2010 • 2011 Rates and Information
The University Times is UNC Charlotte’s campus newspaper which publishes twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. With a readership of between 7,000 and 10,000 students, faculty and staff, the publication is distributed at more than 60 locations both on and off campus. It is produced entirely by a student staff of more than 100 and has consistently won collegiate publishing awards and national recognition for marketing and advertising design. The University Times is produced through Student Media Publications which is also home to Nineronline.com, Sanskrit Literary Arts Magazine and Radio Free Charlotte.
Common Ad Sizes
full page 6 col. x 21.25
1/2 page horz. 6 col. x 10.6
Questions about ad sizes or prices? Give our sales team a call at
704•687•7144 or 704•687•7145
students are reading each copy of the student newspaper.
1/4 page vert. 3 col. x 10.6
1/8 page 3 col. x 5.3
1/16 page 2 col. x 4
COLUMN INCH MEASUREMENTS Column inch equivalencies: 1 column inch....................................................1.8084 2 col. inches.......................................................3.7467 3 col. inches.........................................................5.685 4 col. inches.......................................................7.6234 5 col. inches.......................................................9.5617 6 col. inches...........................................................11.5
In addition to the regular issues of The University Times released during the academic school year, we publish special sections and theme pages to reach the students of UNC Charlotte. NinerOnline.com features advertisements throughout the entire year.
Theme Pages Halloween Theme Page: 10/28/10 Special Sections Basketball Preview: 10/28/10 ••• Deadline to advertise 10/21/10
The Basketball Preview features exclusive photos and news on the Niners, from players’ profiles to season predictions.
Housing Guide: 2/24/11 ••• Deadline to advertise 2/17/11
The student guide for finding a place to live and everything else they need for life on their own - from insurance to decorating.
Parent’s Survival Guide: 5/31/11 ••• Deadline to advertise 5/17/11
This guide for the parents of UNC Charlotte students can be an excellent resource when they need to know where to shop, eat, or find services for their children throughout the school year.
Survival Guide: 5/31/11••• Deadline to advertise 5/17/11 full page 10.25 x 11.25
1/2 pg. vert. 5.04 x 11.25
1/2 pg. hz. 10.25 x 5.56
Special Section (squat tab) ads are sold in standard units.
1/4 pg. 5.04 x 5.56
The Survival Guide is a freshman’s guide to the new and exciting world of college. Don’t you want your business to be a part of their experience?
Welcome Back: 8/19/11 ••• Deadline to advertise 8/5/11
Approximately 22,500 students, faculty & staff will fill the halls of the UNC Charlotte campus - let them know what products and services you have to offer.
Ad Sizes
On average,
august 2010
9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31
9 10 11 12
15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25 28
m t w t f 2
9 10 11 12 13
may 2011
16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31
20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30
9 10
20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31
9 10 11
21 22 23 24 25
11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29
10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31
m t w t f
14 15 16 17 18 28 29 30 31
13 14 15 16 17
m t w t f
m t w t f
1 4
april 2011
14 15 16 17 18
9 10
13 14 15 16 17
march 2011
february 2011
m t w t f
m t w t f 1
january 2011
december 2010
november 2010
m t w t f
11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29
regular issue regular issue & special section special section
m t w t f
m t w t f
october 2010
september 2010
m t w t f
DisplayAdvertising Local Rates
National Rates
$9.25/column inch Open Rate Contract Level column inches price per column inch 70 – 200 $8.50 201 – 350 8.20 351 – 500 7.90 501 – 750 7.60 751 – 1000 7.30 1001 – 1500 7.00 1501+ 6.70 Special Section Rates 1/8 page (5.04 w by 2.72 h) $85.00 1/4 page (5.04 w by 5.56 h) 160.00 1/2 page vertical (5.04 w by 11.25 h) 300.00 1/2 page horizontal (10.25 w by 5.56 h) 300.00 Full page (10.25 w by 11.25 h) 480.00
Open Rate
$12.00 net/column inch
Color Charges
1 spot color (black + 1 color) 2 spot color (black + 2 colors) Full Process Color Charges are same for open rate clients and campus special section and regular issue runs.
$85.00 170.00 250.00 clients,
Campus Rates Open Rate $5.15/column inch Contract Level price per column inch column inches $4.90 70 – 250 4.60 251 – 450 4.40 451– 650 4.15 651– 850 3.85 850+ Special Section Rates 1/8 page (5.04 w by 2.72 h) $60.00 1/4 page (5.04 w by 5.56 h) 120.00 1/2 page vertical (5.04 w by 11.25 h) 210.00 1/2 page horizontal (10.25 w by 5.56 h) 210.00 Full page (10.25 w by 11.25 h) 350.00
78% of all students use coupons or promo codes at least some of the time.
Inserts The University Times accepts preprinted inserts. Minimum size 4 by 5 , maximum 10 by 16 . Inserts must arrive ready 5 business days prior to publishing and conform to the following guidelines: • A copy must be sent via mail, Email or fax to Student Media, BEFORE sending inserts to the printer. • Inserts with editorial content must be labeled as advertising.
Cost per thousand 2-8 page 12-20 page 24-32 page Maximum number of inserts Minimum number of inserts
$90.00 95.00 100.00 7,000 3,500
niner news Niner News is a weekly broadcasted news show from
NinerOnline.com is a news and entertainment website that keeps up with what is happening on campus and the
NinerOnline. Newscasts are updated every Friday and are available to watch on NinerOnline.com and UNCC TV channel 22. Have you organization recognized before the newscast as an official sponsor.
rest of the world. It is the online home of The University Times and contains exclusive web content as well.
On average, students spend
minutes reading their online campus newspaper.
Onequidenti potantia?
Vasterbi puCatuit, consulego vast vivilis con vivit, nonsid coneque nocta vensili caudefe ctortilicit factumurs cotid Cupios fecre consult uitiente ame auci ina,
Monthly Sponsorship
$200 per month
Onequidenti potantia?
Onequidenti potantia? iFeco Vasterbi puCatuit, consulego vast vivilis con vivit, nonsid coneque nocta vensili caudefe ctortilicit factumurs cotid Cupios fecre consult uitiente ame auci ina, con tessi patim is. Ilinum prorsul torudamSi pullabentiam duciem ipiore firis, nos latquam
Vasterbi puCatuit, consulego vast vivilis con vivit, nonsid coneque nocta vensili caudefe ctortilicit factumurs
When users click on your ad, your home page comes up as a new window.
Onequidenti potantia? iFecoXimil hilnerum in vis Vasterbi puCatuit, consulego vast vivilis con vivit, nonsid coneque nocta
Onequidenti potantia? iFecoXimil hilnerum in visAhaliaedMarit, cri cae Ita, aus hi, factus ego nos vit, que pra, et, auc vis neque consusum me con di,
Vasterbi puCatuit, consulego vast vivilis con vivit, nonsid coneque nocta vensili caudefe ctortilicit factumurs cotid Cupios fecre consult uitiente ame
(468 X 60 pixels) Large Tile (300 x 250 pixels)
$500 per month $350 per month
Copy due one week prior to date ad is scheduled to go live.
MECHANICS Onequidenti potantia?
Onequidenti potantia?
Vasterbi puCatuit, consulego vast vivilis con vivit, nonsid coneque nocta vensili caudefe ctortilicit factumurs
Quo cies crur, cultuite, obulut is culerid eaturo vena, caudem vem aurnihicaed rei sernu vis, Cus, se nostereneque venat. Itandam stillessi poste tus. Ser uresili convem. Satabusse nost verrave rcepecredo, consulto uteristIquostiaestil hocum aus nos cre, opubli, serrae etius simus reo, con
Quo cies crur, cultuite, obulut is culerid eaturo vena, caudem vem
Cus, se nostereneque venat.Itandam stillessi poste tus. Ser uresili convem. Satabusse nost ver-
Quo cies crur, cultuite, obulut is culerid Cus, se nostereneque venat.Itandam stillessi poste tus. Ser uresili convem. Satabusse nost ver-
All ads are at 72 resolution regardless of size. Files should be no larger than 15k and in gif, jpg, or pdf formats. Gitrenia consum dienentiliam orum hortisu nuntiliis, Catissultum adhucon feceriam P. Ex ne is et; ina is perbis? Sena, ut iam consulvid adefeculi poressi libus, C.
NATIONAL RATES College Publisher, the affiliate of NinerOnline, can accommodate national representatives’ needs. Call 866.733.9231 or visit www.collegemedianetwork.com for more information.
50% of students have attended an event due to an ad. 43% have mentioned an ad to a friend.
RADIOfreecharlotte Radio Free Charlotte is UNC Charlotte’s official, online radio station.
A long time coming, RFC is online 24/7 - digitally streaming an edgy, indie/underground sound, with the mission of playing music found nowhere else in Charlotte. Besides showcasing new indie and electronic music; RFC features on-air coverage of news, sports, arts, theatre, local events, and much more for UNC Charlotte and the surrounding university community. Show your support for RFC by logging onto radiofreecharlotte.uncc.edu a nd tuning in to our LIVE broadcast!
RFC on air sponsorship Your organization is recognized three times a day, before programming. Monday through Friday for two weeks, specific programs TBD. 2 week sponsorship
Give your information to our award winning production team. Questions about artwork should be sent to production@uncc.edu
RFC Website Advertising Advertise your organization with a tile on radiofreecharlotte.uncc.edu - We can create the tile for you. Monthly Large Tile (300 x 250 pixels)
AdvertisingPOLICIES Display Deadlines One week prior to publication day, i.e.: space reservation and ad copy are due on Tuesday for the following Tuesday issue and Thursday for the following Thursday issue by 5 P.M. Electronic Submission The University Times prefers ads submitted in PDF format (make sure the “embed fonts” option is selected.) Use CMYK setting for all color. Ads sent by mail should be on CD and include a hard copy; no floppy disks, please. Proper display advertising resolution is 300 dpi. Therefore, we do not accept Publisher, Word, PowerPoint and other low resolution files. Detailed electronic submission guidelines may be obtained from your sales representative or by calling our production team at 704-687-7147 or the graphics advisor at 704-687-7138. Ads can be emailed to production@uncc.edu Cancellation Retail advertising cancelled after the deadline will be charged at 50% of the cost of publishing the ad. Changes to advertisements after the deadline may not be possible. Tearsheets Display advertising tearsheets will be mailed to each advertiser after each issue date as proof of publication. Proofs Advertisers will receive a proof at least two business days before publication. The University Times is not liable for errors in original copy received from the advertiser or corrections/copy substitutions submitted after deadline. Deadline for corrections is noon the day prior to publication. Repeat and camera-ready ads will receive proofs only if requested. Statistics courtesy of Alloy Media & Marketing. Photos courtesy of Wade Bruton and Student Media Publications.
Composition and Artwork Composition and artwork produced by The University Times becomes property of Student Media Marketing and may only be used with written permission.
Contacts Display Advertising 704•687•7144 704•687•7145 smpads@uncc.edu
Borders The University Times may place a border around ads. Rates All rates are net/non-commissionable. Refusal The University Times reserves the right to decline, discontinue or revise any advertisement. Ads found to be defamatory, lacking factual basis, misleading or false in nature may be rejected. Commercial advertisements that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, familial status, national origin, handicap, age or sex will not be accepted. The University Times reserves the right to include “Paid Advertisement” in any ad. Make Goods In the event an advertisement runs containing an error that is clearly the fault of the newspaper and detracts from the advertising message, it is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify The University Times within 30 business days of the publication date in which the ad ran. After this period the newspaper is exempt from any liability due to error. Advertisers will be credited the proper amount for the portion of the ad in error. Credit and Billing Pre-payment is required for all advertisements unless the advertiser is approved for billing. Approved advertisers will be billed net 30. After 60 days past due, further advertisements will not be accepted. Accounts will be turned over to a collection agency when 90 days past due. Make checks payable to Student Media Marketing.
Billing, Credit and Classifieds 704•687•7137 Business Manager
Ad Production Department 704•687•7147 production@uncc.edu Fax:704•687•7139
Media Marketing Director 704•687•7146 mktdirector@uncc.edu
Circulation Information 704•687•7136 klmerges@uncc.edu
Marketing Adviser 704•687•7136 Kelly Lusco Merges, klmerges@uncc.edu
Graphics/Production Coordinator 704•687•7138 Pete Hurdle dphurdle@uncc.edu
75% of all students and 63% of faculty read the advertisements in their school newspaper.
Student Media Publications UNC Charlotte Student Union - LL 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223
Student Media UNC Charlotte Student Union- LL 046B 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223
Office: 704.687.7142 Cell: 531.346.1048 Fax: 704.687.7139 nocontent@uncc.edu nineronline.com facebook.com/nineronline
Content Editor
Erika Metzger
Dana Nigro Editor-in-Chief
Office: 704.687.7148 Cell: 336.407.5630 Fax: 704.687.7139 uteditor@uncc.edu dnigro@uncc.edu
The University Times Student Media | UNC Charlotte |Student Union- LL 046B 9201 University City Blvd.| Charlotte, NC 28223
December 15, 2010 CNBAM Award Selection Committee, It is with great enthusiasm that I nominate Sarah Jones for the CNBAM Designer of the Year Award. Sarah joined our team in December of 2007 as a production assistant. Unusually shy and timid at first, she enjoyed layout and design and learning as much as she could about Photoshop and InDesign. She mainly stayed in the production area, creating ads and learning the ropes. This once-shy and timid girl from production came out of her shell and took the managerial position of creative director in August of 2008. She made efficiency and timeliness her number one priority and streamlined the production process. She continued in that role taking our department to new heights in creativity and effectiveness. Her design work is cutting-edge and she is always keeping abreast of new and innovative trends in design. She is always willing to share new tips and tricks with other members of the production team. She has done an unbelievable job with keeping the production staff motivated and minimizing operational impact. Sarah’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. She has been honored by her peers for her accomplishments, receiving several student staff awards at Student Media Awards of Excellence Programs throughout the years. She was recognized as the Student Media Employee of the Month in September; and has won the Ogilvy Award for Excellence in Advertising Design in both 2008 and 2009. Most recently, four of her designs, including the rate card, won awards at the Southern University Newspapers Conference in Athens, GA. All in all, Sarah is a role-model to budding designers here in Student Media. I hope you will consider her for this most prestigious award. With common interest,
Kelly Merges Marketing Adviser Â
December 20, 2010 This letter serves to nominate Sarah Jones for CNBAM’s Designer of the Year. Sarah Jones has been working for Student Media since February of 2008 when she joined The University Times staff. In spring of 2009 Sarah joined our production team in the marketing department as a production assistant. In fall of 2009 Sarah advanced to the role of creative director. Sarah is very accountable; she produces ads on a regular basis, keeps the ad flow of the paper in check and trains new students in design techniques. In many ways, 2010 was a banner year for Sarah; she has designed most of our special section covers and has really stepped up as student leader when working with the freshman students. It is easy to see her growth from when she first entered our program in 2008 to today. Even more impressive is her growth in the past six months. Research in design and ad history from her own initiative along with similar work for classes really helped strengthen her design skill set. Using traditional design ideas with a modern twist has helped Sarah work out a nice visual outcome. Respectfully submitted, Pete Hurdle Graphics Production Coordinator, Student Media Publications Digital Media Professor, UNC Charlotte Art Department UNC Charlotte
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PAGE 8 ❚ October 28, 2010 ❚ THE UNIVERSITY TIMES