Kaylie Sautter 24 January 2014 Best Ad Manager Contest Management Philosophy I believe good management comes from structure, persistence, and a positive attitude that ultimately improves the goal of the company as well as the goals of the employees. A good manager brings out the best in her staff and herself. Success, to me, is the end of a road that has yet to be mapped. It always changes and is different to everyone. I refuse to be satisfied, that’s why I continue to strive to be the best. I let my account executives define their success to me. They say they want to learn the business, so I teach them. They say they want to make money, so I provide them the tools and help lead them to their own success. However, sometimes it is hard to keep up with the high expectations of a student Account Executive. My first problem to solve as an Ad Manager was employee turnover. This had been a notorious problem for The Auburn Plainsman, way before I was employed. Sales reps came and went because they found selling to be too hard or couldn’t handle the stress of working part-time while in school. In my personal experience, this was never an issue. I’ve spent almost every semester with either a job or in a leadership position in an organization. I couldn’t fathom that students didn’t care to work hard in order to gain experience, money, and a good recommendation for future employers. Ad reps would disappear into thin air, never to be heard from again, leaving behind numerous accounts and very confused managers. This is initially why I wanted to be the Ad Manager. I have a very hard time with sitting back and watching something break when I believe I have what it takes to be fixed. I wanted to boost the management by providing my own personal experience and leadership as guidance to these students as a boss, but more importantly as a friend. I know what they need in order to stay. I know what they want: money to make up for the number of hours they put in. I started a scheduled, structured training process with my own designed handouts, modeled from my own experience and education as a Marketing major. I take everything I learn and teach my reps all that I know – showing them how to make money and make use of their time in the office. In every weekly sales and one-on-one meeting, I bring these concepts to the table with motivational videos and always some baked goods as rewards. These tactics proved to work when after five weeks of working at The Auburn Plainsman, one of my ad reps surpassed our general manager and me in sales for our last issue of the semester and told us she was excited to work another semester. This was such a great accomplishment for her and me as well, knowing that I helped her reach her own idea of success. Yet, even with this accomplishment, I still wasn’t satisfied. I wanted more reps to find their success. I implemented a new office hours system – a management process that guarantees their