Twitter Campaign “Find Your Color” Scavenger Hunt This Twitter profile was created with the goal of promoting local businesses in Morgantown to West Virginia Uni¬versity students. The profile tweets about deals and discounts local businesses are promoting and also promotes giveaways from the Daily Athenaeum. The most successful of these giveaways was for two sets of free tickets to the Festival of Colors in Moundsville, WV in September 2013. We called this the “Find Your Color” scavenger hunt. We wanted to connect students to both the print and digital presence of the Daily Athenaeum. This was done through a Twitter “scavenger hunt.” We hid the tickets in a location around campus and tweeted clues to help students find them. Our main goals for this program were to get more followers for our Twitter profile, increase word-of-mouth about the student newspaper around campus, and encourage both print and digital usage of the newspaper. The scavenger hunt started with ads running in the paper prompting students to follow the DA_Deals Twitter page for a ticket giveaway. These ads ran in the paper for two weeks, and the followers on the page nearly doubled. After the ads ran in the paper, we began to tweet daily clues about where the tickets were hidden. We did this for four days, using text riddles, pictures, and Vine videos. We had two of these scavenger hunts in the weeks leading up to Festival of Colors and the tickets were successfully found both times. By the end of the campaign, we had more than double the followers we did when we started. We started with only 78 followers and had 210 followers by the end. We also saw much more student interaction on Twitter, mainly through retweets and favorites. In these ways, we thoroughly met our goals for the campaign and will only continue to see our numbers grow as we begin new giveaways this semester.
Supplemental Materials The following tear sheets show the ads that ran in our print product that drew students to the DA_Deals Twitter Page. These ads were how we initially promoted the scavenger hunt. Followed by a few of the Tweets and photo Tweets leading up to the Find Your Color scavenger hunt. We also ran an animated web ad to see this ad reference Division 1 - Advertising Design - D11 entry.