Ce Ke nt nt e 19 nn Sta 10 ia te -20 l ’s 10 Ye ar
OK, so you’re new to Kent State. You’ve got to figure out how to buy textbooks, get to class, get along with your roommate and get by without Mom and Dad. Unpack and relax. Students have been coming to Kent State for nearly 100 years — and they didn’t have this nifty section to answer their questions.
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Don’t be intimidated by the library
Why first-year LERs are worth attending Kristyn Soltis
Daily Kent Stater
Graduate student Autumn Mamrak and senior math education major Shannon Levesque work as math tutors on the first floor of the University library.
Librarians, tutors offer student services Nicole Stempak
Daily Kent Stater T here a re more t h a n ju st books on the 12 floors and basement of the University Library. Jamie Seeholzer, first year experience librarian, highlights some helpful services that are sometimes overlooked by students.
1st floor The Student Multimedia Stu-
dio has a variety of multimedia equipment and software. Students can create presentations and projects using Wacom Tablets, mini-DV/VHS decks, Adobe Creative Suite CS4, Final Cut Studio 6, Audacity, 3D Studio Max 9, Microsoft Office Suite and more. In addition, students can receive one-on-one technology support.
1st floor Students working on research papers and other projects can schedule to meet with librarians for assistance. Personalized Research Consultations (PERCs)
Building guide to the University Library Floor
Items located on this floor
Men’s Women’s restroom restroom
a re one - on- one, 30 - to 60 minute sessions where librarians help students navigate databases to find information and resources.
for free. AVS also houses more than 10,000 educational videos and DVDs.
1st floor
For students who need help wit h a writ ten assig n ment, there’s the Writing Commons. Tutors can help students develop a thesis, master grammar and punctuation and tackle other writing weaknesses. Reservations can be made online, but drop-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-serve basis. For other general research questions, students can contact Kent State librarians via AOL Instant Messenger. Librarians can be reached at the handle IMaKSULibrarian while the reference desk is open.
Located near the elevators, the Helpdesk can help students install FlashZONE wireless, troubleshoot problems in Vista 8.0 and access their university e-mail account.
1st floor Math tutors from the Acade m ic Su c c e s s C e nt e r a r e available to students with the cou rs ework for t hei r m at h classes. During the week, they have regular drop-in hours, so no appointment is necessary.
Library orientation classroom (019)
3rd floor
Reference collection Government documents reference collection Reference services and goverment documents desk Circulation and reserves desk Information commons Student multimedia studio Computer lab May 4th resource room Jazzman's Cafe
Students can rent digital cameras and video cameras from Audio Visual Services
Periodicals and newspapers Interlibrary loan Microform area Wick poetry corner
Audio Visual Services School of Library Science Library administrative offices
no yes
yes no
7 8
yes no
A-AZ; B-BX; C-CT; D-DA Min. Cat. collection Juvenile collection
no yes no
Government documents
Institute for Bibliography and Editing
Special Collections & Archives
no no
no no
4th floor
Contact reporter Nicole Stempak at nstempak@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Liberal Education Requirements, or LERs, are meant to pr e pa r e st ude nt s to l ive i n today’s complex, global society. According to the office of the university registrar’s Web site, LERs “broaden intellectual perspectives, foster ethical and humanitarian values, and prepare students for responsible c it i z e n s h ip a nd pr o duc t ive careers. T h rough t h is lear ning experience, students develop the intellectual f lexibility they need to adapt to an everchanging world.” All students are expected to complete LERs during their college career. Some students may find LERs a waste of time while others may find an LER course surprisingly enlightening and possibly consider a change in major. “As a matter of fact, I know of two current physics majors I had in class their freshman year,” said John Barrick, instructor for Seven Ideas that Shook the Universe. “They enjoyed it so much that they made it their major.” Barrick said he is also aware of similar situations for Tom Emmons and Jonathan Secaur, other instructors for Seven Ideas that Shook the Universe, or PHYS 11030, which is an introductory science course designed to meet the general science requirement for most students. It serves as a foundation course for other scientific courses because it studies the rules that govern the physical universe. Mike Beaumont, senior communications major, is planning to take Seven Ideas for the Fall 2009. “I’m in my last year, so I just took it because I heard Barrick is so easy,” Beaumont said. Ba r r ic k s a id S eve n Ide a s is such a popular LER course b e c au s e of t he com bi n at ion of his joy for teaching and his attempt to make the class interesting. “S eve n Idea s at tempt s to ex pla i n complex topics i n a manner so that individuals with a non-technical background can understand,” Barrick said. “As important is the effort to make it interesting and show how it applies to everyday life. I also flat-out enjoy teaching it, and I
In April 1913, Kent Normal School offered a one-year program for college graduates to earn a bachelor’s of education. Each class earned students about one credit, and twelve credits were required for graduation. A course schedule was pre-determined for the students; however, when they reached their third quarter, students were able to choose one of about three possible electives.
think that really helps.” Cor y Koc her, sen ior business major, said his favorite LER course during his college career was Understanding Music, MUS 22111, which offers a listening approach to the understanding of Western art music, folk and jazz. “I took Understa nd i ng Music, which was the easiest class ever,” Kocher said. “I like it because I could sleep and still get a high A. It was just really easy, I thought.” However, not all LER classes are a walk in the park for everyone who takes them, as graduate student Justin Schmidt discovered after taking Understanding Architecture. The class, ARCH 10001, studies the nature of the built environment and explores the forms and functions within cultural contexts such as tech nolog y, human behavior, symbolism, art and history. “An LER class that I hated and suggest no one ever take is architecture,” Schmidt said. “I thought it would be easier than a history class, but I absolutely hated that class.” Barrick said with the advantage of hindsight, he wishes he had the chance to take some LER classes again. “As a f resh ma n, I sta r ted right out in physics and astronomy, but still also had to take LERs. As would be expected, I did have some that were more favorite than others,” Barrick said. “I now realize the great potential they offer to introduce a vast universe of ideas that can stimulate imagination.”
C o nt a c t p r in c i p al re p o r te r Kristyn Soltis at ksoltis1@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Words of Wisdom: What former students have to say Freshman class of 2009, you have the opportunity to learn from those who came here before you, those who have already stepped into the wrong classroom or fallen out of their desk or gotten conned by upperclassmen to use all their leftover FlashCash to buy them food. To provide some comfort and help you have the best and most informed freshman year, we grabbed some people to share their advice on how to remain responsible while having fun. Here’s what they had to say:
Ashley Katona Graduated from Kent State in 2006, freshman in 2002 Words of Wisdom: Get involved. “When I was a freshman, I told myself that I didn’t want to do things that I would regret, so I got involved in as many activities as a could. Take advantage of all the organizations Kent State has to offer. I think (students) will be very grateful for that when they sit in their first interview. They will have a lot of things to talk about.” Memorable story about freshman year: “I had an experience in the dorms where I stayed up till 3 or 4 in the morning studying for a final, and I slept through the alarm. I didn’t wake up until my roommate asked me if I had a final. Tell your roommate what time your finals are so you can be up for your final.”
Jennifer Kramer Graduated in 2000, freshman in 1997 Words of Wisdom: Study, study, study! It’s never too early to start. “Study early on in the semester. You want to explore and you want to have fun, but you also have this responsibility. The first couple of semesters can set the stage for you. Do the study guides your professors give you. They don’t just give them to you just to use paper.”
Chelsea McPeek Graduated in 2009, freshman in 2005 Wor ds of Wisdom: Stay on campus. “I would encourage people to stay on the weekends a nd not commute as mu c h . Br a n c h o ut a n d m e e t new people. Stay away from hanging out with people you know.” Memorable story about freshman year: McPeek remembers meeting a few people the day she moved into her residence hall. They
decided to take a trip and ride a random PARTA bus. After three hours and stops in Akron and Canton, they finally arrived back in Kent. “Know the bus route,” McPeek said.
Beth Bloom Graduated in 2009, freshman in 2005 Words of Wisdom: Get to know professors and ask questions. “It can be scary as a freshman. Really utilize office hours and get to know professors, and, of course, go to class.” For Bloom, building strong relationships with her professors eventually led to references that landed her a job teaching journalism. Memorable story about freshman year: “I had braces, and it was a mortifying experience.”
Jill Jones Graduated in 2009, freshman in 2005 Words of Wisdom: Try new things and make friends. “Looking back, I think it’s important to try new things. Even if (the events) are kind of ridiculous, go! You can always leave if it’s dumb.” “Find at least one friend in every class. Bump heads when you study for tests.” Memorable story about freshman year: Jones remembers taking an “intimidating class” where she was one of the youngest students.
She said she was not used to the desks in the classroom, which proved to be a problem when she dropped her pencil. When Jones reached for her pencil, the desk fell over. “The whole desk flipped forward, and no one laughed,” she said. “I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I am not going to make it through college.’”
David Danenberg Graduated in 2009, freshman in 2005 Words of Wisdom: Stick to a budget. “ M a ny st udents are on budgets, so books, food, and personal care supplies are what money should be spent on. If you plan on spending money for entertainment purposes, be sure you have set aside enough to keep you living an enjoyable and healthy lifestyle. Being on your own at a university is a great feeling, but it is the start to the rest of your life. You must make wise decisions. Weigh your options, think about why you are at Kent State, and have fun.” Memorable story about freshman year: “The one story that always sticks in the back of my mind as a dumb decision I made was freshman year when I went to a hayride with the fraternity I
Cody Francis cfranci1@kent.edu
was pledging. It was toward the end of the event when I started to get comfortable with the members of the fraternity and I decided to show off my tree-climbing skills, which is basically none. The brothers laughed at the silly freshman and then carried on. “
Michael Cesa Graduated in 1976, freshman in 1972 Words of Wisdom: Experience the university. “Use everything the university has to offer.” Cesa said that things such as the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, the Kent State University Ice Arena and student organizations are an important part of creating a dynamic experience at Kent State. He said he still stays in touch with people he went to school with today. “I have a great sense of community with Kent State.” Memorable story about freshman year: “I lost two roommates after the first two quarters. They had a very good time but didn’t keep their grades up. The university asked them to leave. I was the last man standing.” Contact news correspondent Brittany Schenk at bschenk@kent.edu.
Caleb Raubenolt craubeno@kent.edu
Managing editor
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Isabelle Jones ijones2@kent.edu
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grades in high school
Grades are given for most assigned work, and homework or attendance grades can usually boost overall grades. n Extra credit projects are often available to help students raise their grades.
Grades are rarely provided for all assigned work, and tests usually make up most of the course grade. n Extra credit cannot usually be used to raise a grade in college courses.
high school teachers
college professors
SO, HOW DOES COLLEGE MATCH UP TO HIGH SCHOOL? Use these tips to know what to expect.
college grades
Teachers check homework and remind students of incomplete work. n Teachers provide students with information missed when they were absent and approach students if they need assistance. n Teachers draw connections for students, helping to lead them through the thinking process. n
high school classes
Students often have very little time between classes. n Students spend five days each week in class. n Students are more or less told which classes to take, and their schedules look packed. n Teachers closely monitor attendance, and classes rarely exceed 40 students. n
n Professors do not always check homework or remind students of incomplete work, but they will assume students can perform the same tasks on exams. n Professors expect students to seek help and information they missed or do not understand. n Professors may lecture nonstop, expecting students to identify key points and keep good notes.
college classes
Students often have hours between classes. Students spend 12 to 18 hours a week in class. n Students arrange their own schedule, and schedules tend to look lighter than they are. n Professors may not formally take roll, but they still know whether students are attending class. n n
testing in high school
Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material. n Make-up tests are often available, and teachers frequently rearrange test dates to avoid conflict with other events. n Teachers frequently conduct review sessions, highlighting key points to study. n
testing in college
Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material. n Students, not professors, need to organize material to prepare for the test. n Make-up tests are seldom an option, and if they are, they must be requested. n Professors usually schedule tests without regard to the demands of other courses or activities. n
672.0884, njyoung1@kent.edu
Classified ad manager Gail Moseley
672.0883, gamosele@kent.edu
Stater adviser Susan Kirkman Zake
330.329.5852, szake@kent.edu
240 Franklin Hall Kent State University Kent, Ohio 44242
ON THE COVER personal freedom in high school
personal freedom in college
High school is mandatory and free. n Students’ time is usually structured by others. n Students need money for special events. n Students can count on parents and teachers to remind them of their responsibilities and to guide them in setting priorities.
College is voluntary and expensive. Students manage their own time. n Students need money to meet basic necessities. n Students will be faced with a larger number of moral and ethical decisions and must balance their responsibilities to set priorities.
guiding principle in high school
guiding principle in college
Students are usually told what their responsibilities are and are corrected if their behavior is out of line.
Photo Illustration by Rachel Kilroy | Daily Kent Stater
n Students are to take responsibility for what they do and don’t do, as well as for the consequences for their decisions.
CORRECTIONS The Daily Kent Stater recognizes the responsibility to correct errors that occur in the newspaper. When errors occur in the newspaper, corrections will appear in this space as promptly as possible.
The Forum Page is an outlet for our community’s varied opinions.
ABOUT THE FORUM The Stater hopes to encourage lively debate about the issues of the day on the Forum Page. Opinions on this page are the authors’ and not necessarily endorsed by the Stater or its editors. Readers are encouraged to participate through letters to the editor and guest columns. Submissions become property of the Stater and may be edited for mechanics, Associated Press style and length without notice. Letters should not exceed 350 words and guest columns should not exceed 550 words.
DKS EDITORIAL BOARD Cody Francis, Editor Caleb Raubenolt, Managing editor Melissa Dilley, News editor Ben Wolford, Forum editor Submit letters to: Letters to the Editor Daily Kent Stater 240 Franklin Hall/KSU Kent, Ohio 44242 ■ stater@kent.edu Subject: Letters to the Editor ■ Fax: (330) 672-5064 ■ Be sure to include your phone number.
It’s that time of year again.
Make your own Kent State About this time three years ago, I was carrying boxes, bags and other random containers filled with personal belongings up the stairs to the sixth floor of Wright Hall. My mom and sister helped me with the move and eventually left with teary eyes and aching hearts. As upset as I was, I was also excited with the opportunities and adventures that lay before me. I was in college. Donning my John Belushi “Animal House”-style “COLLEGE” T-shirt, I walked away from my mom’s car and joined my roommate, one of my best friends from high school, in Room 616. I’m from East Liverpool, Ohio. Typically, our high school sends a lot of graduates to Kent State. Here, most “East Liverpudlians,” as referred to by the natives of the city, have a reputation for hanging out exclusively with other East Liverpudlians. I promised myself I wouldn’t do that. I made my own Kent State. The first month of my freshman year, I stayed in a stereotypical pack of about four high school friends. After that, I started to talk a bit more with people from class and a lot with people from my dorm. I began a network of friends. Through those friends, I met more friends, and so on. By the end of my first year, there were tons of people writing on my Facebook wall whom nobody from East Liverpool had ever heard of.
Cody Francis I’m still friends with that group of people. I even stay good friends with some of the guys who transferred or dropped out. I’ve lived with people from Wright Hall my entire college experience. But that doesn’t mean I stopped making friends after that. My network continued to grow through my sophomore year with people from my new dorm, classes, intramural sports leagues, etc. My junior year, I switched my major from biology to newspaper journalism — not the most conventional approach, I know. Once I started working for the Daily Kent Stater, I found an entirely new group of friends who I spent, and still spend, the majority of my time with. By the end of my junior year, my high school friends, my Wright Hall friends, my sophomore friends and my Stater friends started to intertwine. I now have my own community within the larger university com-
munity. I have my own Kent State. It didn’t have to happen like that, though. I could have hung out in my pod of high school friends, gone home every weekend and hated Kent State just like the majority of East Liverpudlians expected me to do. But I didn’t do that. My girlfriend went to a small school with a student body of about 2,000. By the time she graduated, she could put a face, a name and probably an interesting fact to just about all of those 2,000 students. I can’t quite do that with the tens of thousands of students here, but I sure can with my Kent State. Basically, what I’m trying to say is college is what you make it. The people you meet here shape your experience and your life more than you can imagine. Step out of your comfort zone, and make the next four years the best of your life. Knock on your neighbor’s door, attend on-campus events, join student organizations, play intramural sports, go Greek — just do something. Make your own Kent State. You’ll thank me in four years. Contact editor Cody Francis at cfranci1@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Adjusting to college life is a major transition from high school. OK, that’s kind of an obvious statement. But we’ve all been in your position at some point, leaving parents, siblings, friends and support networks to take a major step forward in life. Inside this special issue of the Daily Kent Stater, we hope you find lots of information to help you along your way. We hope some of it isn’t so obvious. — The staff of the Daily Kent Stater 2009 Orientation Issue
I get by with a little help from my best friend I’m 21 years old, and I can’t live a day without my best friend. His name is Joshy, and he is a stuffed animal — a stuffed ladybug to be exact. I chose Joshy in seventh grade to be the namesake for my favorite actor, Josh Hartnett. Since then, Joshy hasn’t had to live up to any name. I have an entire roomful of things dedicated to the stuffed animal that sparked my love for an entire collection of the red, spotted insect. This may seem strange to some, and others may consider me downright crazy, but I think my feelings toward this inanimate object seem perfectly natural. When I consider the qualities a perfect friend might possess, I think most can agree on some common ones: Best friends are always there for you and are good listeners; they do things you like and never complain; they support your dreams and ambitions and will follow you wherever you go. That is the kind of best friend anyone would like, right? Joshy has met all of my human friends, and they get along great. Everyone thinks he is cute when I bring him to sleepovers and even on road trips to spring break in Florida. Now that I think about it, all the times I went on vacation with him, he didn’t complain about money and accommodations. As for all the times I left him in the care of my mom because I couldn’t invite him, he understood and didn’t consider me any less of a friend. Joshy is totally drama-free (except for the time my exboyfriend spilled milk on him, which ended with my tears and my mom carefully dabbing the ladybug’s stomach with a cloth and some laundry detergent). Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about typical college students. Our friends are sometimes drunks, cheaters and rivals. Sometimes, we can’t trust everything we hear or trust anyone enough to not repeat something we know is true. As the old saying goes, three can keep a secret if the other two are dead. But I’m a journalist. I love to tell stories and dish out the scoop. So what am I to do when a friend tells me a juicy story and I can’t
Melissa Dilley repeat it to anyone else? Tell Joshy, of course! He is an unbiased party, and besides, he wouldn’t tell a soul — mainly because he can’t. When you have a big group of friends, you have to worry about jealousy, gossip and alienation. Those should be the least of my worries when I don’t know where I’ll be working in a month, when I’m graduating or what I’m going to do with my degree. My mom, who lives far from the dramatics of my friends and Kent State, should have the right answers and be willing to give advice, right? But we’re young, and who wants to listen to parents who don’t really know what they are talking about? Joshy, as usual, doesn’t try to answer my questions, and he doesn’t try to solve my problems or tell me I’m wrong. There are many nights I just prop my head on top of his and drift off to sleep to stop myself from thinking. He never gets upset when my tears soak the red, felt hearts that top his antennae. I would never trade the love and laughs I get with my friends and family, but there’s no way I would give up the quiet and supportive companionship Joshy has to offer. When my mom offers suggestions I don’t prefer and when one friend starts to gossip about others, it doesn’t seem so crazy to turn the conversation to Joshy. I truly believe the only way to stop myself from becoming certifiably crazy, like some think I already am, is to do something a little out of the ordinary — like tell a little ladybug how I feel. Maybe it’s time everyone started digging out their old stuffed animals and became a little bit less stressed. You’d be crazy not to try it. Contact news editor Melissa Dilley at mdilley2@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
> Write us a letter. (the address is above.)
> Leave a comment at KentNewsNet.com. > Be a guest columnist.
Eating, seeing, kissing and doing it all Reading advice bores me, and writing it bores me even more. I started to write a few lines of wisdom, but it looked sappy coming from me. So, as writing coaches often say, I’ll write about what I know. And all I know about Kent State is my experience since coming here in 2007. With that, you’re now reading my very first bare-all memoir. In high school, I had a notion that college was largely about lounging in grassy, public areas under dogwood trees sipping espresso and reading Chomsky between conversations about love, death and epistemology. I was kind of right. I’ve done something like that a few times. But mostly I spent my freshman year with the girlfriend I had from my last month or so of high school. I still haven’t decided whether that was good for me. I went to the bathroom on my own, but that was pretty much it, and only because they don’t let me in the rooms that say “women.” We ate together, met up between classes, played on an intramural softball team together. I really liked her, so it was OK at the time, but I think I met fewer neat people than I would have with no girlfriend. But I did meet one good friend, and next
Ben Wolford semester we’re going to study in England together. He’s the guy I can sit under a dogwood in my sweater vest talking about the meaning of life with. If only we were going to Oxford instead of the University of Leicester. He was one of nine students (two dropped) in my Freshman Honors Colloquium course under the oral spell of Lewis Fried. Man, that guy could spew a lot of brilliance in two and a half hours. Ask him if he’s read something. If he doesn’t say yes (that’s rare), he’ll tell you the general story, the underlying themes and who was influenced by it. There are a few handfuls of those professors on this campus. Find them. Chat them up. Get coffee with them. Have them write you recommendation letters. Walk to their office with them after class. I did those things
with a few professors and graduate students, and it’s been rewarding to engage those great minds. So when I broke up with my girlfriend last summer for a girl in Cincinnati, the world was my oyster. I started writing more stories for the Daily Kent Stater, covering Lester Lefton and his “cabinet” and doing well. I made all my newsroom friends — the best friends I’ve had since coming here. Finally, I got tired of driving eight hours round trip to see a girl, so I quit doing that (actually, she dumped me). And I started dating one of my friends in the newsroom. Now we’re happily married. Kidding. Not married. But it’s great having the same friends to go out on Thursday with, though I could do without her dog, Dublin, getting his hair on all my clothes. There’s a lot to do and see and hear and kiss and eat and visit in Kent. Try to do it all. OK, I said I wouldn’t preach. You’ll figure out Kent State on your own. Contact forum editor Ben Wolford at bwolfor2@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
A lot of people go to college for seven years… Doctors do it. Dentists do it. Lawyers do it. Magazine journalism majors don’t do it. The same can be said for college students pursuing degrees in media arts and animation, graphic design or art education. It wouldn’t take me more than four years, five years tops, to graduate college. That’s what I thought back in 2003. The days of my final year at Hillsdale High concluded with our senior farewell assembly where I walked away with four of our class’ superlative awards. Apparently, a powder blue sheet of paper with the words “Most Artistic” on it didn’t necessarily mean I was bound for instant success beyond Mr. Hohler’s first period art class. An acceptance letter from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh wasn’t worth much in that sense, either. I switched majors within the first quarter of my college career. At the time, making the switch from animation to graphic design made perfect sense. Not only was the program regarded as having the Art Institute’s lightest course load, all six of my new friends were graphic design majors. What more of a reason did I need to abandon my childhood fantasy of seeing my name in the credits as lead animator for Disney’s next “Lion King”? In the second-to-last week of that same quarter, I nearly found myself homeless after being removed from the dorms for violating a one-strike-and-you’re-out alcohol-free policy that the Art Institute — and my mom — took
Caleb Raubenolt very seriously. Luckily, I was permitted to finish out the remaining days of the quarter in my dorm; however, I was banned from returning there for the rest of the school year. So I moved home, only to finish the rest of my first year of college as a part-time student taking online courses — for an art school — from my grandma’s house. That was my freshman experience. If you get shot by a rubber bullet at a raging house party, end up vomiting for 12 consecutive hours after eating a contaminated burrito and lose $500 after foolishly betting your roommate that the Flashes will win the Rubber Bowl, only then could you argue how your first year of college was lamer than mine. Of course, it wouldn’t be right for me to let one year of unfortunate events take the rap for why I’m working for a student newspaper, rather than raking in salary pay at a big-boy job. Believe me, at 24 years old, there’ve been several setbacks I could’ve avoided had I only
taken to heart the advice of a super senior when I first entered college. Maybe then I wouldn’t have made my return to the Art Institute as a sophomore, only to transfer to Ohio State a year later and change my major to art education. I still lived at home. Maybe then I wouldn’t have met my first serious girlfriend, which led to me transferring here in 2006 because I didn’t want to be apart from her. We broke up a year later. Maybe then I wouldn’t have changed my major to magazine journalism in Fall 2008 — the fourth time I decided to change my career choice. The only thing I’m sure of is that I’m up to my neck in college loans. Maybe then I wouldn’t be entering the final chapter of a seven-year adventure, and never have had the great memories I’ve shared with greater friends. I’ve met professors who are just as helpful as they are wise. I fell head over heels for the homecoming queen — five years after graduating high school. Take it from me, kids: College is an experience of a lifetime. Just don’t spend your lifetime experiencing it. Contact managing editor Caleb Raubenolt at craubeno@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
WTF is this?
Your guide to the bizarre, puzzling and just plain inexplicable on campus Kristyn Soltis
Daily Kent Stater
Tilt 2005
Pssssssst! Stories you might hear about Kent Myth:
Kent read, Kent write, Kent State “Well, it’s clever, but it’s obviously wrong, and self-defeating. First, it implies that students come here because they are not capable of succeeding at other colleges, which is simply not true. Second, it implies that the level of education provided here, particularly in the fields of liberal arts, English and communications, is not comparable to that of other colleges, which is also ridiculous.”
It’s hard to miss the 6-foot pile of multi-layered newspaper ridges between the side entrance to the Art Building beside the University Esplanade. It appears to be a pile of newspapers, dirt and weeds; however, it is actually “Tilt 2005,” a sculpture constructed by artist Steven Siegel and students in 2005. “Tilt 2005” is made out of a combination of 2-by-4 pieces of wood covered in sheets of paper and topped with dirt. A piece of plywood was placed over its top and covered with about six inches of dirt and grass, but now the center is hollow. Steven Siegel specializes in creating sculptures using garbage and found items reminiscent of landfills. To view more of his work, visit stevensiegel.net.
— Matthew Shank, English professor
Risman Plaza is so windy because it was designed to be at a school in a hotter area “The quick answer is ‘no.’ The Student Center was designed specifically for Kent and was not designed to create more wind. The wind is more likely caused by the fall face of the library.”
— Tom Euclide, executive director of facilities planning and operations
Kent State’s campus is unsafe because of events like the College Fest riot “College Fest was a great disappointment to the community, the city and the university because of the actions of a number of people off campus — most of which were not students. That’s usually the case for off-campus issues. “But when you’re talking about coming to Kent State and wondering if you’re safe or not, you really should be talking about ‘Are you going to be a victim of assault or some serious crime?’ If you look at all of the statistics from the department of education of the United States to the FBI to the department of justice, you’re going to find that Kent State has one of the lowest crime rates, not only in the state, but in the country.”
The Kent Four “The Kent Four” was created in 1971 by former faculty-artist Alastair Granville-Jackson as a tribute to the students who died during the May 4 shootings. The red-orange sculpture formerly sat in front of Stopher Hall, but it was put into storage during the re-building of the new Stopher and Johnson halls and currently sits behind the Art Building. The hollow metal tubes of “The Kent Four” were originally intended to shoot flames.
— John Peach, director of public safety and Kent State chief of police Contact principal reporter Allison Smith at asmith75@kent.edu
May 4 still remembered year-round at Kent State
Prentice Lot Memorial Dedication Memorials stand in the locations where four students were killed during the May 4 shootings in the Prentice Hall parking lot. The dedication of the markers in remembrance of Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer and William Schroeder occurred Sept. 8, 1999. Each memorial contains a cornerstone with an engraving of the student’s name and the date May 4, 1970.
University Esplanade It’s important to know the term “esplanade” as it will be under construction and expanding in the coming years. The University Esplanade is the long, open level walkway that extends throughout campus with brick accents and center medians with foliage and benches. The University Esplanade will extend down Erie Street, meet Haymaker Parkway and continue along State route 59 to Franklin Avenue.
Students, faculty and community members lit candles and walked the campus last May in remembrance of the events on May 4, 1970.
Melissa Dilley
Daily Kent Stater
Solar Totem #1 Don Drumm’s “Solar Totem #1,” located in front of Taylor Hall, became a part of Kent State history when a bullet passed through the sculpture, which was directly in the line of fire during the shootings on May 4, 1970. The sculpture was created in 1967.
Behind the Brain Plaza This 13-foot red sandstone sculpture near Merrill Hall, designed by Professor Emeritus of Art Brinsley Tyrrell, has been a notable Kent State landmark since its completion in 2001. The spinal nerve of the giant brain leads to the plaza where a small fountain, a smaller brain and benches with sculpted books creating a backrest can be found. The sculpted bookshelves not only create the sense of knowledge feeding the giant brain but also isolate the plaza from traffic.
Walking Together David Davis’ sculpture, “Walking Together,” represents two forms connected by a heavy link chain to create a sense of unity. Davis chose black and white to convey the idea of racial tensions during the time period. This sculpture, created in 1972, was part of a series representing motion changing into form. The cedar wood and aluminum structure spans a length of about 18 feet and stands 20 feet tall outside of the Art Building.
Photos by Rachel Kilroy and Brittany Ankrom | Daily Kent Stater
Most students first learn about the May 4 shootings at Kent State in high school history class. While it’s a large part of the university’s past and present, many students stop learning about it after watching “Kent State: The Day The War Came Home,” in First Year Experience classes. For those who want to learn more about May 4, 1970, there are year-round learning opportunities. Department of Special Collections and Archives: Located on the 12th floor of the library, it specializes in gathering artifacts and information about Kent State and its history, including May 4. Students and faculty can make an appointment or stop by the archives between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays to look through photos, newspaper clippings and letters. Some of the archives are available online at www.library.kent.edu. Click on the link under the research tab. May 4 special topics class: Offered each spring, the class is taught by professors Laura Davis and Carole Barbato, who were students at Kent State in 1970. May 4 commemoration: At midnight on May 4 each year, the May 4 Task Force holds a candlelight march, which leads to the Prentice Hall parking lot near where the four students were killed; a vigil lasts until ceremonies begin later in the day. Bands entertain and speakers educate students on the Commons near the Victory Bell. All classes are canceled during the ceremony to encour-
What Happened? A weekend of anti-war protests and rioting came to a climax on May 4, 1970, when soldiers from the Ohio National Guard opened fire on a crowd of protestors, killing four students.
age students to take the time to remember and reflect on the events. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the May 4 shootings. May 4 Resource Room: Located on the first floor of the library, it houses art and books inspired by the events of May 4. It’s also the meeting place of the May 4 Task Force, which plans yearly commemoration services and works to keep the memory of the May 4 events alive on campus. May 4 memorial: Located on top of Blanket Hill, a granite memorial to the four slain students offers visitors a spot to remember and learn. At its entrance between Prentice Hall and Taylor Hall, the words “Inquire, Learn, Reflect” are engraved into the stone. The memorial is surrounded by 58,175 daffodil bulbs, which symbolize the number of American casualties in Vietnam. Pamphlets about the history of the event are available nearby. May 4 Visitors Center: The center will be constructed in Taylor Hall facing the May 4 memorial. It will house art, photos and personal stories. The center, which is funded through donations, is expected to be complete in 2011, but many are hoping for a 2010 opening to commemorate the 40th anniversary. Contact news editor Melissa Dilley at mdilley2@kent.edu
Landmarks of Kent highlight city’s vivid history 1.
An opera house opened i n Kent i n 1862, but wa s demolished in 1964. The opera house was a place of entertainment and may have had famous people on its stage who would circuit through the area.
T he Sta ndi ng Rock, located i n the middle of the Cuya hoga R iver, is a source of great mystery and is believed to be a place where American Indian tribes would hold council meetings. Kent was almost named Rockton as a result of this significant icon.
Kent was a n influential part of the Underground Railroad. The only house still standing that hid runaway slaves is located on Fairchild Avenue across from the water tower. The house was previously owned by Joshua Woodard and his family, and is still occupied today.
G o v. M a r t i n Davey took office in 1934. The Davey family is still influential in Kent to this day and runs Davey Tree Expert Company, a prestigious tree, shrub and lawn care business. His desk is on display at the Kent Historical Society. Other historical items such as early railroad artifacts, furniture, clothing, early documents and a film of the history of Kent can also be viewed at the Kent Historical Society. The society can be a resource for projects requiring facts about Kent. Visit http://www.kentohiohistory.org/ for more information.
8. 9.
The cabin located next to Standing Rock Cemetery is where William Lepper published the first newspaper in Lisbon, Ohio, in 1808. The cabin was moved in 2008.
R a y ’s P l a c e , now a popular restaurant and bar, is located on the site of the original Thompson Drug store, which was built in 1903. The site has served as a central commercial location throughout the last 150 years.
The canals were an important part of c om me r c i a l ly developing Kent. A system of bringing boats down t he Cuya hoga R iver allowed farmers to ship products such as wheat and coal. The canals connected to Cleveland or could be taken south to the Ohio River. Unfortunately, the canals presented a problem because they could only be used seasonally. Foundations of the canals can be seen off of Main Street downtown.
Kent’s railroads were first constructed in the 1850-60s. A tribute to the railroad, can be viewed outside the Pufferbelly on Franklin Avenue. In 1875, the Pufferbelly opened as a railroad station. Today, it is a popular restaurant located on Franklin Avenue.
The Masonic Temple is the original home of Marvin Kent, whom Kent was eventually named after in 1864. He was influential in developing the town and bringing the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad into Kent. The Masonic Temple has housed four presidents and, according to folklore, may be haunted. The Record Courier reported the Temple was used as the basis of an illustration by P. Craig Russell, a Kent resident, in the book “Coraline” that was adapted into a major motion picture this year under the direction of Henry Selick (“The Nightmare Before Christmas “and “James and the Giant Peach”).
Standing Rock Cemetery is now t he Sum m it County Cemetery, located off North Mantua Street, where famous h istorical figures in Kent history are buried, including the Kent family.
Remnants of the Rou nd Hou s e, a place where trains wou ld enter a nd change directions, can be seen near Mogadore Road. A floor of the building acted as a turntable and would swing to turn the train in a different direction. The railroad employed many people in Kent.
Brittany Schenk
Daily Kent Stater
A 1913 flood in Kent is considered one of Ohio’s worst natural disasters. Anything near water sources were swept away. Kent was high enough above the river to remain dry, but cities such as Massillon and Dayton were severely damaged.
Between 1835-39 the famous abolitionist John Brown lived in Kent and opened a ta n ner y a long t he Cuyahoga River.
Historical information gathered courtesy of the Kent State Historical Society with help from John Klassen, Sandy Halem and Henry Halem. Contact news correspondent Brittany Schenk at bschenk@kent.edu.
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Caleb Raubenolt Nicole Stempak
Who’s who at KSU
Daily Kent Stater
Lester Lefton President
On a smaller scale, President Lefton’s role is similar to that of President Barack Obama’s. Lefton runs and is the representative of the u niversit y. He traverses the country to meet w it h i ndu st r y leaders to bring in new programs and talk with potential scholarship donors. Lefton also meets with area community leaders to improve the “town-gown” relationships. He works with members of his cabinet and other administrators to improve the university and lead Kent State into the future.
Robert Frank Provost
Now in his third year as provost, Frank is the chief academic officer of Kent State and oversees all of the academic programs within the university. Simply put, he’s responsible for your education. As provost, his role is to ensure that qualified faculty — professors, instructors, lecturers — are placed within each program, and the skills students learn at Kent State will be marketable to future employers after graduation. Frank is also responsible for the publication of the undergrad-
uate catalog, which outlines academic policies and the requirements and programs for each degree.
Iris Harvey
Vice President for University Relations Harvey’s role is to market Kent State. All of the information potential students see before stepping on campus is a direct result of the office of university relations. The office recently launched its new Destination Kent State program to create a more personalized experience for incoming freshmen. With the university approaching its centennial c e le brat io n i n 2010, Harvey and her department will be directing a carefully crafted campaig n to show the past, present and future of Kent State toward the significance of the anniversary, as well the impact of the university on the community.
Greg Jarvie
Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs According to the Division Enrollment Management and Student Affairs’ Web site, its mission is “to support the teaching and learning process and the development of t he whole student by providing qualit y prog ra m s and services that enhance student learning and student success.” Jarvie’s main responsibility
is to retain and ensure the wellbeing of Kent State students by heading the division that manages offices such as Residence Services, Career Services, Dining Services, Recreational Services, the Center for Student Involvement and the Student Center, among several others.
Gregg Floyd
Vice President for Finance and Administration Floyd’s main responsibility is managing the university’s budget. He is also responsible for maintaining Kent State’s facilities and construction through Campus Environment and Operations and the Office of the University Architect.
Ed Mahon
Vice President for Information Services Mahon is the vice president of information services whose office oversees information technology, support and application services. He helps ensure that serv ic e s s u c h a s FlashZone, Vista, e-mail, and online course registration are reliable and helpful to students.
Willis Walker
Vice President for Human Resources Walker, who also serves as chief university counsel, was named
vice president for human resources in September 2008. As the head of his department, Walker is responsible for managing Kent State’s human resources division, handling labor and employee relations and overseeing the university’s legal affairs.
Gene Finn
Vice President for Institutional Advancement The most direct result of the work t h at Fi n n a nd the institutional advancement division, along with alumni relations, can be seen in the funds raised for general operating costs and student scholarships. This past year, more than $5 million was raised in new scholarship support for Kent State students. Finn coordinates all aspects of alumni relations and private fundraising activities, which generate funds to be invested and managed by the Kent State University Foundation, a separate entity from the university that invests and manages gifts in accordance with donor wishes. The division looks to raise $250 million this year with the centennial campaign to support its endowment, capital projects and current operating needs. Contact managing editor Caleb Raubenolt at craubeno@kent.edu and reporter Nicole Stempak at nstempak@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Daily Kent Stater staff’s
TOP 25
his is totally our opinion, but we figured freshmen would enjoy benefiting from our years of experience in Kent. Without further ado, here are 25 things we think you need to know about Kent and Kent State, in no particular order of importance. 1. Pete’s Arena pizza, in the lower level of the Student Center, is a hidden secret. 2. Halloween at Kent State turns into a big, citywide party. Be careful not to get arrested or violate open container laws. 3. Main Street Continental Grille has Middle Eastern cuisine, including lots of vegetarian options. 4. A U.S. Post Office is located in the basement of the Student Center. 5. Taco Tonto’s on Franklin Avenue has the best water (yes, water) you can possibly drink. 6. The chef at Cajun Dave’s, inside the Water Street Tavern, was taught by Emeril Lagasse. 7. Anthony’s Café and Cakes on Water Street has the best breakfast in town, and it’s really cheap. 8. “The Rock,” at the front of campus on Main Street, gets painted nearly every day. 9. KentNewsNet.com is the independent, online news venue of student media at Kent State. 10. There’s a bowling alley in the lower floor of the Eastway Center. 11. Ice skating is $3 on Wednesday nights at the Kent State University Ice Arena, but only for students. Skate rentals are an additional $2.50. 12. Stahl’s Bakery on East Main Street has great pastries. 13. University Plaza Theatre, located off of state Route 43, has $5 ticket Mondays. 14. The Schwebel Garden Room on the third floor of the Student Center has a diverse menu and is a good place to take visiting parents.
15. Board games can be rented in the basement of The Student Center.
16. Beckwith Orchards, a family-owned and operated farm in Franklin Township, has a 2.5acre corn maze and sells fruits and vegetables.
17. The Kent Stage on East Main Street offers good live music — check out Kentstage.org.
18. Scribbles Coffee Co. on North Water Street is a good place to go when you don’t want to be found — it’s out of the way and quiet and has free wireless Internet for customers.
19. The football and basketball teams aren’t the only ones at Kent State worth following (our field hockey, wrestling, gymnastics and men’s and women’s golf teams won the MAC last year.)
20. Jimmy John’s has good subs and will deliver anything for free — and they’re “freakishly” fast.
21. The rec center hosts dive-in movies at the pool where you sit in an inner tube to watch movies. 22. E-mail is the official communication tool of Kent State. Check it every day.
23. Woodsy’s Music on South Water Street sells instruments and music supplies and offers music lessons.
24. Parking Services is the most efficient department on campus. Park where you shouldn’t, and they will find you. They waive your first ticket, though.
25. Fred Fuller Park, right downtown, has great trails, a lovely view of the Cuyahoga River and is a great place to have a picnic.
The essentials of living in the
t’s the big move. Not only are you leaving your family and friends behind, you’re also leaving the inviting surroundings of your bedroom — a large slice of your individuality. The college dorm room will become your very own pad and probably your first real taste of freedom. Do you want to avoid being the roommate with
so many boxes the door won’t open? How about the weird kid with only a backpack and a towel? Following a sensible checklist will keep you from entering into these unpleasant situations. First of all, you might not be able to have everything you imagined for your new sleeping quarters. Most college dorm rooms are small and unglamorous, equipped with a twin bed and mattress, a desk, chair and dresser. It really doesn’t leave
DORM room for much else. Keep the basics in mind, and you’ll have enough space for the essentials and some extras to make you feel happy and relaxed. There are five basic categories that Kent State’s Web site includes in its “What to Bring” checklist. They are: bed and bath; electronics and hardware; cooking and cleaning; personal; and miscellaneous. Read more about them on Page 2.
inside > HOW TO adjust to B2 dorm life
For those who aren’t sure what to expect in their first year of living away from home.
TO be aware B4 ofHOW your safety
Learn what to watch for when walking at night and what to do if there is an emergency on campus.
HOW TO decorate B5 your room
Living in a dorm room shouldn’t feel like a prison cell. Find out how to make it more like home.
HOW TO figure out B6 your campus route Buses might be the most convenient way to get around, but they can be intimidating, too.
TO not look B7 HOW like a geek
Yes, there are ways to spot a freshman. Don’t make the mistake of trying out these trends.
turn the page f o r m o re g o o d s t u f f. . . .
Breaking news, live sports and more. Register at
Continued from B1
The essential dorm checklist
By Rebekah Maple Daily Kent Stater
There are ways to save money when buying the essentials for a dorm room. One way is to buy only what you need. Luxury items can wait. Another way to save money is to watch for sales. Target’s Web site offers many back-to-school items that will come in handy for new members of dorm life. It even has a special “Back to College” section with good deals and trendy items, including a college survival kit that’s “packed with emergency essentials for freshmen to seniors.”
Bed and bath items:
n Extra long twin-bed sheets (36”x 80”) n Blankets n Pillows/pillowcases n Mattress pad n Towels and washcloths n Shower shoes n Shower caddy n Soap n Hair products (shampoo, conditioner, gel, hairspray, curling iron, etc.) n Toothbrush and toothpaste n Prescription and over-thecounter medications n Other personal toiletries: ie: nail clippers, tweezers, hairbrush, feminine products, deodorant, toilet paper, razor, shaving cream, etc.
Surviving chores on your own Tips for students who may be new to doing laundry, washing dishes Isabelle Jones
Daily Kent Stater
Personal items: n Address
book n Backpack/messenger bag (make sure it’s sturdy and padded if carrying a laptop) n Calculator n School supplies (notebooks, binders, pens, pencils, highlighters, stapler, tape, etc.) n Envelopes and stamps n Names, addresses, phone numbers, policy numbers of medical, credit cards and/or auto insurance companies n Clothing n Umbrella n Shoe hanger n Sewing kit
Cooking & cleaning: Non-perishable food items (Easy Mac and ramen noodles are always popular) n Can opener n Cookware, utensils, cups, plates, napkins n Food storage containers n Iron/small ironing board n Broom/vacuum cleaner n
How do you do laundry? For those of you who have never done laundry until setting foot on campus, this step-by-step guide will help.
Campus laundry services According to the Department of Residence Services Web site, all residence halls have laundry rooms with machines that use smart-card technology to pay for the washing. Students receive these cards when they move into the dorms. Money can be added to the cards at the residence hall’s area desk laundry card stations. It costs $2.50 to wash clothes and drying is free. Money on the card won’t expire.
Supplies n Laundry detergent (If you have sensitive skin or dislike fragrances, make sure to buy a detergent that is right for you.) n Stain remover n Fabric softener n Laundry basket
Electronics and hardware: n Alarm
n Batteries
n Cell phone and laptop chargers n Coaxial
cable Computer/laptop/printer/ MP3 player n Computer paper and ink refills n Camera n DVD player n Ethernet cords (RJ45 cable) n Fan n Flashlight n Headphones n Non-halogen study lamp n Stereo n Surge protector/power strips n TV (talk to your roommate to avoid bringing duplicates) n
Miscellaneous room items:
n 3M hooks (won’t damage walls when removed) n Pictures/picture frames n Bicycle n Bike lock n First-aid kit n Hangers n Sticky Tack n Stacking shelves/storage containers n Small tool kit n Small fan n Sports equipment (Frisbee, football, basketball, etc.)
Sort your clothes by color: lights, darks and whites. This is especially important if you plan on washing your clothes in hot water. If you wash them in cold, sorting is not as necessary. You should also sort your underwear into a separate pile from the other clothes and wash them in hot water to get them clean and germ-free.
Contact news correspondent Rebekah Maple at rmaple1@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Treating stains You can pre-treat stains before washing the clothes with stain remover. Directions for stain removers vary, so check the labels.
Get the washer going Determine if your load of laundry is large, small or
n Did you know that in 1910, one of the first electric washing machines was patented? Invented by Alva John Fisher, it was called the “Thor” and was produced by the Hurley Machine Company of Chicago.
somewhere in between. This will be simple to determine after a few trips to the laundry room. Campus washers have a 20-pound capacity. Start the washing machine by first selecting the appropriate setting and temperature. Hot water can shrink clothing and cause colors to bleed. Keep this in mind when selecting the temperature of the water. Add the detergent according to the directions on the box or jug. Let the soap mix with the water before adding clothes.
Check the tags Before you put clothes into the washer, check the tags to make sure they can be machinewashed. Some are dry-clean or hand-wash only. (People often hand-wash bras or other undergarments because they are delicate and the rough wash cycle in the machine can damage the fabric). Some cannot be washed in hot water, which is why cold water is often the safer choice.
Adding the clothes Place the clothes in the washer evenly. Do not lump them all to one side, as they may block the flow of water. Now, let them get clean!
Drying the clothes When the clothes are finished being washed, it’s time to decide if you want to dry them in the dryer or hang them to dry. Drying clothes can make them shrink, and it can be too rough for more delicate clothes, like those with lace or fine details. Once again, check the tags of the clothes, as some can’t be machine-dried. You may want to add a dryer sheet with the load as well. Once they are dry, fold them or hang them on hangers.
How do you do the dishes?
Doing the dishes in a residence hall is different from your home kitchen, considering you might be doing them in your bathroom sink.
Supplies n dish
n sponges/scrubbing n towels
n drying
Doing the dishes is much less complicated than doing the laundry. Simply scrape the crustedon food from the dishes into the trash can, not the bathroom sink, as that can be easily clogged. “Be considerate when you wash your dishes,” former dormdweller and junior hospitality management major Leah Robinson said. “If you don’t want to pick nasty food out of the sink, don’t leave it for others.” Make sure you use hot, soapy water. After you thoroughly wash your dishes with your sponge or rag and rinse the soapy water off, dry them or put them in a drying rack. You may want to get a tub to carry your wet dishes back to your dorm room and then dry them there. If your dorm does have a utility sink for dishwashing, you can fill that with hot, soapy water, but just remember that others need to use it, too. Don’t hog the sink. You may want to use some of your meal plan money to buy disposable plates and silverware to avoid doing dishes as often. Contact KentNewsNet.com editor Isabelle Jones at ijones2@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Sharpen your safety awareness by following tips, staying alert Take caution with actions Jessica Milcetich
McClatchy-Tribune It’s your first semester at college, and chances are it’s the first time you’ve been away from home for an extended period of time. You want to hang out with friends, go to parties and explore the new world of opportunities that is available to you. But there are safety risks that go along with being on your own. To help protect yourself, we talked to experts from campuses all over the country to find out what you can do to avoid some of the dangers associated with many common college situations. Our guide gives you tips and advice you can use to stay safe and still have a good time.
Night safety Whether you’re walking back from a late-night study session or coming home from a hard night of partying, campus can be a completely different place when the sun sets. Students can decrease their chances of being victims of crime at night by following these tips. n Get to know your campus and the services available, says Jon Ahola, the director of public safety at Michigan Technological Institute, in Houghton. Most schools have some form of a shuttle service or an escort service that operates at night to get students home safely. n Know where the emergency phones are and keep your cell
phone in your hand in case you need to use it quickly, Ahola says. n Keep your keys in your hand so you don’t waste time digging in your purse or pockets to find them. They also can make a good weapon if necessary, Ahola says. n Travel in groups when you can, says Steven Healy, the president of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and director of public safety at Princeton University, in New Jersey. “There’s safety in numbers.” n Pay attention to areas that could be safe havens. Look for areas or buildings with lots of people if you need to duck in somewhere quickly, says Jerry Matthews, the director of public safety and emergency management for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, N.Y.
At a party It’s a common college experience — students are going to go out, drink and have a good time. If you’re a freshman new to the party scene, follow this advice to keep safe when you’re out and about. n Go out in groups, especially if you’re a female, Healy says. Go to the party and make sure you leave the party with all the members of your group. n Watch out for your friends at the party. If it looks like they’ve had too much to drink, make sure they don’t accept any other drinks people may offer them, Healy says. n Make sure you know where your drink came from, Healy says.
Don’t drink it if you didn’t pour it yourself. n Have a game plan before you leave, Matthews says. Set a fixed number of drinks (whether it be zero or three) for yourself and stick to it. Before you leave for the party, plan what you will say if you are offered more drinks than you want.
Campus Emergency After the tragedy at Virginia Tech, many schools are re-evaluating their emergency response plans. Should there be an emergency situation on your campus, here are some rules to follow: n First, make sure campus authorities can notify you of any potential problems, Healy says. Many c a m p u s e s a re implementing programs that s e nd ale rts via e-mail and text messages. If your campus offers the service, sign up. n H a v e e m e rgency numbers programmed into your cell phone, including campus security, Healy says. n If you’re in a building with a shooter, lock and/or barricade the door and call 911, Ahola says. n If you’re in an open space and have to run from a shooter, stagger your directions, he adds. You’ll be harder to hit than something moving in a straight line. n Follow the advice your school is giving, Healy says. They may need you to stay in your dorm room, or they may need to evacuate the
entire building.
Theft protection With our cell phones, iPods and BlackBerrys, we’ve become a society that’s in love with our handheld devices. They’re small, portable and carry all the information we need. But their size makes them easy targets for theft. On a campus with tons of new people, leaving your backpack on your seat while you make a bathroom run could be a costly mistake. The pros offer some suggestions on how reduce your chances of being a victim of theft. n Keep your dorm room door locked at all times, Ahola says. No matter how long you’re going to be gone — even if you are just going to the bathroom — shut and lock the door. Don’t leave your property unattended in libraries or lecture halls either. Thieves are opportunists; if they see something sitting unprotected, they will be more likely to snatch it, Matthews says. n Secure your laptop with a lock and inscribe an identification number on your other small devices, Ahola says. These ID numbers make items hard to re-sell, Healy says. n For expensive items, there are tags, such as the STOP ID tracking tag by Secure It ($25, www. secure-it.com). These are difficult to remove from the items, Healy says, but if the tag is taken off, it leaves an unnoticeable identification that can be tracked if the item is stolen.
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Don’t let test anxiety affect your studying Lack of preparation a big factor in stress Rebekah Maple
Daily Kent Stater Whether they’re midterms or final exams, testing in college is inevitable, and worrying too much can cause unnecessary angst. There are ways to overcome test anxiety, and the services at Kent State are available to help. Accord i ng to t he A n x iety Disorders Association of America Web site, test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety students may get due to fear of failure, lack of preparation or poor test history. Students have the option of going to either the DeWeese Health Center or Kent State’s Psychological Clinic in White Hall to receive free treatment. E l i s s a L a mp e, a s si st a nt di rector of t he Psyc holog ical Clinic, said their services include treatment for test anxiety, and students often come in. The clinic also sees community members. She said the clinic differs from the health center because patients are seen by graduate students and supervised by licensed psychologists. At the health center, patients see a psychologist directly. Sen ior psycholog y major Sarah Willis said she has experienced test anxiety throughout her college experience, but added that the symptoms were worse when she was a fresh-
man. “I always experience a little anxiety, but it’s worse when I’m taking a big test, like a final,” she said. “It’s gotten better over the years.” Symptoms of test anxiety can include headache, nausea, d i a r rhe a, exce s sive s we ating, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and light-headedness, according to the ADAA. People may also feel angry, fearful or helpless and have difficulty concentrating. Willis said she experiences the typical butterflies and nervousness before a test. Sometimes she forgets the material when testing time approaches, but she starts to remember ever y t h i ng aga i n a f ter she relaxes. ADAA advises people to be prepared, develop good test-taking skills, maintain a positive attitude, stay focused, practice relaxation techniques and stay healthy. These tips can help a student overcome their anxiety and lead them to a better grade. Wi l l is said she prepares for a test as much as she can. She advises freshmen to study a l it t le eac h day t he we ek before the test and to never cram everything in the night before. “Try not to think about it too much,” Willis said, “and remember, it’s just a test.” Contact news correspondent Rebekah Maple at rmaple1@kent.edu.
Make your new room feel a little more like home
dorm filled with stackable wooden furniture and little amenities can feel like a jail cell, but it doesn’t have to look like one. Use some simple and cheap techniques while shopping at local stores to turn your room from a place to crash into a place you want to spend time.
Futons are a typical seating option for when friends stop by, but try adding color with dish or butterfly chairs like this one from Target.
Although overhead lighting is provided, sometimes it can be more relaxing to add some mood lighting or even some extra lighting to a desk. Instead of the common bending desk lights, keep your room stylish by picking up a few table lamps in differen colors, like this one from Target.
To keep organized and in touch with a busy roommate, having a dry erase board or a corkboard is a must. To save space, buy one that has both. This one from Kohl’s has a dry erase board, a corkboard and a chalkboard.
Sometimes, eating in Eastway or the Hub can get old. Take advantage of the food sold in on-campus grocery stores and make some quick, easy, microwavable meals that will remind you of home cooking. may remain, but will disappear on standing). Let stand 5 minutes; invert onto serving plate. Peel off plastic wrap; cool. Frost. Time is for 600 to 700 watt microwave ovens. — Cooks.com ENGLISH MUFFIN PIZZA
n Shredded mozzarella cheese n English Muffin
n Pizza sauce, pasta sauce or tomato sauce n Toppings of your choice
DIRECTIONS: Build like a pizza and microwave for 30-40 seconds — Melissa Dilley
See more recipes for ravioli casserole, cheesy tuna and noodles, English Muffin pizza and Mac and Cheese on KentNewsNet.com.
$24.99 Student Lounge Scatter Memo Board, available in more styles at Kohls.com.
Everyone needs a clock, so why not turn it into a work of art? Dorm walls can be plain because they’re all the same color. Add some life with bright-colored accessories like this square wall clock. $14.99 Student Lounge square wall clock, available at Kohls.com.
$16.99, available in various colors from Target.com.
Cook your meal in minutes
MICROWAVE CHOCOLATE CAKE n 1/4 c. Hershey’s Cocoa n 2/3 c. hot water, divided n 3/4 c. plus 2 tbsp. all purpose flour n 1 c. sugar n 1/2 tsp. baking soda n 1/4 tsp. baking powder n 1/4 tsp. salt n 1/4 c. plus 2 tbsp. vegetable oil n 1 egg n 2 tsp. vanilla extract DIRECTIONS: Grease round micro-proof baking dish, 7 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches or 8 x 1 1/2 inches; line bottom with plastic wrap. In small micro-proof bowl combine cocoa and 1/3 cup water. Microwave on high (full power) 40 to 50 seconds or until slightly thickened. In medium bowl combine flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add oil, remaining 1/3 cup hot water, egg, vanilla and chocolate mixture; beat until batter is smooth and well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. Microwave on high 5 to 6 minutes without turning until cake begins to pull away from sides (some moist spots
$15 Sterelite 3-drawer, available in various colors from Walmart.com.
It’s OK to admit that leaving home without a nightlight was difficult. Christmas light strands aren’t permitted in dorms, so to add some light and style, indoor string lights with only 10 lights meet residence services requirements. $9.99 Student Lounge circle indoor string lights, available at Kohls.com
$29.99 available in various colors from Target.com.
What you will need: A mini-fridge and a microwave
Finding creative ways to save space is key in maintaining a tidy and comfortable dorm room. Use different size boxes for storage or a cart, like this one from Wal-Mart.
Instead of using closet space to hang up coats, bath robes and towels, get an over the door hanging rack. These can also be used inside wardrobes to hang tomorrow’s outfit, hats, ties, belts and jewelry.
$8.49 Student Lounge Overthe-Door hanging rack, available at Kohls.com.
n In the 1913 catalog, students had private study rooms separate from their bedrooms. Women, who were the only students permitted to live on campus, paid $1.25 per week to share a room that came furnished with a bed and a desk. Estimated expenses for a 12-week quarter were around $60.
n Buy a yard of fabric to drape over dressers, desks and wardrobes n Add fun and unique pillows to a futon to make it have a realcouch feel n Use an area rug to make up for having no carpet, or mix and match small rugs for a more unique arrangement.
Compiled by news editor Melissa Dilley
Keep an open mind with your roommate Communication can solve most situations Allyson Eighmey
Daily Kent Stater Room mate hor ror stor ies can be heard all through campu s. T her e’s t he ro om m ate who never showers and leaves trash lying around for weeks. There’s the party animal that stumbles into bed just as you’re getting up for class. Conflicts with roommates can arise for all sorts of reasons, turning freshman year into one you’d like to forget. Li nd s ey Jone s, s en ior fashion merchandising major, can speak from experience. As a freshman, Jones moved from Texas to attend Kent State. She met her roommate on movein day after exchanging a few shor t e-ma i ls. Im mediately, Jones could tell her roommate was completely opposite from her. A f ter s evera l con f l ic t s about noise and personal space, Jones requested a room change and ended up in a single room in a dorm across campus. A lt houg h she wa s muc h happier after the move, Jones
said she regrets not communicating better with her roommate beforehand. The situation became more awkward than it needed to be, she added. “I would t r y to make the best of it,” Jones said, regarding students becoming acquainted with new roommates. “But if it’s just really not working out, move into a dorm where you’ve made friends already.” In Jones’ case, her fears about a roommate came true. But on the other hand, a roommate can become a life-long best friend and someone you can’t imagine living without. Luckily, a lot is being done on campus to help roommates get along and prevent conflicts. During the Weekend of Welcome and a few weeks following, Residence Services holds events for roommates to get to know each other. The resident assistant staff also engages in a two-week training process that focuses on helping them develop mediation skills and prepares them to handle roommate conflicts. To prevent conflict before it arises, students are asked to sign a roommate agreement at the first floor meeting of the semester. Before signing, stu-
dents should carefully discuss issues that might cause conflict, like bedtimes and study habits. “Residents are encouraged to use the roommate agreement process to open up the lines of roommate communication and address potential areas of conflict before any actual conflict arises, “ said Daniel Shonk, a s sig n me nt a nd m a rk e t i ng coordinator for Residence Services. Students are also encouraged to keep a n open m i nd before they decide to move out. Shon k sa id he recom mends roommates to speak with each ot her about a problem, a nd then contact a resident assistant or resident hall director if needed. Although it might seem like a “no-win” situation at first, there can be a lot to gain from work i ng t h roug h problem s with a tough roommate, Shonk said. Students can learn about themselves, others and their own interpersonal skills with a new roommate situation, he added. “While it may create a somewhat uncomfortable situation at first, the majority of the residents that I have worked with
… who stuck with the process fared better than those who at tempted a room c h a nge,” Shonk said. If conflict does arise with no resolution in sight, students can submit a room change request after the room-freeze period. The room change process has a few steps: n Wait until the room-freeze period is over. Room changes begi n t he t h ird week of t he semester and can be submitted until two weeks prior to the semester’s end. n Subm it a ro om c h a nge request to Residence Services. All room changes must receive prior approval by Residence Services staff. n Contact the Residence Services accounting office to determine any changes in cost. Students can request a room buyout if they would prefer to live alone, but it may cost more. The room change policy can be found online at http://www. res.kent.edu/NewRes.
Contact news correspondent Allyson Eighmey at aeighmey @ kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Make public transporation “PARTA” your daily schedule Campus bus service alternative to walking Rebekah Maple
Daily Kent Stater It’s 8:45 a.m., and your first college class starts in 15 minutes. You still need to pack your bag and put your shoes on before you run out the door and embark on the 12-minute hike to class. You know you don’t have enough time, but can’t bear the thought of being late to your first class as a college freshman. As you’re leaving your room, you see a square, glass bus stop with a few people waiting near it. You contemplate joining them, but you’ve never taken the bus. What should you do? Where will it take you? The bus isn’t a hijacker on wheels waiting to capture students into the unknown. It’s there to serve you and get you where you need to be on time. Knowing the basics about the bus routes
“(PARTA is) a quicker way to get around, especially in the cold and the rain.” JOSEPH YENSEL PARTA OPERATIONS MANAGER
may save you from entering into a situation like the above one. PARTA Operations Manager Joseph Yensel said the company does close to one million trips for students each year. The best part is students ride for free with their student ID. “It’s a quicker way to get around, especially in the cold and the rain,” he said. “I think we put together a pretty useful service (and) it’s a good thing that freshmen know how to use the bus service.” Yensel said Campus Loop, Allerton and Summit East are the three core routes running on
campus. Each of the buses runs approximately every six to 12 minutes from 6 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. depending on the route. “If you get on it,” Yensel said, “it’s not going to take you somewhere you don’t expect. Within 20 minutes you’ll be back to where you started.” There’s also the Downtowner that transports students around Kent Thursday and Friday nights from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. The bus is useful for more than taking students from one point to another. PARTA also offers job opportunities. Yensel said PARTA employs 60 students from Kent State. To qualify, students must have had their driver’s license for two or more years and have no more than two points on it. Then, they will get paid to train for four to six weeks before starting the job soon after. Contact news correspondent Rebekah Maple at rmaple1@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
A PARTA bus drives on Summit Street last year. The bus routes will add several new stops in the fall including, Campus Pointe and Pebblebrook Apartments.
Students advise others on fashion trends to avoid High school styles can be college faux pas Kristyn Soltis
Daily Kent Stater In 1955, all freshmen were expected to wear dinks, small blue and gold skullcaps. They were also expected to carry the K-book, a book of rules, organizations, services, traditions and campus maps, with them at all times. Freshmen had to present the K-book upon request of anyone of higher-class rank, and for those freshmen under the age of 21, they were expected to “dink” upon request. This meant freshmen were to grasp their dinks by the top button and dip under it. Dinking was limited to campus; however, freshmen had to wear their dinks in town as well. The only time freshmen were permitted to remove their dinks was Saturday after 6 p.m. This tradition of hazing con-
FlashCards a useful tool on and off campus A meal plan isn’t the only thing FlashCards can be used for. The small card not only buys your dinner at places like Rosie’s or the Hub, but it’s vital on many other parts of campus. For example, to use an on-campus printing station, students must have FlashCash to print the pages, which cost seven cents each. FlashCash is also accepted at many off-campus shops and res-
The Hub
tinued until 1968. In the 1965 University Handbook, there was an article entitled “Campus Dress Casual, but Neat.” This article let students know what was acceptable fashion to wear to specific events. For sporting events, concerts, homecoming and campus day events, men were expected to wear white dress shirts, sports jackets and ties while ladies wore wool dresses and almost always had to wear heels. Today, some students believe girls shouldn’t be dressed up for such casual events as football games or simply heading to class. Below, Kent State students weigh in on other fashion faux pas students commit in college. Flip-flops in winter: “I think it’s pretty unrealistic for students to wear (flip-flops) in the winter, not to mention unsafe,” said Samantha Staniec, junior fashion merchandising major. “A lot of times I just don’t think students realize how cold our winters are.” Instead, students should opt for a nice pair of winter boots or sneakers, something that covers the whole foot.
taurants in Kent and the surrounding areas. Students can put FlashCash on their FlashCards by visiting the FlashCard office in the Student Center or at http://www. kent.edu/flashcard. Parents can deposit money online as well if they have their student’s banner ID and password.
n Before FlashCards became the key to campus, fee cards were issued by the treasurer’s office. The card was used to check out library books and to get into social, athletic and cultural events.
Summit Street Café
Eastway Food Service
Ice Arena
High school T-shirts/jackets: “I hate seeing freshmen who come and still wear their high school letterman’s jackets,” said Mike Moore, senior business management major. “That may have made them cool in high school, but let’s be honest, if they were that good at their sport they would probably be at a better school playing that sport.” For shirts or sweatshirts with the school name on them, check out the campus bookstore or DuBois Bookstore for Kent apparel. Lanyards: “I don’t necessarily like them, but I guess I would find them to be convenient,” said Brittany Doyle, sophomore integrated health studies major. “I think for girls they should definitely just get the Vera Bradley phone holder wallet thing. It’s a little bit more fashionable.” A Vera Bradley zip ID case costs $10 on VeraBradley.com or in the University Bookstore.
1920-1929 1930-1939
1950-1959 1960-1969
Contact principal reporter Kristyn Soltis at
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Photos courtesy Kent State University Special Collections
On-campus locations to use FLASHcash All Dining Services locations All food court merchants n Bursar transactions n Campus Copy Connection n Campus vending machines n Copiers at the library and other locations n DeWeese Health Center n Eastway recreation
Ice Arena Michael Schwartz Center food bar n Jazzman’s library cart n Parking Services n Schwebel Garden Room n Signum Copy Studio n University Bookstore
OFF-campus locations to use FLASHcash Acme in Stow and Kent Burger King n Campus Book and Supply n China City in University Plaza n Citgo Gas on Water Street n CVS Pharmacy n Domino’s Pizza n DuBois Book Store n East of Chicago Pizza n Eldorado’s Pizza Pie n Europe Gyro n Flynn’s Tire & Auto Service n Giant Eagle in Stow n Guy’s Pizza n Hungry Howie’s Pizza n Jimmy John’s n Kent State Golf Course n Leander’s Barber Shop
Rosie’s Diner/Rations
Kent Markets I and II
Michael Schwartz Center Snack Shop
Prentice Hall
McDonald’s on S. Water St. Mike’s Place n Mr. Hero n Papa John’s n Pizza Hut n Pizza Pan n Pufferbelly Ltd. n Pulp Juice and Smoothie Bar n Rockne’s n RSVP in Stow n Save-A-Lot n Sheetz n Sorboro’s Italian Kitchen n Stark Campus Bookstore n Subway in Acme Plaza, Water Street and inside Wal-Mart n Sunoco n Susan’s Coffee & Tea n n
Your life on the
on’t fool yourself into thinking your first year of college is one big party. A good amount of dedication goes into being involved in student organizations, fraternities and sororities. And maintaining your social life can be hard if you don’t have the money to afford it, so you might even need to get a job. Every minute of your freshman year doesn’t have to be spent on campus. Downtown Kent offers a variety of eateries, entertainment venues, parks and recreational facilities to meet all your needs for a spur-of-the-moment getaway.
inside >
Phoenix Project Acorn Alley is about to open as downtown’s newest development.
C4 Going Greek
Greek life defines college in movies, but what is it really like? Find out all about the recruiting process.
Getting a job You’ll find tons of things to do in the orientation issue, but most of them cost money.
How to graduate in four years Knowing when it’s OK to drop a class or withdraw is a skill almost everyone must master.
Bar Guide Kent has an abundance of bars, some permit 18 & over. Many are also restaurants with a variety of offerings.
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New stores opening in Acorn Alley downtown Phoenix Project brings local shops, restaurants to Main St. Kristyn Soltis Daily Kent Stater Michelle Sahr, Kent resident and owner of My Little Red Wagon toy store, will be opening her newest shop, Off the Wagon, in downtown Kent’s Acorn Alley. “I’m a firm believer Kent is nice for specialty, locally owned shops,” Sahr said. “It’s not so strong right now, but it has potential.” That potential to create specialty and locally owned shops has become a reality with the construction of Ron Burbick’s Acorn Alley. Joining Sahr ’s new store will be boutiques, food and snack shops, a barbershop, a quilt shop and a dry cleaning service. Figleaf is a clothing and accessories specialty boutique targeted toward college girls, keeping their smaller budget in mind. Owner of Figleaf, Lynne Francisco, said she became involved in the Phoenix Project about a year and a half ago after Mary Gilbert, of the Main Street Kent program, connected her to Ron Burbick. “Since the boutique caters primarily to the needs of college girls, high school girls and young working professional women, the shop is a perfect fit for the Kent and Kent State communities,” Francisco said. Merchandise arrives weekly and sometimes daily, reflecting the current trends and keeping in mind the needs of college girls. “For example, many of the items found at Figleaf can be worn to class or out for the night at the bars, special events, and/or parties. Figleaf also offers a few key pieces for a more professional look; perfect for work, business classes or job interviews,” Francisco said. Figleaf Kent, which opened in April 2009, located at 138 E. Main St., is Francisco’s fourth store location. Another clothing boutique that will be found in Acorn Alley is Rehab Vintage, a boutique collaborating with Kent’s School of Fashion Design, offering exclusive collections of vintage cloth-
ing mixed with progressive style. Merchandise will be updated weekly in the store located at 154A E. Main St. The Main St. Snack Shoppe will be opening its first location at 154C E. Main St., sometime mid to late August. Heather Weber, store manager for Main St. Snack Shoppe, said she has been involved with every process of the store creation from picking out each flavor the store will carry to deciding which color tile to use. “I actually applied to be the store manager online and the Center for Entrepreneurship hired me to be the store manager. When I started this, all I had was the idea and the location and I had to come up with the rest of it,” Weber said. Main St. Snack Shoppe will carry high-quality, Ohio-made products such as Shearer’s Potato Chips, Waggoner ’s Chocolates, Metropolis Popcorn and Robert Rothschild Farm products. The snack shop will be open MondayThursday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday noon to 7 p.m. Michelle Sahr’s novelty store, Off the Wagon, will carry quirky novelty and gag gifts, as well as puzzles and games geared toward college kids and an adult audience. Off the Wagon, located at 152 E. Main St., is Sahr’s third store location. She has two My Little Red Wagon children’s toy store locations in Stow and Hudson. Sahr hopes to open the store Aug. 26th and will be open Monday through Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. to10 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. Despite the name, Katie Brooke Quilt Shop is not just a quilt shop. “It’s not just quilting, but there’s a lot that you can do with textile art using the fabrics, as well as accessorizing using the fabrics, purses, scarves, things like that,” said Marcy Moisio, owner of Katie Brooke Quilt Shop. Moisio’s quilt shop was the first retail store to take up residence in
The construction of the Phoenix Project in Downtown Kent continues to make headway as painters put finishing touches on the outside of the stores in Acorn Alley. Acorn Alley in January 2009. The quilt shop location at 144 E. Main St. will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and closed Sunday. Among other stores, there will also be some new restaurants downtown, such as Dancing Beta, a sushi and tempura restaurant, Earl’s Nest restaurant, Pita Pit and the Arctic Squirrel ice cream shop. “I’m very excited and can’t wait for the rest of the stores to come in because it will just be a very good, upscale area for Kent,” Moisio said. Contact principal reporter Kristyn Soltis at ksoltis1@kent.edu.
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A look back: Ron Burbick’s proactive approach, donations help revitalize city Ron Burbick was initially looking for a small project when he used $6.5 million of his own money to revitalize downtown Kent. The Phoenix Project started out with a three-year timeline and quickly turned into 14 short months. Burbick said the project goes back about 35 years — the amount of time he’s lived in Kent. “I’ve seen so many different commissions, groups put together to study downtown,” he said. “Basically, they end up doing a lot of talking and not doing anything. “What you ended up seeing down here were nothing but bars, tattoo parlors and nonprofits on the ground floor. People said ‘Well, why don’t people go downtown?’ Because there’s nothing to go for.” The whole Main Street concept is to get retail back on the ground floor so there is a reason for people to go downtown, Burbick said. The new alleyway is designed after a shopping area in London that Burbick used to travel to for work. Since the beginning of the project, Burbick said, local businesses already downtown have noticed an increase in business. He said
Ron Burbick and his Executive Assistant, Michelle Hartman stand in front of Acorn Alley. it’s very gratifying that other businesses are doing well. “I don’t measure what’s happened so far as the success of this,” Burbick said. “To me, success is if other people start doing more things
downtown. My whole objective here was to kind of act as a catalyst to get people started thinking about what they could do downtown.” Allison Smith
A guide to all things Greek What to know about fraternities, sororities Suzi Starheim
Daily Kent Stater Between moving away from home, meeting hundreds of strangers and beginning college courses, the last thing on many new college students’ minds is joining a fraternity or sorority. However, many students say they feel the process of “rushing” may just be the best thing they have ever done. Teniell Trolian, assistant director of the Center for Student Involvement, said the purpose of “rush” is for sororities and fraternities to recruit new members to their organizations. Each organization bases who they recruit upon different requirements. She said this is similar to how a corporate recruiter would go out and find the right fit for his or her specific company. Trolian said the 27 chapters on campus are divided into three governing councils: the Pan-Hellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council and the Black Greek Council.
Sororities The Pan-Hellenic Council governs six chapters, all of which are sororities. Sororities recruit every fall. This year, members will be chosen after a weekend of activities on Oct. 13. “The recruitment process is a mutual selection process done in rounds,” Trolian said. “It begins with an online registration, and then the new recruits visit the chapters and narrow
Greek terms 101: n Chapter- any one fraternity or sorority. n Rush- term used in the ’80s and ’90s meaning sorority and fraternity recruitment. n Greek Community- the 27 fraternities and sororities in Kent. n Pan-Hellenic Council organization governing six sororities.
Interfraternity Council organization governing 16 fraternities. n
Black Greek Council organization governing three fraternities and two sororities.
For more information visit: n
n www.dept.kent.edu/csi/GreekLife/ BlackGreekCouncil.html
down their choices.” To be eligible to join a sorority under the Panhellenic Council, a minimum 2.5 high school, college or transfer GPA is necessary. New recruits must also have completed leadership activities in the past and pay a $30 fee to go through the recruitment process. Megan Reed, a senior health care administration major, said she got involved with her sorority through recruitment during the fall of her freshman year. Today, Reed is vice president of recruitment for the Pan-Hellenic Council. “I didn’t know much at all about Greek life walking into recruiting,” Reed said. “I just really wanted to find a way to get involved and meet people.”
Fraternities The Interfraternity Council offers an interest form online for new recruits to learn more about
each fraternity. Recruits looking at this form can select all 16 fraternities they may be interested in. This interest form will then be sent to the Interfraternity vice president of recruitment who will forward the information from the recruits on to the chapters he shows interest in. The next step of the process is for the fraternity to get in touch with the recruits who show interest directly, and the fraternities will typically host their own recruitment activities with new recruits there. Trolian said although the recruitment process for the Interfraternity Council is significantly less structured than the Pan-Hellenic’s process, the organization still requires new recruits to have a 2.0 minimum GPA.
Black Greek Council Trolian said five chapters make up the Black Greek Council. Three are fraternities and two are sororities. “These chapters are historically African American,” Trolian said. “While they are not exclusive to only African American students, that is who these chapters are predominately made up of.” Trolian said the Black Greek Council doesn’t allow members to join until their sophomore year of college. “They want a student to have an opportunity to transition into college before becoming involved in a fraternity or sorority,” Trolian said. Once the age requirement is met, new recruits can fill out an online application demonstrating their interest to the council and listing their GPA, contributions to the community, a resume and an essay. The minimum GPA for this organ izat ion is a 2.0. Once all requirements are met, the chapters will then contact the recruits directly. Trolian said the chapters in the Black Greek Council are really interested in students who take an active part in community service.
Beyond recruitment Reed said recruitment was a huge benefit to her because it really allowed her to learn about each of the sororities individually. She said she also enjoyed being in the small groups of recruits throughout the process. “You get to meet people in your recruiting group as well as from each chapter,” Reed said. “Even when you do make your choice, you are still friends with many girls from the other chapters because you get a chance to meet everyone during the recruiting weekends.” Reed said she never felt overwhelmed by the extensive process, and it led to the most fun she has had while in college. “Along with the benefit of making friends, you also have the academic benefits, too,” Reed said. “It’s a stepping stone to get involved in other activities, and it leads to a lot of networking with Greek and non-Greek organizations.” Trolian said all 27 chapters will host a table fair this fall where each has their own table and members for new recruits to visit and talk with. The fair is Aug. 31 from noon to 2 p.m. in the Student Center. “I know there are stereotypes out there about Greek life because of television shows and things like that,” Reed said. “I hope freshmen walk into the process with an open mind and have fun.” Contact news correspondent Suzi Starheim at sstarhei@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
A member of Tau Kappa Epsilon pulls his friend around the track during Relay for Life last spring.
We’re more than we get credit for Samantha Laros It took six hours and 47 minutes to get here. We stopped once to get gas and Chicken McNuggets 10 miles past t he “Welcome to Oh io” sign. Four hours later, as my father shut the door to Allyn Hall and started down East way Drive with tears in his eyes, I realized the consequences of my decision to go to an out-of-state college. I couldn’t go home. I had to make friends. If I didn’t, I would become a college dropout statistic. For weeks, I cried each night when my dad called me. About a month into my freshman year, I made friends with a group of boys from Small Group (dorms) who called themselves “the horsemen.” I had one girl friend; we went to the same high school. S ophomor e yea r, a c h a l k drawing of a giant blue stiletto caught my interest on my way to College Writing II. I thought any girls with such pristine penmanship, who could create works of art with playground chalk on a cement block, were the kind of girls I wanted to be friends with. My decision to go Greek was the best one I made in college. Neatly scribed on another block of sidewalk read the motto, “From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it; from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.” Despite anonymous warnings, I would like to at least clear up the bad reputation of fraternities
and sororities here, on a campus where less than five percent of the students are actually involved in Greek life. We may seem like we are a larger percentage, but that’s only because we are everywhere. We are student ambassadors, resident assistants, First Year Experience instructors and members of the Army and Air Force ROTC. Some have said that we hide behind claims of philanthropy and pretend to care for our community, when in reality, all we do is party. The truth is, each fraternity and sorority on campus has an annual philanthropy event to raise money toward their respective causes. Last year, my sorority raised $10,351 to support the hearing and speech impaired. Divided by 100 girls, that comes to more than $100 per girl. A nd wh i le g u i lt y pa r t ies would love to attribute last year’s College Fest “riot” to a bunch of degenerate frat guys and sloppy sorority girls, the reality is almost all of the Greek community was at Relay for Life that night, camping out and raising money for cancer. My sisters are not only my best friends and future bride’s maids, they are the adhesive that held me firmly to the grounds of Kent State and the fortitude that kept me from hitchhiking six hours
Kent State University sorority girls chant before new members are announced on stage on Bid Night 2008.
2009 Sorority
Recruitment Schedule: n Information Nights Sept. 1, 7-9 p.m. Sept. 2, 6-8 p.m. n Orientation Nights Sept. 8, 7-9 p.m. Sept. 9, 7-9 p.m. n Recruitment Round 1 (Philanthropy Round) Sept. 10, 7-10:30 p.m. Sept. 11, 5-8:30 p.m. n Recruitment Round 2 (House Tour Round) Sept. 12, 2-7 p.m. n Recruitment Round 3 (Preference Round) Sept. 13, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. n Bid Night Sept. 13, 8-9 p.m. —Steve Opalko
and 47 minutes back to Amish country, Pennsylvania. Samantha Laros is a senior magazine journalism and news correspondent for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at slaros@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Catherine Otto won first place for Alpha Xi Delta in last year’s Greek Idol competition by singing “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”. Delta Gamma placed second and Delta Zeta placed third.
KentNewsNet.com Comment on this story at KentNewsNet.com and check out more 2009 orientation weekend resources.
Parks offer an escape from campus Explore nature a short walk away Allison Smith
Daily Kent Stater With the stress of classes and homework, students need a place to relax. Kent Parks and Recreation offers a variety of parks and activities to help students get their mind off of schoolwork and enjoy the simple things in life. The citywide parks are very accessible and within walking distance of Kent State.
Fred Fuller Park
Fred Fuller Park is located off Middlebury Road in Kent. It is the city’s largest park.
This park, off of Middlebury Road south of Haymaker Parkway, crosses and borders the Cuyahoga River and is Kent’s largest park with more than 56 acres of land. A nature trail connects to the John Brown Tannery Park and follows the river throughout the whole
park. There are six picnic areas and a shelter house that provide an indoor meeting place.
Al Lease Park The park, near Silver Meadows Drive north of Haymaker Parkway on the way to Stow, features extensive landscaping and a wooden walkway that leads through a wetlands area to a gazebo where observers can catch a glimpse of local wildlife. The park also contains a four-acre lake where guests can spend an afternoon fishing on the bank.
Franklin Mills Riveredge Park This park follows the Cuyahoga River from Brady’s Leap Park to Joh n Brow n Tan ner y Park. It is named after the origin a l s et t lement on t he r iver. Guests ca n explore t he river edge and its natural and historic features. There are pathways and decks, which make it
easier to view the waterfalls at the Main Street Dam.
John Brown Tannery Park This park is on the location where a former tannery, built in 1836, stood on the corner of River Street and Haymaker Parkway. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. At this park,
Upcoming Annual Events Art in the Park: Sept. 12 - 13 nHaunted Hayride: two-day event, end of October (Friday and Saturday) n Cartoon Hayride: one-day event, end of October n
nTurkey Trot Run: Thanksgiving morning
Santa’s Arrival: December in downtown Kent n
you can picnic, stroll, sit or fish.
Brady’s Leap Park
This park gets its name from Capt. Samuel Brady who is said to have jumped 21 feet across the river at this location to avoid a group of Indians in 1780. In the future, Kent Parks and Recreation plans to extend the trail north to the Crain Avenue Bridge from its location off of Gougler Avenue.
Plum Creek Park
Amenities at this park by the intersection of Cherry Street and Mogadore Road include a baseball diamond, three picnic shelters, fitness game court, playground and sand volleyball court. There are also several small islands where guests can fish. Contact reporter Allison Smith at asmith75@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
The four-year plan for graduation Religious leaders discuss fine line Staying on track to between faith and Thirsty Thursday finish studies on time Samantha Laros
Daily Kent Stater So you’re new to Kent State and plan on graduating in four years. If you have talked to any upperclassmen, you may have heard doing so is no easy task. Sure, most freshmen come to Kent State hoping to make their mark, learn a thing or two and get out four years later. However, according to the university’s Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Web site, few of them actually do. As an incoming student, how do you know whether it is best to stay in a class you might be failing in order to retain full-time status and attempt to stay on track, or withdraw from a course to protect your GPA? Benjamin Stenson, academic adviser for the College of Architecture and Environmental
Design, said he recommends each student only withdraw from courses that are not required for his or her major. “The only time a student should ever drop a course is to substitute one (Liberal Education Requirement course) for another,” Stenson said. If the class is required for a student’s major, he or she will have to take it. Therefore, they might as well stay enrolled and try to get the best grade possible. If the student is a freshman and ends up failing, he or she can retake the class, replace the grade and “basically stretch the course over two semesters,” Stenson added. This is especially true for freshmen. If the course is required, the student will need to retake it anyway. So, if the student continues with the class, even if he or she fails it, the student will be able to replace the grade without accumulating a “W” on his or her transcript, which represents a withdrawal. Stenson said one or two withdrawals is no big deal, but an
HELPFUL TIPS n Know your major and GPA (he said you would be surprised how many students come in not knowing this). n Have a photo ID available and know your Banner ID number. n Prepare specific questions for your adviser beforehand. n Sign up for courses as soon as scheduling is available (students who get the schedules they want are those who meet with an adviser, plan their course numbers and register as soon as possible). n Meet with an adviser at least once or twice per semester n Contact your adviser with any changes to your schedule, whether it is to add or drop a course. Source: Benjamin Stenson, academic adviser for the College of Architecture and Environmental Design
accumulation of “W’s” can play a role in the decisions of graduate schools and future employers. If a class is dropped before the deadline (within the first two weeks of classes), a “W” will not appear on the student’s transcript. Stenson said the best chance a student has to stay on track and graduate in four years is to “follow deadlines and be proactive.” According to the 2008-2009 Undergraduate Course Catalog, the process of dropping and withdrawing from classes was as follows: 1. Course adding is permitted through the second week of the semester through FlashFAST on a space-available basis. 2. Withdrawal from any or all courses is permitted through the 10th week of the semester, (or the pro-rated deadline for flexibly scheduled sections). After that time, students are considered to be committed to all remaining courses and must complete them. If students are unable to complete the semester because of extreme circumstances that first occur after the deadline, students should consult their college or dean’s office. 3. Any applicable refund (published on the Bursar’s website, http://www.kent.edu/bursar/) is determined by the date the transaction is processed on FlashFAST. Contact news correspondent Samantha Laros at slaros@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Find on-campus jobs through Web site CampusWorks helps student employment Steve Opalko
Daily Kent Stater College is supposed to be a fun, carefree time that will never be outdone as long as you live. It leaves alumni with stories about the experiences they had, the people they met and the things they accomplished. Unfort u nately, just about everything students do to get those memories costs money. It’s true: Money doesn’t grow on trees. And for many students, money isn’t coming from mom and dad either. Sometimes the only option left for students who want some extra spending money is to get a job. By visiting the university’s Career Services Center Web site, students can find a number of helpful services including internship and job fairs, on-campus st udent employment, career counseling and
assistance with resume writing and interviewing. Ami Hollis, associate director of Career Services, said the first step in finding campus employment is to come prepared. She encourages students to check out the Web site career.kent.edu. “Incoming freshmen should be prepared for the job search by creating a resume,” Hollis said. Students can search for job openings listed on CampusWorks and upload a resume for easy access to employers. When a position becomes available, the employer will set up an interview. If hired, a job offer will be sent via e-mail from CampusWorks. The entire process can take as little as three days. “I work as a supervisor in the intramurals department at the (Student Recreation and Wellness Center),” said Stephanie Smith, a senior exercise physiology and human movement studies major. “I went through the application process and then was interviewed. The interview was pretty laid back, and everyone was very nice and made me
feel comfortable. I’ve been working at the Rec since 2006, and I have loved every minute of it.” T he employe e a nd t he employer will agree on a start and end date of employment and work out a weekly schedule together. Just because there is a stated “end date” doesn’t mean the employee is automatically fired after that date. “Students are temporary-atwill employees,” Hollis said. “They should not expect to be hired after their end date, but if it’s mutually beneficial, their supervisor will typically keep them on.” According to the Career Service Center’s Web site, there is not a minimum number of hou rs st udent s mu st work. However, st udent s’ we ek ly hours are limited to 32, making anywhere from $7.30 to $13.30 an hour. Contact news correspondent Steve Opalko at sopalko@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
© 2009 MCT
College life distracts some from beliefs Ben Wolford
Daily Kent Stater The Rev. Chris Luoni said students have come to him at rock bottom, looking for direction. “Two questions I always ask them: Have you been attending church? No, is usually the answer,” said Luoni, pastor at the Newman Center University Parish. “Have you prayed? No.” He said they’re students who went to church. They’re from religious families. Their faith was their parents’ faith. “But they got on their own, got caught in the wrong things, and it was a choice they made,” he said. Despite what Luoni and other religious leaders at Kent State are saying, a 2007 University of Texas study found that students in college didn’t lose religion as much as peers not in college. But are the Catholics at Kent State, who make up 40 percent
of the student body, going to the Newman Center? “Oh, God, no,” Luoni said. “It’s easy to check a box and say you’re Catholic or Presbyterian or Jewish or Islamic. It’s easy to say you’re a Catholic or a Christian. It’s a much different thing to live that.” The Jehovah’s Witnesses have a different perspective. There are only about 7 million of them in the world. A much smaller number come to Kent State. At the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses near campus on Summit Street, Matthew Dowd, an overseer at the Kingdom Hall, said a couple types of students show up for service. “One, you have students who are already Witnesses,” he said. “Then you have those that are taking classes on religions, and they’re encouraged to go learn about the different religions.” Dowd said they try to make it easy for students of any religious background to attend. They can bring whatever Bible they’re comfortable with. “There are a lot of distractions for college students as they go
through,” Dowd said. The Rev. Aaron Meadows, pastor of Kent Presbyterian on Summit Street, has some ideas for keeping the distractions from interfering with faith: Bring faith to the distraction. The second Thursday of the month is Theology on Tap. They talk religion and philosophy over beer at Ray’s Place at 7 p.m. His idea is to make religion and the college experience jive, as they should, rather than the oil and water quality they seem to have. “It’s not unlikely for students of faith to face a professor whose goal is to deconstruct that faith, to tear it apart,” Meadows said. “When I’m working with students like that, it’s a matter of, not necessarily helping them to react against what the professor is suggesting, because in some ways it’s very good. “I personally see no conflict between faith and good thinking.” Contact forum editor Ben Wolford at bwolfor2@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
Photos by Rachel Kilroy | Daily Kent Stater
While there are only a few bars freshmen can get into at night, some of these downtown hot spots are great for grabbing lunch or dinner. As for the rest, consider them something to look forward to.
DOMINICKS Several pool tables take up most of the space in Dom’s and the patrons are usually the older college crowd and Kent residents. What to drink: beer, Cherry Bomb Perks: outdoor patio, free pool games on certain days Food: no
157 LOUNGE Candle-lit tables surrounded by ottoman seating set the scene at this new hangout. What to drink: martini, wine Fun fact: just opened this summer Perks: upscale bar Food: no
The Loft crowd varies from fashionistas to football fans, but the free peanuts keep them all coming back. What to drink: Grecian Urn, Incredible Hulk Perks: free peanuts and pretzels Food: no
Ray’s Place in downtown Kent opened in 1937 and offers its customers a large selection of food and wide variety of beverages until 2:30 a.m. BUFFALO WILD WINGS RAY’S PLACE
ZEPHYR PUB The artsy crowd is a mixture of the young and the young at heart. The establishment doubles in size when the patio is open, and is known for its laid back atmosphere. What to drink: pitchers on the patio Perks: outdoor patio, hosts bands, Taco Tonto’s pick-up window Food: no
MUGS BREW PUB & SPORTS GRILL Mugs is usually packed with an assortment of people, especially when there’s a DJ. What to drink: Green Tea shot, Red Rose shot Perks: outdoor patio, corn hole, live music Food: yes
THE VENICE CAFE Though its spacious and the walls are lined with booths, the young crowd usually huddles toward the front of the bar. Venice veterans usually settle near the pool tables and jukebox. What to drink: Flaming Apple Pie shot, Naughty School Girl, $1 cans of Keystone and Natural Light Perks: free chips, occasionally other free snacks Food: pizza
B-dubs, as it’s called, is one of the few places in Kent to see a game on a big screen and enjoy a beer at the same time. What to drink: selection of drafts Fun fact: Commonly called BW3’s because its original name was Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck. Perks: outdoor patio, big screen TV’s for sporting events, wing night Food: yes, full menu
Everybody loves Ray’s — literally. The crowd is usually a blend of students, alumni and residents. On busy nights, a line forms outside the door around 2 a.m. as everyone tries to avoid closing time for another half hour. What to drink: large beer selection, Amaretto Sour, Long Island Iced Tea Fun fact: opened in 1937 and has been open the longest of all bars in Kent. Perks: birthday wheel, open until 2:30 a.m., happy hour. Food: yes, full menu
WATER STREET TAVERN The newly expanded tavern gives patrons more room to mingle and drink. The crowd varies, but usually includes Greeks and athletes. What to drink: Mongolian Motherf&^#@!, fish bowls Fun fact: also known as Glory Days Perks: outdoor patio, happy hour Food: Cajun Daves, 4 p.m. - midnight
As one of the few downtown destinations that is open to 18-20 year olds, the Brewhouse often entertains younger students. What to drink: 75 cent mugs and $3 pitchers of Keystone Light, Bubble Gum shot Perks: hosts karaoke, 18+ Food: no
The layout allows patrons to watch bands perform or sit and listen from afar. What to drink: Long Island Iced Teas, beer Perks: hosts bands, outdoor patio, 18+ Food: yes
The pub is intimate and inviting. Most patrons are already acquainted, which makes it seem more like hanging out at a friend’s house than a bar. What to drink: Large selection of unique beers Perks: wireless Internet, board games, open mic on Tuesdays, hosts bands Food: Zou’s Grill, 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. Closed on Sundays
Satisfy the weekend athlete in
Between classes, homework, group meetings, eating and sleeping, among other necessary and tedious weekday activities, finding the time to get out and have fun can be hard to come by. Luckily, Kent State has eight sports teams competing at the highest levels this fall. Unwind and relax with your friends as you watch the Flashes every week. Staying in shape can also be challenging with a busy schedule and the typical diet of a college student. The Student Recreation and Wellness Center offers more than just basketball courts and dumbbells for you to let out all of your pent-up energy. And, our diet tips can help you avoid the dreaded “freshman 15.”
inside >
FOOTBALL Golden Flashes look to improve, sports columnist Josh Johnston outlines fall athletics.
Golf teams look to repeat as conference champions, cross country returns experienced runners.
Women attempt return trip to NCAA Tournament, soccer brings new recruits.
Diet tips, rec center classes, volleyball season preview.
Student Recreation and Wellness Center, intramurals, club sports, open leagues.
Breaking news, live sports and more. Register at PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY RACHEL KILROY | DAILY KENT STATER
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Sunrise Townhomes. Adjacent to campus. kingapartments.com 330677-3181 Two bedroom apartment. $325 + electric per bedroom starting in August. Good location. (330) 6769440 Oakhaven Condo 2 bedroom 1.5 BA $725 plus deposit. Heat & water paid. No pets. Off street parking. Shown by appointment. (800) 341-4002 pin 368. 5 bedroom house. 2 bath. Washer/ dryer. $275/bedroom/month. 2 bedroom house. Washer/dryer hookup. $550/month. Close to KSU. Call 330-554-8353 for an appointment. Special: 2 bdrm townhomes $595 + utils or 5 bdrm university townhomes $225/person. www.JLCASTO.com 330-688-7040 1 MONTH FREE 2 BEDROOM Kent-1, 2 & 3 BR. air, appl., carpet. Heat paid. No pets. $500, $590 & $750. Short term 2 BR $640. 330-677-5577 University Townhomes: 4-5 bedrooms. Available August. $199/ month, Air Conditioning, Washer/ Dryer, clean. On bus route. 330-7600451 Still Avail. Whitehall East Townhome: Ask about move in specials and renovations 5 bdrm/3 ba all appl incl., central A/C. $3300/yr/renter + util. 330-990-4019 www.whitehalleast. com UNIVERSITY TOWNHOMES for rent. 5 bd 2.5 ba, AC, W/D, starts $260/ mo. Call 440-241-2254 GRADUATE STUDENTS looking for roommates. $225/month per room. Spacious shared living spaces. On bus route. 330-612-0767. Serious students. Rooms for sum/ fall/spr. Share liv/kit/bath. Internet and util. includ. Quiet home on best rt. in Kent. Nonsmoking. 330-6781717. Call between 8am-7pm. Nice 2 bedroom apartments. 1/2 block from KSU. $625/$650/mo.+gas & elec. No pets. 330-688-1187 Apartment for rent - Half house with 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and bathroom. $690/mo + utilities. 1 year lease. No pets. 330-673-8505 Kent/Brimfield - Newer huge 4 bedroom 2 bath, all appliances, W/D, A/C, garage, patio. $1000/mo. Call 330-571-2064 On Lincoln-serious students Four bedroom, Two bath house, $1400/ month, first/last.. , + utilities, (330) 204-0283, stevebower12@ roadrunner.com Kent - 2 bdrm apartment available 09/01 in residential neighborhood. $585 + utils. W/D, non-smoking, no pets 330-678-3790 2 bdrm duplex. $675. FREE utilities. 1.3 miles to campus. 330-474-9080
2 bedrooms left in 5 bedroom house. Directly across from KSU! Utils. included. $425/mo. each. 330630-1468. University Townhome - 5 bedrooms available now! On Summit Street, on busline. Washer/Dryer, Air Conditioner, $260/room. 330-5547844 or 330-626-4694. Room, share student house with porch and yard, cable. $250/month. 330-606-6016 West Side Apartments PMHA is now taking applications 2 bedroom apartments on Spaulding Drive in Kent, rent is $560 per month. Security deposit is only $99.00! Laundry Facility on the premises, air conditioned units and appliances. Heat, water and trash are included. Tenant responsible for electric. Students and Section 8 accepted. Contact Amy at 330-297-1489 ext 241 Virginia Avenue Duplex PMHA is now taking applications for a 2 bedroom duplex in Kent for $567.00 per month. Security deposit only $99.00! Water, sewer and trash included. Tenant responsible for gas & electric. Students and Section 8 accepted. Contact Amy at 330-2971489 ext 241. 4 bedroom house near campus, on bus line, 3 rooms at $300, 1 room at $350. Utilities included. 330-6341708 All real estate advertised herin is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” State and local laws forbid discrimination based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you feel you have been wrongfully denied housing or discriminated against, call the FHAA at 330-253-2450 for more information. Two bedroom apartment, Mostly Furnished Washer/Dryer $650/ month. Includes utilities, 1 mile to campus. Small pets ok.1(330) 6253403 Move in now - 4 bedroom, Summit St location. $325/room ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 330-678-3047. BuckeyeParksMgmt.com Move in now-3 &4 bedroom townhomes, large bedrooms, hardwood floors, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED $325/room 330-678-3047. BuckeyeParksMgmt.com Kent 3 bedroom, 1 bath. 2 levels. New carpet. Paid water w/ appliances. $750 a month. 330-815-2869. Move in now! Single rooms: $295 per room, includes all utilities. 330678-3047. BuckeyeParksMgmt.com RECEIVE A $100.00 VISA GIFT CARD TO DECORATE YOUR NEW APARTMENT! When you move into your new apartment at Holly Park. Stop by our leasing office for details 330-678-0823. But hurry, limited time offer. Room available in house, 1 block from campus, $320/month + shared utilities. Security deposit. free washer and dryer. Call Kyle 330-328-1084. 2 Bedroom across from University Inn. $750/month INCLUDES UTILITIES. Available Immediately. 1 year lease-serious students only. Call evenings, Maxine 330-677-8574 For students wanting quiet surroundings, 2 and 4 bedroom apartments for fall. Close to town and campus, remodeling completed, $295/month/person. Lease references, deposit. 330-297-7117 Females seeking roommate to share 5-bedroom townhome for the 09-10 schoolyear. $250/month + 1/5th of utilities. 440-336-6761. AFFORDABLE & SPACIOUS TOWNHOME LIVING, 4 or 5 bdrm, private patio and balcony, all appliances included. Newly renovated, energy efficient, better than ne`w! Perfect Location - on campus by KSU Rec Center. Rent from $275/mo. per room. FLEX PAY - Rent by room or unit + inquire rent to include FREE utilities. Always 100% occupied - Only 1 unit left Call 330-431-1493 3 bedroom huge apartment w/ hardwood floors 19 windows utilities included but electric, on busline, coin laundry, basement storage. rtbrents. com or 513-312-0291 LUXURY 4 bdrm spacious townhome. Rent at affordable $350/ mo. per rm + utils. (plus lease option of $100/ mo. all utils allowance). Best value in Kent! Call 440-503-0976.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is an 8. Mercury, for intelligence and communication, has gone into Libra, for creativity and negotiations. This will be fun.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8. It’s a mess all day, but it ends well. Through a roundabout way you find the right person to help with a tough task.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is an 8. Just when you’ve almost given up, along comes another great idea. This often happens to you in desperate times.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 6. Mercury, your planet, has gone into Libra, one of your favorite signs. Follow the rules, and you’ll do fine.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 6. You can afford technical assistance now, so investigate your options. You can get what you need inexpensively.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 5. You do well under stress. It pushes you toward new ideas. One thing leads to another and -- voila! -- problem solved.
To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is an 8. There are hurdles to be cleared, but all ends well. Don’t sweat the little stuff. An idea from afar brings success.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is an 8. Amazingly, all turns out well. There are barriers but also a few lucky breaks, so it ends up a win for you.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is an 8. Your partner helps you find a deal you can’t refuse. There are stumbling blocks, but you can find a way around them.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 6. After searching far and near for a good investment, consider your own business. That looks like a pretty safe bet.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 6. Follow the rules to a better idea. It might be that you don’t want to play by those rules anymore.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 5. There’s just one thing after another, all day long. Amazingly, all ends well. Play by the rules.
By Linda Black
Today’s Birthday (08/26/09) Classes interfere with a new fascination. You’ll have to work out a schedule so you can do it all. No worries; you can do this, with a little help from your friends.
Rent Virginia Avenue Duplex PMHA is now taking applications for a 2 bedroom duplex in Kent for $567.00 per month. Security deposit only $99.00! Water, sewer and trash included. Tenant responsible for gas and electric. Students and section 8 accepted. Contact Amy at 330-297-1498 ext 241.
Kent 2 bedroom, 1 bath w/ appliances, carport, large basement. Near bus route, no pets, non-smoking. $500/ month + security deposit. 330-6206029 Two Bedroom Apartments Available. Historic District. Upstairs $450/month Downstairs $650/month. Contact Melissa 813-818-7065
One or two roommates needed to share condo. Located off Summit Street near Rec Center. Rent from $275/mo/rm. Call 330-431-1493.
Flashes strive for consistent 2009 season With Edelman gone, offense needs balance Nick Walton
Daily Kent Stater Things may not have gone as planned for the Kent State football team in 2008, but the Flashes look to build on a big year-ending win at the start of this season. In the final week of the 2008 regular season, the Kent State football team defeated Buffalo 24-21 to end their season at 4-8 overall and 3-5 in the Mid-American Conference. Buffalo (8-6, 5-3 MAC) went on to win the MAC Championship, but fell to Connecticut in the International Bowl. Kent State coach Doug Martin said his team reacted positively to the win. “I think what’s changed the mentality of our players was winning the Buffalo game at the end of last season,” Martin said. “(Buffalo) had already locked up the MAC East Championship when we went to play them, and we really challenged our team that if you can beat the MAC East Champions, then you can be the MAC East Champions.” Entering the 2009 season, the Flashes are looking to be more consistent on the field — a problem Martin said the team must fix. “If you look at what we’ve done over the last couple of years, at times, we’ve played as well as anybody, but it’s never been anything consistent,” Martin said. “Just like last year, we go down and (give) Miami the worst defeat they’ve ever had, (and) then we go the next week and lose to Bowling Green. That’s what our team has got to understand; you got to bring it every week. There’s got to be a level of consistency if you’re going to compete for a championship.” One player who has been a model of consistency throughout his collegiate career is senior running back Eugene Jarvis. But after being one of the nation’s leading rushers in 2007, Jarvis rushed for just 801 yards after missing three games due to an ankle injury in 2008. Jarvis said he is using his injury as motivation for this season. “I’ve been written off. A lot of people have forgotten about me and
things like that, but I just use that as motivation,” Jarvis said. “Last year was tough, watching my team battle against other opponents and me not being able to be out there to help them out.” Despite needing only 721 yards to become Kent State’s all-time leading rusher, Jarvis is focused on ending his career with a winning record. “Records are good, but if you’re not winning, it doesn’t really mean anything,” he said. “When you’re winning, it makes it feel that much greater, being that you’re doing something good and your team is doing well.” One of the consistent aspects of Kent State’s offensive attack for the last three years was the playmaking ability of quarterback Julian Edelman, who was signed by the New England Patriots in July. Last season, Edelman was the second leading rusher in the conference in his final season at Kent State. Martin said he is confident senior Anthony Magazu or sophomore Giorgio Morgan will take command of a more balanced offense at quarterback this season. “We were 10th in the nation in rushing last year, but we were last in the conference in passing, so that’s where it has to change,” Martin said. “We’ve got to have much more balance in our offense. “Obviously, we’re not going to get the rushing yards from our quarterback position that we had. We’ve got to do much more out of the passing game than what we did.” Martin said he also expects the group at wide receiver to improve from last season and contribute more to the offense. Last season, the Flashes only had one receiver, Shawn Bayes, gather more than 500 yards receiving. Defensively, Martin wants the Flashes to do a better job of rushing the passer and getting more sacks. “We didn’t have the amount of sacks we had in the past, and that’s got to change,” Martin said. “I think we got to play better up front, and the other thing is we got to play much more aggressively.” Junior safety Brian Lainhart said the defense underachieved last season, but now the team is ready to compete with the rest of the conference. “We feel like we’re going to be (better),” Lainhart said. “We’ve always had the talent — that hasn’t been the issue the last three years. We just have to make plays when it’s time to make plays.” Lainhart and junior linebacker CUT IT OUT!
2009 Schedule
football SEPT. 3, 7:00 pm vs. Coastal
Carolina H
Sept. 12, 2:00 pm at Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Mass.) Sept. 19, 7:00 pm Iowa State H Sept. 26, 7:00 PM Miami H MAC OCT. 3, 7:00 PM at Baylor (Waco, Texas) Oct. 10, 3:30 pm Bowling Green
H MAC Oct. 17, 4:00 pm at Eastern Mich-
igan (Ypsilanti, Mich.) MAC
Oct. 24, 2:00 PM at Ohio (Athens,
Ohio) MAC
OCT. 31, 2:00 pm Western Michi-
gan H MAC
Nov. 7, 3:30 pm at Akron MAC Nov. 21, 1:00 pm
at Temple (Philadelphia, Pa. MAC
Nov. 27, 2:00 pm Buffalo H MAC H Home game MAC Mid-American Conference
We Are! Kent State!
Josh Johnston
Daily Kent Stater
Sophomore running back Andre Flowers plows through the Delaware State defense to score a touchdown last season. The Flashes came out victorious 24-3. Cobrani Mixon will attempt to fill the leadership roles of last year’s senior duo of linebacker Derek Burrell and cornerback Rico Murray. On special teams, Martin said he was pleased with the play of sophomore punter Matt Rinehart, but expects competition for the starting place-kicker position. “The place-kicker part of (the kicking game) was really a disaster for us last year,” Martin said. “(Senior kicker) Nate Reed had a really good year the year before, but struggled (in 2008), so we went out and signed (freshman kicker) Freddy Cortez. He will compete for the starting job with Reed, so hopefully that competition will solve that problem.” The Flashes’ non-conference schedule includes games against Coastal Carolina and Iowa State and road games against Boston College and Baylor. “I think this is the best nonconference schedule we’ve had,” Martin said. “We’re getting to open up with a (Division) I-AA school (Coastal Carolina) at home on a Thursday night. That’s a great way for us to start the season.” Martin said the experience of playing Boston College and Iowa State in previous seasons will help but said the game at Baylor will be tough because of quarterback Robert Griffin and the team’s improving play during the last couple of seasons. Martin feels the MAC East will
Senior Eugene Jarvis runs past a Temple defender last season. The Flashes won 41-38 and ended the season with a 4-8 record. be wide open like last year when Buffalo was able to win behind good quarterback play and strong defensive strategy. “I think we’re going to be a really good defensive football team,” Martin said. “I think we got two great prospects at quarterback. So if we don’t turn the ball over at the quarterback posi-
tweet tweet.
tion and we play defense, we can be there with anybody.” Ke nt St at e w i l l op e n t he season Sept. 3 at home against Coastal Carolina. Contact sports reporter Nick Walton at nwalton1@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
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So you’ve just packed away all your high school spirit shirts. Your varsity jacket hangs in a closet back at home. The school colors your heart has bled for the last four years have suddenly dried up. Where do you go now? It’s not easy to switch your sports alliances. You’ve stood proudly in packed high school gyms, painted like a warrior in your school’s colors. You’ve donned a band uniform to get into football games for free. You’ve bought enough fundraiser shirts to clothe a nudist colony. No, it’s not easy to jump ship, especially to an institution known better for its protests than its passing game. Still, if you’re reading this, you are probably a student at Kent State. For whatever reason, you’ve decided to continue your education here. So why not continue your athletic enthusiasm here? No, we’re not a Big 10 football powerhouse. We don’t have ESPN broadcasting every game. Our athletic department’s budget is less than $20 million, not $115 million. We’re not The Ohio State University. We are Kent State. We are the Mid-American Conference. We are seven men’s and nine women’s athletic programs. We are winners of seven championships through the past year. We are Kent State. We are a 4-8 football team. We are a basketball team on the outside looking in. We are a golf powerhouse that Ben Curtis calls home. We are the thorn in Akron’s side. We are the beer-drinking tailgaters at Dix Stadium. We are the sea of gold behind the hoops of the M.A.C. Center. We are Kent State. So wear your blue and gold with pride. Because, at the very least, it’s better than wearing your high school varsity jacket around campus.
Contact sports editor Josh Johnston at jjohns64@kent.edu.
Check out KentNewsNet.com throughout the semester for updates on the football team and other sports.
Cross country teams stride with confidence this season Men, women return classes of experience Jena Adams
Daily Kent Stater With a third-place finish for the men’s team and an eighth-place finish for the women’s team in the Mid-American Conference Championship last season, this year, the cross country teams are preparing to compete with each and every opponent. “We’re in a good situation,” Kent State coach Mark Croghan said. “We can compete with anyone. We want to run for the win.” The strategy, explained Croghan, will be to use low-key meets at the beginning of the season to evaluate progress of training. This will determine how to better prepare for the MAC Championships in late October. “Our training is very individualized,” senior Kelly Gephart said.
“We build base mileage ranging from 45 miles to 70 miles a week over the summer.” The returning upperclassmen on the women’s team, junior Kassie Meholick and Gephart, both who ran in the top three for the women’s side last season, will be top runners and team leaders along with senior Jessica Moore, Croghan said. “I think we have a very strong team coming in,” Gephart said. “We only graduated one last year. Our top five are key runners and returners, and under Croghan, our new girls should be running better than their time on paper.” Senior Aiman Scullion and juniors Scott Hilditch and John Minen can be expected on the men’s side to be among the top seven runners. Senior Tony Jordanek will also be seen among them, making great strides in his last season for eligibility along with junior Patrick Gorby coming back from injury. On a primarily junior-senior team, Croghan explained it will be
a tougher year for incoming freshmen to break into the top five or six runners. “I just want to see consistent training.” Croghan said. With their determination and strategy, both the men’s and women’s teams want to win the MAC. They plan to follow the spring success of the track and field team by competing and running better than conference teams Miami, Ohio and Akron. “I really would like to graduate with a ring,” Gephart said. Aside from the goal of winning the MAC title, the men’s and women’s teams said they are “very excited for another chance at team bonding” as they travel to New York for the Iona Invitational on Sept. 19, Meholick added. Contact sports correspondent Jena Adams at jadams19@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
2009 Schedule
cross country SEPT. 5 Tommy Evans Invitational (Akron, Ohio) SEPT. 19 Iona Invitational (The Bronx, N.Y.) SEPT. 26 Ohio Invitational (Athens,
OCT. 2 All- Ohio Championship (Delaware, Ohio) OCT. 16 Penn State National Invitational (State College, Pa.) OCT. 31 Mid-American Conference Championships (Athens, Ohio) NOV. 14 NCAA Great Lakes Regional Meet (Bloomington, Ind.) NOV. 24 NCAA Championships (Terre Haute, Ind.) ALL TIMES TBA
The men’s cross country team placed third in the Mid-American Conference Championship last season. The Flashes will begin their 2009-2010 season in Akron at the Tommy Evans Invitational.
Flashes tee off in 2009 with hopes to repeat as MAC champions High expectations set for talented teams
2009 Schedule
women's golf
Thomas Gallick
Daily Kent Stater The Kent State men’s and women’s golf teams will attempt to add two more Mid-American Conference championships to the program’s already impressive resume this year. In 2008, the men’s team won its first championship since 2006, with junior John Hahn winning the individual competition. The women’s team won its 11th consecutive MAC championship last season at Longaberger Golf Club in Nashport, Ohio, with sophomore Mercedes Germino taking the individual competition. Mike Morrow, coach of the women’s golf team, said the team expects to be nationally ranked this season despite the loss of MAC Golfer of the Year Kirby Dreher. The Kent State graduate recorded 16 Top 10 finishes in her junior and senior years. “Number one, she’s one of the best players we’ve ever had at Kent State,” Morrow said. “When you lose that type of player, it’s a hit for any team.” Kent State added no freshmen to a veteran team including junior Martina Gavier, the 2007-2008 MAC Freshman of the Year, but will gain experience from junior Sarah Bradley, an Oklahoma State transfer and New Zealand native. “We’re expecting (Bradley) to come in and make a difference on the team,” Morrow said. “She’s got a lot of experience. She’s very good with golf-course management and loves the short game.” On the men’s team, Hahn, a two-year reigning MAC Golfer of the Year, returns to lead the Flashes. “He’s a leader on and off the golf course,” said Kent State men’s golf coach Herb Page. “He’s proven it this summer. He’s got a chance
SEPT. 6-8
Hooters Collegiate Match Play Championship (Daytona Beach, Fla.)
OCT. 9-11
Lady Tar Heel Invitational (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
OCT. 16-18
FEB. 22-23 Central District Invitational (Parrish,
MAR. 1-2 Kentucky Invitational (Valdosta, Ga.) MAR. 26-28 Liz Murphy Collegiate Classic (Athens, Ga.) APR. 17-18 Lady Buckeye Invitational (Columbus,
Mercedes Benz Collegiate Championship (Knoxville, Tenn.)
OCT. 26-28 Las Vegas Collegiate Showdown (Las Vegas, Nev.)
FEB. 7-9 Lady Puerto Rico Classic (Rio Grande,
APR. 23-25 MAC Championship (Indianapolis, ALL TIMES TBA
Puerto Rico)
2009 Schedule
men's golf SEPT. 12-13
Maryland Intercollegiate River Marsh Golf Club (Cambridge, Md.)
SEPT. 27-28
Ping/Golfweek Preview Golf Mountain Golf Club (Bremerton, Wash.)
OCT. 4-5
Windon Memorial North Shore Country Club (Glenview, Ill.) PHOTO COURTESY OF KENT STATE ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS
Junior Brett Cairns earned first team All-Mid-American Conference last season. The Kent State team placed first in the MAC. to do some special things for Kent State golf.” Mackenzie Hughes, last season’s MAC Freshman of the Year, also returns for the men’s team. Overall, Page said the level of talent on the men’s team impressed him this season. “We always have good golf
teams at Kent State,” Page said. “I have high expectations that this is no different. I hope that’s not being a little pompous on my part, but I state the facts.” Page said the Flashes will strive to win a second consecutive conference championship, but the team may have the talent to go even further, like the 2007-2008 team that finished sixth at the NCAA Championship. “(We) want to make it back to the nationals and try to win the national championship. Period,” Page said. “People say, ‘Are you crazy?’ Nope.
Two years ago we had a chance (to win with) nine holes to go.” Morrow said the golfers on the women’s team have a similar goal of making a play for the national championship. “Obviously, we want to win the MAC, but making it to the NCAA finals is the ultimate goal,” Morrow said. “I’d love a Top-10 finish.” Contact sports team leader Thomas Gallick at tgallick@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
OCT. 16-18
Bank of Tennessee at the Ridges The Ridges Golf and C.C. (Jonesborough, Tenn.)
OCT. 26-27
David Toms Invitational The Country Club of Louisiana (Shreveport, La.)
Field hockey to take on ‘unfinished business’ Fresh off of MAC championship season, Flashes’ coach sets goals to defend title, return to NCAA Tournament play-in game 2009 Schedule
field hockey AUG. 22, 1 PM Iowa (Exhibition) H AUG. 28, 1 PM St. Louis H AUG. 30, 1 PM James Madison H SEPT. 3, 4 PM Pacific SEPT. 5, 11 AM at California SEPT. 6, 1 PM at Stanford SEPT. 11, 1 PM Virginia H SEPT. 13, 1 PM at Lock Haven SEPT: 16, 3 PM Ohio State H SEPT. 25, 4 PM Missouri State MAc OCT. 2, 3 PM Central Michigan MAc
Sophomore forward Debbie Bell dives to keep the ball in play in a game against Ohio University on Sept. 18, 2008. The Flashes lost 0-1 and ended the season with 17 wins.
Cody Erbacher
Daily Kent Stater The Kent State field hockey team has simple, but lofty goals for the 2009 season. “Our goals are standard, we want to win the (Mid-American Conference) regular season to position ourselves for the MAC Tournament,” Kent State coach Kathleen Schanne said. Following the regular season, the Flashes hope to win the MAC Tournament and return to the NCAA Tournament play-in game. “We have unfinished business, (and) as a result, we want to get to the play-in game and finish it off,” Schanne said. The Flashes season ended
with a loss against University of Massachusetts during an NCAA Tournament play-in game in 2008. Prior to the loss, the Flashes won the MAC Tournament Championship along with a regular season first-place finish. The team finished the season ranked 19th in the final National Field Hockey Coaches Association Poll. “Overall, we were proud of last year’s team,” Schanne said. “We’re looking forward to this season. Last season’s dominant performance in the MAC doesn’t leave Schanne with any feelings of anxiety. “W hen you’re a reig n i ng champion, you’re going to have a bull’s-eye on your back, but I’m
Kent State’s first field hockey team formed in 1975 under head coach Judy Devine. She coached the Flashes for six years, compiling a 66-44-17 record including Kent State’s only 30-win season in 1978. n
Elsbeth Versterre holds many of Kent State’s all-time scoring records. Versterre set the record for most career points (162), most points in a season (94 in 1998), most career goals (65) and most goals in a season (38 in 1998). n
feeling more excited than feeling any pressure,” said Schanne, who won the MAC Coach of the Year award last season. Leading the team on the field this season are captains Rachel Miller, a junior midfielder, and senior mid-
fielder Allison Kittelberger. Miller was named to the NFHCA Third Team All-American, making her the first Kent State All-American since 2002. Miller was one of four players on the roster to start every game last season. Kittelberger earned Second Team All-MAC honors for the second straight season in 2008 and also started every game. From the team’s 21-player roster in 2008, only two players were lost after graduation. Schanne said it helps that the team only lost two players, but their skill and leadership will still be missed. The Flashes added four freshmen players to the roster this year: forward Andrea Camut, back Kelley Braman, midfielder/forward
OCT. 4, 1 PM Ohio H MAc OCT. 10, 1 PM Miami MAc
Ashley Espy and midfielder Sheridan Edwards. “T h ey br i ng r e a l ly go o d character and athleticism to the team,” Schanne said. “They really want to be at Kent State playing field hockey.” The off-season has helped the new players bond with the returning roster. “We had a really great offseason where we grew a lot as a group,” Schanne said. “We have little holes, but it’s more promising than anything.” Contact sports reporter Cody Erbacher at cerbache@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
OCT. 11, 1 PM Ball State MAc OCT. 16, 3 PM Ohio MAc OCT. 17, 1 PM Missouri State H MAc
OCT. 21, 3 PM Michigan OCT. 24 , 1 PM Central Michigan H MAc OCT. 31, 11 AM Miami H MAc NOV. 1, 1 PM Ball State H MAc H Home match MAc Mid-American Conference
match CUT IT OUT!
Soccer looks to improve with additions Lance Lysowski
Daily Kent Stater
Buffalo Bulls’ midfielder Courtney MacVie slides to steal the ball from junior forward Josee Charron. The Flashes won 2-1, ending the 2008 season with a 6-11-1 record.
Since claiming back-to-back MidAmerican Conference regular season championships in 2003 and 2004, the Kent State soccer team has hit some speed bumps on its way back to the top. The team’s 2008 campaign may not have gone according to plan, but the Flashes showed glimpses of what could lie ahead. Kent State failed to qualify for the Mid-American Conference Tournament for the first time since 2002, finishing 10th in the standings with a 6-11-1 overall record (3-7-1 MAC). Kent State soccer coach Rob Marinaro said he was impressed with the fact that six of the team’s 11 losses were by one goal, and the group outshot their opponents on a consistent basis. “We were never out of any game,” Marinaro said. “Statistically, outside of the score, we beat a lot of teams.” The team fell short of making the MAC Tournament, but ended the season on a high note with a 2-1 victory over Buffalo. The victory ended the Flashes’ eight-game winless streak. “What happened last year is forgotten,” Marinaro said. “It’s a brand-new team, with a brandnew season.” The squad has eight starters
n Soccer became a varsity sport at Kent State in 1997. The Flashes struggled in their inaugural season with a record of 3-14-2. The team won 13 matches the next year, which is still the Kent State record for wins in a season.
returning, which includes Catherine Marosszeky, senior midfielder and two-time Second Team All-MAC member, and junior forward Kelly Heaton, the team’s leading returning goal scorer. These veterans were put to the test last season, as the Flashes went eight games without a victory. Marinaro said he believes this will only improve this season’s team.
“It’s made the group of returners hungry, and they showed it in the spring,” Marinaro said. “We were much more competitive and had an urgency to our game.” The Flashes showed a few glaring weaknesses last season on the defensive side of the ball. The team was tied for third in the conference in goals allowed (30) and committed the fourth most fouls. The team’s incoming recruiting class includes eight freshmen and a former top 50 recruit in junior midfielder Kellyn Flanagan. Flanagan spent the past two seasons playing for the Wisconsin Badgers where she lettered both her freshman and
2009 Schedule
sophomore seasons. Coach Marinaro said he expects this large group to step up and take on big roles. “We have a wonderful group of additions that are going to be competing on a continuous basis,” Marinaro said. “With what we’ve put together as a team, I think it’s time for this program to make some big strides.” Contact sports reporter Lance Lysowski at llysowsk@kent.edu React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
SEPT. 27, 1 PM Miami H MAc OCT. 2, 4 PM Central Michigan MAc OCT. 4, 1 PM at Eastern Michigan MAc
AUG. 21, 4 PM Eastern Kentucky H
OCT. 9, 4 PM Northern Illinois H MAc
AUG. 28, 4 PM Cleveland State H
OCT. 11, 1 PM Western Michigan H MAc
SEPT. 4, 4 PM Pittsburgh H
OCT. 16, 3 PM Bowling Green MAc
SEPT. 6, 2 PM at Youngstown State
OCT. 18, 1 PM Toledo MAc
SEPT. 11, 6 PM Tulsa (at Albuquerque, N.M. )
OCT. 23, 4 PM Ohio H MAc
SEPT. 13, 12:30 PM Cal State Northridge (at Albu-
OCT. 25, 1 PM Akron H MAc
querque, N.M. )
SEPT. 18, 4 PM Michigan State H SEPT. 25, 4 PM Ball State H MAc
OCT. 29, 3 PM at Buffalo MAc
H Home game MAc Mid-American Conference game
Tweet Tweet . . . Student Media is on Twitter . . . Follow us at Twitter.com/Kent360
Freshman weight gain isn’t inevitable Research finds most students gain 7 lbs.
Drink less Going easy on the alcohol can also make a big difference. Daniel Hoffman, a co-author of the Rutgers study, said that the body metabolizes alcohol before either carbohydrates or fat. That means the body has less opportunity to burn off carbohydrates and fats from food. The sheer number of calories in alcoholic drinks is enough to make most people gain weight, especially if they are consuming the same amount of food and non-alcoholic beverages. A single shot of 80-proof vodka contains 97 calories, and a typical light beer contains about 99, according to thecaloriecounter.com. Combine hard liquor with mixers (110 calories for an 8-ounce glass of orange juice) or down a few beers during a drinking game, and the calories add up quickly. “A lot of students don’t realize that the number of calories per gram in alcohol is closer to fat than to carbohydrates,” Hoffman said. “If you look at binge drinking ... you’re looking at a lot of calories.”
Ashley Kindergan
The Record (Hackensack, N.J.) HACKENSACK, N.J. — It’s difficult to think of a way to add pounds faster than living the stereotypical college lifestyle. Juggling coursework, jobs and a social life leaves little time for exercising or even regular meals. Late-night study sessions are often fueled by the nearest 24-hour greasy spoon. Getting too little sleep can also trick the body into craving more food. On top of all that, many freshmen are taking in many more calories from alcohol than they have in the past. That’s the bad news. The good news is that not every entering freshman puts on weight, and there are some easy things students can do to avoid packing on pounds. The first thing to do is forget the phrase “Freshman 15.” A 2006 study by Rutgers University nutritionists tracked the weight of 67 students in their first year. Most students did gain weight, but more than one-fourth of students actually lost weight. Those who did gain weight put on an average of seven pounds, not 15. But gaining seven pounds doesn’t require much extra food. The Rutgers study said that taking in just 112 extra calories each day — roughly equivalent to a cup of Cheerios — would do it. Jackie Ehlert-Mercer, a registered dietitian who runs nutrition programs for students at the University of British Columbia and teaches a course in nutrition at Ramapo College, said that freshmen who gain weight their first semester and don’t lose it in the second semester are more likely to keep gaining weight throughout college. If the pattern continues, adulthood obesity and related health problems such as heart disease and diabetes may follow. “An overweight adolescent ... is probably going to become an obese adult if they don’t mediate their weight during college,” Ehlert-Mercer said. “The stresses they face, such as getting married or getting a full-time job, tend to increase. They don’t tend to diminish.” Scott Fisher, director of the Fair-
leigh Dickinson University Health and Fitness Center, recommends that students plan their days to ensure that they eat regularly and healthfully. Skipping meals to lose weight usually backfires, he said.
Don’t wait to eat “You shou ld real ly go no longer than four or five hours without eating something,” Fisher said. “If you go for too long a period of time without eating, your blood sugar level drops. When your blood sugar level drops, your body essentially sends you signals that it wants a very quick source of energy, which are the typical sugary foods, and some concentrated calories, which are fatty foods.” Eating frequently has worked for Mike Sciscione, 22, a senior at William Paterson University. The
Rockaway native eats six small meals a day. Something as simple as a fruit smoothie counts, he said. Sciscione buys bulk packages of 100-calorie snack packs and keeps a bottle of water with him to stave off hunger pangs. “It keeps your metabolism going and keeps you from gaining weight,” he said. Some students who gained weight said they were able to lose it again by reassessing their food and exercise choices. Ramya Pallavajhala, 22, a senior at Fairleigh Dickinson University, lost most of the weight she gained the first semester of freshman year by cutting out cheese and cooking healthy, vegetable-rich Indian dishes. “Once you gain the weight, it’s very tough to regain your shape,” Pallavajhala said. “But it’s easy to prevent it.”
Fisher recommended at least half an hour of cardiovascular exercise most days a week, and augmenting that with strength training a few times a week. Relaxing a little isn’t a bad idea, either. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that college students who slept for four hours a night produced more of a hormone called ghrelin, which causes feelings of hunger, and less of leptin, which makes people feel full, than peers who had been allowed to sleep for as much as 10 hours. Though most freshmen will err on the side of eating too much and exercising too little, some students respond to stress by becoming too restrictive with their diets. Students who have experienced disordered eating patterns before college face the highest risk of developing serious eating disorders in college, Ehlert-Mercer said. Students who find themselves thinking obsessively about food, purging after eating or exercising compulsively in order to lose weight should see a counselor or doctor. (c) 2008, North Jersey Media Group Inc., Distributed by McClatchyTribune Information Services
Volleyball team’s chemistry gives Flashes an edge Players, coach expect to rebound in 2009 Jake Kaufmann
Daily Kent Stater In 2009, the Kent State volleyball team hopes to get off to the same hot start as the 2008 team did but end with a stronger finish. The Flashes took a 10-3 record into Mid-American Conference play last season. Af ter wi n s against Buffalo and Akron, Kent State would win only once more before the MAC tournament. Northern Illinois needed all five sets to eliminate Kent State in the first round of the MAC tournament after the Flashes’ rough conference season. “We were disappointed obviously,” Kent State coach Glen Conley said, “but we’re looking forward to rebounding and moving on from that. “It ’s goi ng to be excit i ng. We’ve got seven new players, and our challenge is going to be to come together as a team.” T he te a m welcome s bac k junior libero Kristen Barr, junior outside hitter Lauren Jones, who led the team in kills last year; senior setter Katie Veatch and senior right side Jenny Keck, the returning blocks leader. Con ley, now i n h i s t h i rd
Starbucks grande vanilla bean frappuccino with whipped cream n 470
calories, 14 g fat How to burn it off: Walk almost six miles, or from t h e S t u de nt Center to Starbucks and back twice. n Alternative: Try the s a me d r i n k, minus the whipped cream, and make it a tall to save 210 calories and 12 grams of fat. n
Package of chicken flavor Top Ramen Noodles n 475
calories, 17.5 g fat How to burn it off: Jump rope in your dorm for 50 minutes. n Alternatives: Add vegetables such as peas, carrots or mushrooms. It will add about 50 more calories, but it will make this college staple more delicious and nutritious. n
Cassandra Adams
Daily Kent Stater
The volleyball team prepares for its first home game against Robert Morris on Sept. 18. CUT IT OUT!
OCT. 23, 7 PM Western Michigan
SEPT. 4, 7 PM George Mason (Fairfax, Va.) SEPT. 5, 10 AM Morehead State (Fairfax, Va.) SEPT. 5, 4:30 PM Cornell (Fairfax, Va.)
SEPT. 18, 11 AM Robert Morris SEPT. 18, 7 PM Utah State SEPT. 19, 2 PM Butler SEPT. 24, 7 PM Ohio MAc SEPT. 26 TBA Eastern Michigan H
(Dayton, Ohio) SEPT. 12, 12 PM Evansville (Dayton, Ohio) SEPT. 12, 7 PM Wright State (Dayton, Ohio)
calories, 0 g fat How to burn it off: Run 1 mile at the track for each beer you drink. n Alternative: It doesn’t get much lighter than this. If you don’t want to give up drinking, be aware that it causes an increased craving for salty and high-calorie foods. Keep light and baked snacks on hand for after a night out. Also, sip your drink slowly instead of chugging it to limit your consumption. n
n Alternative: Have a salad, light on dressing and cheese, w it h you r slice of pizza to make sure you’re too f ull to eat an entire pie. Also, use a napkin to dab grease off cheese to save as many as 50 calories per slice depending on how greasy and cheesy the pizza.
Einstein Bros. plain bagel with 6 tablespoons of reduced-fat whipped blueberry cream cheese
470 calories, 16 g fat How to burn it off: Run up and down re side nce hall stairs for 47 minutes. n Alternative: Instead of a plai n bagel, t r y honey whole wheat. It has the same amount of calories and fat (260 and 1 gram) but will stay with you longer. As for the spread, ask for it on the side, and spari ngly add your ow n or eat your bagel plain to save up to 210 calories and 15 grams of fat. n n
Pint of Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
n 1,0 8 0 calories, 56 g fat n How to burn it off: R ide you r bike around campus for four hours. n Alternative: Those counts are for the whole pint, so if you can resist, only eat a few spoonfuls. For those who can’t fight the temptation, try Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked FroYo. It has swirled chocolate and vanilla frozen yogurt with brownies and chocolate chip cookie dough, and you can eat the whole thing for only 520 calories and 12 grams of fat.
Contact news editor Melissa Dilley at mdilley2@kent.edu.
Rec classes break up monotony of workouts
n 103
calories, 4.9 g fat to burn it off: Throw a Frisbee at Manchester Field with friends for an hour for each slice of pizza.
Contact sports correspondent Jake Kauffman at jkauffm5@kent.edu.
SEPT. 11, 5 PM St. Peter’s
12 oz. can of Keystone Light beer
n How
AUG. 28, 10:30 AM Eastern Illinois AUG. 28, 5 PM Drake AUG. 29, 12:30 PM IPFW AUG. 29, 5 PM Butler SEPT. 2, 7 PM Pittsburgh
Daily Kent Stater
n 208
2009 Schedule
Melissa Dilley
Slice of Hungry Howie’s large cheese pizza with butter crust
season with the team, and the rest of his coaching staff will be working to identify what everyone does best and to take advantage of the talent they have. “I t h i n k we h ave a ve r y talented group,” he said. “We have a very committed group, so we have some ideas of what we want to see.” Team captain Barr said she is eager for the season to start. “I’m looking forward to our competitive drive,” she said. “Everyone on our team is competitive and looking forward to winning.” Conley said he believes in his captain, who played in 100 of Kent State’s 115 sets last year. “She’s done an excellent job of helpi ng ever y t h i ng come together, especially after last year,” Conley said. “We’ll need that leadership to help in the fall with chemistry.” Barr said she believes the team’s chemistry will be key to their overall success. “If we can keep building on ou r tea m c hem i st r y t hat we already have, we’ll be good to go,” she said. “If we have good chemistry on and off the court, we’ll be clicking.”
React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
What could be packing on those ‘Freshman 15’ and how to avoid them
OCT. 2, 7 PM Buffalo MAc OCT. 3, 7 PM Akron MAc OCT. 9, 7 PM Miami H MAc OCT. 10, 7 PM Bowling Green H MAc
OCT. 16, 7 PM Ball State H MAc OCT. 17, 7 PM Toledo H MAc
OCT. 24, 7 PM 8 PM EST Northern Illinois MAc OCT. 29, 7 PM at Ohio H MAc OCT. 31, 7 PM at Central Michigan MAc
NOV. 6, 7 PM Akron H MAc NOV. 7, 7 PM Buffalo H MAc NOV. 12, 7 PM Bowling Green MAc NOV. 14, 5 PM Miami MAc NOV. 2021 TBA (at Toledo) H Home match MAc Mid-American Conference
T he t h re e - stor y St udent Recreation and Wellness Center is packed with new and modern technology and machines that practically work out for you. Blame it on the cold winter weather, a jam-packed schedule, late nights and extracurricular activities, but making exercise a regular part of a daily schedule can seem nearly impossible at times. Students looking for alternatives from the monotony of gliding on elliptical machines can spice up a workout routine with an instructional class offered at the Rec. “Ton s of researc h shows if you like the exercise program and have someone to do it with, it will be consistent,” said Judy Watkins, group fitness and i nst ruct ional programs manager at the Rec. “I think with any instructional class it helps keep a motivated, supportive attitude, and also accountability,” There are a variety of classes offered this fall including Pilates, yoga, belly dancing, swing dancing, kickboxing, h ip -hop a nd sw i ng da nce, among others. Some classes are part of the Group X schedule — whose classes teach different routines every week so it’s easy to mix and match them. Students can purchase a punch pass for $36 in the pro shop to attend any classes. Instructional classes are $22 for a seven-week session — the lessons build week-by-week. Marianne Rieske, a certified yoga therapist and instructional class teacher, said students who attend class weekly learn to love working out. “Seeing that ‘Ah-ha’ look and the (aligning of the spine)
Other ways to break a sweat Intramurals: Competitive individuals should consider adding intramural sports on their exercise roster. More than 40 various leagues are available for students to participate in, beginning early to mid-September. Included are kickball, flag football and basketball. Personal Trainers: For those who need motivation, personal trainers are available for half-hour to two-hour sessions. Prices range from $17 for one half-hour session and $445 for 20 onehour sessions. To find a personal trainer that best fits your needs, call the fitness suite at 330-672-0485 Ice Arena: Every Wednesday, students can lace up their skates and glide around the hockey rink. Hockey practices are canceled for the night between 10 p.m. and midnight so students can take advantage of the ice arena. Rink passes are $3 with a student ID and skate rental is $2.50. Adventure Trips: These weekend getaways vary in price and include activities such as parachuting, whitewater rafting and camping. Students can travel in groups of up to 15 and can rent all the equipment needed for a hiking or canoeing trip. Cassandra Adams
— their faces light up with this new experience with their body. They realize exercise doesn’t have to be a chore.” Free demo week is Aug. 31 through Sep. 6. During this week, students can attend as many classes as they would like for free to get a feel for them and which ones they would like to attend regularly. For a full list of classes and times, visit www.recservices. kent.edu. Contact news correspondent Cassandra Adams at cadams35@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
More than weights and treadmills at SRWC Students get involved with leagues, contests Steve Opalko Jessie Marks
But the SRWC is more than just athletics. Students can sign up for customized fitness programs such as core trai ni ng, kickboxing, Pilates, spinning, yoga and more.
Club sports
Daily Kent Stater The Student Recreation and Wellness Center offers 40 different leag ues, tour naments, individual and dual contests throughout the year including flag football, basketball, softbal l, racquetball, badm i nton and table tennis. Aside from the traditional intramural sports, the SRWC offers an abundance of men’s, women’s, and co-recreational open leagues to Kent State students and members of the SRWC community.
Club sports require greater time and financial commitments from members than intramurals, but offer a higher level of competition in exchange. Teams are student-operated but remain closely affiliated with the university. These teams are like varsity sport teams because the clubs travel and compete against other institutions. They are different because the students are responsible for making their own competition schedules. Members of club sport teams
often have dues and hold fundraising events that vary based on the sport. Funds collected by the club are used to purchase uniforms, pay for travel expenses and pay contest officials. St ude nt s c a n le a r n mor e about sport clubs from the rec center Web site and the contact information for club team student managers will be available the second week of classes. “G e t t i ng i nvolve d at t he ( SRWC) k e e p s you i n go o d shape,” said graduate student Luke Hufstetler. “Nobody wants to put on the ‘freshman 15.’” Contact news correspondent Steve Opalko at sopalko@kent.edu. React to this story and more at KentNewsNet.com
REC CENTER OFFERS ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS The Student Recreation and Wellness Center has a variety of activities for students, whether they are trying to stay fit, get involved in sports or just want to meet people and try something new. For students enrolled in five or more credit hours at the Kent campus, the cost of using the rec center is covered by their tuition. Students enrolled in fewer than five credit hours can purchase a student membership for $70 per semester to use the rec center. The rec center is open Monday through Thursday from 6 a.m to midnight, Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and weekends from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Students must bring their FlashCard for admission. For more information on the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, call (330) 672-4REC or go online to http://www. recservices.kent.edu.
Sports n Intramurals n Sport clubs n Community leagues Adventure Center n Climbing wall and climbing clinics n Outdoor clinics n Adventure trips n Team building and leadership challenges n Outdoor rental center
Aquatics n Swim lessons n Masters swim n Safety certifications Fitness and Wellness n Group X classes n Instructional classes n Personal training n Fitness Flashes n Fitness screenings n Fitness orientations n Nutrition
Source: The Student Recreation and Wellness Center Web site
Graduate student Chris Kettel spikes the ball past a Cleveland State University player during a club volleyball match at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Tennis League
Dodgeball Tournament
Kickball League
n Singles or doubles pool play for one month beginning Sept. 14, followed by single elimination tournament Cost: $5 per event Registration deadline: Sept. 9
Saturday, December 5 Men’s 4-on-4 and co-recreational 4-on-4 Cost: $50 per team Registration deadline: Nov. 20
n Four regular season games beginning Sept. 22, followed by single elimination tournament Cost: $40 per team Registration deadline: Sept. 15
Basketball League
Softball League
Sand Volleyball Tournament Indoor Volleyball League
7-9 week season n Friday Men’s basketball league beginning Sept. 11 (6:30 - 8:30 p.m.) Cost: $400 per team n Saturday morning Women’s basketball league beginning Sept. 12 (10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.) Cost: $400 per team Registration deadline: Aug. 28
6-8 week season n Thursday Men’s USSSA league beginning Sept. 10 (6:30 and 8:30 p.m. double headers) Cost: $400 per team n Sunday Co-recreational ASA league beginning Sept. 13 (10 a.m. doubleheaders) Cost: $350 per team Registration deadline: Aug. 28
OPEN LEAGUES SRWC Falls Hours Monday – Thursday: 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday – 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday – 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Greg Bailey, assistant director of Recreational Services, said the intramural schedule has not been completed yet, but students can check www.recservices.kent.edu to find the most up-to-date information.
Want to read more about
n Saturday,
Oct. 3 Men’s and women’s 4-on-4 tournament (8 teams maximum per division) n Sunday, Oct. 4 Co-recreational 6-on-6 tournament Cost: $75 per team Registration deadline: Sept. 23
Kent State Sports?
KentNewsNet.com ...throughout the semester for articles, blogs, photos and more!
Racquetball n Open
league play begins Sept. 14 Cost: $30 members, $60 non-members Registration deadline: Sept. 9
10-12 week season n Monday Co-recreational league beginning Sept. 14 (7, 8 and 9 p.m.) Cost: $250 per team n Monday night Women’s league beginning Sept. 14 (7, 8 and 9 p.m.) Cost: $250 per team Registration deadline: Sept. 4
3-on-3 Outdoor Basketball Tournament n Saturday, Sept. 19, 1 p.m.
Men’s and women’s Cost: $50 per team Registration deadline: Sept. 10
Flag Football League
7-week season n Monday and Wednesday Men’s 7-on-7 flag football league beginning Sept. 14 (7 p.m. games) Cost: $225 per team Registration deadline: Sept. 4