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EVENT PLAN/PROMOTION 2012 FALL HOUSING FAIR ABOUT THE EVENT The Mt. Pleasant Housing Fair is an annual event held on campus and hosted by Central Michigan Life. This event is a public relations effort for our largest group of advertisers, Mt. Pleasant apartment complexes. Ten of our top 20 accounts are housing units in the Mt. Pleasant community. They also support our 3x per year Apartment Life magazine. This free event is a thank you PR effort to them for their loyal business. This year’s event presented a challenge as it was scheduled on Election Day. Our PR staff decided to embrace that message and play on the theme of the “second most important decision you will make this year”. To create buzz for this event we wanted to create some creative, maybe even corny, messages that would be memorable in the minds of students. Our goal was to get readers talking, laughing, commenting and sharing with friends. This would help create top of mind awareness for the event. Our PR staff came up with four different slogans that worked historically with patriotism, presidents, USA, etc. We ended up using Uncle Sam, Honest Abe Lincoln, Lady Liberty and a “Race to the Right House” group shot. The creative team set up photo and video shoots for each theme, worked on scripts for the videos and ad copy for the print ads. They negotiated with a local costume shop for trade, and our creative staff put the finishing touches on the designs. The staff also created 2-20 second videos spoofing their characters. The videos were posted on CM LIFE’s Facebook page, the Housing Fair event page and the PR and Advertising teams also posted to their own personal Facebook pages to get people sharing. The PR staff also lined up food vendors and door prizes to draw attendees to the event. The staff prepared special “ballot” boxes to go with our theme. Attendees would fill out a registration form at the event and names were drawn for prizes. In addition, balloons were on site and special prizes were available to our vendors if they popped the right balloon. We promote this event with full-page advertisements, online rectangle ads, social media postings, chalking, bus shelter advertising, rack posters and flyers around campus. CM LIFE brings in more than 1,000 students to talk with area apartment complexes and landlords. This is a big event for our Apartment complexes, as leases for the following year are being promoted and students are anxious to get into prime locations. At this event, CM LIFE also distributes its Fall/Winter issue of Apartment Life magazine. This is a take away from the event the reinforces our exhibitors’ message. And is our biggest of the three apartment guides we publish.


EVENT PLAN/PROMOTION 2012 FALL HOUSING FAIR PLANNING CALENDAR July 15: Determine date and book Rotunda Room/UC. Reserve tables/linens with CMU Catering. August 1: Send email to apartment complexes for Save the Date September 14: First PR Meeting, determine theme of event. September 17-21: Contact food vendors; Call for door prizes September 24: Send outline of event/theme to Apartment Complexes. September 18-30: Script concepts for video. September 18-30: Generate print and online advertising creative ideas. September 18-30: Continue contacting food vendors and businesses for door prizes. October 1: Spec forms to creative staff for production for print and online. October 1-7: Photo and Video shoots coordinated and done. October 8-15: Finalize all print and online concepts. October 15-20: “Behind The Scenes” social media posted. October 15: Apartment Complex deadline to participate. Added to final print versions. October 15: Deadline for all food vendors and door prizes. Add names to final print versions. October 15: Contact CMU Parking for permits October 15: Food Release Forms to Campus Dining. October 15: Apartment Life Magazine Deadline. October 22: Newspaper ads begin; Online ads begin. October 24: Bus Shelter Poster Up & Rack Posters Up. October 26: Apartment Life Magazine to Printer. October 26: Pick Up Door Prizes from participating vendors. October 29-31: Videos Go Live ; Social media push. October 29: Parking Passes Emailed to Apartment Complexes.. November 2: Ballot Boxes done; Table centerpieces prepared; November 4: Chalking campus late afternoon. November 5: Balloons blown up. Ready for delivery to event. November 5: Apartment Life Magazine Pick Up @loading dock. November 6: Event • Set Up Noon-3: Determine table arrangement; Linens on tables; table decorations and ballot boxes on tables; Balloons for door prizes on floor. Pick up Apartment Life from loading dock, put on front tables for attendees to pick up as they come in. Help exhibitors set up. • Event 3-6 : Assist visitors and attendees. Do door prizes every 10 minutes. • Clean Up 6-7: Help exhibitors teardown and get to vehicles. UC and Catering staff clean up.


EVENT PLAN/PROMOTION 2012 FALL HOUSING FAIR 6A || Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 || Central Michigan Life




6B || Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012 || Central Michigan Life






eXerCiSe your

freeDom To fiND The

beST pLaCe To Live

iN ToWN!


fooD! Door


i Want You t o

F i n d

PARTiCiPATiNg APARTMENTS AND TOwNHOMES: H Copper Beech Townhomes H United Apartments H Colony west H Deerfield Village H University Meadows H Emerald Village H Village at Bluegrass H Hickory Lane H Tallgrass Apartments H Jamestown Apartments H 1200 west Campus Apartments H Main Street H Appian way H Polo Village H Casa Loma Apartments H Southpoint Village Lexington Ridge Apartments H H Union Square o n c d e m s o e s h t H washington Village t i m e p orta H west Campus Village mak H western islands nt d H westpoint Village e Olivieri Management

H Cherry Street Town Houses H Heritage Square H Franklin Village H Oakridge Apartments

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Free Food! door PriZes!


HHH Mt. Pleasant

nov 6. BOVEE U.C. ROTUNDA • 3PM - 6PM

Housing Fair HHH

i’M uncle saM, and i aPProve tHis Message. Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant



United Apartments Deerfield Village Emerald Village Hickory Lane Jamestown Apartments Main Street Polo Village Southpoint Village Union Square Washington Village West Campus Village Western Islands Westpoint Village


HHH mT. pLeaSaNT

Nov 6. houSiNG fair HHH

The STaTue of LiberTy approveS ThiS meSSaGe. Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant

6A || Monday, Oct. 29, 2012 || Central Michigan Life






sAve peNNIes ON YOUR NeXt



Copper Beech Townhomes Colony West University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass Apartments 1200 West Campus Apartments Appian Way Casa Loma Apartments Lexington Ridge Apartments Olivieri Management Cherry Street Town Houses Heritage Square Franklin Village Oakridge Apartments



United Apartments Deerfield Village Emerald Village Hickory Lane Jamestown Apartments Main Street Polo Village Southpoint Village Union Square Washington Village West Campus Village Western Islands Westpoint Village


FRee FOOd! dOOR pRIZes! econd most importa e the s nt de mak cisio n th is y ear !


full page newspaper ads

Copper Beech Townhomes Colony West University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass Apartments 1200 West Campus Apartments Appian Way Casa Loma Apartments Lexington Ridge Apartments Olivieri Management Cherry Street Town Houses Heritage Square Franklin Village Oakridge Apartments


t H e

best Place to live H

econd most importa e the s nt de mak cisio n th is y ear !

participating apartments and townhomes: H H H H H H H H H H

HHH mt. pLeAsANt


HOUsING FAIR HHH I’m ABRAHAm LINCOLN, ANd I AppROve tHIs messAGe. Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant




bus shelter ad & online rectangle ad 6A || Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 || Central Michigan Life










★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Colony West Copper Beech Townhomes University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass Apartments 1200 West Campus Apartments Appian Way Casa Loma Apartments Lexington Ridge Apartments Olivieri Management Cherry Street Town Houses Heritage Square Franklin Village Oakridge Apartments

★ ★ ★ ★

United Apartments Deerfield Village Emerald Village Hickory Lane Jamestown Apartments Main Street Polo Village Southpoint Village Union Square Washington Village West Campus Village Western Islands Westpoint Village

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★



HOUSING FAIR ★★★ WE ARE CM LIFE AND WE APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant



social media & video







I Want you



t o

F I n d

ParTiCiPaTing aParTMenTS and TownHoMeS: H H H H H H H H H H H


pROvIded BY


dOOR pRIZes!


1200 West Campus Apartments Appian Way Casa Loma Apartments Lexington Ridge Apartments Copper Beech Townhomes Colony West University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass Apartments Arboretum Apartments


United Apartments H Deerfield Village H Emerald Village H Hickory Lane H Jamestown Apartments H Main Street H Polo Village H Southpoint Village H Union Square H Washington Village H West Campus Village H Western Islands H Westpoint Village


t h e

best place to lIve


FRee FOOd!


Olivieri Management H Cherry Street Town Houses H Heritage Square H Franklin Village H Oakridge Apartments

Copper Beech Townhomes Colony west University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass apartments 1200 west Campus apartments appian way Casa Loma apartments Lexington ridge apartments arboretum apartments olivieri Management Cherry Street Town Houses Heritage Square Franklin Village oakridge apartments



United apartments

H Deerfield Village H emerald Village H Hickory Lane H Jamestown apartments H Main Street H Polo Village H Southpoint Village H Union Square H washington Village H west Campus Village H western islands H westpoint Village

Free Food!

provIded by

door prIzes!

he second most importan make t t dec ision this year !

he second most importan make t t dec ision this year !

HHH mt. pLeAsANt

NOv 6.

Brought to you By:

HHH mt. pleasant

nov 6.

Brought to you By:



housIng FaIr HHH


I’m uncle sam, and I approve thIs message.

I’m ABRAHAm LINCOLN, ANd I AppROve tHIs messAGe.

Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant

Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant

posters & flyers for event MouNt PLEASANt houSINg FAIr



eXerCise your

freeDom mt. pLeasant hoUsing Fair participating apartments and townhomes: H H H H H H H H H H H

Copper Beech Townhomes Colony West University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass Apartments 1200 West Campus Apartments Appian Way Casa Loma Apartments Lexington Ridge Apartments Arboretum Apartments Olivieri Management Cherry Street Town Houses Heritage Square Franklin Village Oakridge Apartments



to finD the

best plaCe

United Apartments Deerfield Village Emerald Village Hickory Lane Jamestown Apartments Main Street Polo Village Southpoint Village Union Square Washington Village West Campus Village Western Islands Westpoint Village




in toWn!

free fooD! proviDeD by

Brought to you By:


to live


he second most importan make t t dec ision this year !


Door priZes! HHH mt. pleasant

nov 6.


pROvIdEd by

dOOR pRIzES! the second most importa make nt de cisio n th is ye ar! Brought to you By:

the statue of liberty approves this message. Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant


Colony West Copper Beech Townhomes University Meadows Village at Bluegrass Tallgrass Apartments 1200 West Campus Apartments Appian Way Casa Loma Apartments Lexington Ridge Apartments Olivieri Management Cherry Street Town Houses Heritage Square Franklin Village Oakridge Apartments


H United Apartments Deerfield Village H Emerald Village H Lane H Hickory H Jamestown Apartments Street H Main H Polo Village H Southpoint H H H H H

Village Union Square Washington Village West Campus Village Western Islands Westpoint Village




housing fair HHH



WE ARE CM LIFE And WE AppROvE THIS MESSAGE Costume Credit: Halloween Country Black Tie Tuxedo & Costume Shop, 1017 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant



ballot boxes & table decorations attendee & exhibitors discuss housing options


“Dude! Where’s my …?!” Starting college can be daunting, and well, exhausting. The most exhausting part is for the new freshmen. They have early move-­‐in and spend the first day unpacking and searching for where things are. Enter, KSU Student Media. We contracted 3 golf carts from our university and used them as taxis for the tired students and their parents and family to cart around campus compliments of our hottest media units, Kentwired.com, The Daily Kent Stater and our new KW App. The carts were decorated with vinyl signage featuring an advertiser and were stocked with free water and media swag. We also handed out copies of our Orientation Issue and gave trial examples of our new KW App (kentwired.com). The carts were a huge success. The sponsorship by the advertiser allows for great exposure for them, not only in signage being driven around campus, but also the ability to handout free promos. The sponsorship money aided in the rental cost of the carts and the promo items that we handed out. We ran the carts from 8am-­‐4pm on the first day of move in. Our students drove the carts and handed out our media promos and Staters throughout the day. The freshmen were immediately introduced to a variety of our products and had fun while doing it.

The Sponsorship Package

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The Office of Student Media wants to introduce you to the students of Kent State. We will be driving 3 golf carts around KSU on Thursday, August 23. We will hand out freebies and Daily Kent Stater Orientation issues. Q2/)%5&*%7$#$.R$S% •  (.O,/O$%&,%)2$%F.+$F%&'%)2$%#/7)% •  T7&H&K&,/4%/+%&,%6$,)U.7$+?#&H%'7&H%V*O*F)%WA%X%V*O*F)%8>% •  -$,K&,%.,%/%Y*/7)$7%C/O$%/+%.,%)2$%!7.$,)/K&,%.FF*$%&'%12$%3/.45%6$,)%()/)$7%&,%Q$+,$F+/50%V*O*F)%88% •  Z&*7%C7&+*#)D2/,+&*)%O.R$,%C$7F&,/445%)&%6([%F)*+$,)F%

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35 Daily Kent Stater

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 | Page C9

KSU students know the hot spots for off-campus dining Ryan Lewis rlewis32@kent.edu For students who have been on campus for a few years, and for ones who have lived off campus and away from the meal plan, it’s clear that there are some undeniable “hot spots” to choose from when dining in downtown Kent or the surrounding areas. It all starts at the restaurant famous for displaying its homemade X-Wing Fighter. And the bus you can eat in. And 100 other things to distract you while eating. “Mike’s Place is the best overall place in Kent, and I think everyone knows it,” said Nathan Edwards, a recent Kent State graduate. “But my favorite thing is their wings. They have a wing night during the week, and they’re cheap, and they are much better than BW3’s, and they have a stronger variety.” Ask any veteran Kent State University diner where to eat and Ray’s Place is sure to come up. “If you want a sandwich, go to Ray’s,” Edwards said. “Plus they have a great selection of craft brews, which makes it very popular for both college students and townies.” Eddie Kilroy, also a recent graduate, is partial to the “Mofo Burger” at Ray’s. He even has the ingredients memorized. “You can’t go wrong with the Mofo Burger,” Kilroy said. “Two six-ounce cheeseburgers with ketchup, pickles, sautéed onions and mushrooms.” Kilroy still agreed that Mike’s Place is “hands down the best of all of them.” Neither Edwards nor Kilroy advised to call the waiters “your serving wenches,” as the menu suggests. Two similar restaurants, Chipotle and Taco Tonto’s, give students other options as well. “You can’t ever go wrong with Chipotle,” Kilroy said. “With it being right off campus and having the to-go option whether in-store or ordering online, it’s always a solid choice.” Edwards prefers the locally owned and operated Taco Tonto’s, which serves similar cuisine. “It’s great and good for vegetarians,” he said. “They have a sweet potato burrito that my friends usually get, plus they are just really good.” Taco Tonto’s also has a late-night window attached to the Zephyr Pub’s patio, which services pick-up orders. Other local restaurants available are the Pufferbelly LTD. The Pufferbelly LTD. has a


wide selection of salads, including a club steak salad which Kilroy says has huge portions compared to what you get at other establishments. Some off-the-wall treats include Cajun Dave’s (attached to The Water Street Tavern), which serves a variety of smoked Gouda mac and cheeses that can be supplemented with chicken, sausage or pork. The Main Street Continental Grill, which serves Mediterranean food and lunch options, is the best lunch option and has the best gyros around, Edwards said. “Their gyro combo is great,” he said. “It’s simple and always a treat for anyone who usually sticks to a sandwich for lunch. It’s good for impressing a date, too.” Ryan Lewis is the room and board reporter for the Daily Kent Stater.


Promotional Ads Run

Ka Leo Arts Festival 2012 Ka Leo O Hawaii the student newspaper at the University of Hawaii Manoa since 1922, has been facing readership issues. In order to try to entice more people to identify with the paper and promote campus life, Ka Leo decided last year to put on an Arts Festival in conjunction with Homecoming week events on campus. This was our second year putting on the festival and it attracted 5-­‐6,000 people throughout the evening. Below you will see the different things that we did to promote and put together the 2nd annual Ka Leo Arts Festival. The 1st purpose of the arts festival is to work with the different art departments on campus to build stronger ties with Ka Leo and build up a strong reputation with their programs, which in turn will help them push people to read Ka Leo. The 2nd purpose of the arts festival is to get students to participate in the arts festival and start to identify Ka Leo as a good resource to utilize and also see us as a partner on campus. The 3rd purpose is to increase general awareness about our products and services, ranging from our printed edition, to our website and mobile app. Our 4th purpose is to help bring awareness to our affiliate student media programs KTUH (campus radio station) and UH Productions (campus video program). The final purpose of the event is to promote student activities on campus and build a more community feeling with our student body, which includes looking to Ka Leo for up to date information about what is happening. The Ka Leo Arts Festival takes 5 months to plan and we start in June to start putting the pieces together. This includes writing proposals to campus organizations that provide funding and reserving space along with any other general communication with other departments to ensue that we have a plan together before the fall semester starts. The Ka Leo Arts Festival took place on 10/11/12 this year from 3-­‐8 pm and was heavily promoted leading up to the event in a multiple ways. We ran print ads, had flyers, banners, real estate signs, painted murals, as well as newspaper bins, distributed press releases, chalked the sidewalks, released promotional videos, set up special art installations and ran a special issue for the event. I will explain each thing that we did in more detail with examples below. Running print ads is a no brainer and something that we started the week of 8/20/12 or the first week of the fall semester. This was to start putting the information out there that we would be having a second annual arts festival. The first set of ads we a call to artist ad that was used to provoke students to participate in the event. We also emailed all participants from the previous year. The second series of ads was strictly focused on the event, and those ran leading up to the day of the event. The print ads that we ran are pasted below, this was the direction of the entire arts festival materials that we used to promote the event. We distributed flyers at all of the events that we participate at as well, including but not limited to Groove in the Garden (once monthly event to promote campus media) UH Athletics Games, Campus Center Movie Nights, Monte Carlo Night, and others. We also put flyers out in all the public posting areas on campus one month prior to the event. This was done at multiple locations across campus and the student housing center. We also set up tri-­‐fold flyers that we’re set out at

tables in the cafeteria areas on campus. We also had four banners created for the event that we hung around campus center and on McCarthy Mall (location of event) two weeks in advance of the event. We also put out signs that are like the real estate for sale signs, but were set up to promote the arts festival. We put those out in various high traffic areas on campus as well. Currently our campus center is under construction to build a new recreation center and has a wooden barricade surrounding the construction area. We wrote a proposal to paint 4 murals on the walls surrounding the area and in 4 high traffic areas. We were given permission to paint the murals and sent out a call to student artist to help paint the murals. The Murals were painted by student artist and Ka Leo staff and served as outdoor billboards for the event. We also created a timelapse video of the paintings and posted that to our website. In addition to painting the murals we also had students paint 10 of our newspaper distribution bins that we placed out on McCarthy Mall the week leading up to the event. Our Public Relations team sent our press releases to all the news outlets on the island as a means to inform the greater community about the arts festival. The story was picked up by our daily paper the Star –Advertiser as well as making onto a number of online calendars. This was all done 3 weeks in advance of the event, and helped let our larger community of alumni know about the event as well. The night before the event we chalked the sidewalk with information about the arts festival in all the high traffic areas on campus. We also hung paper cranes from the tents and tree along McCarthy mall to help bring intrigue to what was happening. We also set up a special art installation on the bulletin boards the week prior to the event that utilized the Ka Leo newspaper. We also created a promotional video of the event from the previous year that we posted on the website. We also shot a new video that we posted as a follow up to the event as well. These videos were another way to connect with our campus community and help bring awareness about the arts festival. The event was a huge success attracting more than 5,000 people, we had 60 participating artist that showed their works, 53 of which were students. We had special film screenings, play performances, the UH drum line, student bands, dancers, and more throughout the night at the many areas to participate. We used a special bandana decoration booth to get more students to Like us on Facebook. The promo consisted of students getting a bandana to decorate if they liked us on facebook, and we reveived 200 new likes that day alone. We threw an after party on campus at a venue that consisted of 3 bands from 7-­‐10 pm and was extremely well attended. We also had a photo backdrop set up that we took pictures with all the students in attendance. Our issue that came out on Wednesday before the event was a information guide about the Ka Leo Arts festival with previews and information on what to see and do the night of the event. This event was one of the biggest events on campus this year and attracted more people than any other event in the fall. This event is an official event of Homecoming week and we were asked by the chancellor to put one on more often. This brought great attention to Ka Leo and helped our overall identity with UH grow as something that is part of their college experience.

Ka Leo Arts Festival Links Ka Leo Arts Festival Page: http://www.kaleo.org/artsfestival/ Ka Leo Promot Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KQ0d424oDA&list=PLO7_niTvoOndTRY9IObS -­‐VPGVjfe3yV52 Ka Leo time-­‐lapse video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrGQDOpQ7Dg&list=PLO7_niTvoOndTRY9IObS -­‐VPGVjfe3yV52 Ka Leo Re-­‐cap video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLO7_niTvoOndTRY9IObS-­‐ VPGVjfe3yV52&feature=player_embedded&v=Rhiaiaii3l4 University of Hawaii system news recap: http://www.hawaii.edu/news/2012/10/12/the-­‐arts-­‐shine-­‐at-­‐the-­‐ka-­‐leo-­‐arts-­‐ festival/ Ka Leo Arts Festival Special Issue Online: http://issuu.com/kaleoohawaii/docs/2012_arts_festivalb/1

ARTS FESTIVAL festival starts at uh art

building continues to kennedy theatre along

McCArthy mall


OCT11 3-8PM

art exhibits live concert slam poetry ktuh jams and more...

ARTS FESTIVAL art exhibits live concert slam poetry ktuh jams and more... THURSDAY 10-11-12


at uh art festival starts building continues to kennedy theatre along McCArthy mall AFTER PARTY AT BA LE FROM 8-10 PM


festival art exhibits starts live concerts at uh art building Play Previews continues ktuh jams to kennedy and more... theatre along

McCArthy mall


SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS: SAPFB (STUDENT ACTIVITY PROGRAM FEE BOARD) activities council art department ASUH campus center board campus grounds and rbier a b a n n facilities tia court tha food services saman hamilton library kennedy theatre KTUH meeting and events all nt parking services stude pants uh marching band partici uh productions


BEST EVENT PLAN: BUSINESS FAIR Mustang Daily - California Polytechnic State University

Mustang Daily’s first-ever Business Fair created new links between students and the local community. At the same time, this event also assisted in generating new revenue through the publication of the coupon book. Held Oct. 3, 2012 on the lawn near the center of campus, a total of 17 local businesses ranging from restaurants to retail stores to golf courses were in attendance with booths. Each booth had its own unique way of attracting students and describing what they do for students and the San Luis Obispo community. Tactics included free giveaways (pizza, pancakes, candy, stickers, pens, etc.), coupons, free trials (tanning salon came with actual spray tan booth, golfing simulator for the local golf course), games (golfing, guessing games, wheels), and overall booth visual appeal. When students arrived at the fair, they were given a punch card sheet. If students went to at least 8 booths and got their card punched by the vendor, they could bring the card up to the Mustang Daily tent and receive a free pair of sunglasses. Along with the card, students also received a bag with a newspaper and coupon book inside to carry around their free goods.


Mustang Daily marketing staff started promotion of the even during summer orientation (SOAR) for incoming freshmen and transfer students. The newspaper published a SOAR edition for those students and parents and used that section to promote the business fair. Cal Poly’s Week of Welcome (Sept. 12 – 15) takes place the week before the first day of classes. This is a week to get incoming freshmen familiar with the school and community so it provided the Mustang Daily a great opportunity to promote this event. During move-in day (Sept. 11 – three weeks before the fair), several “Hydration Stations” were set up at high-traffic areas on campus where the marketing team distributed water bottles with custom labels advertising the business fair, the “Welcome Back” special edition of the newspaper featuring house ads for the fair, and coupon books featuring businesses that would be attending the fair. The reverse side of each coupon in the book also had a house ad providing details of the Business Fair. Not only did these “hydration stations” promote the Business Fair, but they also helped increase readership and community awareness of the paper by getting parents involved. Thursday, Sept. 13, was San Luis Obispo’s weekly Farmer’s Market where the Mustang Daily reserved a booth to promote the newspaper and the Business Fair. The booth was staffed from 6-9 pm and was decorated with a Mustang Daily poster made by the marketing team promoting the Business Fair. Welcome Back editions of the paper were handed out along with 4”x4” Business Fair ads and coupon books. The following Sunday, Sept. 16, Cal Poly hosted the WOW showcase on campus from 12-4 pm where all on-campus clubs and organizations set up a booth and talk to students about what they do for Cal Poly. The Mustang Daily team used this as an opportunity to promote the Business Fair and the paper by talking to students walking by the booth. A team was also sent out to walk around the showcase and hand out coupon books, newspapers and 4”x4” ads.

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net

For the entire month leading up to the event, the marketing staff went around campus and put up 11”x17” posters advertising the Business Fair. Also included were the 4”x4” ads that made it easier for students to detach from bulletin and take for their own convenience. Posters were placed on all bulletin boards inside and outside classroom buildings, inside actual classrooms, and in administrative buildings. In addition to posters, sandwich boards were also placed around campus promoting the event. On the day of the event, the sandwich boards were revised to point students in the right direction. For the week prior to the event, Mustang Daily held a booth in the University Union where coupon books, Business Fair ads, and the newspaper were handed out. To further promote the event, all Mustang Daily staff wore tank tops promoting the event and paper. Social media also played a big part in the event promotions. A Facebook event was created and posted to group pages on Facebook that are exclusively for Cal Poly students. In addition, all event administrators invited all students in their “friend” lists that attend Cal Poly. After 3 weeks of creating the event, 800 students had been invited. Included in the event description was a list of attending businesses, details on the location and time, and things students could receive if they attended. Twitter was also heavily utilized to promote the event. It was especially effective the day of to announce current happenings and remind students to stop by. Lastly, the Sunday before the fair, September 30, the marketing staff went to the high traffic areas on campus and chalked the sidewalks. Information displayed included the time, day, location, and event name. This served as an easy and almost unavoidable way for students to learn about the fair.

Timeline of Event 9:00 Tables, chairs and spider box will be dropped off by facilities planning 10:00 Stephanie meets with Don @ Mott Lawn to review how to use the spider box 11:00 Set out sandwich boards and re-chalk in the UU 1:00 Pick up PA speaker system @ the Media Distribution Center (MDS) ground floor of the Education building (bldg. 2) *This will require using the golf cart *Items included in our order are 10 50ft extension cords, three speakers (well probably only use two) speaker stands, PA system, electrical outlets strip. 1:00 - 1:30 Set up the PA system. 1:30 Start setting up tables 2:00 Set hole punches and table labels on vendor tables. Get waters and ice 2:30 Start music (GroveShark playlist) 2:30 Set-up begins. Vendors can drop off promo materials at the end of Mustang Way and then pick of their parking permits at the Visitor’s Center on Grand Ave. and park in the parking structure next to the PAC on Grand. 3:00 Take picture of the set up and post on Twitter 2:30 - 4:00 Vendor set up. Make sure all vendors requiring electricity have the appropriate hook ups. 4:00 – 7:00 BIZ FAIR EVENT 7:00 – 8:00 Tear down. Put tables chairs etc. in Mott Gym lobby

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net


Event Promotions

11”x17” Poster

Food Freebies & Fun! Mustang Daily Business Fair

Coupon Book Ad

Oct 3rd 2012, 4-7 pm Mott Lawn

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net


Advertisements and Promotions

Like Free Stuff? MUSTANG DAILY




Mustang Daily invites you to the 2012 Business Fair for lots of vendors, raffles & more!

OCTOBER 3, 2012 4:00PM TO 7:00 PM MOTT LAWN

Coupon Book Ad

Free sunglasses for the first 500 people!

Newspaper House Ad






Mustang Daily Smartphone App MUSTANG DAILY




Join us Oct 3rd 4–7PM @ Mott Lawn Free Swag Vendors Contests


Scan to download or search Mustang Daily in the App Store

Real time news and deals right at your fingertips

Water bottle labels used at hydration stations

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net


Increasing Student Involvement

Punch Card

Marketing Team at University Union Booth

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net


Business and Student Interaction Student participation at booths

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net


Student Participation Students interacting with local busniess at their booths

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net


Mustang Daily and Student Interaction

Students receiving their punch cards from Mustang Daily staff

www.mustangdaily.net | 805.756.1143 | advertising@mustangdaily.net

Best Event Plan/Promotion At the beginning of the fall semester of 2012, Niner Media partnered with Campus Activities Board (CAB) to kick off a scavenger hunt called The Amazing Race: Niner Rush from Monday, August 27th to Friday, August 31st. The purpose of this event was to promote awareness of both organizations, to engage with students via The Niner Times, our social media outlets, and other departments, and to increase the knowledge of our campus layout. The Amazing Race is a scavenger hunt similar to what we have done in the past. Registration was required to determine the participation of the student body including their name, ID number, and email address. Students competed using a point system ranging from one or two points per clue solved with three clues posted every day. The clues were posted at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 5:00 PM, allowing for ample opportunity to discover each clue. The clues were posted through the Niner Media and CAB through Facebook and Twitter and through ads in the Niner Times leading contestants to physical clues on racks for the Niner Times. The physical clues had a QR code and a listed URL that would take the participant to a page where they could submit their answers. Top and fastest answers for each question would determine if a student received one or two points. In co-sponsoring this event, Niner Media and CAB rotated which organization posted the next clue. The winners were announced on Thursday and picked up their respective prizes on Friday. The prizes for the top three finalists were a UNC Charlotte Parking Pass, an iPad 3, and an Apple TV with the priority of selecting prize based on place of winners. This event was the culmination of months of planning starting over the summer of 2012 with our intern planning and meeting with CAB in July. After the theme had been discussed, the staff met with the production team to design a look for this scavenger hunt. Our production staff worked with our technical team to design functioning QR codes and pages for the participants to answer the clues. The marketing director and the president of CAB wrote the clues. After several days of testing the software and making sure it was compatible for mobile devices, we were ready to launch the hunt in August. During the week of the event CAB held a Happy Hour social mixer, engaging with students, highlighting their programs and promoting the scavenger hunt.

Student Niner Media • UNC Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd. • Charlotte, NC 28223 • 704-687-7140

Timeline of Events:

On average, 200 people saw each clue posted on the social media outlets for CAB and Niner Media. Niner Media saw an increase of 50 new likes on their Facebook page during the month of August and also a 1200% increase in page views from the day before and after the scavenger hunt. Overall this event was successful in educating students about our organization, engaging with them using Twitter and Facebook, using our racks as clue stations to show them where they can find the paper, and overall awareness about Niner Media and CAB.

JULY: Intern begins planning Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt, starts CAB meetings AUGUST 3: Initial meetings hashing out, AUGUST 6-10: Meeting with Marketing Director and Staff AUGUST 13-17: Designing theme, tweaking marketing elements, writing clues AUGUST 20-24: Meeting with technical staff, designing QR codes, extensive testing AUGUST 26: Finalizing locations/placement of clues AUGUST 27: Launch of Scavenger Hunt, posting of first set of clues AUGUST 28: CAB hosts Happy Hour, promoting events AUGUST 29-30: Continued postings, check to make sure clues are working and visible AUGUST 31: Announce winners, end of hunt, pick up old clues. SEPTEMBER: Breakdown success of event, evaluate performance, prepare for next year!

Student Niner Media • UNC Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd. • Charlotte, NC 28223 • 704-687-7140

Student Niner Media • UNC Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd. • Charlotte, NC 28223 • 704-687-7140


APP DAY! The RamTalk App This past summer, the Collegian launched an app that is available for smart phone users. The app is called RamTalk, and it is an interactive version of one of the Collegian’s most popular sections in the print newspaper and online edition. RamTalk is a section that allows students to comment about their experiences around campus and express their quirky thoughts about what is going on without being identified. RamTalk has a good reputation within the student population at CSU and based on our research we know students read RamTalk regularly. Since RamTalk is so recognizable, it was used as the face of the Collegian mobile app. The app also offers features that allow users to listen to the campus radio station KCSU, and to connect with other student run media departments, like the Collegian (newspaper), CTV (television station), and College Avenue (magazine), but it is RamTalk that we knew would be the greatest draw for users. The RamTalk app is available on iTunes for the iPhone and also for android phones. The app is free and easy to download, so users can constantly be in touch with RamTalk and the Collegian. Once created, our challenge was getting the word out about the app and getting students to download the app. A successful afternoon brainstorming session resulted in the creation of App Day, an event and series of follow-up events that encouraged students, faculty and staff to download the app and receive a coupon for a free appetizer. The promotion not only exceeded our expectations for downloads but resulted in a partnership with 15 local businesses and more than 500 certificates for a free appetizer. App Day, the Concept We thought the best possibility for positive results would be to create an event around the app and generate excitement by heavily promoting the event throughout campus. We wanted to give students an incentive to download the app, so we thought of giving them free food if they showed the Collegian staff that they had downloaded the app. We played off the word “app” to give the event a catchy themedownload the RamTalk app and we will give you a free appetizer. Our staff contacted local restaurants and quickly found 12 businesses to partner with us on the promotion. Each business donated free appetizer coupons in exchange for free advertising on the RamTalk application itself. The restaurants who participated included, The Rio Grande, Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, Krazy Karl’s Pizza, The Garlic Knot, Gravity 1020, Silver Grill Cafe, Sanford’s, Taps, Chick-fil-a, Taverna, Celestino’s, and Wild Wings N’ Things. Our partners donated more than 500 free appetizer coupons. Once our partners were secured we began the promotion of App Day. First we came up with a central theme for App Day and then met with a member of our Creative Services staff to generate ideas for creative. Our designer created a talking ram cartoon character that became the dominate visual on all the promotional elements for App Day. Next advertisements promoting App Day were put up on the Collegian website and in the newspaper two weeks prior to the actual event date. We used the same look as the newspaper ads to make three posters (24x36 and 12x18) to use for a window display in the Lory Student Center (LSC) and to hang in other locations in the LSC. The window display was on the main floor to guarantee as much exposure as possible. The posters were hung inside the window display case with the dates and time of the event. We then made smaller table tent cards (4 ¼ x 5 ½ inch) to be placed on all the resident hall dining room tables. The final step was to make a flier that we could hand out to people on campus informing students about App Day and how they could receive their free appetizer coupon. These were handed out on both days of the event. Facebook and Twitter were used throughout

the entire promotional campaign to increase awareness of the new RamTalk app via social media. During the two days that the event was held the campus radio station, KCSU, made announcements advertising App Day. Promoting App Day o o o o o o o o o

Window displays in the LCS (case #8 10/15-10/20) Posters 24x36 and 12x18- used on day of event Table Tents in residents halls Online ads on Collegian, CTV, KCSU and College Avenue websites (4 weeks) Sidewalk chalk displays Facebook/ Twitter, trending #appday Fliers distributed on campus Newspaper Ad (4 weeks) RamTalk character poster

App Day, the Event The App Day event was Monday, October 22 and Tuesday, October 23 from 11a.m. to 4 p.m in the LSC plaza. The plaza is an outdoor gathering place for students and main traffic area between the south end of campus and the Student Center. We set up a booth on the plaza where students could come to either download the app or show us the app already existed on their. Students could then select an appetizer coupon from a large fish bowl of certificates. We had another App Day the following week and continued to promote the app by having students stop by the Collegian offices to pick-up a free appetizer for downloading the RamTalk app. Evaluation The goal of the event plan was to reach 1000 downloads. The app had 250 downloads prior to any advertising promoting the app and/or the event. Following our App Day events the total number of downloads was 1103. The event exceeded our expectations. We not only increased our number of downloads by 341% but we also successfully partnered with 12 local businesses and received more than 500 free appetizer coupons. What we found was that the advertising, displays and posters promoting the event generated a great deal of interest and resulted in as many, if not more downloads than the event itself. All-in-all a successful promotion.

Calendar/Task List Task List

Person Scheduled Target Actual Remarks Responsible Start Date Completion Completion Date Date

1. Come up with a Kristen look/theme for App day




2. Draft Poster/Flier/ Business Card/Banner/ Table Tents 3. Reserve Table Tents/Window display









4. Call 10-15 restaurants Laura for donations Jamie Jake




5. Draft online advertisement 6.Draft newspaper advertisement 7. Finalize/Print Posters/fliers/ cards/table tents 8 Start social media, Facebook, Twitter buzz













Kristen Laura Jamie Jake




9. Finalize/Begin running online advertisement 10. Finalize/Begin Kim running newspaper add 11. Distribute table tents Kristen to resident hall dining Laura rooms




Ran for a week prior







12. Put together window Kristen display in display case # 8




Ran for a week prior Went to dining halls and distributed all table tents Used the posters to create an eye catching display to promote App Day

13. Confirm reservation Kristen for table space on the plaza for Oct 22-23, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. 14. Set up table on the Kristen plaza for event Laura







15. Conduct Event




Kristen Laura Jamie

Worked with graphic designer to come up with theme

Reserved table on the plaza outside LSC Took a few weeks to get all restaurants committed

Through the CSU event publicity office

Ram Talk The app !

11 AM - 2 PM


Ram Talk The app !

Ram Talk The app !

& Come to the east atrium of the LSC from 11-2 p.m. Download or show us you have the RamTalk app and receive a free appetizer coupon for one of the restaurants below!

Best Event Plan/Promotion For the 2012-13 school year, The Daily Athenaeum created a promotion strategy to increase readership and brand awareness across the West Virginia University campus. The advertising sales staff, along with supervisors, devised a plan in which we would distribute promotional materials and obtain contact information to submit it into a drawing for an Apple iPad. The sales staff began by setting up information booths in freshman dorms, and the student union on campus. We attracted students to the booth by handing out pairs of sunglasses branded with The Daily Athenaeum logo and website. When students approached the booth it provided staff with an opportunity to discuss our paper with students and let them know what we do. In addition to talking with them, we encouraged them to register for a raffle in order to win an iPad. After multiple booth sessions and discussing the paper with numerous students, a winner was drawn. As a reminder to students, we also placed a house advertisement in the paper featuring our student business manager congratulating the winner while holding the iPad. This promotional event served the purpose of increasing the pickup rate and awareness of our paper. This benefits advertisers in the regard that more students will pick up our product and see the value of the student market and advertising with The Daily Athenaeum.

REGISTER for Sunglasses and to WIN an






WVU benefits from canceling FSU game The Mountaineers were originally slated to face off against the No. 5 Florida State Seminoles at Doak Campell Stadium in Tallahassee, Fla., Saturday, but West Virginia bought its way out of the highlyanticipated early season matchup in February during its migration to the Big 12 Conference. College football enthusiasts nationwide were utterly disappointed, especially last weekend, when experts and spectators alike realized they were being deprived of a matchup between two of the nation’s top-10 teams. But the Mountaineers’ decision to back out of their Sept. 8 meeting was a smart one, in my opinion, considering the ramifications a loss would have had on their 2012 national championship hopes. Only one national champion in the last 20 years has more than one loss – LSU in 2007. That’s not to say the Mountaineers couldn’t have beaten the Seminoles Saturday, but with the prestige of the teams in the Big 12 this year, the Mountaineers may already have a prestigious enough schedule to earn a BCS at-large bid, assuming they don’t win the conference crown. Granted, any of these hopes are far from being realized this early in the year, but numerous experts have already pegged the Mountaineers as an early dark horse to make a run at this year’s title. Traveling to Tallahassee in the second week of the season to face a national powerhouse in the Seminoles would have been an extremely challenging task, at best. The Mountaineers did look impressive in their season debut against Marshall, as Geno Smith and the offense certainly didn’t have any issues moving the ball en route to the highest-scoring season opener in school history. But a number of defensive and special teams gaffes showed that West Virginia had some areas to improve heading into their bye week. Had West Virginia not cancelled the Florida State game, they would have been under immense pressure to put a much more polished final product on the field just a week after their season debut, in order to ultimately keep their hopes of a national championship alive. Instead, they’ll benefit from an extra week of practice and time to evaluate which plays and personnel were most effective in the Friends of Coal Bowl. And although a second-week bye isn’t necessarily the most ideal time for an off-week, considering there is only one game’s worth of film to take in and with which to make adjustments, I don’t think there is any danger of the team losing its positive momentum during their early bye. Admittedly, Holgorsen probably won’t be able to learn as much about his team during the extra week of self-reflection and evaluation as he would with a tough road test at one of the top FBS programs in the country, but there obviously won’t be nearly as much on the line. Therefore, instead of putting a number of somewhat untested underclassmen on the field in a secondweek game that could play a huge role in the outcome of the rest of the season, true freshmen starters like Karl Joseph and Jordan Thompson will benefit from a bye week, an FCS opponent and a depleted Maryland team in order to prepare for the daunting burden of conference play that opens Sept. 29 with a legitimate opponent in Baylor. dasports@mail.wvu.edu


304-293-5092 ext. 2 | DAsports@mail.wvu.edu



Former West Virginia forward Kevin Jones signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers Monday. He was the only player in the nation to average 20 points and 10 rebounds per game last season.

Former WVU forward Kevin Jones signs three-year deal with Cavaliers BY MICHAEL CARVELLI SPORTS EDITOR

Kevin Jones sat in the Green Room of the Prudential Center waiting for his name to be called in the NBA draft. The night that was supposed to be one of the best of the Mount Vernon, N.Y., native’s life hadn’t gone according to plan; after waiting for more than four hours and 60 picks, he wasn’t chosen. “It was definitely really frustrating and embarrassing because I had my family there with me,” Jones told The Daily Athenaeum Monday. “There’s nothing that’s guaranteed. You’ve got to work for everything, and it’s just another part of my life where I have to work for what I have again. “I’m used to it, I’m used to doing that, I’m used to having people overlook me. It’s nothing new to me.” Jones will have the chance to prove himself in the NBA next season, though. He signed a $2.2 million three-year, partially guaranteed deal with the Cleveland

Cavaliers as an undrafted free agent Monday. He’ll earn $50,000 just for signing the contract and is expected to make $450,000 in his rookie season if he makes the team. “It’s definitely great to get paid for doing what you love. There’s no better feeling than that,” Jones said. “I don’t even consider it a job because I love playing basketball so much. “There’s absolutely nothing I would trade for this.” The 6-foot-8 forward agreed to join the Cavaliers’ summer league team, but couldn’t participate due to a foot injury he suffered in predraft workouts. Cleveland’s effort to stick with him through his injury was a sign to Jones that it might be the right place for him to be. “It made me feel a lot better because they didn’t have to do that,” Jones said. “It goes to show what hard work can do because they’ve seen me work hard in college and they know what I’m capable of when I’m healthy. I couldn’t ask for more than that.” Prior to the draft, Jones and

his agent Bill Neff were told by an NBA team that they would select him with a pick at the end of the first round or early in the second round. It was another example that the NBA is a business with many people whose word cannot always be trusted. But for some reason, there was no uncertainty when the Cavaliers said they were going to sign Jones. “I’m not always comfortable dealing with some teams, but the people in Cleveland were very honorable, and it made us think they were sincere,” Neff said. “They wanted to go about things a certain way, and we took them for their word. Even when he went down there and he was hurt, they still wanted him.” Jones has a simple mission now that the contract has been signed. He just wants to get back out on the floor and prove he deserves to be in the NBA. “I already play with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder anyway, but (going undrafted) will definitely serve as extra motivation,” Jones said. “I don’t want to just prove

those teams wrong, though; I want to prove the Cavaliers right. “I want to show them that they made a good decision to take a chance on me when nobody else would.” If he goes through training camp and makes the roster for the Cavaliers, Jones will have the chance to make his childhood dream come true. He admits it wasn’t an easy road to get here, and obviously there were a few disappointments along the way, but he’s ready to show he has what it takes. “It’s something I’ve wanted to do ever since I started playing basketball, just to get to experience that moment of playing in the NBA,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll have some butterflies at first, but once I’m out there for a few minutes, they’ll be gone, and I’ll continue to keep playing the way I always have. “I still have a long road ahead of me before that happens, though, so I have to keep working hard to get there and be a successful player.” james.carvelli@mail.wvu.edu

Holgorsen knows JMU will be a test for WVU BY GREG MADIA MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

Just two weeks into the college football season, six FCS schools have upset FBS schools. This past weekend alone, Sacramento State knocked off Colorado, North Dakota State took down Colorado State and Northern Arizona beat UNLV. WVU Head Coach Dana Holgorsen is well aware of the possibilities in West Virginia’s game against James Madison at Fed Ex Field this weekend. “ Ja m e s Ma d i s o n , they’re sound. They’re a good ball club. Mickey Matthews has been there 14 years now and has built one of the top 1-AA programs in the country,” Holgorsen said during Monday’s Big 12 Conference teleconference. Two seasons ago, the JMU Dukes went into Blacksburg and upended then-No. 13 Virginia Tech. Three years ago, JMU came within three points of knocking off Maryland. James Madison has taken on multiple big-time FBS opponents since 2003. This year the No. 5 (FCS) Dukes boast an offense that has outscored its opponents 9710 in its first two games. Holgorsen understands WVU cannot allow James Madison’s skill players to beat them. “Offensively, they’ve got a good one-two threat, w ith their quarterback, ( Ju s tin) Thorpe, and running back, (Dae’Quan) Scott. They’ve had two tremendous games to start the season,” Holgorsen said. “They want

those guys to touch the ball a lot. They want to control the ball and run the ball.” James Madison quarterback Justin Thorpe and running back Dae’Quan Scott have accounted for more than half of the Dukes’ rushing game with 357 rushing yards and six rushing touchdowns between them. Holgorsen knows it will be a tough game for a West Virginia defense that struggled to tackle during the first game of the season against Marshall. “It’ll definitely be a challenge for us,” Holgorsen added. “They play with a tremendous amount of effort.” JMU is certainly not

West Virginia’s toughest opponent, but the Mountaineers aren’t taking any chances. “We’re going to start building it up this week,” Holgorsen said. “We’re going to take them every bit as serious as we took Marshall and every bit as serious as we’ll take Maryland the next week.” Going into Saturday’s game with the Dukes, West Virginia has a 12game winning streak against FCS opponents. The last time WVU played James Madison was in 2004, when WVU ran away with a 45-10 victory. dasports@mail.wvu.edu


WVU head coach Dana Holgorsen expects his team to be tested against James Madison this weekend.


Congratulations to Corey Zinn the winner of the Daily Athenaeum Ipad Give-a-way!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!


Congratulations to Corey Zinn the winner of the Daily Athenaeum Ipad Give-a-way!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Mobile App Launch Have you see page 12? The Daily Collegian 3d. Best Event Plan/ Promotion

Mobile App Launch - Agenda Have you see page 12? The Daily Collegian 3d. Best Event Plan/ Promotion 6:00 a.m. - Monday, December 3, 2012 Promotions staff members will meet in the conference room in order to organize everything for The Daily Collegian mobile app launch. Duties that need to be completed before the arrival of Collegian volunteers are as followed: - Blow up Collegian Balloons - Schedule tweets via Tweetdeck - Write blog post - Write Facebook post - Divide chalk and thumbtacks into groups for classroom use - Divide chalk into groups for downtown sidewalk use - Print out a campus/downtown map for groups (1 per group) - Make handouts with reminders and outlined message, include Promotions Manager’s phone number. 7:00 a.m. - Monday, December 3, 2012 Collegian Business Division staff members will meet in the conference room to be placed into groups. Groups will generally be made according to arrival time with at least one Department Manager or Promotions Department Representative per group. - Most buildings open by 7:00 a.m. in order to accommodate 8 a.m. classes

1. Ruby 2. Jacqueline 3. Joe

Board of Managers 4. Andy 5. Anjali 6. Alex K

7. Alex P 8. Bri 9. Dave

Staff Members 10. Kelly 11. Aubrey 12. Kristen 13. Jess C 14. Becky 15. Grace 16. Sarah

17. Katie 18. Gaby 19. Jess S 20. Porter 21. Matt 22. Mike 23. Cathy

24. Allie 25. Olivia 26. Steve 27. Vicki 28. Pete 29. Rebecca

Classroom Buildings and Lecture Halls Reminders: Please write the message twice on each chalkboard, one on the major chalk board (written in large letters) and one on the side chalkboard (written in smaller letters). Also, bring flyers to distribute on desks and hang on any additional bulletin boards. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Willard Carnegie Osmond Bouke Henderson Thomas Life Sciences Forum Business

10. Sparks 11. Chambers 12. Kern 13. Sackett 14. Hammond 15. Deike 16. IST 17. Tyson 18. Holser

19. Electrical Engineering East 20. Electrical Engineering West 21. Agricultural Science & Industries 22. Forest Resource Lab

Flyers Reminders: Please put on tables, on bulletin boards, and tape on indoor The Daily Collegian racks and tape inside the window of outdoor racks 1. HUB Student Center 2. North Commons 3. East Commons

4. South Commons 5. West Commons 6. Pollock Commons

7. Penn State Library 8. Berkey Creamery

Downtown Reminders: Do not chalk on campus, we only have permission for downtown areas. Try to write so both directions so foot traffic can read it. Write it near Collegian racks as well. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Beaver Ave. College Ave. Burrowes St. Allen St. McAllister St.

6. Heister St. 7. Sowers St. 8. High St. 9. Fraser St. 10. Pugh St.

11. Locust St. 12. Garner St. 13. Hetzel St.

Mobile App Launch- Social Media Have you see page 12? The Daily Collegian 3d. Best Event Plan/ Promotion





mobile app CREATED


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Get it now! AT&T


12:34 PM



AND NOW Introducing Our New Mobile Site Scan the QR Code to download now!

Best Event Plan/Promotion: Student Media Summer Showcase The University of South Carolina It was not that long ago that a collegiate newspaper staff could sit back and assume that readers would seek out and read their product just by virtue of its publication. My, how times have changed! Now it is safe to say, the majority of incoming first year college students have never even read a newspaper. It was this predicament that led us to create our annual Summer Showcase four years ago. It is our kick-off event that sets the stage for the upcoming year. The Student Media Summer Showcase is a two-hour event that is put on by each of the 4 Student Media entities (The Daily Gamecock, Garnet and Black magazine, WUSC and SGTV) during Welcome Week. The goal of this event is to introduce the products, opportunities and programming that Student Media has to offer the Carolina community and beyond. We open our offices and have an Open House running concurrently with the Summer Showcase. We schedule this event on the patio behind our Union and coordinate it with the largest mandatory first year seminar of the week, which books meeting spaces across campus with first year students from 9am to noon. We have found scheduling to coordinate with this mandatory seminar is essential in producing foot traffic during a day when classes are not in session. To promote this event we primarily use a combination of print, digital and social media outlets. We place a full page in our mail home orientation issue, Discover Carolina as well as ads in our summer issues and our Welcome Back issue. We email students who expressed interest in Student Media at orientation with a direct invitation to come meet us to learn more. Each entity uses their Social Media outlets (FB combined total likes 10,442, Twitter combined followers 23,027) to announce the event. We also post invitations on our College of Journalismʼs Facebook page as well as the FB page for that particular class (USC Class of 2016). We also have folks with copies of our Welcome Back issue roaming high traffic areas on campus along with handbills with info on our event. Of course we also take advantage of digital promotion boards and other areas on campus where we can display flyers and posters. The actual event is a combination of music, trivia and giveaways. WUSC provides a high-energy playlist that is broadcast over our sound system as well as a student who serves as Master of Ceremonies for the event. We have a table of prizes and Student Media merchandise that is given away after each of the rounds of trivia. We also do random giveaways and use these opportunities to scan USC IDʼs with a Turbo card reader (For example, “The next 15 people to scan their ID gets a Daily Gamecock tee shirt.”) This card reader provides pertinent information on a sample of attendees so that we can get an idea of who is attending our event. This card reader also pulls the University email address

from each student. Our report (showing 204 respondents) from this event is included in the submission. While it does not provide a complete look at our attendees, it does give a good sample. Each Student Media organization has a table to promote themselves and may use that space however they choose. We have found that this event is also a great way to recruit new students as well; each group generally collects pages of interested students names and email addresses. We have found that this event is very successful on a number of levels. Not only do we have a strong “party� on campus to introduce ourselves but it has also brought our four groups together and that has opened doors to more collaboration within our 4 organizations.

Timetable for Summer Showcase 2012 (The information presented below served as our agenda for the initial planning meeting on July th 27 . This meeting included student leaders and our Graduate Assistants.)

Event date: August 20th, 11:00am-2:00pm The RHUU staff will set up tables and chairs approximately 30 minutes before the event. They should also have the PA system set up. Each Student Media area should have 4-5 folks on the patio and 2-3 people in their office from 11-2 for the Open House. What we will need to do: Set up tents (2) will need two to four people for this. 10:30 Decorate tables with grass table skirts; blow up beach balls, etc. 10:30 Sound check with mic and iPod. iPod should be a mix of music from WUSC with upbeat, fun, accessible music. 10:30 Get ice for coolers and fill coolers with soda. 10:30 What will be on your table? • Sign up sheet • Handouts for interest meetings • Copies of your publication (If applicable) • Boom box (WUSC has done this in the past for a visual) • Any promo items that you may want to give out. • TV playing loop of programming • The table is an opportunity to give a visual display of your area. We will need a MC for trivia. Rupert? The MC will conduct a recurring trivia game and serve as the Voice of the event. Everyone working Summer Showcase will receive a new Student Media t-shirt. Please have your volunteers come see me to get their shirt by the Friday before the Showcase (8.17).

How do we promote this? Each organization should: • Mail out invites to list serve/address list from orientation • Tweet it • Put it on your FB page

Notes for the MC: • In between music you will be coordinating giveaways, both random and via trivia games. • Three rounds of trivia approximately 20 minutes a part. Select 3 people from the crowd to play. Winner gets prize pack, other two gets a Student Media t- shirt. • Keep it fun and upbeat! Pay attention to traffic patterns. Be sure to mention the open house, The Daily Gamecock, SGTV, G&B and WUSC. Trivia Round 1

1. Which is closer to Washington DC – Los Angeles or San Francisco? Los Angeles

2. Is tobacco a depressant or a stimulant? Stimulant

3. Which has more bones…an arm or a leg? Leg

4. Which South Carolina Senator was elected by a write-in vote in 1954? Strom Thurmond

5. What color is the number 13 on a roulette wheel? Black

6. What state does Hawaii share a time zone with? Alaska

7. What Beatles song ends with a chord sustained for 40 seconds? A Day in the Life

8. Does the Silver Surfer wear a mask? No

9. Which ranks higher- magna cum laude or summa cum laude? Summa cum laude

10. What kind of bank cools its deposits to minus 196.5 degrees Centigrade?

A sperm bank

Round 2

1. Which reaches farther west- Virginia or West Virginia? Virginia

2. Which pop artist始s entertainment publication is called Interview? Andy Warhol

3. Which kind of clouds floats higher- stratus or cirrostratus? Cirrostratus

4. Which day of the week did World War II begin? Friday

5. What fell on the Sahara on February 18, 1979? Snow

6. What two continents have never seen major military conflicts? Antarctica and Australia

7. What color are the grapes that Blanc de Noirs white wine is made from? Red

8. What color is the stripe on the 9-ball in pool? Yellow

9. Does the sand on Florida beaches get harder or softer the farther south you go? Harder

10. Which is older, chess or checkers? Checkers

Round 3 1.Does a bull react to the color red?


2. What sport始s first game between two colleges ended with a score of 66-32? Baseball

3. Which is the male part of the flower-the stamen or the pistil? The stamen

4. Who are the three big B始s of classical music? Bach, Beethoven, Brahms

5. What is the first thing a cruciverbalist turns to in a newspaper? The crossword puzzle.

6. What parts of the body does a EENT specialist deal with? Eyes, ears, nose and throat.

7. What does Cinderella始s coachman become at midnight? A rat

8. What color is the Hope Diamond? Blue

9. What US state is due south of Alaska? Hawaii

10. How many strings are on a mandolin? Eight

Extra questions 1. Who was the only buffalo hunter to become President? Teddy Roosevelt

2. What is the capital of New York? Albany

3. Is Austria bigger than Maine? No

4. How many lines does the traditional Japanese haiku contain? Three

5. Who was the US始s 3rd president? Thomas Jefferson

This was our first time to put together a “tasting” event for students. University regulations and policies against off-campus vendors to be allowed on campus in any capacity to sample food, have made it difficult to get an event like this off the ground. The biggest challenge in running a “taste” event, is that you can’t price tables and sponsorships too high, as you have to consider the costs to the vendors are incurring to provide food samples and serving ware. Our inaugural Tiger Bites event participation wildly exceeded our expectations. The enthusiasm and gratitude were the overwhelming reactions and responses from event attendees. First time events on campus, you “pray” to gather 300 students, and you “”hope” you get lucky enough to attract 500. We were blown away when we had over 1200 students stand in line over an hour and a half to attend this event!!! We had 15 food-vendor tables, one non-food sponsor table, and a beverage sponsor station (we got Coke to provide us with product to serve as people enjoyed food samples). Our suspicions about students being motivated to attend an event centered around free food were confirmed. There was plenty of excitement and overwhelming gratitude to the newspaper and radio station for hosting this event! And attendees and vendors alike are demanding a larger venue next year! EVENT SUMMARY: As students waited in line to get in the event, they were handed Best of LSU surveys to fill out while they waited in line, and helped us accumulate votes for our Best of LSU publication. During their wait in line, our radio station brought out a DJ to do his “mix” show live on-site, which was very crowdpleasing and entertaining. They also hosted fun participation games where students could win prizes, including two tickets to the very popular VOODOO Festival in New Orleans. When they got closer to the door, they were handed a “Menu Card Passport” that listed all participating vendors. Once inside, students could get their menu card passports checked off by all vendors to be eligible for door prizes (gift cards for participating vendors), as they stopped for samples at each booth. On the back of the “Menu Card Passport” they voted for their favorite booths. They voted on the friendliest crew, best booth décor, the tastiest appetizer, tastiest main course, and the best dessert. See our recap video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WveRPCIjtzE

2012 Marketing Efforts: Aug 27 – Oct 17, 2012 Daily Reveille Newspaper 8 large promotional ads featuring all vendors 10/10; 10/11; 10/12; 10/13; 10/14; 10/15; 10/16; 10/17 3 back page ads promoting the event 71 smaller ads promoting event attendance 28 puzzle sponsorships, “Reason #” 4 ads - 15 dates, “Statements” 7 ads – 28 dates 1 Client solicitation ad – ran 3 times Special Section 4-page pull-out on event day with individual vendor ads KLSU Radio Station 80 radio spots Live remote outside event from 5pm – 7pm Tiger TV

85 infographics aired

Online Ads

Top header banner & rectangle ad ran for 37 days Promotional ad ran on rotations for two & a half weeks on library computers and Union screens Post event video posted to be shared with vendors & attendees: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WveRPCIjtzE

Flyers, Posters & Signs Posters were placed in all residence halls the Monday before the event Posters distributed to all Greek houses the day before the event 1200 flyers were distributed around campus on event day 8 Sidewalks/parking lots were chalked to promote attendance 50 yard signs posted throughout campus in high traffic areas Access TV & computer screen ads – shown on library computer screens, main area screens in the union and on classroom computer screens & overheads before class Social Media & Press Created Facebook Event (1228 invites, 225 attending, 107 maybe) LSU Student Media Facebook page Event shared on our student media page Promotional video posted on our social media pages to encourage attendance FB & Twitter: 6 mentions pre-event Tweeting and posting at least every hour during event Took pictures of the event and posted them on Instagram Press releases were sent to various media outlets

Promotional Ad Campaigns

Promotional Support Pieces

Tiger TV Infographics

Flyers& Access TV Digital Ads

Menu Card Passport

50 yard signs on campus day of event




Duval Villa Apartments


Check out what’s going on with

TEXAS STUDENT MEDIA The Daily Texan: dailytexanonline.com Texas Student Television: texasstudenttv.com KVRX 91.7 FM: kvrx.org Cactus Yearbook: cactusyearbook.com Texas Travesty: texastravesty.com





Carter Goss Broadcast Manager & Sponsorships P 512.475.6721 E cartergoss@mail.utexas.edu

WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! Like or hate what you see in Longhorn Life? Either way, feel free to let us know! specialeditions@texasstudentmedia.com



February 20, 2013 REACH YOUR CUSTOMERS! The Daily Texan’s Housing Fair gives you a once a year opportunity to market directly to students on UT’s campus. The Housing Fair will be held February 20, 2013 on the Gregory Gym Plaza, which receives foot traffic of approximately 20,000 students daily (according to RecSports data). Becoming a participant in The Daily Texan’s Housing Fair is easy! We require a minimum print commitment in our Spring 2013 Longhorn Life publications and a $800 sponsorship fee, which includes the following great benefits in the chart below.

SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS PRINT: The Daily Texan, Longhorn Life

• Logo inclusion on 10 half page promotional ads that publish in The Daily Texan for two weeks leading up to event • Logo inclusion in one full page, full color ad that publishes the day of the event in the Daily Texan


• 4 announcements per day, for one week leading up to The Daily Texan’s Housing Fair • 4 announcements per day thanking participants the week following The Daily Texan’s Housing Fair

TSTV: Dorm station: Channel 15

• Live interview, filmed at event: Feature airs during the Spring 2013 semester


ONLINE: DailyTexanOnline.com, KVRX .org and LonghornLifeOnline.com • Logo inclusion on promotional Web button for one week leading up to the event





There are lots of ways to save!

Super Exposure Package!

Sign up by December 3, 2012 and receive a discounted sponsorship fee of only $700.

Prime tabling position: Choose A, B, C or D for only $1000 more or choose E or F for only $600 more. See map for locations. First come, first served.




Street Address City/State





Web Site

Agreement For the purpose of this contract, “we” shall refer to the Advertiser. We agree to abide by all the requirements and restrictions in the Official Regulations and Conditions of the Contract (see reverse side of contract). We understand that this is not a binding contract until officially accepted by Texas Student Media. Advertisers will be assigned space in the order in which Texas Student Media receives their contracts. In the event that two or more contracts are received at the same time, prioritization will be based on the amount of the advertising purchased. Texas Student Media will assign what it considers the best space available upon confirmation from the exhibitor. These two exhibits are for informational purposes only. No leasing contracts can be signed at either event.

Terms of Contract

Spring 2013 Housing Fair,

Wednesday February 20 th

(Pick a Package, then pick which DATES for your Ads) CHOOSE ONE



Package One


Jan 25 Longhorn Life

2 - Full Page Ads 6 column x 10 inches

Feb 8 Longhorn Life (Love & Sex edition)

Package Two

Feb 20 Longhorn Life (Housing Guide edition)

4 - Half Page Ads 6 column x 5 inches

Package Three 8 - Quarter Page Ads 3 column x 5 inches

Mar 8 SXSW Preview Mar 22 Longhorn Life April 12 Fashion Program*

Package Four

*ask rep about actual dimensions

2 - Half Page Ads 6 column x 5 inches

May 3 Longhorn Life

And 4 - Quarter Page Ads

May 6 Year in Review*

3 column x 5 inches

*Broadsheet size, Ask Rep about sizing

Housing Fair Package $2600 + Housing Fair Fee ($1,800-A,B,C,D) ($1,400-E,F) ($800-1-22) Add color for just $200 per ad Total

Accepted by Advertiser

Signature Date

Accepted by TSM

Signature Date

OFFICIAL REGULATIONS AND CONTRACT CONDITIONS For the purpose of this contract, “TSM” shall refer to Texas Student Media.

ELIGIBILITY TSM shall have the sole right to determine the eligibility of booths, including, but not limited to: companies, products, systems, services, booth graphics, printed matter distributed, souvenirs and giveaways, costumes and booth personnel attire, and all other exposition features and activities.

PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Sample articles, premiums, novelties, publications, souvenirs, printed educational and promotional materials may be distributed from the advertiser’s booth. All such materials must be made available to all attendees so long as the materials are offered. Prizes, contests or drawings are permitted. Samples of handout materials other than literature pertaining to advertiser’s products and services must be approved in advance. TSM may withdraw permission to distribute any material it considers objectionable. Any food or beverage distribution must be approved in advance. Only prepackaged food and beverages will be allowed.

RESTRICTIONS TSM reserves the right to alter or close any booth that does not conform to the provisions of this contract. No refund shall be due under such circumstances. TSM also reserves the right to exclude any nonconforming party from participating at any future TSM program or to give lowest priority for future events.

BOOTH STAFFING Booths must be staffed during fair hours.

ADMISSION TSM shall have sole control over admissions policies at all times.

ARRANGEMENT OF BOOTHS TSM reserves the right to assign the booth location for each vendor. One six-foot long table will be provided for each advertiser.

INSTALLATION Set up time begins at 9 am.


































The Daily Texan • TSTV • KVRX • The Cactus • The Texas Travesty

Housing Fair 2012 The Daily Texan Event Plan/Strategy: • General sales meeting amongst account executives to introduce sales points and information regarding the Housing Fair. For example, those who signed up by December would receive a discounted price. This meeting discussed how many spots would be available at the fair (28). Pricing was also an aspect introduced at this point in time. • Contacted past and prospective clients for the fair with a casual reference to the event. For this particular step, a customer appreciation event was held at a local venue with free food and beverage accommodations. Additionally, there was a raffle with prizes including gift cards, certificates and etc. performed every 30 minutes for approximately four hours for the clients. This was an opportunity to get housing fair contracts signed as well as show gratitude to the clients. • Another account executives meeting was held to assess how to fill the remaining spots reserved for the event. This meeting is where the sales team voted on a theme for the fair, which ended up being a “Casino” premise, in turn, the clients received this announcement so they could plan accordingly. • By February 1st, the clients secured all housing fair spots, with 3 of those consisting of food distributing clients to feed student attendees. • As the event date (February 22, 2012) drew near, event promotions began. The Daily Texan ran 2 straight weeks of house ads promoting the fair in our newspaper. Furthermore, there were Radio, Television, and Online advertisements promoting the date as well to ensure a greater turnout. • On the date of the event, all account executives met their clients outside of the plaza to help with setting up their booths and unloading their vehicles. The fair began around 11am and ran until 4pm. All of these steps allowed TSM to accomplish its goals, which allowed The Daily Texan to have another successful housing fair event.

SCHEDULE: November Introduction

Sales Points First contact with clients about customer appreciation event.

December Customer Appreciation Event. (Happy Hour) First clients signed contracts. Break for the holidays. Deadline for early signing discount.

January Contact the clients who had not already signed by early signing discount date. Lock in remaining clients.

February Start promotions for the event itself.

Event begins. Successful event!

California State Fullerton Best Event Plan Promotion 2012

The Daily Titan Newspaper Best Event Plan Promotion 2012 The Daily Titan held its very first Food & Music Festival in the Fall of 2012. The Food & Music Festival was created to promote the Daily Titan’s awareness on campus and to allow our clients a unique opportunity to reach our students in person, which no other event or contest could offer. The festival allowed up to 10 clients to come to our campus and set up their booth in our central quad from 11am - 1pm on November 13, 2012. With a goal to sell all 10 booths, we

successfully sold 9. We had clients ranging from local burger shops to a record store to an Italian ice stand giving away free food samples and promoting their businesses. We also had a Cal State Fullerton pop/folk/ jazz/funk band play live at our event. The band was a huge hit! Students came up to the band to ask them who they were and asked if they’d be playing anywhere else. During the event, we raffled off prizes that ranged from Universal Studios Tickets,

Angel’s baseball tickets, free pizza vouchers, free gas cards, etc. To enter the contest, we had guests fill out a feedback form asking for their name, favorite vendor, and opinion of the event. From the feedback we received, the Food & Music Festival was a highly regarded event that students wanted to have every month! Promoting the Food & Music Festival was much different than promoting a contest or giveaway. We had to create a hype larger than any promotional event going on that semester to effectively promote the Daily Titan to our student body. We wanted to brand ourselves to those students who didn’t yet know who we were and that we aren’t just the university paper, but the student voice of Cal State Fullerton. We are an organization that wants to bring the community together. The Daily Titan promoted this event through fliers, the essential utilization of social media, and print ads in our daily paper.

The fliers were passed out to students at our annual club drive, Discoverfest, towards the beginning of the semester. This flier was one of a few things that the Daily Titan was promoting at Discoverfest. With the ever-increasing use of social media, Facebook and Twitter, we immensely boosted our audience. Through the campaign that we created for this, a flier was developed to post onto our social media platforms so people could simply share the photo

to promote their excitement for the event. Print ads were also a medium we utilized in promoting the Food & Music Festival. We wanted to make sure we reached as many people as possible so print ads were just as important as any other platform. Promoting the event itself was a complex plan, but getting students to know the details of which vendors would be there and the band that was playing was a challenge. We had to update students as to who would

be attending the festival through our marketing, as we brought in our clients. This created a slight challenge in promoting the event, however it gave our audience something to look forward to. Once clients began purchasing booths, we compiled an online flier promoting the event and all of it’s details. We also promoted the bands website to get the students excited to see the band perform live. Getting the clients and band to the quad was stressful but the clients


arrived on time and were all given free parking passes for the day, courtesy of our parking and transportation department. Given the day, time, and our audience, I was not worried about attendance at the event. We ended up having over 2,000 students show up during the event. The Daily Titan’s first ever Food & Music Festival was a tremendous success. Not only did we receive positive feedback from the students but the clients

had great reviews of the festival as well. We raised our Facebook Likes number and gained more followers on Twitter after the event. Other on-campus groups and organizations also promoted us (from our Titan Pride Center to our clients themselves). We definitely made a larger impression on campus. Those who passed by the event stopped by because the lines for the clients drew them in. The Daily Titan earned $1,300 from

the clients buying booths, which completely paid for the end of the semester Daily Titan banquet. This was a first ever in Daily Titan history and our editorial/ advertising staff was more than pleased with this deal. Due to the success and feedback of the festival, we will be continuing this event every semester.

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest

Project Description

Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Quad is a busy crossroad in the center of campus. On August 26–27, 2012, it became an Investigative Reporting Contest. Students who were able to solve a fictional mystery were entered for a chance to win a new iPad. Our goals included: • Increase awareness of Student Media and its products • Draw a lot of attention and participation from Metro students • Have large involvement from Student Media staff • Have 2,000+ participants in the contest • Increase website traffic by 300% • Recruit additional staff for entities



June–July Initial campus marketing Inhouse marketing and sign-up Sponsorship requests


May–June Contest ideas and brainstorming Project proposal

August Website Major campus marketing Event Exhibition Campus posters Social media Website promotions


The initial planing started with brainstorming concepts for an investigative contest. What should be investigated? How do participants play and win? Rules and structure of the game were examined. The result: a simple story with clues to find out the who, what, where, when of a breaking news event.

Student Media hosted a contest in which students investigated the who, what, where and why of a fictional story. Those who found the answers through our websites, social media avenues, posters and contest booth were be entered to win prizes.


After deciding the final contest and form, promotions first began inhouse to request participantion from the entire office. Little signs were posted throughout the office reading, “Ask the Questions” and “Seek the Answers” to create a sense of mystery around the event. A brief brochure was created to attract sponsors to the event, for donation of prizes, printing, and money in exchange for placement in promotional materials.





Office of Student Media • Campus Box 57 • PO Box 173362 • Denver, CO 80217-3362 • Tivoli Student Union, Suite 313 • Phone: 303-556-2507 • Fax: 303-556-3421

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest

Project Timeline Step 1: Initial Ideas Completion Date: 6/29 Step 2: Game Concept Completion Date 7/18 Step 3: Identity/Theme Completion Date 7/20


The day of the event, students plastered our campus with posters, each containing one clue to solve the mystery. Four correct answers were needed to be entered to win the iPad and could be found on posters, the website, Facebook pages, and most prominently a 5 x 5 x 8 foot structure in the center of campus. Clues were marked with a little icon scattered amongst text about Student Media and our products. Students could enter by form at the event or the landing webpage questionnaire. Contests were held at random to draw people to the structure and information tent.


Step 4: Mood Boards Completion Date 7/20

Between the promotions and the event, media of every type was used. Printed posters were hung throughout the campus. A website was created to promote the event. Clues were mixed in with content from preexisting sites. Video for an “AurariaQuestions, MetAnswers� component asked students what they questioned. Radio was at the event broadcasting music and hosting contests.

Step 5: Participation Completion Date 8/8


Step 6: Sponsors Completion Date 7/25 Step 7: Promotion Completion Date 8/1 Step 8: Game Written Completion Date 8/10 Step 9: Giveaways Completion Date 8/17 Step 10: Structure Completion Date 8/17 Step 11: Project Complete 22 August 2012

The exhibit was eye-catching. People walking by looked and many stopped to view the contest. While looking for clues, students read about our newspaper, literary and arts magazine, televesion broadcast and radio station increasing awareness. Over the 48-hour contest period, 340 students played the game, attempting to solve the fictional mystery. A total of 177 correctly solved the mystery. Web traffic dramatically increased on MetroStudentMedia.com going up a drastic 315% on the first day and 89% on the second day.


Designers: Andrey Matveyev and Jonathan Lancaster Social Media/Outreach: Eric Nieoff, Shannon Gillmore, Angela Kerr, and Jonathan (JR) Ramsey Contest Story: Angelita Foster and Nikki Work

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest PIece 2: Sponsorship Brochure

Become a Sponsor What You Get

Mass exposure for an affordable in-kind donation Roughly 50,000 students are enrolled at the tri-institutional Auraria Campus in downtown Denver. The outdoor Quad is one the highest traffic areas on campus. Thousands of students will pass by the Student Media Investigative Reporting booth. As a sponsor: •

Your logo will appear on our contest marketing materials.

Your company name will be repeatedly broadcast as we raffle prizes and honor sponsors over a 48-hour period.

Your company representative(s) can arrange to be interviewed by KMet Radio DJs.

Your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor on Twitter and Facebook. Our social media network has a fan base of nearly 2,000.

Your donation is tax-deductible. A Student Media representative will provide our tax ID number at the time of your donation.

Your company can receive 30 percent off your next Student Media advertising campaign.

What You Give

Student Media is seeking prizes to raffle on the radio throughout this exciting two-day event. We also hope to draw students to our contest with a few big-ticket items, such as iPads or iPod shuffles, which would be presented to the winners of our Investigative Reporting Contest.

What We Need Gift certificates

Food and drinks iPads iPod shuffles Flip cameras

Back page

Investigative Reporting Contest The Quad


L w Ho CA LisOyoudr ia?

Cover & email

L CA LisOyowurs?

w Ho



Turn the Quad/Lawrence St. Plaza into a promotional zone, showcasing the variety of work and opportunities available at Metro Student Media through an Investigative Reporting Contest. The center would bear a 5’x5’x8’ cube wrapped in contest and office promotional materials.


MSU Denver Student Media staff reaching out to Auraria


8 a.m.–8 p.m. August 27–28, 2012



A contest to interest MSU students in campus events and encourage them to get involved




Student Media is hosting a contest in which students seek the who, what, where and why of a fictional story. Those who seek the answers through our websites, social media avenues, posters and contest booth will be entered to win a prize. That’s where you come in!

Find out:

Seek the

answers AND WIN

What is the story? Where is the missing reporter? Who stole it? Why were the files stolen?

Reporters from Student Media have been working on a big news story. After an exhaustive

Contest answers will be:

month of interviewing and fact finding, they are ready to publish the story. When editors meet for the final review the next morning, they find that Tivoli 313 has been burglarized. The story files have been deleted, and the reporter is nowhere to be found.

On our websites On Facebook On Twitter On posters throughout campus On the Structure (see below)

Submit your answers to MetroStudentMedia.com and enter to win.


Increase awareness of MSU Denver Student Media and spark campus dialogue


Center of the Auraria Campus

AurariaQuestions MetAnswers IQuestionSmellyElevators IQuestionTivoliGhosts IQuestionWaterConsumption

Reporters question everything: why an event occurred, sources in interviews, the veracity of information. Now, it’s MSU Denver students’ turn to ask the questions – about the Auraria Campus. Students can share their questions, whether zany or serious, through our most popular social media avenues: YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Display Structure

Inside spread

If more than 50 students ask the same question, Student Media pledges to look for an answer. We will also try our best to answer questions throughout the contest on Twitter and Facebook. We’ll encourage students to use the Twitter hashtag #AurariaQuestions to pose questions. To answer, we’ll use the Twitter hashtag #METanswers.

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest Piece 3: Promotions (internal)

Over 40 bumper sticker sized “teaser” posters were hung throughout the office to create interest.

Posters targeted at each of Student Media’s entities were hung to increase participation at the event.

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest Piece 3 (continued): Promotions (external)

Posters targeted at each of Student Media’s entities were hung to increase participation at the event.

External “teaser” posters had more detail than the internal posters, but still left vague to invoke curiosity.

Special Department Sector 7 of the FBI detained Mars and Parker to find out more about the story.

Authorized Campus Store

Four poster versions, one for each clue, were hung throughout campus. Each building had one clue and directed students to The Quad or website for more detail.

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest Piece 4: Website

Web banners on all pages directed students to the website.

All four clues were hidden in the content websites, including Facebook pages. Clicking on a button would take the viewer to the contest site.

The website, left, explained the contest and brought up an online form to enter.

3d. Best Event Plan/Promotion Investigative Reporting Contest Piece 5: Event

Investigative Reporting Contest Structure The Quad

1.5” PVC Pipe

L CA LisOyowurs?

w Ho



L w Ho CA LisOyoudr ia?




The display structure base is made from 1.5 inch PVC pipe held together with 3 way joints. Sandbags weigh down the bottom to add stability.

Sheet explaining the structure

Photos from different vantage points



SOTA GIVEAWAY We partnered with a local clothing line that was started by an alumnus of the University of Minnesota for our event, the SOTA giveaway. This partnership was a great benefit to both parties, as it boosted both of our social media followings, and gave both of our organizations a unique way to reach new readers and customers, and greatly boost public relations on campus. We chose this clothing line, named SOTA Pride, because of its relevance to both our current readers and our prospective readers as it directly corresponds to their state affiliation.

University of Minnesota community members wearing SOTA Pride shirts.


GOALS •Promote Sota Pride’s Facebook page. •Begin working as a media outlet in cooperation with other organizations. •Reward current readership of The Minnesota Daily. •Provide a relationship building block for prospective newspaper readers. •Generate positive public relations for both brands.

TERMS OF MEDIA TRADE Sota Pride agreed to provide: •180 SOTA Pride shirts to be distributed on Thursday 11.29.12. The Minnesota Daily agreed to provide: •*Social media consulting from Thursday 11.22.12 to Saturday 12.1.12 including: o Writing interactive, engaging Facebook posts. o Directing people to the SOTA Pride Facebook page from MN Daily Promos on the day of the event. o An hour of strategic Facebook brand consulting with Nate Anderson. o Posting pictures of the event onto the SO TA Pride Facebook page. oExecution of the 180 shirt giveaway on Thursday 11.29.12. oThree 3 column X 5 inch (6.3 inch X 5 inch) promotional print advertisements. oOne 6 column X 1 0 inch (10 inch X 10 inch) promotional print advertisement. o1,500 pencil banner ads on mndaily .com on Thursday 11.29.12 to promote SOTA Pride’s four day sale ( 11.29.12-12.2.12). •All artwork for the Facebook posts, print advertisements, and online advertisement was created by our Advertisement Production team.

*This required making Nate Anderson (a MN Daily Marketing Communications Coordinator) a temporary admin for the SOTA Pride Facebook page.


3 column X 5 inch (6.3 inch X 5 inch) promotional print advertisement

Tuesday 11.27.12

3 column X 5 inch (6.3 inch X 5 inch) promotional print advertisement

Wednesday 11.28.12

3 column X 5 inch (6.3 inch X 5 inch) promotional print advertisement

Thursday 11.29.12

6 column X 10 inch (10 inch X 10 inch) promotional print advertisement

Facebook post promoting the SOTA Giveaway on MN Daily Promos page

Wednesday 11.28.12 Facebook post on SOTA Pride’s Facebook page promoting the SOTA giveaway.



Pick up shirts from Matt Price (owner of SOTA Pride) right off campus


Six Minnesota Daily staff members arrive at the East Bank Roundabout


Shirts are sorted by size and set up to be given away


Giveaway begins


The 180th and final shirt is given away


Arrive at the East Bank Roundabout


Show the advertisement to a Minnesota Daily employee


Receive a Minnesota Daily magnet from that employee


Present that magnet to a Minnesota Daily employee handing out shirts

Facebook post on the MN Daily Promo page on the morning of Thursday 11.29.12.

Advertisement in the Thursday 12.29.12 newspaper that readers had to show to MN Daily employees in order to receive a SOTA Pride shirt.


Increased SOTA Pride’s Facebook followers by 194.

Successfully provided media services to an external organization. Information from this event will be used by our sales staff to create new revenue-generating options for clients in the future.

Rewarded 180 current and new readers of The Minnesota Daily with a shirt from a locally owned and operated clothing line.

Generated positive brand awareness for both The Minnesota Daily and SOTA Pride.

SOTA Pride has informed us that sales have risen significantly since the giveaway, and that it would be open to doing another giveaway this spring.

SOTA Pride is now a client of The Minnesota Daily.

A SOTA Pride shirt winner shows the newspaper advertisement to a Minnesota Daily employee to receive her Minnesota Daily magnet. This magnet will be shown to the Minnesota Daily staff handing out the SOTA shirts.

MIN N ESOTA DAILY 2221 University Ave. SE Suite 450 Minneapolis, MN 55455 www.mndaily.com

The year 2012 celebrated the centennial of both the Kansas Jayhawk and the University Daily Kansan publishing daily in either print or online. To honor this milestone the University Daily Kansan scheduled a special section for the Fall called The Retro section. Its content would focus on interesting stories about the history of Lawrence and the differences between 1912 and today. The design stemmed directly from the special section’s name and the publication was planned to have a vintage look. We thought a “throwback” issue would be a big hit amongst our readers because today the old school look is a huge trend. KU is a university built on tradition and therefore there is nothing the student body loves more than taking a look into the university’s past. Because of the pride our university has in its historic traditions we wanted to make this specific special section extra special. After all, 100 years is a big birthday for any organization. We knew the success of the Retro section was measured on more than the student body’s response, it needed to make our clients happy too. They needed to be involved in the hype of The Kansan’s publishing centennial as well. The Retro section would be a great way for historic businesses to brag and for new businesses to get their name out there, but it could also be a way to give clients even more. It could be a way to give them direct interaction with students, something local businesses are always looking for. We decided there would be no better way to please both our clients and readers than with a Retro Party. The party couldn’t be just another 80’s or 90’s party, the goal was to create multiple decades and celebrate the tradition of The Kansan in a fun and exciting way. It would be a party that no one, student or client, would forget. With the Retro Section scheduled to come out November 12 we had plenty of time to plan an event that would make a splash. We needed a venue that would easily showcase the multiple decades we wanted to feature, a venue with many different rooms. Each room would have a theme which would be obvious through decorations and drink specials in these specific rooms. The venue we wanted was a regular advertiser in The Kansan, a club called The Cave. To get The Cave to agree we offered them matched advertising for the event. With this bargain we came up with a contract in which The Cave agreed to spend $1,410 in advertisements as well as promotion for the party through its social media that draws over 2,575 fans. The Cave also agreed to make the event 18 and older, have $2 drink specials in each of its five rooms and provide a DJ. These stipulations all catered to the student budget and age demographic. We planned the party for Friday, November 16. Next we wanted to get other clients involved. The Spectacle, a regional eye care clinic was already running a Ray Ban campaign in The Kansan and loved the idea of interacting with students through Ray Ban glasses giveaways. As Ray Bans were created in the 1930’s we thought what better way to get the client involved than to create a “Dirty 30’s Ray Ban room”. With this, Dr. Lenahan of The Spectacle agreed to spend $1,260 advertising for the 30’s room and promised to giveaway two pairs of Ray Bans (valued at around $100 per pair) along with tee shirts and glow in the dark sunglasses. Additionally, The Spectacle heavily promoted the Ray Ban giveaway on their Twitter and Facebook pages to more than 700 followers.

To accompany the ‘30s we chose decades for the other rooms that would resonate well with the student body. There would be a Rockin’ 80’s room and 90’s dance party room. We wanted the main dance floor of the venue to combine all the decades with today, so that students could dance to music they were familiar with. Sponsorships for the two other rooms went quickly. The Legends apartment complex teamed up with Red Bull to sponsor the 80’s room. The Legends agreed to spend close to $1000 with The Kansan and give away a prize package at the party, while Red Bull contributed a disco ball and DJ. Snap Back Photography agreed to sponsor the 90’s room and agreed to purchase advertising in the Retro Section also. Additionally they provided multiple photographers for the event. After the event they posted these photos on Facebook and tagged The Kansan. We were then able to tag students who could then tag their friends. This made the party last longer than just the night and helped us grow our social media followers. To add to the client advertising that promoted the party, The Kansan ran an intense in-­‐house campaign that included multiple house ads promoting the party two of which were full pages. The standard daily paper publishes 11,000 copies, but to boost readership in the Retro section, and allow more students to see all the ads in the Retro section promoting the party, we printed 14,000 copies and placed the extra 3,000 newspapers on the doorsteps of student apartments throughout Lawrence. Delivering the papers directly to student’s homes was an added bonus for not only students, but advertisers as well and allowed a broader audience to hear about the party. Additionally, we handed out thousands of flyers on campus and in the dorms, and chalked the sidewalk outside of all lecture halls. For the digital side, The Spectacle promoted the party on Kansan.com and we used social media to drive the party. Through an event invitation on Facebook we invited more than 1,500 people to the event. We also used Facebook to send out regular updates and reminders to our 600 followers. On Twitter we spread the message to our 1,200 followers through creative tweets and pictures of our house ads. We also re-­‐tweeted tweets from our followers and the party’s sponsors. The Retro party turned out to be a great success that left both students and clients happy. Throughout the night the party had 553 attendees, which is more than The Cave brings in on a typical Friday night. Throughout the night party attendees sported The Spectacle’s sunglasses on the dance floors and raved about the DJ while enjoying more than their share of $2 drink specials. The Retro party is the underlying reason that the section as a whole was able to succeed. With the advertising revenue generated by the Retro party The Kansan was able to raise its revenue as a whole for the month of November by 14% from the previous year. Without the party advertisers would’ve spent less, bringing revenue dollars down by thousands. The success also helped The Kansan bring in more money than last October-­‐December combined, even after a challenging September in which we finished at 68% to the previous year. Lastly, the party had an outstanding effect on the student body where we were able to showcase The Kansan brand, leaving a fun and exciting impression with more than 500 people.

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