Mustang Daily
California Polytechnic State University Dear Business Owner,
CNBAM Best Training Program The Mustang Daily is working to promote itself at different venues including Open House and a booth in the University Union during UU hour on campus. We are asking local businesses to
From thedonate moment new advertising account Daily executive throughof thedistributing Mustang Daily doors, they are giftacertificates to the Mustang for thewalks sole purpose them to welcomed into a fun and constantly learning work environment. We of pride onthat our strong office students as prizes and give-aways. We are asking for a donation anyourselves amount and structure,larger opendonations communication and our ability to meet client needs and expectations. Our be broken down into gift certificates of $5 or $10. This can serve as a motto at California Polytechnic Stateadvertising UniversityasisitLearn by Doing and Mustang follows that strategy supplement to your is yet another way to the promote yourDaily business on campus with pride. as well as your relationship with the Mustang Daily. Please give your donation to your advertising representative. Thank you and we appreciate your help in supporting the There areMustang two forms of training the Mustang Daily offers. Training I is a training program at the Daily.
beginning of the school year for all returning and new Mustang Daily account executives. Training II is designed for account executives who are hired throughout the school year. Training I is a three-day training program that touches on everything from how to research clients to how to sell online media packages. This training program is conducted one week prior to the start of school and is meant to get everyone back into the office and ready to start selling for the year. The advertising coordinator and two advertising managers conduct the training sessions. The Mustang Daily Gaby Horta & Ashley Singer uses this opportunity to get everyone together to train, create team bonding and update everyone on Advertising Managers what’s happening in the year to come. The training sessions are thorough and structured, with each Mustang Daily session giving new ideas, techniques and strategies. Training II The Mustang Daily’s system is set up with two student managers that lead two teams of five. The new account executive is assigned to a team and as part of that team they are also assigned a senior account executive who acts as a mentor. The mentor walks them through office procedures, sales calls, selling techniques, client management and office etiquette. The managers and the mentor bring the new account executives with them on their personal sales calls so they can see how to interact and sell to local businesses. The new account executives also participate in weekly team and sales meetings and are assigned mandatory office hours throughout each week in order to submerge themselves into the Mustang Daily office and client environments. The point is to have them learn by doing and to really make them feel part of the bigger picture. Learn by doing creates an environment where the new account executives actively participate throughout the entire training process. This means we do not slam a pile of paper and manuals in front of them and then say, “sell something!” Instead they are mentored and trained with proper materials and tools in order to be educated and confident sales people.
Office: 805.756.1143
Mustang Daily
Fall BTS 3 Day Sales Training Starts Monday, September 15th 2008
Day 1- 9/15 2pm Staff Meeting A. Pizza/Questions/Training Guide
Dear Business Owner, 3pm-5pm Sales Relationships A. Client Research The Mustang Daily is working to promote itself at different venues including Open House and B. Preparing for a face-to-face calls a booth in the University Union during UU hour on campus. We are asking local businesses to C. Communication Techniques, Do’s and Don’ts donate gift certificates to the Mustang Daily for the sole purpose of distributing them to D. Marketing students as prizes and give-aways. We are asking for a donation of any amount and that Day 2- 9/16 donations 10am-noonlarger Seeing Clients be broken down into gift certificates of $5 or $10. This can serve as a to Drop your advertising as it is yet A.supplement Introductions, off WOW papers, Sayanother Hello way to promote your business on campus as well as your relationship with the Mustang Daily. Please give your donation to your 2pm Staff advertising Meeting representative. Thank you and we appreciate your help in supporting the Daily. A.Mustang Food/Recap/Questions 3pm-5pm Selling and Closing a Sale A. Pitching an idea B. How to upsell C. Closing techniques D. Manager Role Playing a. Objections Day 3- 9/17 Gaby Horta & Ashley Singer 10am-noonAdvertising Seeing Clients Managers A.Mustang Introductions, Daily Drop off WOW papers, Say Hello 2pm Staff Meeting A. Food/Recap/Questions/Designers are back B. Filing and filling out paperwork 3pm-4pm Online Sales A. What Hits, Impressions, Click throughs mean B. Benefits of advertising online and in print C. How to bundle a sale 4pm-5pm Office Etiquette A. How to answer frequently asked questions (circulation, readership, demographics school size, etc) Know the paper: how we function/ operate/ editorial difference between wire news/written news Knowing the Media Kit B. Phone/email etiquette, how to use the email system, dress code C. Classifieds D. Designing Specs E. Tear Sheets F. Deadlines G. Expectations for Senior Reps and Starting Reps H. Warning Cards 5pm-5:30pm QUIZ
Thursday & Friday you are required to go see your clients and get organized in the office so the first week of school you can start selling.
Office: 805.756.1143
Mustang Daily
Account Executive Training
Schedule for account executives hired throughout year 1. Introductions - Day One a. Office staff Business b.Dear Design staff Owner, c. Mentor assigned Mustang Daily is working to promote itself at different venues including Open House and d.The Placed on team a booth in the University Union during UU hour on campus. We are asking local businesses to donate gift certificates to the Mustang Daily for the sole purpose of distributing them to 2. Office Etiquette - Day One students as prizes and give-aways. We are asking for a donation of any amount and that a. Proper attire larger donations be broken down into gift certificates of $5 or $10. This can serve as a b.supplement Phone and email to youretiquette advertising as it is yet another way to promote your business on campus as well as your relationship with the Mustang Daily. Please give your donation to your 3. Office advertising paper work - Day Two Thank you and we appreciate your help in supporting the representative. a.Mustang Guidebook overview Daily.
b. Media kit c. Advertising fliers
4. Office Hours - Day Two a. Office hours assigned for mandatory office attendance 5. Selling - Day Three Hortaclient & Ashley Singer a.Gaby Building relationships Advertising Managers b. Pitching a sale c.Mustang Closing Daily a sale d. Upselling 6. Objections - Day Three a. Managers sit down and do mock objections 7. Sales calls - Week Two a. Mentor brings new account executives on sales calls 8. Account List - Week Two
a. An account list of between 45-65 clients is assigned b. Maintaining, pitch and selling to clients has began
9. Quarterly Evaluations - Every Three Months a. Each account executive meets with team manager and advertising coordinator for an evaluation based on client knowledge, sales goals and general progress. A grade is given (A-F scale). 10. Promotion a. When a new managerial position becomes available each account executive is eligible to apply. Submission of a cover letter and resume is required.
Office: 805.756.1143
Mustang Daily
Q: What is something you should always do before going in to meet a client for the first time? A: Client Research Q: List Three ways to research a client and their business. A: Internet/Website, Client Folder, Visiting the business as a customer, Ask friends, check competing media
Given at the end of training
Q: _____________ works for those who work at it. A: Communication
Dear Business Owner,
Q: Do not try to _________________ every time you go in to visit a client. A: Sell something
The Mustang Daily is working to promote itself at different venues including Open House and a booth in the University Union during UU hour on campus. We are asking local businesses to donate gift certificates to the Mustang Daily for the sole purpose of distributing them to Q: List 3 examples of why advertising in the daily different than advertising in other media. for a donation of any amount and that students as prizes andisgive-aways. We are asking A: Free, Targets students, publishes everyday, content is Cal Poly focused larger donations be broken down into gift certificates of $5 or $10. This can serve as a Q: What is a term that describes what an advertiser likes most about their business? supplement to your advertising as it is yet another way to promote your business on campus A: Hot Button as well as your relationship with the Mustang Daily. Please give your donation to your Q: When pitching an idea what does K.I.S.S stand for? advertising representative. Thank you and we appreciate your help in supporting the A: Keep It Simple Stupid Mustang Daily. Q: List three ways to upsell a client Q: List five things to bring to a face-to-face call A: Newspaper, insertion orders, make-up forms, colored pencils/ markers/ crayons, special editions, relevant fliers, spec ad, calculator, newsletter, personal touch.
A: Make spec larger, add color to contract, include a mustang mini, along with contract participate in special edition or sections.
Q: Samantha doesn’t buy and ad, she buys _______ in her business? A: Stock Q: To upsell, all you have to do is ______________? A: Ask Q: Free trials often lead directly to sales. In sales speak, this approach is sometimes called________? A: The puppy dog approach
Gaby Horta & Ashley Singer
Q: How many impressions does receive per month? A:Advertising 50,000 impressions Managers
Mustang Daily Q: won what national award for being the best collegiate newspaper in the country? A: Pacemaker Q: Name at least 3 reasons why you would need to fill out a credit sheet A: Make-good, no-charge, account credit, trade-out, discounts Q: What is a tear sheet? A: A page of the newspaper that has been torn out to show proof of publication. Q: List 5 things you cannot wear on a client face-to-face call A: sweatshirts, booty shorts, ripped jeans, baseball hats, grungy t-shirts, gym clothes, pj’s Q: List at least 3 things you must do during your office hour A: Check email, check voicemail, answer phones, service walk in clients, leave detailed messages for people. Q: What page of the media kit has all of the rate information on it? A: Page 2 Q: What is the form used to create SPEC ads? A: Make-up form Q: What is our graphic design site called for stock photos? A: Jupiter Images Q: When helping a client with a classified ad always be_____________ A: helpful and courteous Q: When taking a message for a person always include 6 things, what are they? A: business name, contact name, phone number, your name, date, time of call. Q: After reading an email please do one of the three things, what are those three things? A: Archive, Delete, Star to save Q: The first reproduction of an ad that the client has not seen yet is called a _______ A: Spec Ad
Office: 805.756.1143
Mustang Daily
Fall BTS Training Evaluation Day One Client Research, Preparing for Face-to-Face, Communication Techniques, Marketing Dear/Business Owner,Criticism Below: Comments Constructive The Mustang Daily is working to promote itself at different venues including Open House and a booth in the University Union during UU hour on campus. We are asking local businesses to donate gift certificates to the Mustang Daily for the sole purpose of distributing them to students as prizes and give-aways. We are asking for a donation of any amount and that larger donations be broken down into gift certificates of $5 or $10. This can serve as a supplement to your advertising as it is yet another way to promote your business on campus as well as your relationship with the Mustang Daily. Please give your donation to your advertising representative. Thank you and we appreciate your help in supporting the Mustang Daily.
Day Two Pitching an Idea, How to Upsell, Closing Techniques, Role Playing, Objections Comments / Constructive Criticism Below: Gaby Horta & Ashley Singer Advertising Managers Mustang Daily
Day Three Paperwork, Online Sales, Office Etiquette Comments / Constructive Criticism Below:
Office: 805.756.1143
Mustang Daily
December 19, 2008
Dear CNBAM: Re: Training Program The Daily Titan prepares students for careers in advertising media sales including newspapers, the Internet, and out of home. As media sales people, our job is to help create a critical connection between marketers and their target markets to help create the right message for the medium – a message that connects marketers with customers. Our “product” is space and time. Then, The Daily Titan serves as an applicable apprenticeship for a career in many fields including Public Relations, Media, Account Management or Creative Services. As employees of the Daily Titan, through our training program, students will many aspects of media sales. Students gain knowledge of the media process including basic terms and concepts used for presenting and closing a sale. They also learn how to confidently deliver “cold call” and “walk-up” sales presentations, work with campus media organization in a sales capacity, and demonstrate oral and written communication skills appropriate for proposal writing and client presentations. Our training program is based on a full week of training with separate training seminars throughout the semester. These seminars include Selling Do’s and Don’ts, Overcoming Objections, Helpful Customer Service, and Making the Most of AdPro. A week following the training seminar the Account Executives are quizzed on their knowledge of given topics. The Daily Titan further emphasizes learning throughout the semester to better prepare our employees for a variety of future careers. Best Regards, The Daily Titan Staff P: 714-278-3373 F: 714-278-2702
Training C A L I F O RNI A
Policies & Procedures
Steps to Placing a Display Ad Administrative Procedures Media Information
Phone 714.278.3373 • Fax 714.278.2702 College Park Building • 2600 E. Nutwood Ave. • Suite 660 • Fullerton, CA 92831-3110 Email: • Website: Revised: 8/1/08
Policies and Procedures I. New Hires
In order for you to be placed on our payroll system, you must complete the “new hire packet.” These may be obtained from the Daily Titan Business Manager or from the CSUF Foundation Office, Suite CP275. Re-Hires Documents required as follows: 1. Completed Personnel Transaction Report (PTR) 2. W-4 Form 3. Affirmative Action Form
II. Compensation 1. Payroll Each Account Executive will earn $150 per payroll period providing you have worked (a) 15 hours per week (b) have made a minimum of 20 sales calls per week, and 5 “on-the-street” or walk up sales calls and (c) have completed all administrative functions satisfactorily. The $150 payment is to be considered a non-refundable draw against commission earned over the course of the semester. Specific sales goals will be established by the Advertising Sales Director and discussed with you during Training Week. New Hires will be given a one month grace period, before the sales goal becomes effective. 2. Sales Commission A 10% commission will be earned over the semester on all collected advertising revenue and will be offset against your draw. If the commission earned is greater than the amount you received as a draw, you will be paid the difference at the end of the semester. You are responsible for collecting all advertising revenue. 3. Goals As needed, the Advertising Sales Director will announce sales contests wherein each Account Executive will have the opportunity of earning additional compensation.
III. Sales Meetings
Each week there will be a MANDATORY group sales meeting. Primary emphasis will be placed on your progress/success making “on-the-street” sales calls. In addition, each account executive will be required to meet with the Advertising Sales Director once a month on a “one to one” basis for the purpose of evaluating the Account Executive’s work. See Performance Evaluation Form.
IV. Office Hours The Daily Titan Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday thru Friday. If you need to be in the office at night or on the weekend, please make arrangements with the Advertisng Sales Director or the Business Manager. Please give the sales manager a list of the hours you will be in the Daily Titan Office or out on sales calls. Please also provide your class hours and your work schedule if you have a second job. These hours of availability should be posted at your desk.
V. Telephone It is important to remember the telephone is for BUSINESS USE ONLY! Equally important, is knowing how to use the telephone. Some tips: 1. Dial the number "9" then the number "1" and the area code. 2. When you call a client, an assistant will answer the phone most of the time. Make friends with this person! Don’t get frustrated at being put on hold. Make sure you ask the assistant’s name and tell them yours. Remember the name when you call back. 3. Leave messages that get results. Instead of saying “tell him I called” try “I’ve lined up some information that would be very beneficial to him.” 4. Check your voice mail at least once a day. Press the "Mail" button on your tele phone. The password for your messages is your extension. You may check your voice mail from outside the office by calling 714-278-2525. Return all calls daily, ABSOLUTELY by noon the following day. 5. Change your voicemail message before long vacations. 6. Make sure you include in your voice message that you are either out of the office or in class so the client is aware that you are a full-time student. Ex. "Hello, you have reached Sarah Oak, Account Executive, for the Daily Titan Newspaper at Cal State University Fullerton. I am either away from my desk or in class. Please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks and have a great day!"
VI. Mail The mail is delivered (and picked up) usually by 2pm everyday except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Like the telephone, postage is for business use only. When mailing tearsheets or media kits use the 8.5"x11" white envelopes. If the package is too large use the green envelopes located next to the personal advertising mailboxes. Each Account Executive will be given a Daily Titan email account. Check your email and personal advertising mailboxes everyday.
VII. Equipment and/or Office Supplies If any equipment breaks while you are using it, please notify the Business Manager immediately so they can get it fixed. If you require any office supplies, please submit your request to the Business Manager.
VIII. Attire
You may wear whatever you feel is appropriate when you are in the office, but bear in mind that clients may visit the Daily Titan office. However, when you go on a client call, a professional appearance is absolutely required.
IX. Comm. 454 – Sales Advertising Class
As an Account Executive, you MAY be required, to act as a “mentor” to a small group of students from the class. This includes making “on-the-street calls” as well in- office training. The class is designed to be an “apprenticeship” for potential new Daily Titan Account Executives.
Media Information
Facts to know before approaching potential clients.
I. Media Kit Each fall, the Daily Titan publishes a Media Kit with complete information on the CSUF market (demographics), circulation, rates, advertising policy, promotions and publication schedule. Every AE needs to familiarize themselves with the media kit and additional promotions as soon as possible. The media kit has been designed as a “fax” media kit based on a survey that indicated 8090% of all media kits were sent by fax. The media kit can also be e-mailed from your computer or a client can download the media kit from the Daily Titan Web site. Media kits can also be mailed. • • • • • • •
The “Welcome” page includes the logisitics of The Daily Titan, including publication deadlines. The "Standard Rates" page includes Display and Classified advertising rates. This page should be visible on your desk while making cold calls. Note that there are more configurations for 1/8, 1/4 & 1/2 size ads. The configurations for a full page ad in The Daily Titan is 6 col x 21". One column is equal to 1.944 inches. Spot color is now $150, 4-color $600 (plus separations). The online advertising rates are determined by pageview and placement. The mea surements are by pixel. The Publication Calendar outlines all special sections as well as indicating each publication date for the year.
II. Circulation
The Daily Titan prints 4,500 copies each day, Monday thru Thursday. The only excep tion to this is when the “week long papers” print only 6,000 copies total with a circula tion of 18,000. Our recent daily readership statistics have totalled 13,500. This means that for every one paper we print there is an average of three readers.
III. Inserts
The price for inserts is dependent on the number of pages in the insert. The most pop ular insert is one page, which costs $220. Minimum 4,000. Must be approved by Advertising Sales Director. Must be pre-printed by advertiser and sent at their expense to the printer listed below. Never have inserts sent to our office! Gardena Valley News 15005 S. Vermont Ave. Gardena, CA 90247 Phone: 310-329-6351 Fax: 310-329-7501
IV. Advertising Agency Rates
Most ad agencies automatically take a 15% commission on ad placements. The Agency open rate listed in the rate card is $9.75 per column inch. This rate is considered a “gross” rate as opposed to the “net” non-commissionable rates you normally use. To raise a “net” rate to a “gross” rate multiply the “net” rate by 1.1765 (e.g., $85 x 1.1765 = $100.00). Conversely, multiply $100 x 85% (less 15%) = $85.
Role Play: Trainer is a customer calling on the phone. Customer wants a quote for a 1/4 page ad running seven times in The Daily Titan. Did the trainee talk about any special sections or the web?
Steps To Placing a Display Ad I. Customer Insertion Order (CIO) When a client decides to place an ad, fill-out the CIO form in its entirety and fax or mail it to the client with the request that they immediately sign the form & return it to you ASAP! The client should be advised that NO ad can be entered into the “run sheet” unless you have a signed CIO in your possession. If the advertiser is a “first-time” advertiser, they must pay in advance unless waived by the Advertising Sales Manager.
Checklist: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fill out all known information about the client. Mark the publication: Daily Titan, AdRax, Online, or Special Section. Fill in the Date and your AE# Specifiy the size and rate in the appropriate boxes. Fill in the dates that the client is running their ad(s).
Role Play: The trainee just got off the phone with a customer and sold their first ad. Trainee shall fill out a CIO and "fax" it to the customer.
Train in ADPRO essentials
II. Run Sheet (ADPRO)
ADPRO is a computer program that helps the office run more smoothly by tracking invoices, runsheets, and production forms. Once the CIO is signed, an ad must be entered into the runsheet on this program two business days prior to the pub lication date in order for the ad to run. The Advertising Sales Director will give you a user name and password for this program along with an ADPRO user's guide. Please refer to this guide for how to enter customers and ads into the system. When entering a client into ADPRO they will be given a customer number. When entering a new display ad, ADPRO will assign an ad number for each new ad.
III. Production Form
There are two different production forms: one for the Daily Titan and one for The Buzz. Fill out the appropriate ad production form and place it in the appropriate shelf above the media kit boxes for the Production Staff. 1. Date Due, Date In, Time In: Place time, date, and due date into appropriate boxes. 2. Account Executive: Your name. 3. Account Name: The advertising client. 4. Ad Number: The number assigned to the ad in ADPRO. 5. The Contact Name: The person who we could contact from an account. 6. Address, Phone, Fax, Email: All related information should be written in the appropriate box indicate size.
7. Ad Size: Circle corresponding size, or indicate size to the left using columns and inches. 8. Color: Check if the ad is black and white, spot color, or 4 color. Make sure to write the spot color or Pantone Color #, if known. 9. Slug Line: Usually the main headline of the ad. Whatever distinguishes this ad from any other ad. 10. Instructions: Specify whether ads are new builds, minor changes, or camera ready, and specify whether or not there is a sample layout.
Check All Categories That Apply to The Ad: New Build: Completely new ad. Needs to be built by the Advertising Production Department. • Follow Layout: All the basic information for the creation of the ad is contained in the envelope (e.g. logo(s), riginal pho tos, headline, body copy, typeface and font size (if known). Production will follow the suggested layout as closely as possible. • Create Layout: All the basic information is contained in the envelope. Production will design ad at his/her discretion. • Proof needed by: Specify when you need a proof. Allow at least 5 business days.
CAREFULLY and THOROUGHLY check the proof for errors. If you find an error, or require a change of some kind, resubmit the corrected proof with a new Production Form and check the Minor Change box. If the proof is correct, fax it to your client for approval.
Minor Change: For existing ads that require minor changes, including ads that need to be resized. 11. Advertisment Run Dates: Write down every day THIS ad will appear. For each day your ad will run, you must have a corresponding entry in ADPRO. 12. Special Instructions: Specify whether there are any special instructions (i.e. ad is on Sage’s desktop. 13. Computer Information: Specify the platform, media type, FULL FILE NAME, # of pages, and application the ad was created with.
Administrative Procedures I. The printed invoices for billed customers will be returned to you for mailing every Friday. Remember to attach your client’s tearsheet to each invoice and to send out tearsheets to every customer that ran that week even if they prepaid and have no invoice. II. You are also required to submit a WEEKLY SALES REPORT to the Advertising Sales Director on Friday. These forms shoud be completly filled out and present in enough detail to assess your sales effort/contribution for the week. On the back of the Weekly Sales Report is the New Business section. Fill out this section with any new business information and give a copy to Sage/The Business Manager to receive your commission. III. If you receive a credit card number for payment (only MasterCard and Visa credit cards will be accepted), please give the information to Sage via the "Payment Form" for processi ng. The yellow copy of the receipt should be put in your clients folder and the white copy should be mailed or faxed to your client without fail. To complete a credit card transaction press 1 for sale. Enter the account number and follow all other ques from the machine. All orders are IV. Please do not go through mail. If a check or contract comes in, you will be notified imme diately. V. Every 30 days you will receive statements for those advertisers who have failed to pay in 60 days. Please mail or fax these letters to your client immediately. After 3-5 days personally call each of your “past due” advertisers and find out when they will pay. Keep notes, as clients often say one thing (“like the check is in the mail”) and, in fact, do something else. If the check doesn’t arrive when they say it will, call them again. In the media business “ the squeaky wheel” gets paid. This is a business and your income depends on sales AND COLLECTION! Excluding on-campus and national accounts, if your client doesn’t pay in 90 days, you lose the commission. Appeals can be made to the Advertising Sales Director. VI. You will be assigned a territory according to zip codes. Before you call a new lead check if the customer already exists in ADPRO. VII. All sales calls should be “memorialized” by virtue of “fully” completing a Call Report form and placing it the appropriate folder for your client. Also, keep all contact information updated in ADPRO.
Training Program (Pg 1 of 5) Our training process begins well in advance of the Student Account Executive’s official beginning day in their sales territory. For the benefit of our customers, and our bottom line, we want to experience as little “downtime” as possible in a sales territory.
Central Michigan Life
We keep a running log of the current staff’s graduation dates, and prepare a hiring plan according to the number of openings we will have available in the next two semesters. If we only have one opening, we will hire closer to an actual start date, as we have more one-to-one time with that student. When we have more than one opening, (which is usually every semester), we will fill the positions 8-10 weeks out. In a typical Fall Semester, we will begin with help wanted ads in September, interviews in October and hire at the beginning of November. The new hires will be trained for the months of November and December and will start in their territories the first week of January with the start of Spring Semester. In the spring semester, we start the process all over again with employment ads beginning in January, interviews in February and hires made before students leave for Spring break (1st week of March). When the students return from Spring break, they start the training process through March, April and early May. Our first step after hiring, is to set up training dates with each incoming sales person. Each new sales trainee is assigned to one of our 3 Advertising Managers and a Senior Account Executive. The training process is overseen by the advertising manager, and the senior account executive is who they shadow during the process. The training will begin with review of the CM LIFE Advertising Department Handbook. Each section is carefully studied, and practiced, so the new employee will be as familiar with the operation, policies, procedures and paperwork as possible. This is an ongoing process for the rest of the training period. The second step is a complete tour of the facility, with introductions to staff members and their roles in the organization. When possible, we also tour the printer’s facility so the Student can grasp the entire process involved in getting a daily newspaper produced.
436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 PHONE: (989) 774-3493 FAX: (989) 774-7804 EMAIL:
Training Program
(Pg 2 of 5)
In addition, the new “trainees” are required to attend our weekly sales meeting, to get acquainted with staff rapport, student and professional staff managers,. While job shadowing, the “senior” sales member has the “trainee” handle all procedures related to processing ads and customer service issues. The “trainees” will thumbnail the ads, handle the scheduling of the ads, proof the ads with the customers, and clear the ads for press. They will learn about deadlines, special sections, handling objections, bad credit and collection.
Central Michigan Life
During this shadowing process, new account executives are given their official Central Michigan Life notebooks. These notebooks contain everything a rep should need when talking with their customers. (Rate cards, publication schedules, distribution lists, special section calendars, special section flyers, weekly and monthly specials, cheat sheets for pricing, competitive media information, etc.) The new rep learns through the senior rep how to best use this notebook when working daily with customers. When the new representative feels they are ready, they can choose to start making calls on their own. This is usually reviewed upon with the rep, the senior rep and the sales manager. We will have them start with cold calls or new customers. This gives them an opportunity to practice their skills, while waiting for their account lists to become ready. During this time, we will also introduce the NAA Planbook and the Fair Housing Guide to the new account executives. A brief review is done, but it is up to the new rep to review them on their own and utilize them as necessary. About one to two weeks before semester end, the new account executive will begin the process of meeting their new accounts. This is done by face to face introductions from the departing representative. This gives the customer an important adjustment opportunity and can review things directly with the old rep and the new one. The new account reps are then given their team and individual goals for the first month of the new semester. All new account executives are on a probationary period their first semester. Their progress is charted by call sheets, spec ad production, achievement toward goals, teamwork, commitment to the job, peer attitudes and reviews with selected customers. It is a constant monitoring process. The student advertising managers handle every aspect of the training process. This provides continuity to the program, and great leadership experience for the student managers. The adviser oversees the process, and handles questions and offers suggestions. There is constant feedback between the new hires, the senior staff, the professional staff, the student managers and the adviser. Alumni and professional feedback is provided ongoing through the semester and summer. We have informal sessions with visiting Alumni, and most of our sales staff intern with CM LIFE/CMU alumni at public relations firms, advertising agencies, newspapers and other media/pr positions throughout Michigan during the summer months. The lessons learned through our training program are not only reinforced, but supported by professionals in the state of Michigan.
436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 PHONE: (989) 774-3493 FAX: (989) 774-7804 EMAIL:
Annual Training Schedule
(Pg 3 of 5)
AUGUST Week 3-4 - Determine number of positions to fill for next semester. Design house help wanted ads. SEPTEMBER. Week 1-4 - Ads run in newspaper for Account Executives. Week 3-4 - Classroom presentations in Journalism, Advertising, Marketing Courses for positions at Central
Michigan Life
OCTOBER. Week 1-2 - Interviews are conducted with all applicants. Week 3-4 - Second interviews are conducted with top applicants. Hires made. NOVEMBER. Week 1. - Introduction to Central Michigan Life. Week 2 -4 - New Hires are assigned a Senior Account Executive to shadow. Week 3 - New Hires are giventheir own Central Michigan Life sales notebook, NAA Planbook and other
marketing aids. Sales representative starts attending weekly sales meetings and are assigned to a “team” and manager. Week 4 - New representative given “test” account list.
DECEMBER. Week 1. - New account lists assigned. January team and individual goals given. Probationary period begins.
Central Michigan Life
END OF SEMESTER. JANUARY Week 1 - Determine number of positions to fill for next semester. Design house help wanted ads. Week 2-4 - Ads run in newspaper for Account Executives. Week 3-4 - Classroom presentations in Journalism, Advertising, Marketing Courses for positions at Central
Michigan Life
FEBRUARY. Week 1-2 - Interviews are conducted with all applicants. Week 3-4 - Second interviews are conducted with top applicants. Hires made. SPRING BREAK. MARCH. Week 3 -. - Introduction to Central Michigan Life. Week 4 - New Hires are assigned a Senior Account Executive to shadow. APRIL. Week 1 - New Hires continue to shadow Senior Account Executive. Week 1 - New Hires are giventheir own Central Michigan Life sales notebook, NAA Planbook and other
marketing aids. Sales representative starts attending weekly sales meetings and are assigned to a “team” and manager. Week 2 - New representative given “test” account list. Week 3 - New account lists assigned. August/September team and individual goals given. Probationary period begins.
Summer Internships Begin.
436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 PHONE: (989) 774-3493 FAX: (989) 774-7804 EMAIL:
Measuring Results & Meeting Expectations
(Pg 4 of 5)
As mentioned previously, the student advertising mangers and adviser constantly monitor, to assist the advertising representatives in areas where they may be struggling or where training might have been missed. We strive to make sure we have provided the best possible training, guidance and fairness in helping the new hires learn their duties and meet their job requirements. After the training process, and as they begin work in their territories, the new hires are given the following guidelines to help them focus on the priorities and know where the bar is set in the department. Each account executive signs an agreement to strive towards the professionalism expected in the job. CENTRAL MICHIGAN LIFE STAFF GUIDELINES:
Central Michigan Life
The following actions will result in a write-up and a 30 day probation period. If improvements are not made within the 30 day probation period, further actions will be taken, up to and including termination of employment. 1) Missing manifest (deadline) without prior notice. 2) Excessive absence and tardiness (3 strikes) for any individual, sales or team meeting. 3) Ads not turned into the “ready for press” box before leaving for the day. 4) Ads turned in or killed after deadline without prior approval. 5) Three or more excessive absences and/or tardiness. 6) Not offering substantial effort towards monthly or team goals and job description requirements. 7) Not following the proper dress code after 3 warnings. WARNING CARDS: Warning cards are issued noting the date of the warning, the date of the end of probation period, reasons for the action including supporting documentation and the advisers, advertising managers, and account executives signatures. At the end of the probationary period, if the account executive is not making progress towards meeting the expectations of the position, the account executive is released from the position.
436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 PHONE: (989) 774-3493 FAX: (989) 774-7804 EMAIL:
Daily Sales Report Daily Sales Report CM Life AdvertisingIn Person On Phone Time
(Pg 5 of 5)
_________ _______ DATE: ______
_________ Ad Rep: ____________ Purpose of Call
Results of Call
Name of Advertiser
CM Life Advertising Daily Sales Report In Pers
Name of Advertiser
CM Life Ad vertising
Name of Ad
On Phone
Daily Sales Report On Ph
In Person
Ad Rep: ____________ _________
_______ DATE: ______ _________
Purpose of Call
Ad Rep: __ ________
Results of Call
Purpose of
DATE: ____ ________
Results of Ca
Central Michigan Life
436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 PHONE: (989) 774-3493 FAX: (989) 774-7804 EMAIL:
DIVISION 3c: Best Training Program Our training program has focus not only on the brand-new reps, but our training is consistent and ongoing. Before the start of the fall and spring semester, we have a large 3 or 4-day group training that we categorize as our “intensive training enhancement”. Every member of the sales staff is required to attend, and this past year, our friends from Loyola New Orleans have been joining us for the first day of this training. They saw results from attending our first session this past fall, and now it seems will be a semiannual thing for their staff to join us for at least one intense day of training out of the 3 or 4. When we hire new reps, they are peer-trained by their student managers and fellow ad reps. They spend time with nearly every veteran member of the staff, and shadow them on calls, until they are cleared to make calls on their own. See further explanation below. Weekly, the staff meets as a group, where ongoing training takes place as well, and new incentives, sales contests, sales concepts, sales situational brain teasers and winning strategies are shared. This allows for all reps to share what’s working for them, and what approaches are not working so they can seek help on improvement. They also get weekly motivators and factoids from the professional ad manager to keep their skills sharp, and open their minds to new ways of finding success. Here was our 2008 Schedule, and the topics covered are outlined on the following pages: May 2008 (2 days) – New Manager’s Workshop August 4 – 6 (3 days) – FALL Large Group Intensive Training Enhancement Ongoing – New Hire Peer Training Ongoing – Weekly Training Topics & Sales Brainteasers, Sales Concepts, & Winning Strategies December 15 -17 (3 days) – SPRING Large Group Intensive Training Enhancement
OVERVIEW OF NEW HIRE PROTOCOL & TRAINING: Step 1: The newly hired account executive meets with Assistant Print Sales Manager to go over hiring paperwork, basic job requirements, and daily tasks. It’s a great to have the AE team up with the manager, because he or she is usually experienced and has some helpful hints and stories to help and motivate the new rep. The manager also goes over the rate card in detail along with a briefing of all of the publications the rep will sell advertisement for. After the AE grasps the ins and outs of the rate card and publication (rates, contracts, column inches, discounts, etc.) then the manager gives the AE around 3 mock scenarios for practice. The AE is challenged with filling out 3 different sets of insertion orders for 3 different clients, all with different status. One client may be billed with a contract running a half page color ad every Thursday, while the other has a pre-pay status with no contract and runs an eighth page BW ad every other Wednesday. Step 2: We all know that training can be a long and boring process. One of the best ways to keep things fresh is to allow more than one person to train, which has many benefits. Nobody likes to hear the same person talk over and over all day. Dividing the training topics up among the whole sales staff allows for the new AE to get to know everyone. Now when the new rep goes into the office he or she will not be stuck having to make cold calls in the middle of a room full of experienced peers. This training method also allows for the other sales reps to take on a role of leadership and feel important. IT’S TEAMWORK! The AE is responsible for setting up a time with each rep to go over various topics. Once the training has been complete the rep has to sign off on the AE’s sheet. Everyone knows how crazy college students schedules are. This method allows for easy training. Since there is no certain order, the trainee can just match up his or her schedule with the others and find a time that’s convenient for both. It’s quick and easy! Topics
Cell phone
Publications, Rate card., Hiring paperwork with Kodi
Daily/Weekly Responsibilities -run sheets
Computer Stuff – email setup, CFO, Daily Ads, and Production Requests
Meetings, Mock Meetings, Tips
Ad Pro, CC payments, receipts, tearsheets
Cold Calls and Prospecting
ALL PAPERWORK Insertion Orders, Contracts
Shadow Meeting
Any of the above
Sign off
Step 3: Once all of the topics have been signed off on, the AE will choose someone on the staff to join in a new business sales call. It is important for the new AE to see how an experienced rep presents information to a new client before starting on their own. Step 4: Turn in training sheet and get started on your own!
May ’08 - New Manager’s Training - (2 days) Day 1
Leadership Style Personality Type – CARD SORT (Meyers – Briggs) Communication Know your audience – WIIFM Interoffice Communication – clear flow chart/chain of command Coaching Skills Listening Probing Feedback Review Feedback Handouts (Karate Kid Example, Mr. Holland’s Opus Example) ROLE-PLAY Successful Managers/ Poor Managers Skill sets **WINNING FRIENDS & INFLUENCING PEOPLE HANDOUTS Organization A plan for personal productivity & growth Set expectations for your team Measuring the work Motivation Personal motivators for employees How to be a leader How to be influential Delegation Managing Vision & Purpose For Your Improvement Topics Hiring & Staffing Building Effective Teams Delegation Developing Direct Reports Motivating Others Managing Vision & Purpose Managing & Measuring Work Productive Work Habits Remember the three R's: (Respect for self, Respect for others, & Responsibility for all your actions)
Day 2
The Hiring Process You do initial interviews - See “RED FLAG” Pre-Interview Questions for Sales Applicants One hour pre-training in a group Potential Rep goes on at least one sales call with a manager Potential Rep goes on 3 individual sales calls & brings back 3 business cards Potential Rep discusses how each sales call went with Adv Dir Manager meets with Adv Dir to discuss the candidate/trainee Potential new hire fills out paperwork with KODI Potential Rep is hired and passed on for peer training Training Check lists Group sessions Large session at semester beginning What is YOUR process once they make the cut?? Peer Training Outline Evaluations Weekly ONE-ON-ONE Meetings The only activity report that really counts – modified ORDERS Orders pending Face to face calls Monthly evals? Bi-weekly Kodi’s Basic Sales Staff Requirements 3-month projections keep everyone on task to meet overall goals – see handout INDIVIDUAL SALES GOALS Motivating your staff – the final push Excerpts from “Bullsh*t or Fertilizer” by Pierre Bennu Share with your staff as a “portable pep talk” Let them discuss it… you may discover what truly motivates them! Consider doing a personality test with your new staff FOR YOU AS MANAGERS Excerpts from “Building Your Own Ladder” by Tony Zeiss Fill out personal response forms
8:45 am
WELCOME & Introductions Let people introduce themselves: name – year - job
9:00 – 10:30 am
Sales from A – Z
10:30 – 10:50 am
Pick Me: Breaking into Advertising & Staying There
10:50 am
How to Develop Desire
11a – 12p
Good Sales Practices from They Don’t like it When… How to Avoid Being Annoying The Formal Sales Process: 7 steps The Value of your Time Time Management Basics Help Clients Manage their time with efficient communications 5 Quick & Actionable Steps
12 – 1:15
Group Lunch at Chimes
1:15 – 1:30 pm
23 Business Etiquette Tips (from USF)
1:30 – 1:45 pm
The 80/20 rule of prospecting & sales
1:45 – 2:45 pm
Handling Objections
2:45 – 3:00 pm
SALES TRAINING: AUGUST 5, 2008 8:30 – 9:00 am
Professionalism Appearance & Office Behavior Confidential information – personal and client Handshake “How To”
9:00 – 10:00 am
Reaching TOMA with Frequency Selling with a Spec Ad Building Brand Awareness Jupiter Images Saving Ads on the Server
Kodi Donna
10:00 – 10:30 am
Upcoming Student Media Events and Promotions
Kodi & Katie
10:30 – 11:00 am
Working in Adpro: Your Account Management System– use laptops to present and interact!
11:00 – 11: 15 am
11:15 – 11:30 am
Weekly Activity Reports Monthly Mileage Reports Driver’s Safety Course
11:30 – 12:30 pm
Review of LSU Student Media rate card – and run some sample rates – bring calculators!!
Donna & Kristen
SALES TRAINING: AUGUST 6, 2008 8:30 – 9:00 am
Sales Pacing Chart
Kodi & Donna
9:00 – 9:30 am
Exploring Competitive Media Advantages & Disadvantages
Kristen & Kodi
9:30 – 9:45 am
Features vs. Benefits
9:45 – 10:00 am
Your Opening Statement
10:00 – 11:00 am
Office “DUEL”: Team quiz on policies, procedures, and paperwork
Kristen & Donna
11:00 – 11:15 am
Personal Motivators Questionnaire
8:30 am
WELCOME & Introductions: Let people introduce themselves: name – year - job
8:45 – 9:15 am
Time Management and Organization
9:15 – 10:00 am
Selling Tips
10:10 – 10:45 am
Audience Based Selling
10:45 – 11:15 am
The 33 Ruthless Rules of Local Advertising
12:30 – 12:45 pm
Sales Tips from CBS Broadcasting
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Techniques of a Master Salesman
3:10 – 3:35
Presentation to Capital One Bank – What will your opening to your presentation look like??
Ryan & Kodi
3:35 – 3:45 pm
Your opening statement homework – SHARE TOMORROW!
3:45 pm – 4:30 pm
YES!Attitude – Jeffery Gitomer
SALES TRAINING: December 16th, 2008 TIME
8:30 – 9:00 am
Share Opening Statements
9:00 – 10:30 am
Sales from A – Z
10:30 – 10:45 am
Pick Me: Breaking into Advertising & Staying There Sales Contests this semester
10:45 am
How to Develop Desire
10:50 –11:15 am
Good Sales Practices from They Don’t like it When…
How to Avoid Being Annoying The Formal Sales Process: 7 steps The Value of your Time Time Management Basics Help Clients Manage their time with efficient communications
5 Quick & Actionable Steps 12:30 – 1:00 pm
23 Business Etiquette Tips (from USF)
1:00 – 1:10 pm
The 80/20 rule of prospecting & sales
1:10 – 2:30 pm
Handling Objections – ROLE PLAY
2:30 – 3:30 pm
Upcoming Student Media Events and Promotions – How to SELL the Living Expo!
3:30 – 5:00
Review of LSU Student Media rate card – and run some sample rates – bring calculators!!
Kristen & Lauren
SALES TRAINING: December 17th, 2008 8:30 – 9:15 am
Reaching TOMA with Frequency Selling with a Spec Ad Building Brand Awareness Jupiter Images Saving Ads on the Server
9:15 – 9:30 am
Professionalism, Appearance & Office Behavior Confidential information – personal and client, Handshake “How To” – Hands on demonstrations
Jill & Jennifer
9:30 – 9:45 am
9:45 – 10:15 am
Weekly Activity Reports, Monthly Mileage Reports, Driver’s Safety Course
Michelle & Jennifer
10:45 – 11:00 am
Sales Pacing Chart
11:00 – 11:30 pm
Review of LSU Student Media rate card – and run some sample rates – bring calculators!!
Kristen & Lauren
11:30 – 12:15 pm
Exploring Competitive Media Advantages & Disadvantages
Kristen & Kodi
12:15 – 12:45 pm
Features vs. Benefits
12:45 – 1:15 pm
Working in Adpro: Your Account Management System– use laptops to present and interact!
Jennifer & Kristen
1:30 pm
Personal Motivators Questionnaire
Best Training Program, The State News The Program When most people imagine sales departments, they think of suited yuppies running from appointment to appointment at East Coast pace. Most imagine narrow-minded consumerists that only worry about bringing home the bacon and beating others at the rat race. I suppose these former reasons are why most are baffled to walk into The State News advertising department. A department in which bells are ringing, account executives are hooting and hollering, and their manager is slapping high fives. Most are taken aback when they walk into our sales department and are confronted with buzzing creative energy, drive, and optimistic suspense. It is this kind of energy that has lead to our great success. Encouragement of competition, communication, and teamwork are the engines driving the advertising department at The State News to thrive. How we do it: Newly hired account executives will quickly find themselves released into a creative escape we call “training.” Here they are encouraged to brainstorm unique selling strategies, develop individual and personal selling skills, and build confidence through consistent practice within the office. In their four weeks of training, account executives will have written a personalized business letter, developed an elevator pitch, publicly confronted objections to advertising, and developed a pure, self-built love for The State News. In accompaniment to training, new account executives are paired up with an L.T.M. (Living Training Manual). An L.T.M. is a more experienced veteran that stands out as a leader within the office. New account executives shadow these L.T.M.s as well as look to them for answers to questions, selling tips, and even stress relief (we promise this does not involve physical contact). The best part of the L.T.M. program is itʼs ability to teach old dogs new tricks. New AEs are encouraged to ask as many questions as possible, often challenging their L.T.Mʼs knowledge. This has forced our veterans to stay on track and make sure they have a grip on the bigger picture. To streamline our communication within the entire department, a weekly staff meeting is held to discuss possible updates, crash training sessions, address issues, and encourage selling among the entire staff. Although account executives are meeting outside of required office hours, they look forward to these staff meetings. To encourage office morale, food is usually provided and games are incorporated. Games usually involve team-building activities that teach problem solving skills, selling strategies, and public speaking. In between these weekly staff meetings, account executives meet in teams of 5-6. Each of which have leaders that encourage sales, progress to the next level in our advancement process, keep track of prospecting progress, and build morale. These teams regularly compete against each other in sales competitions. These competitions allow individual sales to add up to team totals with the winning team usually enjoying a free lunch or meal of their choice. Team competitions are not only popular among the staff, but drive them to individually succeed, work as a team, help others make sales and generate revenue. Every team competition held thus far has resulted in an increase of sales revenue over the previous year. To drive individual progress & sales revenue, we offer advancement programs (as mentioned previously) and goal incentives. By accomplishing tasks related to cold calling,
establishing client relationships, and creating sales among other criteria, account executives can increase their commission rates (please see supplementary material titled ʻAdvance Cardʼ). Further more, each account executive is met with a monthly sales goal. Surpassing that goal results in a bonus worth up to 3% the difference between their sales goal and actual sales. To encourage teamwork on top of individual sales, we offer departmental bonuses for meeting our total sales goal for the month. Because it takes more than just an initial sale to make the ad department work, this bonus is distributed not only among account executives, but also among graphic artists and traffic managers. Everyoneʼs job is equally important to the success of the department, be it answering the phone, making the sale, creating the ad or seeing that it get placed in the paper. We place a high value on teamwork and it takes the entire office to generate the positive energy needed to surpass our goals. The results: Our four-week training program has sent rookie account executives into the sales world as account executives with experience already under their belt. By pairing them up with L.T.M.ʼs weʼve found Best Training Program, The State News they bust out of the sales door as equals: driven, competitive and comfortable. 10 out of 15 rookies have either recruited a new advertiser or signed a sporadic advertiser to contract within their first 2 months of sales. The introduction of teams has allowed many account executives to step up as role models and leaders in the office. When given the opportunity, they have all eagerly developed individual sales plans, meeting formats, and weekly updates informing management of what their team is up to. Itʼs also opened up many doors for feedback. We receive 3-4 ideas a week on how to improve things around the office, whether internal communication suggestions or ways to boost sales. Our advancement program has been a consistent success. We currently have 4 account executives at our top commission level, 7 at mid level and 14 working their way up the ladder (12 of which are new employees). Most recently, two account executives made a bet between them to see who could advance first. Howʼs that for drive? Number and stats aside, The State News has never seen such a strong staff. They take the creatively driven environment they are given and use it to its fullest. Negativity virtually doesnʼt exist (okay thatʼs a lie, but we assure you itʼs an extremely rare occasion of missed meals). Above all, I have never seen a group of so many opinionated, driven individuals put their specializations together to create an unstoppable sales force. Each obstacle overcome is a team success and celebrated thus. Our training program develops some of the most well-rounded and fiercely determined sales staff that this paper has ever seen. I challenge you to find a more closely knit bunch of individuals in any department, anywhere. I also challenge you to find a sales force that has been as successful, in numbers, unity, originality and pizzazz.
Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Cold Calls Complete at least 50 cold calls. Cold calls are the first contact with a potential new customer or a customer that has not been contacted in at least 4 months. Attach these to the advance card.
Ride Alongs Each must include a summary of one thing that you learned or taught. Attach these to the advance card. Complete five quality ride alongs with a Senior AE or Ad Manager Location AE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Complete five quality ride alongs with an AE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Reliability On time for all office hours and meetings during 8 consecutive weeks. Have the Ad Manager sign each week.
Week1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Name: Start Date: Sales Calls Complete more than 30 sales calls a week for eight consecutive weeks. Of those sales calls 2 must be cold calls and 2 must be visits.
Advertising Manager Approval Receive an above average rating on review
Goal – both liner & display, does not have to be simultaneously Month: _____________ Goal: _________________ Month:__________________ Goal: _________________
Contracts Sign three customers to renewed, new or increased contracts. 123-
Web Ad Sell at least one web ad or AdRax. (Or two dining guide listings)
Sales Tip Present a sales tip at a staff meeting. Arrange a topic and meeting time with the Ad Manager and/or Team Leader.
Sales Plans Develop five campaigns or sales plans and present them to a client. You must have Ad Manager approval before presentation. 12345-
New Advertisers Recruit three new display advertisers, print or online. 123-
Best Training Program, The State News Training Calendar New Account Executives • Upon hire, employees under go 4 weeks of training in which the following tactics are used o Week 1: 2 sessions, 3 hours in length each Learning to love our product: market survey data, newspaper terminology, responsibilities, expectations, opportunities Classified Liners: How to do it, customer service, guidelines, make good policy, scams • Assignment 1: Classified liner worksheet with computer practice o Week 2: 2 sessions, 3 hours each in length Exercise: Practice taking liners over the phone. 2 teams take turns in the office taking live phone calls from the opposing team in the boardroom. AEs learn how to deal with customers, possible problems and how to look out for scams Test 1: Newspaper terminology, Market Survey Data & classified liner protocol tested to measure progress. Once passed, AEs may take live classifieds during office hours. o Week 3: 10 in-office hours + 2 training sessions 3 hours in length Welcome to retail: terminology, deadlines, advertising options, selling strategy • Assignment 2: Create unique selling point and pitch it at next session Web & Preprint Inserts: terminology, selling strategy, deadlines “The good, the bad and the ugly” of the week + Q&A session on how to deal How to sell: prospecting, persistence, cold calls & dealing with advertisers • What to take on a sales call, how to go about it • How to write a business letter & use it as a selling tool • Assignment 3: Write a business letter to an advertiser by next session o Week 4: 10 in-office hours + 2 training sessions 3 hours in length Exercise: How to overcome objections • Split into teams, each team is confronted with objection. • Teams work together to develop a solution pitched by one team member • Rated on confidence & accuracy of response So you’ve sold an ad, now what?! • Steps in completing the ad process, working with production, controversial ads • Establishing credit & signing clients to contract Test 2: Retail, web and insert terminology, objections, rates, selling strategies • Once passed, AEs begin full AE office hours with full responsibilities Established Employees • Advancement process (See page 3) o Commission levels increase with levels of advancement Associate AE: 4%, Account Executive: 6%, Senior Account Executive: 8% Advancement is made possible by completing the requirements on the advance card • Training Sessions and Staff Meetings o Weekly staff meetings held for crash training sessions and increased communication o Other staff meetings may be scheduled to review in depth topics • Teams o 3-4 teams meet weekly with team leaders to discuss concerns, updates & deadlines o Competitions held between teams for most sales to encourage competition and teamwork • Incentives for sales: o Individual goals: Surpassing individual goal results in following Bonus: If either classified goal or display goal is supassed—2% the difference between monthly sales and goal If both goals are surpassed—3% the difference o Departmental goals: Encourages account executives to operate as a team and encourage each other to accomplish their individual goals 10% difference between monthly revenue and sales goals distributed among account executives, traffic managers and graphic artists
Best Training Program, The State News The Oh Sh*#% Guidebook People forget, plain and simple. With an advertising staff of more than 20, selling multiple customized products, itʼs no surprise that every once in a while an account executive, veteran or rookie, smacks themselves upside the head and says “Duh, self. Real slick.” This is why, even after the initial training is over, itʼs important for account executives to have a quick reference, or should we be honest and say “savior,” for those times in which our brains seem to fail us. In answer to these “brain-fart” moments, we at The State News created a tool that is stocked full of info, organized and to the point. We present to you our “Oh Sh*#% Guidebook, Your State News Companion.” The *#% Oh Sh Guidebook is 20 pages filled with information ranging from a daily checklist to the skinny on each of our products, including liner abbreviations, how to use the phones and even taking care of other peopleʼs poop. Below is a breakdown of our Table Of Contents. Page 1 – The Daily Checklist, Deadline Map and Phone Help o The daily checklist and deadline map allow AEs to prioritize what theyʼve got to do before leaving for the day. o How to use the phones: Ensures wrong extensions and transfers donʼt happen. Page 2 – The Quick Facts Sheet o Addresses, phone numbers, websites, emails, circulation info, sections of the paper, professional staff members. Pages 3&4 – Updated Schedules and Contact Sheets for AEs and Managers Page 5 – Liners o An updated list of abbreviations, an example greeting, ad checklist and possible problems AEs may run into. Page 6-9 – The Cheat Sheets o A quick reference for our range of products from the daily edition to web, inserts and AdRax (aka Posters). o The product nitty-gritty, deadlines, and what to do once a sale is made. Page 10 – Changing the Paper Past Deadline o Nobody likes missing deadlines, but it has happened to everyone at least once. This is a step-by-step process to making changes to the paper after deadlines have passed. Page 11 – Changing An Ad Thatʼs Already Scheduled In The Computerʼs Business System o This is for clients that decide to add borders, bold words, add page requests etc. after their ad has already been created in the computer. Every computer business system is finicky about a few things, so this page breaks down what the computer understands and doesnʼt so AEs can make sure the ad runs as itʼs intended. Page 12 – Reserving Special Pages o This page breaks down the rules and walks the AE through scheduling the specific request. Page 13 – Taking Care of Other Peopleʼs Poop o When an AE is handling somebody elseʼs stuff, it can be nerve racking. This page is dedicated to proper steps in communication and process for the situation. The page is divided into two sections: when people are out of the office at that instance and when people are out of the office for vacation. Page 14-15 – Why You Should Never Be Bored At Work o Our AEs are not paid hourly, they are paid on commission. Weʼd like to think this keeps them working non-stop but unfortunately, that isnʼt always the case. There are times that AEs arenʼt sure where to start, feel as if theyʼre hitting a wall or arenʼt sure how to step up in the office. These pages cover all of those things. Pages 16+ - These pages are reserved for any info AEs would like to add. Mostly, promotional materials and selling tips fill these pages. Some managers choose to fill these pages with their additional duties. It provides a perfect customizable outlet for anything AEs feel was not covered. When this guidebook was introduced, account executives sighed with relief. Although itʼs been around a short while, mistakes and questions have dropped dramatically. In fact, an AE entered the ad managerʼs office earlier this week, sat down, stood right back up and said, “Oh Shit, I know where to find the answer to that,” before turning around to open their State News Companion.
The Daily Collegian Business Training Program – Penn State University The Collegian Business Division offers students of all majors a chance to explore many different areas of running a business. Training takes place every semester, including summer. We train about 60 students a year in our comprehensive business training program. For Fall Semester 2008, for example, we trained 25 students for Advertising Sales, Customer Service and Creative entry-level positions. We had 80 applications for these 25 training slots. It is competitive to get into our program. (Right now we have about 85 students in the Business Division; about 30 of those are in advertising sales.) We are an independent student newspaper; students do not receive academic credit for their participation. Our goal is to prepare our students for professional business careers when they leave the staff, whatever career path they follow. Through a combination of classroom training and hands-on experience, our semester-long training program is designed to make our trainees comfortable with Collegian operations before they are expected to take responsibility on their own. Trainees are accepted into the training program as either customer service, creative or advertising sales trainees. All groups go through the training together, though they have different requirements out of the classroom. Only after trainees successfully complete the training program are they accepted onto the staff. They are assigned as customer service representatives, creative specialists or advertising account executives. After one semester in these positions, they may apply for management or senior specialist positions. In addition to the Customer Service, Creative and Sales Departments, we have two smaller departments: Layout and Promotions. It is competitive to win a specialist position in the smaller departments, and staff members must go through an additional tier of training to become a candidate for specialist positions. Staff members who wish to apply for management positions must complete our Leadership Development Training Program before they are considered for advancement. The Daily Collegian Business Division also offers continuing development for our student staff members. We invite faculty members and community leaders and Collegian alumni to attend Board of Managers and All Staff meetings to educate, mentor and motivate our staff. We also invite recruiters to address our staff members. Many Collegian alumni come back to recruit from the staff, and they are welcome to participate in staff meetings. We believe that our students give so much of themselves to The Daily Collegian that we owe it to them to give them excellent training and access to as much education and guidance as possible. The Collegian Business Division Training Program offers Penn State students the following: •
A Comprehensive Business Training Program:
Our training program is unique in the college newspaper industry. We take a whole semester to train our staff members before ever asking them to service clients on their own. There is no financial compensation during training. We integrate Collegian institutional knowledge and procedures with a broad range of good basic business practices. We use our Collegian Code of Ethics as a starting point to make sure new staff members are aware that we always strive to be an honest and principled business. We integrate an understanding of how business and news must respect boundaries to operate professionally.
The Daily Collegian – Penn State
3-c CNBAM Training Program Entry
Business Division trainees have two evening training classes a week for ten weeks. In addition, they are assigned three class periods a week of hands-on training in our business office. All trainees have a two-hour training session to learn our graphics program. All trainees also must accompany senior account executives on their sales routes. All trainees must produce a specified number of spec ads before finishing training. (see Training Schedule) The training program is extensive and thorough. It is designed to make the trainee feel comfortable and through a mentoring system, we attempt to make all trainees feel like an important part of the Collegian. Attrition is very low, and we credit our training program with breeding loyalty and confidence into the newest members of our team. By making sure that our trainees are thoroughly prepared for their staff positions, they are eager, not fearful, to accept responsibility. • Measuring progress We measure the trainees’ progress through a point system, which awards points for role playing, quality of spec ads, attendance, attending department meetings, going on sales routes with account executives and extra effort. It is an objective way to assess our trainees and for them to make sure they are staying on target with expectations. Trainees are updated throughout the training on their points. (see Point System example) • Leadership Development Program We developed a Leadership Development tier to our training program in order to give aspiring managers some additional education and experience before they become managers. As Collegian managers, they will be part of the Board of Managers, the group of students who run the Business Division. Part of the Leadership Development Training Program allows the potential manager to spend time with every department to learn what they do. They also spend time with professional staff members to get some background knowledge of Collegian and advice on issues facing our organization. Prospective managers and leaders also attend Management Team meetings to observe how News and Business make decisions that affect the whole organization. • Continuing Education We invite professors, visitors and community leaders in to address our staff. Sometimes a guest will just come to a Board of Managers meeting to provide insight into specific issues; sometimes a guest will come to an all-staff meeting to inspire all 85 members of our staff. It is good for the staff to hear from all kinds of people and hear what they have to say from an outside perspective. • Fun We aren’t all business! Trainees are invited to join in all Business Division social activities. During fall 2008, for example, trainees went on a hayride, joined intramural football and volleyball teams and attended the formal. This is a very social place and people like to have fun!
Our goals Frequent personnel transitions are inevitable on the staff of any college newspaper. Our training program addresses this issue by making sure our incoming staff members are thoroughly trained before taking on their own clients. They do a lot of shadowing, a lot of role playing and make a lot of spec ads as trainees. They meet their clients by the end of their training semester to allow for a seamless transition. With all trainees and staff members receiving the same training in ethics, selling skills, graphics training and hands-on experiences, our staff is cohesive and we have very little attrition. That builds a strong, dedicated and professional staff. And that’s what The Daily Collegian’s training program is all about!
The Daily Collegian – Penn State
3-c CNBAM Training Program Entry
The Daily Collegian Penn State University Sales Trainee Point System
Fall 2008 One thing we’ve discovered is that sales people like competition. The Point System serves two main purposes: ♦ It allows the business adviser, the managers and the student staff to objectively assess the Sales Trainees’ performance during this important phase of training. ♦ It allows the Sales Trainees an opportunity to see how they do when all the motivation has to come from within themselves. The Point System kicks in Monday, Oct. 27, and runs until the last selling day of the semester, Wednesday, Dec. 10. There are several ways to accumulate points, and points must be accumulated in all areas.
Details Ways to get points: Attending Sales Meetings: There are six sales meeting which the Sales Trainees are expected to attend. Meetings are every Monday at 4:45 p.m. The dates are: Monday, Oct. 27 Monday, Nov. 3 Monday, Nov. 10 Monday, Nov. 17 Monday, Dec. 1Monday, Dec. 8 There will be a brief training session following each sales meeting. Two points accrued for each sales meeting. Possible total: 12 points. Creating Spec Ads: Sales Trainees MUST produce a minimum of *5 spec ads on the computer, using Corel Draw. One is due each week. Each spec has specific criteria. Training Specialist Brad Mosier will grade your specs. Your last assigned spec is due Friday, Dec. 5. Point range is from 1 (not good) to 5 (excellent). You may certainly turn in more than five spec ads. You may get points for as many as eight specs. 1-5 points each. Possible total: 40 points. * You will be given guidelines for your specs, which must follow the basics of ad design Learning to create Web ads: Training Specialist Brad Mosier, will run a training session on how to create a Web ad. Part of your training is to use this information to create a web ad. You need to turn your ad in to me in a printed version, and post on your account. Points: 10 Must be turned in by Wednesday, Dec. 3. Going out on Routes with Account Executives: You MUST get familiar with going out on the routes. This is critical for all Sales Trainees. Every time you go on a route with an account executive, you will fill out a Daily Activity Report detailing your adventure! Each DAR counts as one point. This where it becomes obvious who are the real “sales people” and who is not particularly self-motivated. Beginning Wednesday, Oct. 29, there are 26 selling days left in the semester, meaning 26 possible Daily Activity Reports. I expect a minimum of 5 DARs from any
The Daily Collegian – Penn State
3-c CNBAM Training Program Entry
Sales Trainee who wants a route! The Daily Activity Reports are very detailed and we expect you to go on routes where there will be active selling!! Important point: Plan your time. We only want ONE trainee to go out with a designated account exec at a time. Possible points: 26. Mandatory points: 5. You must go on several routes before your role playing exercise. You must go out with at least four different account execs. HINT: Do NOT cram all your routes into the last week of the semester. This is no way to learn, and does not impress the managers when they are assigning routes. Role Playing Assignment: You will receive your role playing assignment at the sales meeting Monday, Nov. 3. You will have time to prepare for this event. Role plays will be on Monday, Dec. 1, and Wednesday, Dec. 3. You will need spec ads, an ad plan, first hand knowledge of the client’s business and a well-thought-out recommendation for the client. Points will be assigned from 1-10 based on your performance, product knowledge and preparation. Possible points: 10 The advertising manager, the sales managers and the business adviser will decide on points for this. Assigned Clients: Sales trainees will be assigned into teams of two. Each team will be assigned three clients. These are your clients and your challenge is to arrange an appointment with the clients and introduce them to The Daily Collegian. Take a sales manager with you and work with the client to sell them advertising before the end of the semester. (These are not “dead” or impossible clients; they are under serviced and need attention.) Additional points may be earned by servicing clients when account executives are not available due to job interviews or other unforeseen circumstances. If one of your spec ads is sold and used in the paper, you get an extra point! If you cover a route for an a.e. who is out of town you get an extra point. In addition, the advertising manager may ask you to do tasks which may be used to add points to your total.
The Daily Collegian – Penn State
3-c CNBAM Training Program Entry
Daily Collegian Business Division Training Schedule for Fall 2008 Training is on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Training begins on Monday, Oct. 9, and goes until Wednesday, Dec. 6. You will also be required to attend some sales meetings, creative department meetings or customer service staff meetings. Part of the mandatory training requires you to schedule three periods a week in the Collegian office for “hands on” training (during the day). All trainees will be required to schedule graphics training sessions and must go out on sales routes with our account executives to get a first hand picture of active selling. You will also be assigned checklists and spec ad assignments. This comprehensive training program ensures that you will be successful as a Collegian staff member. Here is the exact schedule:
Customer Service, Creative and Sales Training September Monday, Sept. 22 – 5:30-6:30 p.m. - All managers - Get Acquainted Night Wednesday, Sept. 24 – 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Introduce our publications, ad sizes & prices Monday, Sept. 29 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Code of Ethics, Legal Issues, In-house policies for staff, defining the working relationship between Business and News.
October Wednesday, Oct. 1 – 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Creative session - spec ads, house ads, promos Monday, Oct. 6- 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Brad - Design Seminar - Part 1 Wednesday, Oct. 8 – 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Brad - Design Seminar - Part 2 Monday, Oct. 13 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - National advertising, Preprints, Credit Issues Wednesday, Oct. 15 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Selling Skills - Basics of Selling, using marketing information Monday, Oct. 20 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Collegian Specific Selling Skills, Ad Plans Wednesday, Oct. 22- 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Objections, Closing the Sale, Role Play examples with managers, Introduce mentors to their assigned trainees. Monday, Oct. 27 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Customer Service - The Perfect Insertion Order and more Wednesday, Oct. 29 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Customer Service, Collegian Jeopardy game!
November Monday, Nov. 3 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Classified Advertising, pricing, acceptability Wednesday, Nov. 5 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Spotting advertising scams. Scams that are making the rounds right now. Cautionary tales from Collegian history regarding classified problems. Monday, Nov. 10 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Customer Service - Simulation Session Wednesday, Nov. 12 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Workshop: Ad plans, manager role playing using marketing info. Layout & Promotions - what they do Monday, Nov. 17 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Split groups into departments for hands-on training tonight. Wednesday, Nov. 19 — 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Odd & Ends - Things we might have skimmed over!
December Monday, Dec. 1 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Role Play Night - Sales
Wednesday, Dec. 3 - 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Role Play Night – Sales (if necessary) The Daily Collegian – Penn State
3-c CNBAM Training Program Entry
TCU Daily Skiff CNBAM Best Training program Training for Skiff advertising representatives begins when they are hired for the position. Each ad rep is given a rate card and media kit to study before returning for training the following semester. As the “face” of the Skiff in the community, it is imperative that we prepare our students properly. Training begins one to two weeks before the first publication date for the semester. Ad reps spend two or three days in extensive training, then begin supervised calls to set appointments with advertisers. Training includes practice sessions on completing insertion orders, making cold calls, and role-playing on sales calls. Brainstorming sessions help foster open discussion on different ideas for clients. Topics covered include who to contact for specific events, specific categories of clients and times they should advertise, ways to keep current with events affecting advertising at the Skiff, and sources for information about our clients’ businesses. Ad reps are thoroughly trained on their role as a liaison between the client and the ad designers. Attention to detail and organizational priorities are emphasized as key factors to achieving success in this job. After time is given to assimilate the information covered, sales reps discuss their account list with the ad manager or business manager. This discussion covers account history, ideas for advertising campaigns, and general information about the business. Knowledge of a clients’ business is critical to successful ad sales. At mid-semester, the ad manager and business manager complete evaluations of all ad reps. Ad reps complete a self-evaluation form that is then compared with the ones completed by the managers. The evaluation covers selling, office procedures, follow-up, and team skills. The ad manager meets with the ad rep to discuss strengths and weaknesses identified. The most integral facet of ad rep training is the weekly sales meeting. At each sales meeting, ad reps are made aware of special promotions, congratulated on recent achievements, and updated on progress towards goals and quotas. Upcoming events on campus and upcoming advertiser events are compared to coordinate advertising opportunities. Contests and bonus opportunities are discussed with reps. Weekly meetings are used to pass along new information from sources such as the CNBAM Advertising Sales Resource Guide, the NAA plan book, Web sites, the Fort Worth Star Telegram and Dallas Morning News(our local papers), and other handouts. Speakers are occasionally brought in to discuss refresher topics for ad reps. These speakers are from the local professional community, and may be in sales, design, or training. Former ad reps are also brought in to discuss how to maximize future opportunities while working at the Skiff. During the week, additional memos and sales materials are circulated in the ad rep mail boxes for reading Two bulletin boards and a calendar are also updated continuously. Current sales for the pay period, current sales for the semester, quotas, deadlines, upcoming events, contest updates and new ideas are here to keep ad reps informed. At the end of the semester, ad reps are asked to complete a job evaluation. This evaluation provides feedback for the ad manager, with possible suggestions for improvement in the advertising office. This allows us to complete the semester by learning from the ad reps, not just them learning from the management staff. Additionally, ad designers are brought in before the beginning of the semester. Their training consists primarily of office procedures and work flow, since they are hired with prior experience in the design programs. Details and spell-check are emphasized in addition to the flow of communication with ad reps and the ad manager. Ad designers are updated continuously with information from trade magazines and Web sites.
Software training is enhanced by bringing in vendor reps and software trainers from the university. The student ad manager is offered training in peer management from the Human Resources department. The ad manager for the next fall semester attends the CNBAM convention in March each year. Our goal in training our ad reps is not only to make them successful at the Skiff, but to adequately prepare them for post-graduation employment. Whatever professional field they pursue, preparation and training in communication and work skills learned at the Skiff will serve them well both while working at the Skiff and beyond.
TCU Daily Skiff Account Executive Terms and Conditions The following are the terms and conditions for employment with the TCU Daily Skiff as an account executive. This agreement shall be held between ___________________, Kerry Crump and Bitsy Faulk. I.
Tardiness When you are late you waste everyoneʼs time and your own. It will not be tolerated. “Late” is defined by being 10 MINUTES past the time on the clock in the Skiff Advertising office. a. Tardiness consequences will be applied to the weekly staff meeting and daily office hours. b. Tardiness Consequences i. First offense: bring snacks to next staff meeting ii. Second offense: an extra hour will be required in the office iii. Third offense: 10 inches will be docked from your quota c. Although I cannot enforce these consequences for your client meetings, please remember that when you are late, it reflects poorly on the Skiff as a whole. Make your standard to be 5 minutes early.
II. Appropriate Dress for client meetings You only have one chance to make a first impression. This is important. You are the face of the Skiff that our client sees. Please be dressed well. No tennis shoes, sandals, jeans, hats or tee shirts. If you have to think about if you can wear it, chances are you canʼt. For all, suit pieces are required for first visit. a. Men i. Men may wear suit pants, pressed khakis with absolutely no frays, a belt, pressed dress shirt, and a tie is optional. If wearing a polo shirt, it must be tucked in with a belt. Please wear clean, polished dress shoes. You are a professional, so you should look like one. b. Women i. Women may wear suit pants, a pencil skirt, a pressed blouse or a business casual dress not too revealing. Please wear clean, polished heels or flats. Open toed heels are not considered professional so please avoid wearing them. Make sure your hair is out of your face and you are not playing with it. 1. Dresses: a sun dress is not business casual. If dress does not have sleeves, please wear a cardigan. Also please pay attention to length when you sit. If you have to think if the dress is appropriate, it isnʼt. You are a professional, so you should look like one. c. Incorrect dress consequences i. This cannot be enforced easily. But please know that if Kerry or Bitsy see you heading to or at a client meeting not adhering to these stated guidelines, you will be required to wear a full suit to each office hour for a week. III. Office Behavior a. During your assigned hour you must be actively working. This is considered making phone calls, doing paperwork, or responding to SKIFF emails. Please avoid personal emailing and extended personal phone calls. No Facebook. Please no homework/studying during office hour. Plan accordingly. i. If one cannot make office hour, please find a replacement and write the change on the white board. Kerry and Bitsy are not replacements. b. The Skiff office may be used for homework and studying. If you become disruptive or distracting, you will be asked to leave. No group projects during office hours. c. Please keep conversation office appropriate and professional. d. Phone behavior i. You are not trying to be friends with your client. You are trying to earn their trust and respect. Always always be professional and use professional language. A client can hear if you are smiling while you are talking. e. Office dress i. Do not look sloppy. No pajamas. If you are sloppy or in your pajamas you will act sloppy and sleepy. You are not at home. f. Consequences (per day basis)
i. You will get one warning. Your office time is important, please use it effectively. ii. If behavior continues after warning, 10 inches will be docked from your quota. iii. If inches get docked three times, you will have to have a discussion with Kerry and Bitsy. IV. Basic Requirements Among the already stated requirements the following also apply. a. You will be required to have at least three (3) face to face calls a week. i. These must be Skiff related 1. Appointment, picking up invoice, dropping off paper. Stopping by to say “hello” does not count, nor does using their service. b. A copy of the paper must be dropped off at least once a month to EVERY client who is advertising. c. You must make an appearance in the office outside of your office hour every day to check for messages. d. You are responsible for your clientʼs ads and spec ads. Please make sure they are getting done and on time. The correctness of the ad is your responsibility. Before the ad gets placed in the paper please check it for content and grammar errors. The consequence of failing to check your ads is an angry client. e. Consequences i. You have been informed about your three weekly required face to face meetings and daily office appearances. 1. First failure to meet this requirement will result in five face to face calls the following week. 2. Second failure will be an extra hour in the office. 3. Third failure will be 10 docked inches from your quota. Advertising account executive must adhere to the stated terms and conditions of their employment at the TCU Daily Skiff. Failure to perform at these minimum requirements will result in the stated consequence. Please do not make the mistake in thinking that your offenses are not being documented. By signing this contract, you are confirming that you understand the requirements of your position and agree to accept the stated consequences. Please sign and date. _______________________________ Account Executive Date _______________________________ Advertising Manager Date _______________________________ Business Manager Date
Skiff Advertising Training- Day 1 Monday August 11, 2008 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m Introduction • Meet and greet; breakfast 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. In The Office • Tour of the office • Important information (office/fax phone numbers, copier password, e-mail password) 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Everything Newspaper • Mechanics of newspaper • Terminology • History of the Skiff • So Why Advertise in the Newspaper? 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Computer System / Ad Design • Usernames and Passwords • Ad Server • Maintenance • Production Requests • Proofs / EPS system • Email and Email Etiquette 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Organization and Time Management • Organizing Sales Materials • CRM Overview • Using a Planner • Office Hours • Tardies and Absences • Communication with Kerry and Bitsy • Balancing Skiff, School, and Life • Account Book and Respecting Other Ad Reps Accounts 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Review • Questions • Scavenger Hunt • Pop Quiz • Trainee Questions and Kerry / Bitsy’s Answers
Skiff Advertising Training – Day 2 Tuesday August 12, 2008 9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Breakfast and Review
9:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. So What Does the Skiff Have to Offer? • Rates, Sizes, Color • Special Sections • Discounts • Insertion orders • Powerbuys
• •
Payment Quota System
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Building and Maintaining a Business Relationship • Initial Contact • Professional Demeanor At All Times • At the Meeting • Day to Day Account Service • Communication • Follow Up • End of the Semester 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Cold Calling Turned Warm- Effective Prospecting • New Business Leads • Organization • Phone Etiquette • Reasons to Call • Set Appointments- Don’t Sell Over the Phone/Email • Persistence • Phone Blitzes • Make It a Daily Habit 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Review
Skiff Advertising Training – Day 3 Wednesday August 13, 2008 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. Review and Expectations
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Distribute and Review Account Lists • Review CRM 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Organization • Review Account Books • Distribute Ad Rep Schedules • Set Deadlines, Goals, Quota, Special Section Contest • Prepare for Semester of Selling • Sign work contract – terms and conditions
Best Training Program
The University Times
UNC Charlotte
At The University Times, we believe training is the foundation that can make or break any sales rep. In saying that, we put forth a lot of work and effort to provide our team with continuous training. Our training program consists of various hands‐on programs that are used to motivate and stimulate our sales team. In creating a training program, our goal is to provide a platform for new reps and also continuous learning for experienced reps. Training at our paper is done for two days at the beginning of the fall semester. Our first day of training is used to welcome returning students back to campus and give them an update on how our summer issues and the first couple of issues for the semester are going. This allows them to see what lies ahead for the coming year. We like to kick off training with a couple of team building exercises to break the ice and start the day. Throughout the rest of the day there are a series of Powerpoints and hands‐on activities for different aspects of training. Some important issues we cover include production requests, how we set sales reps goals and the importance of those goals. We also discuss the year’s new policies and procedures and update the returning reps on anything that may have changed throughout the summer. The last part of our day is spent discussing the previous year, usually things like what went right and what went wrong and what reps would like to see improved. Our next training day is when new reps that we have recruited during the summer begin training with our team. We begin with a team building exercise – this is especially important for the new reps because it allows them to get to know everyone at the UTimes and provides an open forum for communication. As this day progresses training becomes more intense for the new sales reps. We begin by providing an alumni speaker to share their experiences at the UTimes and how it has helped them in their careers. Some things
that are discussed include: making sales, following up with clients and how they personally deal with objections. We go into greater detail about rate cards and production requests. We like to emphasize the importance of these two factors because they are such an important aspect of the sales rep position. During this session we have members from our production department assist in training our new reps how to properly make a production request. We also discuss the importance of prospecting, making the sale and following up with accounts on a regular basis. Toward the afternoon, we go full throttle. We go straight into our rate cards and how to calculate different prices on the insertion order. Once our reps are comfortable creating an insertion order for the basic sizes, we mix it up a little for them. We have them create an insertion order for an advertiser who is interested in running all semester with different sizes and some ads having colors and others not. We also have them complete special section insertion orders. At the end of the day we have a competition between new reps and returning reps. In this competition, each rep is assigned a fictional advertiser and has to create an insertion order, submit a production request, and make sure all paper work given to the proper individuals. Although this is the last day of training workshops, we do have continuous training throughout the year. The sales manager collects call sheets from each rep on a weekly basis, and meets with the reps to discuss closing the sale, completing paper work, and what may have went wrong with sales they did not close. All in all, after two days of such intense training, account executives leave motivated and ready to hit the ground running to maintain their client base, prospect and make more sales.
Welcome Back Returning Staff!
WEDNESDAY 8/20 10am
Univerity Times
All Welcome, Classroom or audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
All Welcome, Classroom or audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
All Welcome, Audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
All Welcome, Classroom or audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
Rm 161 - Student Media Policies and Procedures. Joint session for all media students.
Rm 161 - Student Media Policies and Procedures. Joint session for all media students.
Rm 161 - Student Media Policies and Procedures. Joint session for all media students.
Rm 161 - Student Media Policies and Procedures. Joint session for all media students.
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Room 161 - Wayne Critique and Review UT and NinerOnline
Rm 161Wayne Critique and Review UT and NinerOnline
Rm 161 - New staff positions; internal policy and procedure with regard to deadlines; peer "big brother" program; and production schedule
Rm 161 - New staff positions; internal policy and procedure with regard to deadlines; peer "big brother" program; and production schedule
Room 122 Cone SMB conference room Sales: Goal Setting ------------------------------------------------------------------Production: Creating Award Winning Ad Campaigns Room 122 Cone SMB conference room Policies and Procedures Sanskrit Policies and Procedures Planning for the upcoming year
Veteran Returning Staff Pre-test survey for Student Media at Cone Ctr.
Veteran Returning Staff Pre-test survey for Student Media at Cone Ctr.
Room 122 Year in Review: What went right? What can we try to improve? pre-test survey for Student Media at Cone Ctr.
Continued Sanskrit pre-test survey for Student Media at Cone Ctr.
Day ends
Day ends
Day ends
Day ends
Welcome to Student Media
University Times
All Welcome, Classroom or audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
All Welcome, Classroom or audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
All Welcome, Audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
All Welcome, Classroom or audience style for 80 Room CHHS 161
About Student Media: Rotate rooms every 15 minutes CHHS Rms 153, 155, 157, 161
About Student Media: Rotate rooms every 15 minutes CHHS Rms 153, 155, 157, 161
About Student Media: Rotate rooms every 15 minutes CHHS Rms 153, 155, 157, 161
About Student Media: Rotate rooms every 15 minutes CHHS Rms 153, 155, 157, 161
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
DESIGN--Audience CHHS 161 WRITING--Audience CHHS 155 PHOTOG- Group CONE Student Media Newsroom
DESIGN--Audience CHHS 161 WRITING--Audience CHHS 155 PHOTOG- CONE Group Student Media Newsroom
Rm CHHS 122 Sales: Stephen Collie, Marketing Alumni Production: Contest Ready Design
Margazine review and discussion David Hill - The McColl Center for Design Cone SMB conference room
PICK ONE ONLINE: How we do it--Audience - CHHS 161 WRITING--Audience CHHS 155 PHOTOG- Out at shoot
PICK ONE ONLINE: How we do it--Audience - CHHS 161 WRITING--Audience CHHS 155 PHOTOG- Out at shoot
Rm CHHS 122 Fake Paper Sales Tool Tutorial Demographics: Who's reading our paper?
Theme page party. (creating mock magazine pages) Cone SMB conference room
ALL - Meet as group. Be assigned working team. CHHS 161 ALL - Meet as group. Be assigned to team.CHHS 161 WTG-Hands on team , CHHS 161 WTG-Hands on team , CHHS 161 DSG- Hands on project, CONE SM Computer Lab DSG- Hands on project, CONE SM Computer Lab
Teambuilding Exercise
DSG- Hands on project continues
Day ends
Day ends
Day ends
Day ends
University Times
University Times Staff, CHHS 161
With University Times, CHHS161
CHHS 157 Working together…production and sales. Create a PR. What's right and what's wrong?
Utimes Staff, continued, CHHS 161
NinerOnline Staff, CHHS 153 (may change to NO office)
Sales: Rate Cards: How is this calculated? Continues -------------------------------------------------------------------Production: Create an ad from the PR.
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Lunch Provided in Prospector
Covering Campus, with Josh Lanier, CHHS 161
Covering Campus, with Josh Lanier, CHHS 161
CHHS 157 Review of the ads created from the PRs. With competition
Critiquing other publications and overall design Award-Winners Cone Center SM Conf. Rm.
Ethics: Ad Accptance Policy and Copyright Laws
Rotating programs in CHHS 153, 157, 161, MyMedia and Employment Paperwork Photos for SM ID Computer Use & Accounts
Rotating programs in CHHS 153, 157, 161, MyMedia and Employment Paperwork Photos for SM ID. Computer Use & Accounts
Rotating programs in CHHS 153, 157, 161, MyMedia and Employment Paperwork Photos for SM ID. Computer Use & Accounts
Rotating programs in CHHS 153, 157, 161, MyMedia and Employment Paperwork Pre Survey and Photos for SM ID. Computer Use & Accounts
Day ends
Day ends
Day ends
Day ends
10am 11am
Content Matters - Cone SM Conference Rm.. Talking about centsorship, editing and other pertinent content issues,
12pm 1pm
The University Daily Kansan’s training week is an extensive 40 hour week aimed at providing new hires with the tools they need to be successful during their tenure. The first week at the Kansan is designed to accomplish three goals: to provide valuable sales and product training, set the precedent of being a professional hard working organization, and to build camaraderie with our new employees as they join our team. Product and Sales Training The Kansan follows a very distinct formula every day of training. Each morning, we instruct the salespeople on a new product, from ROP to online, we teach the value of selling benefits and campaigns to our advertisers. By focusing on one product a day, we can review previously covered material to ensure that learning has occurred. Topics such as ethical behavior, writing proposals, and customer service are covered in ‘sessions’. This is a time for the new hires to split up into smaller groups and learn from other managers. Similar to product training, sales training follows a step-by-step formula, focusing on one aspect of the sales process each day. From setting the appointment and prospecting, to the questioning process, presentation, objection handling, and finally closing. The hires participate in numerous role-playing activities to practice their sales techniques and receive useful feedback. The Kansan also focuses a great deal on selling to their client’s specific personalities. Using a compilation of True Colors Personality test and Dr. Gary Smalley’s Personality Quadrants, the staff is instructed on effective sales techniques for different personalities. The staff was split into groups according to their personality quadrant and is able to learn different aspects of their co-workers’ personalities. At the end of the week, the new hires show us what they have learned, and show how effective our training was in hypothetical selling situations called ‘certification.’ To ensure that our training is being implemented in the field, managers are required to attend numerous client calls of every one of their AEs throughout the semester. Setting the Precedent Setting a precedent is definitely one of the most important elements in the Kansan’s training week. We make the expectations of our new employees very clear and
outlined. Our motto here at the Kansan is “work hard, play hard” and we continue to act as such. The Kansan is built on a foundation of exemplary work ethic and commitment to the organization. The tone set in the first week has been proven to carry through the entire semester, and often times, the individual employee throughout their tenure on the Kansan. We convey this best by showcasing our accomplishments, testimonials from employees about how the Kansan has helped them, and focus on pride and excellence. Our goal is to instill an effective work ethic that students can be proud of, and a job they can take pride in. And we know that is accomplished through the utmost belief and confidence in their product, their company, and themselves. Building camaraderie between new and old staff members The Kansan has always believed that close and involved staffs is more successful, and are essential ingredients to our success. During training week, we do several activities to welcome our new employees into the organization. One in particular that is very effective is our Buddy Program. On the first day of training, all new hires are assigned a returning staff member to be their ‘buddy.’ Buddies are designed to be an outlet for a new hire to ask questions they might not feel comfortable asking in a large group, and to have one on one time with someone who is not their manager. Buddies help to teach the rate card, sizing and pricing ads, practice selling, and gives the new hires a chance to find out ‘what it’s really like.’ Often times, someone’s buddy becomes an important confidant and mentor for entirety of the semester. Once again, this is in effort to instill confidence, so they can effectively sell and grow from this experience. We go out to lunch as individual departments during the week and as a staff. And finally, celebrating the success of the training at our ‘end of the training week party.’ In order to support our ‘work hard, play hard’ we show two sides to the Kansan; the hard working prestigious group of ambitious students, and the regular college kids enjoying time with their friends. The Kansan training is a long, overwhelming week for new salespeople, but we pride ourselves in the ability to take our new hires with extremely high potential, and develop them into strong salespeople and soon strong leaders for our prestigious organization.
FALL TRAINING 2008 Training is designed to introduce information throughout the week so that each day the salespeople can build upon their knowledge from the previous day(s). Three days before staff training begins, the management staff participates in a manager’s training in order to unify their goals for the staff and learn effective motivational strategies.
Manager’s Training August 8th – 9th
Day One – August 8th • • •
9:00 – Adviser’s PowerPoint Presentation on management 11:30 – Guest Speaker (Julie Terry, Majors Manager, from Kansas City Star) 1:30 – Continue Adviser’s PowerPoint
Day Two – August 9th • •
• •
10:00 – Performance Potential Quadrants o Rock Star, Backbone, Problem Child, Driftwood 10:30 – Five Big Words to represent the Kansan o Group Activity o Challenges we anticipate and how to overcome 1:00 – You’re the best at o Managers sharing strengths and weaknesses with each other 2:45 – Manager Manual o Compilation of Jack Welch “Straight from the Gut” Motivational Theories, Team Development, Learning Styles.
Staff Training
August 11th – August 15th
Day One – August 11th • • • • •
Job Responsibilities and Expectations o Commission Structure Zone Manager’s expectation for zone’s sales team Product Training (ROP, Kansan Coupons) Role Playing exercise Sales Training o What makes a good “salesperson?” o Setting the appointment – how to get to the decision maker o The first meeting – questioning process and finding the need Meet your buddy o Introduction to rate card, answering questions Rate Car Question “War” between zones
Day Two – August 12th •
Introduction from editorial staff and General Manager, Malcolm Gibson
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• •
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Product Training o Review from yesterday, learn Jayplay,, Classifieds Sessions (rotations with managers) o Organization and Time Management o Promotions o New Business Prospecting True Color Personality test with whole staff Sales Training o Review of sales process learned yesterday o How to sell to your client’s personality o Making the presentation – benefit and value selling Buddy Time o How to size and price an ad, hand out pricing exercises Rate Card Wars (friendly competition between three sales zones)
Day Three – August 13th • •
• • •
Product Training (Review, Learn Special Sections, Inserts) Sessions (rotations with managers) o Proposals o Classifieds Department o Creative Department/Production (good ad, bad ad) Lunch as a staff Guest Speaker - Vince Coultis, Sales Trainer, Kansas City Star Sales Training o Review from yesterday o Finish how to make a presentation o Objection Handling – request for more information Buddy Time o Paperwork trail, IOs, creative request, paperwork o Prepare for certification Rate Card War
Day Four – August 14th • •
• • • •
Contract Training Rounds (session with managers) o Competitive Media o Ethical Behavior o Client Lists and Quotas Sales Training o Closing – the easiest part of the sale (if everything prior is done right) Advertising 101 – How to build an effective campaign Role Playing activity to gauge improvement from first day Buddy Time o Review over the week o Prepare for certification
Day Five – August 15th • • • •
Certification Wrap up with Zone Manager Selling! Staff Party that evening to celebrate end of training week
Certification Scenarios Please read over the following scenarios and prepare any proposals, artwork, paperwork which the scenarios require. Please come fully prepared to sell your client on the Kansan’s value and which product you deem necessary. Treat this as if it were a real client call. Good Luck!
You are meeting with one of the managers of the apartment management company, UDK Living. They own several apartment complexes across Lawrence, and are expanding to another location. The location is perfect for student living, and you notice they already have KU decorations in the main office. You decide to give them a call. The manager of this apartment complex is extremely busy, and tells you they can’t spend much money on planning out their advertising, and generally likes to go with ‘word of mouth’. However, she still agrees to meet with you.
You are meeting with the owner of a new restaurant, Jayhawk diner. The owner loves Lawrence, and attended KU. He knows some about advertising, but wants a creative big idea to get his business going. He knows he has a lot of competition, so he wants to set himself apart from all the other businesses. He tells you he is really busy, so he can only meet for a little bit.
You are meeting with the manager of a very popular bar in Lawrence, UDK Bar. They are generally busy on every night of the weekend. They have done some inconsistent advertising over the past year, and then stopped completely. The manager reluctantly decides to meet with you. He says business is good, and he doesn’t need to advertise. He still agrees to hear you out.
Pittsburgh’s advertising community to host our sales meeting and present some aspect of the sales industry to our business staff. Management from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Pittsburgh City Paper, Pittsburgh Business Times and Pittsburgh Magazine speak to us about objections, prospecting for new business, presentation skills and general sales skills. Students get to hear first hand how the business world operates outside of our academic confines, and since several of our speakers are alumni of The Pitt News’ business division, students have the opportunity to see how their current jobs might carry them into sales careers after graduation. Training is a continual process at The Pitt News. Every week in our sales meeting, our professional staff and our student managers lead sessions on sales, the newspaper industry and our own operations so that by the end of a full year, account executives have a complete understanding of our business. Most weekly sessions are extensions of formal training; once sales reps have been on the job for a while, they are able to apply lessons from formal training, but they are also more likely to have reality-based questions and situations which are better addressed in the sales meeting forum. Comprehensive training programs include a balanced blend of formal classroom sessions and field experience. The Pitt News’ training program incorporates weekly training on issues that have directly affected our reps during the previous week, and supplements those sessions with reading materials, videos, audio tapes and management assistance. Sales reps that plan to stay on for another year become senior account executives and are expected to contribute to the training process that begins once again in the spring. Those who are promoted to management are placed immediately into the shadows of current managers, who train them in the office and in off-site meetings for the duration of second semester. The Business Manager, Sales Manager and Inside Sales Manager have individual meetings throughout the spring and summer with both the Advertising Adviser and the General Manager. These meetings serve as the foundation for management training. Sessions include discussions on interview/recruiting skills, time management, delegation, strategizing, training the staff, compensation plans, budget, setting quotas and goals, new product launches, creating a new media kit, and marketing plans. As a result of our training program and team atmosphere, advertising revenue has consistently increased over the past five years, and our team has been complimented by several of our advertisers as being “extremely professional compared to other local media sales reps”. Reps themselves express their satisfaction in our program when given an opportunity to evaluate the formal training session. Analysis of the training survey results in our annual redesign of the training program according to students’ suggestions and comments. We are proud to watch the growth of a new sales employee, and prouder still to see them accept job offers from prominent companies after their careers here…and we hope they’ll someday come back to speak, to be part of the ongoing training process here at The Pitt News.
THE PITT NEWS’ WEEKLY SALES MEETINGS--TRAINING SESSIONS January August Role Play: Knowing Your Market Managing the Welcome Back The Value of Teamwork Training the New Staff Objections and Open-ended Questions Transitioning Accounts to New Staff Guest Speaker: Bill Cotter, (V.P.Advertising Pgh Trib Review) September
February Contract Policy Creating a Proposal Guest Speaker: Natalie McMurtrie, (Acct Exec, Pgh Business Times) Online Advertising Review and Sales Techniques March Personal Integrity Keeping the Momentum Going Summer Discount Packages Selling into the New Student Guide April Wrapping up your Relationships Your Resume Training the Summer/New Reps May Selling the New Student Guide Saturating your Territory The Value of Summer Issues Account Management June When your Customer Just Says No Prospecting, and the Sales Funnel Communicating-Verbal, Written, Body Common Objections
Role Play with All Kinds of Customers Guest Speaker: Paul Klatzkin, (Ad Director, City Paper) Review Contract/Payment Policies Learning your ProductThe Paper, The Media Kit, The Market October Production-Review of Technical Requirements. PhotoShop Overview Our Bottom Line- In-Depth Look at our Billing/Slow Pay/Collections policies The Formal Presentation Guest Speaker: Amanda Johnson, (Acct. Exec. Virginia Pilot) November Role Play: the semester’s worst calls Radio: How to approach heavy radio advertisers Being a Consultant Voice Mail and Gatekeepers December Getting organized for next semester Guest Speaker: Randall Brant, (VP Advertising, Pittsburgh Post Gazette)
July Leaving Voice Mails/ Gatekeepers When you Hit a Sales Slump Production Training Selling the Welcome Back Issue
THE PITT NEWS ABBREVIATED VERSION OF FALL FORMAL TRAINING Introductions Tour of Office-The Departments of The Pitt News History Organization Chart-Job Expectations and Descriptions Understanding Newspapers (Video on Advertising) Icebreaker Exercise
Our Product Line: Print/Online/Special Sections/Inserts/Classified Our Market-Our Readers Our Rate Card-How to read it and explain it to your customers Production and Insertion Vocabulary
Forms you need to know: Insertion Orders/Commission Reports/Kills/Design Orders/Daily Logs Who Wants to Win $25-Trivia game on stuff that’s really not Trivia. Reports: Monthly Contract/Sales Update/Account Master/Commission How to Make Money: Compensation Plan/Incentives/Bonuses
Office Basics: The Copier, passwords to email, the fax, payroll sign-up, your files in our system, letterhead, templates for proposals. Open production lab hour: playing with Macs and finding the essentials in the system Your Territory: Managing it/Saturating it/Spending time in it/The typical work day Building Rapport with your Customers: Asking the right questions/Finding out what your customer really wants/Delivering the paper on a regular basis/Up-selling and Cross-selling your customers Prospecting The Sales Funnel, and how to keep it full Our internal Prospecting system: how to claim a new prospect Basic requirements on monthly prospecting/reporting Time in the Field with Veterans and Managers: Scoping out your territory for the first time What to take with you when you go into your territory Meeting your biggest customers
DAY 5 All hands on deck. Morning in the field with Business Manager, Sales Manager, Senior Reps, Advertising Adviser, General Manager. Practice Insertion Order Family Feud Q&A
The Pitt News Training Survey Please let us know what you think of our Formal Training Sessions. Rate each session with 1 being not effective and 5 being very effective. Production Overview 1 How The Pitt News Works (editorial/production/advertising flow)1 Paperwork (Insertion Orders etc.) 1 Account Management 1 Sales:Objections/Presentations/ Proposals/Prospecting 1 Games: Bingo/Family Feud/ 1 Minute Self-Talk /Who wants to win $25 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
Time spent in your territory with Management/veteran sales reps
What was your favorite part of formal training sessions? Why? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________ What was your least favorite part of formal training and why? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________
TRAINING PROGRAM Training within the business division at The Pitt News begins in the spring, long before our seniors have graduated. New sales representatives are introduced to the paper’s big picture: our history, our mission, what responsibilities rest with each department, who our customers are, how we market ourselves to our readers and our advertisers. The combined experience of our current business manager, sales manager and senior account executives serves as our initial springboard into a new year. For two full days in April, newly hired reps shadow current employees in the field and receive an additional day’s classroom training to familiarize themselves with the newspaper’s vocabulary and our product line. Veteran reps lend insight and perspective to incoming reps, and when fall comes, new reps have a higher comfort level because of time spent with experienced students. After getting a good solid look at our organization, new employees have all summer to review our comprehensive training manual. We find that after spring training and reading through the manual, reps who might have been blindsided by the responsibilities of their jobs in the fall have a chance to change their minds about joining us, while we still have the opportunity to hire replacements; although we may lose one or two reps over the summer, we save time and money by investing in people who are willing to invest the necessary time and energy that the job requires. Formal training commences well before the fall term begins. After a review of the newspaper’s big picture, we begin breaking it down into manageable pieces. Sessions revolve around the sales cycle. In both classroom lecture style and interactive exercises, reps follow an account from prospecting through closing the sale and from original ad design through billing and collection. Reps practice filling out insertion orders, compete for prizes in trivia contests and participate in team-building sessions. Every aspect of the business is covered within five business days, with the understanding that each session presented will be featured again in a future sales meeting or in a one-on-one environment with management. Reps receive territory assignments during fall formal training. Managers and professional staff members spend time with sales representatives individually, analyzing accounts’ histories and profiles and getting out into territories to meet advertisers. We begin on an account management level, meeting our active advertisers and establishing rapport with them, before moving into the development of new business. Reps who were with us over the summer months help in the hands-on training as well, which creates a smooth transition for our clients.
The Daily Pennsylvanian Business Training Program
he Daily Pennsylvanian’s Business Training Program is based on the concept of continual education. The program focuses on educating by providing broad-based general training, detailed hands-on training, and ongoing continuing training — all designed to provide students the realworld business experience of running a professional newspaper while developing their business skills and providing our customers with exceptional customer service. The unique aspect about our program compared to most others is the wide range of newspaper operational areas covered. We pride ourselves in our diverse placement of student staff and student managers in six business departments: finance, credit, advertising, ad production, front office (counter sales and ad traffic), and marketing. This specialization in each department provides an opportunity for students with interests in areas other than sales to gain valuable experience. Yet each staff member is also integrated into the newspaper’s operations by being introduced to all aspects of the business. The training program is accomplished in three stages. The first consists of a general training session. Here, all new staff members go through General Business Training together in order to establish a common background, an understanding of our business, and a network of fellow staff members. During this session, we familiarize the new staff with the fundamental principles and operations of our paper, our history, and their role in the organization. We cover the tools of survival at the paper, from the mechanics of using our phones and copiers to accessing the various computer systems. We carefully trace all the steps in the “life” of an ad, from inception through payment, and how each department participates in pieces of that operation. The sessions mix lecture-style presentations with interactive topics, since we have found that active participation strengthens retention of the training material. The second stage of training is specialized Departmental Training, where each student department manager establishes an individualized training program tailored to that particular department. New staff members participate in two weeks of sessions with the managers and professional staff advisers of their department. During this time, the new staff members gain the specific skills required for productive work in their departments, plus a detailed picture of their role and the department’s role within the paper. Once they are able to understand their position and responsibilities, they are able to work independently of direct supervision as full-fledged and productive staff members. The sales department incorporates competition into the training program. The new staff is informed at the beginning of the training that the most qualified reps at the end of the program will receive the best customer lists. This is accomplished by testing the reps at the end of the initial training program. The reps that test the highest receive the best customers. This serves to motivate the reps during training and gives us a chance to monitor the results of the training by seeing how much information has been retained.
The final phase — which is never-ending — is the ongoing education and cross-training that is dispersed throughout each student’s career at The Daily Pennsylvanian. Training of additional skills, techniques, and procedures is provided through weekly or biweekly department meetings. Cross-training is especially important for departments which are directly interrelated; this type of training increases communication and understanding, resulting in more efficient operations and a more cohesive business staff. During the course of the semester, the staff is evaluated by the managers and given the opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences at the newspaper. By evaluating their performance, we are able to assess the effectiveness of their training. In addition to this staff-level training, we also have a Management Training Program, which is designed to go beyond the one-on-one assistance our professional advisers provide. This program gives student managers the knowledge and expertise they need to run their departments, and enhances the managerial experience they get at the newspaper. Two all-day off-site retreats presented by the professional advisers and the student Business Manager anchor this training program. One takes place before classes begin in January as an orientation to newly-elected managers. The second takes place in August before fall term classes begin, and focuses on reinforcing and building their staff management skills, and planning for their second semester. The program aims to give an in-depth understanding of every department, as well as teach and hone skills necessary to be an outstanding manager. It includes role-playing, game take-offs (“Daily Pennsylvanian Survivor”), and brainstorming sessions. Additionally, 10 to 20 minutes of most weekly Business Board meetings are devoted to ongoing training. Topics include interviewing skills, presentation skills, how to successfully delegate, staff coaching skills, time management, goal-setting, motivation and morale, and planning effective meetings. As managers of The Daily Pennsylvanian, we feel that the Business Training Program combines all elements that develop top-notch staff members. The success of our newspaper comes from the commitment to excellence and service that we convey to all our new staff members — largely through our training program. A solid and concrete knowledge of the basic operations of business functions, coupled with real-life practical experience, creates staff members who are familiar with our business, knowledgeable about our market, and sensitive to our customer’s needs. The end result is that when our training succeeds, we end up with staff members who are well informed about the company they work for and the product they produce every day. They know their role at the newspaper, contribute to a reputable and successful independent college newspaper, and are positioned to greet new challenges at The Daily Pennsylvanian with enthusiasm.
Fall, 2008 Business Training Schedule DAY
Business Manager Retreat
9:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
ALL 3 Departments
6:00 p.m. — 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 17
Finance 2
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 17
Production 2
5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 17
Marketing 2
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 18
Credit 2
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 18
Advertising 2
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Monday, September 22
Finance 3
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Monday, September 22
Production 3
5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
Monday, September 22
Marketing 3
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 23
Credit 3
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 23
Advertising 3
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 24
Finance 4
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 24
Production 4
5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 24
Marketing 4
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 25
Credit 4
4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 25
Advertising 4
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 27
Advertising 5
10:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 28 Tuesday, September 16
Sales Call Role-Play Skit REP:
Hi MARIA, I’m Alex from The Daily Pennsylvanian. I appreciate you giving me some time today to talk to you .
CUSTOMER: Well, I'm very busy, but I did tell you that you could come in. REP:
Is there somewhere we can sit down in quiet and discuss this?
CUSTOMER: Sure, let’s go to my office. [GO TO “OFFICE” AND SIT DOWN] REP:
CUSTOMER: You're okay, as long as this doesn't take all day. REP:
Great, I'd like to start by asking you a few questions about MARIA’s Designs. [TAKE NOTES]
Have you ever tried focusing on the student market, especially since you’re so close to campus?
CUSTOMER: The students I do get usually don’t buy. College students, I find, do most of their shopping with a tight budget, and they’re looking for bargains, and that’s it. REP:
Hmmm, seems like you haven’t had great success with the student market, despite your location.
CUSTOMER: That’s about right. REP:
MARIA, if you knew that Penn students had the money to spend, were spending their money on dresses and casual wear everyday — sometimes traveling downtown to do so — and they were willing to spend higher than bargain prices to get the perfect outfit for them — would you consider focusing some of your advertising budget on getting this group to buy from MARIA’s Designs?
CUSTOMER: And I suppose your paper is the best way to reach them? REP:
Well, let me give you some facts about The Daily Pennsylvanian [PUT THE PAPER IN HIS HANDS AND TALK ABOUT IT]
Management Training Each manager takes a turn reading the scenario aloud and role-playing the scenario with a fellow manager. The manager that is playing the role of the staff member should read his/her instructions silently. 1: MANAGER A friend of yours is a member of the staff. He/she is not taking you seriously, and has not listened to you or taken direction from you. He/she is not performing well and you believe this is because of your personal relationship with this person. You are sitting down with this person now, for the first time, to talk about his/her performance. 1: STAFF MEMBER You’re a friend of the manager/editor, but you believe he/she is taking his/her job a little too seriously. Since you’re friends, you can’t understand why this person is coming down so hard on you. He/she should know you by now and know you’ll get the job done. Your attitude is “Hey, this is me you’re talking to — stop acting like a boss.” 2: MANAGER A staff member has not done their job, not shown up for meetings and has had a bad attitude. You’ve met with him/her several times before, and he/she has either promised to change or denied there’s a problem. Now you’ve made the decision to fire this person, and you’re ready to do it. 2: STAFF MEMBER The manager/editor has told you before that he/she is not happy with your performance. Even though you agree you could do better, you think he/she is overreacting. Now some tough school projects are over with and you’re ready to make a new commitment. Don’t accept being fired — plead with the manager/editor for your job and promise you’ll change. 3: MANAGER A staff member is enthusiastic and always shows up for work. The problem is that his/her work is consistently poor. The problem’s not commitment, it’s talent. You’re meeting with that person now to: (1) tell him/her that the current job they did must be redone (2) from now on, unless they find a way to get better, they'll have to work with someone else on stories, projects, or accounts. 3: STAFF MEMBER Whatever work your manager is criticizing you about be defensive. It’s yours and you’re proud of it. Be resistant to change and getting any help. 4: MANAGER As an outgoing, friendly and enthusiastic person, you’re finding it hard to deal with this staff member who is shy and introverted. The work this person does is okay, but he/she is overly sensitive and does not take criticism well. You are doing an informal evaluation of the person. 4: STAFF MEMBER Act shy and be sensitive to criticism. Say as little as possible. Give the attitude that this manager/editor is singling you out or picking on you.