mazatlan Express. From $699. Free drinks. Free food, air, hotel. 800-366-4786. FOR RENT/ROOMMATE Apartments for rent: 1+3 bedrooms. all within 2 blks. from campus. Most include W/D, some with dishwashers. Available May 15th. 415-5807.

The REAL WORLD is waiting, LET IT!

MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Camp counselors wanted. Friendly Pines Camp, in the cool mountains of Prescott, AZ, is hiring for ’07 season, May 26 – Aug. 2. Program has waterski, climbing, fishing, photography, target sports, martial arts, and more. Competitive salary and travel stipend. For app/inf call 928/445-2128 or email info@friendlypines.com.


Female roommate wanted. Lease negotiable. Available Now! Share a house with 3 other females. 2 blocks to campus, 1229 W.. 19th. Includes garage, washer & dryer. Free cable and Internet. $245. 319-521-5219.

Pepper’s Grill and Sports Pub now hiring full-time Assistant Manager. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resume to 620 E. 18th street, Cedar Falls.

FREE RENT. OPENINGS AVAILABLE FEBRUARY, JUNE and SEPTEMBER 2007. In Waverly, furnished duplex, attached garage, great roommates. TO QUALIFY: spend time with a young man with disabilities (about 10 hours per week). Contact: Jean Trainor. Telephone: 352-3087 or 2365603. E-mail: jtrainor@mchsi.com.


Spend your summer in the magical world of Camp Foster. Influence the lives of children Excellent training, salary, room and board.

SEE US @ THE JOB FAIR JAN. 30, 10:00-2:00 Get an application today: 1-800-456-9622 www.campfoster.org

���������������� ����������������

Spend your summer in a lakefront cabin in Maine. If you’re looking to spend this summer outdoors, have fun while you work, and make lifelong friends, then look no further. Camp Mataponi, a residential girls camp in Maine, has male/female summertime openings for Land Sports, Waterfront (small crafts, skiing, life gaurding, WSI, boat drivers), Ropes Course, Tennis, H.B. Riding, Arts & Crafts, Theatre, Cooking, Gymnastics, Dance, Group Leaders & more. Top salaries plus room/board & travel provided. Call us today toll free at 1-888-684-2267 or apply online at www.campmataponi.com.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Page 18




V-Day Ads!



Know what’s going on. Read the NI every Tuesday and Friday. You’ll be glad you did. (If not, we’ll refund your money.)

Say it Here... Stop into the Northern Iowan office located in the lower level of Maucker Union to get your ad.



For Rent - 2 bedroom apt. newly remodeled, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, clean, spacious, close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking, and laundry. Available Jan. 1st. 266-1245.

For Rent: 4 bedroom side by side duplex 1 block to campus. Quiet neighborhood, off-street parking. 319-240-8278.

1 bedroom apts for rent. $450/month, cable, Internet, and garbage included. Short term lease. 319-215-5200.

3 bedroom-2 blocks from campus; rent ranges $810-$855/month; FREE cable/Internet; leases starting May, June or August; washer/dryer. Call Jolene at 319-415-5812.

1409 West 2nd Street. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Garage. Near the Music Station. Available in May. $900/mo. Call Tim at 268-1900 or 230-8272 (cell).

4 bedroom, 2 bath duplex 1 mile from campus. Quiet neighborhood. 2110 Melrose Court. $850/month. Call Steve: 266-2526 or Doug: 215-5075.


Or Here... (Ads will be printed in the February 13th edition of the Northern Iowan.)

Rooms to rent next to UNI. Available Now. 240-0880.

3-4 bedroom apartment facing UNI; has everything including w/d. 266-5544. 610-2768. 4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch house, 926 W 14th St. Spacious, well-maintained. Quiet neighborhood. All appliances included. Carl 504-3640. Roommate wanted - close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking, and laundry. 266-1245.

For Rent 2 bedroom duplex. Hawkeye Community College Area. Garage. $650 + deposit. No pets. 319-415-3180.

For Rent - large 1 bedroom apt. clean, spacious, close to campus, utilities and cable paid, off-street parking, and laundry. Available Dec. 15th $550 per month. 266-1245.



1902 Campus Street

�������������� ��������������� • New Maple Kitchen and Floors, Bath, Carpet, Central Air • 1 Bock North of Towers Dorms • FREE Garage (Limited Supply) • FREE Washer/Dryer FREE Cable


Bring $5, what you want to say, and a picture of that special someone.

1 + 4 bedroom apartments close to campus. 319-433-4009.



3-4 mo. lease. CF. 3 BR Duplex: Available now! $490. Call Keith, 290-8889.

Well maintained 2, 3, and 4 BR houses and apts available in June. No pets and no smoking. Visit reifenrath.com or call 712-330-3482 or 319-961-1209.

ONE MONTHS FREE RENT! Free cable/Internet. One 4 bedroom apartment, 1115 W. 22nd St... $1099/mo. Call Jeanette 266-6801. 4 bedroom duplex. W/D. Great CF location. No pets. Cable included. 2665315 (pager).

Friday, January 26, 2007

Page 19







3+ BR HOUSE. 2511 Franklin Street, close to UNI. 266-5544, or 610-2768, or 610-2882.

CF 2-3-4 BR houses and 2 BR duplexes available June 1. 266-0903.

1 bedroom close to college. Off-street parking. W/D available. 319-240-8222.

2, 3 & 4 BR apartments 3 blocks to UNI. 277-8719.

2 bedroom 1 block from hill. 2 blocks from campus. Showings on weekends. 515-208-4470. Renter ASAP! 2207 Crescent Dr. Large 1 bedroom apartment $455. Willing to negotiate price. Cable, appliances, w/d included. Only pay for gas & electricity. 319-610-6019. 917 Madison Street, Cedar Falls. 4 bedroom @ $290.00. 235-3091. Laundry, parking, 2 bathrooms. 2406 W. 3rd, Cedar Falls. 2 BR, offstreet parking. 234-4400. 4 bedroom house for rent. W/D, offstreet paring. $1100/mo. 563-271-0490.

For Rent: 4 bedroom house or 2 separate 2 bedroom apartments. June 1, 2423 Tremont. 266-6440. 2418 W. 3rd st. #1. Large 3 BR 3 bath appliances included. Fireplace, double car garage, great for 3 roommates to share rent. $975. Laundry facilities, close to UNI. Call Turnkey Properties 235-1195. For rent: 1, 2, 3, bedroom apartments for rent. 1 block off of campus, offstreet parking. Available August 07. No pets please. 319-277-1077 or e-mail to info@inspiredrealestate.net.

For rent: 4 BR, 2 bath 2 blocks from campus. Off-street parking, in house laundry, balconies off bedrooms, no smoking, no pets. Available June 1st. 235-0735.



University Mills APARTMENTS


Hours: 8:30am - 5pm Monday - Friday www.goldfallsvilla.com

FREE Cable and Internet. 1-4 BR apts. and houses. Rent $350-1150/mo. Close to campus. 266-6801. Call Jeanette.

13 room house with high efficiency water heater and furnace, washer/dryer, freezer, newly remodeled 25X30’ deck. Available in June. 319-504-1074.

Roommate needed. 2 blks from college. Includes cable TV, W/D, all utilities, $300/mo. Off-street parking. 563920-0841.

May: nice apartments, houses near Sartori. Air, cable, parking. 266-7783.

Large 1, 2, 3 BR no pets. Balcony. Laundry on site and free cable TV. 319240-8161 or 319-277-2553.


college park communities

�������������������� ��������������������

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Selection of 2&3 bedrooms within 2 blocks of campus. Super clean, plentiful parking, no smoking or pets. Responsible landlords. Lease begins June 1st. Will rent quickly. $600 or $675 utilities included. Call Dennis at 232-6819 or 290-6463.

1 bedroom furnished apartment, utilities and laundry included. Quiet house (females only). No pets or smoking. Rent is $350.00 per month. 319-2774051, 319-240-5931.

��������������������� ����������������������������������


Amazing 3 bedroom apartment on College Hill. Newly renovated. Call for showing 266-2301. 4 bedroom - 1/2 block from campus; $940/mth ($235/person) includes cable/ Internet; washer/dryer provided; Available May 2007. Call Jolene at 319-4155812. Pointe West Apartments 2007 Availability. Call today to schedule a showing. Large 1,2, & 3 bedroom apartments. Great Location. 266-2301. Take a virtual tour @ www.pointewestcf.com Male: May: share nice 4 BR house near Sartori. $220. 266-7783.

best in student living our gamero



HP Printer All-in-one printer, scanner, copier for sale. Good condition. May need new print heads. Bought new for $200, asking $45.00. Call Patrick at 641425-1075.

ng our model livi



Keys turned into 121 Commons. Has John Deere tractor, Smirnoff bottle cap and heart decor. Found in snow behind Bartlett and Commons.

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Page 4

Tuesday, December 3, 2007


Employment ATTENTION SPARTANS Welcome back! Are you looking for part-time/ full-time work to help you get through the school semester? Well, look no further. Corinthian Parking Services is looking for valet parking attendants for our local shopping malls, hotels and private events. We will work around your school schedule. Requirements for an interview: • Valid California Class C license • Current DMV printout • Responsible, well-groomed and punctual. • EXCLT CUST SERVICE If you qualify, please call Kyle 408-981-5894 or Rick 408-593-9612 for an interview. MAKE A DIFFERENCE Do you like being on the go, not stuck in an office all day? Help someone learn to cook, dance, read, work on their job and live the life they choose. We seek dedicated people to work with our clients who have disabilities to help them make community connections. Creativity, caring and commitment define us. Have CA license, clean DMV, car insur, bkgrd ck. Instructors, Community Support Facilitators, Job Coaches, Roommates & Companions. PT and FT opptys. E mail: jdevine@hopeservices.org

Earn$500-$2000 in January. Work part-time or full-time during January break! *HIGH STARTING PAY *$17.70 BASE/ appt *FLEX SCHEDULES *Internships possible *All majors may apply *Scholarships awarded annually *Some conditions apply *Customer sales/ service *No experience necessary *Training provided Guarantee your summer job now! CALL LOCATION NEAREST YOUR HOME FOR INTERVIEW San Jose (408)866-1100 Mtn View (650)940-9400 San Frnsco(415)239-9520 SantaRosa(707)586-1636 CntraCosta(925)521-9250 Berkeley (510)428-1131 Fremont (510)790-2100 Monterey (831)372-1799 www.workforstudents.com/ sjsu EASTER SEALS seeks Lifeguards, Instructional Lifeguards & Aquatic Specialists, part or full time in San Jose (Bascom & Moorpark). Flex hours/ days, Mon-Sat. Call Tiago@408 295-0228. Send resume to jobs@esba.org or fax to 408 275-9858. $11-$13+/ hour DOE.

DELIVERY DRIVERS Party rental business. Perfect for students. Earn up to $250 every weekend. Must have reliable truck or van. Heavy lifting is required. 408 292-7876 THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY We are currently hiring for P/ T positions. We offer a great working environment with day & evening shifts for resposible & energetic people. Apply in person 2:30 to 4:00 Wed-Fri. We are located in San Pedro Square UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS EARN up to $150 per day. Under cover Shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Exp. not req’d. Call 800-722-4791 Rec Leaders, Instructors, Program Facilitators P/ T positions available for elementary school hours, after school hours or evening hours for middle & HS programs. Degree not required. Need car & have experience working with youth. VM (408)287-4170 x 408. EOE/ AAE Nanny Wanted: Part-time weekday afternoons for two children 8 & 10. Must be experienced and have own car and references. Start date 1/2/08. 408-219-7579

CLASSIFIED AD RATE INFORMATION Each line averages 25 spaces. Each letter, number, punctuation mark, and space is formatted into an ad line. The first line will be set in bold type and upper case for no extra charge up to 20 spaces. A minimum of three lines is required. Deadline is 10:00 am , 2-weekdays prior to publication. MINIMUM THREE LINE CLASSIFIED AD: DAYS: 1 2 3 4 RATE: $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $2.50 EACH ADDITIONAL LINE AFTER THE THIRD LINE. $3.00 EACH ADDITIONAL DAY. • RATES ARE CONSECUTIVE DAYS ONLY. •ALL ADS ARE PREPAID. • NO REFUNDS ON CANCELLED ADS. FREQUENCY DISCOUNT: 40+ consecutive issues: 10% discount SJSU STUDENT RATE: 10% discount. Ads must be placed in person in DBH 209 from 10 AM or 3PM. STUDENT ID REQUIRED. Rate applies to student’s individual ads only. Not intended for businesses and/or other persons. Frequency discount does not apply.


JrK-4th grade school seeks responsible individuals for extended daycare. P/T in the afternoon M-F. No ECE units are required. Previous experience with children preferred. Please contact Stephanie at 248-2464 or fax resume to 248-7433. CHILD CARE STAFF NEEDED! YMCA CHILD CARE Directors, Assistant Directors, Teachers and Teacher Aides needed! Looking for a fun rewarding career working with children? The YMCA of Santa Clara Valley is hiring for Licensed School-Age Child Care Centers TODAY! Programs located throughout San Jose, Cupertino, Saratoga, Campbell and Evergreen areas. Full & Part Time positions available ñ hours flexible around school. Fun staff teams, great experience working with children, career advancement, excellent FT/PT benefits and training opportunities. Teachers require minimum 12 semester units in ECE, education, recreation, psychology, sociology, physical education and/ or other related fields. For more information, locations and pay ranges, check out our website at http:// www.scvymca.org/ jobs/ index.php. (408)351-6434

PT/FT Receptionist Wanted Located in Downtown San Jose within walking distance to SJSU. Email resume to sburch@redwoodemp.com or fax to 408-778-1076 attn: Sean Lifeguard & Swim Instructors YMCA Lifeguard & Swim Instructors Needed! If you enjoy being around the water and want to be paid for it then the YMCA of Santa Clara Valley has the job for you! You must be at least 16 years of age, enjoy working with people, and the have passion to make a difference! Please visit our website at http:// www.scvymca.org/ jobs/ index.php for more details. (408)351-6434

FixLaptop.com buy sell repair Laptop & Parts, Repair PC, Data Recovery, Remove Virus Pop Up $49 (408)469-5999

Opportunities MOVIE EXTRAS New opportunities for upcoming productions. All looks needed, no experience required for cast calls. Call 877-218-6224

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SMILE CHOICE DENTAL PLAN (includes cosmetic) $71.75 per year. Save 30%60%. For info call 1-800-655-3225 or www.studentdental.com

that, when making these further contacts, they should require complete information before sending money for goods or services. In addition, readers should carefully investigate all firms offering employment listings or coupons for discount vacations or merchandise.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 • The Daily Campus



The Good, The Bad and The Queen reinvent the supergroup By Forest Brooks Music Critic fbrooks@smu.edu Damon Albarn has been behind some of the most interesting music in the last decade, including cartoon band Gorillaz and rock band Blur. I would’ve never thought the man who introduced himself to America with an enthusiastic “Woo hoo” would be capable of everything he’s done. Well, he’s back with a new super group of sorts: The Good, The Bad and The Queen. This band finds Albarn with ex-Fela Kuti drummer, Tony Allen, ex-Clash bassist, Paul Simonon, and former Verve guitarist, Simon Tong. Born from recording sessions for Albarn’s solo project, this band came together with brilliant results. The album opens with “History Song,” a sort of folk meets afrobeat concoction. The song marries Simonon’s bass and Allen’s drumming with soft acoustic guitars. They throw in an organ for good measure. This song actually reminds me of “Guns of Brixton,” my favorite Clash song. Needless to say, they had me at the first syncopated drum rhythm. The first single, “Kingdom of Doom,” finds Albarn in a dark, almost Morrisseylike space. I love the way Simonon’s bass shines through on the track. The switch from dark folk to bright piano-driven pop provides an interesting juxtaposition. Albarn’s lyrics further enhance the song, weaving together a tale of an anesthetized kingdom that doesn’t ask questions. One of my favorite tracks is “Nature Springs,” a bass-heavy track that finds Simonon and Allen’s contributions shining through. Albarn sings, “Nature springs are caught at war/The imperious demands are the local law,” adding the sort of dark, political imagery that one would find on an Africa 70 album. Another highlight is “Three Changes,” a heavily ska-influenced ditty that finds each band member adding his own flare. The track bounces along as Albarn sings about a “stroppy little island of mixed-up people.” The song is essentially about society gone awry. Instead of being preachy, he remains vague yet transparent and it all comes together nicely.

the track energy. Simonon keeps the song grounded. Meanwhile, Albarn’s piano and Tong’s guitar drive the song along. Everything in this song melds together perfectly. I couldn’t have imagined a better way to close Photo courtesy of thegoodthebadandthequeen.com this album. The boys in The Good, The Bad, and The Queen conjure up If you’re some soft dreamy tunes at a recent concert. looking for the My absolute favorite track is the same sound as album’s closer, “The Good, the Bad and Gorillaz, this is not it. Albarn pays more the Queen.” This track lets you know attention to writing lyrics that move why each band member is equally the story along rather than catchy important. Allen’s drumming gives hooks. It’s still accessible, but not in that


“Feel Good Inc.” way. I only wish Tony Allen’s presence had been felt a bit more on the album. He is one of my favorite drummers, and the album’s greater moments occur when he’s playing. Overall, Albarn has put together an awesome collection of songs that

weave together a poignant tale. I’m always leery of super groups, because they hardly ever live up to the hype. This could have been a total mess, but these guys found a way to take all of their respective influences and make it work. Bottom line: this is a great album

of darkly energetic songs and it’s totally worth your money.


By Jesse and Steve o


CHILD CARE AFTER SCHOOL CARE for 8 year-old near SMU. Pick up from school (Hockaday) at 3:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and take to soccer practice. $10/hour. Call Mandy 214-914-1554 or e-mail at mandyginsberg@gmail.com

HOUSEHOLD HELP NEEDED with tiding up around the house. Walking distance from SMU. Please contact 214-384-4946. IF U GOT IT, WE WANT IT! We R Convenient, Flexible, & Fun! Rock-stars w/ personality apply in person 4 F&B Opportunities @ DCC 4100 Beverly.

CHILDCARE WORKERS needed Sundays and occasional weeknights. Hourly rate negotiable. Please go to Northway Christian Church at 7202 W. Northwest Highway to fill out an application.

KIDS FITNESS INSTRUCTOR POSITION AVAILABLE. Have fun working with children while getting paid to work out. VERY HIGH PAY! Flexible hours must be enthusiastic, self-motivated, and energetic. Call Angela at 214-334-2299.

EASY PART TIME JOB; 3 blocks south of stadium. Local Highland Park family looking for responsible student with car to pick up child from Armstrong at 3pm, bring home, and oversee homework until 6:30pm. Monday through Friday. Pays $10/ hour. Contact 214-521-8379.

SECRETARY/ASSISTANT NEEDED. Part-time/ $13/hour. Flexible hours. Great learning environment. Must have computer skills (Excel/Word) experience in business administration helpful. Call 214-219-8001 or fax resume to 214-528-0174. E-mail info@ ebadgeworks.com

MOMMYMIXER BABY-SITTERS WANTED! Come to MommyMixer on January 30th to find your perfect spring baby-sitting jobs! See mommymixer.com to sign up and get more information.

TUTOR STUDENTS AT SCORE! Where we help children of all learning levels, K10, make academic progress in a fun and motivating environment. We are now hiring part-time positions. If you are enthusiastic and love working with kids, contact Kesha at 214-821-2330.

P/T NANNY NEEDED for family in UP. Hours are Mon-Friday from 3-7. Must have reliable vehicle to transport children from school. Salary is $10-12/ hour cash. Please e-mail resume to sparkle3066@aol.com or call 972-233-0374.

EMPLOYMENT BEST JOB ON CAMPUS! The Daily Campus is seeking advertising sales reps. This is an opportunity for advertising, marketing or business majors to acquire “real world” experience. Looks great on a resume! Earn commission while learning outside sales. Flexible hours. Call Diana at 8-4111 or come by 314 Hughes-Trigg ddenton@smu.edu. CAMPUS AMBASSADORS WANTED to help promote major fashion brand. Enthusiasm and connection with Greek Life a must. 8 Week program with $500 base pay. Apply at www.repnation.com/rep/fashion.aspx. EARN UP TO $20/HR. Compass academic tutoring is currently hiring tutors for all ages and subjects. Call Jeff at 469-471-8316. ENGINEERING RESEARCH ASSOCIATE. World Energy Systems, Inc. (WES) is seeking a graduate student or a recent graduate, with some knowledge of the petroleum industry and the ability to do technical and market research. The ideal applicant would have the following background: 1. A graduate student with a technical undergraduate degree pursuing a MBA, or a graduate degree in petroleum, chemical or mechanical engineering. 2. A Petroleum, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering graduate with an interest in technology development. This is a full-time assignment. Graduate students willing to work at least 30 hours per week will also be considered. This position reports to the President/COO, located in Fort Worth, Texas. Please send resumes to jlangdon@ jelmanagement.com. GET PAID TO STUDY!! PM Receptionist Wanted who can multi-task with personality & a friendly smile. It’s the job all your friends wish they had! Apply in Person to 4100 Beverly Drive.

WORK-STUDY STUDENTS NEEDED. Student Media Business Office needs 2 workstudy student assistants. Office/accounting help needed, prefer Excel experience but will train. Business majors preferred. 10-15 hours per week at $6/hr. Hours flexible between 8:30 - 5 pm.

FOR LEASE MUSTANG REALTY GROUP prides itself on being SMU’s premier real estate company. Let our professional staff provide you with everything you need to buy, sale or lease property in the Dallas area and get free service at closing. Contact us at (214) 521PONY (7669) or www.mustangrealty.com TH to share, Hillcrest across from campus, mature college female or grad student; private bed, bath and garage, full size w/d, custom kitchen, DSL, cable, hardwoods, central heat/air, utils incld, $1500/mo. 703732-5011. Available 1 July 2007.

FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM/ 2 FULL BATHS; 3212 Daniel, across the street from campus. Fresh paint and carpet, newly installed stove/ oven/ microwave. $1450 includes full size washer/ dryer/ refrigerator. Call 469-231-7170. HOME FOR RENT. Cute, updated 3/1 home near Northwest Highway and Midway for rent, $1250 per month, pets accepted. Call 214-693-0648 for more info. MUSTANG REALTY GROUP prides itself on being SMU’s premier real estate company. Let our professional staff provide you with everything you need to buy, sale or lease property in the Dallas area and get free service at closing. Contact us at (214) 521PONY (7669) or www.mustangrealty.com



2001 AUDI QUATTRO A4 2.8 for SALE. Silver color with black leather interior. Sports package, excellent condition, <35,000 miles. $16,150. Tel. 469-387-8199.

By Michael Mepham


REAL ESTATE CONDOS FOR SALE. One and two bedrooms. Near Greenville Avenue and Mockingbird and close to SMU campus. $105,000 to $115,000. A must see. Please call Phil Hobson at 214-223-8297. LOCATION! Walking distance to Central Market and Old Town. Private balcony with pool view. Meticulously maintained 2/2 with large den. Galley kitchen with pantry and full size laundry area. Priced @ $116,500. Call agent @ 972-489-0016. NICE UPDATED condominium next to Snider Plaza. 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, formal dinning room and den with wood burning fireplace. Walking distance from SMU, Shopping and Restaurants. Lease or Sale. Contact contact Greg at 214-549-1100. MUSTANG REALTY GROUP prides itself on being SMU’s premier real estate company. Let our professional staff provide you with everything you need to buy, sale or lease property in the Dallas area and get free service at closing. Contact us at (214) 521PONY (7669) or www.mustangrealty.com


TRAVEL #1 Spring Break Website! Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for 6+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! www.SpringBreakDiscounts.com or 800-838-8202.

TUTORS ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE TUTOR. Voted “The Best” for 11 years. College is more fun when you have a tutor. Lee Lowrie CPA, MBA. 214-368-1112 or 214-208-1112. ACCOUNTING, MATH, STATISTICS, Economics, Physics, Engineering Tutoring. “Learn to work smarter not harder.” David Kemp Tutorial Services. Individual and group rates available. Call 469-767-6713. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED statistics tutor? Call Jeff at 469471-8316 or e-mail jeffreygannon@hotmail. com. COMPASS ACADEMIC TUTORING has experienced tutors available to help all ages and education levels. Call Jeff at 469-4718316. MATH, STATISTICS TUTOR for college and high school students. Highland Park, Austin College, SMU alumna with M.S. in Math; 20 years Texas Instruments; 2 years college math instructor; 7 years professional tutor. Sheila Walker 214-417-7677 SMUMath@ sbcglobal.net. MATH TUTOR: CALCULUS, Pre Cal, College Algebra, Chemistry, and GRE. Please call Susan Garza at 972-494-4890.

© 2006 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.

ACROSS 1 Successful dieter? 6 Goddess of the hearth 11 Gift from Santa 14 Monte __ 15 Motionless 16 Poker bullet 17 How tobacco is processed 19 Novelist Kesey 20 Least little bit 21 Vexed continually 23 Valentino movies, e.g. 26 Large tropical lizard 27 Photo copies 28 Pattern 30 Huck Finn's craft 31 Blender 32 Twice: abbr. 35 Graph's end? 36 Wavy-haired dog 38 Wow! 39 Logical start? 40 "Luncheon on the Grass" painter 41 Galileo's birthplace 42 Imperfect 44 Really, really wanted 46 Puts forward 48 Venus and Uranus 49 Gargoyle 50 Grief-stricken 52 Circle segment 53 Intellectual condition? 58 Tangled mass 59 Continental money 60 Term of tenancy 61 Franken and Gore 62 Soon-to-be adults 63 Blow one's top DOWN 1 Math letters 2 Bladed pole

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 33 34 36

Hindu honorific Constituent Squirrel or rat Creepers Some linemen Religion spinoff Play about Capote Brava! Brava! Robin Hood's M.O. Arctic or Antarctic Lip-flapping woman Part of B.A. Yank Small branch Seeing red Statistician's existence? That's right Enjoyed a meal Way out Lion's do Attack from all sides Is in front Intellectual elite

37 41 43 44 45

Manhandles Black leopard Guitarist Paul Singer Laine Fund-raising event 46 Barack of Illinois 47 Wild again

48 News media 50 Unfurnished 51 Bond's alma mater 54 Wk. part 55 Water in the Seine 56 Egyptian viper 57 N.Y.P.D. rank


#,!33)&)%$3 ,INE !D 2ATES 15 words or less $5.00 per day

Bold Headline 50¢ extra (max. one line)


Help Wanted Furnished Rentals Unfurnished Rentals Tickets for Sale Miscellaneous Lost & Found Clothing/Jewelry


City of Lubbock seeking part time Assistant Recreation Center Supervisor located at Maxey Community Center. Approximately 25-30 hrs/per week. $7.20/hr. For more information visit www.mylubbock.us and click on Job Opportunities.


German tutor. University experience. Faculty authorized. David Covington, M.A. 806-777-6806. david_j_covington@yahoo.com.

Private Math TUTOR

One-on-one tutoring, 40 years experience. Math 0301-2350. 698-0713 seven days a week. Spanish Tutor. Experienced university instructor. Katherine Cochran Bishara, M.A. 7987981.

HELP WANTED 101 bar and Grill now hiring cooks and door staff. Apply in person at 101st and Slide.

50th Street Caboose

SportsBar hiring: servers, bartenders, doormen, hosts. Daily drink specials! 5027 Slide. 796-2240


wanted at Jimmy John’s 4th Street location. Sunday - Thursday. Salary + bonus, paid vacation, and a great opportunity for advancement with a growing company. Please come by 5510 4th Street, Suite 300 and fill out an application today or call Reagan at 806-445-3232. Thanks!!! Attendant WANTED for Coin-op laundry. Busy, clean, and secure location. Part time weekend, day, and evening shifts available. Please call 4417545. beverage distributor now hiring dependable individual to check in delivery drivers. Parttime position from 3pm to 8pm or 9pm, Monday-Friday. Basic accounting and computer skills needed. Please apply in person to Great Plains Distributors, 5701 E. Hwy 84, Lubbock, TX 79404. Cafe J now hiring hosts/hostesses. Apply at 2605 19th Street. Child care Staff. Part time. Fun job! Experience preferred. Must be fun & enthusiastic. Holiday Vacation. Call TEGA 866-9765.

cleaning, stocking, sales!

Flexible hours. Shifts available: Morning, afternoon, and weekends. Apply in person only. Specialty store. Coffee, gifts, Godiva. Otto’s Grainery 4119 Marsha Sharp Freeway (Brownfield Hwy between El Chico and La Quinta).

Doc’s Liquor Store Part time help needed. Apply in person. 98th St. & Highway 87. Earn up to $10.00/hr. Phone interviewers wanted. Partime. Evening/ weekend. Opinion Resources, 3602 Slide B-26. Evening Dishwashers needed immediately. Hours are 6p.m.-finish, usually 3.5-4 hrs per night. $7.20/hr. Long term, temporary. Must pass drug test and have clean background. Apply in person Kelly Services 4601 50th St. Suite 100. Inside Pueblo building. 806-794-2757. Extreme Fitness and Wellness Lubbock’s newest workout facility at 50th and Frankford is now hiring for all positions. Sales experience preferred but not required. Immediate help needed to pass out fliers and assist with pre enrollment. Please submit resume to extremefitnessandwellness@yahoo.com or call 392-3545 for an appointment. Flint Boot & Hat Shop seeking part-time employees. Apply in person 3035 34th.

Freelance Graphic Artist Overflow work, design/layout of health newspaper. Very template based. InDesign preferred. Contact jwinker@CaprockPress.com or call 740-0040. Full or part time. Previous print shop or bindery experience helpful. Call James 744-3382.

Fun and Rewarding Campus Job!

The TECHniques Center needs student tutors in all majors. Must have a 3.0 and 40 semester hours earned. Call 742-1822 for more information or visit www.techniques.ttu.edu to download an application. .

Typing Tutors For Sale Services Roommates Travel Legal Notice


There is a 15-word minimum on all classified ads. The first 2 words (max. one line) are bold and capitalized. All ads will appear on dailytoreador.net at no additional charge.

hope Lutheran preschool is now hiring full and part-time teacher’s aids. Part time hours available are 7am -12:30PM or 12:30PM to 6PM. Apply in person only at 5700 98th.

Immediate availability

Wanted: Wait staff at Fast Eddie’s Billiards. Located at 7301 University Avenue right outside the Loop. Part time only. Please apply in person. We are an 18 and over establishment. Business hours: Mon-Sat 11am-2am, Sun 12pm-2am. Come be a part of a pool hall that’s second to none and has the best pool tables in Lubbock. LITTLE GUYS MOVERS seeking part/full time employees. Apply in person 4713 W. Loop 289. Looking for a fun job working with kids? YWCA after school counselor. M-F. 2:45-6 PM. Apply now for spring 08 semester starting January 7th at 35th & Flint. Manna Bread and Wine, Lubbock’s premier wining and dining destination, needs part and full time cooks, days and/or evenings, and a part time hostess/host for lunch and one or two evenings a week. Work in a drug free, friendly environment with Sundays and Mondays off. Excellent pay. Apply in person Tues-Sat. between 2 and 4, 2610 Salem, in Cactus Alley. Movie Extra Opportunities in TV and Film production. All looks needed no experience required for casting calls. Call 877-218-6224

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UNFURNISHED 3304 32nd. 4/2 with stove, central h/a, dishwasher and W/D connections. $895. Wilson-Night Property Services. 797-2212. www.wilson-night.com.

opening soon! We are now accepting applications for all positions. Apply at 9806 Quaker Ave. M-F 125pm.

Save $40 monthly. Sublease a Gateway apartment. 210 N. Winston. Furnished 2/2. One bedroom available. $450/month. 3 pools, dayroom, Internet, computer rooms, fitness center, pets, friendly atmosphere, secure entry, & bus line to Tech and LCU. Call Linda 806-632-3991, 806-8633607.

Now Hiring!

Save $40 monthly.

4609 44th. 4/1. Stove, central h/a, dishwasher, W/D connection. $895. 797-2212. Wilson-Night Property Services. www.wilson-night.com.

new Irish Sports Grill & Pub

Servers, bartenders. Copper Caboose SportsBar, 56th & Ave Q. Free Texas Hold’Em. 744-0183 Part time gift shop clerk. Afternoons, evenings & weekends. 20- 25 hours/week. Apply in person Covenant Medical Center Gift Shop on 3615 19th between 9am-8pm. part time intern needed at Peppertree Inn Apartments starting in January. Bring resume to office at 5302 11th or call 795-8086. part time students 16-20 hours/week M-F. Start now. Work during holidays. Covington Landscape 796-8411. Positions available: Grocery shopping, house cleaning, errands, etc. Part time. Flexible hours. Competitive pay. Leave message 687-8030. Ready to make your mark? Jump start your career in the beauty/fashion industry! Lead your own team & sell some of today’s must have beauty & fashion products! Great pay. Amazing experience. www.repnation.com/mark to apply.

REDRAIDERSNEEDJOBS.COM Paid Survey Takers needed in Lubbock. FREE to join. Click on Surveys.


Retail sales position in baby furniture store. $6/hour plus commission. Contact Heidi at 7922932.

Secret shoppers Needed

Evaluate local stores, restaurants, theaters. Flexible hours. Training provided. 1-800-585-9024 ext 6425. South Plains Electric Cooperative is accepting applications for a part time accounting clerk. We need someone to work 20 hours per week during school. Hours are flexible M-F anytime between 85. This person could work more than 20 hours during school breaks if they want to. Must have good computer skills. Knowledge of Excel required. Accounting type duties. Mostly data entry. Starting Pay is $6.50 hr. You may apply in person at South Plains Office Plaza located at 4727 South Loop 289, Suite 200. (South Loop 289 & Utica Ave) This office is closed from 12-1. EOE. South Plains Electric Cooperative is accepting applications for part-time IT help. Must have excellent computer skills. This position will assist the IT Manager in setting up PC’s, loading software and networking. Hours are flexible. Must be able to work at least 20 hrs per week. Starting pay is $10 per hour for qualified person. You may fill out an application at our office located at 110 N. I-27. EOE

Sublease a Gateway apartment (Available March 1st). Furnished 2/2. One bedroom available. $450/month. Contact Judson (judson.vasconcelos@ttu.edu). sublease Available December 10th. 1/1 in 4/4. University Courtyard. $399/mo. December paid. 940-736-0924.


Branchwater Apartments and Villas. Large two bedroom flats + two bedroom townhomes with fireplaces. Furnished or unfurnished. 5411 4th. 7931038. UNIVERSITY FOUNTAINS sublease wanted for 1 person in 4/4 with loft. $545/month; great roommates! Available in December with December rent free! call (512)496-5601. University Fountains-Furnished 1 Bedroom -4 Bedroom Townhome. Female, rent $500. Sublet for Spring/Summer. Call 817-269-5670.

UNFURNISHED $600 (2 people) or $450 (1 person). Great 2 bedroom back house. Remodeled. 2316 15th. Private Properties 512-695-2002. $950. 4/2 carport. 5003 10th Street. Appliances. Big back yard. 806-777-2266. 1 and 3 bedroom houses, both within 3 blocks from Tech. Very nice studio $400. Charming remodeled 3 bedroom $1425. Available Now! 7971984 or 441-1984.

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom

houses in Tech Terrace. 20th, 23rd & 30th Streets. Hardwoods, well maintained properties, all info and pictures at www.TechTerrace.com. 1/1 Cheap and newly remodeled duplex. Close to campus. Fenced backyard. 2102 28th. $395. Call Steve 777-8256. 1/1 duplex. Lots of space. Close to Tech. $350/mo. deposit $300. 1802 Ave V. Call Joe 441-0611.

1414 Texas Ave.

Lofts for rent. Feeling cramped in that tiny apartment? Call City Streets Lofts 687-7058 2 bedroom + garage conversion. 2009 49th, $650/mo. 793-8111 ask for Stacy.

3810 B 33rd. 1/1. Stove, W/D connections. $395. Wilson-Night Property Services. 797-2212. www.wilson-night.com

4902 41st. 3/3 with stove, central h/a, W/D connection. $975. Wilson-Night Property Services. 7972212. www.wilson-night.com. 5726 89th. 3/2/2. Stove, central h/a, dishwasher, W/D connection, hot tub. $1400. Wilson-Night Property Services. 797-2212. www.wilson-night.com. 6812 Hyden. 3 bed/2 bath all brick home with two car garage & fenced back yard. Available Jan 1st. $950/mo. (806)790-9000. ATTENTION STUDENTS your choice of the following houses and apartments: 4902 41st; 3304 32nd; 2612 21st; 2604 B 21st; 3810 B 33rd. 797-2212.

Available DEC 1st

Lease today. We have some wonderful 1, 2 ,3 bedroom homes close to campus. Nice Appliances. Lovely decor, yard. To view see Ann or B. J. at 4211 34th. 795-2011.

Available DEC 1st

3/2/2. Lovely brick home. Nice appliances. Convenient to South Plain Mall near 94th & Slide. 5417 94th. $800/mo. Call Ann or B. J. 795-2011.

Available DEC 1st

Lease today. Quiet efficiency on 26th Street. Nice appliances. Private parking. Alley entrance. $265/mo. To view see Ann or B. J. at 4211 34th. 795-2011.

Available december 15th

Lovely 3/2/2 brick home. Appliances. W/D. Near 65th & Memphis-Quaker. Lovely decor, yard. Lawn care furnished. $825/monthly. 6310 Nashville Drive. Call Ann or BJ at 795-2011.

Available now

Houses, duplexes, townhouses. Visit www.lubbock4rent.com. Call 535-0827 WestMark Property Management.


4/2, two story. W/D connection, alarm, large backyard. Pets ok. Available now! $995. 2218 27th. 214-592-5334. bargain 2 bedroom near Tech. Great condition. Hardwood floors. Washer and dryer furnished. 2120 28th. $595. 797-6358.

2 duplex units ($550) 3601 23rd and 4310 52nd ($595) details @jonchandler.com/frank/duplex.htm.

bargain, unique. 3/2. Tech 3 blocks. Tile, all the extras. Price negotiable. 2213 21st. 797-6358.

South Plains Electric Cooperative is accepting applications for part-time office help. Duties include answering the phone, filing, data entry. Good computer skills required. Need someone to work 20 hours per week. Must be able to work Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1-5. Other hours flexible. Starting pay is $6.50 per hour. You may apply in person at South Plains Electric Cooperative - North District Office located at 110 N I-27 anytime from 8-5 M-F. EOE.

2/1 townhouse 207 N. Troy. Whisperwood. Amenities include swimming pool and tennis courts. Fireplace, washer/dryer connections, kitchen appliances. $550. Ideal suited for single person or couple. 795-9724.

Beautiful 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home on 32nd for sale or lease. Perfect for faculty member or family of student. Call David: 909-373-5298 or Scott: 806773-5733

The ATLC needs another computer technician. We will work around your class schedule and NO nights or weekends. If you are interested please contact Russ Erbe at 742-1650 or Russ.Erbe@ttu.edu.

2/1. utility, fenced, central h/a. Totally updated. 2411 39th St. $595/month. 793-9596.

The MED Group is seeking a part-time Information Technology help desk position. Approximately 2025 hours per week. Hours must be during normal business operating times of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Position will handle routine hardware, software maintenance and installations as well as facilitating internet based webinars with Microsoft Live Meeting. Telephone support provided to remote staff and customers in various areas of software and Internet based technologies. Requirements: Excellent problem solving and communication skills required. Send resume to jwoodham@medgroup.com.

2303 15th. 3/2. Hardwood floors. Central heat and air. 2 blocks to Tech. Fenced yard. Washer/dryer. $895. 806-789-9573.

Your gift MEANS THE WORLD Consider donating your eggs to help other women. Your time is worth $2000-$3000. The Centre for Reproductive Medicine. cfrmlubbock@mac.com. 788-1212.

2/1, 2705 30th

Newly renovated. Appliances, C H/A, hardwoods. Exceptional home. No pets. Lease thru May 2009. $750 mo. 806-789-7756.

2/2 duplex Very nice, close to Tech, Central H/A, $600/month, $500 deposit. 1808 Ave. V. Joe 4410611.

2320 18TH REAR, 1/1. New carpet, countertops. Close to Tech. $335. Call 797-9839 or 543-4223. 2321 Main. Front house. 2/1. Appliances, hookups. December 18. $550 water paid. Yard maintained. John Nelson Realtors 794-7471. 2323 Main. 2/1.5 in 4-plex. Appliances, hookups. January 5th. $700. John Nelson Realtors 7947471. 2517 28th. Tech Terrace. 3/2/2. Completely remodeled. 2 living areas + sun room w/wet bar. $1195/month. 806-773-4311. 2604 21st. 1/1. Stove, refrigerator, W/D connections, $395. Wilson-Night Property Services. 7972212. www.wilson-night.com. 2709 1st Place 2/1 with refrigerator and W/D connections, new A/C unit, and new carpet, wheel chair ramp. $500. Close to McWhorter Elementary. Wilson-Night Property Services. 797-2212. www.wilson-night.com.

Interviewing AM Order Takers, Bussers & Prep positions!!! Flexible Shifts, 401K, Health/Dental Insurance, & MORE! Apply in Person @ Jason’s Deli, 4001 S. Loop 289 Lubbock 79423

FURNISHED 1 Bedroom 1 Bath furnished. Available 12/10/07. $689.00 month. $1048.00 down. Satellite. Solid wood bedroom doors with dead bolt locks. Ceramic tile in front entry, kitchen and bath. Stacked washer/dryer, Heating and air conditioning. Ceiling fan in bed room. Fire sprinkler system. Intrusion alarm. Covered private patio. High-speed internet access in BR. FREE Ethernet. Call 214714-8330. furnished apartment for rent. $369/month. No deposit required. Prefer female. Northwest Lubbock available immediately. Leave message 505390-6593.



Mr. Aquarium now accepting applications. All positions. 2523 34th.

Harold’s Clothing Now Hiring women’s sales associates for full and part time positions. We pay hourly plus commission for sales. Located at Kingsgate Shopping Center at 8201 Quaker Ave., Unit #116. Contact Leslie Crafton at (806)794-1655 or walk in. Benefits available for full time positions. We have an exciting work environment and are looking for dedicated team members. Store hours are Mon-Sat 10-6, Thursday 107, Sunday 1-5.

DEC. 6, 2007


2822 36th Rear. Efficiency includes stove and refrigerator. Only $300. Wilson-Night properties. 7972212. www.wilson-night.com. 2822 36th. 3/1, completely remodeled. Stove, central h/a, dishwasher and W/D connections. $895. Wilson-Night Property Services.797-2212. www.wilson-night.com. 3 bedroom + gameroom. 5318 39th. $850/mo. Call Stacy at 793-8111. 3 bedroom + garage conversion. 4811 54th. $850/mo. Call Stacy 793-8111.

3 bedroom houses

Tech area. Hardwood floors. Washer/dryer included. 789-6001, 747-3083. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 cars garage: 2325 77th Street. $950/mo. Only 2 years old. Call Shawn 792-1859 or 239-6409. 3/1 2205 20th St. $850/mo. 2218 20th St. 3/2 $1050/mo. Call Bill 470-7037. 3/1 remodeled inside. New paint. Doors. Bathroom. Security alarm. New fence. Storage house in backyard. 2206 49th. $700/month. Deposit $600. 745-1614. 3/2. with party room. $1080/mo + bills. Available December 15. Central h/a. 5004 43rd. 787-6564. 3/2/1 completely remodeled. New kitchen with new counter tops, cabinets, and appliances. New central h/a and paint inside and out. 2515 38th. Call 806-781-3357. 3/2/2. 2201 31st. $930 rent, $600 deposit. Central heat/air, stove, microwave, dishwasher. Call 535-2711 or e-mail paigefrost@sbcglobal.net.

Conveniently Located close to Tech and Walmart. All bills paid except electricity. 1 Bedroom starting $275 and up and 2 bedrooms starting at $375 and up. Please call 441-6866 or 762-3726. Cute 2/1/1. Central heat/air. Wood floors . Close to Tech. Pet friendly. 2008 33rd. $600. $500 deposit. Joe 441-0611.

Downtown Loft Apartment

Available Now. Not your typical cookie-cutter apartment experience. 1 bedroom / 1.5 bath – 1500 sq. ft. Remodel of old warehouse. 20’ exposed wood ceilings. Stained concrete floors. DSL internet available. Very quiet, laid-back community. Perfect for TTU faculty/staff, graduate, law, & medical students. NOTE: all units require non-smoking. $850/mo. 601 Main St. 763-6097.

First month Free

with lease. $700 + deposit. 2/2. Central H/A. Close to Tech. 806-789-5435.

For the fastest and easiest service, place and pay for your ad online! Click on the “Classifieds” link on our Web site to get started! E-mail: dawn.zuerker@ttu.edu Remember to include a contact number!

Phone: 806.742.3384

Call us to place your ad by credit card.

Fax: 806.742.2434

Call and confirm pricing and payment.

UNFURNISHED MISCELLANEOUS Nice 2/1/1 at 4307 31st. Ceramic tile. Hardwoods have just been refinished. Fireplace. Large backyard. Central h/a. $675/month. Call Steve 5481084. Nice Efficiency. Large one bedroom, updated, W/D hookups, close to Tech, 1904 28th Rear. $350 plus electric. 806-441-0611

pat Garrett Realtors

2328#1 78th– 2/2 - $700.00; 6914A Fremont – 2/1 - $635.00; 2105 26th – 2/1 - $625.00; 2105 26th (Back House) – 1/1 - $375.00; 3815B 51st – 3/2/1 - $695.00. (806) 795-0611 phone (ask for Chad for move in special ) Email: chad@garrettrealtors.com south of Tech. 2/1, loft, garage, central h/a, W/D, dishwasher, fireplace. 3010 29th. Deposit $450, rent $800/month. 543-6764. Tech Terrace 3-1-2 for rent. Completely updated. 3305 20th. $1500 month. No Pets. Contact Emily at 787-4417.

Tech Terrace

2825 26th. 2/1, large office w/storage, refrigerator, dishwasher, stove. No yard work. Great neighbors. $795.00. Call 806-785-7237.


Houses for sale & houses for rent. Go to TechTerrace.com.

TREES! 3105 46th. 3/2/2. Brick, hardwood, CH/A, washer, dryer, refrigerator. Close to Tech. $975. http://www.lubbockrenthouse.blogspot.com. 7734049.

Car Storage?

Store your vehicle or other stuff with us during the semester break. 792-6464. 5839 49th street. www.allamericanstorage.com. Free tickets for Friday or Saturday event to first ten students who call 794-1333.

need cash?

I buy guys/girls name brand clothes, designer handbags, and accessories. Call 806-777-8622.

ROOMMATES $400/month + bills

in the Lynnwood area. One fully furnished bedroom with twin bed and mirrored dresser available in a 2/2 duplex. The duplex features a fireplace, grill, big backyard, garage, and own washer and dryer. I do have 2 dogs so you must be ok with that. Please call Kelly at (713) 870-8315 if interested. female roommate needed to take over lease. $385/month, all bills included. Fully furnished. 2 minutes from Tech. Lease ends August 1st 2008. 972-948-0621. Male for Sublease in 4/2 at The Reserve for Spring Semester. $279/month OBO. 806-3671949. MALE ROOMMATE needed to sublease 3/3. Lynnwood Townhome. $250/month. Call Trent 806674-4870.

Way Too Cute! 2216 28th: 3 bedroom, 1 bath. 3409 33rd: 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1 car garage. Both Available Dec 1! First Mark 793-8759.

Male Roommate needed. $400. All bills paid. 3/2 house, close to Tech. Prefer grad/serious student, nonsmoker. Call Raymond 771-6469.

west wind Apts. Large one bedroom. Completely remodeled. Water paid. $450. For more information call: John Nelson Realtors (806)798-0947.

Male roommate needed. 3/2, large game room, nice neighborhood; minutes from Tech. $350+bills. Jeremy 806-470-5759.

FOR SALE 2001 Ford Ranger XLT

3.0 V6, 4 door super-cab, 89K miles, automatic, excellent condition, power window/locks, AM/FM/CD, XM radio, and cruise control. $7000. 806-4410107. 3/2/2. 1,700 sq.ft. house. Hardwoods, new carpet, sun room, new fence. Great location. 4404 49th. $99,500. 806-441-6518. Bath Junkie Franchise for sale. Great opportunity. More details call 806-781-1378 or 781-1865. BRAND NEW chenille sofa & loveseat. Will take $590. Nice for holiday. 806-549-3110. CHERRY DINING table & chairs. Rich mirror finish, forfeit $225. 806-549-3110. CHOCOLATE BROWN 100% leather sofa & love. New. List $2049. Sell $785. 806-549-3110. DINETTE SET & 4 chairs, solid light wood. Boxed, bring truck $149. Firm. 806-549-3110. For Sale 3/2/2 with formal living and dining room. House close to Tech priced below appraised value. Newly painted interior with washer, dryer, and refrigerator included. 4904 17th Pl (806) 798-3716. FULL SIZE mattress set $100. Twin $90. For guest room. Both New. 806-549-3110. MATTRESS ALL new King-Cal King set (pillowtop) in pkg. $275. Can deliver. 806-549-3110. MATTRESS MAMA wants YOU sleeping her comfortable beds. Warehouse pricing. All sizes. 4380081.

Mattress, Furniture

Ask about student discounts. (34th & Slide). 785-7253.

5127 34th Street

MECHANICAL BED wall-hugger base and mattress, list $2900, sell $1299. New. 806-549-3110. MEMORY FOAM mattress & foundation. Never opened. Can deliver. $490. 806-549-3110.

Need Roommate!

Looking for female roommate for six month lease starting January for a house. Please call Victoria 903-220-9977. Roommate Wanted!!! All bills paid. 2/2 apartment for spring semester. No deposit. $500 OBO! drew.melendres@ttu.edu.


2 females for SPRING. $379/mo. $50 Gift Cert. for whoever takes over lease! Briana 682.472.6345 ROOMMATES NEEDED!!! For Spring semester. 3/3. $300/mo. Kari 817-938-5911


Sublet available for female 1/1 of 2/2. Furnished. Only $399!! Call Rachael (832)752-2171.

SERVICES $5000 Paid Egg donors plus expense. Non/smoker, ages SAT>1100/ACT>24, GPA>3.0. Contact: info@eggdonorcenter.com if qualified.


Defensive DRIVING

C2204. $26.95. Free Dinner! Monday/Tuesday 6pm. Saturdays 9am. HomePlate Diner, 7615 University. 781-2931. flamenco dance classes forming all levels. Taught by professional, Alicia Laura. Call for info 762-1274. guitar lessons ALL styles/levels.By internationally acclaimed guitarist. Study with the best! 806-747-6108. susangrisanti.com


McLuthier’s full service guitar repairs. Licensed luthier. 2838 34th 687-6862


Need an alcohol awareness class for minors? Classes on Tech campus. DB Education 637-6181.

First month Free

Adorable pit bull puppies for sale. Will only be sold to good home. Parents on site. Call Marshall @ 432-638-8344.


Office of the Ombudsman

For Rent: 3/2/1 with formal living and dining. It has a washer/dryer and refrigerator. Available January 1, 2008. $500 deposit, $995/month with a 1 year lease. Located @ 2605 43rd. Call 806-7983716

QUEEN PILLOWTOP mattress & bottom box, newer, $150. 806-549-3110

A safe place to bring concerns and find solutions. Ombudsman for Students - Kathryn Quilliam, 7424791; Ombudsman for Staff - Nathanael Haddox, 742-4722. 237 Student Union. M-F 8-5. Walk in visitors welcome.

with lease. $325 + deposit. Efficiency. Close to Tech. 806-789-5435.

for sale or Lease. Will carry papers. 5402 31st St. Leave message at 806-863-4781. Half block Tech. Small, remodeled garage type efficiency apartment. No pets. Parking. Serious Students only. A/C. $325/month, utilities paid. 792-3118. House for Rent! Large 4/2, two living areas. Nice back patio. Remodeled kitchen. $1200/month. 806-241-8760.

large 2 bedroom.

Remodeled cottage houses in Tech area. Hardwood floors. Washer/dryer included. $500-$750/month. 789-6001, 747-3083 large 2 story, 4 bedroom 2 bath, large 2 car garage, and separate laundry. 1906 23rd St. Available Jan 1st. $1400/month. large efficiency. $325/month + utilities. $200 deposit. No pets and nonsmoking. Available Jan 1st. 438-5634.

Large one bedroom

duplexes. Three to choose from in Tech area. Hardwood floors or carpet. Washer/dryer included. $275-$350/month. 789-6001, 747-3083.

Lease: DEC 15 - May

2 bedroom 2 bath brick home. Large rooms. Separate dining, living and study. Lovely decor, yard. Near 43rd & Slide. $700. See Ann at 4211 34th. Lynnwoodtownhomes.com pre-leasing and immediate move-ins available for 4/4/3 and 3/3/2. 785-7772. Near Tech. Rear 1 bedroom apartment. Alarm system. $375/mo + electric. 2204 29th Rear. 5351905, 787-6564. Newly Renovated! 1, 2, & 3 bedroom houses for lease. Convenient to Tech. Call 771-1890.

RICH CHERRY dining table, chairs, china cabinet, tiny scratch $585. 806-549-3110. SACRIFICE COMPLETE dark finish 5 pc bedroom set and comforter. $495. 806-549-3110. Tech Terrace 4-2-2 home one block from campus. 3305 20th Street. Information tube at house. $239,000. Contact Emily at 787-4417. ULTRASUEDE PILLOW plush sofa & loveseat, slightly used, can take $545. 806-549-3110.

All Tech Students Recieve a FREE HELMET

Over 600 Units in stOck 2006 CBR600RR - $8,699 2006 Schwinn150 - $1,999 2006 KLX125 - $1,995 2006 VT750C - $6,295 2005 ZX-6R - $7,599 Call Ruslan For a Special Tech Discount (510) 717-7674


Buying any gold/silver jewelry. Any Condition. Avery and others. Varsity Jewelers 1311 University.

texas tech

officially licensed rings. Men’s from $445. Women’s from $195. Varsity Jewelers. 1311 University.


Brazillian, $35. Bikini, $20. Lip & brow, $15. Camille, 797-9777x245, @ Lindsey’s 3307 83rd.

TRAVEL #1 Spring Break Website! 4 & 7 night trips to SouthPadre, Acapulco, Cancun, Mazatlan and more. Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for 8 +. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! Campus reps needed. www.StudentCity.com or 800-2931445.

Spring Break 2008

Sell trips, earn cash and go free. Call for group discounts. Best prices guaranteed! Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas, S. Padre, Florida. 800-648-4849 or www.ststravel.com.



to place a Classified Ad: $8 for first 20 words; 25¢ for each additional word; 20¢/word for bold or CAPS. Log on to www.nineronline.com and click on “classifieds” to place and pay for your classified ad. For additional information, call 704-687-3681. help WANteD Part-time Sales - Flexible Hours work out of home - working with nonprofit organizations. Email resume and/or qualifications to Community Service Book at csbjob@ gmail.com ________________________________ Babysitter/Nanny Responsible, reliable and happy, own car, babysitt 2 year old boy Davis Lake area. References. M-F 3:006:00pm (704) 596-2363 ________________________________ Buffalo Wild Wings

The University Times is published every Tuesday and Thursday. The University Times cautions our readers about sedning money in response to advertising. When responding to ads in any publications to purchase information, items or services, you may wish to request written advance documentation of what the advertiser is selling. Though we take precautions to protect our readers from false or misleading advertising, The University Times is not responsible for the validity of advertisers’ claims.

We’re a wildly successful & growing sports bar chain! We’re looking for quality team members (bartenders, cashiers, servers, & cooks) at our Grande Promenade Shopping Center location (at the corner of WT Harris/N Tryon). We offer great benefits such as tuition assistance, flexible schedules, FUN and upbeat work environment, medical & dental insurance, and MORE! WOW!! Apply in person today....spots are limited (704-510-1545)


Spring Break 2008

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LOWEST RATES! (704) 510-1993 www.unccrentals.com



4 BR, 4 BA unit $1,150/MO for full year lease. Includes elec and water; Wakling distance to campus (704) 562-1644 ________________________________ HOUSE 4 RENT NEAR UNCC 3 BD, 2.5 BTH, LR, DR, GARAGE. $1,000/ MONTH 11503 WATERMOSS LN (909) 935-9691 ________________________________ House Rental Gorgrous 4br 2.5b house 4 miles from campus. 3000 sq ft, pool, fenced yard. $2200/month. (704) 651-7323 ________________________________ For Rent/Lease/Sale Walk to class - UT/UT North is closest to campus! Four bedrooms, two or four bathrooms available. Free parking, individual leases, most affordable off campus housing. Visit today! Located next to Circle K beside UNCC on John Kirk Road.


Duke Paralegal Program Looking for a new career? Earn a Paralegal Certificate in only 16 weeks through Duke University in Charlotte. Free information session Sept. 13th at Montreat College. To register, visit www.learnmore.duke. edu/ paralegal or phone 919-684-6259.









785.864.4358 JOBS

Group Home Support Staff with good work ethic & communication skills. Bachelors degree and Behavioral knowledge preferred. $10-14hr or more based on exp. Resume fax 816-777-1305 tmcdonald@behavioralmilestones.com. Seeking certified Special Education Teacher for position in private ABA school serving ages 5-21. Fax resume to 816777-0626 dmatthews@behavioralmilestones.com WERE YOU A HIGH SCHOOL ALLSTAR? Of course you were - that’s why your at KU. This summer, gain experience, travel, regain your competative edge, make $700/week Call for details 785-856-2783 Account Service Reps needed to start full-time on or before June 1, at Security Benefit, Topeka, KS. All degree programs welcome. After comprehensive training, ASR’s provide information and service (no selling or solicitation) relating to financial products. Competitive salary and benefits package for this entry-level career position in our dynamic technologybased business, se2. Apply via our online application at www.securitybenefit.com. or phone 785.438.3288. EOE. Attention College Students! We pay up to $75 per survey. www.GetPaidToThink.com COOLCOLLEGEJOBS.COM Paid Survey Takers Needed in Lawrence. 100% FREE to Join! Click on Surveys. Teacher aids needed for summer and or fall. 7-2 or 1-6 . Please apply at Children’s Learning Center 205 N Michigan. Earn $2500+ monthly and more to type simple ads online. www.DataAdEntry.com Bartenders needed PT experienced only. Apply in person at Slow Ride Roadhouse 1350 N. 3rd st. N. Lawrence.

KU’s free local marketplace free [ads] for all







Carlos O’Kelly’s is looking for summer help. Hiring for all positions. No experience required, will train. Weekend availability a plus. 785-832-0550 Sunshine Acres Preschool & All day Kindergarten. Now enrolling children for summer & fall. To hire 4 teachers for 2007-2008 school yr. Two to start May 24. Other positions begin July 30. Must meet state KDHE requirements. Send resume to director, 2141 Maple Ln, Lawrence 66006. 842-2223. Summer Nanay: For 2 kids, 8:30-2:30 Monday thru Thursday. Must have own transportation. Email Tara with experience and 2 refs at tbmandi@gmail.com. hawkchalk.com/1904 FT opening for CNA on day shift at Eudora Nursing Center. Apply in person at 1415 Maple St, Eudora, KS. BARTENDING. UP TO $300/DAY. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. TRAINING PROVIDED. 800-965-6520 EXT 108 Have summer plans?: We have openings for Assistant Cooks, Male Craft & Riflery counselor. It is an awesome way to spend your summer in Colorado. Cheley Colorado Camps. A residential wilderness camp for ages 9-17. Employment from 6/3-8/6 or extended opportunities. Call us at 1-800-CampFun, or visit our website at www.cheley.com SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITY! Work outside, with other students, have fun, and make $8-12 phr. Get experience! Call College Pro Painters NOW! 1-888-277-9787 www.collegepro.com Advertising & Marketing Manager Responsible for the creation of print materials & all forms of advertisement for property management team. Including updates to website and tracking of leads. Requires excellent written and verbal communication skills. Submit resume & salary requirements to: jobs@firstmanagementinc.com or P.O. 1797 Lawrence, KS 66044. Do you speak Spanish, like peanut butter and don’t mind getting sand in your shoes? Raintree Montessori School is looking for a toddler assistant who loves working with very short people. 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM Mon-Fri. $11/hr. Call 785-843-6800 Website Maintenance/Advertising Design. Lawrence Alternative Publications seeks Journalism or Art student for website maintenance, website advertising design, and print advertising design. Candidates should be web-saavy and familiar with Photoshop. Knowledge of Flash a plus. Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator/Pagemaker/InDesign a plus. Position PT. $7/hr. J-School students may qualify for internship credit. Email your qualiifications to editor@lawrencian.com. Please attach PDF of your original Photoshop designs.



Attention Students!!! Summer job opportunity with College Pro Painters! Work outside, gain leadership skills, have fun, advancement opportunities! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Call now to apply! 1-888-277-9787 www.collegepro.com


Accepting applications for broiler cooks and dishwashers. No late hours. Apply at Don’s Steakhouse. SUMMER MANAGEMENT JOB! Hundreds of jobs available! Work outside, gain leadership skills, advancement opportunities! To apply call College Pro Painters NOW! 1-888-277-9787www.collegepro.com Summer Nanny for two children in SW Topeka. Responsible and caring. Includes light chores. Must have transportation and references. Contact Mike 785-250-8226 Looking for fun, outgoing, motivated people to work in-store promotional sales. $10/hr (Weekends Only!) Email for more info: instoredemos@yahoo.com INTERNSHIPS at a fun non-profit on campus! Audio-Reader taking applicants now, call 864-5336 for more info. hawkchalk.com/1983 PT evening teachers needed 2:30pm-6pm or 3pm-6pm Monday - Friday Apply in person at Kinder Care Learning Center 2333 Crestline Drive 785-749-0295 Student Summer Help Wanted: General Field Work growing Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables and Turf at K-State Research and Extension Center South of Desoto. Must have own Transportation to site at 35230 W. 135 Street Olathe Kansas 66061. $8/hr 40 hrs/wk. For Application Call Terry 913-856-2335 Ext 102. Taking applications until positions are filled. General laborers, asbestos abatement and pipeline workers needed in the Lawrence area. Contact Laborers’ Local 1290 Manhattan office to inquire. 785- 537-1567. WHAMtext!!! Paid Summer Internship. Great pay ($1500+/mo), independence, flexible hours. EARN RESIDUAL INCOME ALL YEAR for summer of work. Established company, exciting product. Call 866-WHAMtext (866-942-6839) ext. 3 or e-mail jlerner@whamtext.com. DST Systems, Inc. has immediate openings for part-time and full-time Mutual Fund/Corporate Securities Representatives in our Lawrence office of Boston Financial Data Services-Midwest. Individuals in these positions are primarily responsible for processing requests and providing customer service to shareholders on a dayto-day basis. Applicants should have 2-4 years customer service and/or equivalent experience, Some college preferred, Excellent communication skills, Financial services experience helpful, but not necessary, Stable work history, Typing 30 wpm, 20 or 40 hours, availability between 7 am and 8 pm Monday-Friday and one weekend day. This hourly position begins at $11.23/hr. Please visit www.dstsystems.com, Careers, Search Openings, and submit your resume to req 297BR. AA EOE

Jersey Mike's Lawrence Store now Hiring for Slicers and Cashiers. F/T & P/T Start May 1!! Call Breana at Key 785-272-9999

1 bedroom 735 sq. ft. apartment. $512 incl. utils. walk to campus. Westhills Apartments. Sublease for June/July, possible to move in the end May. James: 913-568-8738 hawkcahlk.com/1892





ROOMMATE/SUBLEASE 3 BR avail. in 4 BR 2 BA townhome. Females only. $400/mo.+ 1/4 util. 1 mile west of KU. Nice community. Call 816746-5746 or Rachel @785-979-4740. 3BR 3 BA apt. 1 person needed to sublease for summer. W/D included, Furnished. Rent $380 + electricity. Call Briana 281-685-3882. hawkchalk.com/1931

Country Club Apartments: Upscale 2 BR/2 BA, w/d included, D/W, C/A! Don’t miss out! 785/841-4935 1 BR 2nd floor apt in renovated old house, 9th and Miss, wood floors, off st parking DW, avail. Aug, 90% high efficiency furnace, $469 Jim & Lois 841-1074

1 bedroom near campus and downtown; extra sunroom/study; rent $399; good landlords, great for a grad student. Lois Schneider, 785-841-1074 hawkchalk. com/1908 2 BR 1 Bath 1025 Miss. $640/mo+utilites, water included. Great location. Call (913)515-1535 or (913)484-2075. hawkchalk.com/1972 2 Roommates needed to share a 3 BR house. Lease 6/01/07-08. $350/mo for MB & $300 for spare + 1/3 utilities. Call Eric 785-393-2127 BrinkmanE82@yahoo. com hawkchalk.com/1954 Seeking 1-3 roommates for 4 BR, 3 BA nice house, W/D. May rent 1-room or entire house. $250-300 each + util, first month reduced. 913-207-6519. Female roommate (preferably upperclassman) wanted. Large house w/ 4 other females. 5 min walk to campus. $360/mo + util./cable. (785) 393-0076 if interested! hawkchalk.com/1974 Female Roommate wanted for 4BR house. Summer subleases & Fall 2007Spring 2008 available. W/D, large room, $325+ 1/4 utilities. Call Nicole, 785-7664641 hawkchalk.com/1957 $480/mo. utilities included. Female roommate wanted for furnished Legends 4BR 4 BA apt for June/July sublease. Contact katylinmbrown@gmail.com hawkchalk.com/1961 * Beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse * 1 bedroom for summer sublease * Great Neighborhood * $270 per month rent * 1/3 the utilities * Great location hawkchalk.com/1953 Female Subleaser Wanted Aug-Dec 07. RanchWay Townhomes. Rent: $284/mo + 1/3 utilities. Interested? PLEASE call Sabra at: (620)757-1384. hawkchalk.com/1982 Summer sublet needed for a room in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment at Westhills Apartments. $370 a month includes all utilities. Pets allowed. Contact: jessie16@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/1890 TWO SUMMER SUBLEASERS WANTED. CALL 816.309.4404 FOR MORE INFORMATION! hawkchalk.com/1715 May - July sublease 1 BR apt., 2 blocks N of campus $475/mo + utilities. Call 785-979-1184 hawkchalk.com/1971 Summer Sublease. 3BR Townhome 2.5 baths. Located on 6th street. Rent $280 plus utilities. Call Kyle 316-64-6377 hawkchalk.com/1928 Need a subleaser for a 1 BR aptartment at High Point from January 2008 to end of summer 2008. $640 + utilities. Call Jackie at (214) 728-2884. hawkchalk.com/1981 Summer Sublease. $365/mo.+ electric. Pool, basketball, volleyball, free tanning, workout room, furnished, private bath, full bed, The Reserve, very nice, 5/19-7/15. hawkchalk.com/1979


ROOMMATE/SUBLEASE 1301 Sunchase Drive - For rent 900/mo, 3 bed, 2 bath, fenced yard, patio, VERY NICE! Call Meagon @ 856-6903 or see pictures at www.fsbolawrence.com/1118 hawkchalk.com/1914

1 female roommate needed to live in a house with 3 girls. 4 BR 3 BA, great location. Lease begins Aug. 1. Contact if you have any questions. mckensie@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/1919.

1 BR sublease/3 BR house. $400/ mo. includes all utils., deposit & pet deposit. 6/1 - 8/1. W/D. Call Bethany 913-4880665 hawkchalk.com/1985

2 BR apt in renovated older house, with office space, avail Aug for 10 month lease, wood floors, DW, off street parking, 14th and Vermont, private deck, $780 call Jim and Lois 841-1074

1 female needed for summer sublease in a 4 BR / 2 BA, fully furnished apartment. Pool, gym & tanning bed. $309/mo+ shared utilities. If interested call 9132200637. hawkchalk.com/1964

3 BR apt in renovated older house, available August for 10 month lease, wood floors, DW, 14th and Vermont, off street parking, private deck $780 call Jim and Lois 785-841-1074

1 or 2 rooms in furnished 1.5 bath house. W/D, DW, pool table & DVR. $325/mo June1-July31. Contact Sam @ (913) 269-8425 or swein@ku.edu !! hawkchalk.com/1956 1 Roommate needed for 4 BR house at 9th & Indiana. $300 a month + 1/4 utlities/ cable/internet, June 1, 12 month lease. Call Brendan, 816-853-5148. hawkchalk.com/1973 Female grad student seeks 1-2 roommates to share a 3BR, 2Bath townhouse in Lawrence. Move in as early as July. E-mail suzannea@ku.edu if interested. hawkchalk.com/1942 Female roommate needed for 2 BR apt. non-smoker. pets. fully furnished. rent $605/month+utilities. on KU bus route. contact: hannah at morgy1@ku.edu hawkchalk.com/1939 Female sublease available in 4bed/2bath apt. 325/mo.+ electric. Available May 21July 31. Contact Kelsie at 785-840-5106. hawkchalk.com/1938

3 BR apt in renovated older house, 1300 blk Rhode Island, wood floors, DW, antique tub, Avail Aug, large porch, $750, call Jim and Lois at 785-841-1074 3 to 4 BR house. Full basement, new kitchen/bath, appls included, big yard. Near KU. Avail. Aug. Call 785-841-3849. 4 BR/2BA house at 2235 Tennessee St. Good location, close to campus. Call 913-530-7211. FOR RENT 3BR & 4BR townhomes Jill (785) 393-7368 www.Rentinglawrence.com California Apartments: Studios, 1, 2, 3 Bedrooms from $425/month. W/D hookups or included, D/W, C/A. 785-841-4935 1050 sq ft 3 BR 2 BA, $950/mo. kitchen & appliances, W/D, pool hottub, exercise room, free breakfast & dvd rental 620-704-2912. hawkchalk.com/1962 3BR 2BA Duplex. $750. Close to KU. W/D Hookups. Pets OK. 744 Missouri. Avail Aug 1. Call 218-3788 or 218-8254.

Pet friendly with no animal deposit, W/D included, gas & water paid, on Tennessee &16th. Call 940-368-2051. Rent negotiable from $565. hawkchalk.com/1960


Roomates needed to share 3BR 2BA condo with W/D near campus. $290/mo. +1/3 util. Avail June 1 or Aug 1. 550-4544.

Need female student to sublease 1 BR for summer in a very nice 4BR/2BA townhome. Fully furnished, W/D, 2 car garage, dates flexible, $243/mo (913)449-7451 hawkchalk.com/1944 Summer sublease available end of May Located at 9th & Avalon, near campus 2BR, 1Bath, balcony $545/month + utilities Call 816-807-1241 for more info hawkchalk.com/1918

2, 3, & 4 BR Apts. & Townhomes • Walk-in closets • Swimming pool • On-site laundry facility • Cats and small pets ok • Ku bus route • Lawrence bus route •



2 Bedroom $515 & Up 3 Bedroom $690 & Up 4 Bedroom $850 & Up 2 Bedroom Townhome $750









785.864.4358 FOR RENT

5 BR house 1604 Tennessee. DW, W/D, CA, $1550. Close to campus. 785-3936443.

1BR out of a 4BR 2 BA house sublease needed. May 19- August 1st. Garage, W/ D, high speed internet. $325/mo+ util. Call 630-220-5276. Hawkchalk.com/1901.

FOR RENT Tuckaway Management Great Locations! Great Prices! Great Customer Service! Call 838-3377 or 841-3339 www.tuckawaymgmt.com Unfurnished. 1 - 2 Blocks from campus. Newer construction. 3 & 4 Bedrooms Please call 785-841-5444

Houses, Apartments, Townhomes available for Now and August 1st www.gagemgmt.com 785-842-7644 1&2 BR studio apts near KU & residential offices near 23rd St. Ideal for students&profs to launch business.8416254. 1-3 BR apts&houses.Most near campus 405-$1050. www.longpropertymgmt.com. kelli@longpropertymgmt.com.842-2569.

2 BR August lease available. Next to campus. Jayhawk Apts. 1130 W 11th $600/mo. No pets. 785-556-0713

Parkway Commons 1, 2 & 3 BR. Util. packages. $99 deposit. 842-3280. 3601 Clinton Pkwy.

House for rent. 1700 block of Alabama. 3BR 1BA. Part basement. $800/mo for information 785-528-4876

Very nice 4BR 3BA Duplex. Clinton and Wakarusa. Avail Aug 1. 2 Car Garage. W/D. $1300/mo. Call Scott 913-515-5349

3 BR Apt. Very spacious, 2 story. 1 & 1/2 BA. Fireplace, skylight, remodeled kitchen, bathrooms. W/D, walkout patio, 1 car garage. Near campus. 2901 University Dr. $900/mo. No smkng. 748-9807.

2 BR. June. 1335 Connecticut. $650. 4 BR. June. 617 Maine. $1200. 4 BR. August. 613 Maine. $1200. 7 BR. August. 1536 Tennessee. $2800. Call 550-6414.

2BR 1BA. $650. 1 BLOCK TO KU. W/D Hookups. Hardwood Flrs. 1824-6 Arkans. Avail 8/1. Call 218-3788 or 218-8254.

3 BRs for rent in a house near Lawrence High school. Rooms available May 19th through July 31st. $400/mo includes utilities. If interested call Travis @ 760-3325

Attention seniors & grad students! Real nice, quiet 1 & 2 BR apts/houses. Avail. June 1. Hard wood floors. Lots of windows. No pets or smoking. 331-5209. 3BR 2BA Condo close to campus! 927 Emery Road. W/D and all appliances. No Pets. $825/mo Please call 913-220-5235 Townhouse near 15th and Wakarusa. Rent is $475 a month and that includes all utilities. Brand new, wireless internet. Call Rachel at 816-550-8437. hawkchalk.com/1980 Enjoy a panoramic view of Lawrence from your well maintained, spacious, 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo. Rent is only $885.00 with water and trash paid. Featuring a fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, on the KU bus route, or enjoy a short 5 minute walk to class or downtown. For a showing call 842-6264 or 865-8741 on evenings & weekends.

Seniors and grads:1&2 BR apts or duplexes close to KU&downtown. Upstairs or down, tile, carpet, or hrdwd, $395-760/ mo+util. No smoking/pets. Avail. 5/15 and 8/1. Call Big Blue Property 785-979-6211. 3 BR 2.5 BA townhome in NW Lawrence, gas log fireplace, W/D hookups, all appls., 2 car garage w/opener. $850-$950/mo. Avail. now! 785-423-2525 1 & 2 BR apts avail. for August. Great location near campus. Walk or ride bus. Quiet area. Balcony or patio, W/D hookups, DW, CA, walk-in closet, miniblinds, ceiling fan. No pets. Briarstone Apts. 1000 Emery Rd. 749-7744. 6/7 BR 3.5 BA. West of Campus. 2 Kitchens. 2 Car Garage. Avail August. 785-842-6618 rainbowworks1@yahoo.com 3BR/2BA. 1 BLOCK TO KU @ College Hill Condo. W/D Hookups. Avail Aug 1. $850 water paid. 785.218-3788.

2 Bedrooms, Avalible May 5. Pets Allowed $412/month. Nice, Clean, new carpet. Call 785-979-4021. Hawkchalk.com/1900. Small house for rent. 2BR 1BA Close to bike and walking trails. Off street parking. $515/mo. Close to bus route. 749-2767

Very nice 3 BR house close to campus. Washer and dryer provided. No smoking, no pets. $1100/mo. Call 979-6453. 1BR and 4BR Apts avail now. Private entrance, roomy, large yard. $525/mo and $750/mo 785-749-1530

1 BR & studio. 1530 Tennessee. Remodeled. Quiet. $460 and $390. Water paid. 785-393-6443.

1317 Valley Lane. 1, 2, 3 BR apts. $610-$940/mo. Washer dryer hookup, dishwasher and garage. Close to campus. 749-6084.

941 Indiana Street: 1,2&3 Bedrooms available for August. Starting at $490$975. Close to stadium and campus! MPM. 785-841-4935.


Awesome location 4-plex at 922 Tennessee. Close to campus and downtown. 3 BR 2 full BA. W/D. Available Aug. 1. $850/mo. Call 785-393-1138.

2 BR apt. W/D. Close to campus. 928 Alabama. By the stadium. $500/mo. Ask for Leslie at 550-2342





3 BR 2BA 1 garage. W/D hookup. No pets or smkr. On KU bus route. 806 New Jersey. $900/mo. Aug. 1. 550-4148.

1326 Massachusetts 4BR 1BA. Large house w/ wood floors. Walking distance to campus & downtown. All amenities incl. $1500/mo. Avail. Aug. Call 760-840-0487.

1701-1717 Ohio 2BR 1BA Close to KU Dishwasher. W/D. No pets. $620/mo 749-6084 www.eresrental.com

3BR 2BA apts off Emery close to campus. W/D included. Rent $275/mo/per person. 785-550-5979 between 8AM and 8PM


Jacksonville Apartments: 1 & 2 Bedrooms on the West Side from $460/month. Laundry on-site, D/W & C/A. OPEN HOUSES ON WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS-700 Monterey Way Apt. N2 785-841-4935

4 BR 2 BA house. 1 car garage, yard on quiet col-de-sak. 608 Saratoga. Rent Aug. 1. 785-842-6779 or 785-760- 2896.

1125 Tennessee 3&4 bedrooms available for August. Fully-equipped kitchens, over 1400 square feet w/ washer/dryer included. MPM 785-841-4935.

3BR 2BA, W/D, DW, 3 blocks from campus! College Hill Condo available Aug 1, rent $835/mo. 913.424.8137




Now Leasing for 2007! Applecroft Apts. Walking distance to campus. $99 deposit per BR. Call for details.785-843-8220.


3BR 3BA $1500/mo 946 Illinois; 3BR 3 1/2BA $1575/mo 940 & 942 Illinois; 4BR Game Room, 5 1/2BA $2500/mo 1136 Mississippi; 2BR 1 1/2BA $550/mo 627 W 25th; 785-979-9120 2BR 1BA Duplex. $650. 1 BLOCK TO KU. W/D. Pets OK. 1222-6 W 19th. Avail Aug 1. Call 218-8254 or 218-3788. 1135 Ohio 3 BR, 1.5 BA. $875/mo. Dishwasher and W/D. Close to campus. No pets. 749-6084. eresrentals.com 3BR 1BA hardwood floors, full basement, W/D hookups, diswasher, large trees. $775. Avail. Aug 1 Please Call 749-3193 Free Rent? 4 BR 3 BA, 2 car garage townhome. All apliances. W/D included. Avail Aug/Sept.Call 785-841-3849.1200/ mo. Available August sm 2 BR apartment in renovated older house, 14th and Connecticut, wood floor, DW, W/D, 90% efficient furnace, CA, cats ok, off st parking, $625 call Jim and Lois 785-841-1074

FOR RENT Houses for Rent Near Campus including 3/5/6/7 BR Avail in Aug. Great Landlord! 842-6618 rainbowworks1@yahoo.com 1 Bedroom Apt at Parkway Commons w/garage for June & July. Includes DW, W/D, pool, bball court, fitness center, contin. breakfast, Call 785-955-0173. hawkchalk.com/1894. Student Cooperative near campus featuring laundry, kitchen space, pool table, cable TV, private rooms and much more. Rent ranges from $250-350/mo. including utilities. Call 785-749-0871. Studio apt, in renovated older house, 17th and Vermont, off st parking, DW, avail Aug. private deck, wood floors, antique tub, $399, 90% eff. furnace, call Jim and Lois 785-841-1074 1BR 1BA Studio. $390. Close to bus route. 508 Wisconsin. Call 218-3788 or 218-8254. 2-3-4 BR houses. Downtown. W/D, DW, pet friendly, $750-$1300. 826 Rhode Island, 1005 Pennsylvania, 906 Connecticut. Avail Aug. Owner Managed. 785-842-8473. 3BR 2BA, W/D, DW, 3 blocks from campus! College Hill Condo available Aug 1, rent $835/mo. 913.424.8137 Eastview Apartments 1025 Mississippi studio, 1&2 bedrooms. Laundry on-site. Available August. MPM 785-841-4935.

FOR RENT Sublease avail now-July. 3 BR 1 BA duplex.1 car garage.W/D hookups.Quiet location. $550/mo.No deposit. 785-331-9080. Studio near campus. Water and gas included. Available end of May through July 31st. Call 314-630-9415. Hawkchalk. com/1894. 1822 Maine 3BR 2BA w/ 2 car garage. Wood floors. Walking distance to campus. All amenities included. $1245/mo. Avail. Aug. Call Ed at 760-840-0487. Available August sm 2 BR apartment in renovated older house, 14th and Connecticut, wood floor, DW, W/D, 90% efficient furnace, CA, cats ok, off st parking, $625 call Jim and Lois 785-841-1074 2 BR Apt. Avail August. Between campus and downtown. Close to gsp/corbin. No pets. 785-550-5012 Avail June or Aug 1 BR spacious, remodeled, quiet apts. Quiet, CA, balconies, 9th and Emery. No pets/smoking. Starting $375 + utils. Excellent Locations 1341 Ohio and 1104 Tennessee 2BR CA DW W/D Hookups $510/mo and $500/mo No Pets Call 785-842-4242 FALL LEASING Spacious 1, 2, & 3 BRs Canyon Court Apts. 700 Comet Ln. 785-832-8805 www.firstmanagementinc.com Great location 1801 Mississippi. 3BR apt. Hardwood floors, CA, $660/mo. Aug 1. No pets. 842-4242.

À Ü `Ê ÕÀÌÊ «>ÀÌ i Ìà 1& 2 BR Units Cable/Internet Paid Pool/Fitness 1501 George Williams Way ******* *>À Ê7iÃÌÊ/ Ü Ê ià 2 & 3 bedrooms Washer/dryer included 2-car garage Eisenhower Terrace ******* *>À Ê7iÃÌÊ >À`i ÃÊ , Ê 7t 1 & 2 BR luxury apartments 1 car garage included in each Washer/dryer included 445 Eisenhower Drive ÀÊ>ÊÃ Ü }ÊV> \ ÊÊ­Çnx®n{ä {ÈÇ

Hawthorn / Parkway Townhomes. 2 & 3 BR avail. Some with attached garage & private courtyard. 842-3280. Hawthorn Houses. 2 & 3 BR avail. w/ 2-car garage. Burning fireplace. Large living area. 842-3280. Holiday Apts.Now Leasing 1, 2, 3 & 4 BR apts. for Summer & Fall, nice quiet setting, great floor plans, laundry, pool, DW, large closets, on KU bus route. Cats welcome. Call 843-0011 www.holidayapts.com. Now Leasing for 2007! Chase Court Apts. Free DVD library & Free Breakfast. $99 deposit per BR. Call for details. 843-8220. Now leasing for fall. Highpointe Apts. 1,2&3 BR. 785-841-8468. 2 bdrm basement apt. 2 blocks from stadium. Avail June 1. ALL utilities paid. Off street parking. $545/month. Refernces required. Call 785 331 9903. leave message. hawkchalk.com/1891


$ave Your Money

Nice, quiet, well kept 2 BR apartments. Appliances, CA, low bills and more! No pets. No smoking. $415/mo.


Classifieds Policy: The Kansan will not knowingly accept any advertisement for housing or employment that discriminates against any person or group of persons based on race, sex, age, color, creed, religion, sexual


orientation, nationality or disability. Further, the Kansan will not knowingly accept advertising that is in violation of University of Kansas regulation or law. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal

Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make

any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Our readers are hereby informed that all jobs and housing advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black


Call 859-257-2871 to place your ad Ads can also be found on www.kykernel.com


! FREEDOM OF Speech... NOT FOR SALE! The "BLUEsecret" is coming. Are you ready? GoBigBlue.com $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Cars from $500. For listing 800-560-1872 ext. R214


1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS: 1 & 2BR, a/c, parking. $395-up. 269-4129 after 7pm. 1 MONTH FREE. 3BR, 2BA town home. Includes w/d, a/c, and gardener. Near UK & Transy. $780/mo. Call Mary Lou. 859-433-4113. 1, 3, 4BR HOUSE for rent. Near campus. 859-684-5838 1BR APT. 750 SQ. FT. Air, d/w, range, refrigerator. From $295/mo. 1285 Centre Pkwy. 3 miles south of campus. www.lexkyapt.com. 859-327-0982.

2BR, 2.5BA TOWNHOUSE for sublet. 0.5 miles from campus. w/d, pets. $0 deposit. $820/mo. Jan. 1 – July 31. 859-816-9050 2BR, 2BA APT. University Village. $870/mo. Water, w/d, included. Kelvin or Stan 507-469-3793 3 & 4BR APTS. On campus. Newer construction. $850-1000/mo. all elec. No gas, with w/d. 859-2705057 324 PRESTON AVE. 3 OR 4BR, 2BA. Bike to UK. Fenced backyard. W/D included, full basement. $975/mo. + util. 541-968-8056 3BR – Move in today! $900, elec. Heat, w/d, parking. 269-2941 or www.touchstonerentals.com

P ARKHILL A PARTMENTS Brand New 1 Bedrooms $550.00

Starting at Cable/ Internet included

273.1221 www.MyHomeKy.com

3BR AVAIL. On Transcript Ave. Call Craven’s Properties 252-5858 3BR, 3BA TOWNHOUSE with w/d. $850/mo. 1 mile from campus. Call Cravens Properties. 252-5858. 423 MARQUIS AVE. 3BR, 1BA. $850/mo. All elec. w/d, c/air. 859-351-3370 441 PARWAY: $1595/MO. 5BR, 2BA, 2350 sq. ft. 4 garage parking spaces. Close to campus. Eddie Maggard @ 381-0000, www.coldharborrealty.com 1BR APT. OFF of Waller Ave. Free rent until 12-01-07. 433-0996

4BR, 2.5BA OFF Tates Creek Rd. 2500 sq. ft. $1500/mo. Call 859-619-9162

All participants are compensated for their time. Please call 859-257-5794

other Saturday 9 am - 6 pm. Please contact Dan Defler at 859-887-5000 to schedule an interview.

BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION: 3BR, 2BA, 1 car garage. $900/mo. 859-226-0809, 859-621-8687

ARE YOU SUFFERING form ADD/ADHD symptoms? (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.) Doctors in your area are conduction a clinical research study of an FDA approved drug for ADHD. You may qualify if you are: 18-30 years old, speak and read English well, have difficulty organizing tasks or completing projects, feel overly active or restless/squirmy, put off things that you feel will be difficult to do. Qualified participants will not be charged for study medication or placebo and will receive regular medical evaluation. To see if you qualify, visit www.stayadhdstudy.com or contact 859-333-8996 or www.studycenter.com

KENTUCKY CLASS NOTES is hiring for Spring 2008. Get paifd to go to class! Kyclassnotes.com for more information

THOROUGHBRED HOT WALKER – Groom needed; Paris Pike Training Center. 859-749-2912

HBH ENTERPRISES Cute Townhome in the Tates Creek Area

Cozy 3 BR, 2.5 BA, Garage, Fireplace, Deck $825 All electric, w/d avail.

859-229-6370 Not a Section 8 Participant. Small dogs ok.

CUTE 1BR CONDO: $495/mo. No pets. Tates Creek & Armstrong Mill. 859-893-1321 FALL SPECIAL. 3BR, 2BA. W/D, microwave, d/w, walk to campus. Campus Downs. $750/mo. + util. 225-3334.

HOUSE FOR RENT: 351 Greenbrier Rd. 3BR, 2BA Ranch style home. 2.5 miles to Funkhauser on UK campus. Walking distance to Arboretum. Huge yard, organic vegetable garden space, hardwood floors, ceiling fans, great quiet neighborhood, carport. N/S, pets negotiable. $1200/mo. 278-8925, 559-8538

4BR, 2.5BA: 1 yr. old on Northwest side. $1195/mo. 2 car garage, covered porch, w/d. 859-494-1818.

2 FEMALE GRAD STUDENTS looking to share 3BR, 2BA house in Hamburg. $400/mo. + util. 502-330-2670

5 OR 4BR, 3BA HOUSE: On Golf course. 2 decks, w/d, d/w, elec. By campus. Avail. Jan. 859-229-4991

NEWTOWN CROSSING: Year lease, Aug., Sept, Oct. pd. Call 704-779-5340. $550/mo. Including util. NOVEMBER FREE: Big Bear Lane. 4BR, 2.5BA. $975/mo. 719-237-8169

Walking Distance to Campus! University Village Apartments 1 BR. Includes washer/dryer, internet and cable. Swimming pool, work-out facility, computer lab Woodland Village 1 bedroom available. Available in January Please Call 859-231-6160 or visit www.myukhome.com

222 BOLIVAR: 2BR, 2BA. South Hill Station. 859-3810000 2BR, 2.5BA DUPLEX/Town house. Off Tates Creek. W/D hookups, d/w. Take over lease, can do 7 months or longer. Avail. Nov. 224-1109

Q: A:

Omni Place Is The Answer

Furnished Studios $375/mo. Utilities Included Pre-Leasing for Fall Recently Renovated 254-6400

5BR NEXT TO St. Joseph’s Hospital. Patio, large garage. Call 983-9933 AWESOME HOUSE ON Campus. 7BR, 3BA w/ hot tub. Avail. Jan. 1. Don’t miss out. Call 333-1965

PARKING, RESERVED SPACE, Rose/Maxwell. $275/yr. dougroe@alltel.net PARKWAY: 5BR, 2BA. Close to campus. 859-381-0000 RENOVATED DOWNTOWN STUDIO & 1BR Apt. Monthly lease, partial util. pd. Starting at $355/mo 859-245-0572 UGA – UK GAME: Weekend condo – sleeps 6, fully furnished. http://georgiadawgrentals.com. Ph: 404403-8191


! BARTENDING! UP TO $250/day. No exp. necessary. Training provided. 800-965-6520 x. 132.

PERFECT STUDENT WORK! Enter Data Online! $30$50 Per Form. $200+Daily Possible! WWW.CAMPUSWORKCENTER.INFO. PT AM & PM KENNEL position. Apply in person. Richmond Rd. Vet Clinic. 3270 Richmond Rd. 2635037. PT ASST. MANAGER. 15-20 hrw/wk. Flex. No Sundays or late nights. Perfect for responsible student. Please apply at Applecreek BBQ. 185 Pasadena Dr. PT JOB OFFER as sales reps!!! Work at home, mailing envelopes or typing is the potential to earn $7003000 USD per-week running your own home business, suitable for anyone willing to commit 1 hr. 30 min./day. Email j.cornwell2@yahoo.com for more pack information about the terms and the cost involved.

PT MANAGER WANTED for Kids Place. Fast placed fun environment. Must be avail. To work weekends and some weekdays, eves. Free membership to LAC. $8-9/hr. Responsible hard worker is a must. Reply 272-5433

MONTMULLIN ST. Walk to campus. 2BR, 1BA, w/d hookup, off-st. parking. $725/mo. 608-0807. NEAR HARTLAND-NEWLY renovated. 2BR + loftvaulted ceilings-2 full BA. All appliances including w/d-quiet secluded area. $900/mo. Pets $200/mo extra. Maint./security deposit. 519-7150.

MEDICAL SPA ATTENDANT to perform administrative duties. PT, flex. hours. Walking distance to campus. 859-266-5483 or email guestservices@bemidispa.com

PT LEASING AGENT: The Summit at Brighton Place is looking for an energetic, enthusiastic, self motivated person w/ leasing or sales experience to market and lease their brand new upscale luxury apts. Must be avail. To work 20-25 hrs/wk. including Saturdays 10-5 and Sunday 1-5. Off first weekend of every month. Please apply in person or send resume to: hr@ballhomes.com. Ball Homes, 3609 Walden Dr., Lexington, KY 40517. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!

GREAT LOCATION, GREAT security. 1BR, 1BA walk-in closet. Overlooks pool. $575/mo. includes all util. Call Brad at 983-0434 or 293-5939

1BR, CLOSE TO UK. Avail. 11-20-07. $475/mo. + elec. 351-8591

2, 3, 4 OR 5BR, 1-3BA. Historic Woodward Heights. Off-st. parking, near Rupp Arena. $600, $750, $1000, $1150. 269-7878 or 859-619-0913

ARE YOU TIRED of all those sleepless nights? Do you find yourself still tossing and turning 30 minutes after going to bed? Central Kentucky Research Associates is testing an investigational medication drug for adult insomnia. Participants must be 18 to 64 years of age and have experienced symptoms for at least 1 month. Qualified participants will receive at no cost: study-related physical exams, study medication, and compensation up to $1850 for time and travel over 8 weeks. For more information, call today 859-264-8999 or Toll free 1-800-898-1966.

FOR RENT. LARGE 1 &2BR near campus. Utilities paid, parking, hardwood floors, some pets. Walking. 338-5165.

NEW 4BR HOMES with garage. Very energy efficient, short drive to campus. Really nice homes. Showing daily. Call James 859-221-7082.

Roommate Issues? Crowded Dorms?

DEADLINE: 2 p.m. the day before publication

! BECOME A WEBMASTER. Paid to train. Start $8.50/hr or $10/hr if already skilled 859-269-6328.

4BR, 2.5BA. TATES Creek Rd. Behind Cheddars. $1040/mo. 338-7499.

2 OR 3BR HOUSE: On golf course, patio, w/d. By campus. Avail. Now or Jan. $700/mo. 859-229-4991

Visa, Mastercard and American Express accepted

BEAUTIFUL TOWN HOUSE, 3BR, fenced yard, fireplace, garage. Avail. Dec. 1. $775/mo. 229-4597

1BR, 1BA NEW Construction. 372 S. Upper. Close to UK/downtown. 1 car garage, all elec. Avail. Nov. 1. $850/mo. $800 deposit. 859-489-8109.

2 FURNISHED BR: Upstairs. All util. pd. $500/mo. (1) or $400/mo. (2). Near UK. 559-5445

Friday, November 16, 2007 | PAGE 7

PT NANNY NEEDED starting mid Jan. About 8 days/mo. for after-school and over night. 7 & 4 yr. old girls. Call 859-338-6934 ATTENTION PRE-PHARMACY Students. Need Experience? Please apply at Kroger Pharmacy on Alexandria Dr. 859-277-0767. Nights & weekends avail.

PT OFFICE WORK. 15-25 hrs. Eves 5-8 and weekend days. Excellent pay. Computer & customer service exp. useful. Heavy lifting required. Apply in person at La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries, Hamburg Pavilion.

BRACKTOWN ACADEMY NOW hiring PT teachers for afternoon shifts. FT cook position also avail. $811/hr. Contact Beth at 263-2267 for more info.

RICHMOND PLACE IS recruiting for up to 10 parttime Servers. Shifts are available for lunches, evenings, weekends and/or holidays. You would help set, serve and clear in our Resident Dining Room. If you are interested and can work any of these shifts for these $8.00/ hour positions, please apply to 3051 Rio Dosa Drive, Lex, KY, fax to 269-0305 or email lhaley@brookdaleliving.com.

COME JOIN THE TEAM! Our award winning Comfort Inn is NOW HIRING!! Front Desk FT/PT. Excellent wages, Great Benefits, Experience preferred but will train. Includes: Paid Vacation – performance based raise after 90 days. NO PHONE CALLS: Apply in person or email your resume. Exit 110 I-75, 2381 Buena Vista Rd., Lexington, KY. EARN $800-3200/MO. To drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarClub.com FLASH AD DESIGNER: Local web media company is looking for a talented Flash designer for PT work. $15-$20/hr BOE. Call 948-1994 or email john@whiteboardconsultant.com GREAT CROSSINGS BAPTIST CHURCH is seeking Ministers of Music and Youth or a combination of the two. If interested, please send resume to Great Crossing Baptist Church, 1061 Stamping Ground Rd., Georgetown KY, 40324 HAVE YOU EVER been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD and are currently between the ages of 19 and 26? If so, researchers at the University of Kentucky would like to hear from you about participating in a study.

SALON RECEPTIONIST NEEDED: Eves & Sat. 2783343 SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIALS is hiring dependable PT warehouse workers w/ good people skills. Apply in person M-Sat at 573 Angliana Ave. SPRING OR SUMMER Advertising sales and marketing internship/job. Earn $$$ and gain valuable sales & marketing exp. working for Plan-It Kentucky, the free daily planner for students. Flex. Schedules. GREAT RESUME BOOSTER! Call Phil at 610-696-8384 ext. 101 or phil@studentmediagroup.com for more information. www.studentmediagroup.com THE LEXUS STORE OF LEXINGTON has an immediate opening for a PT receptionist position. Job duties include answering phones and performing minimal administrative tasks. Working hours are every Tuesday and Friday from 5 pm - 8 pm and, every


Birthright 2134 Nicholasville Rd. 277-2635 suite 6 24-HOUR HOTLINE 1-800-550-4900


BEOWULF IN DIGITAL 3-D PG13 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:40 BEOWULF PG13 2:00, 5:00, 7:45, 10:25

THE BEE MOVIE PG 12:15, 1:05, 1:50, 2:40, 3:25, 4:05, 5:40, 6:35, 7:20, 8:05, 9:05, 9:50 SAW 4 R 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 10:15

DAN IN REAL LIFE MR. MAGORIUM’S WONDER EMPORIUM G PG13 12:20, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35, 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 10:00 9:30 FRED CLAUS PG 12:24, 1:45, 3:50, 4:40, 6:45, 7:30, 9:25, 10:10 LIONS FOR LAMBS R 12:30, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05 AMERICAN GANGSTER R 12:40, 1:40, 4:25, 5:35, 8:00, 9:15

30 DAYS OF NIGHT R 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 10:15 THE GAME PLAN PG 1:30, 4:30, 7:05, 9:45 THE MARTIAN CHILD PG 12:25, 2:55, 5:25 P2 R 7:55, 10:20

INTO THE WILD R LOVE IN THE TIME 12:15, 3:25, 6:50, 10:00 OF CHOLERA R 12:30, 3:35, 6:55, 9:55 LARS AND THE REAL GIRL PG13 ACROSS THE 12:05, 2:40, 5:15, 7:40, 10:10 UNIVERSE PG13 12:50, 3:50, 7:00, 10:05 MICAEL CLAYTON R 12:45, 3:45, 7:05, 9:50 ELIZABETH THE GOLDEN AGE PG13 THE ASSASSINATION 11:55, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD 10:15 ROBERT FORD R 12:10, 6:25 GONE BABY GONE R WE OWN THE NIGHT 12:00, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, R 3:30, 9:45 10:20

BEOWULF PG 13 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 9:55 MR. MAGORIUM’S WONDER EMPORIUM 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 FRED CLAUS PG 1:00, 4:30, 7:05, 9:40

RENDITION R 1:10, 3:55, 6:40, 9:25 MARTIAN CHILD PG 2:05, 4:45, 7:30 P2 R 10:00 AMERICAN GANGSTER R 1:20, 4:50, 8:10

LIONS FOR LAMBS R SAW 4 R 12:25, 2:40, 4:55, 7:10, 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:35 9:25 30 DAYS OF NIGHT THE BEE MOVIE PG R 12:50, 3:10, 5:25, 7:40, 1:05, 3:50, 6:35, 9:10 9:50


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black KK PAGE XX


UPS STORE, BEAUMONT CENTER: PT help days/eves. Apply in person. VALUE CITY FURNITURE: Bow hiring! PT Decorator. PT OFFICE. If interested please apply at our Hamburg location. Drug screen and background required. VOLUNTEERS PAID TO Participate in studies concerning the effects of alcohol on behavioral and mental performance. Looking for M & F social drinkers 21-35 years of age. Call 257-5794 WE PAY UP to $75 for online surveys. www.cashtospend.com WILDCATSNEEDJOBS.COM. We need paid survey takers in Lexington. 100% FREE to join. Click on surveys. YESTERDAY’S BILLIARDS BAR & Grill hiring servers, clerical + billiards personnel. Apply within. Lower Level Civic Center.


!!! NOW AT HAIR ON LIME: The Toasted Kitty Tanning Salon inside. Tanning, waxing, hair cuts & highlight specials. Next to Speedway. Walk ins from 1-6pm M-F. 252-SNIP LEXINGTON BEAUTY COLLEGE: Great Prices: up does $20, haircuts $6, highlights $35, full sets $15, fill ins $10 … and more. 278-483. Close to campus. MISS LEXINGTON PAGEANT. $8000.00 in cash scholarship. Apply online: misslexington.tripod.com


CA$H FOR YOUR GIFT CARD: Interested in selling your gift card for cash. Call 806-1932 LOOKING TO RENT: Year round space near downtown for small, 14 foot fishing. Just need shelter from snow and rain. Need to be accessible 24 hours. Heat would be a bonus. Would like to spend no more than $50/mo. Call 257-1900.


2 FEMALE ROOMMATES needed for 3BR, 3.5 condo in gated community. Furnished/Unfurnished. Upstairs $400, downstairs $450. Covered parking, all appliances. 7 min. drive to UK. 859-230-6530 ROOMMATE NEEDED: Near UK, Transy. Very nice, w/d, c/air. 859-983-0726. www.sillsbrothers.com


SPRING BREAK ’08. Lowest prices. Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco. Free meals & drinks. Book by Nov. 1. Hiring reps. Free travel & cash. Exciting new destinations. Costa Rica, Europe, Punta Cana. www.sunsplashtours.com. 800-426-7710.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

1, 2 or 3 bedroom $250. East Campus. 1 block to class for summer. For fall 636-579-1967 or wilsonhome1400@yahoo.com 1, 2, 3, or 4 bedroom CAMPUS apartments for rent. Great amenities. $200 to $350 per person per month. (573) 673-0567 3 bed 2 bath spacious duplex with garage, large backyard. $650/month. Pets OK. Low deposit. Move in by 5/31 and receive $250 free gas card. Call Shayna at 446-0096. 3 Bedroom 2 bath 1407 Paris Road $690 w/ Washer and Dryer C&G 442-0828 3 Bedroom 2 Bath 410 N. College $765 w/ Washer and Dryer C&G 442-0828

LIVE IN AN AWESOME 4 BEDROOM 1 BATH HOUSE ON CAMPUS. BEAUTIFUL WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS, AC AND BIG WINDOWS! WALK TO THE BARS ALL SUMMER LONG! BEHIND THE BUSINESS SCHOOL. 5 MINUTE WALK TO REC. 3 MINUTE WALK TO JSCHOOL. 2 FRIDGES!!! BIG ROOMS! CAN’T GO WRONG! AVAILABLE JUNE 1- AUGUST 14. $312 A PERSON. WATER INCLUDED. CONTACT KATIE AT 817.791.7233 OR KEMXV8@MIZZOU.EDU New 3 and 4 bedroom duplex/condos. 2 car garage with openers stainless appliances washer and dryers no yard maintence available now and august 1st $875-$925 call 424-1178 ONE MINUTE WALK TO CAMPUS, FALL OCCUPANCY, 1-4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AND 6-8 BEDROOM HOUSES, DETAILS AT WWW.Z-RENTALS.COM OR 443-4162 Studios + 1 Bedrooms - Single Occupancy, Utilities paid Downtown - 920 Cherry Street $365 to $545 C&G 442-0828

4 Bedroom. 2 Bath 1 Block From Jesse 406 Conley 2 years old $1600. Must See C&G 442-0828.

Sublease for Summer! $300 per month at Dumas Apt. Spacious Bedroom and right on campus. Corner of Hitt and University. CALL 573-576-2057

6 LARGE BEDROOM EAST CAMPUS HOUSE OAK FLOORS - CENTRAL A/C WALK TO CLASS - NO PETS - OFF STREET PARKING, 449-6933 A place with character. 5-bedroom, 3-bath house. Washer, dryer. Stephens area. August. $1275. 442-6653. APARTMENTS, HOUSES, CONDOS FOR RENT! MissouriPropertyRentals.com CONNECTING Landlords & renters in the 21st century. Contact Mike Levy (970-416-6351) ARE YOU TIRED OF APARTMENTS AND NOISE??? How about a HOUSE for 4 students desirable location 1 mile from campus. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, washer/dryer, central air, dishwasher, updated floor coverings, extra storage, private deck wooded view, off street parking, well maintained and no pets. All of this for $260 per person. Available August. 446-4711 Brand New 4 and 5 bedroom duplex. Two car garage, 2 1/2 bath & 3 1/2 bath, fireplacee, all appliances, available June or August. Call Grant 999-3625. Callahan & Galloway 415 Locust St. All sizes of apartments - 1,2,3,4 BRs Pick up list ANYTIME or call 442-0828 COLLEGE STUDENTS WELCOME 4 BEDROOM/ 2 BATH DUPLEX SOUTH OFF BETHEL 850.00 PER MONTH CALL 874-1799 FOR RENT 1,2,4 AND 5 BEDROOM HOUSES AND DUPLEXES, 7-20 MIN WALK TO QUAD. PORCHES, CA, FREE LAUNDRY AND YARD WORK. INEXPENSIVE 573-443-7716 LEAVE MESSAGE. For Rent. Downtown. 10th and Locust. Walking distance to campus. 1 bedroom. $425/month. 573-999-1677. Great student value... 4 bdrm/3 bath duplex 9 minutes east of campus. $800/month, available in May 573.808.0615. House for Rent: Avail. 8/1/07, 3 bedrm, 2 bath, all appl. incl. w/d, close to campus/Southridge, fenced yard, 2 car garage, small pet neg. w/ dep., $870/mo. 815-9483. HOUSE ON UMC CAMPUS FOR 7 OR 8 STUDENTS; AVAIL. AUG 1ST ‘07. CENTRAL HEAT & AIR, FREE PARKING, PHONE & CABLE IN ALL BDRMS. 999-1485 DAY OR NIGHT JUST LIKE HOME!! Very nice 5 bed, 2 bath, W&D, A/C, dishwasher, large deck, oak floors, 2 finished levels w/ walk out lower level, garage, wooded lot, deer, across from park! 10 min. N of campus. Make this your home for 1,100 mo. Avail. June 1. Call quick! First time available! 605-690-2747 Leasing current & summer 3 & 4 bedroom apartments. Northeast $650-$825 Call 573-356-9575 LEASING FOR FALL. 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS ON ROSEMARY. 2 BEDROOM, 3 BEDROOM, STUDIO UNITS. UTILITIES PAID, EXCEPT ELECTRIC. NO PETS. NO PARTIES. CLEAN, QUIET, WELL MAINTAINED. APPOINTMENT ONLY. 573-449-1903

Don't have time to pick up a paper? Check out The Maneater's classifieds online!

Classifieds may be placed at The Maneater office, 214 Brady Commons, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All classifieds must be pre-paid.




Sublease May-Aug. 2 BR of 4 BR aptmt. 5 min from campus. wshr/dryr, kitchen & SALE large living rm. Call Eric 615-804-6704 or Mike 309-287-7117. Summer Only: 4BR, 2B, PARKING, ALL AMENETIES, C/A, W/D, 406 CONLEY. C&G. 442-0828 Summer Subleaser! No Lease Required! $260 + utl. fully furnished, 5 min drive to campus, W/D, pool, gym, comp lab. Campus View Apt, 3 female roommates. Call Janie 760-703-7361 or email jle97b@mizzou.edu

Piano Teacher Innovative Wanted who can drive to our home.. 875-4839.

Unique Opportunity: Every 2 years MGM Marketing, Inc. accepts applications to fill a Marketing & Logistics position within our small group in Kansas City. MGM is in a niche market that recovers and re-sells all types of products that are involved in derailments. MGM is currently looking for a creative, motivated, detailoriented person that has common sense, good judgment, and the ability to communicate well with new and existing customers. Prior experience is not necessary. This is a very good opportunity with a highly respected company. Our group members are paid very well. Position includes most benefits and requires very little travel. If you are interested please forward a resume ASAP. Our contact information and more details about MGM may be found on our website @ www.mgmbusinesspartners.com. MGM is now scheduling appointments to conduct interviews.

Club Vogue is currently accepting applications for Entertainers! Fun, safe, friendly environment! Earn up to $2000.00 or more per week part time! Apply in person Mon-Sat between 7pm-10pm. Club Vogue is currently hiring waitresses! Must have a positive customer service attitude. Earn up to $200.00/shift. Apply in person Mon-Sat 7pm-10pm. Columbia Country Club: Servers, Pro Shop & Cart Attendants, Groundskeepers. Hourly wages with Golf & Pool privileges. Apply in person @ 2210 N Country Club Dr. Columbia, Mo Green Tennis Center is looking for responsible hard working individuals to run our front desk. Duties include answering phones, SALEchecking in members and helping with all aspects of the club. Contact Steven for more info at StuckenschneiderS@Missouri.edu Lifeguards, Swim Instructors, & Coaches Experience a plus but not required. Apply in person at: Country Club of Missouri 1300 Woodrail Ave. Columbia, MO 65203 Need 21-yrs or older female to drive blind man around. Hours will vary, $9/hr, call 875-1151 before 3pm. PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE MONEY! Maine camp needs fun loving counselors to teach. All land, adventure & water sports. Great summer! Call 888-844-8080, apply: campcedar.com



4BR/3BA unit with lage bedrooms, all appliances including refrigerator and washer/dryer. Only three years old and very clean. 10 minutes from campus. Call 489-9472 for appt. $850/month

The University of Missouri Knights of Columbus #7231 will be having our 2nd Annual Lenten Fish Fry on March 23rd in the Multipurpose Room at the St. Thomas More Newman Center from 5-8 p.m. Cost is $8 for adults, $6 for students, $4 for kids 3-12, and free for kids 2 and under. Proceeds go to support the Vitae Caring Foundation. Work abroad this summer! Internships available in 90+ countries for business, engineering/IT, education and more! Info Session: Tuesday 3/20 at 7pm Memorial Union N222 SPRING BREAK is in 4 days people! Get excited!!!

SALE SALE For sale: BALDWIN-HOWARD GRAND PIANO— Polished Ebony, Ivory Keys. Immaculate, Regularly Tuned and Played for Special Events Only. One Owner—$7,800 OBO. 573/449-5198 or 917/715-2965. Additional information on piano available upon request. New 1992 Hesston Belt Buckle $15.00 Call (573) 642-8633

!BARTENDING! $250 a Day Potential No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. 1-800-965-6520 XT 211

The Maneater 37

East & West Campus Apartments 4 br's, 3 br's, 2 br's & 1 br 1 block or less from campus


Check out The Maneater online at themaneater.com themaneater.com themaneater.com

Today is...

Snowman Burning Day (it's also the first day of Spring)


Happy Birthday to Big Bird






SalesCSer cesCO her................... DFREED(students only)

NdED N. D NS RKDoff Race, 1 block from Schuylkill River Park& Renovated 4 story Townhouse with garage& roof deck& garden deck& Gated Access& 4Br& 3Bth& 2 per 'ireplaces& H3,000 monthQ Available immediatelyQCall Michael 215-8448080 WaaaD BLOF KD PINE STREET 1BR, furnished or unfurnished, rugs, AVC, washerV dryer, large yard, heat and gas includedQAvailable 9V1V07 H925 plus ele ctricQCall )u dy 215-572-5839 for appointmentQ WaTHD AN KD PINED Room and bath, WV:QAvailable immediatelyQ 7 17-421-8228Q EaSD S. D WN NKDStQVery large efficiencyQ 9V1 H55,0 utilities includedQ Convenient location for Penn and University of SciencesQ 2 67-872-5154Q OND PENND FAMPUShDvarious size apartments, newly decorated, convenient public transportationQ Weisenthal PropertiesD 215-386-2380Q 4029 Spruce StQ MondaySaturday, 9aQmQ-4pQmQ PARKINGDSPAFESD AVAILR able vicinity of 40th and Locust, 40th and PineQ H100VmoQ Call 215-222-5500Q

SUBLET HAMFODSUBLETDF ALLD‘07 Building A, Apt 501Q Lofted bedroom, H650Vmonth, all utilities includedQ Pics availableQ C ontactD leannee;seas QupennQedu ASAP Q



WOWND PIN ED STREETD Preconstruction pricing starts 200sQ(ndoor parking, quality finishes, security and intercom systemQ Ready spring08QCall )i m Mulvaney 610-608-4448 Coldwell Banker Realty Corp 215-3517437Q

HELPWANTED BARTENKINGwD uSaaCKA Y potential, no experience necessary, training available 800-965-6520 x126




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WORKRSTUKYCD ARTR P SPRINGDBREAKD‘aVDThe UlPARTRTIMED FEMALE Time positionsD 're shman timate Party Lowest Prices model wanted for drawingQ physics labs, equipment set- wwwQs unsplashtoursQcom 1WORKD FORDTHED KAILY WORKD STUKYD STUKENT No experience neededQ Exup and maintenanceQ E xperi- 800-426-7710 P E N N S Y L V A N I A N e S needed for office tasks and cellent payQ 6 10-994-8929Q ence with techincal illustra- SPRINGD BREAKD NaaVD FRONTD OFFIFED STAFFw some events in NanoVBio sell Gain valuable office experi- CenterQ 10-12 hoursVweekQ SPRINGD BREAKD REPS tions, websites a plusQ 'lexi- trips, earn cash, go freeJ ble hoursQ Contact /Q Sloence while providing excel- No weekendsQ G reat for Wanted ' ree Travel W Cash goff, slogoff;physics QupennQ- Best prices guaranteed to ) alent customer service W car- ENGR studentQEmail )im at wwwQs maica, Mexico, Bahamas, SQ unsplashtoursQcom 1eduQ 3N11 :RLQ rying out office procedures in jmcgon;seas QupennQedu Padre and 'lo ridaQ Call for 800-426-7710 a fast W dynamic work envigroup discountsQ 1-800-648ronmentQ Penn undergrads 4849 wwwQs tstravelQcom are needed to answer telePENND WORKRSTUKYD stuphones, help customers TEFHN IFALD ASSISTANT dents and unpaid interns are place ads W meet daily ad- needed for online program needed to assist in areas vertising deadlinesQ The implementation at CGSQ from production and procall 215.898.6581or go online ideal students areDdetail-ori- —nowledge of /TMLVCSS, gramming to website, busiented& motivated self- podcasting, Web 2Q 0, Sec- ness support and memberstarters& friendly& comfort- ond Life, open source soft- shipQEmail BetsyD able answering the tele- ware, 'lash video preferredQ volunteers;xpnQorg phone W working with the 'lexib le hoursVlocationQ publicQ Work study W non Email Lisa Lminetti;sas QWORK-STUDY STUDENTS: APPLY FOR GREAT WORKRSTUKYCD ARTR P work-study students wel- upennQedu time positionsD 're shman JOBS AT THE PENN BIOMEDICAL LIBRARY! comeQMust work at least 10 physics labs&equipment sethours each weekQ E-mail uV aaRuSNaaD Aup and maintenance&experi- Flexible hours, good pay, nice environment. Basic Erika :awson for more info EARND ence with technical illustra- computer/keyboard skills required. Stop by and fill out at dawson;dailypennsyl va- month to drive brand new tions, websites a plusQ 'lexinianQcomQ(nclude your re- cars with ads placed on wQA dCarClubQcom ble hoursQContact /Q Slogoff a simple application. We’re located at 3610 Hamilton sumK W class scheduleQ themQ ww Lslogoff;ph ysicsQupennQWalk in the Johnson Pavilion (behind the Quad). These positions fill quickly EXFE PTIONALD EGG eduN 3N11:RL so don’t waitJ :ONORS NEE:E: H8000H15000 for qualified, responsible applicantsQ A ll ethnicies welcomeQ Special need for )ewi sh, Asian, East (ndian National legal recruiting firm seeks a student to SELLDAKVERTISINGDFOR donorsQClose personal supact as campus liaison to assist with communicating the :ai ly PennsylvanianQ port by experienced donorQ :awn 951-696with law students on this campus. Earn guaranteed money and Contact get real world experience 7466Q wwwQ'ertilityAlternativeQcomVeggdono rs selling ads for the :P Q f( inWork includes distributing flyers, arranging for WE ARE LOOKING terested call Alex Raksin at GREATD WORKRSTUKY FOR A TALENTED, placing posters on bulletin boards and helping to 215-898-6581 x124 OPPORTUNITYD FORD BIR RELIABLE, HARD get law students to participate in Webinars, onOLOGYD ANKD PRERVETQ WORKING INDIVIDUAL F A R E G I V E R C F O M PA N R Student needed to assist in TO HELP MAINTAIN campus visits and our corporate “getting-to-know(ON for two bright, energetic stem cell labQ10-15 hrsQV wkQ OUR CONSTRUCTION middle-school Penn prof’s you” initiatives. Part-time, 1 or 2 days a monthin new /i ll PavilionQContact PROJECT. ALTHOUGH kids near Rittenhouse SqQ Sivan oyserman;v etQupennQ- WE ARE FLEXIBLE TO excellent renumerations. Send cover letter and MW afternoons 4-6V7pm edu SCHOOL SCHEDULES H10VhrQEmailD fierroal;deresume to: signQupennQe duQ AND WORK LOADS, THIS JOBCDSORORITYD HOUSE. campusrep@davidcarrie.com INDIVIDUAL MUST BE FHILKF AREUD SEEKING Looking for students to proAVAILABLE TO WORK vide kitchen help M-' 5D30someone with experience 15-20 HRS. (or more) to care for our 2 children L5 7pmQ 'or freeD meals and PER WEEK. months and 4 yearsN on 'ri- small stipendQEmail billandWork Study Positions Available: THIS POSITION IS IDEAL days in our home in Center lynnmarano;ver izonQnet FOR AN ARCHITECT OR CityQ nquiriesD ( elizabethQ University of Pennsylvania ENGINEERING STUDENT JOINDTHEDKAILYDPennsylhexner;uphsQupennQedu vanianJ Come to an introducSmell and Taste Center SEEKING A CAREER IN EARND ud aCHOURwDTHE tory Meeting on Tuesday, PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Human Research, Animal Research, :aily Pennsylvanian is look- September 11Q The :P ing to hire students to work seeks people interested in reClinical experience opportunities ALL INTERESTED in our Circulation :epar t- porting, writing, photogramentQ Responsibilities in- phy, sales, marketing, ac- CANDIDATES PLEASE CONTACT clude managing databases, counting, and print W web dedaily distribution checks and signQSee our display ads in SAEGE STEELE poster placementQ Preferred today’s paper for more deL.F. DRISCOLL CO. ome for information hours are Monday- ' riday, tailsQ C CHOP JOBSITE 4pQmQ-7pQmQ Contact —ather- about Business departments (215) 590-2500 or ine Ross at L215N898-6581 at 4D30, Editorial departValuable experience f extQ 1 03, ross;dail ypennsyl- ments at 6D00 or come or ssteele@lfdriscoll.com Possible publications bothJ 4015 Walnut Street, vanianQcom to schedule an 2nd floorQ interviewQ

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OMARR’SASTROLOGICALFORECAST BIRTHDAY GUY: Actor Devon Sawa was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, today in 1978. This birthday guy has starred in such films as “Casper,” “Idle Hands” and “Final Destination,” the latter film earning him a Saturn award. Fans may also recognize him for appearing in the Eminem video “Stan.” Recent films for this actor include “The Devil’s Den” and “Hunter’s Moon. ARIES (March 21-April 19): You may be acting completely on intuition. Because you cut a romantic figure, others might be attracted to your side. Steer clear of intrigues and one particularly possessive person.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Love can be a powerful emotion. But you may struggle with a very human need for intimacy under inappropriate circumstances. Tame the green-eyed monster if it appears this evening.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Remain footloose and fancy free. Be fast on your feet. Your objectivity will keep you out of trouble and give you the necessary judgment to sidestep a potentially complicated hookup.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be ruled by your head, not emotions. Someone might want to play romantic patty-cake with you, but that might not be the best idea. A certain hookup might not be a logical choice. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): There is sometimes a vast disparity between lust and love. Play the part of Prince Charming or pretend you are a storybook Princess. Look for the romance.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Brilliance becomes you. Your friendliness and altruistic ideas can charm others. Someone might read seductive meaning into your well meant pleasantries. Remain high-minded and objective.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your effervescent party attitude might arouse someone’s passions. Hang out with groups; there is safety in numbers. Do not intentionally attempt to create jealousy, as it might backfire.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Secrets just beg to be explored. It could be that you are only attracted to something or someone because they exude an aura of mystery. Keep a relationship light; avoid the murky depths. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your light-hearted banter could be mistaken for a serious come-on, so avoid seductive situations that might drag you in over your head. What obsesses you tonight might not be worthwhile.

For more information on how to apply, check out our website:

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Anything worth having is


worth waiting for. Conflicting emotions might battle for supremacy. Giving in to a seductive passing fancy might create more trouble than it is worth.

Information also available in the: Library Human Resources Office Rm 239, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You simmer with an aura of glamour that attracts numerous admirers. Beware of getting intimately involved with knights in shining armor; underneath you may find dirty underwear.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Too much flirtatiousness can lead to jealousy. Although you may love being the center of attention, it is necessary to remain sensitive to the feelings of others. Be clear about limits.


IF SEPTEMBER 7 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your spark and personal attractiveness may be at a peak, but you could be careless about promises this month. You can show your true colors best between November and the end of January, especially if you are seeking a foothold in career matters. February is the best month to make significant decisions, start new projects (including those that involve your business aspirations) and to form amiable partnerships with others. Love might find you this winter.


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27 Kind of therapy 29 Cow 30 Judge, e.g.

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box Lin bold bordersN contains veery digit 1 to 9Q 'or strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit wwwQsudokuQorgQ ukQ

31 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee known as the White Lady of Soul 15 Officer slain in 36 Tactful the Old 37 Nebulous stuff Testament 43 Words to live by 16 Ear-relevant 44 People people 17 Sharply outline 46 Billboard listing 18 Prefix with hedron 49 Puts together in a hurry 19 Carpenter’s 50 Wood smoother groove 20 Avignon infinitive 51 Food whose name is Italian 21 City of canals for “feathers” 23 Roseanne’s 53 Rip off mom on 54 Cry of vehement “Roseanne” denial 24 Things wheeled in 56 Reservation supermarkets? dwelling

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Down 1 Half of a 1970s’80s comedy duo 2 Went kaput 3 Opposite of openness 4 Quarrel 5 Treats often taken apart 6 Scuba gear 7 Palestinian group 8 Cadet’s topper 9 Plot thickener? 10 Very, very hot

11 Like some highways after construction work 12 Furniture I protector B A S T S E L R R T 14 What rain might fall in F I D A E E O C E E A N 22 It contains the elastic clause G E A L S T 25 Absorbed N I A P E M S 26 Debugging discovery N O Y Y A O K E T S 28 C ration replacer N E A H E 32 They, in Marseille Note: Answers touching the right side of the grid continue on the same line on the left — 33 Thing to be NOT ONE, ALSO-RAN, TEST OUT, etc. picked


Sudoku on your cell phone. Enter 783658.com in your mobile Web browser. Get a free game! @2007 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.

58 Aged Frankfurter? 59 Maestro Masur 60 Make more interesting 61 Future shoot 62 Janitorial tool 63 Big band era standard 64 Kind of ice













4 14









20 25



19 21







23 28


30 31





36 37




43 46


50 54




51 55


49 52







53 57

58 61 64

Puzzle by John R. Conrad

34 Former telecom giant 35 Cop 37 Metal in the points of gold pens 38 EarthLink alternative 39 It’s celebrated in late January or early February

40 Socially dominant ones 41 Put a new bottom on, in a way 42 Black & Decker offering 43 Classroom sneeze elicitor 45 Express 47 Country singer McCoy and others

48 Get divorced 49 Grill brand 52 Astronomer’s study 55 Motor Up alternative 57 Cleaning product with the slogan “It’s that fast”

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    Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Arizona Daily Wildcat

CLASSIFIEDS classiďŹ eds.arizona.edu

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CLASSIFIED READER RATES: $4.75 minimum for 20 words (or less) per insertion. 20¢ each additional word. 20% discount for five or more consecutive insertions of the same ad during Fall 2006Spring 2007. An additional $2.50 per order will put your ad online. READER AD DEADLINE: Noon, one day prior to publication.

615 N. Park Ave., Rm. 101

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm FAX: 621-3094 classifieds@wildcat.arizona.edu

BUY MEXICAN INSURANCE ONLINE before you go to Mexico @ www.insurancetucsonaz.com


CATAMARAN CREW NEEDED Mar. 2-4, San Felipe. Carpools, camping avail. No sailing exp. req. Need several crew under 120 lbs. Shauna 760-208-4663, shaunamcgee2000@yahoo.com. hobiedivision2.com

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATES: $11.45 per column inch. DISPLAY AD DEADLINE: Two working days prior to publication. PLEASE NOTE: Ads may be cancelled before expiration but there are no refunds on canceled ads. COPY ERROR: The Arizona Daily Wildcat will not be responsible for more than the first incorrect insertion of an advertisement.

$9/HR, PAID TRAINING, ďƒ&#x;exible schedule. Fun, caring, outgoing individuals to join our team working with individuals with disabilities or elderly. Call Tim at 520-419-9410 or ofďƒžce 520-512-0200.

52.1 MILLION DOLLARS = how much UA students spend on dining each year The Arizona Daily Wildcat

THE $10 INTERNET Business. 7Minute Movie Shows How. www.CrazyMarketingIdeas.com or call 1-800-693-6897 code: MLMSECRETS

ADVENTURE SCHOOL. A NAEYC Preschool seeks afternoon preschool teachers and Tuesday & Thursday morning teacher’s aide in Toddler class. Supportive staff and parents. Get paid to have fun with kids. Call 296-0656 Pima/ Craycroft area AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM for Kindergarten - 4th grade kids seeks afternoon group leader Monday Friday. Low ratios, lots of supplies. Great afternoon job! Flowing Wells/ Roger 407-1200

ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPAIGN JOBS - Protect Arizona’s air, land and water by working through the political process. Great experience, P/T, ďƒ&#x;exible hrs. Call Steve 520-622-3085. PHARMACEUTICAL SALES OPPORTUNITIES: Eli Lilly and Company will be holding an info session on Wednesday, Feb 21 @ 5:30pm in the Student Union Tubac Room. See job description in Wildcat JobLink. TRANSCRIPTIONISTSUCCESSFUL Tucson-based publisher is seeking a motivated person to transcribe names and addresses from voice messages. Excellent spelling and accuracy is essential. Flexible hours, can work from home. Great part-time compensation. Fax (546-1359) or email (fortecomm@comcast.net) resume, cover letter, and references. UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY is hiring to help individuals with inhome activities of daily living. Flexible schedules, openings throughout Southern AZ. Nights, mornings, weekends available. Starting wage $8.50. Age 18+ and ability to obtain ďƒžngerprint clearance required. Contact Sue (520) 795-3108 www.ucpsa.org

!!!!BARTENDING! UP to $250/ Day. No experience necessary. Training provided. Call 800-965-6520 ext.139 $8-9/HR +TIPS WORKING as a mover. Must have valid driver’s license. 3500 E. Kleindale. Call 322-4488.

Your primary outlet to the student market

*********************************** CHILDREN’S SERVICES $8.50$11hr DOE Employee ownedcompany seeks positive, motivated, solution-focused people to provide FT & PT support to children w/special needs in their home & in summer programs. Flexibility in hrs & a sense of accomplishment in assisting others achieve goals. Positions all over town inc. Vail & Sahuarita. Several positions supporting infants/toddlers w/autism. We offer exc. health/ medical beneďƒžts for FT employees. AZ Driver’s License pref. Ability to pass ďƒžngerprint clearance req. CPES Emp. & Training Ctr 1430 E. Ft. Lowell #210 Tucson AZ 85719 Phone: 520/325-9688 Fax: 520/325-3561, Email: mruttenberg@cpes.com JobLine: 520/881-CPES EOE **********************

Marriott University is Seeking 0DUULRW 8QLYHUVLW\ LV ORRNLQJ IRU Team Players for: 3 7 $0 30 %DQTXHW 6HUYHUV Reservations 3 7 $0 %DQTXHW 6HW 8S Banquet Setup, PM, PT, FT 3 7 $0 5HVHUYDWLRQLVW Banquet Breakdown, PT 3 7 $0 30 %HOO 3HUVRQV Banquet Server $100 Sign on Bonus



Part-time individuals needed to be responsible for booking all functions and meeting spaces available; Develops physical overview of function setup for every scheduled activity and other related tasks. Must demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, along with the ability to interact professionally with a variety of people. Requires working knowledge of computers and software (MS Ofďƒžce). Must be detail-orientated and work effectively under pressure while meeting all applicable deadlines. Previous catering or convention services experience is helpful.

****ATTENTION NANNIES!**** FT/ PT Temp & Perm. positions. Great Wages! We work around YOUR schedule! The Choice Care Agency. www.ChoiceCareAgency.com, 322-6966. ACHIEVE, INC. HIRING for permanent and summer positions working with developmentally disabled adults in an adult day program teaching life and social skills. UofA, NW and Central locations. Full and part- time. 579-8824 ASSISTANT COACHES NEEDED. Highland Vista swim team. Part-Time April - mid-July. Contact 748-7928. ASSISTANT TEACHERS PT. Come and play with the children! The Sandbox. 795-9595. ATTRACTIVE ANGELS, BE a comfort spa relaxation specialist! Classy & tranquil environment. Flexible hours @ $15 + or - per hour. Call Johnny 299-7999.

Attention Classified Readers: The Arizona Daily Wildcat screens classified advertising for misleading or false messages, but does not guarantee any ad or any claim. Please be cautious in answering ads, especially when you are asked to send cash, money orders, or a check. Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

BANGKOK CAFE NEEDS SERVERS, STIR-FRY CHEFS & KITCHEN PREP. FT/ PT. Call Adej 245-1253 or apply at 2511 E. Speedway at Tucson Blvd. BARTENDERS. TENS SHOWCLUB is looking for Tucson’s hottest new personalities, no exp. req. Will train. Must be 19 yrs or older. FT, PT, great TIPS. Call Jeff. (858) 883-4081. 5120 E Speedway Blvd. BROOKLYN PIZZA COMPANY accepting applications for bakers & drivers w/own vehicle. No exp. necessary. See Tony. 534 N. 4th Ave. BUS PERSON, PT evenings. Apply 1-4 pm, Caruso’s ofďƒžce entrance, 420 E 6th St. BUSY LAW FIRM seeks PT clerical help weekday afternoons. Flexible hours. Must have own transportation. Fax resume and hours available to 529-0885. BUSY TUCSON REAL ESTATE OFFICE SEEKS PT/FT ADMINISTRATIVE HELP. FAX RESUME TO (520) 844-6700.

CAMP TOWANDA, COED summer camp in Northeastern PA. Openings for Counselors, Instructors, WSI, Arts, Outdoor Adventure, Ropes Course, Athletic Specialists and more!!! June 16 - August 11. Interviewing on campus February 19. Visit www.camptowanda.com for camp information. Call 800-923-2267 or staff@camptowanda.com CHILDREN’S GROUP HOME Relief staff working with 5-6 children, PT mostly weekends and evenings. Minimum 1 yr. experience working with children in any capacity. $8.50/hour after training. Fax resume: Cynthia 322-5864 CLEANING PERSON. PT 3-6 MF. The Sandbox. 795-9595. DEED & NOTE traders currently has an opening for an in-house draftsperson to start as soon as possible, for house ďƒ&#x;oor plans and restoration plans. Beneďƒžts included, 401k. Please email resume/work history to bettina@deedtrader.com or fax to 881-3235.

WE NEED MORE GOOD PEOPLE $10 - $15/HOUR If you have the energy and enthusiasm to work hard with a great team, are 18 or over and meet our high standards, you have to check this out. Pizza Hut is now hiring Delivery Drivers. • Great starting wage, tips and delivery reimbursement • Flexible work hours • Excellent training and opportunity for advancement Requirements: Applicant must be at least 18 yrs old with a car, valid driver’s license, insurance and acceptable driving record.

To apply Mail, Email, or Fax your resume, indicating position of interest, to: CANYON RANCH Health Resorts Attn: Human Resources 8600 East Rockcliff Road Tucson, AZ 85750 Email: hrtucson@CanyonRanch.com Fax: (520) 239-8519 EOE/Smoke/Drug Free Environment

Apply in person at 2943 N. Campbell at Blacklidge Check out all of our jobs at www.tucsonhelpwanted.com Pizza Hut of Arizona, Inc. is an EOE serving Arizona for over 40 years.

Arizona Daily Wildcat

DELIVERY DRIVERS AND pizza cooks needed for day and evening shifts. Full and part time. Mario’s Pizza 3157 N 1st Ave. 622-3668.

NEED BABYSITTER FOR 1.5 yr old. Female preferred. Sam Hughes home. 2 days/wk app. 3:30 - 5:30. 481-5057 Peter.

DJ’S. TENS SHOWCLUB is looking for Tucson’s most exciting personality. Experience a plus. Make excellent TIPS. Call Jeff. (858) 883-4081. 5120 E Speedway

NEEDED PRESCHOOL TEACHER aides. School close to campus. Morning/ afternoon hours available. Apply at 740 E Speedway (at Euclid).

DOWNTOWN LAW FIRM seeking smart, fun, PT receptionist. Can work around your schedule. Call 955-1177.

OUTSTANDING MARKETING POSITION available. We are looking for a self-motivated, dynamic, articulate individual. Flexible hours. Unlimited potential. PT/ FT impactgc@earthlink.net

EARN $2500+ MONTHLY and more to type simple ads online. www.DataEntryTypers.com EVALUATION ASSISTANT; 20 hours/ week; Ideal for grad student in behavioral health or information systems, $12/ hour; more if experienced. Apply at www.cpsajobs.org FIT AT THE River is looking for a tness minded front desk employee. Must be CPR certied. To inquire, please contact 690-9299. FT/ PT PRESCHOOL teachers needed. A great learning experience for future elementary school teachers. The Sandbox. 795-9595. GENERAL PLASMA, a fast growing technology company, seeks CAD draftsmen. Applicant should be procient with SolidWorks (or other 3D modeling software) and comfortable with developing new machines from concept thru completion under the supervision and direction of an engineering supervisor. We are located close to campus. $12-$16 per hour DOE. Email resumes to Jacob Stirler jstirler@generalplasma.com HELP WANTED: 20-30HR/ WK. Great job w/ Water Street Station serving great customers. Apply in person @ 1001 N. Pantano (Speedway/ Pantano). 1st and Roger or Grant and Country Club. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS: PRESCHOOL & Elementary programs need before and after school care staff. 7-8:15am M-F, 3-5:45pm M-F. 529-3611 x203, khalsa@theriver.com IN HOME HEALTH ASSISTANT Looking for highly motivated, nonsmoking, female team member to assist with ADL’s, meal prep, shopping, errands, driving to and from appts. References/ Recommendations Required. Beginning Salary Negotiable. Call 241-0094. INTERN FOR ARCHITECTURAL Firm - Part-Time. Auto-Cadd, Laser Model builidng experience. Flexible schedule. Fax resume to (520) 324-0063. JANOS AND J-bar Restaurant are looking for experienced servers & assistant servers. 3770 E. Sunrise Dr. 615-6100. LEASING SPECIALISTS PT needed for apt complex close to UofA campus. Competitive wages, bonus, and rental discount. Fax resume to 520-327-4557. LOVE KIDS. ARTS for All is looking for caring individuals for Afterschool and Summer Arts Camp employment. Perfect PT job. Contact Frank @ 622-4100. MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Camp counselors and ofce staff wanted. Friendly Pines Camp, in the cool mountains of Prescott, AZ, is hiring for ‘07 season, May 26 Aug. 2. Program has waterski, climbing, shing, photography, target sports, martial arts, and more. Competitive salary. Will be on campus Feb. 27. For info, call 928-445-2128 or download an application at www.friendlypines.com MANAGEMENT, PT/FT SALES Hibbett Sports is opening soon in Tucson. Send resumes to “ATTN DM” to: 700 South Telshor Blvd. Space 1546 Las Cruces, NM 88011. Hibbett Sports conducts drug testing. Cory.Price@hibbett.com MOBILE WAITERS. DELICIOUS Deliveries, Arizona’s Largest Restaurant Delivery Service, is now looking for Mobile Waiters/ Waitresses to work in the Tucson Area. You will be delivering lunchtime catering and evening dinner orders to the client’s home or ofce from nice, sit down restaurants. Our unique service is growing and in high demand. Drivers average $40-$50/ shift. Shifts run from 10am-4pm and 4pm-10pm. Write your own schedule. Receive 20% discount on your own food. You must have your own vehicle and current insurance. No experience necessary. We offer guidance and orientation to new drivers. Call 520-620-6600 for more information.

PART TIME/ FULL Time School Custodian. Ideal student job. Starting $8.26/hour. 1. February 28 May 25: 6 hours/ day, evenings. Temp position w/potential for permanent. Could be lled by one or more individuals. 2. Summer Program May 25 - July 31: 8 hours/ day, evenings. CFSD Community Schools. 577-5304. Apply by 2/15/07. PIANO ACCOMPANIST FOR professional dinner theater. Weekends. Pay DOE. Close to UofA. Please call Linda at 624-0172 or email mysterytheater@aol.com PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE MONEY! Maine camp needs fun loving counselors to teach. All land, adventure & water sports. Great summer! Call 888-844-8080, apply: campcedar.com RECEPTION - Part Time Sundays 2:30-8 PM and Mondays 5-10 PM Employees get free membership at our full Fitness Center Apply in person at Tucson Jewish Community Center (EOE). For more info, call Lori Maurer 299-3000 x 212 RED ROBIN TUCSON Mall has immediate openings for cooks and servers. Apply today. SAUSAGE DELI PT Monday thru Saturday. Wages + tips. Apply at 2334 N 1st Ave between 2-4. SECURITY. TENS IS now hiring security staff with the right customer service attitudes. Call Jeff. (858) 883-4081. 5120 E Speedway.

21 Wednesday, February 14, 2007

< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < < THE BEST COLLEGE JOB YOU’LL EVER < < HAVE! Flexible hours, great pay, friendly & < safe environment, 5 minutes to campus. Hiring < < waitstaff, bartender & security personnel. No < experience necessary. 19 yrs old minimum. < < CURVES CABARET & RAIDER’S REEF. Call < < < Mike 631-3179. Hiring entertainers too! < <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <

SERVERS/BUSSERS Canyon Ranch Tucson currently seeks Servers and Bussers to work in our Dining Room. Servers and Bussers are responsible for providing quality food service to guests in a friendly, efcient manner. Canyon Ranch offers Tuition Reimbursement, health benets, use of world class facilities as well as a competitive wage. Individuals must be exible and guest serviceoriented while demonstrating the ability to work under pressure and with a variety of people. We seek responsible individuals who are mature, possess an outgoing attitude and take pride in Canyon Ranch’s standards of excellent food service. Food service or guest experience is a plus!

To apply Mail, Email, or Fax your resume, indicating position of interest, to: CANYON RANCH Health Resorts Attn: Human Resources 8600 East Rockcliff Road Tucson, AZ 85750 Email: hrtucson@CanyonRanch.com Fax: (520) 239-8519 EOE/Smoke/Drug Free Environment

THE WEEKLY ADVISOR Questions and Answers on Academic Advising

Q. Dear Advisor: I tried to drop my Math class, but I was unable to drop it through WebReg. I may just want to change to Pass/Fail instead. How do I make changes to my registration at this point in the semester? - Need to Drop A. Dear Need to Drop: February 6th was the last day to drop a class via WebReg. It is no longer possible to drop a class completely from your schedule. The only way to withdraw from a course now is with a Change of Schedule form (aka the drop/add form). You must obtain the instructor’s signature on the form and take it to the Ofce of Curriculum and Registration in the Administration Building, Room 210. You can only be given a ‘W’ if you are currently passing the course. Once dropped, a grade of ‘W’ will appear for the course on your transcript. A grade of ‘W’ does not affect your GPA, but rather indicates that you were enrolled in the class for part of the semester and withdrew. An alternate option is to audit the course. You can change to audit using a Change of Schedule form with the instructor’s signature. Keep in mind that by auditing a course you will not receive credit towards graduation. You can withdraw from a course, or change to audit, with a Change of Schedule form until March 6th. In order to change a course that is eligible for Pass/Fail (P/F), you must obtain both the instructor and college dean’s approval on the Change of Schedule form. Courses taken for P/F cannot be used to satisfy any degree requirements and should only be used for free electives. Before you change your schedule you should discuss all of the options available to you with your academic advisor. Q. Dear Advisor: Now that this semester is underway, I’m starting to think about the fall. What can I do to plan ahead? – Ahead of the Game A. Dear Ahead of the Game: Planning ahead is always a great idea! Your best resource is your academic advisor. Avoid the rush and meet with your advisor now so that you can go over your schedule and map out your plans for next semester. It is also a good idea to check your Student Link account to determine if you have any registration holds that might cause you to miss Priority Registration. Speaking of planning ahead, you should check the Schedule of Classes to determine your Priority Registration time and mark your calendar. In addition to planning for next semester, take time now to assess how things are currently going in your classes. Do you know what your grades are? If you are unsure, or struggling, meet with your instructor and discuss your status in the course(s). Also, ask your advisor about free tutoring and other resources available to assist you.

Do you have a question for The Weekly Advisor? Email advisor@email.arizona.edu Sponsored by the Advising Resource Center

Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 thru 9. That means no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Solutions to each puzzle can be found online at www.sudoku.com

2 4 1 5 3 7 4 9 3 5 8

3 2 1 8



4 7 8 6

9 3 2 8 4 3 9 4 5 6 2


Entertainment news and reviews Every Thursday. We’ll tell you how to GoWild





Wednesday, February 14, 2007

SERVERS/ BARTENDERS NEEDED. 1 week special event. Golf event: Match- Play Championship. Tucson, AZ February 19th 25th. Call 718-909-7480 or email brian@eventaces.com

SMOOTHIE/ JUICE BAR at LA Fitness (Ina/ Shannon) now hiring... fun environment & great pay! Call today 850-8028 or stop by to apply!

SOCIAL SERVICE AIDES to assist with child abuse cases. Supervise parent-child visiting sessions, transport children to/from same, write reports. Class credit available. Good childcare experience and parenting skills, age 21+. Reliable vehicle, minimum 4 seatbelts, A/C, good driving record, above minimum auto liability ins., cell phone, computer. Year-round availability, one full year commitment. Avg. 20-30 hrs/wk, mostly afts 2-6pm and Sat am/ midday. Average wages incl mileage reimb = $14 per hour. Training starts soon. Resume or letter asap. avivaadmin@avivatucson.org or fax 327-6052.

SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE! CAMP WAYNE FOR GIRLS- Children’s sleep- away camp, Northeast Pennsylvania (6/16- 8-12-07). If you love children and want a caring, fun environment, we need Counselors and Program Directors for: tennis, swimming (W.S.I. preferred), golf, gymnastics, cheerleading, drama, high & low ropes, camping/ nature, team sports, water skiing, sailing, painting/ drawing, ceramics, silkscreen, batik, jewelry, calligraphy, photography, sculpture, guitar, aerobics, self-defense, video, piano. Other staff: administrative, CDL driver (21+), nurses (RN’s and nursing students), bookkeeper, Mothers’ helper. On campus interviews February 19th. Select The Camp That Selects The Best Staff! Call 1-215-944-3069 or apply online at www.campwaynegirls.com SUMMER SALES: Looking for sharp, honest, driven people to earn $15,000 to $45,000+ this summer selling door-to-door. Ofces in Boise, ID -Portland, OR. Excellent training. Upscale, furnished housing provided. 503-849-2814


STUDENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER 2007 Residence Life Conference Services • Live on campus RENT-FREE • Earn $7.60 to $7.85/hour • Meet great people • Gain work experience For more information, go to: http://www.life.arizona.edu/conferences/staff.asp Questions? Email Teresa at: tklinger@life.arizona.edu or call 520-621-6502. Be our beacon in the desert!

Join Red Robin Tucson Mall

Seeking Enthusiastic Team Players Cooks & Servers 292-0888

TEACHER FOR NAEYC PRESCHOOL full-time w/benets. Some early childhood background/ classes preferred. Continuing education is required and funded. Send your resume to fax #327-5414 or email lmessick@blakefoundation.org. TEACHING OPPORTUNITY. COMMUNITY Extension Programs is recruiting creative and talented instructors to teach in our spring and summer programs. Both programs serve K-8 students in NW Tucson. Spring Intersession is March 19-23 and the SAFE summer program will offer three sessions in June and July. Instructors design their own classes in their particular area of interest and expertise. Classes range anywhere from academic remediation to enrichment programs like dance, drama, crafts, science, foreign languages, and more! For more information, contact Jennifer at 888-2727 x 207 or Jdikman@amphi.com. TUMBLING INSTRUCTORS NEEDED Tues-Thurs evenings. Great pay! Experience required. Call 577-7100 or email resume to AGDanceDFI@msn.com WAITSTAFF. TENS SHOWCLUB is looking for Tucson’s hottest personalities to join our customer service team. No exp req. Will train. Great TIPS. Call Jeff (858) 883-4081. 5120 E Speedway Blvd W I L D C AT S N E E D J O B S . C O M PAID survey takers needed in Tucson. 100% FREE to join. Click on surveys. WILL YOU BE in the Gilbert Area for Summer Break? Hiring Swim Instructors. Weekday Only, mobile & on-site. CPR, First Aid req’d. $10-$16/hr. (480) 786-0703 SwimSummerSplash.com WINTER/ SPRING POSITIONS Available. Earn up to $150 per day. Exp. not required. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Call 800-722-4791 YARDWORK/ HANDYPERSON. CLOSE to campus (1st Ave/ River Rd). Flexible hours. For appt. or more information, call (520) 408-9334.


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Arizona Daily Wildcat

REAL NICE NEW mattress. Queen $180, full set $160, beautiful queen double pillow top, $275. King double pillow-top, $375. Gazelle trainer, good quality, $80. Call 573-6950

WOW! FULLY FURNISHED apartment starting at $345 per room. Preleasing for Spring/ Fall semesters. Free roommate matching. Most utilities paid. Walk to U of A, pools & laundry fac., on bus line. Call Jeni @ 622-8503.

PREFORM 730 VERY large electric treadmill with very large display with all features. Space saver, like new, $300 rm. Call 573-6950

*CAMPUS WALK CONDO* Available now. 2BD/ 1.5BA $1,600/mo. Newly renovated. All new appliances. Swimming pool. Parking. Call Ryan @ 520-591-6078

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Up to 50 breeds 10% to 40% off + $50 off with this ad. Puppies starting at $400! 405 E.Wetmore (next to Wal-Mart) 293-7804 & 6061 E. Broadway 747-7387

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMAZING 4BD/ 3BA from $1055/month. Great locations convenient to UofA. Spacious oor plan includes A/C, washer/dryer, alarm system, ceiling fans, in each room, fully equipped kitchen, free Internet, private walled back yard or balcony, pets welcome. No security deposit (OAC). Student living luxury style now taking reservations for summer and fall 2007. Call 747-9331. Come see the Q at www.QuatroVest.com. !!!!!!!!!!ABSOLUTELY AMAZING 1BD Apartments Available! 2 beautiful 1BD condominiums for rent. Lush landscaping, short-term lease. Spacious walk-in closets. Se habla Espanol. Rare vacancy! Digital satellite TV or cable TV available, DW, disposal. No pets. $495/mo. 3649 E. 3rd St. 326-2900. !!!!!!!!ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC 3BD/ 3BA only $975/month. Great location convenient to UofA. Now taking reservations for summer and fall 2007. Washer/ dryer in each unit, alarm system, free wireless Internet, ceiling fans in each room, fully equipped kitchen, private walled back yard or balcony, pets welcome. No security deposit (OAC). Check out student living luxury style with QuatroVest at www.QuatroVest.com or call 747-9331. !!!ALL UTILITIES Paid, 4 blks to UofA, Mountain/ Adams, large studio,14x16 ft. living room/ sleeping room, 14x10 ft. kitchen, A/C. $590/mo. 1 room studio, $360/mo. No kitchen, refrigerator only. No pets, quiet, security patrolled. www.uofahousing.com 624-3080, 299-5020 *COMPLETE LISTING OF APARTMENTS near UofA. LiveByCampus.com - Find great pricing, move-in specials, and receive a $100 reward. 1 AND 2 bedroom modern and spacious. Concrete oors, lots of light, private yards. 12 Unit complex pre leasing for March. All appliances and water paid. $690-925 with one year lease. 919 N. Belvedere. 907-1253.silveradoats.com 1 BLOCK FROM UA. Reserve your apartment for summer or fall. 1BD from $515, 2BD from $665, 3BD from $940. Furnished or unfurnished. Pool/ laundry. 746 E 5th St. 751-4363. 2BD IBA NEWLY remodeled. Tile, new kitchen, sky lights, ceiling fan, large front courtyard. Laundry on site. Stainless steel BBQ. Available to move in March 1st. Please call Lauren 270-6572 A GREAT CHOICE!!! 2, 3, & 4 BDRM’s fully furnished, most util pd, FREE roommate matching, 4-8 min from UofA, 2 pools, 2 laundries. Call Jeni. 622-8503. HOME AWAY FROM home. Brentwood Apts. 835 N 6th Ave has 1 or 2BD for rent. Gated community, pool, room, laundry rooms, 5 min. from campus. 622-4443. STUDIOS FROM $380 spacious apartment homes with great downtown location. 884-8279. Blue Agave Apartments 1240 N. 7th Ave. Speedway/ Stone.

1BD CONDO IN foothills. Located on Kolb and Sunrise. With division pool, exercise room. $790/mo. Call Molly. 615-1516. LARGE 3BD/ 3BA Condo near UofA $950 AC & Heat, fridge, microwave, garbage-disposal, stove, oven, dishwasher, cable/ internet wiring, water & trash included. Safe area. Call 310-987-2006 !!!!!!!!!!!!ABSOLUTELY AWESOME 2BD/ 2BA just $800/month, and huge 3BD/ 2BA $1040/month. Student living luxury style with QuatroVest. Walking or biking distance from UofA. Spacious oor plans with A/C, alarm system, full size washer/ dryer, replace, ceiling fans, built-in desks, private fenced yard, high speed Internet available, pets welcome. No security deposit (OAC). Now taking reservations for summer and fall 2007. Quality living rents quick. Call 747-9331. Come see the Q. www.QuatroVest.com 2BD TRIPLEX W/TILE oors, $650/mo. Pool & laundry on premises. Covered Parking. 1409 E Drachman. Call 798-3331 or 808-4322. Peach Properties www.peachprops.com

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AWESOME HOME... Walk to the UofA. Custom high end home. 4BD/ 2BA with top of the line nishes. Wood & tile oors, new appliances, wireless internet and security system. Located in the Sam Hughes Neighborhood just blocks from campus. Available next semester. Contact Mark 404-6477/ Holly 323-3811 x103 !!!!!AVAILABLE AUGUST 1st. 4BD/ 2BA. 1620 Fremont. $1900. 1647 Lester. $1850. 1108 Water. $1500. Pets OK. 743-0318. !!!!!RESERVE HOME for August and save $500 off of rst month’s rent. 6BD/ 3BA home, 5BD/ 4BA home, 4BD/ 2BA home, & 3BD/ 1BA home available for Aug 07! All homes 2-4 blocks from UofA. All homes have A/C, W/D, High Speed Internet, etc. Priced from $1050 $2550. Email jarrett@azcommercialman.com or call 331.8050. *COMPLETE LISTING OF APARTMENTS near UofA. LiveByCampus.com - Find great pricing, move-in specials, and receive a $100 reward. /////////RESERVE NOW FOR Aug 07 - The largest inventory of homes, most reasonable prices, 3 to 6+ bedrooms, 0 to 8 blks from campus, private parking to your door, and sooo much more!! Visit us at w w w. u o f a h o m e r e n t a l s . c o m Casa Bonita 520-398-5738 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 BEDROOMS NEAR campus. Largest selection of UofA rentals in Tucson! Call today for a customized search. Redi 623-5710 1BD/ 1BA HOUSE A/C washer/dryer, gas & water paid, no lease, $500. Also 1BD, oak oors, stove, refrigerator, $525. Redi 623-5710.

2BD W/FENCED YARD. $575/mo. 250 N Santa Rita #112. 798-3331 or 808-4322. Peach Properties www.peachprops.com

1BD/ 1BA. 400 SQFT house for rent. 1221 #2 N Tyndall Ave (Speedway & Park). Small yard & covered porch. 888-3883.

CAMPBELL/ FT. LOWELL: 2BD/ 1BA, tile & carpet, laundry room, fenced yard $620/mo plus electric. Call Rosemary 520-272-8483

2BD AVAILABLE NOW and August 1st. Corner of Drachman/ Park. Great price to nish lease. 743-0318.

$400 GH STOVE, refrigerator, washer/dryer, covered patio, fenced yard, gas and water paid. Redi 623-5710 1BD/ 1BA, NEW guesthouse, 1/2 mi from UA. Util + cable, Internet incld. Private entry/ parking, walk-in closets, laundry, full kitchen, ofce area; $800/mo. Available now. CAll Mark 465-3530. CLOSE TO CAMPUS, UMC. Brand new studio, $425/month, $450/month, respectively. 1BD/1BA, swimming pool, spas, all utilities included. H-Internet, $550. 248-1688

2BD/ 1BA, CARPORT, stove, refrigerator, W/D, $650/mo. 2513 E. Linden, University and hospital area. 299-6729 2BD/ 2BA HOUSE, A/C, replace, washer/dryer, dishwasher. Available August 1st, $800. Also 2BD/ 2BA house; garage, wood oors, fenced yard, $725. Redi 623-5710. 3BD &4BD/ 3BA Brand New Community (students welcome), 2 car garage, inside laundry, all appliances included! Pets OK. 1 mile from campus! $1000-1600. 866-545-5303. www.investmentpropertysolutions.net. 3BD HOUSE FOR rent. 2BA, 2 car garage. Close to university. $1200/mo. Call Molly 615-1516.

LARGE 2BD CASITAS. All brand new interior! Campbell/ Glenn area. Close to UofA, UMC, & Mountain Ave bike path. Convenient to shopping, restaurants, etc. 240-0388.

3BD/ 2BA HOUSE, A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher, $900. Also 3BD A/C, wood oors, replace, washer/dryer, dishwasher, $1050. Redi 623-5710.

LARGE REMODELED STUDIOS only 6 blocks from campus, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walled yard, security gate, doors, windows, some with private patios, starting at $345 with 1 year lease. No pets. 977-4106 sunstoneapts@aol.com

3BD/ 2BA HOUSE. Red oak wood oors, replace, washer/dryer, water paid $1200. Also Sam Hughes 3BD, A/C DBL garage, 2260sf, washer/dryer, dishwasher, $1550. Redi 623-5710

NEWLY REMODELED STUDIO located only 2 miles from UofA. Brand-new kitchen and bathroom! A/C, refrigerator, W/D, and microwave. High-speed Internet available. Pets OK. $400/mo. + utilities. Available 4/1/07. Call 520-508-2352. NEWLY REMODELED, BRAND new kitchen and bathroom. Private tiled front patio and private brick back patio, huge new common area agstone courtyard with BBQ. Laundry on site. $525/month includes water and trash pickup. Contact Lauren @ 270-6572. !!! AVAILABLE AUGUST 1st. 2BD/ 2BA, 4 years old. 1620 N. Fremont. Walled yard, W/D, security bars, lots of parking, $995. 743-0318 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ABSOLUTELY THE best 5BD at $1750/month. Close to UofA across the street from Manseld Park. Spacious 2-story oor plan includes 2 extra large baths, FREE high speed Internet, zoned A/C, full size washer/ dryer, alarm system, ceiling fans, upgraded kitchen, private walled yard with covered patio, pets welcome. Quality living rents quick. Now taking reservations for summer and fall 2007. No security deposit (OAC). Call 747-9331, www.QuatroVest.com.

3BD/ 3BA TAKE a look at our exceptional oor plans. All homes are uniquely designed and incld a garage. Call Casa Bonita 398-5738 www.uofahomerentals.com 4BD HOUSE, FIREPLACE, washer/dryer, covered patio, fenced yard, $1200. Also 4BD/ 2.5BA A/C, wood oors, washer/dryer, covered patio, $1400. Redi 623-5710

Arizona Daily Wildcat

4BD/ 1BA, WOOD oors, replace, W/D, all utilities included. Parking. 8 blks to UofA. $1000/mo. Andy 275-9879. 4BD/ 2,3BA TAKING Reservations 07-08. Superior locations as well as exceptional oor plans. 0-8 blks from campus. Call Casa Bonita 398-5738 www.uofahomerentals.com 4BD/ 3BA W/LOFT. A/C. Close to campus. Available 8-1-07, call Ken. 800-649-4529 ext. 2. 5BD/ 3,4BA TAKE a look at our exceptional oor plans. All homes are uniquely designed and lots of private parking. Call Casa Bonita 398-5738 www.uofahomerentals.com 6 BLOCKS FROM UA. Available June 1. Remodeled 3BD/ 2BA, 1800 sqft, hardwood oors, W/D, large fenced yard. $1350/mo. 751-4363. 6BD/ 5BA WITH larger homes available, 0-8 blks from campus, private parking, replace, private patios and plenty of parking. Reserve 07-08. Call Casa Bonita 398-5738 www.uofahomerentals.com 9BD/ 5BA HOUSE. 2 years old, 2 story located 3 blks from campus. Incredible oorplan!!! Call Casa Bonita 398-5738 or www.uofahomerentals.com AVAILABLE AUGUST 1ST. 2BD/ 2BA house; A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher, $995. Also 2BD, A/C, washer/dryer, water paid, covered patio, $850. Redi 623-5710. BRAND NEW LUXURY home minutes from UofA. 3 BD/ 3 BA. All appliances included. High speed internet/ cable, walled yard with automatic gate and garage. $1250/mo. Contact Yvonne. 520-245-5410. HOUSE FOR RENT available from June 2007. 4BD/ 2BA each room individually leased. Plenty of gated parking. All utilities: internet, cable, security system included. Entire house with tile. Near UofA Rent $395 per room. Please call 299-6340 or 977-8222

LOVELY HOUSE 2BD/ 1BA 1339 sqf near UofA. Electric stove, range hood, microwave, dishwasher, W/D hook up, A/C, swamp cooler, recently remodeled, free parking. Contact Gilbert, 322-2940 or gmadrid@sebra.com NEW HOME FOR Rent - North of UofA. Available immediately. 4BD/ 3BA, W/D, granite counters, garbage disposal, security system $1300/month. Pets OK. Call: (520) 298-6767 or email: emily@latierradelsol.com RESERVE NOW FOR Aug 07 The largest inventory of homes, most reasonable prices, 3 to 6+ bedrooms, 0 to 8 blks from campus, private parking to your door, and sooo much more!! Visit us at w w w. u o f a h o m e r e n t a l s . c o m Casa Bonita 520-398-5738 TERRIFIC 6BD HOME on Seneca and Country Club available for group rental or individual by room. Not for Fall rental at the moment. Pool, huge kitchen, LR. (520) 304-1741 VIRTUAL TOUR 3&4 Bdrm Homes, new community, 2 car gar, all appl incl. $1000-1500. Call 866-545-5303 or take tour @ www.investmentPropertySolutions.net WALK TO UOFA!! 2BD, AC, replace, washer/ dryer, off-street parking, $775/mo. Call Sandy @ 322-6850. WONDERFUL!! 3BD/ 2.5BA, covered 2 car parking, fully equipped kitchen, AC, & beautiful pool! Pets welcome. Awesome locations just minutes from UofA. 1523 E Prince. Only $1200. Please contact (520) 940-1020. Home away from home!

PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE, with Real Estate. Homes for sale, visit www.TucsonGreatHomes.com for details- checkout 1174 sq. ft. 3BD/ 2BA for $230,000 in gated community.

Advertise in the Wildcat! 621-1686 or display@wildcat.arizona.edu

SAM HUGHES CHARMERS for sale. 2BD/ 2BA end unit townhouse. Freshly painted, atrium, fountain, BBQ grill & more. $295,000. 3BD/ 2BA main house plus 1BD guesthouse w/full kitchen. Main house has handsome wood oors & replace, remodeled bathrooms. Best value in Sam Hughes at $435,000. Call Michelle 444-3994 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

4BD PLUS DEN, all appliances included, exp. basic cable & HS internet. $1195/mo. Available Now 1015 N 6th Ave. Call 798-3331 or 808-4322. Peach Properties www.peachprops.com

ROOMMATES WANTED TO share 3BD/ 2BA house, newly renovate, W/D, AC, on CatTran and bike path, internet and phone. $400/month +utilities. Call Judith at 520-665-1167. 1BD IN 3BD house. $435/mo + utilities on Mountain Ave bike path, blocks from UofA. Available immediately. Call Anthony. 409-7519.

AFFORDABLE LUXURY! GORGEOUS townhome, 2BD/ 2BA plus ofce, pools, spas, tennis, nature trails, mountain views. Desirable neighborhood near Campbell/ River, UofA 3.5 mi. Amazingly, $216,000 includes designer furnishings. www.successkey.com/RiverGrove 319-9391

1BD TO SUBLEASE!! In 3BD/ 3BA apt. in StarrPass available now for spring semester. $449/month, please email me ASAP at GoodLookn555@yahoo.com.

$362.50/MONTH + 1/2 utilities. Looking for someone to take over my half of the lease until August 4th. You would be sharing a 2BD, 2BA condo with a male grad student. Call 614-327-4069 and ask for Emily.

2 ROOMS AVAILABLE IN new 4BD/ 2BA house, Grant/ Euclid area. $350/mo, util. included. Cable/ internet, W/D. (520) 241-8163 or 794-1640

$450/ $400, RESPONSIBLE roommates wanted for nice 3BD house, 1 mile to UA, includes all utilities, A/C, pool, cable, HS internet, W/D, Grant/ Cherry, Jack (520) 260-7814.

NEW LISTING, 3BD/ 2BA, townhome, great central location, community pool, $215K. 471-7526.

400/MONTH. GRADUATE/ PROFESSIONAL student wanted to share with female medical student. 1400 sq ft. Hardwood oors, internet, W/D. Charming, beautiful house 10 min. bike ride from campus. Month-to-month. Call 320-3672.

5 MIN UA. 3BD/ 2BA furnished home. Quiet neighborhood, no smoking, pets negotiable. HS internet, $400 includes utilities. (520) 205-0260 www.myspace.com/tucsonrental.

ROCKY POINT/ PUERTO PENASCO MEXICO! Headed to Penasco for Spring Break? Book your reservations early - and safely - online at www.puerto-penasco.com

EUCLID & 4TH, Rooms Available, Short Term Leases, Large enough to Share, Washer/Dryer Onsite. Call 918-5808, 406-7813.

FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share BRAND NEW 3BD/ 2BA house. Move in March 1 or sooner, $300/mo. 7 mins from campus. Call Laura 906-0315 or laurad2@email.arizona.edu

MASTER BEDROOM W/ attached bathroom available! $500/mo all utilities included, 3 minutes from UofA. Call 866-545-5303.

WEST AFRICAN DRUMMING. Djembe and Dunun classes. Student discount. Class location near UofA campus. Information: www.dambe.org, info@dambe.org, 245-4547- Martin

ONE BEDROOM, PRIVATE bath. 502 E. University, on campus. $650/mo, utilities included. Call 877-9441

NEAR UA, GORGEOUS tile, pass thru replace, wood-beam ceilings, laundry, mostly furnished, hot tub, dual cool, $200 every other week (includes utilities, cable, and high speed internet) Contact Lauren (520) 270-6572 ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR 2BD/ 2BA condo near Country Club/ Glen. $550/mo, utilities included. 2 car garage. Call Jake. (970) 618-8625 or email boyle@email.arizona.edu ROOMMATES NEEDED! BRAND new house located south of campus. Includes internet, cable, phone service, washer/ dryer, community kitchen, fully furnished rooms and offers a quiet study environment. Only 3 rooms available, call now! 862-2904

23 Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ROOM AVAILABLE FOR M/F 10blocks from campus. Furnished/ unfurnished, storage, internet, cable, BBQ, parking, laundry, 54” TV. $350 includes utilities. Call 444-9425 or Mavericko64@hotmail.com.

!!-AA TYPING $1.50/PG. Laser printing, term papers, theses, dissertations, editing, grammar, punctuation, professional service, near campus. Fax: 326-7095. Dorothy 327-5170.

ROOM FOR RENT. Close to everything. Skylights, tile oor, water, laundry, Internet, cable-TV included. Gated, fenced community $245/month 248-1688/ 748-2673

IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH! Quality ESL tutoring available. E-mail ashlinoelle@hotmail.com

SUBLET MARCH 1ST - May 31st. 1BD in a 2BD/ 1BA apartment. 4th Ave and University. $300/mo includes utilities and internet. Extremely laidback a must. (520) 241-0314.

SOUTHGATE ACADEMY IS now hiring tutors from 3rd grade-12th grade. Starting at $10/hr. Send resume to smenriquez@southgateaz.org or fax 520-741-7901.

$100 - $5,000 CASH PAID for unwanted cars, pick-ups, 4X4’s, jeeps, motorcycles & scooters. Running or not. Free towing. 409-5013 7 days, 24hrs. $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Cars/ Trucks/ SUV’s from $500! Honda, Chevys, Toyotas, Jeeps & more! For listings, call 800-560-2134 ext 7464. 1996 NISSAN 200SX. Automatic, A/C, power steering, new tires, new cd stereo. 94,643 miles. Drives good. $3400. Call 795-0326. 2000 MERCURY SABLE - 68,502 miles. Front brakes just replaced and new tires. Factory everything, used to be a company car. Beautiful and reliable!! $5000 obo. 520-204-2575 or disposeofhim@gmail.com 2001 HONDA S200, new convertible top with rear glass window, excellent condition, new tires, leather interior, custom stereo, remote door alarm. 100k mile bumper to bumper warranty. 50k miles. Contact Lauren 270-6572.

ADOPTING A BABY - A Dream Come True. A Southern California beach community couple with 5 yr old big brother long to share their happy home and family with an infant. At home mom and lawyer dad. Financial security/ bright future for your baby. Expenses paid as permitted. Will use attorney to prepare legal documents. Legal/ condential. Please call Adrienne and Steve toll free anytime at 1-888-476-2220 ADOPTION: A BABY is my dream. Financially secure woman can provide love, bright future. Please call Ro: 1 (877) 214-7977, PIN 3402

PIANO ACCOMPANIST FOR professional dinner theater. Weekends. Pay DOE. Close to UofA. Please call Linda at 624-0172 or email mysterytheater@aol.com


Monday, Feb. 12th

For TV schedule visit our website:


5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 9.30 PM 12:00 AM

Tuesday, Feb. 13th

The Entertainment Lounge Wilcast Daily Dose Roll Bounce True Lies Big Trouble in Little China

Episcopal Campus Ministry Eucharist - Sundays 6:00pm. Noon-Day Prayer - Tuesdays 12:15pm. Thursday Programs 6:00pm.

715 N. Park Avenue 623-7575.

5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 9.30 PM 12:00 AM

The Entertainment Lounge Wilcast Daily Dose Young Fankenstein An Affair to Remember Elektra

Wednesday, Feb. 14th

5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 9.30 PM 12:00 AM

Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Parish Roman Catholic Parish Mass times 8AM Daily 4PM SAT 7:30, 9:00 + 1:00PM SUNDAY

1300 W. Greasewood Road Tucson, AZ Ph 884-9021. Lutheran Campus Ministry Sunday Worship 10:30 am. Wednesday Vespers & Dinner 5:30pm.

First Christian Church Biblically based, spiritually growing & socially active Home of Humane Borders Church School 9:00am, Service 10:30am.

715 N. Park Ave. 623-7575

740 E. Speedway. 624-8695.

Trinity Presbyterian Church Traditional Worship Sunday 10:30am, College Group Sunday 11:30am 400 E. University Blvd.

First United Methodist Church Church Sunday worship 10am. College worship & dinner: Weds 6:30pm

Tucson, AZ 85705 520-623-2579 www.trinitychurchtucson.org

915 E. 4th St. Corner of Park & 4th 622-6481. www.firstchurchtucson.org The Fellowship at the First Baptist Chruch Sunday,10:15, Sunday - Thursday, 7 pm. College/Young adult fellowship. 623-7521

www.fbctucson.org fbct@qwest.net

Thrusday, Feb. 15th

DRSC The Entertainment Lounge Daily Dose Love potion #9 Mr. and Mrs. Smith French Kiss

Wels Tucson Campus Ministry Student Bible Study and Discussion Sundays 7pm.

830 N. First Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719 623-5088 www.wels.tcm.com

5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 9.30 PM 12:00 AM

DRSC For Radio Wilcast schedule visit Daily Dose our website: Big Trouble in Little China KAMP.arizona.edu Fantastic 4 Garfield

Zen Desert Sangha Zen Buddhist Meditation, Saturday 9:00-10:30 AM, Wed 7:00-8:00PM.

www.zendesertsangha.org 3226 N. Martin Ave. ZDS@dakotacom.net. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday Church Sunday Worship 7:45am & 10:00am. Bible Class 9am.

830 N. 1st Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719 623-6633 www.GraceTucsonWELS.com The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Institute of Religion Classes M-F Sunday Services 9am, 11am, 1pm

1333 E. 2nd St. 623-4204 www.ldsces.org/tucson Pima Monthly Meeting OF THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS). Unprogrammed Meetings for Worship: Sundays, 8:15am & 10:00am 931 N 5th Ave pima.quaker.org rubinson@email.arizona.edu

To be a part of our Guide to Religious Services, contact Kris Carter at 621-7582 or email classif ieds@wildcat.arizona.edu







Log on to wildcat.arizona.edu for the latest info





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ATTENTION SICK AND TIRED? Ongoing unexplained exhaustion, weakness and severe cognitive problems? Free seminar. 1- 3 pm Saturday, April 21, 2007. McConnell Hall - room 9, 124 Brooks St. (across from Meriter Hosp.) Need info? 608 834 1001 or www. wicfs-me.org

EMPLOYMENT EARN $2500+MONTHLY and more to type simple ads online. www. DataEntryTypers.com !BARTENDING! Up to $300/day. No experience necessary. Training provided. 800-965-6520 ext.120 ASSISTANT SWIM Coach - Waunakee Rural Aquatic Team (20 minutes from UW) is seeking a part-time Assistant Swim Coach: 4-5 nights/week + Saturdays. Wage is based on experience and swimming certifications. Contact Ken 608-692-4581 kdziuk@tds.net and Erin 608-354-3542 erin_detwiler@ yahoo.com. BADGERSNEEDJOBS.COM Paid Survey Takers Needed in Madison. 100% Free to join. Click on Surveys. BARTENDING ACADEMY - Must be 18 or older. make $100-$150 per shift! Job placement/get certified call 277-TIPS(8477)





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EMPLOYMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATATIVES needed for children’s toy company. Oompa Toys (www.oompa. com), is relocating to Middleton from Los Angeles this month and needs experienced customer service representative. Pay is from $9/hour. Health benefits and 401K for qualified employees. Send your resume to jobs@ oompa.com. DANCE TEACHERS WANTED. Successful dance school seeking teachers for beginning to advanced levels in hip hop, ballet/pointe and/or jazz. Must be able to commit to the 2007-08 school year. Summer hours also available with year commitment. Please call 206-0489 or email tcbiz@charter.net. LIFEGUARDS -ñSUMMER--LAKE Mendota Now accepting applications for part time summer positions beginning week of June 4. Applicants must have exceptional swimming skills and current certification in Life Guard Training, First Aid and CPR. Application deadline April 27, 2007. Call UW Lifesaving Station (262-5865) for application information. McFARLAND SWIM COACHES. The McFarland Spartan Sharks are looking to fill coaching positions by May 1st 2007. Call 219-1563. ST. CHARLES Country Club. Private Country Club in suburban Chicago seeks FT & PT servers for summer, experience desired. Please E-mail resumes. wsmithing@stcharlescountryclub.com



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EMPLOYMENT Summer camp jobs all across USA. www.campchannel.com. SUMMER JOBS - Camp Lincoln/ Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota’s Lake Country. Hiring M/F counselors, activity heads, leadership roles, lifeguards, sports instructors, trip staff, food service director/staff, riflery, archery, photographers, karate, arts, sailing and more. 30 land and water activities. Salary and travel. 9 to 14 weeks. Make a difference. Intern credits available. 800-242-1909 www. lincolnlakehubert.com VILAS ZOO Concessions has seasonal openings for food, gift, grounds and carousel help. Apply in person at the gift shop at 702 S. Randall Ave. 10AM to 4PM daily. WAREHOUSE STAFF Needed for children’s toy company. Oompa Toys (www.oompa.com), is relocating to Middleton from Los Angeles this month and needs detail-oriented warehouse staff for pulling/packing orders, stocking shelves and inventory management. Pay is from $9/hour. Health benefits and 401K for qualified employees. Send your resume to jobs@oompa.com. WORK OUTSIDE this summer! Delivery of Tents, tables, chairs, etc. for parties. Must be able to handle heavy lifting, have valid drivers license with good record, and must be able to work weekends. Madison Party Rental. madparty@madfoxparty.com. 608221-3866


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FOR RENT 135 E JOHNSON: Roomy 1 Bdrms with storage. $595 inc. heat. Only 3 left. Call Susan at 577-0081 or 2321800 X21. 139 E JOHNSON: Classic large 3 bedroom has hardwood floors, eat in kitchen, microwave and dishwasher. $1275/mo. plus utilities. Call Susan at 577-0081 or 232-1800 X21. 216 N HAMILTON: One of a kind 3 levels with 5 bedroom, 2 bath. Has porch, dishwasher, 2 fridges, 2 microwave, HUGE bedrooms with hardwood floors. Room for 5-7. $1975/mo. plus utilities. Call Susan 577-0081 or 2321800 X21. 25 N. Spooner 5 br. dishwasher, laundry, dryer, $1900/month call 262617-1360 29 N. HANCOCK: Supersized Studios located blocks from capitol includes ALL! $495/mo. and 1 Brms from $640/mo. Avail. 8/15/07. Call Susan 577-0081 or 232-1800 X21. 427-431 W. DOTY ST. 1, 2, 3 bdrms www.uptownrentalsllc.com or call Dave (608)443-9019 A GREAT DEAL! 3BR/ 2 BA apartment at 541 W. Doty, 2 blocks from Lake Monona and park, 5 blocks to campus, so its CHEAP! Includes wireless router and cards, in-unit free laundry. $1195/month. tallardapartments.com, 250-0202. AFFORDABLE ONE BEDROOM for Fall, Langdon area, lake and pier access, very sunny! Must see! All utilities paid 257-7368 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED plus Parking! Two recently remodeled 4 bedrooms at 17 N. Webster $1595/$1695. 235-5391

EXCELLENT THREE BEDROOM available now. $750/mo. 427 W. Doty Street. 443-9019 www.uptownrentalsllc.com FIRST MONTH FREE! Nice large studio, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments between James Madison Park and the Capitol. I’ll pay your first months rent! Available 8/15/07 call 225-2740 Four Bedroom House $400 off first month rent! some untilities included 206-2776 GREAT FALL RENTALS 2 & 3BR apartments. Recently remolded. 614 S Brooks. $800 2BR / $1100 3BR. Parking available. AC, dish washer, free laundry. 608-712-7926. GREAT FOR TWO people to share! One BR apartment at 1202 Chandler with an extra den! Coin laundry, includes all utilities. $749/month. tallardapartments.com, 250-0202. HOUSES, 3/4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, on 3 levels. Fire place, laundry, and parking included! Close to UW Hopsital and Engineering. From $1380 per month. 2615 & 2625. Old University Ave. Campusapt.com, 270-0000 or 238-3939.


• Roommates • Services • Sublets • Tickets • Travel • Tutoring

• Customers with approved credit may be invoiced on a net 30 basis.

CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP Studios for Fall, Lake and pier access, Langdon area. All Utillties PAID! 257-7368


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AWSOME SIX BEDROOM house for fall Stadium area. 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, one block from stadium. Great for football parties. www.palisadeproperty.com 257-RENT/ 257-7368



HUGE THREE BEDROOM for Fall, Langdon area, Lake and pier access, fire place, big bedrooms! 257-7368 HUGE THREE BEDROOM House for fall, two bathrooms, Kohl Center area, two sun porches. Hardwood floors, awsome pad! Must see!!! 257-7368 MIDDLETON-ORCHID KNOLL. Large 1 & 2 bdrm loft and ranch style apartment homes that overlook Lake Mendota. All pets considered, on busline, underground parking. Ask about our Student Special! Call (608)831-0835 for a showing. ONE BR APARMTMENT at 218 S. Charter. Private entrance, coin laundry, eat-in kitchen, includes all utilities. $715/month. tallardapartments.com, 250-0202. ONE BR APARTMENT above Indie Coffee on Regent. $710/month includes all utilities except electric. tallardapartments.com, 250-0202.

ASO to HUGE lab reports due after break... i haven’t touched the juice in 3 weeks Shout-Out to my mom who asked while going into a tanning bed if her nipples would burn! anti-shoutout to getting sunburn over break. and crabs. whoops. Anti-Shoutout to seeing my roomate again. I forgot just how creepy you were, and how much I didn’t miss you. anti-shoutout to being surrounded by 10 kids under the age of ten at hooter’s over break. stop whining about your food! dear shoutout controller, i hope you had a nice relaxing break. i hope you prepared yourself because we will be submitting shoutouts like crazy because finals are approaching and what better way to avoid studying than shoutouts. looking forward to it.

Hello spring. Goodbye Uggs. Shout out to the bitch in the BMW who cut me off on my moped outside of Steenbock Monday night. Karma sucks, good luck with that. aww man, i havent thought of a shoutout yet! and it’s already monday! Grad school eats the weak. And then, for dessert, it eats the strong. Why can I carry back 159 pounds of deer to my wagon, but only 100 pounds of buffalo? WTF! Shout-out to the girl from Cali who I sit next to in Zoology. Your stomach growling really turns me on. dear god please make me fall out of love with my best friend by tomorrow morning thank you SO to the two people walking their cat by Humanities. Anti-SO to me not having a camera phone. blow me, econ 101

where’s audrey? The absence of shoutouts made me find religion... and an inner love for Cyndi Lauper music. SO to all coasties who take the “I AM Carrie Bradshaw” fantasy so far as to actually take a cab to class... you guys rock. I love you Rilo Kiley. Thank you for singing out exactly what I need to say to my boyfriend. SO to the little Asian kid on my floor who I corrupted. At the beginning of the year, you knew hardly any English. Now, you know all the swear words, sexual slang, and any other derogatory term which make up 90% of your daily vocabulary. Good luck in job interviews! shoutout to surviving my last spring break as an undergrad. you never really realize just how big this campus is until you lose your bus pass. shout-out to guy with shaggy, black hair and the gorgeous blue eyes who works at the Essentials desk in the Memorial Union. thanks for all the help, hottie! SO to all the oompa-loompa wannabes on campus. If you didn’t actually go somewhere warm and sunny for spring break, don’t try to fake it with 3 bottles of self-tanner. We’re not buying it. shoutout to people who can keep secrets. you are on the endangered species list. shout out to dating someone who barely knows the same language as you, it makes fights much more interesting SO to American Gladiators on ESPN Classic....I wanna be an American Gladiator named Cyclone! shoutout to seeing a dude with a rat-tail yesterday

Anti-SO to highschoolers and their moms getting drunk on spring break. FYI the alcohol is for the kids in college who know how to party. Shoutout to the guy on the fourth floor of Ogg East who first showered with and then had sex with some girl Sunday night. You forgot to close the shades... all of Ogg West was watching. shout out to the old man in the car next to me digging in his nose for some good treasures. i hope you picked a good one. anti-shout out to athletes with mopeds. seriously, are you too cool to walk? you are probably the most in-shape students on the whole campus, and you can’t even walk to your morning lectures like the rest of us. p.s. it would be nice if you would watch where you’re going, too. thanks. S.O. to the fifteen chicks that ordered pregnancy tests from Cap yesterday. Next time, pack some condoms. -your Cap Center delivery driver Shout out to the girl helped out at my bike cident a couple weeks You knew CPR, but you took by breath away.

who acago. still

Shoutout to my doggie Honey who died over spring break. Thanks for puking on my brother during the ride home when we first got you, that’s when I knew we would be bestest of friends for the next 10 years. shout out to cute boys in discussions, theres about ONE month left, start asking us out... Huge shoutout to MTV for running an UNDRESSED marathon all monday night! To whoever used the Gatorade machine in the Chem building after it wouldn’t give me my dollar back: I hope you enjoyed your almost free drink.





PRICE REDUCED! 3 BR/2 BA apt. across from Grainger Hall/ Ed Sci. on N. Brooks. Includes extra study nook, coin laundry, and ALL utilities including heat for $1795/month. tallardapartments.com, 250-0202.

COLLEGE FEMALE: wants quiet roommates to share campus house. Available August. 608-212-6690

ROOMS FOR RENT, Only $295! Available now across the street from Camp Randall and engineering campus, at 132 N. Breese. Common areas include large living room and rec room, several baths, great front porch, and parking (extra). tallardapartments. com, 250-0202.

MOPED REPAIR (608)957-6490.

STUDIO ABOVE the Indie Coffee Shop on Regent. Get wired on latte’s whenever you want! $595/month includes all utilities except for electric. tallardapartments.com, 250-0202.

$680 1 br new building capitol square. Summer. Garage. 608-886-6535

SERVICES We Repair iPods! Fast, reasonable, local. BDC Camera Repair. 313 W. Johnson St. 257-6315



THREE BEDROOM, 30 North Basset, nice apartment! Great deal! $895/ month. Call 577-9261. TWO BEDROOM for Fall, Langdon area, Lake and pier access, all utilities PAID! 257-7368

547 MIFFLIN 1-2 bedrooms. $360/ month Driveway parking included. Near laundromat & grocery. Central air equipped. Matt 608-358-4343 BRIGHT AND SUNNY studio apartment for summer sublet on Langdon. Huge closets, all utilities included, wireless Internet, great location! Movein date negotiable. $375/mo obo. Contact Rachel (630)890-4905. MADISONSUBLETS.COM - Post and view campus sublet ads now - or this cat gets it! alwaysonline... www.badgerherald.com/classfieds/


SUBLETS ROOM @ ABERDEEN: 11th floor, 4-bdrm, girls only. $1200 for summer. Contact Steph: snshadel@gmail.com STATE ST. SUMMER SUBLET - 1 bedroom in 3 bedroom. LARGE enough to SHARE. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, AIR CONDITIONING. Negotiable price/move-in date. CALL 608-695-0131.

TICKETS FOR SALE: Badger Band Spring Concert Tickets. Call 920-437-4034


Shout out to the woman picking up worms off the sidewalk and throwing them back into the grass outside the Kohl Center after Monday nights storm. You are a true hero. Save the worms! ASO to the creepy physics guy at Electric Earth...you couldn’t even indentify an RL circuit in my book you jackass! ASO to my opportunistic eye infection that decided to strike four hours into my Spring Break. Thanks for making me look absolutely ridiculous. Shout out to the bald CBS basketball commentator for saying “Oden showed me more of his package than I expected”.






Anti shout out to being on the plane back home with all the coasties. You remind me why I hesitate when saying, “I’m from New Jersey.” Even bigger shout out to being home and seeing middle school coasties in the making- Fabulous. K, Since I’ve cleaned up your friends vomit I still haven’t gotten any thong action. What gives? Don’t be hating the monkey. Calling all mini-skirts... Barely-Jewish guy who’s not becoming a doctor seeking Jewish girl to impress mom. --Not holding breath Dear Walter Cronkite, You are always on my mind. I often look funny reaching out as I picture you in my head. Your news, to me, is never old news.


Shout out to all my boys who haven’t gotten a piece in over a year... oh wait, i’m the only one. To all of the people that try to pick people up on shout outs, get a life. P.S. To the girl that sits in front of me in history, you should turn around sometime. thank goodness the rosetta stone is safe. Girl on our floor who decided to decorate her door: Do you think that will make up for your bitchy personality? Uh uh. We still know that hidden under those colorful pictures is a dark, evil person. Good try though, you’re on the right track. I want to give a shoutout to all those people who I am giving a shoutout to: you know who I’m shout-outing. This was a shout-out. If you have any questions about this shoutout, please contact me with those questions you have concerning this shout-out that I just shout-outed. Word. Shoutout to the girl who I took all the bodyshots off of Friday....Sorry but I wasnt interested in getting ass...just in getting more drunk! To the girl that drew me the lovely rose with a little love note, sorry darling but I’m gay. shoutout to my stats ta. I swear he owns one pair of pants and only two shirts. amazing.


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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECEPTION: Come between 4pm & 7PM, Friday August 2th. Food, drinks games, and meet new friends at International Friendship Ministries. 610 Pickens St. COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE ST.THOMAS MORE CENTER 1610 GREENE ST SATURDAY, AUG. 25TH 8AM-2PM


Welcome Banquet sponsored by IFM, Friday, August 31, 6:30PM. Family Life Center, First Presbyterian Church, Washington St at Bull St. Good food, entertainment. Meet others from many countries. FREE 799-3452.


Smokers, ages 12-21, are needed for a smoking cessation research study being conducted at LRADAC along with the MUSC Clinical Neuroscience Division. Participants will receive medical assessments and my receive investigation medication at no cost. Compensation will be provided. Please call Kim at 733-1363 x19 for more information.


Studio Apt. in Shandon area $525/mo w/d d/w electric incld. Ford Properties 256-1356.

WALK TO USC/SHANDON Clean & Quiet 3BR 1BA APT. $850 w/dep. 776-5405 Extra Large 1BR - 210 S. Wacamaw $495/mo 530-8517.

2, 3 & 4 Bedroom apts. available almost on campus on Greene St. Also individual rooms for rent. Call 318-0800 or email rajaluri@aeliusa.com 2BR 1BA fireplace fenced yard screen portch upstairs, walk dist to USC. Very Nice. $700/mo 530-8517


Pointe West - Looking for F/rmmte near USC. $405/mo inclds util, intenet & cable. 446-0649. 1BR APT $450. PLEASE CALL 600-6874


1BR 1BA house minutes to $425/mo util. included.. 787-0716


1116 Shirley St. - 2BR 1BA w/d conn, CH/AC, water inld. $550/mo. 252-4140

USC Pets Ok! 2BR/hse $525+ or 3BR/hse $750+ also 4BR/hse $900+ OTHERS TOO! 799-1333 www.rentmartonline.com Studio Apt - 1BR kit, BA Heat & air upstairs. $350/mo. Off N. Main 477-0857 or 786-0149. XLG Clean 3BR 2.5BA LV DR, LG den w/fp eat-in kitchen pool, double garage. $1200 796-7977 104 Cherry Lane. 2BR 1BA twnhouse newly renov. d/w w/d CH&A semi furn.1227 Barnwell St. Available NOW! $825 Call 600-5259 2BR 1BA house in Forest Acres. W/D CHA & all appl. Fenced yd, pets OK. $850/mo lease negotiable. Availabe NOW! 917-9586. OLYMPIA AREA Call Jeff 238-9185 2BR 2BA house, very nice, new construction, fenced yard, CH&A w/d conn, dw rear decks. $7505/mo LARGE PRIVATE ROOMS FOR RENT $240 inclds all utilities. Walk or cycle to school. Call 463-5129 Forest Acres/Richland Mall - Choice location to USC. Clean 3BR 2BA duplex, CH&A , w/d hkups. Available now. $1100/mo neg. Call 622-6200. LG ROOM FOR RENT - near BA bldg. $400/mo split util. Call 261-4506. HOUSE FOR RENT 2BR 2BA in Heathwood hd flrs throughout w/d d/w. Ford Properties 256-1356 CONDO FOR RENT 1BR 1BA $575 - Huger St. LARGE!! Clean! Clean! Clean CALL 463-5129. WALK TO USC/5PTS - 3BR 1BA - H/AC & appl. $850 lease sec. dep. 518-1031. CONDO FOR RENT Furn 2BR 1BA Barnwell Colony on campus shuttle rte. $625. Call 256-6287.


Save on Taxes - Need to locate a home for your student without wasting money on rent? Call Shirley Young from Nancy Bradley & Assoc. at 803-600-4243 CONDO FOR SALE - Sharp 2BR 2BA condo min from USC: New appl, fresh paint new carpet. Enjoy the community pool! Only $98,500! Call Tina 240-9333 view online @ tinachambers.com Russell & Jeffcoat

For Sale

Purchase Gamecock’s Music CD Gamecock’s Deliverance by 353 Crossfield Band. Support Gamecock’s Football Fans, party with Gamecock’s Music! Prepare for a WINNING SEASON! CD’s $15.99 shipping included. Order at www.gamecocksongs.com or send check o money order to: CME PO Box 280071 Columbia, SC 29228

Lofted Bed Timbernest Twin XL wooden loft. $250. Alex 615-503-5350. GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! Shipping & taxes calculated. Try it now! Go to http://www.bookhq.com


PARKING SPACES Near South Tower at Pickens & Blossom. $220 per semester 799-3452

Help Wanted

Marketing Specialist - Avista is looking for some people to make outbound sales calls (this is just an initial call and then leads would be referred to a sales executive). If you are a business major or are looking to enter a career in sales, this would be e a great opportunity for you. Starting pay is $10/hr with bonuses based on demos and closed sales. Please forward resume to kpeake@avistasolutions.com

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Additional options Box around ad: $1.25 Logo insertion available for an additional cost

sholmes@gwm.sc.edu • Office hours: M-F 8:30 am - 5 pm • Russell House, Rm. 343

Help Wanted

Administrative Assistant for non-profit located on campus. Position will involve management of multiple databases, generating reports, invoices, timesheets , schedules and other duties as assigned. Candidate must have strong database skills including Access and Crystal Reports. Knowledge of Salesforce and Act desirable. Must be proficient in Excel, Word and have strong communication organizational and writing/editing sills 10-20/hrs/wk. Position open to undergraduate or graduate level student. Prefer student interested in long-term assignment. Email resume to Anita Patel, apatel@exportconsortium.com Busy Allergist Office seeks, bright, hardworking, ethical pre-med student to work PT or FT in medical office. Flexible PT & FT hrs on weekends and weekdays. Evening hours available. Great experience for those students who plan to pursue a career in medicine. Patient care experience available. Only those with excellent academic records and references need apply. Email resume to palmettoallergya@bellsouth.net PHOTOGRAPHERS We have openings for several dedicated individuals to photograph student social events. Fun work, we train & provide equipment. Allen Anderson 256-0424. GRAPHIC DESIGN/WEB ASSISTANT -Non-profit located on USC seeks creative individual with strong graphic design skills and knowledge of html. Responsible for design and development of marketing materials including websites. 10-15/hrs/wk, $8-$10/hr. Prefer student interested in long-term assignment. Email resume to mtaylor@exportconsortium.com or call 777-4432.

Hilton Garden Inn - Columbia/Harbison Now hiring both FT & PT front desk associates. We are looking for experienced restaurant servers for breakfast and dinner. Stop in an apply or email your resume to caeco_gm@hlton.com 434 Columbiana Dr.


Now hiring for PT/FT No experience necessary. Apply in person at desired location 7372A Two Notch Road, Columbia. 5580 Sunset Blvd. Lexington Living Springs Preschool & AFC PT positions available Call 736-0776 or fax resume to 865-8252. 23 People needed to lose 5-100 pounds All natural, 100% Guaranteed FREE SAMPLES! 1-800-351-2462 PT positions for local Drum Shop, near USC, $7/hr no exp necessary.. Apply at 2651-B Shop Road or call 776-6898. Could lead to big profession. PT golf driving range employee. Call Kris@ 781-0711

20/hrs/wk PT position available for sales, merchandising, and light office duties. Professional appearance is a must. Must be available to work after exams during the Christmas season. Apply in person at Gudmundson and Buyck Jewelers, 2931 Devine Street. Hardware Help - Looking for counter help pulling and keying hardware. Work around class schedule. $8/hr. Located on 2021 Blanding St. 256-1646. Customer Relations and Sales BS in Marketing, Retail or HRTA or related. Dynamic outgoing personality who easily meets people and can speak to small groups. Knowledge of food, sales and design helpful. Will be a team player with operations,. Organized, goal setter willing to raise the bar and who can make things happen. Good benefits, including 401K. Send resume including extra curricular activities and salary history to secretary@fsiteam.com PT Personal Assistant Needed - Professional women seeks PT personal Asst. 2-3/hrs/day 10-15/hrs/wk $10/hr.Duties include light housekeeping, some laundry, errand running House is near Dreher High School. Please send email of interest to particia.shahbahrami@gmail.com Babies “R” US on Harbison Blvd is now hiring. PT positions available w/benefits. Apply online @ www.ruscareers.com Student needed for PT administrative support for downtown Columbia office (near USC). Essential functions will include typing, filing, data entry, and answering phones. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in common office software applications, including the MS Office suite, Internet browsers and Web site development applications. Knowledge of LAN and the ability to work with a technical support team also required. applicants must have excellent written and oral communication skills, and must be enrolled FT in undergraduate studies at a local college or university. Apply at our website, www.scra.org. EOE Work from home, flexible hours, hourly pay plus commissions, exp. req. Please fax resume to: 743-0207 Welsford Property Management Lifeguard’s wanted for indoor swimming pool at Harbison Recreation Center. Must hold current certifications. All shifts available. Please call “D” Cartee @ 781-2281 if interested. Lifeguards needed @ Jewish Community Center. PT PM/weekends, cert req. Contact Kyle or Kaytina 787-2023.

Help Wanted

Telecounseling Positions Available The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is looking for enthusiastic, dedicated students to assist with recruitment this year by calling prospective students, admitted students and their parents. Applicants should possess strong communication skills, enthusiasm for USC, good work ethic, professionalism and basic computer and telephone skills. Students are required to work a minimum of 2 nights per week during the hours of 5:30 to 9:30PM Monday through Thursday throughout the school year, except on University holidays. $7.50/hr to start. Training begins September 10th. Applications are available in The Office of Undergraduate Admissions located on the Horseshoe in Lieber College. Application deadline: August 31st at 5pm. For more information, please call Kourtney Kocel at 777-4413 Member Services Associate: Articulate, outgoing, motivated, people person with an interest in community sought to work in a non-profit organization. Duties will include, but not limited to, light clerical work and guest relations. Immediate opening for PT position. Call Mandy at 787-2023 ext 206 or email mandyf@jcccolumbia.org. for info Work around your class schedule taking Inventory at different retailers. Good for Resume’. Referral Bonuses. Benefits available. Apply now by calling 798-6084 or at www.rgisinv.com EOE BECOME AN ONLINE TRAVEL AGENT High commissions/bonuses/travel perks. Work at home. No experience nec. Ideal for students. Small set-up free required. Call 843-838-7456. Ready for EdVenture? If you like working with children, sharing what you know, and teaching new programs, then we would love to talk to you about employment opportunities at the South’s largest children’s museum. Call, fax, or email your resume today! Or stop by and complete an application at 211 Gervais St. Call 779-3100 ext 1160 Fax 779-3144. BARTENDING up to $250/day . No exp nec, training prov’d 800-965-6520 X 253. CASHIER NEEDED -Forest Lake Gardens 5210 Trenholm Rd. Exp with plants & flowers helpful. Apply in person within. 787-2737 Concessionaire Opportunity - Inquire by email daisymsbeverages@earthlink.net PT Help Wanted - We need several people to distribute posters for Koger Center & Coliseum, must have a valid drivers license, own transportation and a good working knowledge of at least on of the following areas: Forest Acres, NE Columbia, Spring Valley, Irmo, St. Andrews, Dutch Square, Lexington and downtown Columbia. Please contact Chip Wade at the Carolina Coliseum 777-2057 to set up an interview.


Now accepting applications for the following positions: Guest Service Representatives FT & PT AM/PM positions available. Van Driver/Bell Person FT AM position available. must possess excellent DMV record. retirees welcome. Knowledge the surrounding Columbia area. Room Attendants and House Persons FT positions available. All positions require exceptional customer service skills with great personalities. Must be willing to work weekends and holidays. Excellent benefits, paid vacation and holidays 401K and bonuses. Background check Drug testing. Apply in person M-F 2P-5P 1615 Gervais Street. Ye Ole Fashioned Ice Cream & Sandwich Cafe’ Now hiring all staff. Good pay & tips. Flexible hours. New business from Charleston. Perfect for students. Call Todd 843-693-5055 or apply M-F 12-3pm 7490 Garners Ferry Office worker needed good computer & phone skills. Call 466-2876 We currently have 6 positions available etching crystal and one office position. No experience necessary. Stating pay is $8/hr. We can work around a class schedule. Located close to campus @ Shop Road & 1-77. Call 799-1343 w/questions or fax resume to 799-1345 DATA ENTRY POSITION PT temporary w/small social research firm M-F hours flexible. Richland Mall area. Experience and familiarity with Microsoft Excel and Access required. Pay based on experience. Email resumes to sarahm1@swsolutionsinc.com Engineering firm seeks courier with light typing & filing skills, ability to work independently and have a valid drivers license. Must be prompt and responsible, some computer skills. Apply at 724 Beltline Blvd. 254-0518. Flexible hours. Salary to be determined. Students looking for PT work, flexible hours, evening. No selling. Knowledge of computers a plus. Pleasant working conditions. Call Will or David at 799-5740.

Help Wanted Child Care

BABYSITTER - M& Fri AM (flex). 13/mo b/g twins (+2boys@nt). Honest & dependable w/ exp refs. NE Cola. Jeni 351-2606 Responsible, conscientious and energetic student needed for child care, specifically studying and doing homework with a fourth grader, supervising activities and picking child up from school. Must be available M-F, have no criminal record of any type and a perfect driving record. Call 799-7223.

FT Nanny Needed - In home care for 10 mo. old boy near VA Hospital. Ref & reliable transp. req. Daytime M-F 40hrs/wk. Call 936-1530. In home child care needed for 2 y.o 1-3/mornings/wk. Ref & exp. required. Forest Acres area. Call Susana @ 782-2464. PT babysitter need to assist with 2 infant children. Flexible hrs/ but must be able to work most weekends. $8/hr. Call for more details 730-2576. Wee Care - Irmo has 2 afternoon positions available. Working with 2 y.o. 2-6pm 2 & with 4 y.o. 1-6:30pm. FT position - 2 y.o 8-5pm. Daycare exp. req. Call 781-5439. In Home infant care needed 1 mile from USC Looking for FT infant care. Can job share. Prefer early education. Call Sunny @ 781-831-8097 Working parents seek bright, articulate, responsible person to help care for two pre-teen kids several days after school? 2:30-6:30pm and occasional evenings. Includes school p/up, activities, some homework errands. Intown within 1 mile of USC campus. Must have dependable car, good driving record. Exp & exp ref req. Begin first week of Sept. Call Barbara 730-3521.

Babysitter needed 2-3/mornings/wk. 48/hr. 4 y.o female 3 y.o male, near USC but transp. required. 777-7462.

Help Wanted Afterschool Programs

EASTMINSTER DAY SCHOOL Local church pre-school is hiring for an afternoon teacher to work 1-5:30 M-F. Applications for morning and afternoon substitute teachers are also being accepted. Individuals must have experience as well as having loving, patience & energy for children. Individuals may apply at 3200 Trenholm Road or you can call 771-1512 for more information.

After-School Care Providers needed M-F from 1:30-5:30 to supervise and assist a small group of elementary students with their homework. Must be 21 or older and possess a valid driver’s license. We are located at 3401 Trenholm Rd. (10 min from USC). Please call 254-9848 for more information.

GET PAID TO PLAY! Fun, enthusiastic, responsible people needed for large child development center near USC. Regular M-F afternoon positions available. Also, sub positions with variable hours. Call 799-8533 and ask for Carol or Traci. Harmony School Aftercare Provider Monitor children’s play, some art activities, and outside activities. Age range 2 1/2 -6 5/days/wk M-F 2:30-5:30. Contact Debbie or Shannon 787-1899 3737 Covenant Road Forest Acres Afternoon teaching positions available immediately at Chesterbrook Academy, a preschool in NE Cola...only 15 min from USC. A unique opportunity exists for those students who love working with children of all ages. Positions are available M-F afternoon, hours vary. For more info call 699-9988

Help Wanted Instructors

Looking for energetic, kid-loving students to work PT for mobile gymnastics. Must have own transportation and be dependable. Flex hrs & sched, lots of afternoon hours. No weekends, start @ $8/hr. Pls call 479-7055 or email jplanetfun@sc.rr.com Aerobic Instructors Wanted The Factory is hiring expeienced aerobic/fitness instructors. For more information, Call 988-0076 or email info@getfactorybuilt.com Enthusiastic, knowledgeable fitness professional with ability to assess, design programs and keep clients motivated. Person Training Cert required & Aerobic Cert a plus. PT am/pm/wknds. Call Kaytina 787-2023. DANCE INSTRUCTOR NEEDED Weekdays & weekends Tap Jazz Ballet Hip Hop. Call Blake @ 794-2555 or email resume to blakelette@yahoo.com

Help Wanted Restaurants

Have a good GPA, hard working and looking for fun environment to work? We are now seeking to fill all positions for the Fall & Winter Semesters Apply on line at www.miyos.com OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE Harbison location is hiring for Hosts, Bussers, and exp Servers, Fry Cooks, Salad Cooks and Grill Cooks also. Apply in person at 252 Harbison Blvd. M-Thur 2-4. Servers needed immediately: Lunch and vening shifts. Apply at Nonnah’s 930 Gervais St. in The Vista. Exclusive downtown private club has FT/PT AM/PM openings for experienced waitstaff and kitchen help. Club offers competitive benefits and great work environment. Apply in person to 1301 Gervais St. 20th fl Tues-Fri 3-5pm. Fax resume to 771-8829 or email to jobopening@sc.rr.com Drug free workplace.

Help Wanted Restaurants

A gourmet breakfast restaurant, located in Forest Acres, is hiring servers. **Great Customers, Excellent Tips **Fast paced **AM or PM shifts available ** FT OR PT **No late hours Located next door to Starbucks at Trenholm Plaza. Apply in person 4840 Forest Drive Columbia, SC



We area a social gathering place offering high quality food, drinks, and entertainment in an upscale casual environment. Hiring for immediate openings for our Columbia area location for the following positions: Servers & Cooks We are looking for individuals who will thrive in a “Fast-Paced Environment.” Bailey’s is full of opportunities and excitement. We provide competitive wages, flexible work schedules, and Health, Dental & Vision insurance Bailey’s Sports Grille 115 Afton Court 407-3004 HARPER’S RESTAURANT 5PTS Now hiring for all positions. Apply in person 700 Harden Street HARBOR INN SEAFOOD NOW HIRING servers and hostesses for all shifts! Apply within 9001 Two Notch Rd 462-3498 The Columbia Melting Pot Now hiring all positions. Apply M-Thurs 11-4 731-8500. WAITRESSES NEEDED Apply in person anytime 1PM-9PM. Goatfeathers 2017 Devine St. 5PTS


Now hiring daytime counter person. Hrs. Tu-F 10-2pm. Apply in person @ 4517 Forest Drive. 787-5005


Seeking an Assistant Kitchen Manager & Servers. Hours area M-F 9-3 or 10-2. Apply in person at 923 Gervais St.

PANERA BREAD is looking for reliable and hardworking individuals for their two locations at 6080 Garners Ferry Rd &1007 Bower Parkway. We are looking for ALL shifts. Please stop in and fill out an application.

Help Wanted Tutors

TUTORS NEEDED: GPA of 3.1 will earn you $10-$12 (or more) per hr! Highest demand for Math, Reading & Science. Call Tutor Connection 957-6060.


Work Study Opportunities EARN $8/HR! 3 Work-Study Students Needed for administrative help in Richland County Vocational Rehabilitation offices on Percival Rd, Confederate Ave (downtown) & Corporate Blvd (near Farrow Road). Duties include filing & organizing, operating office machines, data entry & light reception. EARN $8/HR! 7 Work Study Office Assistants Needed @ SC Vocational Rehabilitation Dept near Airport. Duties: filing & organizing, data entry, reception & operating various office equipment. Must be proficient in Excel and MS Word.

Call Cathy Smith @ 896-6553 for interview. EOE


Make more money PT than your professors do FT! Interview Online TODAY: www.studentravelagentinterview.com/ ID Code 106FR SPRING BREAK ‘2008 Sell Trips Earn Cash, Go Free! Best Prices Guaranteed to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, S. Padre and Florida. Call for group discounts. 1-800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com

Church Directory

Pastor: Jesse D. Simmons 2606 Emanuel Church Road West Columbia, SC 29170 755-0246 /0334 www.cwoconline.org Sunday Worship: 10AM Sunday School 6PM Wednesday 7:30PM

REFRESHING SPRINGS CHURCH Interdenominational - Biblically sound *Sunday Bible Institute/ Sunday School 10am *Sunday Celebration 11:00am *Inner City/Urban Outreach Campus of Colonial Christian Academy International Community Seminary & College 1110 Meeting S., W. Cola 796-7025 / 791-5558

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1114 Pickens Street, Columbia, SC Sunday Morning Worship & Sunday School: 10:30AM-11:30AM Wednesday Evening Service: 7:30PM-8:30PM

Christian Science Reading Room 799-8274

Dana D. Gainous, R.C. Master Hair Car Specialist Specializing in Perms, Relaxers, Curls Braides and much more! 1513 Bush River Road (across from Walmart) Call for appt. 798-5444 Resume & Interview Coaching Service 699-9782 or www.cjuliet.homestead.com

Work Study Opportunities

OFFICE ASSISTANT 20/hrs/wk $7-$8/hr Clerical work and special projects. Knowledge of marketing or development helpful. Communities In Schools of the Midlands Contact Personnel 254-9727 8:30-5:00 or PO Box 8884 Cola, SC 29202 Do You Have Work Study? Thomas Cooper Library is now accepting applications for work study positions. You may apply at the circulation desk on the main floor. SUMMER WORK STUDY POSITION Student assistant in Department of Student Life Central Office. Duties include taking photocopies, data entry, preparing mailouts, handling incoming and outgoing mail, as well as hand delivering paperwork on campus. Student will be primarily working for the Associate Vice President’s staff, and other departments as assigned. MUST HAVE A WORK STUDY GRANT. Please call Billie Gresock at 777-6688.

MAPLE STREET CHURCH Corner of Maple & Preston Streets Columbia, SC 29205 Services: Sunday 11 & 6pm Wednesday 6pm Classes for College Students 799-3646 Rev. Gerald Watford Columbia Evangelical Church 1013 Barnwell Street (in the heart of the campus) Sunday Schools for all ages 9:15-10:15am Worship Service 10:45am Men’s Meeting every other Tuesday 7pm Women’s Bible Study Thursday 7pm Office hours Mon., Wed., Thurs. 8:30-1:30 799-1628 Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 819 Woodrow St. Columbia, SC 29205 779-0138 (phone) 779-7243 (fax) Rev. Dr. Ronnie E. Brailsford, Sr. Pastor Sunday Worship Services 8am & 10:45am Family Night Bible Study Wed 6-7pm Noon Day Bible Study Thursdays 12 noon Youth Enrichment Programs Friday 6pm


classifieds 9

september 28, 2007


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Patrick Henry Living Christiansburg Living



Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted


SUBLEASE IN MAPLE RIDGE 1 room & bath in nice townhome. email grosslb@vt.edu 571.331.8831


SPRING BREAK REPS WANTED Free Travel & Cash. www.sunsplashtours.com 1-800426-7710


Part Time Administrative Assistant Anderson & Associates, a civil engineering and surveying firm in Blacksburg, VA is seeking someone to work 20-25 hours (preferably between 12pm-5pm). This position requires a self-motivated, highenergy individual who has a desire to help in all aspects of the office. Duties include, but are not limited to, answering phones, document preparation, and assistance with other administrative duties. Individuals must have a friendly attitude, proven organization skills, excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to multi-task and work with different personalities. Proficiency with Microsoft Office, specifically Word, Excel and PowerPoint is a must, as well as, a keen sense for attention to detail and accuracy. If you are an individual who would be interesting in working in a fast paced environment please fill out an application at www.andassoc.com or e-mail to careers@andassoc. EOE. 540.552.5592



Travel #1 VT SPRING BREAK TRIPS 4 & 7 night trips. Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for 8+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! Campus reps needed. http://www. StudentCity.com or 800.293.1445 SKYDIVE! One Day First Jumps! Gift Certificates! 22 jumper airplane drops from 13,500’! (877) 348-3759 www.skydiveorange.com


Relax, Read the

Spring Break ’2008 Sell Trips, Earn Cash, Go Free! Best Prices Guaranteed to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, S. Padre and Florida. Call for group discounts. 1-800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com

UNIVERSITY TRAVEL.COM SPRING BREAK 2008 Book locally with someone you can trust. Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas, Jamaica, and Cruises! 922 University City Blvd next to Macado’s. 961-2700 x230 or www. UniversityTravel.com.

Cabin rentals at Jackson Meadows. 2 bedroom plus loft and guest house beautifully located in Blue Ridge Mountains 35 minutes south of Blacksburg. Main house $135/ night. Guest house $75/ night. Visit VRBO.com or call 954.650.7090

Spice Up Your Life Place a Classified Ad

Help Wanted !BARTENDING! Make Up to $250 a Day. No Experience Necessary. Training Available. 1-800-965-6520 EXT210 ANIMAL CARETAKERS NEEDED The Humane Society of Montgomery County is hiring kennel attendants for our Christiansburg shelter. Shifts are from 8-11 AM & 36 PM. Must be available weekends and holidays. Applications available at the shelter or email resume to info@hsmcshelter.com BIG AL’S & POOR BILLY’S Immediate positions available for Line Cooks & Dishwashers/ Shuckers, hourly wage plus shift meal & tip out. Apply in person @ Big Al’s. 540.951.3300

DISTRIBUTION MANAGER The Collegiate Times, the student-run newspaper at Virginia Tech, is currently looking for a distribution manager. To download an application, visit www.collegemedia.com/ join. E-mail Bobby Bowman rabowman@vt.edu for more information.

GIS Programmer Anderson & Associates, Inc. is looking for a programmer to join its GIS team in Blacksburg, Virginia. Qualified individuals will have experience in database programming with an understanding of SQL, XML, and the ability to use Microsoft XMLDOM for XML parsing. Successful candidates must be able to use VBscript, Javascript, ASP and. Net to program ArcIMS sites and should be able to write MS Office applications using VBA. Experience using and writing scripts for ArcGIS and AutoCAD is a plus. Anderson & Associates, Inc. offers a flexible work environment that emphasizes teamwork, continuing education, and excellence, as well as an Employee Stock Ownership Program and competitive benefits package. If you are interested in working for a company that values innovation and collaboration, please fill out an online application at www.andassoc.com or send a resume to careers@andassoc.com. EOE. 540.552.5592 GUMBY”S PIZZA hiring delivery drivers. Up to $16/hour. CASH PAID DAILY. Free food. Apply after 3pm.210 Prices Fork Rd.

How ‘bout them apples? VT Students get FREE advertisements in the Classifieds...come by 618 N Main ST to place your classifieds!

Are you looking for a new challenge? Blacksburg Country Club has an opening for a part-time Landscape Assistant. If you are reliable, energetic and detail oriented then this is the job for you. Flexible hours and a great work environment are just few of the benefits. Email kevin@blacksburgcc.com to apply.

LINE COOKS WANTED Blacksburg Country Club is now hiring line cooks for open and closing shifts. Experience prefered. Apply on-line at www.blacksburgcc.com

need some

get your ducks in a row find it at... MUSIC COMPANY SEEKS ACCT MGRS Blacksburg music Co. seeking part-time or full-time Sales/Account Managers. Must be able to multi-task, phone clients and be organized. We provide fun, comfortable work environment. Serious inquiries only. Call Mr. Rosenthal 877 560 8316 or hmlmlc@yahoo.com

Find your appetite

Go online to see more New River Valley Restaurants at



PART-TIME WORK W/KIDS Valley Interfaith Child Care Center is looking for people who love children and want to impact a child’s life. We are looking for staff who are available to work at our Christiansburg Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:15am-11:00am or possibly later. You have to be able to converse with children and follow instructions. You can email the director at viccc_bburg@verizon.net or call her at 540.558.8653

Blacksburg Country Club is seeking restaurant and banquet servers with a great attitude and strong work ethic! Apply on-line at www.blacksburgcc.com Web Programmer Anderson & Associates in Blacksburg, Virginia has an immediate opening for a highly motivated individual interested in web design and implementation. This position will be about 10-15 hours per week and will be responsible for designing, developing, modifying and maintaining all facets of Internet and intranet web sites and web based applications. Substantial experience with HTML, JavaScript, VB Script, PHP, ASP, MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL Server and IIS is required. The ideal candidate will also possess experience with one or more of the following: DHTML, Perl, Apache, and Linux or BSD. Experience with Macromedia Flash and Adobe PhotoShop is a plus. If you are interested in this position please fill out an on-line application at www.andassoc.com; e-mail a resume to careers@andassoc.com; mail to HR Team, Anderson & Associates, 100 Ardmore Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060 or fax to: 540-552-5729. Samples of previous work should accompany all applications and resumes. EOE 540.552.5592

’95 SILVER HONDA PRELUDE good condition, ~155,000 miles, all pwr, leather, sunroof, new engine and tires. $5,000 will negotiate. Call 2307622.

Notices EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE The expansion of the universe is usually described as “is occurring”, indicating it is taking place now. However, what can be seen in deep outer space “now” is not occurring now, and what is occurring “now”, can not be seen now. For more comments on the universe, visit my website: www.ejdoscher.com

For Rent 902 BROCE DRIVE 3 bedrooms, 2 full bath House d’washer, washer/dryer Fenced in yard Pets permitted with approval and deposit Close to VT Campus Immediate Move In $900.00 per month 540.951.0000

For Sale Halloween costumes, wigs, makeup, and more. Shop early for the best selection. Party Central, 1701 S. Main St. 540.953.1170 PIT BULL PUPPIES First set of shots & dewormed. 7 weeks old, chocolate colored, pure-bred. $200 Call 239-4229

TWO BEDROOM CONDO FOR RENT Two level with one and a half baths. Washer and dryer, plenty of parking, and on bus route. $850.00 per month plus security deposit. Quiet neighborhood, great for grad students. Call Angelo 240417-0517 or Bill 540-951-3391




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AUTOS ASSEMBLY SERIES SEEKS student to post fliers on weekend in all Danforth Campus areas. Must know campus well. Approximately 5 hr/week. Call 935-4620. FUN JOB, FEW Hours. Start immediately! Babysit fantastic 2nd grader in great UCity Loop home! Wednesday and Thursday 3:30 - 7:00 PM. Must have car, creative personality, references. $10/hour. Call Sarah at 314-616-4145. HELP CHILDREN TO Learn Math and Reading. Kumon Ladue Center (www.kumonladue.com) Graduates and undergraduates. $11-$17/hour. Send resume to tdk@cse.wustl.edu. MAD SCIENCE INSTRUCTORS. Enthusiastic instructors needed to teach part-time (after-school, 2-4 days per week), FUN, hands-on science programs in elementary schools. MUST HAVE TRANSPORTATION. $25$27.50 per 1 hr class. Call 314-991-8000. NIGHT STUDENT SEEKING babysitter. Monday and Wednesday from 6:15 - 9:15. $10/hour. UCity Location. Please contact mbarnett@ im.wustl.edu or 607-5627.

2 pm Thurs. 2 pm Mon. 2 pm Tues.

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PART TIME JOB: help children to learn Kumon math and reading. Locations in Ladue. Hours are flexible on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Pay is $10-$17/hour. Contact w w w. k um o n - la du e . c o m . Send resume to: tdk@cse. wustl.edu. EARN $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarClub.com. SITTERS WANTED. AVERAGE $10 per hour. Register free for jobs near campus or home. http://www.studentsitters.com. WANTED: FRENCH TUTOR. French lessons from native speaker, 1 hr/ week, intermediate level. Call 314-402-7881. WASHU CALLING CENTER. Up to $9/hour, Monthly and Weekly Bonuses, Only 2 Shifts/Week, Tuition Reimbursement, & much more.

2-BR CONDO on McPherson for rent. 6 monh lease available, gated parking. Contact Lisa or Chris at 314-747-1389 or 618-692- 6890.

3 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE, Complete Remodel! You pick carpet/hardwood. 1 mile from campus. $277/person/month if three people. Call 314-428-8220, mention Athena Square. CLAYTON, U. CITY Loop, CWE and Dogtown. Beautiful studios, 1, 2 bedrooms. Quiet buildings. $410-$900. ByronCompany. com. 725-5757. INCREDIBLE 3-BEDROOM 1300SQFT UCity Loop apartment for $1295! New kitchen & bath, HW floors, dishwasher, central air condtioning, W/D, and parking. Also available: 2 BR apartment right behind Kayak’s for $995. Good credit and rental history a must, quiet building policy. No dogs, please. London Properties, LLC: 314608-2692. LARGE SELECTION OF apartments throughout Saint Louis! Red Brick Management has apartments in University City, Central West End, Richmond Heights, Doctown, Shaw, and Soulard. Find your space today! Please call (314) 361-7067 or visit www. redbrickmanagement. com.

CONDO: AVAILABLE NOW. A 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom garden level condo for sale in Brentwood. Vaulted ceiling, fireplace, and California closets. Call Bridget at 314486-6448 for showing. FOR SALE: 3 BR/2BA, 1 mile from Clayton, minutes from WashU. New deck, finished basement, 2,200 sqft. 7460 Ahern Ave, 63130. $219,900. Call 314-3224936. FOR SALE: 4 BR/2BA Home, 1 miles from Wash U & Loop. C/A, hardwood floors, fenced backyard. 6833 Bartmer Ave, 63130 $169,900. Call 322- 4936. FOR SALE: 6258 Cabanne. 3BR/2BA house on double lot in Loop area. Great investment or dorm alternative. $129,900. Owner/Agent: 314863-5100. NEWLY RENOVATED CONDO for sale! Great location & perfect for students! 8054 Davis Drive @ Brentwood Blvd, near downtown Clayton. Listed below St. Louis Assessed Value. New 42” flat screen plasma TV included. Motivated seller. 1&2 bedroom units available. Call Andy @ 314367-7787, ext. 9.

By The Mepham Group Level: 1




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Solution to Friday’s puzzle

Sudoku on your cell phone. Enter 783658.com in your mobile Web browser. Get a free game! © 2007 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.


BACK TO SCHOOL Furniture SALE! 20% off with student ID. Antique Store is located about 2 miles from Washington University at 6617 Clayton Road, just east of Big Bend and west of Skinker. Store is 5K sq.ft. chock full of beautiful antique, used, and retro furniture. 50% off tribal Persian rugs, lamps, chandeliers, architectural, garden, artwork, antique books, and much, much more. We have everything to furnish your new place and make it more unique. We make deals for students. Open 7 days 9 AM - 5 PM. FOR SALE: NIKON D2X digital camera body, recently serviced by Nikon, complete with 1 Gig CF card. $2,100. Email strembici@samfox. wustl.edu or call 721-3127. VINTAGE BICYCLES FOR sale @ $60-$100. The ultimate green machines in excellent condition. Contact Jay at 314-863-5258.

AUTOS 1998 NISSAN MAXIMA: 141K miles, $4,125. V6 3.0 Ltr, Automatic, Cruise Control, CD, Power Seat, Sun roof. Chris at 618-560- 9280.

1999 SAAB 9.3 Turbo. 100,400 miles. New alternator, water pump, condenser, battery. $4,000 or best offer. If interested, call 314-605-5252.

$5000 PAID EGG donors. +Expenses. Non-smokers, ages 19-29, SAT score > 1100, ACT score > 24, GPA > 3.0. Reply to: info@eggdonorcenter.com. SOCCER GOALIE WANTED: Junioor Varsity soccer team needs a goaltender. If interested, please email head coach Joe Clarke at joec@athletics.edu.

TYPING AND TRANSCRIPTION Services (www.workinprogressllc.biz). Expertise in all academic formats. Specializing in qualitative research transcription. Over 30 years experience. Rush jobs welcome! Contact Karen 314-732-0000 or karen @workinprogressllc. biz. Conveniently located in the Central West End.

SPRING BREAK **#1 SPRING BREAK website! 4 & 7 night trips to BahamaPartyCruise, PanamaCity, Mexico, and more. Low prices guaranteed. Group discounts for 8+. Book 20 people, get 3 free trips! Campus reps needed. www.StudentCity. com or 800-293-1145.

ANNOUNCING ADVERTISE FOR FREE! Washington University students, staff, and faculty can place free classified advertisements in Student Life. To do so, simply email your advertisement to classifieds@studlife. com from your Washington University email address. Your advertisment will run for up to six consecutive issues free of charge. Please limit all advertisements to thirty words. For personal use only. READ STUDENT LIFE online! Visit us on the web at www.studlife.com to check out all your favorite Student Life sections including News, Sports, Cadenza, and more; view archived issues; browse classified advertisements and more.



September 11, 2007

Classified Index For Rent Textbooks Spring Break/Travel For Sale Lost & Found Pets & Animals Miscellaneous Help Wanted



Page 11A

College Heights Herald

College Heights Herald Classifieds The College Heights Herald is not responsible for the content or validity of these paid classified ads.

Savannah Thomas, Classifieds Manager

For Rent

For Rent


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

1 bdrm. apt at 1425 State St. Central heat & air. $375. 1bdrm. cottage 1114 Chestnut St. sunroom. $375; Newly remodeled 2 bdrm. house at 525 Woodford St. $475 3 bdrm. house 432 Woodford Fenced yard, basement, $575. 3 bdrm. 814 Winona $550. Call 781-8307

Newly renovated 4 bdrm. home approx. 15 min from campus in quiet neighborhood. Seeking person to rent room. Pool, deck, garage, fully furnished with exception of bedroom. Call 270-792-5999.

GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 24 bookstores with 1click! Shipping and taxes are automatically calculated. Save! Why pay more? http://www.bookhq.com

Full-time permanent sitter needed. 6:30am-4pm. Beginning in January. References & background check necessary. Call 270-320-2034.

Spring Break Travel

Part-time sales person needed

Anna’s Greek Restaurant & Bar now hiring servers, dishwashers & kitchen help needed full-time/ part-time. Experience preferred. Apply online at www.bggreek.com

Mid-South Paint and Design is looking for a hardworking person for deliveries, sales, assisting customers in selecting colors, and greeting public. Approx. 20 hrs. Weekdays, Mon. - Fri., no nights. Qualifications include friendliness, dependable, interest in interior design, and self starter. Call Kirk at 843-0194 or come by 107 Emmett Ave.


1 Block from WKU. Studio apartment. $260/mo. + deposit & some utilities. Call 796-7949 for more info.


1, 2 & 3 Bdrms. New 21 Station Fitness Center and Business Center. Adjacent to WKU shuttle. Call 842-4063 or visit www.cameronparkapts.com


WKU STUDENTS Apartments available Close to Campus, $150 deposit, $395/mo, All utilities included. 843-9292.


Office Space for Rent Large 1800 sq. ft. Location: 2052 Russellville Rd. Bowling Green, KY . Will re-model to suit your needs. For more information call 270-843-8722 or 270-535-2886.


Large Apt. for Rent 1800 Sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 1 1/2 baths. Large kitchen, living room combo. Water furnished Adjacent to WKU Campus. $575/ month with $575 deposit. For more information call 843-8722.


Close to WKU Like new 2 bedroom 1.5 bath. Large, clean & affordable. Appliances & w/d. Only $450/mo+dep. No Pets. Call Robert 202-0835


$100 Deposit 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment. Call 320-6425 for more info.


For Rent Lampkin Place and

Hillside Apartment communities

* One and Two Bedrooms * Close to Campus Call Abby, Jessica or Shannon for more information.


All utilities PAID! 1 BR $539; 2 BR $589 3 Minutes to Campus! Fitness/Business Center coming Fall 2007! New hardwood! Sparkling Pool! Now Pre-Leasing for Winter/Spring Semester. Call 781-5471 www.greenhavenapartments.com


1 Block from WKU. 2 Bdrm. house. $400/month plus deposit & utilities. Call 270-796-7949.


Spring Break 2008 Sell Trips, Earn Cash & Go free. Call for Group Discounts. Best Deals Guaranteed! Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas, S. Padre, Florida. 800-648-4849 or www.ststravel.com


For Sale


Lost & Found

782-8282 www.chandlerproperty management.com


3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom $650 + utilities. 1428 Park St. Call 320-6425 for more info.


Extra Nice Apartments Newly REMODELED Inside Must See To Appreciate 1359 High St. 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Downstairs Large Bedrooms Hardwood Floors Tile Kitchen & Bath $900 month 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Upstairs Tile Kitchen & Bath $500 month Please call (270) 535-1155


Apartment Hunting?

•••••••••••••••••••• at Bandy Bedding.

Approx. 22 hrs. Store hours are M-Sat 9am-7:30pm & Sunday12:30pm-5:30pm. Weekends required.

Prefer sales experience. Pay depending on experience.

See Mary at 1785 Campbell Lane to apply.

•••••••••••••••••••• Part-time dietary and

housekeeping needed.

Located at 1800 Westen St.


Please come by to apply.

Pets & Animals

Full-time permanent sitter


Miscellaneous Guys & Girls Haircuts $6.00

Barber College of South

Central Kentucky. 782-3261


Help Wanted Babysitter needed in our home for 2 infants. Mon-Fri 7-4:30. No smoking. References required. Call 270-535-1430 after 5pm.



2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex. 1 block south of campus. Central heat and air. Hardwood floors. $445/mo. Washer and dryer incl. Call 782-9805 for more info.


•••••••••••••••••••• needed. 6:30am-4pm. Beginning in January.

References & background check necessary. Call 270-320-2034.

•••••••••••••••••••• Servers needed immediately. Experience preferred.

Must be flexible & dependable. Please come by BG Country

Club to fill out an application. 251 Beech Bend Rd.


City of Bowling Green LANDSCAPE GARDENER • Starting Salary: $22,588; full benefit package • Maintains landscaped areas at City owned golf courses • Serves as lead worker with assigned personnel; maintains record of hours worked • High School diploma, GED, or vocational school, with one year of experience. Requires valid Driver’s License and Pesticide Applicator’s License.

Completed applications must be submitted by 4:00 pm, September 14, 2007. Interested applicants should obtain an employment application from the Human Resources Department in City Hall, 1001 College Street, Bowling Green or from our website at www.bgky.org. The City of Bowling Green is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free Workplace.

City of Bowling Green OFFICE ASSISTANT I

• Performs general clerical and receptionist duties,

including typing, filing, data entry, and customer service. • Assist with various Housing programs • 15hrs/wk; $6.15/hr. • High school diploma or GED required. Completed applications must be submitted by 4:00 pm, September 21, 2007. Interested applicants should obtain an employment application from the Human Resources Department in City Hall, 1001 College Street, Bowling Green or from our website at www.bgky.org.

The City of Bowling Green is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free Workplace.


to place a

Classified Ad??

$6.00 for the first 15 words Call Today 270-782-8282 or visit

30¢ for each additional word


Don’t forget our deadlines to place a classified are:

Note to Readers: The College Heights Herald screens ads for misleading or false claims but cannot guarantee any ad or claim. Please use caution when answering ads, especially when asked to send money or provide credit card information.

Tuesday’s Paper- 4pm Friday

Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, handicapped status, families with children, or any intention to make such a preference, limitation or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Please notify the Fair Housing Council at 502-5833247 or 1-800-558-3247 if you feel there has been a violation.


Thursday’s Paper- 4pm Tuesday Look for “Birthday Shout Outs” in upcoming issues.

Call 745-2653 for more information. We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard and Discover.



Help Wanted Yard Work. 1 morning per week. $12 hour. Call 782-1097


If you are looking for part-time work, then come to Ford’s Furniture.We are looking for an energetic person to work on the showroom floor. Responsibilities will included moving furniture, opening freight and accessories while placing them in the showroom and going to homes and businesses to help the designers. Qualified person will be required to work Saturdays and Holidays. If interested, come by Ford’s Furniture to fill out an application. Please no phone calls.


Part-time maintenance assistant Hours: 4p-8p Monday thru Friday. Duties to include painting, buffing and general building maintenance. No experience necessary. Will train the right person. Drug test required. EOE Apply at Harborside Healthcare. 1381 Campbell Lane. No phone calls please.



Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. Please visit www.adcarreps.com


N ow H iriNg An Employee Owned Company

Rafferty’s Restaurant & Bar, Bowling Green’s favorite American Grille is now hiring, giving you the opportunity to join an exciting fast-paced, full-service restaurant and bar operation. Applications now being accepted with both full and part-time positions available for daytime hours.

• Servers • Greeters Apply in person at 1939 Scottsville Road. 842-0123 ••••••••••••••••••••

City of Bowling Green LANDSCAPE HELPER

• Starting: $8.10 - $9.10/hr., 35 hrs/wk. • Assists with maintenance of landscaped areas for the City; Installing plant material according to design, & maintaining areas • Operates various tools and equipment such as gardening tools, lawn mowers, rake, garden tiller, • High School diploma, GED, or vocational school, with one year of landscape experience preferred.

Completed applications must be submitted by 4:00 pm, September 21, 2007. Interested applicants should obtain an employment application from the Human Resources Department in City Hall, 1001 College Street, Bowling Green or from our website at www.bgky.org. The City of Bowling Green is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free Workplace.

City of Bowling Green Part-time Positions CONCESSION ATTENDANT – Orders and sells food, drinks and snacks to the general public; excellent customer service skills required; 20-23 hours/week; weekend work required; $6.15/hr. COMMUNITY CENTER ASSISTANT - Organizes, instructs & coaches indoor/outdoor recreational activities. Requires ability to obtain CPR and standard first aid certifications; 25 hrs/wk, 40 hrs during the months of June and July, some weekend work required; Age 18+; $6.67/hr. plus vacation, sick & holiday leave. GOLF SHOP ATTENDANT - Performs cashiering duties; answers telephone, schedules tee times; ability to work with the public; operate a cash register. Age 18+; 15-35 hours per week, weekend and holiday work required; $6.15 – 7.15/hr. GREENSKEEPER I - Operates riding and push lawn mowers, weedeats and trims grass; knowledge of proper operation of equipment; a valid driver’s license and good driving record; Age 18+; $6.97 – 7.97/hr.; 40+ hours/week; some weekend work required. OFFICE ASSISTANT I - Perform general office duties, organize event kits, greet visitors; assist with preparation to visiting neighborhood groups; experience in an office environment; knowledge and use of Microsoft Word; 15 - 20 hours per week; Mon. – Fri.; 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., $6.15/hr. Applications for employment should be obtained at City Hall, 1001 College Street or from our website at www.bgky.org.

Completed applications must be submitted by 4:00 pm, September 14, 2007. The City of Bowling Green is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Free Workplace.



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